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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Oct 1919, p. 7

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i.' F _' AM. Nick Asmussen Elected "ii';"""""""""-" ,i!i,,,I" , Legislature by 'aVMajOtityof _.'i. ’7 (, l . 2,140 Over Labor Candidate W,Nm et ",tiiii'v'iir"i,i G up: . lithium! from the Tttrtotttt "MM-m- The rvmi'nz in runnoann with Snldrr and H'vrhnnr “Mm-- a burly (in! thmee two rmnrlidis, hri split llv.» tampon that would havo 20m: to eith- or onp of from had our of Chum Inn-n come!" to “uhdraw trom the Mld.‘ - intern-m u Candid“... Conservative mrmy tt',ft the support of Hm 1-H" v n orloo ttttd nun-Walk ir: man rampaizn. Mr “an ing a trlhtrte Ham Him who would not (hum him of onpmhlnn that “a: v Government 1mm He: rpm. Milk wax sutTm‘i party. Rulmns , ont "tr. nrnvinrn . not gum: we” wi parIy and it was I Mr. Mills was thr, of a landslide at'rti Many of Mr, Milt, sod sinrvro rn 2:an Inevlhul‘lo mm mm oxpiainrxd hon-mm ttemo, thr prudvnt Labor Party's mast sanmttnn sttmmttr Pt; in the riding only holmd for an t-tlmzitional vrrect as n rvsutt of llu'tr "amp'cirm. The popularity ot the Labor mtuliduh- as far as tite Tot. ins: was court-mix! was as murh of It surprise to the lim-rutiw of thr. Labor Party as to the rank and tthe of the voters throughont the riding. Mills Boom Crashed. Another l‘oa'urt- M the early roturns shov-d that the Mills haunt had Nash- cd. The :zumlorlt'rs of Mr Mills thoutxhout th" canuvaiun iid Hunti- thvmiy pru'tvnl that the tumors of lhl' day would be divide-d "utwtsclt Mills and Asrrurcscn, with a Mall )mpo that Mr. Mills would ra-voiu‘ the tut ter sham trf tht- honors. This how! was ruddy yli:rlom win-n [hr "arty r0- turm mum in rrhrrwiriar Mr. Milk rulmin: so poorly in the divisions whom- ftsrntcNy im had mum-ll his: strongest hacking. It was not Inns: For a runsidm'nhlo- tttttet it was thouglrt that Walter J. Shillvr would ('nnu- scram! lan later rmurns hum-an to show mu "surprise ttf th" unmmiml. Ttuw" was " doridml mring to purGro. llzurlun-l, " l unpnhr. who! mm In socnnd tttavo, and before half ot the pulling divisions wuro hoard from, tho I'I‘IUI‘HS thd Ilnuhlwl next to As, mumsuu. Thu: was practically tho fvlerm- of tlu. until-v vow as the hula)- prudvnl Labor Party's mast sanguinn summrtr Pt; in Hm riding only hmmd for an mlmntional vrrect as n rvsuh of [Mir rampa'izn. The popularity ot the Labor ralluliduh- as far as tite Tot. ins: was "orrrerTrmf was as murh of a surprise to the Jim-ruin» of thr. Labor “9.“ . _. olel'tiuu ,'twtiotts also l'uvur or. Nic' had been heard that the (40.;th lndopendnm Lil tua" Dolls run.“ ------ There was little outhuslasm manl- rlautud in Kitchener Monday over the election returns from North Wat. crloo. Those who gave N. Asmussvn such a decisive majority s emed loath to do any shouting "l/vu",",,') victory ot their candidate. Th,. rolurns began to come in before 7 o'clock and the ftrst polls heard from clearly indicat- v’d that Asmunwn was heading the list by a good murmur After 12 polls had hum. 5-... l -7 . KEEN INTEREST IS TAKENIN ELECTION AN D REFERENDUM VOTE Independent Liberal Candidate Secures Total of we mums ‘ Votes in Field of Six 4hutdidates-aucomt Breaking i now RID NDAY Vote Polled in North Waterloo - George Haehnel I ; WENT MO ' Leads in Waterloo and Gavin Barbour in Wellesley .5.CTCLT_T.LTIrLCrr-------- -"---------. Tomuhip-- Walter Snider Liberal, Third in Race. i U. P. o. C, H. MILLS ex-M.P.P. 'tto rnmrm sham-.1 as suWN'ing (iv-[mu Rvpuns 1mm riding nrovilvrn shown! Nu Dem heard trom it was a the Mon-lion would swing tandem Lnn-ral "anditiato. polls rc'ported from the NICK ASMUSSEN M.P.P, also showed 't-rbu?idcrt vote in '. Nick Asutttsmrert, and those Iurns tyracticaily assured his Su rprise of 19ay. urns sham-d that Mr. fr‘rim: dvrvat with his 5 Hum riding! through w stmwv‘d that all was with the Conservative Is Ihrn understood that tho Itnrmtnnntv xNtstim l‘uillrl tbe Govrrttment. HIL' Rityvput'tvrs awnrox n4 tvhiut Hwy saw tho 'tttts of the day. " was AP',' m: with the old “‘an withdrawn from} im 1n!" V m North 'vat-i 'tir.nlly Mining tt (mm Mr “‘th was receiw from ununvh friends tram Mm in tho tetorttt In! “as whirling tho " conceded y'ould I Htis to the Tho rural 1 THAT SON-Ik-Liss/ii, PAS, - ,7 ...._.~ DMLlQ’SB DI ,ithvir tttttv-ttt by linkinguppvrman» lbully with eithpr of the oid-tine par- lies. Such ‘nrtion would be a tre- trayal of many farmers who voth itre U. F. o. candidates. The U. P. o. ’mnrmt Promise continued support to if Linux-i! Government. backed by a “(man minority nor hr a Consprw ativrt Govrtnutent, backed also by a minority. Labor; with its hait-sieore or so of votes. lacks the number re- quisite to plan- the farmers In control. A Farmnrs' Government. supported Ly Liberals. Conservatives and Labor is not imansfliln. Formoth. it is a Fromm“: mixup that has resulted from the Him-t to moose a government, A In.‘ improbable outcome will be an- 1ulter election in a twelvemonth. l .. -_ _ .'.e _ Iran. l The United Farmers will to r'ndangcr the future an _ W. .r. ....r Tho reply which Kttc?remu n-maindrr or the riding 4mm Rotrrnndum was not unvxpw was fully n-alizvd Ihrouuhout [mu-n that Kitrhenct, would "ftirmativo nnswv'r in all gm tho vavwmlum ballot. Tho rI-snhs: ns Hwy can]? srrm'nm] nn’lhv Ietily Tribal lvtin. Crowds nlso ','aihorod of tho bullolin of tho Trsh-c-ra wnummry whvro they \wru tuttrly mirth-ad in mum-Minn ltr'rvrondum rvlurns throuah l‘ruvinu‘ by "ver "plimistic fsuoring the "Wrtsf' “his morning. but “as j nm't with any of them Itiun of Mr. Mills and l JAIL Mills made the t but the savanna! rm- Thanks Elector: tor Support. Mr. Mills made " hriwf sum mvnl thn- via-(tars 0f North Watertoo for the confidence rvposrd in mp during tho i-ight yz-ars l have hart the honor to tvprer,ent them in the Ontario Lou. islaturrs. I have ondvavnrvd ta serve lhvm faiihfully and In discharge the (huh-s nr tho position with satisfaction tothrs people at thr. Aiding. I ilmnk them for their snmmri in tho past." non or Mr. Mills and Nick Asmussu-n. l Mr. Mills made the brief §tat9montl but the successful vatundttti"rerusott to make any statement as yet, declar- lug that he was Btt:erine from a cold and had not had 'mtricirsnt tinw to, prepare a statement. l The rvsult in Wat, qtu'stions was as folk Kitchener and Waterloo were em- phatic in their affirmative answer to tho four nut-Minna on the roterenriutn ballot. Thvsv were the official tutur- vs given out at 2 o'clock this utter- noon by Ciork J. Hertt Smith. Ity uuostlons the result was as follows: Emphatic Affirmative An. swer to Pour Questions on Referendum Ballot. l(tl'0llililill MI) illjlTlilll,i)i) 60 l)li0l)lil)ly WET A "REmoup-ilikTia. tr .ondon Free Press.) l as Hwy mum in were tho Ietily Telegraph hul- IH nlso gather-I'd in front n of tho Tt-h-grnph's con- bvro they Wot'" unfurlu» d in mum-Minn with the it snmmrl in tho past." which Knchr‘nvr and tho . the riding (mm on tha- was not unvxpvvlml‘ lt as follows them with the 0x00; mers will hesitate future success of thmuzhnut the unlimiyic n-ports all quvstions of ghunl the cam- would Pivo an 3334 2371 35:35 . 2285 3478 2345 .3555 2243 tloo on the four Yes 1707 1738 1716 1757 Yes 3334 “RHINO to con No. 804 719 TST No. The r, it." "ircriiii'i"iir', who fourth in the rank A LINCOLN N'AGARJ WELLAND PRESCOT OTTAWA E. TORONT‘ KENT w. "BT l WINDSOR TORONT ‘1 BROCKVJLLE "A" SUDBURY TORONT ou‘rnmo s. '. "B" BRUCE w. HURON BRUCE s. ESSEX s OXFORD N. STORMO [ NORTHUMBER- ALGOMA LAND W. PARRY SOUI RUSSELL CO-CHRANE DURHAM W. TORONTO S. OTTAWA E. TORONTO N, P. EDWARD B, Independents. N. WATERLOO. mpmsmc E, SAUL"; s HAMILTON w. MARI HAMILTON E, Ft wm BRANT s. PETERB( WATERLOO s. KENDRA ST. CATHARINES VNTXEARA LONDON. IAODINGTON FRONTENAC GRENVILLE GREY s. HASTINGS n. HASTINGS w. HURON N. K'.NGSTON LANARK N. LEEDS LENNOX MUSKOKA N'THUMBER’LD suoaunv TEMISKAMING WELLINGTON s, _ BRANT N. BRUCE N. DONDAs DURHAM E. ELGIN E. ELGIN W. ESSEX N. ESSEX s. GLENGARRY GREY N. HALDIMAND HALTON HASTINGS E, KENT S. LAMBTON E. LAMBTON w. LANARK s. MANITOULIN gum 'BARBOUR Conservatives. Liberals. Labor. NIAGARA FALLS PRESCOTT TORONTO N. E. TORONTO S. PARRY SOUND COCHRANE ‘rgrxmro CE., a H U RON C. ESSEX S. STORMONT TORONTO S. E MARIE FT. WILLIAM PETERBono W. SAUL"; STE PARKDALE PEEL PORT ARTHUR RENFttEW N. TORONTO NE IN TORONTO NE -a' TORONTO NW WETWORTH s. YORK E. YORK N. YORK w. YORK N, WELLINGTON E. LANARK s. OTTAWA N MIDDLEszx E. MlDQLESEX N. MIDDLESEX w. ONTARIO N. OXFORD s. PERTH s. PETERBORO E. RENFREW a. RENFREW N. . . smco: smcoe E. smcos N. smcoa s. WELLINGTON w, WENTWORTH WENTWORTH u, VICTORIA N. VICTORIA s. FALLS {taken by the Bolshevikl. who also! maul have listened nineteen regiments on Wastnenoral Mirmontotr's army outside oft Mn Voronexh. according to a wireless den. 1.. Tu, Pa Becomes Assistant Duck Trainer, Kltchonor ... Waterloo .. . Elmira ... . Wellrsiey Tp. Woolwich Tn, Waterloo Tp. New Germany Bloomingdale A Erma-pom , B Bridgeport Rummetharut Cemrcvillo .., lWinterhourne . Convslogn . . . , St. Jarohs . . . . A U. Woolwich n U. Woolwich Flow-dale ... . livid-Mung .. . Zuber's Corners Inndon, Oct. 2L--orel has been re Gremln's . . . St. Cltsrttertis Hawkusville Crosshin . .. Linwood -.. \Vellvslo . . .. Kingwooi . . IA 11; 2A Total -.t... .... 5494 2211 3354 Asr..ua:sens majority over Hwhnel 2140 8 Town Hall l? Harmonie Hall ie" Harmonie Hall 3A Cooperture .. . . cm Cooperage ._.. 4A Orpheus Hall . H3 Orpheus Hall ' 5A Garage w...... SB Garage ... ...r GA Alex. School . . tm Alex. School . Pr TA Hohmoivr'u ..._ 7B Holmwier’s ... 1 Royal Bank 21A Orphanage?“ 2H? Orphanage _ 22A Gluckuem's 22n muoksiiiiGi' 23A K. E, School 2311 K. E. School 1 13B shoimaeei .. 73 14A Cttrntrer'ts . . . . ' . " MB Cumber’o ... . . . " 15A Shanta Shop . .. " 158 Stunt: Shop . .. " 16A Rmnbel’s .. . . . . " 168 Rumpel's . . . . . . " 11A Miller's ...0..eq " 173 Miller's . . . . . . . 69 18A Court. Scllool.. 105 188 Court. School. . 108 19A Cloisonne . . . . .. " 20A Dietrirh'ie _ .. . . . 56 20B Dietrictt's . ' . . . " 5 Infant ATO. .. . . n 100 Web:- Bt. ... " 100 Wobn trt. .. " " have: Ave” " a Ill-nut Ave” " Germ Orlb Co. . . . " Gem Gr!!! Co. . .. " Smart Home .. on Snider’s Home. . 10A KcDonld'I ... 103 Duehch'l . . . . . . HA City Hall ...r.. IIB City Hall ..r.p. 11C City Hull . . . . . . 12A Kubrick's ...... 128 Dubrtek's ...... IRA Ihotmaker's .. - "w Inn-o 18 WW ..... " WOW. .... “Velma-'0... 8A86wim.tm ..... :Bqulhgh ..... A 11:00 m .... fl up“ .... MW“ Runners Moscr's Zilllax's Zilliax's HOW VOTE WAS POLLED WELLESLEY ToWNS1rIP WATERLOO TOWNSHIP WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP he. so: 297 776 295 TOWN OP WATERLOO 423 36 115 " 42.", 134 16 91 39 31 M M 17 RECAP” ULATI'ON 776 50 247 66 116 118 155 297 3062 641 " 69 " 41 49 M 84 34 28 54 " 26 " 43 " 53 _ - "W - l . c, ttTT, Ir,ftrP" muu- Sq0tter Ig-tsa/t not my . their i' _ _ " . "'3 a " , "I I " _ J In _ , t ll tt ,, " 2llMilltl ml 113 ' " I , , u Stt6 " In " n a , t .9 f 8 lo 69 57 91 " " 61 " 92 A; " " " " tt 73 " " 292 674 117 95 420 613 292 613 23 62 27 M. 51 " 139 " 15 9? 60 89 32 133 Ill 71 52 " " 32 42 117 21 0 l7 " 10 " 6H ll ll 13 Ili 10 " 10 16 " 10 25 " 12 " " " " " " " 30 24 27 " 10 10 Mrs. A. K. Cmnamun In a halter In Toronto today. _ patch sent out by the Sbviet Govern, Ittig 1097 147 . M " 89 ffrte9iF6irx9oriitii'iE I'm HAVE Tom rrm _alriiii?iitii mum, " 27 22 1097 " " " 14t 17 " ll 1819 " 90 " " " 90 " 110 101 22 62 32 In 70 M, 58 73 75 Lal. " " 55 51 50 45 32 " 38 22 " 58 " " 31 " 15 " " " 38 " 3t " tt " " " " " 'c'lg'Mtgii't,iqtt Mift L, as 1379 821 IM I?!) 126 30 89 " 20 so 126 MM " 30 129 " 184 12 " 17 44 27 41 set 11 14 17 12 23 24 " 15 " l9 21 29 " 27 27 10 10 12 14 18 20 24 10 It 20 ll 20 " l4 " " " ll " " " 81 " " " I31iii'iiiis"i"r"y 237 198 " " 12 l2 " 198 10 12 " " " 2864 1829 408 153 50 234 190 190 234 17 m " 44 2t 67 153 " ll 408 50 1829 20 21 " 34 51 16 13 24 52 " 30 24 IR 27 " M 28 28 35 43 26 " " 83 " " 32 " 40 51 60 31 22 " " 51 57 61 " " 84 _.._-.u "an ICLQIVCKI "UI 7.877 and Captain W. A Fituteratd, soldier candidate of the Grand Army ot Canada. had recefred. bat 1,967. Wet On All Four, In regard to therprohttrition vote it had been ireely predicted that the tirtrt question would he carried by the prohi6itionistt, by an overwhelming majority. Such did not prove to be the case. With the returns incom- trlete---about 20 divisions to, hear trom-there were 12365 in favor of the repeal of the 0.T.A.. With 11,766 against. The second question was carried by 13,505 against 11.924. The third, 13,332 against 11.063. The fourth, 14,037 against 11.665. Womon'a Vat. Astonishing. Over 60 per cent. ot the total vote of both Hamilton riding: was polled, and the number of Women voters who went to the poll. astounded the elect tion workers. In many polling plucea [the women r‘tused the election Dal-l " I] Controller Halcrow's majority In the east was enormous. With tittoen divisions to hear from, his total was H.580. Lt. Landers had received but TRTT --" n, a . "A - The results walla considerable ot a surprise in every respect. \Vhile it was expected that Labor would win the West Hamilotn seat with Walter _Rollo. it was not expected that his pluralty would be nearly so large t14 it was, in regard to East Hamilton. general opinion was that the rave‘ would be a close one between G. C. Halcrow and Lt. S. L. Landorsl Roi-.1 lo had 7,877 votes is West Hamilton, with live divisions to hear from J. A. MacParUne, Conservative candr date, received 3,963, and James Dix, Liberal, 1,631. . 77.. -v- uuuvl n<-5wu1;’- ed a sweeping victory in both East uand West Hamilton in the Provincial election. Hamilton was one ot the few Ontario municipalities to vote against prohibition. ....__ .----_*t, "' " "fool Both East and West Ridings LABOR FBS .- I IN HAMILTON - F ve - V """e.' TORONTO VOTES "NO" Toronto, Oct. 21.-All doubts as to the decision of Toronto on the referendum were dispelled this morning wf official figures of the entire city (with the exception of u ti divisions) were given out as follows: Question F%e An, "" " -- m..." w yuallcu unul me liquor traffle is entirely (gi'i8 MAJORITY FOR "NOS" ROLLING IWC., i' Toronto, Oct. 21.--As full and partial returns f ' :3 outlying constituencies in the voting on the 'r'p'e1'edgllt'ii' ceived here it beoame evident that the majority for [ . tionists was rolling up heavy. The summary for tht, " . ince, as compiled on the lesults received up till 1.30 p. the following totals and majorities for the "No's": . ‘ n..-..L:-__ Hamilton. Oct "The voting in okidiri'i, is but a battle in won a sweeping victory in the battle, but the it must be pushed until the liquor traffle is ent l (Winn Pun.) ":1 Toronto, Oct. .2L---Foreeatstimr I huge " total prohibition throughout the province of j H. Spence, when interviewed by the Canadian Pm. _ declared that the returns received until 11 an, stantial majority on every question. "I f,Ye,tfr 1 100,000 majority on every question on the ballot. ‘, "We have won a substantial majority. The vote}: able mandate t othe Legislature not only against the O. T. A., but to strengthen and improve it and tati with even greater ef(ieiemi." Give Big Majorities) fir.' t Candidates. Question. 'tre. " 1:8!)ch Predicts over 1m l All Ptntr questions When an: own»! Announced-- Victory thntaidered Gabi P--aystor register. Yes. No. MILL] ....... ......79.281 106,186 26. . .. .... .... 87,233 97,202 , .---....83,600 100,101 IT; auteur 37/; g ffi'if9tl,if, 53-: , ‘5 '7jCjitjff, r",;', .55 t '"5; v' _ 35 (Mg? "rl The - m -. ,.. a...” ‘ tour divisions to hear from N1 'endum returns procurable _ J MaeBride's Election br, an: Majority. ' Brantford, Oct. 20.~The q happened In South Bun '. Mayor M. M. MaeBride, run der the I. L. P. banner, swept " ing, sending the represents“ the old-line parties to defeat 57 Jority which was surprising. t his eloclion had been con“ big surprise of the election. In was the Waving of Morgan ' Liberal candidate, ahead of Q Brewster, Conservative and The final vote in tho city mm": ster, 3130; Harris, 3,217;.~ Ida] 6,544. t . he Liberal candid-me who "o, in the race. ' lots, stating that they wished Ion the referendum only. " l‘ ott,ruP.-U.r'.o. _iir%iiii, by 156 votes o'er J. T. H: tti The support of the In“ as was general over both, (r' though Controller 1ul,erttw. i great spurt in Ward 8, 3%. Labor ward of Hamilton..m( the late Allan Studholme Ante greatest support. ' _ Results in the WM In North Wentworth 31G U.F'.0.-1.L.P. candidate. in“: of more than 1,000. The?!“ dry, but no Mures were II. In South waGotGGE'.7ii' By Weiiimrtotl." 1:? WALTER J. smdm’ ( Yes. ' 162,343 174,947 170,046 189,667 the 219m 215, F 220,995: 21 1.576% No.. " sc,"

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