failed; if» .ngm "o., hegvy BUTTER. Intros]. Oct. lt-PIU". choicest â€on. 61%e O 62c. The market " Brm. New York. Oct. 27.--Butter steady: In low marketing that! w III-hon, Quotation- _ ville may ot today's - pun unused tor M. 818.25, Inâ€! new“ " " per cm. of tne best make see ourQlines. Secure one of our Kitchen Ranges or Com- bination Stoves Guaranteed to Give Every Satisfaction BUGHER a SON .4 , FARMERS - ATTENTION! neovu.choloe “tum“..u. and cunen. Brtrunr good. common ..m.. "use". ttood m: ...t.m... P t1meher Lot of thou RAILROAD RAILO. Just the thlng for Mit., uzwohu COanETE BARN FLOORS. ovor ROOT CELLIARO. CULVERTO. ETC. Auure: PERMANENT SUPPORT. No brooklng through floor- with HEAVY ttEFARATOR8, and no bro-Hug of HORO- " LEO! over Root Collar. when wood run very qulckly. HUNDREDS OF TONS BOLD To FARMERS throughout the Coun- ty. R."- an to nny length. THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED. Apply It on“. common .wr.. 6.00 O unocrmsood 9.000 “kwâ€... 8.250 In.good ..-... 7.500 Jun... ... . TOOO choke ...m.... 18.500 medium ..m... 13,000 common .. ... 8.006 mu choice.. 125.00 0 can. choice ...100,00 o 's............. 7.000 w m ... $12.00 . gm choice 11.00 a Itlt.irr.r.r. 10.000 ..mme. 7-00 . m .... 5.50 o r “toâ€. choice 10.50 q common .... . 5.50 o . Cows, choice. 9.00 0 “1:11.â€... 6.50 O n and sultan. 'oo 0 led an: watered. OM 1600 mt watered. lWheat. Spring ... _. m.. . .. 17.25 0 18.25 Wheat. Kali .... . ... ...P. 15.25 (a 1trsslcorn ...r.. .. ... , ...r.m.. 17.25 " 18-25lBurley ......e... ..... .r. 13.256 15.75 oats........... IUTYER. Com ...... .. .. . Oct. It-Butter. choicest Family Flour .... 61%e 0 tai:. The market Manitoba Flour .. {‘Middllnss per ton -k. Oct. '27.---Butter steady; 3 Ban per ton ..... hlgho rthan our“. 70%c' Butter per 1b.. ... Hogs Wanted w“? W9. i“ ' PV "Liahtr AN- - er [ii5i Ar HER ERNEST gr,itlf 'teel .T SON-IN-LAW OF PAS. J. M. SCHNEIDER & SONS, LIMITED, " Command B. WWW!) LEAVE “LIB mar Ioux Foe hawk-DES? For Stoves 90 King Street West Handle any Number MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY every week. OPPOOITE CITY HALL, KITCHINER. £12.00 0 "sy, Best weight: IM to 230 “an. ALWAYS PAY HIGHEST PRICES PHONE US AT OUR EXPENSE 17.25 0 15.25 0 17.25 a 13.25 o 13.00 o nlso Phonc No. 630 or 92. 11.75 Mt." 8.25 715‘ 18.00 16.00 11.00 175.00 150.00 11.00 10.00 8.00 5.60 10.00 13.75 9.70 cue-co. Oct. 'T.--rllta. “milled“ In“. M%e . "lie; 0:1!le anâ€. woun;umuk.euu helm ste a 6tr%e; “me new. Ina. "ii,,,. York. Oct. 't.--BItm In.“ lar; fresh pthord. _ “c q Toe; "tra arm. 65c . “c; arm. 81c O Wheat ... Rule] ... Onts ..... Shorts. per ton Hogs, [he ...., Hon. (Iron-ed . Lard. per 1b.. Butter .... . Eggs ..t... Pomâ€: .... Chlckem.per Hay .. ....., Kitchener 1M Want-too Hutch NEW HAMBURG MARKET REPORT "e1irrirvi1.r Home 515 or 11271 In ENTHERE Nctt Wu 5 I You, TG I'VE BEEN A m Wow-Lu HEN corun' "T'sEeNou, WW5 WY. ABM How 1 SHOULD GET $thng DAY W19 wags??? " E , Gan-1" READ tr, AN‘I'LL , Hm FRt2Hf'tt-Y'. Fl: "we "r' TH' Anvswsam 4 p _ OF tr, woo I. f ‘52 GOOD. wom'musmr T a Woolvnch Township AM . mln Colman. with some ot tin County Council mambo", uranium __ - "-7 . --.-- I I- County Council mambo", uranium men owl. Jnoohl. Wntarloo. Ull- wood, - and 1iMgtMea were present " the 08ch opening ot the newly eon-tructed concrete rout". " the Which! Hutoray. Twelve! Automobile lends of who" Inna! the Initial tour u the Dominion au- ol, Bt. Jacobi. nnd motored our the newly contracted highway. making _ A‘ -h---- _h-.- cl for Mo. well =========a'----'--'-'" is Somewhat Different from What Pa. Expgoted. i ‘3', To 9': ..__...____ _ -ee"_e" but. that with! - 0| Run-w Ir. LnMMI was In A.HrrgJru'"'re."'. at gradual! not. you a! an Woolwu In" In! Gowns-wv-‘m In“ In; 1 gin-nah " in totrwl my. D the m- ol no you Mr. Canal not. vary bunchâ€. It up " maul mime, opal “who... and good outlet ind couldn't to very well improved upon. It in a very good job. Mr. [that m concrete road-nun!“ TI. cum _ spun Inn " n. Mr. - In!" ha rum“ " positio- n 5‘30ka " tttat tet. gtou ot A. B. ohmic! IN .orsertod I â€union with the m Inch. t WI. Co. Ha Agar“ {COMM in between the “drum. Profs» nor Pop Philip, mowed IIB, some very good 'nioear Mum eomifdtmr. Prom Trillion. Mr. G. F (Ii-ouch Iold " property on Queen “not to Mr. John G. actuator. K Mr. Jscob Burkhart sold his propér- ty on Park Ave., to Mr. Peter Mlller. Parson-ls. Mr. and In. George L. Ziegler and children of Bristle]: were visitors In Elmira. F . Toronto [or " wcun. Mr. 1n. Wu: ot Elm-n, brought hill 1 nomad ind promo! brick, tour your old son to the homo of Mr. i ' _ It. ts'uti, t tot " l and Mrs. Wm. neurons. tor his how: “I: att'.tdittlt,. tot. The Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Dillon, (hummer Ellen. Ind non Gerald, motored to Toronto Sunday; and returned home Monday utternodn. Mil. John cuh and dnughter Rune of Preston are‘vlsmng friends In of Pr town, St. Joseph. Levis. July 14, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentiemem-l Wu badly kicked hy my horse last May. and after using saverni preparation: on my leg noth- ing would do. My leg was black as let. I was laid‘up in bed for a tort-l night nnd could not walk. After un- inx three bottles of your MINARD'S LiNIMENT I was perfectly cured. so {that I could start on the road. JOS. DUBR"3. Inigo“! Foam». . - " --. ',,'r'k7i'i,ii,iiiii7a 'tttr1ety21ili,t'f. We BEEN A ly! tlyeiy52. Cleaning and Dyeing PAR KER'S BYE WORKS Limited Commercial Traveller‘ IS PROPERLY DONE AT PARKERS Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Advice upon cleaning or dyeing any ar- ticle will be promptly given upon renuest. Cleaners and Dyers. 791 Yonge St. .. . . PARKER’S The clothes you were so proud of when ttew-wan be made to appear new again. Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted will be restored to their former beauty by sending them to Parker's. ASSESSMENT APPEALS. 1919 I‘Ullv- nu w---"- - the mum at the Com ttd nun-J to ttear and determine unveils talus! nun-menu tor the you "10. tor the Town ot Waterloo, will be bold u "10‘ can“ clubs " a. TM lull. W‘urloo. on TUIODAV evening qth NOVEMIIR. 1919, ll eight o'ciock. Minard's Linlment Co., Limited nun-lu- -..r.._.-e '_'-". ,7 - Dan Birts,--1 an recommend Mr NARD'B LINIMENT tor Rheumtum Ind Sprung, u 1 lane mod it tor both with excellent "Lulu. I 7 nomad Lred pressed brick, plumb- ling, Jrtt9ts'utsrtsu, m m furn.» C, .923 amrwater', 40 ft. tot. The owner with“ to exchange for a farm of about 50 acres or more, What have l you to all"? NO’I'ICI l8 HERPY GIVEN House for Exchange DOM Ill! October. "It, BUILDING LOTS In a" parts of me city for Sale or Exchange, HOUSE, EAST WARty-tmmetdlate panes-Ion, , roamed, red pruned brick. Fully modern. Thar: in noth- ing clue like It at ... ... ... $2860 Phone 949 W Mlnnrd'c Linimern Relieves Neural. gin. M. B. DUIMNO [notional Manon." and V-lumr Number of yum "tttOri-r. u Au-er-Pr-tUte, know- ladoo " - of_rul auto, Ilvo "ttok. lmplomonu. on. Phone 180. Wnurttto. Suite 3 lineman Bank Buildlng Entranc- Quogn l", N. clayton B. littt JANE. C. HAIOHT. _ "a -iiuurnc. 129$d Open Evenings. Yours truly. t B. LAVMR, (Nt it Toronto St. John Clark. "at In STORE LINKS Ge the coal. No Oder. Easy to operate. Corkers to Heat. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company " King St. East Ptnl'Tlllillt'8 ‘ . Incorporated In 1063. TOTAL AOSETB, 810T use. 1914, OVER 8.60.0!» We". and tNr-ttttNt-- I George Dhbel. Pmldent. Waterloo, Allan Bowman. Vice-Pro... Prettont‘ Dr. J. M. Webb. - Waterloo '. J. Howard simuon . Guetrthl, i J. 'A. “Nashua, . " Jacob†JIM" LNlntrton, . Baden. p. I. "an“. . - Prawn? S. B. Brick-r. - . Waterloo', Richard Bolehmun. - Waterloo) L. w. SHUH. a. I. BECHTEL. ! Manager. lmpoctor. l G. A. BOIHM. blur.“ Agent. f Practical Bartttttttt and Collar Malrrrr W. o. Bruecknor All dollars guarante- ed to fit and cure sore shoulders, first class workmanship. Prion right. . Waterloo - BOHLEN rnFICHON on. HEATERS Just what you require to mu... .m... ....V.. r _ "on. wan nccldenuy shot m the head by his father when out huntlu to- gether, and In in n serious condition. Japan yesterday Ipproved the Ger man Penny Treaty. Klna are“ om". Waterloo Mutual Build. Ing. Eutabllshed 1864. FIRE INSURANGE THE MERGAITILE Head Office, Waterloo Henri Rochiragef! tyenty. ot Mon Oumrlbod Capital .32qu Dope-it with In. Domin- aovornmem . . . . . 8156.008.†Atl ponds: cult-Mud by ttm Lune-lulu Immune. Compnny with Amu of tas,iss,4ssao. Alina eruM._ Summary; G. A. IOEHM, DIST. AGT. Vina-loo. on. Phone 24! We 699953 - V T - "r'-rVg' ' - rt- u iihuiiiiiiiGjvai , l Ind-W11 GENERAL INCURANCE AGENT HARNESS SHOP- CABIN. INCORPORATED ttOD " Brueckner By Wellington. COMPANY. - ll rum-- - I I‘ KI-rt-"'- ld-a-ii-ii-ii-ii-ia-iii I I 0nd “mud Call. in county PW l LETTEI UNDERTI I FU Phone att. ' 1-335 do m M“ First . nu. um yourâ€? who". Womb-IO , not. Pork. all "I! it-.atrttte _ Sumo j any. Next Why not be! your new " “a get m but! mm: "mm nee-nor to J. B. mum. Number annulled no to no ma- m, clas- trade. You qi' um we will my ttttt point Baden. every I A. . ‘50-“... h PM†TNANTED 4 Bacon Hogs "_,'. Undertaken “Manon our.“ Calls from all put of l county promptlv mum " UNDERTAKIRB AND FUNERAL DIRlc‘I'O" Master & Hunsberger Baku. . LETTER & DIIISIIBII I Look " the torte, moth!!! " M. ymxr mu. arm's Itomh. ttme. and bowels med elem-lug at - WM peoviah, m. Nodal. W “my, on or In nlhlnlly, or I. l , ish, soon-oh w. breath bad: bu [ luau. diarrhea, full of cold. li;',':'?,):','; of "C.ltforr" an F One yearling con, one spring qrtt and three brood now: due to pl; in November. For particular' In!!! to Chart" hrnko. Wuterloo. Box = 4 . Ian Equlpm'm Renewable m ofttee Phone. Waterloo " W. Shtnn reeldenco. Waterloo. â€SK Ed. LIppert. reeldence, - 881 .8tore phone, Kitchener. In No on“ charge tor motor henna. om “SYRUP " MI" A T0 OOIITDLTID cm Dolleloun "rum Luann" can't ' and" lime Mach. Lterr and _ Dandy farm, A1 land, all level and in high stateof ( cultivation, large, 3 ol i d brick house, with new sum- mer kitchen and woodshedi new chicken house, and: good barn, in splendid lo- cation on Main road, near' St. Jacobs. Owner retir- ing. This should not last long, so don't delay. Get full particulars from 30 Acre - Vishnu: up. - 2:. Icy-Tl: 'id.'Pl Pt. tl A. K. ,Grossman Real Estate - WIN“ Undertaklng " "M."-""'" 20 ms. We buy tor I Mil-j tde. You the as tho an. will pay the price. Shin!“ Klan. every utermle Wm rt shipment Novembenuh. ", (The Uni Firm) Class sHINN a LIPPIRT Might PM". her/i" FOR SALE 3mm