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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Oct 1919, p. 2

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. - "WW" ,7 E _. . - Since no party commands a majority of the new\Legia- , . a , the Government. if it is to be carried on, must be formed - a audition of two or more of the parties-in other words, " i ' government f which we have heard so much lately. The; . ' . T having the largest number of members, would naturally _ I '. ' n the chief administrative posts in the new cabinet, with - 91h: for Liberal and Labor men. if these three parties should f v a " to cooperate. Failing an arrangement of this character we _ r . . have another election in sight. V' . The whole Ontario situation is one that must be most discon- eating to the readers of both political parties at Ottawa, to whom the result will be as the handwriting on the wall. The magnificent u . ury of the United Farmers in Ontario and the very con- ‘fdderable results achieved by Labor will encourage these parties it! debate their attention to the Dominion field. 'With a longer e'period for prepartion ahead of them than they had in the provin- "iii campaign they may hope to discount their showing in Ontario E when tle time comes. In view of the result on Monday, however, f it is not likely that either of the old line parties at Ottawa will be Ruth-ring far {test of strength at the polls in an election on Do- " We, extend our regrets to the defeated candidates, thseriie Hsehnel, Independent Labor; Gavin Barbour. H. F. 0.. r and Walter Snider,. Liberal. All made an excellent showing in view a. d all the circumstances. Labor made a show of strength that in- .' dicatptsArtgst it may be able to accomplish at some future time. "rt Ir. Barbour waged a campaign that won him many Friends. f Some of these who, owing to the peculiar local situation, would , not see their way to voting for him at this time await another b) 'e',tupiit,,r Similarly Walter J. Snider made a most creditable 2' wing in spite of the handicap of being the last candidate in r' the field, and he has reason to be proud of the vote he received. " The election of Nick Asmussen, the Independent Liberal can- didate in North Waterloo on Monday, by an overwhelming ma- jority, surprised no one. It was simply a repetition of what hap- mud in 1917. Conscription, Union Government, name-changing dud racial appeals were made to do duty once more by Mr. As- tanoaen's supporters, and served their purpose well, notwithstand- lng the fact that they had nothing whatever to do with provincial . issues. Added to this the fact that five other candidates were in the field worked out decidedly to Mr. Asmussen's advantage. In spite . this set of tortuntous circumstances, however, he failed to . l (p,rnaW?ifty of the vote of the riding, receiving but 5,494 votes t.g.itt of, 15.000 polled, the others being distributed among the re- V iiiainintt candidates. Now that he is "elected we sincerely hope that Mr. Amusen will devote his energies to the restoration of har- [ many, good will and co-operation in a commdnity that has been more (2 less torn by internal dissension and that it will be his tttlg to. represent the people of the whole riding and not simply way who supported him. ' n limon muss. The sessional indemnity of $2,500, which this year - doubled through two sessions being held, looks too good to most of tlem to be lightly put in jeopardy by the uncertainties of I election. , WE” 'i7iiii"iii"iri-i..7iiiiiif OF PAS. The defeat of Sir Adam Beck will evoke provincial-wide re- mt. That he should be turned down by the people of his home city for whom he has done so much, was considered beyond the range of possibility. It is important that the hydro leader should have a place in the Legislature and it is to be hoped another seat “lithe found for him. Of course, his defeat as a member of the mature does not necessarily mean his retirement from the wit enterprises, and the people of Ontario will expect that Sir am will continue his duties as Chairman of the Hydro Commis- Mr. C. H. Mills has the satisfaction of going down with the Irarat Government. it is only natural to expect that with the women voting things should be mixed up somewhat. Nick Asmussen is a party in himself, being the only Indo- pendent Liberal in the House. ' rt The Independent Liberal Party of North Waterloo has the my, and than} Enough to win elections. --- The people have spoken. It is Nicholas Asmussen, M. L. A. George Haehnel made a splendid run as the Labor candidate. I - -. -NlrWMe.e-N.H'. h... -__e_ --,., - with; incl two and.» Ella m be ter-', In and with W. 1 may! In 'M'. tts man we. - min N l -trmdtt-fytettmt.tPrnle1, . ,totlu Ft “Wounded the political prom t was im- Ito tethestmuxthofthe United Farmers and M luvs m proved themselves formidable o n with 43 max labor 10, together will con- t one-hm the who! in of the new Legislature. will! come next with " not: and the Conservatives with e old line political parties have been shattered and e hive may embarked on a new are: in the Govemmeanf the __-- . - l __ ¥A4:n_.u._. " AL. _A... M. hm aaotihiFiriiipdtruttari'tttititt"tLatt: "In”. _-e-"'---'- -_ .__ -77, ." MW onto-men . oi-tqt-dh, the i'ird,t Wt- 1lWtit 1.Q'lt4llt1'i'lt1rlil4 mmwmm- MR ADAM BECK'S DEFEAT. NOTE AND COMMENT. NORTH WATERLOO. TR9treiitErr5RRyW'NtE57e, fe.' mam wax mow“! kmu‘ SUM. HEWMTs Art HYGMJOWEND Hle" ytiti'.i)b-: -tstrrthn. WW i-'illiw.q" F . - _ .M - f 'a"E.7ff, “.41; ’3. ltr- _ V Pa Almost Increased the m gh Cost of Living. mun. on. ".--thtgt. Dr. Bold nud- un am “out! In tV Kouo at Commons thin Moon that the Cumb- Panic “in: In strenuously one-ha an mum- by the Gout-w or the w Trunk Railway Mum It turn can. New public owneruhlp. The lint-tor of Ruhr”- um tho only alternative to 1hgrorruttetrtt ow- ner-hip of the an“ Trunk nod m amalgam!“ with the Canadian Nw uoml line. would be to In“ an the nun-n of Cum our to the Cun- dhn Pacitte RUN-y. “and the people would not stud tor that." Hon. Dr. Bold made the nun-tun; comes-ton tonight that if the Govern. ment delay: the trT.R. will undoubt- edly be gobbled up by the C.P.W,arui lf that happen "there in no future tor the Canadian National system. It the CPR. get: hold of the G.T.}t. we will never be able to compete with than? said the Minister The Home spent the entire day up- on the resolution] in connection with the; proposed acquisition try the Gor- eminent ot the Gruutl Trunk Railway, [he Liberal opposition to the motion to an inlu cmnmillee being dereatcd tr, " to 38. Th, "russrbenehers all votedq with the Governc"rtnt. DEFINITE MOVE FOR HYDRO RADIALS IN ONTARIO Toronto, Oct. 15c- The lore, t.erahi. ed plan lo operate hydro "r.evtrie rad ial raitways In Ontario a', :n:' n! the llr'wim-Izd hydro electric ”hum-- took final detinitc shape Huh; m an appllvullun by "1,: Ontario Ilytlrn- Elm-1' "e ‘.'olllllu.<t T n to tun Proving-ml t,'ovcrrtmunttor two orders-int-il. one to authorize the submission ot' ts- tintates and atrreeruents covering the construction and operation of an cl ectric railway to link up the cities Ind towns. respectively. of Hamilton, Gall. Preston, Meander, Guelph. Kit. rhener, Waterloo and Elmira; tho utht-r to authuriz" the submitting of an agrcumont covrring the pnrrhaso‘ of the properties oi the td'G',l'iGi',) Windsor and Amherstbnrg Railway" Company. and the Windsor. '1'veu"t-l aeh Company, including the acquiring and operatirm of the i-iectrié distri- bution systems in the municipalities ot Windsor and Sandwich. Will Be The First. . in announcing application tor tho two ordertrin-eount'il to-day, Sir Adam link. chairman oi the Provincial Hy, "rc-Electric l‘ommission. pointed out that the application to acquire the lines‘ in the neighborhood ot Windsor. it successful. will ttive the hydro its first line ot radial railways, and this will he the ttrst radial systmn to Ire operated under the Hydro Electric Railway Act. of 114”. The present construction railway now being oper- ated at Niagara Falls in connection with the hydro-electric development scheme and the i'etorhoro Municipal Railway. which the hydro is also running. do not, of course, some un- 'der the, heading of radial railways. The report of the Hydro-Eleetrie Commission's engincer. on the Wind- sor lines. Sir Adam Beck declared to be highly gratifying and satisfactory. showing a very handsome surplus on oporaiing Pxpennes, Th" different lines comprise 25 miley of road rail. way and " miles ot track. The lines 'tWe controlled by the Detroit United iRailwny, and negotiations were at. itemnted following the meeting or no resentatives from Windsor, Walker lville. Sandwich. Ford. Ojihwny. Arm 'herstbartr, Anderton and the town- ‘ships of East and Wth Sandwich. in 'Jnly, 1918, hut at that time without “new“. as the company rciusmi to 1'lll'iTi1'i'i: ' As soon as th" ordertritttntttteil an: [received authoritlnx tho Hamilton and Elmira line. a meeting of the munlcipalitie.ss inlercslml will Ire call, ed in the (‘ity of Gain to onnhio the municipalities to pmhark without de, lay in the scheme. It is Mum-lad that the question of "dial will he tgttb, milled lo the oloptorB not inn-r than " the coming January otortinrts, lthnngh the municipalities may Hedda to like the opinion of the clarion; at Ian earlier date. Continued Parley. Sim'v then. however. the commis- sziun hay :un-m-miml in bringing nimm negullnzmns with the present result. The acquiring ot the lines and New trio distribution system will involve an expenditure of wer $2,000,000, and the tinarrcing will hr done by the is- suing of bonds by the commission and the hydro oinclric syslonm In the nmnicipalitius involved, "iiirLiii.'itiU an the errr SAID ‘n-I'SAP- FRiimii' tlrrTeN, Twas m- H5 my masses“; titiiityj row we "r'C2xpt FER iiii'ifi1F-'-) oPtttt" RAILWAYS WILL CHANGE TIME ON SUNDAY, OCT. 26TH ((‘umulinn Pram). Munlrnal. Otu. it"., Daylight Snv ing tituo, which has Inn-n m vii-wt on all l'amerun milwnyx during the Hill" Illv‘l'. will chauee nt 2 am. Sunday Oct 26tl, This mnmnrvmvnl ls mud.- In a circular sum mu to the rail ways [rum Hm "rm-rs ot the ('nnmliun Hallway War “maul MINARD’S LINIMENT CURES BURNS. ETC. When Edward, Prince of Wales my". Might eyed, smiling and sincere arrikd in Cic:da in August, and when he when! his great crhviraticm cf the wonderful achicvroments of Comtiavs, cn the fields of battle and at horns, once again we wac- thrilied with joyous pride. He asked concerning Canvda'r. raw ', gramme, and when he was tum rd tin 1919, he graciously conccatcd In t! c l of Arms on a flag, which is to be (no i for districts achieving their quota in t In dedicating "The Priucc's I Labor Day, Hie, Royal Iligjmccs "It is a great joy to me to be msacinted with loan, which is the bridge bctwecn Wu." and pcacc, which is finishing off the job." " hope every city and district will Vin my fl Striking. and beautiful in (it Sign, this i' g; lk yy, 1 not only an unique niemLHtU of View-1y Year, I: lasting and outstanding souvoir rd the viii ot' Royal Highness a visit which will rcrnain as w the most memorable events in Crnrado's Maury. The reproduction above sham: tre drrcign .' 1' tl: , flag. The body is white, the edge r01; in the ttPtts'r left hand corner is the Unit tt Jack, and in the 1owvr right hand Collier the Prince cf Walcs' Chit of Am; I. Ti.e flag is made in two sxzus. 4 fect 6 inches 1y 9 feet for small cities, towns and vilhwet, and 7 G-rt by 13 feet 6 inches for cities of over 10,C00 populatir A. Canada has been divided into cunvtssirtg distract ", by the Victory Lvun Organization. EA.“ city form, one district. Other districcs have {Len determined according to population. be. Virctrsr_rsr, 2/ I Hope Every City and District Will Win My Flag" ' SUCCESSFUL The Tho tenth nnnunl conveutiurt of th" Westvrn llislrlcl Sunday Hrhwal .tssociatirm ot the Hymn! of Central ('nmuln was hold in the First English luthvrnn t'hurch on Thanktqrlvltttt Day. The day was an Idmsl om. for the occasion and all twtuMttttst were \wll mwmlml. Sumo wry Insplrlnx (IVIIITI‘SSIN wvro dr-livvrvd on Sunday Hchool work which wvrn wull rt-colVr ml. Thp touowhtaottir'eri' were elect, in! for lhn ensuing year: LUTHERAN S. S. CONVENTION fa" wstrurtion pro- f the Jim-Lgry Loan tl u use of his Coat thc prim: cf honour Vat at ..‘d with the 1 pcacc, and Ott ifZL ot' Ci l as mm L may. oft ,),'o,?5ft 41g t l .3 Victory Loan Couuuittce u. h the Min'.st, r of Finance Um Talon of Canada. = 6%?” --, JV, ' \7;73//{/: From. I'. R. Lasslng. Kitchener. Vice-I'rI-s. A, Kent, “ranch-r. . Sm-relary.~ Mrs. lbw. C. Snrnm-n. Guelph, I Trvasurvr-Httrvey Zlnkunn. KIM-h- on". Th" vunvmnlnn will ho hold at Hamilton man your. Miss Mario Shani! attondol iliv Rhy ~I)lan‘nlwrhl*r wedding ttt Wat lunxluin on Wednesday 0M mm NEWTON r At the RM" Hospital, Kitchen, "yt. lillh. to Mr, um! MIN. J, M Newton, 77 Watpr strum, " daughter. L o.n of 3:133. . 'Y J a. cry organization with fifty or more employees, ch " ..~-. enty-rsvc pvr cent. of the enrollment invests .2 l. in! " ten pc: cent. of the annual payroll inVictory a 1 uds, a supplementary Prir.ce of Wales Flag in an rile: Crcns " inches by 34 inches-will he The allotment C: trmsidcrcd, and ‘s of th: purchash; l Your district _ Ht Find"; Flag, “n l V u will cfmihr J l your p:;:t and encourage your . 'n‘nlzr to d s': . 1 “number Y. JR' 1, urchase may be the one that w. F I whether ( _. it t l .ur district is to be the proud manor of the Imam , Flag. By Wellington. BORN I plums.) is shown at the top of the hr each district has been carefully w Laval Cu a cvarservative estimate '. p m1:- of the tiistrict. In a”. ll " :1111ttm"nt and thus win the x All i earth person does his or her Serve Two ox Finance MIMI-tern donut! m the Commons on the Grand Trill! hnrgnln. ' Ttw St. Thomas city council in Kl'unlml 5125 to erect bird houm In the (-lly park to pranerve bird MI. This grant was mado after In - mm mado to tho council by R. 30'; Imlhnm. an ornithotogmt, who» to! many yvnra hum been curl“ for m mun-cling wild Mrdu itt the dim Tltitg mum-y will be expended in build an: mmlvl blnl house: to “can” alum boo blrds each. Hum. w Noam". late Ctttof of POP io, of Kingston, and tarty-two m an the torco, In tiettd. . um Mary A Hm has left tiF I'Iuilmlvlphm. Pm. um ll vial! to Mr hrulhnr. Mr. J, IR, "all. of that, on]. Slum" "trcaurartimt tir "In. ttrtvk N, Sham", of Nine “not. '" 'i'

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