Mr. Harry Oestrich met with an unfortunate accident when he slipped on his verandah at his home and fell Btttrerittg a broken rib, The injury in a painful one and it will be some- time before he ran resume work. A teqe weeks ago Mr. Oestrich fractur- od his wrist while cranking his motor With the approach ot cold weather the hockey enlhusiaatg ot Waterloo no commencing to talk hockey. As Waterloo he: many young men who no anxious to Joln a Junior o. H. A. team, etforts will be made to organize I hockey do?†an early date and mango to enter a team In the 0. H. A. 'thls winter. Waterloo has boosted at {out hockey teams In the past and there In no reanon My 3 strong team Quid not be trot together. The death took place Friday even- lnx of Clara (Mrs. Sarah McGarvin). at the home at Mrte. Harry White, " allied St. Deceased was a grand- other ot Mrs..Harold Dobbin of Wat, erloo and was in her 85th year. The funeral will take place trom the late maidence on Wednesday alternoon at 1130 o'elock. The Chronicle-Telegraph Is the people's paper and Waterloo County's leading weekly. It gives all the news of importance and keeps you in touch with the happenings In the County and elsewhere. Subscribe tor It. An interesting event took place vWednesday at the home ot the bride's parents. when Miss Dieten- bocker was wedded to Mr. Edwin Eby ot nenr Kitchener, There were a goodly number of guests present trom Kitchener and Waterloo. Prices at the market this morning were unChangud eggs selling at 60 cents per down and butter at 60 cents per pottrtd. Fowl sold at 35 to 40 cent: per pound and vegetables were plentiful at the usual prices. . A subscriber In sending us his ve- newal to the Chronicle-Telegraph tor Inothsr year says: "Your paper gives Ill the home newn and we would not like to be without it. Find enclosed 8L60 for another year. The Don: Band are Lolding regular practice. and marked progress In uhown under the luau-ship ot Prof. Thlele. Th. Waterloo Evangelical church y: ','e' 28‘1me de 'df/AT, Ite, . be“ rambled and decanted and I "F an rwctt an open on will " the K, a w. Hoopla] on Wodnw mm Boon. day morning. A :‘OIple ot week- no - she injured her mus - and u I YOUR HOME PAPER. result u we; necessary to immune [glance of the year tree to all new it. Alttetttrtt In her 76th PBBr, Mrs. â€â€˜qu to the Chronlcie-Telo ' Zimmermnn I. doing nicely. Which graph†Bend u ,7." order-tia) MIN v"ll be pie-am; newn to her many pay subscription to l Jan., 1921. , (Heads. The coudltlon of Mrs. Mann who ha been neriously m at the K. & W. Hospital in much improved. which will be welcome news to her" unmar- oun friends. The brick residence owned hy Mr. Moore, Spring St, has been sold to In Geo. Hahn, who will LIKE posse:- Ilon In December. MARRIED AT WALLENSTEIN. THAT SON-IN-LAW OF PAS. BU FFERED 'BROKEN LIME. um an." “'33.. “.311â€... in you“. our... and m Arnold damn MAKING GOOD p; OORESS CONDITION " IMPROVED. Local News Notes THE PEOPLE'S PAPER RINOVATIHG CHURCH AT THE MARKET. akocstsre TEAM RESIDENCE BOLD. LIKES TH E PAPER. Fiirs4iLyrfcTAtFrrpren "panda“ .." w aw "WPdll, mobtoo iii"f,'ii)sq'fiittil.fii1 H3435 mamtzwoe‘m SlRrWmcLSrmttetr?yA5. ait!yft,uit..rty1iye,,t,r1', emCNHEED LADmqu'WA. .1. f Itt - has“. . an an... a an an.“ 'e-e, cm an. m... at“ t'lttu'= kii?ii'i',iiis'i,ek no Idea' Rev. Prof, Henry Behaetrer, 111)., S.T.M._ Ph. D., after completing his ministerial training in 1907 took up a post graduate course in Oriental lan- guages at the University of Chicago and received in 1908 a traveling schol~ arship which enabled him to spend a year at the American school for Or. iental Study and Research in JeruBal. em, Syria. During the summer of 1909 he continued his studies at the University of Heidelberg and in the autumn ot the same year entered the University of Pa.. receiving in 1912 the degree of PlLD. in Semitics. He men became a member of the teach- ing stat! of the Episcopal Academy at, Philadelphia. In 1915 he assumed: the pastorate at Christ Church, Chest-) But Hill. which office he has now re-' Iinqulshed in order to accept Profes- aorahip " the Waterloo Seminary. Dr. Schaetrer has also been salve In a literary way. His work on the "Social Ueglslatlon of the Primitive Semites" puhllsneu In 1915 by the Yale University Press and Oxford University Press has been extensive, ly reviewed by scientific journals in the us. and in England. The Waterloo College and Seminary ls to be congratulated on having been able to add to its educational forces tt admin? and teacher like Dr. Schael- ter. Mr. and Mrs, John Krug. ot Chester, motored to Kitchener on Saturday and tortnt the week-end with their daughter. Miss Elizabeth Krug, ot the Public Svhool tom‘hing sum A S'PLENDID SERMON The speclal installation aorvlce at the St. John's Lutheran church on Sunday evening was attended by a large. congregation. An impressive Installation eennon was preached hr Rev. J. M. Maurer, Pres. or the Sem. inary Hoard, Rev. H. P. Schaeffer. Ph. D. was installed as professor of Biblical Theology and Rev. Austin A. Zincir, BA., as professor in the Wat- erloo college. The liturgy was con- ducted by Rev. C. H. Little. Professors at Seminary Were Formally Received at St. John's Church. INSTALLATION SERVICES HELD An interesting 3nd well Itiended meeting ot the St. Quentin Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire was held in the Library Hall on Tuesday evening It was decided to place a tablet on the plot set aside tor the (alien soldiers at Mount Hope Cema 'ery on Armistice Day. Nov. 11th. A wreath will also be placed on the graves in memory of the Soldiers who made the supreme Baeritice in the great war. A Committee will prepare an impressive program V mialice Day TO SET ASIDE PLOT AT CEMETERY FOR FALLEN HEROES know-*ow“ lama mm at the Wnorloo - nlicnl church. who b n present In Rochâ€, N. T., I. My Improved. Kahumwmnwnwm “only and will - In Ion. laid of [90: In the bundled Ascendant. wish.- (in tho isorstmsreiiutdud Ml Wm. my! and In a. in: Bye. D turner lam. U HDERWENT OPERATION. counrnou IMPROVIO On Tuesday the annual thanh-otrer, ing meeting ot the Wars. was held in the school room of St Paurs church, when Min B. W. Robson, M. A., a returned missionary from Amir- hut, India, gave a very interesting description of the habits and life or the Biehls in India in relation to the introduction of christianity. Miss Robson's nddress was very much up- preciated hy the ladies, including sev- eral from St. Andrew's wnrs. Kitctr ener. Refreshments were served at the close, and a social hour much em joyed. . That Mother Eva was up to date You- must confess, For did she not originate Thr' "loose leaf" style of dress? Mr. w. V. Unley and family, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter left to-day tor an extended trip along the Atlantlc coast and Dixie, Miss Margaret Lubsinger, who is attending Loretta Abbey. Toronto, spent Thanksgiving Day at her home. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner, Church Bt., were honored when the members of the M. Paul“: Pram choir met at their home and presented them with a beautiful crown Derby cup and sauc- er. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis were also presented with a reading lamp. The presentation was made in a happy manner by Ree. Mr. Mckeractusr. The evening was spent in games and music after which dainty refresh-f meals were served. Miss Robson of Amkhnt. India, who Is home on furlough. and Miss Sharp of Glen Morris, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. t Crowe, Herbert Miss inc: Alyward has returned 3:38" at" uurmg we" Ytsgit to Wttt, trom a vial! in Toronto where uln- . was the guest of Mrs. Homer Belling ------ street, during their visit to Waterloo. Among thotre trom the TwimCity -_---- who attended the funeral of the late On Wednesday evening Mr. and John Riehl at Lisbon on Sundty were Mrs. Harry Garner, Church St.. were Messrs. w. H., L. A, and J, C. and Ed- honored when thrs, mymbers ot the ward Breiihaupt. Mr. and Mn. D. A. u. Paul‘s mm cholr met at Bean. and son Walter, Miss A. R. and their home and presented them within Mr. It. s. Heart, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. beautiful crown Derby cup and “no. Wiederhqld and Mrs. Levi Shuh. Miss Margaret Imbainger has Wt turned to Lorena Abbey. Toronto. at ter a ghnrt holiday spent at her home in Kitchener. » in the Twin-Clix Misses Helen and Louise Gavin. of --_- ----- London England, have arrived in Miss E Sr 1grn‘n or "men Mawr" own and will take up their manic-non School,, spent Thanksgi: an it the home ot Mr. Peter B. Barring, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. b' Erb street, Sl-agram. Willow street. ---- Mime Florence Kuntz of St. Joseph's Academy. Toronto was a visitor in Waterloo over the holiday. Miss Helen Snyder and Miss Martha service given by one ttreithaupt of Bishop Rtracttan's 'or King and Cuuntry School. Tomato, spent their huliday: .----- in the Twin-City Misses Helen and It Would be a Strain on Cedric’s Intelligence. Mr. and Mn. E. Frowde Seagnm and family have moved Into the hand some and commodluua “Seaman homestead†on Willow mum. and many good wishes will bo extended tor a long and happy occupancy by Its young master and mistress, Mn no“ Wing of Guelph has re iturdy. ot Preston. wire thtt sue: turnnd after Vilnius u the home or (Itcheuer friends this afternoon her parents, Mr. and Mn Manna Dev ------- ftt. n... " n onâ€-.- L..- 1,... In. Gilbert Bully ot Toronto in nuklnl a an My um with Mn. Alex under Ron. Ailm- Bt. Mr. and In. " J. loo“ of Ptoe port, Ill. runner] hm on Wm In an" n month: mu " no home a! Mr. and Mn Chutu local. In mama not! ulna! - â€on. â€ruled In the burning (an Ion“ ot Job Ron. In Wont Oxford. Mud In. Walkabout-l! Mot ,dto_Hnartttmttlavtrtt to Mr. a». W. that at mu Ivan.- lov Am a a. but aeMr. mm c. tor-email»; brutal-mi Min Hilda Devin has returned from visit to Toronto. 'fr, Yahoo-a!!! n- _. l The funeral wlll take place on Wed. nesday. Oct. 22nd " 1.30 o'clock Ithenca to the Erhsvme church and [cemetery for Interment. A lnrge circle of trlumla will nym- [pnthize with the family in their bo, roavement. tive grandchildren. Two sisters. Mrs. Charles Hasty of Waterloo, and Mrs Andrew Countryman of Grand Rapids. Mich, and one Dimmer, Mr. Philip Koch, Sault Ste, Marie, also survive, The death took place on Sunday noon of Mr. George Koch at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Knarr near St. Agatha. after a short illness ot pneumonia which he contracted last Thursday. Deceased who was born in Woolwich Township was a well. known retired farmer and in his Tlst year. The late Mr. Koch was twice married. his first wife being Cathar~ Ine Balm. After her death he was married to Elizabeth Rahn Wtttt- sur- vives with tour sons. Henry. William and Herbert of Waterloo. Jacob of Kitchener. and two daughters, Pearl, at home and Mrs. Ed. Knarr. (Ear, ma). on the old homestead, and also tive grandchildren. Two Hinton. Mrs. Charles Haas of Waterloo, and! Mrs Andrew Countryman of Grandl ",',eiigft"g, P S AWAY IN ST. AGATHA Miss Robson ot Amkhat, India, who is home on furlough. and Miss Sharp ot Glen Morris, were quests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Crowe, Herbert St., during their visit to Wat,. orloo. Mrs. Oscar Floischauvr is muting Tiong as well as can he lewc-n-d In it. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, after Ier meant operation. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hodgklns have moved from Schneider Are., to their newly purchased home at " Louisa 4t. Lieut. Colonel Beverly Browne. D.S.‘ North Waterloo is fortunate in haw 0., MO. anu Mn. Browne were the re. l lug Mr. N. M. Davison head a large violent: ot a moat hearty receptionI committee of representative businéun m their arrival at the (HER. Station men throughout the unit which in Thursday afternoon. by a 'arswltattdles the interior organization of number at warm personal friends and f factories and iiuetitutions. The PE. ldmirers in the Twin-City, who are I cellent results obtained last year from very proud of the valiant and horolcl [ho employ-es ot North Waterloo service given by one or our own hays! ware moat gratifying and there is no Mr. and Mrs. James Valentine and ion Cttvin motored to Drayton tor Thanksgiving where they entorad ' pleasant holiday or Raven“ days, the meals of Mrs. C. McNabb. Dr. U. B. Sham: has left for Cew Orleans to attend the meeting 't the International Society ot Proa.. beasts. on Fin-Id†and Saturday or his week, and the National Dental \ssoclntlon lieu week, Monday to Friday. Mm Von Unloy In: "tttmed to her home. luau Bt., from Toronto. where the hold I woman A: nano- trtuther In the olllee of Mr Wm; in"! during the put year. ( Me. JI- can. In and» tru. ' 'PI'""" use, In Datum antt cu. Mr. 3nd Mrs. Alexander Wylie, " leolrey St. Toronto. and Mm. Kite '_tyrfr. of Preston. were an guests ot am In“: A. Kaitlin an a. Do- Bun, an on Yt-dn, mm for Your York. when they will mu . number ot tho load!“ hoopla]- and tho attend . clinical moron-m1: which phyuchnl from .11 um at ml world will b. In lacuna. 1 -. (it. in! “I. qRfEFiii Pac', Il", "we..." r... ..:- 'e . r on oat-Ion “has to bum-d “an. Mmuuam" G, or»; “national 'h-ttet. J2ttt'tt.t',ltu. than '2‘ In. lash» PLEADS WILTY. l Charged with' defrauding his ore-div tors. non Kaplan, a merchant on King street west. was taken Into custody Snmrday night and appeared in polire court this morning whrro he pleaded not guilty. u.- wns n'prvsc-nted hy K. w. Oement. Ball was furnhthvd to the nmmml of $1200 and the also was adjourned until Wednesday. The objective for North Waterloo ls comparatively the same as Wat year t taking into considepdon the prosperity that the disir‘ct has exper- lencod In the lam twelve months it should be a simple’ n'mm- to re tt and pass thin objectlvd long @436 the campaign clones. A iduubl that this year when tahun imu ieansideration the Int-mused prosperity and greater production that even a gn-atm- sum may he rolled up to the credit of tho tuttployevs in all Kitch- tn-nvr'n and Waterioo'g prosperous im i (luxuries. There are altogether eight canvass- ing units to be covered by Dome titty canvassers. This unall army will de- vote its entire time to obtaining lub- scriptions tor the ensuing three weeks. Not a farmer. employee, business man C . manufacturer will be overlooked in L1", ting tooth combing that those aggremive men have “hit upon their shouldu. , to da. The various committee, described above embody the most active and prominent nwn in the district. When tho gun In tired on Monday, October 27th, North Waterloo will again show its good business principles in sub- scriMntt to the limit and obtaining their objective which will entitle them to the Prince of Wales Honor Flag, a beautiful emblem on which the Prince of Wales crest appears. Mr. A. Lorkhnrt is taking mm of the Transportation Commute!» this year and will sue that all sprakern and dvputallom have adequate trans- purtation roqtlfrvmenls. J. P. Sonny ls ('huirman of a large (‘nplmlttoo known as the Names (may mittee and their work of preparing "Ms M prospective Hon-l huyl-rs ls suvh that will undouhtedly produce oxcellpnt results when the campaign in over. - The Publicity Committee is in the hands of Mr. Henry Nylu-rg and have well in hnnn the work of county- wide distribution or publicity matsr inl such as posstvr's, pmuphletn. tear. lots, mint-minim] matter together with a tgeries of public "teetrnttts through. mtt tho County. which work is In the hands of Mr, G. o. Phillip, The Im- umnm- mnuunt of matter that panes through this votumittep's hands is truly a credit in list-If. Mr. Thou. Hilliard ot Waterloo is I Chair-nu of u very large Honoury _ Committee ot prominent men through- H.ii, the country in the local unit. whou dutie- m to boost the ion In 1thoir [out communion. I Mr. Chi. Ruby and " committee l will nnin thin year hurdle large sub scriptlonl of 325,000 tnd over, on ’which no commiuion in paid, and the force ot this committee has " ready been felt as mine very nub-lan- liai subscriptions have already been promised by the induxtriea and insti- ltutions In Kitchener and Waterloo land throughout the Unit. Mr. August Lane ls Chairman or the Bales Committee in charge of the work ot selecting canvauseru. super- vising of caetvtstsistng In the various eight t1latrietB. In this connection nearly all the CanratmeN have heun appointed in the urban centres and the country and the townships should be well manned by the and ot the pre- sent week. l {than diff-Juana] 'r "r""? "ar.Mr.G.o.e.%unenrut.the dynamo hound m â€than. ol all (In "no†Iuh. com-muc- and who I. my supported by It. R. M. ttrt dor of Waterloo and Mr. A, . m- un ot KILL-bout. " Wcxr-Chatrrnmt, both ot who“ lulu-nee in the forth. cqmlu campaign to (may apprecia- gm: ME â€I. 'nmratii an" 'ra.rqreNtdttrmtrrrsWtsv.eysttttrr. â€Mk-“um r.- 'gtt'Pdret =ll'l"'Gll'tt an. o Waterloo.,g,t. ','t,fhtttdi2e,' 'i'iiii' Chit-uni Nam - will -taItn,teosyty.q.t+tt_.othqrt" v‘w'm _ HS than of liu 4tmGiaatien. --wr#8r 'm' SAM HILL CAN can: 'rtsACH n: IrtArfr Landon, Oct 20.--Captain J. H, Thorpe, Cmtlititsn-Unitutitst candidah‘. was "lreted memhor of Parlianwnt n.Ti Rnshnlme division at Manchester in, the n-m-m hyowlocunn there. It wast announced In..- . GOAIJ'TION Tomorrow the campaign nuns. F'orthree Jays, many ot our best citizens will give all their time and attention to the raising ot the fund. Help them. Res nd liberllly. There is a great 'tere stake. The Navy League campaign for the raising of $500,000 is being held at various places this week. Every dol- lar suhscrihed will be used in Canada to aid U:oreadians-to provide relief for Canadian seamen injured in the war and their dependents-to com duct comfortable homes on shore tor our Enamel: In part-to organize Boys' Naval Brigades and give our boys the necessary training so that if they de- cide their livelihood 18 on the sen they will be ready tor the Merchant Service, P. Harding, Vice Preic, R. Haherer, Sm-retary and Allan Bechtel, Trans. A ready response ls looked tor and it is hoped that the objective for this worthy cause will be,ovei-srubscrihed. The citizens of \Vnterloo will be given an opportunity this week to as- sist in the raising of funds tor the Navy League of Canada in the cam- paign which will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Water. loo's objective for this year is $1300 and citiren8 will be canvassed by twenty business men of the town who have been appointed. The oificers of the local branch of the Navy Lea- gue are: Thomas Hilliard. Pres., Rev. Effort Will Be Made to Raise $1300 in Waterloo in Three Days. NAVY LEAGUE CAMPAIGN WILL BEGIN TUESDAY I Oct. 24th a By Wellington. The Cash Store CANDID‘ATE IS RETURNED BALL & 00;“? NW2: I. v 11etiit: It chial Roductlonl In "ned/t Cor-cu for Friday and OWN!†sumto"rrytatyeii.'dl'M tho n , 'thi, i One exclusive “Baum“ and? the plum "FrootA'iaw" It oeargt" the opcnlng bone-1h the 'aertns,3rtii"' vents pinching. and nllwo man "ti won in Inning. A?! Dainty In â€this“ " Kc, launch. the “W b‘l In. addition to the in“! PM if; Hindi; tin -iiit'Guroi"ri'-t-., - "Bayer" "thanâ€. - tl, " any drug _ .. let li' the rend. - in and“. of my" Hum Mac-dbl! " tbtteg . Commu- “Bayer TANGO- tii.7i5, have hem, proved sale by In!“ Pain, "Manchu, Noun-Ml, M. . tmttimm, anbngo. "quills. 7 " you don't It? the "Bum On the tnblM-I. "In†“N noLAnpirin if. I". _ A Tkeris " "unfair Aspirin, that In with the “Rnyot 11ro-"--U1 oth.. k? a_n- _ottirPrid_Uniuue -' Aspirin be not German but 5 In Canmin by Candi-an. and In by a Cttrmrtiart Pump“, 1 purringâ€! frtrtrt the ll B. gatt Look for'tlle "Bhlveimdwvr "t 11 " is rm! Alpirin. for 'IIW no 'tstti'rtatte. Only Tablets with "Bayer C are Aspirln-No omen! Many friends will deeply â€a wlth the family In the more meat which has betallen them. HOW YOU CAN TELL: GENUINE ASH Mr. Abner Shantz, a won-kn: and etrteetttett mung farmer. at I Plartsville, svccumhed to Injuries ceived a week ago Friday. in! fol: from a (we. a distance of It. tool. while picking apple. on father's farm. As a result of tall he was paralyzed from " I down, the young man malaria; A a broken neck He was a son of Mr. and M31 I Shaun. of near Planavmo. who vive, together with three blot; Arne, Bright. Oblah. Plum“? Lorne at home. I J: A row days ago he showed tb " improvement, but this morn“... passed away. , SUCCUMBED TO INJURIES BY FALL PROM LADD, The “I In itre and» git Och diurnal, due to acidity No “Manson, hmm,’ _ lacuna; of [In or "math treated bod, no diuhms. Hod _ breath or headache. I " 'ts' Diapapdp "s "ttted for J) . in. Jt,1tht,f 5am _ It [I the moat. quie mt smack II on" In an whole world, and beside in hmless. Put In and t9 Ito- (Ii-tun " once by gating I lug. I cant use of Pape'u Dinpvpsin by. drug store. You realize in tive I†how not-diets it In to Buffer M). t petition. dyapcpals or any atom; ordet mused by [cum-Math! m awake aid. in aroma“ _ “Papa's lepgpslq" noun-11m SOUR, ACID STOMACHS. GASES " INDIGES' iteo acid WiiorGiii,' TirraG' .3 "Ptti!tia, harms» amen. won at Waterloo (i, ' 15 JP