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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Oct 1919, p. 6

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Itt' Two "' lav. J, Win cl w. 1 ' I It and I" men. M kl. Hold . Io'ou, ‘Ekool tho elu‘ um _ l ve juvenile. Tu U301! handed. I l d . _ ' " u- . I“! It on . t. it 'u n Bun-t Home _ . TM. in than " ”ml '" dnuu n trig crovd tron th- ‘ Sari-‘- town. The Homo- Que. choir of Preston vu an On all: nttrnctionl ot the oven- " Two Inc mam-u were given " In. J. R. Johnllouo of the Prep mu church. Preston and Rev. Mr. _ . The Sunday School clan ot win" - . line program at ling- -. recitation; Prooton'n noted 'tth Mr. Art Eitherington and Mr. t. . Holden. an") contributed several ”You. Splendid recitation: were “won by Mark Kaufman and Mum “cu-n. It was one of the finest local evening: spent nt Freeport tur many . day, "Amty" Griove Nearly Killed on l Kreu Hill Mr. A. E. Grieve, while operating the " steam road roller on the Kresn hill. met with a very painful ttevident, He had hln right loot badly crushed um bruised. The heavy roller started to hick down the hill and not being 'nndor control backed over the me- walk. It struck a big tree ami atop- pod. Hui it not it would have gone over the embankment into the Kreus [ardent Ur. Heist and Quinn nt- unded to his injuries. - We Clock tt Minutes Blow ( Mr. Perry Wilisnn rn-turned trom a four months‘ visit with friends and minivan in the old land. " was’uveive yearn since Mr. Willson had Been his mother, brothers and sisters. and he but! an enjoyable time at the family reunion. He tines not advise any e.)) mailing the trip to the old country " v-mseni. as conditions are very um settled. The Skipton Mock, nnar terntral park, has been bought by Richard Gait-home. t-ontractor. at a big sum In. Skipton owan the building and has conducted a stationary store and express business tor over a quar» Mr ot a ppttiitrv, Mrs Skipton has been seliing " her stock and will wind tin with an auction sale at the end [of this week. - . . __., ALL‘_4l-AI i', "My Back _,r._.,," “Is So Bad" 5 PW? in the small of the 'r.' buck, lumbago, rheuma- ‘ Aims, pains in .the limbs all tell , of defective kidneys. Poi-on no being left in the g ‘Nooq which - palm Ind who; ; 11. ”than. um and bowel- E7 all! be wound to action try nucl i-. humour in Dr. CIIIQ’I Kidney- L that Pills. v. m... _Miheeet Funeral Largely Attended The funeral of tho late Mrs. Mary Bchofte1d took plac" on wr)aeutlay noon nnd was largely attended. Rev. - . .., “m...“ um .....-._. w - Bcttofteld took placo nu wr-in-tay noon nnd was largely altpmlml. Rev. Mr. Herbert cnnduv‘tml tho services It St. John's church and also at Prey ton cemetery. --- . "_-ec-Vt 5kg. [VII LU'IILII "PM. W. J. Schtuetpr. Town Arron! Grand Yup-1k. is: rtrrarvrme P srmvlal rnmhina llan‘rar to sundrrieh and Trout Creek ror the hunting party In move on the tttirty-tirrt of this month. Mrs. wottstereot (loam-10h in visit- In; at the home or Mrs. I). M. John non. Guelph ssh-vet. _ - -__ - ___-_, r...... "in. wmiain S' MW “no rasIde-e ot Rov on Church St. Miss Mepfeitrer has snvvrml hvr connection as spealrt'r with tho Great North Western Tplr-zmnh Company. 'Nronto. to join the trtpr' of the Royal Bulk of that city. She spent tho Mommy at her homo on Queen street. Mr. J. Sehueter, the real Fatah: broker. has dosed the 5:110 of tho Goo. Wemerg proprrty on North ‘11. Mrs. Behofrietd Dead. The death occurred or Mrs. Schm- tield utter a weeks illness, she was 54 years old. She has lived in Preston for 8 years and was well and favoratr 1y known. Her husband predeceased no" u no “no for delay whsn m kidney- Bo wrong. for such do- minant: " hardening of the Ir- um- and. Brian - no the “In! mun. mam 1rlflht .u‘ M]. ttetg u a. to. Church. an n "tetiUqted a. IW‘! ”It?” MI. Church. It". may“: '1 you Itt w. " iiiFi s:giii':i,i e u u lo. the at? P. ma“. P, and u churn.“ lot am pm: at I ' All Mum: a can on. of my _ ' V My“ ' Ir. d than Tm l Inna-v. Home moved their household allow nun u an»! Tangle ted no my: comic" ror 1 7 l ‘hnnzhl the w. J. R. Johnstone snvvrml hvr Market Notes. I The market had I but crowd of 'buyen and farmers uelllng their pro- duels again on Saturday. When the Telegraph called nearly all of the n-getnblcs were Iold. The meat , counter we! 1 very busy place, beet ', sold at line to Mle. pork 20c to 35e, . mrmen' ittrd 35e m, butter 60e m.. . creamery butler 63c tb., a“. 66e a , dog. llnrse radish was sold In his I 'tutuciiitui thla morn“; One young _ lady In marge gala she had 1: trig .5310 She sold 1 big bunch for We. wmmocwx4. The I”, Animal! and a but“ i"Giriiiai".irtii_Ee VA. Int. woite--tetM-d- The old shun; Ind curling rial bu been sold to the more Recreation 00.. tor the “In ot “.100. The r. novel will uke place in two week! time. The next building to a: rill be the Hub. Thi- mar buy tor the winter month. bat it in only I mile: ot time until it will 11w be removed to make In] tor the val improve meme to the from entrance to Speed Park. Some 375.000 to 385.000 is" will be upon! on Speed Park. When completed it will be tbe lines! in Waterloo County. locum-an. Audit-l” mu-u-aom kWhtwrho-rum. :10}de II mud . iiiFi '"N"ttt In; a P. war. P, and u chum“ for uranium. a: Mum on how: af tttf l v _ " than Tray M1. moved than household - from Toronto and no no. eomtortatrtr lo clad on Moore “not. Old link to“ and Witt I. Ronni“. Potatoes 55ca basket, pears Tlie ap- ples q0c a basket. calery 5 to 16e, rad itch 5- a bunch, cabbage se m., driwl apples Kre It). smear case be each Ron! Enu- be“. A numbos of big real estate deals were put through last week by Human. Sew-rel private homes changed hands. The followng were wume who sold their houses: Mr. w, l. Stapleman. Duke St.; Mr. Fred. Houch, Water St.; Mr, Frank Kau. ‘oisnk, Wellington street. Mr. George Everson got the cow tract tor the wiring of the Bank of Poronto building yesterday, The brick work was stopped this mornmg on account of the rain. Mr. Cecil Walker was In Simeoe "esterday. (‘ncil bought a. good fer- Jet while in that town. Could Not Get An Empty Home in Town. l A local man brought hls turniturel to town yesterday from Toronto and could not get a house In town. He had to store his furniture In a local furniture plant. The shortage of houses to rent is very serious at pre- sent. ' Prenton Went Wild Over Homuth': Election. m", mn‘went wild Monday night when the returns came in that Karl K. llomnth, tt Preston boy had won South Waterloo as labor candidate. He will be the next representative at the Parliament buildings in Toronto. The vote Monday was at roliows:- llumuth. 1489; Z. A. Hall. 522, Dr. Oharllon 235. Majority for Homuth 967. In the whole riding It is as follows: Homuth, 7480; Charlton, 3491; Hall. 2573 A trig public meeting was held In the, Princess Theatre Monday night. The new randldule addressed the Peo- ple and thanked them tor their hard work in connection with the election. He also thanked them for electing him. After the meeting in the theat-I tre he also undressed a big overttow meeting in Central Park. The band} was out and Preston never snw Ite) a crowd as was on the streets last night. Everybody was pleased and happy that Mr. Homuth was elected to represent them at the Parliament buildings in Toronto. Preston Vote. Wet. _ Referendum in Preston:-- Preston Yes. No. ‘lst Question, ..... ... ..1.141 1.071 2nd Question PM... ... .. 1.230 998 3rd Question ..... ..... 1.134 1.026 4th Question ... ..... 1,274 737 Go To ttee the Prince at Kitchener. A number from town went to Kitch- ener this afternoon to see the Prince of Wales. His train only stopped I few minutes. Over 3,000 school child- ren were out to see him. Mrs. Wm. Schmidt from Kitchener spent a day or so with Mrs. B. Hum- mer. Item: ot Interest. Mr. and Mrs. bout: Wagner. Messrs. Herman and Edwin Hung, from Kit. chener. Mr. o, Doerlng of Philipsrtrurg. Mr. Frank Baxter and Mr. Herman Wagner, were the guests of Mr. John K. Wagner on Sunday. Minn-n Gertie Ind Alma Ilene and Mr, Edward Hammer Halted on sin-'4 day with Mr. and Mrs. Gum "mot. New Prussia. w' _ Mr. Wm, Edthol. from Holdul‘hltm called on Allan Donn laIt Tuesday. SHOP IN IITCHENER WEEK Monday. October gt to Samnlay. November In, Innervhanls will pay your tires to CIty Ill; stocks of choices! merchandise to nolect from An unusual buying opportlnlty you cannot Inord to ml". BERLETS CORNER t.e,ittgMrtf HAMLIN v 'u-ttse' .vah-Id Int. apron, 5. I axcwuudomkhnmt-a tFiitiu.in.htit...Le-d- “was; einaaudiuimthrtrridai" MMWmolthm ijitf,,'.iv'gtairttev"t;,2ttdi,h'r..er. mun; a Ill-ll- neo. tt2T,gr,ttutgtv,tn',1'l,2"t1t; -aiGthnemt--tartueryt TBCSAndhwaiucm. demamifoe t-tGifikveootthittur-himtt" "lieth-ht. - " BB. raw- i-iii-taa-pts-. can you»: .ae-.H.tct ttttef, new. 1.3.038 iiaod them "LT,', my "oudtsrrrtinoedte tothem nny bsaadit by their experience. Them u no denying the (not that TILCJS do all In chin: any will. Convinc- your all. Tannin. Al s. LEARN "r-letutn Dmgglu. loin Anon! for Waterloo E. o. RtTE & GO., Eu? Agog}, Pt Kitchonu: -iaiiT/iii' G hm ind-'0' or to Tom- ploton. lelud. 142 Klng .1. tltmet, Toronto. and T. R. " am " am The Farmers' Club shipped several marinade ot hogs today, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wylie of Toron- ‘n are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burnet. Dog- Let Loon In Heuneler. Hmspeier's dogs are now happy, They got their release today. All haw been tied up since last spring. Soldiers Who Won Medan, Attention. Men who have won the Military medal or any other decoration are re- Areo‘plane Drops Advenielng Manor ( in Hupeler _ The areoplane that ttew over Hes. peler on Saturday. dropped a number :1 pamphlets on th" Pt'S of Happier. The hills said The Seven Sleepers lhéve got to get out. The other side or the hill “aid, They have slept long "riFtFig,iii4 - To aa -iit.. m mu. 7 3.038 and they: a? sad day -aiGthnemt--tartueryt TBCSAndhwaiucm. demamifoe t-tGifikveootthittur-himtt" "iieftt.nouqht. iaruutGrqorCt-draaatrtdi- "liar-dt-utils-tyo. enough “up...“ Meeting on Wednesday Nlght The G. w, V. A. and the Ladin' Auxiliary will hold a jolnt meeting in the G. W. V. A. club hall on Wed- nesday night. This is an important meeting and all should turn out tor It. Churchen Advice People to Vote Nearly all the churches in Home!" yesterday spoke on the importance ot the vote toaiay. l Noted Speaker Here Yesterday Dr. Grenlell. ot Labrador, gave a splendid midway on Sunday afternoon lm the Sunday School of St. Andrews' Presbyterian church. He in a clever ‘spenker and gave out some interest- mg information about conditions ln Ithe far north. Thomas Everson returned Hull": tront a hunting trip up north. He got {so hare. 2 coons'and a. dandy red ltnx. This is one ot the ttnest bags re; ported so tar this season. Note Speaker Here. Quite 11 large number at Hespelcr hunters were out on Saturday and tried out their rlogs. Several report-i e-l to the Telegraph that they had good luck. Some of the old time', hunters say that hares" and cotton-I Mail: are scarce this season. At, least they were on Saturday. 1 Captain James Talyun was a Visitorl to Hamilton Friday and Saturday. Hespeler Business Man Goes Welt 1 Mr. Winfield Brewster leaves to. night on a business trip to Winnipeg and other towns and cities in the west. He will he zone several weeks. Mr. Brewster voted before he took lhls trip to the west. Telegraph Reporter Polls Pint Vote l Rev. W. H. Harvey Did Not Lecture on His Trip to England and Frame , Rev. W. H. [larynx who recrurt'y ' - ,___.___ Inn-land [mun ".. u mun...“ _ and other towns and cities in the , west. He will he zone govern! weeks. in ta,)t,'ll" Heinpel spent Sunday Mr. Brewster voted before he took. Mr and Ur,, R Heuh M . . . n, . TIM" tn" gay“? n Fl t v t Mrs. Conrad Heinpel and mini: eegrap up er tt . " tt e Violet, Mina Katie Helnpel and b th Rev. W. H. Harvey Did Not Lecture on er Alvin and Mr. Arthur Plan ro . His Trip to England and Franco Sunday with Mr and M B, spent Rev. W. H. Harrow who recctrt'y Doerbecker Mek I, rs. 080780 returned home trom London, England Mr. E L'l',flL, 1,ttir,t and France. occupied " pulpithln "iiiietriril" pantor' Ownfrbsvme, and the Methodist church both momma farewell sermon "N preach “I and evening. It was adverUsm1 that on oe. 2. he would spank on his trip. but 'tid =r==-c.---.r.r----------------i-t-=---". not do so. Me gave a " minute talk to the Brotherhood at the morning service. He will give a lecture on tlFT CORNS Oll his recent trip at some future date, . - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Preslien left H waisrdav tor a two week! visit to ' CALIUOES OFF “Min and Mm reaterday tor Tole-do. Ohio. Yesterdlly ww, a motoring and many were out ot gown. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie. Kenneth W. Wylie. Miro McConell. ot Toronto. Mr. Gerald Sturdy. of Hnmlllan. Misty Nettie Roengan. of Preston. Mrs Ed. Bowman and Mitrtr Helen Bowman. of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Burnet Ind tam: a! were the guests oi' Mr. and Mrs. nomad Burnét, Bella street. yester- ‘dny _ ' '33se' Forvud Movement meeting 'iithe him In the "Wool mom of St. ‘Mulrew'n church lo-hlght. It will be addrmsed by local people 7 ... aB_qN n-nm-Q‘f Tl00rerR""T%. v, .Fr%-e. ,.. .- Mr. and Mrs. wmtleid Brewster Monday night for Winnipeg and other Western points. Mr. Abram Rudd?“ expo" to Bo to Kludonlay, Sank. mom» or (amor- row. He “and In town to vole Mon- duy. Mr. Rudden has I bl; crop of flu to look after out west. A joint maeung of the krone: Attxmary and the G.WN.A. will "va u the ow VA. rooms on Weary-NM." ‘nlghc. l Disturbed the Pom». Boom- - A local man m-de hlmnelf Mum mun to the voter: both man awn wo non It the lo. t you!“ nub dunk"! HESPELER Hunters' News Everson returned home A -., -4. Some Vlsnoru .waq a dellghttul day tor l many Heapoler citizens Club shipped savers] 'iruGiriFh6' w vmmm "t p' 2 Vim-Hoopla. mmhnotmm mull-vacuum“ all! oumolhbh lan - iGuoeotuadryyt-t.""'tt III and truth with tho who- all Wm. Whil- h to" in also and aamranMwu m.\ “I! hour'n um with at. you uncut union In. Ho a“ lo lib od t'yt,t' very much all in lor- ry his “In. In so limited that he could not "ar Ion» In ought-u- tingb um. town. l Fat-nun An All Happy. The tanner: In un- district no all smiles today our the result. of the datum:- today. The) almost no] A: It they could (In their all“, has: and Iain!» “my tree today. However they did not do BO. The Farmer: Club shipped a unload of lambs to the Toronto market Tue-day No prices were quoted at the local mock yam: todr f. In. E. . mn and child an the quests of the former- parents, In. and Mrs. Thoma- Burnet, Bonn in. Mr. :nd Mrs. Dr. Henderson left for Toronto today to Hull friends for I few days. -iupi."L. E. Weaver let! tor Toronto today .__ visit rel-mm: and [Hand- tor n tew days. Election Return. The old Conservative stronghold was shattered Monday after hold- ing the record tor .m r 20 years‘ Karl K. Homuth, the popular bunineal man ot Preston, who headed the polls in South Waterloo. Monday pulled nearly 200 more votes than wan ex- pected by the labor men themselves. The Cght is over now and the but man won. The victor ot one ot the, greatest fights that ever took plncel tor over M) years was in town Monduyi night at 10 o‘clock after addressing‘ huge meetings in Galt and Preston. No bigger crowd was ever in the ‘Stlr Theatre than Monday to greet _the popular hero ot the hour. Many could not gain admittance to the Hall. He thanked the labor men al- so everybody who “slated hlm in being elected In Hespeler. In the at ternoon it was thought that Homuth would be elected and Mr. Albert Sault and other men in town arranged to have the Star Theatre so the win, ning candidate could come here and‘ addrees the women and men who el- ected him. After the " meeting some of the younger men got Homuth down out of the Hail and hoisted him on their shoulders and took him up and down the main street. He‘s a Jolly Good popular songs. It one that Hespeler many a day. The vote in Hespeler was as fol towtc--s Karl K. Hommh 817, Labor. z. A. Halt 395. Conservatlve. Dr. S. E. Charlton 160, Liberal. Majority for Homuth, Labor, 422. Hespeler Votes Dry. Referendum in Hespeler: Hespeler Ye In! Question ..e.. ... ..... .2nd Question ..... 'r...... 3rd Question ..... ... ..t. 4th Question ....? _.....-. Personal Mism Luella Schmidt. of Waterloo, was! the guest of Miss Minnie Door. becker on Sunday. Miss [-1an Brown spent Sunday " her home in Erbsvme. , no“ "itert A - we. a rrruono com but u in an: n my (IQ)! Btorq. Apply I In the? on We _ mm, ea1tt- Ind "turd Alt, on but 1 tom of feet, thee lift then A. When Fm. Fm comb-Cb boun't hurt! Lift any cc callus off with fingers toe or the " "A C irah,.e. tAm the bottom ot led. am. has.“ trfedt. plant! leur ERBBVILLE. All singing “For F'ellow" and other was a wild night. wiU not forget tor I. No. 454 926 524 354 478 880 567 81 l -e'e" - no i a. nun who ',i'.iiiiiiriiiiiiiii'ii;,; m C TI _ _ Trr. . Le.", u. uni-an. Ind titot. - no.) M). - an»: "tr an. ' Ill tm--- Inn “on. an idol. Ina. maul. V V.“- suelm. mu than (a). num- Kenyon tWI . ll ci-Bveiit" author. lulu Med. by Donna. Alla Mun. John Fried. Kelvin Becker. Con Bus- or. lynlo Bucket, Purl Bulb. Benin: W. Oliver “may, We Bnydor. John Kurt. Lulu Perth. Harley Sugar. Roll Portia. Elli. Ann-mun. Ethel Fried (3b.) Pin: Ci- Willie Each. man Bowel. Insure! lunhull. Che-tar Rohr, David Niche“. 59M 'mry “I. W. n: E lab“ ye: l erI'll'ts') tt ' (,'ii?,Si'is',e,i?i',it'ti'tsir, urm a R Inttamed or dranuiated, , --- land“ A»... Qat- (m- Infant or Adult. "Tiinri'iir.'-" EGG- Kurt, Glut!!! Blcklo. Demon Switwr. George Por- rln, Dorothy F'rimt.Arr.Uq Poll; ii, the 'aaiiii""'riiiicTGe; vacate-t the side captained by Gertrude Each won by " points. _ No. 'on um 44 an. ll the belt: Muthln Foley, on City, on Joseph Snow, Nomi-y: Me. -criUrieVwiu,oten, Mulgrave. NS. Rev. R. o. Armstrong. Mulgrave. N Fusrre Landon. Sen. Pokemouche. N, I =e - --H 7 7 7 7 them Smart, Itch, or Burn, if San. Irritated R Inttamed or tiranuiated, 10¢ Murine often. Safer for Infant or Adult. " all Dwain. In Canada. Wrice for Free Eye Book. "Wu-play. “loco. ll, S. A. believe MINARD'S UNIMENT "Moot. HWY The Naval Brigades Train Our Boys Flora J. Allan. Teacher. n naphtha Can-ll? "ertm'4't" and "er" may». " It. no. n "In fond. In the "tuf 4, pr "ee' Izmw‘llifd In the on. ood In Aeperd " (that oh - all; r. which “Haiku Ina-rm. r. Onl- kyn and you: on for our ”at“: all" b 1h urn-noun J30," New! -. Al- J tbo NAVY LEAGUE ILL". “I! ma " NAILS Du-Inh- Prvudo-t , "iiiiiiiruirim HELP tit(t;tit'l1 NELSON Il)? Support the Boys' Naval Brigades Canadians Must Sail the Seas or CANADA Avon-use “end-nee Canada Needs Trained Canadian Seamen alumni“ Committee lor the Province ot Ontario: C”- MR 10“" C. - Vino-Chm A. M. "OI-III.“ II... Tm.» an mum WALK" --F--v Aug. Tic-um; N. L. “AW TODAY 'CanaEcna Because these are the only organizations training Can. adian boys for service in our merchant fleet now being built. Becauu we cannot leave our growing export trade at the mercy of foreign seamen. Cal-Jo ' a. m - will ”low“. not - Mink!“ tutu-1 on tho and“ at Daub-r 30th. Thor. will in an lat-null; mun [allow- ed by c not! low. A card“! lulu- llon h “and“! to " Tho Baum church will hold n ur- lu ot evangelistic urvleon with“ with the 17th of November ml the and ot the month or longer. On Sun. dar evenlng, October mm the church wlll conduct nu old time snipe! lor- vlco, Inject, “Hum tn Blue." The citizens ot New lumbar: will [gain hue nu opportunity of buying Victory bonds. The clmmign "arts on October Mth tor three ween. Mr. Louis Paine end Mr. J. U. clemen- wlll be in chnrge of the muse lonely ly. Mr, B. A. Tate. the ornnimr. and Mr. Juliul H. Roan at Waterloo. were in town on Thursday, complet in; Inmamentl. Everyone look. tor u very successful campaign which is expected will even exceed lent yenr'u total. The local objective is 81000.000. hut look: small when it I will be remembered that over $135.- poo was rained last year. From all Incnounts New Hamburg will have no ditrieuttr in winning the beautiful LHonor Flag dusted by H.R.H. the Prince ot Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murray of lnnerklp spent Tuesday with the tat. ter'se mother Mrs Mary Bean. Mr. Harold Plan ot Toronto spent Thanksgiving with his mother Mrs. Emma Pratt. 34 King Street West. Toronto The Campaign Must Be a Success The Race for Export Markets C00,000 is ' Needed "Giri'iUii'ia'iiiiG-klaiiiuV'r1 arkturartarrama-"oétldttr_qhia, - WWWQIW‘I "thhhdbky HIV HAHN)“ Became the work of the Borf Naval Brigades and the other branches of the Navy League‘s activities are financed by public contributions. Because Canada must be assured that her increasing surplus products will reach overseas markets. is on. One quarter of the world's ship- ping was lost in the war. Canada can- not buy or rent ships and so in building them, and must he in a position to man them with trained Canadian scamcn. -it-.r-tH. at Jtffli RIM! l PASSES Ill i St HS Well Known rm i The funeral wilt take place on ”I day trom the residence Lisbon, (“I Wellvsley. at one o'clock to tho-Luv mun Evangelical church and “new”; Many Mond- In the Twin“ throughout the county will W! sincere "not ot the that 1 John Rietri, Br., ot Lisbon. . I (Inner at tho county. who t “my on Frldny evenlng In. a you. A few dun no he t stair: n his home, injuring at at " dull. the new“! I. tAtattr. , The late Mr. Riohl was I “a 1nd prominent tumor or an: mutiny. moving onto the (It. " he passed away. many 10-11;; transforming it into one of I!» (arms In the County. c "ES; RVZ'erEEai-‘s'he had has Id In; retired with " son. Mr. Mt Rich]. Jr., on the old hung-M's -ireu, linvlved try I tamllrd eral children, His wife prod-cl him several years ago. cumbs to Injuries a tamed by Pall. "

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