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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Oct 1919, p. 3

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/ttttft " W. W, Eula». " "can. Sam 1- n "M0itgt. " as. city. amounted EFL-“9°" form ye MW“! 1'1. - main“ outbrma Minimum um. his plan- in connection its tFi mice um um bu boon with the Mount . a I ot unit-lion u. the 'ri) e----.---------.----. 'l'p mun Hospi'al. "rat. qu'. experience in InniuanNQUET WAS ttart work in the "my gives him' T3tNDBRBDX0 .aetnltr excellent qutsMcatiotts [0| Att the on!” of Bnoftary Inspeclo: in,' MG EDITOR Kitchener. The appointment will be' ----_--. mined at the next meeting or the! The directorl and gala!!!” New» fi": 2tl'l't"a"t','1'flttt 33:13:: I Record Limited tendered I Know.“ 3. I an duties or his ottice. +,b,a,.rye,t,Ut 'tu5,ty.te,e1u'te,ee',t: . To Wnlerloo County‘s leading weak. V new-paper. we Chronicle-Telegraph hoe-Isa it In giving you servlce. which ho! only 1)er you Oe local m-wu of Waterloo County, but bring; you the world happenings into your h-mw And then you are tistereLted in trc Auction Salon. market reportn am other features, it your nulmcrlmlun I: now due, (-nclnne ttso in un Mr vulovo and mail to no. igzag! “an . on 2- Jet11ttt tnatuxuii “new ' gnu-q- .'r.1at','lNtS'l'l wt' YOU All A IUIWRIIER HYDRO GAVE 180,000 PEOPLE CHEAPER ELECTRICITY I V- a - - - --. .. - . a 4-“ 'irer., "N. h I h" H .M HYDRO electricity saves the people of Ontario millions of dollars yearly. One hundred and sixty-six municipalities, pro- videdwith l Iydrocurrcttt. 'pay less for electricity than they did br lorcl lycho l’owcr supplied them. And Hydro current cost them less now than it did during the tirst year that they mud it. The Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario is con- stantly extending this service for the benefit of the people. The Commission is interested in doing whatever itcan to make [Imminent usml of great- est value. As a result of rigid tests in its own laboratories Hue Commission recommends the use of HYDRO Quality Lamps for horn,, lighting. "Mt SAL! BY '_U"l-uCa-ic"i---t- m...m-,. ,. w... 4 " mm; WATERLOO WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION “HYDRO SHOP” In (I: rainwater!" the Commission Inf: If vn RO Quality lav-p: for brillianm. rune"! tanwmn'. an "ml/englh of quuIneu. " YDRO Quail/y Lamp: (any the Commiu- Amis anumna of awaulc sotis.'uction in um, HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION _ 0F ONTARIO wishes of all present ., _ .. Metiltabt* ,rtiiisatiraiiilitd WAXattttmm" MhMYuH-M I"!!! magma Armagnac“ Kay, Norman llellmulh and John Dar. wen. A number of vocal solo» were rrmlured by Mr. Barman. which were greatly enjoyed. RoprtusetMativts ot the various priming eatattlitsltments and Ihe Daily Telegraph were preterit. Thr, luunquct was an enjoyable event and Mr. Utlley received the good WM: with a. was“ at an wanna-m block as K!“ m up: but”: You: and mm aunt ", ”clog at the pogo:- an: cud-cc Punch-u. Thq am Mud tor men a. pm. Record Limited tendered I [trowel] banquet at Wagner hotel, 3514:0904 last night. to the retiring naming editor. W. V. Uttley. 0m Enamel presided as ton-Imus!” And the was! to the guest w“ wowed by Mayor Gross. Those who woke were W. V, Haley. Dr. Sher"! Lackner. W. n. Euler, M, P., W. J. Mon. T, H. was null. In. withhold tron publica- non. Mr. Punch“ and that I. wu not wound to nuance " the present mm " plnu in connection with the property Pete '_ 39'. dill/hired?, Ir/atrdgte “I! GOLD A [,ile'"itlli?if,t,n "tTiieFiisTi" WE MN W HAT)‘ A 910.76: mm now ftt4tftg :5 weer sttap4FEt tr 'isisfriahiems - _ FOR awaJlm venous ao- --o um 'i9ilk7i.'f . " (ltrmlr GOOD - 15th. I at Ana plate 5 Atidetutiitatamottt. union noon-c rm road and adopt“ cou- 'I',,t',',',rltp no road moonlit. sum: to tlui worm-ed to: payment. - Duo. Immunity to “.50 were ranked tor the month The limit. and Nuance may received. Mrs. P. H. 'atttfuutt* with thq Pro mien! no on the buying cumulus. Alumnus Ivore 9mm and rend their reports ot the previous year. which mud to be very encouraging and "tutaetorp. Other- tor the your no u follows: Hon. Pre..----- G. C H. Lang, Geo. Wagon-st. A J. omen. J. B, Wearer and Mina oeuetmurer. Hon. Vice-Pri-Mr' WI. H. Bowl- br, Pma.--Mrs. L, 3mm. In! Vice Pre-Mrs. D. w. Houston. 2nd Vice Pres,--Mra. F. H. Kalb nulach. 3rd Vice Prcuvaruv C, W. Schlcdel 4th Vice Prelers D, A. MacMii. Thr- many friends ot the bereaved 'Mmily were grieved to learn of the lmlh of Hortense Mnrchand. the bw overt with. or Mr. Arthur Pequegnat, which took pint-v on Thursday oven mg at 5 o‘clock. utter an illness of ww‘ml yours. Tim deceased lived here almost continuously slnre 1874. <he was born in Switzerland in IMS, and was in lu-r 65th year. She wnl married in 1872, coming to Canada with her husband and the Pequexnat family in 1874. Her parents followed seotrR1 years later. Since coming to I'anada she lived in this city ever since. with tho excnplion of one year; when Mr. Pequegnnt conducted a' Jvwoilery ston- in Mlldmay. Seven children were born, six ot them are living. namely, Mrs. H. F. llm‘hmer. Mrs. ll. C, Schulte. Cleveland. 0.. and Ma, at home. Edmund, Marcel and Eugene. Tho. deceased in also aur- vivml by three brothers and three tsisters. Oscar. Kitchener; Emil, Mll- ton and Arnold. Waterford. Mrs. Henry lemnald. Bunnie; Amie. Kit. chener. and Alberta, Switzerland. The late Mm. Pequegnot wlll be greatly mlsrwd try the bereaved husband and children, whose sorrow will he shared by a wide circle of friends and arquan- tnrttwts. Shr- was a lilo-long and faith- ful member of Benton 1%. Baptist church. and took a. keen interest in the work ot the Woman's Missionary Soclety. The iunnrnl will take place on Sunday at 3 pm. trom her late realm-urn on Frt-rlerlck street. to Mount [lope cemetery. No f1owtmg are (Insured. DIED GOOD --- At (Hashim, Alborla, 00L 15th, Margarot Hrtloer, mum: wife of Allan Good, The runnral will lake place on Friday, October Wth. BORN. I'HAt1ucGNAT--- In Kitchener, ON. 18, to Mr, and Mrtr. A, c. Pram-Rum. 24 Louisa strut. " “any". Our work perrortnod has boon all 'iu- usual order, and owing to the in, "rt-min; nnmht-r of patient: and oper- "ttions a much larger amount of tur wishing» and supplies are constantly ouptired. We have also made improvements such as laying hard wood ttoors in two ' kitchens. dispensary and cor- ridnr in the basement and cork run-l new on second and third tToor corri-j inrs. Tin-so with so many large and uusaller itoms have made heavy durl mantis upon our funds. The Trvasur- .r will present to you tho tinancIai' stumment and i am sure it will he MRS. ARTHUR PEQUBGNAT PASSES AWAY Ian line. Sect'y. A Mrs. C. Ruhr. Asst. Rec. 'Reecy.---Mra. P. nearing Trr-asurer Mrs. G. Lumen. Corr. Beety---Mrts J. L. lloltz. Atttrt, Curr. Beet'y. -Mrgr, C. M “nether. The Drake la All That Ma Claims It Is. tn reviewing the work during the War ending September 30th, 1919, It is very pleasing to me to he ahle to report I year of progress and prosper Prcubdqnt'. Report. To 2.t' members at the Kin-honor 1nd Waterloo Hospital Ladies' Auxil- iatry. ty DIED . . WahWE"i" 3W5! ALE In Kitchrmtsr, (mum-r lath, Tim dent): of Mrs. H. Kolb, 18 Bingo, “Porno Vain, " Funeral announce man Ht., took Nice at 7.30 o'clock ment later, Na Roqrttrtg, Tucmiay owning. after a three weeks' -- -- __ A "v--F- - zlllncxs. BORN. 1 The rum-ml took place trom tho F'.WucGNAT-- In Kitchener, Ort. 18, rentdenca on Friday, Oct. Wth, It 2di0 to Mr. and Mrs. A, c. room-gum, 24 n m. to the Ens: End Mennonite neme- Loulam sire-1, Jt daughter. tery .13 he October 15th, 1919 on: tho "has "ar. Wheat: 'tcoo, - - _ stat-loo 8600.”. such (to Y f walnut Aunts” have m, that , . a. parts of both Wstorloo Hull’s Alumnus will is _ to you. This Is the tyet bin col. locus on s Taq my “this that the sy-psthy of m mule is with us In the venue ot the 2',WI oter that: In due to all who u can!” hated to our funds from the Ingest to tbs smallest mount. And she to All who so kindly assisted us In “ther- "ne. so Inge s sun, whlch Is no any work and requires n thorough oran- Ization to accomplish it and be Bue- Gii'iiir The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Kolb, rclicl of [he Into Dill-um Kolb. who was held from her into home on Bimpuuan street nilnr a brief illness. will ht- held from her lute ham" on Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock thenrw to the East 16an Mennonite Cemetery where Interment will he made. The news of me death of Mrs. Kult, wan received with elm-p re- gret in this city city throughout the wide circle In Whil'h she was known and loved. She was born in Water. loo Township on May 13. 1846 and had spent the greater part of her life in Kitchener. in IMS she was mar- rind to Mr. l)ilman Kolh who prede- ceauml her about a year ago. Mrsy' Kolh was the daughter ot the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moyer who were among the "arty plnnm-rn of Waterloo thrttn- ty. She was a lifelong member all the Methodist Church being omi of: thr. oldest members of the congrega" tion of Trinity Methodist Church in this city. Deceased was actively aw anointed with the various church soc- ieties, helm: identified with the Ladies Aid Sonny and tho Missionary Soc- iety, Ituring the years at the war‘ Mrs, Roll) win: one of the most faith- ful workers at the Ited ('rosa moral. rnrely mm 12 in her attendance at the rooms, Shr- wnu kind-hearted uml was happiest when engaged in making others htppy, Although over tho allnted spun of lite she was young in spirit and her social qualities made her a favorite in a wide circle of friends. She la survived by three daughters, Mary Alberta. Mrs. S. E. Bowman. of Kitchener, Allie, at home and Ada, Mrs, G. J. Lacknnr of Wind, sor. who will have the aympathy of their many friends in the loss of a tow ing mother. Our Purchuinx Committeol have taken great care In buying the mp- pliers necessary for the Hospital. The membership show: an Increase of the new members. In May we lost the uervlca ot the ttuperintcmient Mina Elsele. The Assistant Superintendent all" Mae. Mlllan'u udvlce Ind anislancu wax- greatly turpreciatmt. In September Minn lluekie as Superintendent took charge and I am pleased to say she In most pleasant and common.» to us In all our relntlons to the Hospital. FUNERAL or MRS. D. -KOLB ON FRIDAY In closing I wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted in carrying on the good work. the Kitchener Red (‘ross Society tor It: noble slits, the Waterloo Young Women's Auxiliary, the Elmira Indies Auxiliary for their continued and excellent alsistauce. the Press tor publications or our re ports and giving Tag Day its public. ity, tho "mothers of the Street _Rallr ways for has transportation for the Tatt int-Hers to Mr. D. A. MaeMman, Manager of the Merchants Bank. tor the use of the Hank to transact our Tux [My huxinosu and to Mr. J. B. meor for auditing our hooks. I also wish to thank the otrieers and members of the Auxiliary tor kindness and suppurt during the year and I sincerely hope the Autiliuy will continue to prosper. Respectfully submitted. LOUISE SATTLER. PASSED AWAY Prosidont ttErt%-ENttCERT. Ilia; Jeannine linden Ind Mr. Gordon H. Kern were hpplly unit-d in matrimony at St. Huy'n R. C. church on Wednesday, Oct. 16th, the nuptial knot bell), tied by Rev. Je eph Englert, at Hamilton, a brother lot the bride. The bride was been!» {ingly united in white satin crepe with the customary bridal veil caught with a myrtle wreath. She carried a bou- mcl of bridal roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Carrie Lang who wore n bu- coming gown of pink Crepe de chene with black picture hat and carried a bouquet ot pink roses. The grooms- man was Mr. Harry Englcrt of Torou,- ' t a brother ot the bride. Following 'thc ceremony a wedding breakfast and reception wan enjoyed at the home ot the bride, 162 Wellington street. The bride was the recipient of a wealth of beautiful and useful [gifts which cvidcnvvd the high esteem in which she is held by her host of lrirmls. [Canallmn Press.) Now York. Oct. 15.--A wireless mer nmzo- was rocch'vd today by local agonis of a French line from the raplaln of tho stonmvr Chioazu. my- ing that he: had on board IO first class passrnzvrn. " ancond. Ita third. res- cued {mm the Fahrn liner, Vcnzia. which was almndonod on tiro In mid. arc-nu, Tho Chicago aim ran-105 " officers and 140 men of the crew of Venezia. and 169 sacks of mall. FINE or' $1,000 WAS IMPOSED IN POLICE COURT at tlu, (C P. I Thu lnspm-m Uh- parties an in: Iurnml ob" mnnl. Magis necessary pal he shipped to The gruum's gift to the bride was a pair of pearl earrings and a cameo lavvliur. to the bridesmaid a pair of pearl earrings and to the best man a marl stickpin. [following the rump- Hun Mr. and Mrs. Kern loft on a non- eynmnn trip to Hull-In and Eric, Pa., On their return they will reside at 162 Wellington strut-t. STR. CHICAGO TO RESCUE or SHIP ON FIRE Among the out of tpwn guests were Mr. Henry Kern of Sarnia, father of the groom; Mr. Eugene Englen of Norwalk, Ohio. brother of the bride; and Mr. and Mrs. George Englert of Toronto. tor W51 The oftedhtgtfttqtd 'l/lt/luv',")",',','.",!,'),' ”with ' In...» a G, "on. a of. biit In; to Mr 1*qu an when. u uau. 'se. Telegraph trrday In police r “'inh-rl 'Elaon. J. I aT"BAN Kovronom " Inspector parties and Iurnml m’vr kt -"" 7T 1:4 mug and tl not in can is solicitor, paid unlim- court _ 'inh-rhnlt lain -n. J. Murrny ot liquor. so] HYMENEAL ties and move ml m’or to tht Magistrate w this morning id charges am I and others t and by the " nlion was col the l, Woir and t R-J. Watering, $1.000 police $1,000. unable U ml that th " License was Sims r made the Hm liquor the t liquor court this The man represeted The fine s to whom a Inspector consigned. to locate the liquor so Depart- dc oat the liquor will rwho‘ r in , Inspec- (amst M wa- his " 1tttetttt.tti1et1e,ltfu"i-"9ytlt I ratdutumirgiiirwuae-'diy ,» ix,'iij'r',,"t", ysrerewmtoiirr,rr-ua.ririi' l, A huh:- boia.vmriy was #613,; 't'tltl,! oe-twithtltUNstE' q ..-' '", "Y 3:51 The sale of the plant was closed m September. hat it had been with- held from publication until today. Mr. Pollock, who has been in marge of the local plant. will remain in rhnrze as general mannypr for the new con- corn. The lamp “on not in any way ettrsctt the Elmira factory of the Pol. locl Manufacturing Company. accord- ing to Mr Pollock‘s statement to the The Pollock Manufacturing Company} hare sold their Kitchgner plant to moi Central Pbonograph Corporation, of! New York. according to Intormatio1 given to the Tviegraph to-day by A.;, It Pollock, president and general manager of the Pollock Manufacturing Company The new company are tak- Ing pour-salon of the plant at once and will devote their onergies to manu- lucturing tone anus. motors and acces- sories. The new addition, which is being erected In connection with the factory. will he,takon over by the new: concern upon its completion and trel tor the extension of tho regular line! turned out by the company. i POLLOCK PLAN T - HAS BEEN SOLD A r " tiiFitt,t, .\\‘~v a" J . I. tt ttii'lilt . Atlllt I h Ce' .rtPsfil . 2illlll LN, 2 H " =, 1iiliti It r, _ Q: V iigi!tiiiill1 , )- Si' o If, Mi tint" ‘ " al . “a U N V , a ‘ , Q: U Fi U" " (aa t '-' Paw ' y L. "irall5 ”12-. 's: Y" 'l, tlM!tifltlt , MII ' Ith', 'd ’4’ " _lt1llltllilillirrr' 'M?, v tM?R8gtih rQN'WW ‘* & At It Mlliitalill iiEgiilliilill tV' ttigg fi) _lef, 7 [jial t a 'lil? ttilit , E1'iitiifii' iilitdiii , “ EE5itt M. Isuzu By Wellington. THE Havana Lasts {f _l)__, ‘. my “a: t WW» capackaze c a package c.a package during the war before the war m]lli:anluiv “we opened Tuttadrt Alt' ion1w)th the largest attendance It. Alslorrv of In" city. So large In: th I attendaur 1- that the classes were will I?“ tirally swamped as tar my 'l,',fet ak. handling of th" crowd is emf-e ace There warp 520 registered (at thl nu. various night classes. which I- l 'esV larger number than the pram-t mt ls later of students at the luntimto. _ the many mm: ot the 9091111111! oe Q ewlvarious nipht classes my be ".tt?Ai, led from tho number of those K. me‘ror the various courses. Th" :rnprrsvnli‘d as foli0wtc-- mm ‘44. drawing 24. wood-working 'Fdlrhpmlsiry and physics lt, manmthonmtirs ll, commerclill art mr, iv :0. clay modelling t mm" Offshorihuntl 27. typewritlmt 30. the We hold acumen M, basketryBS. - mrimaklm: PII. milllnery is, GG) dis Priirts: 4. sinilmwry engineering Cs W 'ill-gkm-pinz 10, making a 1otat of "e, _', rd-,' The accommodation It the " Line'school is rtrtirury' lnadoqinto to (all Ham of tho night Nasser this _ jami the need of a new build!“ "airrutms,nt space appear: to I). "tAt, nrgvm. it “an dorided Int 0 V Lin! all Mskeiry rlnsso‘a must non Thursday waning to d¢ide in Idivisinn of inc clans tog lThur-dly and Fridny nftamoan. m “ng": flu-see will mrot,tttrtMyt deride the division of mum for day. Wedneadny. Thurman and, dar afternoonl. 7 ',' Mam taeVatttgtth" Joseph denm- at an and RELORD BREAKING: , ‘; ATTENDAN03 ot if MINARD'I LlNDNINT GUI} DANDRUFF. “Inez-Jain Thu night cinsses at tttA BUILDING NIW NONI aner. Jr., In "uethq I " the corner ctr-non a Web. It. "

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