itSlR WILLIAM WILL MEET HIS r. COLLEAGUES There via a wordy debate in poiico' court this morning In connection with a charge against Mike Pheremn ; who Wu bound over to keep the t peace after being found guilty of mah. ’ In; threats against John Schierhardt of Doom it appears that an altorra-i "on ensued Between the two parties) II n mun ot the defendant maturing Ill “tile on Schierhardt'n land, The, plant“! deduct! the defendant'; (Install-d to kill him but the threw" an chimed he mum only to kill his bill. The Magistrnte settled the at l hit by taxing the costs on the dorm-l “It and binding him over to keep, the - for a year. I WORDY DEBATE IN POLICE COURT ' TRIS MORNING The Constituency mentioned in the 00's list n In doubt is East Welling. ton with Liam. Col. Pritchnnd Conger mm and A. Hlllyer, U. P. o, con- mam tor the Beat, . Toronto, Oct. 21's" William Haunt is expected in this city tomor, row. Ind will immediately meet his Wu ot the defeated Conserva- tive Government and formulate plans in: future action following the gener- nt elections of yesterday Until this muting is held and the statement giv- on out political possibilities of the ontario Inn-lion ore largely a mat- ter of conjecture The standing of tho parties thin niternoon nppearedto to u follows: U. F. 0. 42. “bani: M. Cannon-liven 28. unhol- 11. Independent Liberals 1. Soldier 1 (one sent here credited tn the Conlerntives appeared to he doubtful between the Conservatives and U. F. o. columns. IcPhenon. provinclnl secretary in Northwest Toronto, Hon. T. w. Me. Garry, provincial treasurer in South “from Hon. I. B. Lucas. in Centre Grey, Hon. F. G. Mncdlarmid in Elgin Went. were all beaten by their oppon- Qtl In their respective “dings. Hon. Dr. Cody, mlnlster of education, who VII "turned by acclamatlon in North. “ Min. and Hon. A. E. Ross. who VII likewise returned without a content in Kingston. with Hon. George Henry. minister of agriculture. and Hall. Hosnurd Ferguson are the sole “who" ot cabinet rank, as the re- ttut ot the election today. SW at I late hour. also refused to We the defeat at the Hearst Government. The Toronto Star, Um supported the Hearst party, ad- llwod In In handling at 11.30 that the â€ace of power was In the hands 3th U. P, o. lost at the Conservative ministers int down-to damn with Sir William " FUNERAL or [was assisted by Revds. D. Brandt. of JOHN NEE, SR., flfamhurg. and Mr. Knuth. of Shakes. HEIID ON SUNDAY)W"P' In the course of their ad, :dresses all the speakers took occaslon The funeral of tho late John Riehl tin pay tribute to the tine Christian at. took Platt from his late residence. t character of the de.ettyed, and his Lisbon, on Sunday anpmoon at one ', tttithrtMttetrs to the Lisbon church. ot o'clock. After a short service at the _ whieh he had been one of the pillars. home the funeral procepded to Lisbon Want! trustee, Steward and Sunday Evangelical church. which was ttlied fschoon superintendent for many years. to the doors by hundreds of relatives The. remains were laid to rest in and frivnds who had come to pay tho Lisbon cemetery. their last trittute of rr-Spoct to the de- one son and three daughters tttrr. parted. many of them trom a distance. vive, V11. John A., Lydia tMrs. Wm. Th" survive was in charge ot the Rev. Wm. llnnrirh of Ootzwln. who The election of Dr. Cody, Minister of Education, by accla- mation has proved a hollow victory now that the Hearst Govern- ment has gone down to defeat. Dr. Cody gave great promise as an administrator of Ontario's Department of Education. Will a place be found for him in the new Coalation Government that may be formed, or will he lead the Conservative forces in the new house. Not being much of a partizan, it unlikely the post of Con- servative leader would appeal to him. There will be few regrets over the defeat of Hon. I. B. Lucas, Attorney-General in the Hearst Government. He was a political acrobat, whom only the electors could place their hands upon. Hamilton will be Iepresented'in the Legislature by two Labor representatives, Walter Rollo and Controller Halcrow, both of wnom received surprisingly large majorities. Only the Ministers who were recently taken into the Cabinet are members of the new Assembly, Hon. Messrs. Cody, Henry and Ross. The "sleepers" were rudely awakened. Walter J. Snider and Gavin Barbour polled large votes, con- sidering the fact that they live in the rural sections of the riding. The United Farmers of Ontario reprsentatives are pledged not to link up with the old political parties, but are expected to be independent. Sir William Hearst blames the Temperance Act for the defeat of the Government. He has another guess coming. There is one consolation, Sir Adam Beck's defeat does not re- move him as chairman of the Hydro Commission. The "big interests" will extend their eongratuhitions to 'l bor" for their success in defeating Sir Adam Beck. But, Jimmy-old-bor, " will aver be 100 per cent. We may be very sure ot that. In all development of material and spiritual endeavor we have got to take up with less than the beat. The laurel 1| tor him who has (be best In View and ardently pursues It, And the chase Itself avails muett.---M. L. For our percentage of virtues and power and achlevemem lot us be glad and so in tor a higher percentage. ToJ.0.B. Henltll. Strength and Vital“? are your. It you desire them. got- few boxes of Markings I can. and Nerve Romuly lrom your dealer today, and give them n fair trial. " la the Master Tonk Ind Builder that will unwound when others In" filled. Mn. li. ITinrhrli7e of Winghmn wrlu-s M follows - "Harkrutr'n Heart and Nerve Remedy has done womb-rs for me.l was on the poiut of a Complete Nana: Bmhdo'n, could not slow-p "or plan my household dullm; for yet" I sullu'wl with my llmrt an! mv New": and lboulocton coul'l doll lle for um I umk llmvkiuy‘n "an Ind New? Rrvmvlv on the rer-rrturtrprtdatirrtt of mm, of my friends. After “kin! the tht box I 'mproved go much In heatth that I took the lull lmtumnl of six bone, and am now (Penn; in much batter that? nm able to return My my work vim "nave! vigor. lam glad that I hue u Inc found a mam-inn that has done me In much good." Mackinaw “can Ind New" Roman sofa- G, GG,atroE 0 for ".60. " your [Imam dorm not have“. he will begin! m get It for you or we will be glad to land it to ytm by mil pout. paid. [Mist on lllckhu‘s. HACKING'S LIMITED. Listowe1, Ont. Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy " ukea any "that tired feeling" Ind brings back the rot, ctieeks at your younger days. I When your trood Mam. have: you then you 1000 energy. whichâ€: and the desire to mend In life. Tttity" that. are worth while, do not imam you and you just dug on from day to day. non't give up; Don‘t Weaken, do not he dimmed be. cauu other miicilws have! 'lal to beoefit you, here in one that will Build Up and 'lsf'i2,7iUl' the Body My that you will again be Strong and Vigorous-- WHEN YOUR HEALTH FAILS ALL IS LOST! 71' E Ono son and three daughters sur- vive, vim, John A., Lydia (Mrs. Wm, Snyder), Sarah (Mrs. Chas. Klein), and Edna (Mrs. Ed. Runyon.) " (Toronto Globe) By thet defeat of Mr Adnm Back ln London the "use of public nerVk‘P nan sum-red a "were blow. " would appear that the head of the Hydro- elwlrin Power Commituriott h" been mule the vimim of machinations: thitt an not credluhla to [hone who for» rrtvod and angina-rod them. Amen: the friend. Ind supporter: of public 0min more will he I feeling that air AMtgt In: mm a poor reward toe tho mm- of labor am to h the: to no. path. 1 (Toronto Worrft V Hott. H. J. Cody has "o, empty honor of an noclnmatloh to ' nhrttolin he must now ruin, Ho In I..~ only man elm-ted in the ptwtr, eligihln to load It. wm (Truly lead the CortrrrPvative opposition or will he retire to the ttrettdlttcottttte'. It would be strange if the neveral bodies In the legislature with iden- tical policies on tht, fr.vdro-Paleetrie nwamrm do not get together to as» sure him the non-partisan and indrr pendent position he asked for the opportunity to consummate the Hydro- Electric plans. ! “I (Toronto World.) Sir Adam‘s policies have been sus- tained by a legislature pledged to Buy .port them by two to one at least. The Liberal platform. the U. F'. o. plat. form. the Labor plnttorm and the trot. titer: are all pledged to carry them through. No man can do this like Sir Adam. The people trust him and he must not desert them. "is enemies hive fallen and his friends have triumphed. The local lane in London in of minor Important-e. (Toronto World.) Men who have fought tor truth and liberty with the beasts of Germany did not some home to live in an atmo- sphere ot treachery and deceit. They knew what it was to trust each other In Flanders. and they found a govern- ment which refused to trust the poo- plo at home. There could be but one result. (Toronto Globe.) Ontario is to have her first experi- ence ot coalitions. The King‘s Gov- ernment, mus: he carried on. It is evident that the Hearst Ministry, mattered and runt It the polls, and dssraedited L:[ure me country. can~ Ttrtt hope tp rncelvu from the United Frrmers any] me Later members tho cooperation and support necessary to I“; retention and rapport necessary to its rmenhon ot alike. The verdict of .he electvrs. whatever else it may moan, does unquestionably mean that a majority' of ihe people of Ontario are against the. Hearst Government, and desire that are Seven Sleepers shall be replaced by a live and pro- 3.9381“. Adutuukitattc.n. " is only fourteen years since the some lesson was taught to the people of Ontario. The people remembered It. but the politicians forgot. Will they forget. again , (M-ul and Empire) The election. with all its singular- ities. is the consequence ot unrest. The potter of the Government that received most attention in the con- test was approved at the polls, but did not win the support or the peo- ple tor the Government's candidates. A great part ot those who voted to continue the Governments war 'irie legislation in restraint of the liquor trattle voted against the can- dida'es of the Government. Consol- vattee leglslators are used to that k‘nd ot treatment at the hands at temperance voters. Then the wo- men who owe the franchise they exercised m this election to the Hearst Government, in many cases voted only for the temperance leg- islation and omitted to Vote for candidates. or preferred those who were opposed to the Government. In the popular brain-storm tire Mitt. isters were defeated. Sir Adam Beck went down to defeat. It re- mains to be seen whether or not the, voters have brought Ietrislatiort and government to a state ot dead- lock. The train, in chute of Conductor A. chonhld. ot London, with Ermin- eer W. A, Harvey, at Sanford. It the: throttle. In traveling " the rate of} about as to to miles an hour and the (our victims were driving month Gl the direction of the city. They up“ patently did not see the train coming' " all. u it hit the buggy squarely in the middle. All tour were thrown a dislmeco (About " yards up the track end the sheltered buggy wu thrown upon the bank, All were kill- ed outright with the exception ot Mme. Frid, who was brought In to the city on the train. but mined “my on the station's platform. I Guelph. Oet. ".---Fro we... And two "all mm In’. killed tun nit-moon than I - In winch It.) won driving was struck try A Grad Trunk â€sensel- lulu Just out ot the city l The victim- voro In June hid! Bad hr tutu! Ion Victor, and Inf Joan Bulunn Ind he: two yur-old‘ daughter I him-mum Amrrnarkprm--tt-tnt-itth'amtuad-r,ttMdtittMA'Mrrta- ammo: I WtomrsowrmdriithaBtgtrtatdotf Q CIR ADAM BECK'B DIFEAT. A POLITICAL REVOLUTION. ENEMIES HAVE FALLEN EXCHANGE OF VIEW POINT A STATE OF DEADLOCK. WILL CODY LEAD , DID NOT FORGET. incident. IR It in rat mach expat-lemu- u that of In. tt mar that has made this famou- rmt and herb remedy a Whom word from - to ocean. Any woman who Mtffem from !yl,tgttt,tie Neonatal. Wot-tn. cc no" My“!!! cg I' tho jam! I' mi} sum-inn - itutadven uh "In; 9nd for and}! “who my. I tdia It FiahaWaiarcdL, his ir'Pd Vegahbio Compound curt-d me no I all not mod the operatilm. and! um tollin all my friend- nbout iL"-Mrs. A. W! 3mm, Black RN" Falls, Win. ,7“ ‘ILJHW‘WVI' i Fs,. MN " f .r r y . "I 'r li, ri', I) i!B' til " /fiiettll, a Do not mun further dngwnb 2.hlyis lead- ing, or round- lng Piles. No arergrlcal own- ation rx'qt1frtxi, Dr. Chm} Ointment will relieve you at onm unit an oorlninly cure {ow mc, a an“, all 'ri,",,',",,"; or Edmanmn. 1mm & Co., Limllrd. oronto. Sample box frm'itprsu mmllun mu - u-d qtttttMtt. M. stamp to pay plume. ELECTION RETURNS, There were many surprises for the electors on Monday evening when the election returns were received. The auppurtcrs and friends of George lluelIm-l, Ilw popular Lahhr randidalv. were jubilant at the splendid showing he made, especially in Waterloo wln-n~ ho sirsttivtl tho Mg majority of 456. Mr. Haellnel made many friends during the campaign and had he’ been hatter known in Kitchener and Ihe rum) distriz-ts he would haw polled in considerably larger “no. Buck River Falls, Wh.-"" Lydia E. Pinkhun'l Vegetable Compound - - ' saved me {roman ‘ “W I opensti lame: . . 1'l'G'lJlt, in "is. otit. 'fll,frel'ufS,r, ‘ ' . orgnnlctmubleamd E ‘ tl H my aide hurt me so ‘e . ‘ . , lcould hardlybe u ik q_ u ‘ , from my bed. and; ‘ Al l ymsttnablotodortty . f l". ‘ housewark. I hid 'ty 4f " ' gm heâ€: Megan fri ' Ls, V; In“ In roan a mi? wanted me to luv: , ,, V. In ngwrntjon but - .. -. hymn-.1. i'iG'ieiiiji Ba, hldn_3_Ly_din E. Pinkham’s n...†.Tb.. FP% F_TNrqB. .74 K'"""" .. 1higlzillgtr’lmllvIfll)â€l\(:(t‘i:1.\"mf(tlux"MILtongrmxflh:I on this prtmiistss, of the late l’vtcr Mount Fans! in alwnd tho burial of Hamuwr in the village of Hamburg me lute liter Itoylw. fatitssr of Mr, nu John D0310, Thu rote Mr. i', (“r M019] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST was a [arnwr m Iliat distlu-a and had readied the rvmurknhl» an“ hf lu4t'ommencing at 2 P m. X1135 The 1lvretlt took plate on Thurs, REAL KSTATE-Valualrle Immu- w. ---e---------i---- ty consisting of mm at'rt' of land, tli, Do not Hulk: story frame dwelling containing 5 t'Ml'tU.'%':1tt {mums and summer kitchen, goml 'ar j'a,i2r,x'.1"r'i,iii,: ‘frumv barn, vurivty of good fruit egg-glen! (may ttuu's. Also wmv Imusvlwld vinyls. THIS WOMAN SAVEO FROM M OPERATION Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prestion have on Monday morning for Toledo, Ohio, whvre they will spvnd the next two weNis visiting friends and relauw-s. While in “w United Shiies they will also visit many other Amrrican cities. Mr. Prpsnien is Hespelor's lama“ building t'orttractor and is on a bus)? ness as well as a pleasure trip. He has put up some of th" largest tary tories and some of the tinest homes in the district. Their many friends in town will wish tlwm a pleasant trip 10 Urn-la Sam's domains. Dies at Age of 104 Years. _ Succeuful Auction Sale. The livery stack ot Mr, Herman Schwintlt. consisting of blankets. robes, harness, waghns and buggies was sold by auction in front or the tire hall on October 14th. Articles which were ligurml to bring thlast, averaged host Home of the buggius were held hack fur private sale. The sale brought near the $600. mark. Nearly a Serious Accident. While driving his Henry Ford on the (Tonvstngo Road. wliethor it was through carelessness or an accident, the ear took a sudden dive tor the ditch and turned turtle several times. Fortunately no one was injured and the car was but slightly damaged. Goes to United States on a Trip. Vegehgle Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cues. TERM S CASH BrickerGermannCoLtd _ All Wool (Reiner's, Wellesley Mike) You know the kind, priced from Me to $1.60 a pair. WORSTED YARNS. _ __ -___ The kind you generally bought for those toqd home knit stockings for men and children. Black, Medium and Dark Grey and Ctudi nal, per skein 'e.....-................ LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S manna - "Tin assorfuiéh’t‘ii 'ir' eimilid -- iiitisirireiiitrtxnuttt mouths tog 1itita' "’ "ir"illlrlt'il'nt'l'lll"d'l't"dl11'l"lL'tl'll uatoput t'j'll'lll'alfhlt 'tNt','lif prices considerable under WI prices. V NOTE We show at fine range of Ladies' and C hildren's Heavy Winter Coats, at prices that' be most acceptable to you. Come Saturday. . BOYS HEAVY WINTER HOSE See the ladies' Vests and Drawers, - Me, Tire, Me "otittttgtSqthpt. ELMIRA POI ALL mm IO am Winter Met Smallpox in a mild form has brtrk, on on! in Wuminlm‘k. Tho ttrsrt can"! were noticed Monte days nun, SHIII since then inn-oral nrw raw: havo I'm-n doieriml by the Modiral 0m. air of Hettlth. Thorn I: also n sprink- ling ot can: of dlpltthcria. Ono Vi!†tim of the lnnvr dist-azu- has already bean plaimmi near the rlly illnilm a death having taken place In! mm. A number of cases hroke out mnung the pupils of Prince" School and the whnnl hag Mon cloned. The Board ot â€all" do“ not comidor tho out. look 1‘w"m'n~ m w“ hm Hr Marin“ Smaupox in Woodnock ( SATURDAY. NOVEMBER IST. ‘(‘nmmnnvinx at I o‘clock p m. 1 Ctussterfie1d couch, writing desk and book mew combined. lounge, hm]- Momls. springs and tttattre.Rtrt's. wash stands, kitchen table, some small tulw los, rook Mme. kltrlmn cupboard. sink sol-w rocking chairs, kilchtsn chain. mmo cane wan-(1 tmairs, mum-mad»- mrpvts. iron fnhllng courh. lot of Pit' tun-4, In! or Illshvs. tin ware and hir when munsils. carpet swumlmr, lamps, lot of ditterent kinds of ttood hunks. minim) tonic. spades, nhnvnh. have. (Tm-ks. wringor. and n lot ot ner ar. th-lem too numnrmls In nwminn. _ TERMS ram, 1 Thom will he sold be public atwiion in the village of BL Jacobs. lhv house- holds gmnls and “when: belonging to the oslato of (hr late L. J. Widuman, Valuable Real Estate and Household Effeets AdditionalAuction Sales CHA'rTFls-Cash. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE will Ire ("adv known on day of sale. JOHN HAMMER. Administrator of tht' late Petvr Hammer There will be sold’by publiv auction the premises of the late Peter OF , Household Effects, Etc. PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE S3000' S3000-' Phone 949 N. E. HAUO. Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, And. H. B. DUERING, Aunt r-East Ward, 6-roomed, a fair buy. CLAYTON B. EBY Queen Street South, 7-roomed Solid Brick, Hot Water Heating, good lot, modern in every way. ROOM 3, MERCHANT'S BANK BLDG. Entrance Queen St. North. OPEN EVENINGS. A SNAP MENS HEAVY can? lull) i' OVERALLS . The last week at this price. Silos " to 42. Special " M WATERLOO ONT v' 4rit . GREETED PRINCE or WALn Many Waterloo people want to Kit- vhr‘nor on Monday owning and [root- mi tho Prince of \anos at the G. T. R. depot. The apocial train stopped bl Kitchener ahout five minutes Ind I number “no given an opportunity d shaking hands with the Prince. H. was: an"! n musing roroplion. Th. train proceedod to Guelph when at Prince will wand io-day. _ 30ml. prutttry, roots and all sums of in tlollars and undor. cash; over that nmnum IP. months' credit on tttrproW "d m-vurily, or c, per rent. discount for cash mymnnis of credit amounts. HA Y AND GRArN--f Ions Timothy hm. mm hush oats, qhanmy of ttax ",urd, onnrhalr bush. clover seed. can. my of turnips, Pnsitivoly no reserve. . TERMS or' 'o'ALE-Har, pun. p,, - The Grrat mg“... a... Tun"! unl “when.“ th- ‘I norvmuumrm. uh. "t old Winn. ? [WI-1, Mada] and Rain E . d’l'l. to.“ of â€mun. " 'rh'7t% Hm PI. Fan!" anmry. Mr. " nutt, 'oe" Um I "1 ' 1. .vi‘ gulf"... tt rt. *‘t-‘y I,†'t './,',,'i",",J,ii'g'i' [ [ .. , 'up, 't "HM. 'rt6, bshcia'tli:.iu'iiiu'i'at' baa' I.\H‘I.E.\IENTS. ETC- Ttttrrow Cockshutt plow, But single nameâ€. anvil and vice mmhinod. pair qt wat- or proof blmlkuts. breast strap nunâ€, umhh- wrapor. hand spray, who, lead- ing iron. 51-! ot hamcs and chain trtte. vs. swiil barrels, new DeLaval mun wpnrumr. milk cooler, crowbnn, midi forks. dung forks and a lot ot other usvful arm-Iva. PIGS AND POULTRY-S Int pigs “right an" Its. each, 4 shoals. , months old. 15 shunts 7 weeks old, " young chickens, white loghorns and purv bred Rocks. iioRt:iF:S-Goott driving mare " years old. Chestnut mare " year: old. hay mare rising 2 years old. Per: chum" sun-Hing lilly. 1'AT1LE--i', good dairy Cows".-- grade Durham cow due to salve Feb. Itlth. grade Durham cow due to calve May ".'uu.'itollot Angus cow due to valve Doc. 14th, 6 good grade Durhun spring (-ulvvs. . Farm Stock , Implements, There will be sold by Public Amt. tinn on the prunisvs of tho under-Ix- HM], situated three miles east ot WN. Icslvy, one mile north of Berlet'l Cor. ner, Lot 9, in the Township ot Wet. lestey. nn 7 TUESDAY, NOV. 4, 1910 Commencing at 1.30 o'clock. my" sharp the following valuable property. LOUIS H, WAGNER, Proprlocor. ED. KAUFMAN, Clark. 43-2t. PUBLIC SALE H. B. DUERING, Auctioneer. Res. 12ma