, MEN'S SUITS 1 ( Thou Bulls will make a convincing II to man of sharp di-ment--- to any man in tact who wish†to wear booming garments that an also cor. ms and desirable... They were made by gun wholesale tailors who" re- putation and hlgh standard would be Mailed " they did not maintaln their well known standards of excel. csncs.l.You may he sure of it, these an SultsAhIt you wlll 1ully approve. ..The models are down to date por- tray all the new feature-form fit, llng Coats, belted Goats, new tshould. on, lapsls, sleeves. pockets, etc. Thurs are many less extreme and staple styles. ) Suits for Men and Young Men at $20.00. $32.00, $35.00, $40.00, up to l ... ...'.. ..... ..... .. ..r. $50.00 Other Suits for $20.00 and $25.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS The Overcoats here presented will be accepted a; correct and worthy garments to all good ludges of cerrect apparel for men.. .They were made by makers who have a well earned repu- tation to guard. Were rut from a large number of carefully selected material. such an Kersey, Mellon, Bouche freize novelty mixtures, etc. Ernst’s "Maggy“, Clothes for Med The etyles are correct for the sea- lon and present many novelties and late features. The calorings are suf- ficietrttly varied to meet the demands of all buyers. We show form fitting and belted Coats-velvet or self-collar ullterl, etc. Excellent Values for men or young men at $26 00, $3200, $35.00, $3800, $40.00 to .. ... $50.00 Other Overcoat: and Ulsters at .. ... t.. ... $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 THESE CLOTHES PLEASE THE BOYS AND MOTHERS AND FATHERS TOO. Going ahead in leaps and bounds m thin department because the clothes are different from the common garden variety of boys' garments and because the prices suit the pocket books. Ivan A CASUAL GLANCE _ “'Thal 'tour' pleased me immensely. and my family are boasting of the bread and biscuits that I bake," you will say if you are asked how you like The Royal Bank of Canada "" â€Old omee Clam! Paid-up ..... . Ronni. Fund. Totat An“: ..... ..., iitfl /')fie',:ih-ai-etss. Sai-f-eil: suit "“1â€; LOANS ON LIVE BTOGK-we will make adv-nee. to farmers in good "Analog for the purchase ot live stock. or to provide he, an!" pro- Bette Rock " out“. Ind hog. an be 'trtiahed and mull d. IAVINOS DEPARTMENT-ia, are given to Saving. Accounn. which may bowopcned by depositing $1.00 and upwind. n Iny branch. " Branch†(156 Branches m Omar-Io.) Kmbonor -t.............-...........F. uptown-r. If. m mm o........:-........,,,,,,..,:.',.--, of Discernment MrttM3lRttmmtratttmBitBtatRmimBrrBttmttmotmtitmtt2rtMotm Capital Paid-up $14,800,000 AMOS WILL REVEAL THEIR DENRAILE CHAR. ACTERISTICSAND HERITS. THE 6UITB- Smart and "rfect) 'tttIng garments in pleated waist “no and Norfolk models, in mutually smart and attractive design and col- oringa; many in caclua‘we nation. and unusual fabrics for boyu’ doth“, “an 24 up to 36, with full cut bloom- ers, at â€.50. â€.0, $10†to $1100 THE ovERtroATB--A aplondid [all of new models with two way collars; Just the model for growing boys in smart and serviceable coats. shades in gray, brown, olive, etc., in stripes and checks, in good sturdy cloths,‘ sin. 27 to M. $3.50, $9.50, $2.00. $15.00 to .r... ..... ..... ... $2060 We have placed on sale elx styles from our regular $8.00 andWhoo Shoes at $6.45 for three days only. Every woman in Kitchener should invuti. gate thin opportunity to get the high- est grade Shoe. at such remarkable low prices; prepare for winter; buy two pair at the price of one during this sale. Morning shopping is ad. visable. We have these boots in all $6.45 SHOE SALE FOR WOMEN size; MEN'S GOOD SHOES. . l The high cost of living makes it) necessary for all of u: to buy wisely;; to get the most value for one's money. That is why so many men are buying shoes here; they realize that good shoes cost less by the year; they wear longer; you buy less frequently; save on reqairs. See the values we have for you at ..... .A.. ..... .. $8.00 Others at ..... ... $4.50 to $10.00 Our stock of Fall weight Underwear contains many interesting lines. Some of the†will be sure to appeal to you now that the chilly evenings have Conte. WARMER UNDERCLOTHING Fine Mercury Ribbed Combination: in white and cream shades, sizes 34 to 42, special value wit ... .... 2229 Men's Fine Merino Shirts and Drawers, splendid fail weight, per gar- ment ..... ..... mw.. ..... ._.. Tttic Renew. r and: “5.900.000 Montreal . $15,000,000 316.000.0w $490,000,000 1919 Dam of In. D. Clark. 0n Thunduy In. Philip Curl die! " the home ot In! non Philip on m 13ttt. She VII " yarn old Bad had been blind for may yearn. She-:3 Enid known on lon- dny morning. wueom Homo. _ __A Mr. and Mrs. George Ruler - Sunday at Mornington with Mr. an Mrs. Davit Huron. Mr. Kenneth McKay of Sealorlh spent the week with his uncle Mr. Will Canadian. Pie. Leo Flt-ennuiâ€: and Pu. lac Runlteller. "rived home from over- seas end their my friends no glad to welcome them back. Persons“. in: Toney Koebel no children spent snugly at Guejph. "iiA. J. Waiter spent} day In an. Verton. Rev. S. McGeoy ot Hamilton spent a any with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGeoy. A number of toWnslolk attended the concert at Haysviile last Friday night and report a splendid concert ft is quite fortunate tor citizens to Baden and vicinity that this same play "Lei's'All Get Married." in to be given in Baden Opera Hall on Thurs- day.evening, October 30th. Play and program by Iiaysvillo talent. under the auspices otAademMitstrion Auxil- nary. New: Notes. Miss L. Wagner, L. Oltmann. Mr. and Mrs. John Hitzrcth, the Misses Tabitha Schmidt, Olga. Egerdl and sida ntmmnn spent Sunday ant-moan and evening with Mr. rm! Mrs. Bill Ihrvrstvrs on the farm near St. Clem- cnl's. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Shier ot ux. bridge, made a few short calls while here last Tuesday. Mr. Hvinizmatt. of Kitchener. piano tuner. was a visitor In town. Sad Death. The sad news was received here Monday noon of the death of Mr. Ja- turn Oltmann, who died Monday morn- ing at Hanover. Dom-used was well and ravnr'nhly known new. Mrrand Mrs. T. netwcicr. Mr. and Mrs. George (In of Wallace worn visiting friends here and in Lislmn. Mr. l'. D. Kochlcr spent Sunday with his two sisters in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Jami) Kellorhom of Milvvrmn wr'ro viriling friends here over Sunday. “Lot's All Get Married". Hole-n Bagg's popular play was put on in the llaysviiln Hall on Friday evening by the Itramatlc society oth. td'. A. It was a brilliant '.utt't'PRR the hall being rrnwuiml to thr- doors. many people were turned away. Never before in tho, history of the A. Y. P. A. has this orrhrrcd . The program was romplnt~ ed with n monologue by Mr. Rov Gra- ham, title "Uncle Bill at the Vahde- ville," Two solos by Edna Gifford. title "The Blue Bird" and "Take me to "ear old Childhood" and a recita- tion by Bessie Naigany. The P1atts. ville Orchestra furnished instrumental numbers throughout the evening. The Proceeds amounted to approximately $57.00. They will be used for the pur- ‘posc of repairing the Rectory. Arrangements are being made to take the play to New Hamburg Baden and some of the other neighbouring towns and villages. The A. Y. P. A. wishes to thank Mr. A. R. G. Smith for the use of his tyt$ewriter. Mr. Somer- Ivy? tor the use ot furniture. and ‘nther people who showed their friend. ‘liness to the A. Y. P. A. I Person-ll. Local and Personal. Miss Mary Walker of Gall. Puhlic Srhool is xpt-mling the week and with her pawn†here, SUCCessful Entertainment. Miss Marjorie Wniker of Victoria Hospital London is spending I few days with her parents here. Miss M. Pys, Mrs. H. Walker Miss Marjorie Walker and Mrs. Crttrey motored to Gel! on Friday when the Prince of Wales “that! there. Mrs. A Cook of New Hamburg vlalt ed in Haysvllle last week. Several of the members of the At PA. motored to Stralford to attend tho A.Y,P.A. Convention on Tuesday and were fortunate enough to meet his H. R. H. the Prince of W31". Mr. and Mrs. E. Tn: spent the, woek end with friends In Gale. The fp lowing people attended the Dean" old in out on Mondly mum :iiiiii,'j, Mrs. Crarer, Mr, C. D. Bro and In†Cary Brown. In. Hy. Walker. â€In M. Tre. Min Major-Io Wain and Mr. T, G. Walker. Our Bytnt Neg hbors The Chrmtieterytrt-tt u the 'tttera-y, 'e, tra'rre' “County'- TH I PIOPLI'I PAPER CogtrtrtttHttGtiB8NBmatWMrANDDitMt tmqmtttmtt$aAMmMtMDBrmmrtrNrttN LINWOOD HAYSVILLE WELLESLEY BADEN lulu cl luau-t. Mr. Ind In. Butler ot Bt. Strum but: ml!“ mam u Ito-511110 on Sunday. In: [me Gingrich ot Blur Ttatted friends (“out In. Sunday. Rev. Mr. Buckn- va Dunde- oc- cupied the pulpit In the U. B. church Sunday In tho absence at Mr. Show erdson. Mr. not Icon": of Guelph visited his grandam" Mr. Enock Dunner A number ot the yuan: pouple from here motored to Rem-ville Sun- day afternoon ma attended the church Iervlce there it being the last meeting of the season. The Maple Leaf Qusr late Wu In tttttttttttsneer. Bacrlmenl w“ held In the Eun- gellcal church here, Sunday evening. Rev. Menu. Hullmun Burns and Ern- It taking part In the genteel. Mr. lid, Mrs. Livingston of Baku called on friends here In: wok. The funeral of the We Mrs, Merino Hallman was held to Rosevllle cem- etery Saturdny ntternoon. The re. amine were Brought trom Kitchener to the U. B. church where Rev. Ernst and Burns took charge ot the funeral services . A large number of friends (minded to show thwr last respect to the departed. Mr. 1nd Mrtg. Clayton Swarm of Strassburg visited at Mr. Austin Brick. er's Sunday. Mr. John Perrin and wife ot Gait were visitors at the home ot Ervin Perrin for the week end. Mr. Roy Stoltz called on friends near New Dundee Tuesday ovenlng. Quite a few at our residents motor» ed to Galt Friday to see the Prince of Wales. , Mr. Cummings our popular store- keeper has closed up his store here. Everyone was greatly interested on Monday evening in the election returns Mrs. Walter Manner of Floradale. Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard of Conestoga, Miss Ida and Master Harvey Clark of Kitchener were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Snydvr on Sunday. Mrs. David Koch. Sr., ot Conestoga, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Koch from St. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Koch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Philip [mist and Mrs. C. Binder from Kitch- vnor, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wsist's on Sunday. Mrs. thlor. Wallmrton. and daughter, Miss T. Wirrsler, of Toron- to, visited the I'urmcr's sister. Mrs. Bunningcr. last week. Minus Laura "ell Turcl apt-m last wook end at 15utralo, Tonawanda and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schacfcr were guests of friends at Leslie on Thanks- giving Day. . Mrs. Murdock and Mr. James Mur- dock of Kitchener spent a few days last week with the Misses Bemis here. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan (“rossman and family of Waterloo. Sundaywl with Mr. and Mrs, (‘hrlst Allvmang. Miss Mary Weber of llridguport and Miss Mt-lissa Crmrsman of Kitchener, wvrc guests at Pleasant View on Sun, day. Mr. and Mr. Enoch Horst and tam, ily of Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs Hy. Bowman last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Wenger of In- diana. spout last Monday. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Addison D. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. G. Flasher and amor'. tern, Helen and Isabel of Gall. Mr.| and Mrs, J. Peck and daughters. Hilda of Preston. MrB. w. Each of! Doon. Mrs. l. Schafer and Miss V. Schnfer and Mr. R. Schafer of Kitetri oner all Sunday-ed at the home ot Mn, and Mrs. Alex Schafer. I Mr. Williams spent several weeks at his home near F'onthil1. Rev. and Mrs, Plant were pleased to see them renewing acquaintances here on Monday and Tueduy. Mr. and Mrs. David Glmbel of Bres- Iau Sllndaivéd with Mr. and Mrs. Tom B'edford theypther Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Peppler rammed to her home at Tavlstock after spending some time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Redford. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Snyder and Mrs. Hannah Snyder spent last Sun. day. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weber at Kitchener. -%/ir"driii,C" Gii7iii . of Kitchener', spent a few days In! week with "l and Mrs. Schafer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pressman visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Leander. Snyder at German Mills on Sunday. Why go to Honda. when you can have frenh fruit nil your in Blooming- dale, Mr. D. McKay Remix in at") picking sever-l qunm ot nice his tstr-berries at one picking oft MI own berry patch. Who an but mm â€lines of the your on to " new subscriber: to no cumulus-Tole- mph. and III rm- orun win my automation to 1 a... an. , Miss Marjorie Stumpf spent the week at her home In Kltchener. Mrs. Jon, Partlcn nnd daughter of Detroit are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holnumnn for some time. YOUR HOME PAPER. BLOOMINGDALE. INIVILLI l It. 1ltUisauA, the m at .luumm-t;%wtnmm o "313:2! ?1th3Itf 3332221.- C', ii..nuEisenuuundu-m lone-atom: my Moettyne" “37";3-Tniia in]... In. abut-ant d a..." canâ€. [no any a a. has“ mm In m â€and“ the My nt no long ot Mr. M In. Henry Solution â€In. mm. was! or “harm went the week with Mr. and In J. A Bud". Mr. had In. Andrew Hahn And “any of Hutton were the guests ot Mr. and In. Dun Schweitzer on Sun- Now Com-M Walk. Our citizen- have built â€other stretch ot cement val! until; from King Bt., u In " our while school. which mid- greutly to the Imrnco ot the "net. Instory Loan Camp-Ion. The 1919 Victory Loan is on and manners will call on you during the next few weeks. Citlzenn of Cland- should give their full lupport to the Loan In order to carry on the bunlneu of the country. With the Ittrnctlve rate ot Interest ttttd the best of security. you cannot nuke better investment. Help your district vlu the Prince ot Wales tlag. . Mr. and Mra. Erwin Mohr and tam. lly of North Easthoptrsypent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sny- der. Mr. and Mrs. Norman King and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder. . Mrs. Will Tiler has reiurned utter spending a few days with friend. Jr) Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Snyder and Mr. Wm. Snyder of St. Jacobs were Burt. day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Aaron Snyder. Viniton Coming and Going Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Snyder and Mlsa Nellie Snyder of Glenallen were Sum day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kennedy ot Kitch- ener spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity . Mr. J. B. Snyder bu returned from a business My to Ohio. Mr. E. Detrich ot Toronto spent the week end under the parental roof. Mr. w. Bender and sisters Eva and Florence of Alma and Mr. E. Miller of Woolwich were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ott. Mr. and Mrs. Lev! Bowman spent Sunday with friends at West Montrose --.r"'-r7_rTr-=T.-._."..-r-T"7r'TCiCr"3 A delegation of about twenty-five 2"â€"3 greatly appreciated and the ad- the investigation of £1:an members of the Zion Evangelical S“""dresses given by the. otncerts, were blue of manufncturera ad who! day Behool ot Kitchener paid the ltr most inspiring and emouraging to the grocers, naked tor by I Toronto cat Sunday School a most friendly vis- rural Sunday School, puny. . ‘1 it last Sunday afternoon. and enter- _________ A 'r-_--.--.....-- ., mined them tor an hour . The vari. The beat oilstones and what- ous selections which wore rendered W. F. O‘Connor. K.C., of the Board come from the Dark; country II by the delegation and the Orchestra of Commerce. has decided ntrtutsttt Kansas, whore they are mined. If It Is a Stove You Require The Ti2iigi; Range is the one you want" ' _ SAYING? "ltfl'i'ir [1391 "ii"itl,'ird"ii. . MADE IN CANADA . WEICHEL & SON Limited The,“ HaryheariBtoro ' , FLORADALE Heater No. 40 at Heater No. 60 at . Heater No. 80 at . . . {were greatly appreciated and the ad- ‘dresses given by the. otncerts, were most inspiring and encouraging to the rural Sunday School. A great nrldy of (“Count “I" - M In - pal-Uncut. In manor m slam we Um. who“ hpp' Ii of the“ number. to near. I Ml. "no. which “I m‘ on to uloct an vary than. any have bun 'eettrtq "e9 yum. but In all "can an «that In the but and I†'.ftri tho Ram! mm. for you b - any-what w-am. - " prev: our "nur-tt and mu commute“. We inâ€: ping dun-nun to "any part. " the country and m " “Oi clues. Diann- «u with dainty barium! mom a pull- '6‘" an unduly prlcd In " ploco an at 019.75 and IMW] trom more up to $34.50 per at. 1‘ . g' A great many odd - in Japan“. “My hand M‘ I" here u wt" " ttto but English make. In Judiâ€... Pitchers and out" novcniu. _ Is the last day, of our Fare Refunding Silo Sale, so if you have not already got yoli share of the Big Bargains we are offering Hurry along and get your share before ttt toolate. i / . bt,. dr ", T , _ WESELOH s SHOE 3mm 41 King St. E. ' KITCHENER Phone (tt N otet---We close at 6.30 pm. daily except Sit urday, w,hen we close at 9.30 Iran. Next Saturday Nov. King St. Eat vt-tta-ttgt-e-ttH,, Goudies Limited [III PORCELAIN DINNIIWMI The 75w Range $41.00 $49.50 Is the great Fuel Saving',, Stove. It saves you one halt; of your fuel. " A Better Baker. _ , Less ashes. T f No Stoves to Blacken. "r,' More heat in the winter and d cooler in summer. _ Burns wood hard ‘or soft', coal. . -'. The most wonderful 31’0ng of to-day. One hundred sat-3 ished customers are our boost-ii er S. 3 f F t A _ri, THE FIRECO HEATER T i " Made in three sizes a_ moat (; wonderful Heater. I.' Price $110.00. the investigation ot amulet“ Ct blue of manufacturers and who“ grocers. asked tor by a Toronto I paw . '1"! Kitchener, Outs a!