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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Oct 1919, p. 10

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t tte-Receipts, 6500: lamb trad" ' . slightly easier. with top quali- il Ioliinx 50e below last week's A, Quotations: Ewes, $7.50 to " 60; hmbu. 813.50 to $13.75. 'i, Mt-ice", 3,900: the market v, . hlgher foe to-dny's (marinas, B" " nicot- seliing at 818.50 per cm. - lions: Fed and watered gash. H . a. 818.50: lights. $16.50: hetteietr, b' u .60; sows. $15.50 to $16.50. tr, GRAIN. i'roronto. Oct. 20. --Cateh gruln quo- . " ion: today were: . il Manitoba wheat-In more, Fort William: No. 1 northern, 52.30; No. 2 ',' hem, $2.27; No. 3 Northern. 82.23; _ . 4 wheat. not quoted. Ei'.' Manitoba oats "tt More. Fort Wil, " " t No. 2 Canadian wostcru, mac; , ‘ .. , Canadian western. “Sac: extra 3' . 1 feed, 783:0; No. 1 Iced, 765w; " : 2 feed, 74%t'. , American Cori-Nominal. Ill. Canadian porn-F'eesd, nominal. f1 Manitoba harleywln store, Port Wil- _ an: No. , Canadian western. $1.38N, - . 4 Canadian westertt, $1.33Va; rc- Ed ted, 31.21: feed. $1.21. . _ Ontario wheat- FI o. h., tshipping ..’olntl. according to frcightn: No. , "itutsr, " to $2.06: No. 2 winter, $1.97 . " $2.03; No. 2 winter. $1.93 @ $1.99: . . 1 spring. "O'?. rip" $2.08: No. 2 Ir. n3. 81.99 © $2.05; No. 3 spring, ‘ 1.05 o 82.01. . a': Ontario oau---No. 2 whim, not quot- l ‘ " No. , while. Mc Ctr) Mar, according Koo heights. outside. _ ' --H-r boo! Itoeri.""""'"'""" _ .00: bum-rm.enotoo Isfd's,e th 'W .. ...... but“); gooduom mums; In; tg?.". ..... ... te,ge'o'gluig'e":'ttsyf, per .........'. I teller cows. choice 39.50 to} ___,__.____ Winn. tT.00 to $8.50: canq cutters. 86.00 to $5.15; bat-' Klan-on" and Wat-loo hilt. coca. 89.25 to 810.35; com-. ____ "" to $1.50; Rodin: steers. ".86 to $10.00; but. "no to Wheat..... _.. ... ... ' ' "oeherB.ttood. tTsoto88.MP, Barley..... ..r.. ..... 100 to 81.00. caivets--Recelpo, on... .r... ... . 3 choke veal had a steady ale: Bran, per ton "C.'.'..".'.'. on": were In slow demand. Shorts per ton. '. Choice. sumo to $20.00: Hogs, we ..... .... ' $15.00 10317110; common, iiiriri', Maggi" ... ... . to $12.00: milch cows, choice, Lurd'per lb .... rr. ... .0. to 816500; springer». choice. iiGG _..... ... ... '0totL50,00, Eggs................ ’MrJzeu-ipm, 65002 lamb trad" Potatoes Fr... Pt. ... .. Illghtly easier. with top quaii- ('hlckenu, per tb. ...t. .. _ _ . ' '_.., u-.. '" n "'.v"" _ a Btmey--Maiiirur, SICK Ci $1.33. l, Buckwheat- Nominal. v. Rye--No. 2. nominal. b, Millleed~ln carluls. Montreal fret- im bags included: Bran. $45 a ton; [fi?tiri'i, a ton: good feed flour $3.50 a has; ddlings not quota]. utter per lb . .. In hogs . .. .. autos: per bag by. per ton . .. ham. per cw; nu. per cwt. .. uley ..... ...r of tne best make see outlines. Secure one of our . w - Tho market with but um. um.“ New " tart to“! do“. WW I a! medium Indo- won " "1 m- um bull- S6e lover. shine-u (or noctu- n4 Guaranteed to Give Every Satisfaction Anther Lot of than RAILROAD RAILS. Just (he thing for REINFORCING CONCRETE BARN FLOORS. over ROOT CELLARS. OULVERTS. ETC. Auuren PERMANENT SUPPORT. No breaking 3|"th floor- wlth HEAVY SEPARATORS. and no bro-km: of Hon.- I. LEGS over Root Collar- where wood rota very quickly. HUNDREDS OF TONS SOLD TO FARMERS throughout the Court. ty. Rum cut to any length. THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED. Apply " once. . “"0” .e00tt. Ion. n- (W tNe a. "uiu--- 1Mtur- R. ...mm. with, o8 an eon-9n gang. vary I" BTRATFORD MAR KITS. Ole. 1'00 Kitchen Ranges or Com- bination Stoves FARMERS - ATTENTION! Hogs Wanted "J. I. SCHNEIDER & sous. ammo. a e-ttand n. BUGHER a SON For Stoves 90 King Street West Randle any Number MONDAY, TUESDAY._WEDNESDAY Best weights 180 to 230 lbs. ALWAYS PAY HIGHEST PRICES PHONE US AT OUR EXPENSE OPPOSITE CITY HALL, KITCHENER. . .58 to .60 . . . . 19.50 4.00 to 4.60 17.00 18.00 . . . . . .300 . . . . . 2.55 . . . . . . 1.20 alto Phone No. 030 or 92. every Wei-t a .... .. .....-.-- Pontoon pub-c ..... ...taoto'r" Wheat...” ... Barley ..r.. ... 0.15.. ..... -.. Bram per ton .. Sham, per ton., Hon. Itve...... Hop, dressed... mm. per m...., Butter ..... ... Eggs ..m.. ... Potatoes .._.. ' Chickems,per ttt Hay ..... .... ROYAL TRAIN STOPPED AT KITCHEN'ER MONDAY His Royal Highness. the Prince of Wales, who spent a tew hours in lirantiord on Mot-any. trad who hon- ored Guelph and Stratford with om. cial visits upon the invitation or the respective City Columns, pass- ml through Kltchener on Monday ev- onlng about 8.30 o’clock en route to Guelph and again Tuesday at 2M0 o'c1ock, the train going to Strat- ford In spite ot the keen interest that was taken in the election results a large erowd ot citizens, includlng a splendid representation of returned men waited at the depot Monday evening tor the train which arrived an hour later than the time scheduled. The crowd was eager to see the Prince, and they were finally reward od tor their patience. The arrival ot the Royal train was‘ made known by the pilot engine and van which reached Kitchener ten min- utes in advance of the Royal train of ten coaches. The train stopped to allow the engine to take water. Ind. the Heir Apparent to the British throne was a considerable distance hum thu depot, but the crowd went down tn the car. and the Prince ap- peared on the rear platform. Prince Edward has greeted with prolonged cheers and he shook hands with as many an approached the car. Including a goodly number of the war veterans. There were civic represen- tatives on hand to welcome the Prmee. While greeting Prince Ed. ward Miss Draco. Regent ot the Pritt- cess of Wales Chapter. I.0.D.E. ex- pressed the hope that the train would slop Tuesday to allow 3,000 school children to see him. The Prince re- plied that "I will look after that." and smiled the smile that has made him increasingly popular in Canada. Home 515 or 11271 " "eta. . . . .65 . . . " " to Alt . . 11.00 “.00 63.00 " 00 16,00 22.00 I.” 1.86 'o Ibo L. . I.» u was“ hol‘ ”all“ In Toronto. _ Mr. David an In a mum to Trmrrsutte wan-w r' . t" um ad " a. A. 'fttN',r, " Male um “In“. " no hom ot Mrs. Dqietsert, Mr. Alvin KaittiUUeh of “nu-or. wont. Thankulvln‘ with In. Danna. Mr. and In. H. C. Katmai-ch bore. Mr. Hurry Knight, Jr.. ot Ruin. Sax. paid A short can on his ttund. In town Int week mum on a Mutual trip out. . W - --_. " 7* --__ A u- u... w-.. Pte, w. P. Kllnlmnn. mu ot Mr. Henry Kunknun bu arrived home trom overt.” coming urol- on the noun" Butte. Mr. c, C. Palm of Chlcuo. pad f; visit to his brother. Mr. L. Paine. who was on the “ct 11-1. but In: Quin tully recovered. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Geiger lad Mr. and Mrs, B S. Blunt: “tended the funeral at the late Mn. H. auu- at St. Jacobs on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. am. sad Mule. Edn- and Louise am. ot Dowel. Mu}. arrived here last. Suturdny to join their par- onu In the” no! home. Mr. Jacob am who nu been In feeble health tor noun lime had the mlutorume to break I'm hip by fall- ing from I ttttttir. The old gentle- man I- now in his 93rd yen Bad In In a weak condition. iiiiiiVTCiiJisertr the blind pinno tuner Ind music denier of Slruttord passed may last. Snurduy at the use .. ”,7 _ ”“11... A: M'"""". """'V __..'-- -_.,. .._ of 64 years. He was s resident ot New Hamburg many years ago and in later years a frequent visitor to town and was well known here. Death of Mrs. F'ortpst.--An aged and highly respected resident of the vil- lage passed ”my on Sunday in the person of Mrtr. Forte-t. widow ot the late Benjamin Forrest. in her 83rd year. death being due to the infirmi- Iles ot old age. Mrs. Forrest had many years and wan highly esteemed been residing In New Hamburg tor many years and was highly esteemed mm] was a devoted member of tho ‘Mbthodist church. Her husband pre- deceased her twentyoe"" years Mo. Two daughters Ellen and Maggie. al- to have passed away. Pour sons and one daughter. besides ten grand child- ren and one brother survive her. The children are James. Robert, Benlav min and Elizabeth in town. and Wit. liam of North Easthope. The tuner- al was held on Wednesday afteroon to Riverside cemetery. l Silver woddintr,-On Wednesday ot last week the members of the choir ‘of Holy Family Church and other friends of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Diet- rich ngreeably surprised them upon. the occasion of their silver wedding‘ and spent a very happy evening, we senting them with a beautiful set of silver knives and forks and an appre- ciative address: J Mr. Rolin Winn of the Dental Sie!,) lege, Toronto, spent the week-aim with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Winn. Mr. James Corrie of Strnttord spent the week end at his home here. Miss Ruth Peacock of Gall spent the weekend " her home here. Miss Grace Wenzel of the teaching sum, Wellealey. spent the week end with her Duran“, Mr. and Mrs. D. c. m... .w. .,...-..._, -"__' ,7 _ Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bechtel and‘ family spent the week-end with rehr then near Tavistock. Mlss members of Wellealey spent the week end at .her home here. Miss Wanda Krogmun or Kitchener spent the weak and at her home here. ' _ . " ' __,,) ALA --" .......- ..._ "e-'""" - Mr. Ephraim Causal spent the week. end at the home of his son. Allan Carr set, in Toronto. _ Miss Goterth spent the weekend at her home in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buck spent me We week and with friends In Toronto. Mrs. Detweiler of Windaor la visit- ing her sister. Mrs. E. Cause]. Miss Mayan: Rieder at Elmira) spent the week end at her home here. New Hamburg Market Reports. Wheat. spring. $1.98; wheat. fall, $1.93; corn. $1.86; barley. 31.46; Mur, $11.70; ttogs, live weight. $16.50; pota- toes, per tram $2.35; butter, per m. " Ctr, eggs per dor. " out: lard, per m 30 cm; hay. per ton, $i5.00. _ Mr. Bull Reid pr Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Bucket and family of Brant ford, were weekend visitors at the .home of Mr. and‘Mn. J. Reid. ... M; Emlyn-um -easei _ spent the weekend with his son. Mr. Allan Cas- sel In Toronto. Mr. and Mr.. Wm. Kent and son Earl who spent a couple of weeks with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Bean, returned to their home In Toronto, on Saturdpy. ianrarr" Seine!" moved her household effects to Toronto, where Ibo Intends to reside. _ - "54:656130 Baltlér of Toronto spent the week-end witty pl: parents. GIVE ”SYRUP or WGS" TO OOHMATED CHILD Look " (be tongue. mother! It each-d, your little ono'l “punch. liver all homol- nan! cleansing u once. When with. 'tr0M, Ilium, doean"t your thu tty mom a" " In mu. lunch _ii,ril1'ii lug. “a ,0. M1. I welt, phyhl lt quit. At your W lot u m cl “(HIM-h an: a! Win! “In. M In cult-dung. 'rt6dareoqi-" fr . -' Dollelouc "Fruit Luann" can!" harm under mu. Mom-ch. leor and Iowa“. .lerq, out or not naturally. or I- fever. ish, sum-ch mt, 5mm bad; hu tore throat, diarrhea, full of cold. give n tarpon-(u! of "California Syrup cl M" an! I: . f" hour. III the foal, and!” M. undlgubd_ food led A'idl,' - St, Wt', a'lttt",A'" claw-WI... armchair-w. anus-macaw. vhuonmtonoowm. 'Mr.W.Aitmthe In“ Au In mum I. bolls M to the workshop at D. Bock-r- m. us toll u chanson to tho from and. by "all; the outrun. to the build. "I. In the contra. in. not]. Kucb ot Dir-um, in a bun-mu visitor to town on Thursday. The tn amount”: roll In in the hind. of the collector. Mr. Ron. The usual (“mount of , per cent. will be “lowed oil ell an. paid on or before October am next. and ' per cent. will be added to ell taxes not new by December um Maury. Flaming. DeBuI Ind Hes-z gen-tar ot Kitchener, the headquar- ten publicity committee tor the Vic l tory Lou: In North Waterloo, were: vinitorI to town on Momur in the In. ten-eat of the 1919 Victory Loan cun- mign. It in the intention at inaugur “in; A rousing campaign and we hope that New Hamburg which did no remulubiy well in the int Victory Lou: will Inin come to the tore with it. lonnlnl ability and tub-cribs 'to the utmont. It is needless to Ausr that Victory Loan- nre the are” In. , voltment. I THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Can-dint mt weather " extremely} hard on little ones One day in warm} and bright and the not! wet and cold. These ludden changes bring on col-la. (-rampl'htld colic and unless baby's little stomach is uf, right the result mar be serious. here Is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping the little one: well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels. break up colds and make baby thrive. The Tabb-tn are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. llroclullle. Ont. jiiii',tiiii'ii'iiiiiiiiiiAii'. iiiitTiii2iiFrcTr"i Mr. Gnlnl, who was an employee of 'tho Canada Purnlurre Company. had ttpparentlr'boen seized with a taint. lng spell just as he was about to descend-to the cellar and he had eel. dently fallen down the steps to the cell-r beneath. Mr. w. I. Galvin, of Wood-lock, Buc- cumb. at Sister's Home. Woodstock, Oct. 19. - The dead body ot William Irwin Gnlna. axed 63; a well-known resident of mm city,! was found in the cellar of the real-3 dance at his sister. Mm. Alex. Me, Calium. " Oxford street, about 7 afeloctr thin morning. l He was born tn Trenton, hut had‘ _---.-------------- lived here tor about 17 years. The Mr. and Mr. 1'. N. Waind, of Hamil, remains are being sent to Trenton ton, visited relatives In Kitchener on tor burial on Monday. Sunday. A large photo of the popular heir to the Throne for all Chronicle- Telegraph readers. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have secured the exclusive rights for all Canada for a real good photo, 16x22 inches, of the Prince of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London, England photographer, taken on the eve of the Prince's departure for Canada. The Chtxmiele-Telegraph has made arrangements with the Family Herald and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to in- elude the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer. We IllOW make the following offer, good until December 31st. 919: The Family Herald and Weekly Star one year, cost $1.25. The Chronicle-Telegraph one year, $1.50. We offer both papers for one year, and an autographed copy of the Prince of Wales' portrait, size 16x22 inches, all for $2.75. All orders to be sent to this office. This offer is good only until December Slst, 1919, when it is announced the LrriittCThe Family Herald will be fl5i); ‘L iecht1, - Parker's Will Do It FOUND DEAD IN CELLAR. Cleaning or Dyeing Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay Carriage one way on all orders. Parker’s Dye Works m Advice upon Cleaning or Dyeing any ar- ticle will be promptly given upon request Cleaners and Dyers. "t Yugo St. The Prince of Wales By cleaning or dyeing-restore any articles to their former appearance and return them to you, good as new. Send anything from household draper- ies down to the finest of delicate fabrics, We pay postage or express charges one way. Think of Parker's. When you think of l trit.trrtinsseqeebttte' www.mub-uh . mm. man- teat nachos-m- aot-ridt-,6.T,8aat"tmhNts. l run: ttit am the Munietrat! Council at the Corpontlon oi the .Town ot We""',', will uh into on ‘“mention the penning. all. it up .proved. #1] we. at its meeting to be iheld on the third dey ot November. [1910, dthe hour of eight o'eloek in 'the All moon. " the (‘onncil Chun- uber in the Town Hall. In the Town ot Waterloo. I Bruw tor stepping up 1 Ind gelling that pert ot the lune or al- Ilow co 'tor road shown on the re;- lietezd plm ot the survey ot John 'ttrt of pert of the aid Town. l ore r .culerly described as mr ltowL--coMMENCmu in the welter- ly limit ot Lot number nitration ot the aid survey at e point nine bet ', wutherly from the northwesterly en- , :Ie ot aid Lot, thence southerly . “on; the westerly limit or Lot. 'ttterr ban Sixtyaeven. Sixtyheixht. Sixtyt nine, Seventy. Seventyone, Seventy- two, Bevtmty-ttrree,, Beventy-tour and Seventy-live of said survey three hun- ' dred Ind sixty-eight feet more or less: to the nouth-wenteriy angle ot nid Lot ‘ number Seventy-live, thence westerly Ir " right angles to said limit and across “said lune or Allowance tor roed six- . teen feet more or less to the enter- " ly limit of Lot number One "'Iudred 5 and seventy seven of said survey. t thence northerly along the easterly 0 limit of aid Lot number One han. _ _ dred and eeventy-eeven and the east- it erly limit of Lot number Five acmr- " ding to registered plan number 150 ', three hundred and sixty-eight feet " more or lean to the north-easterly tur “.gle of eald Lot number Five, thence CHRONICLE-TELEGRAPH. it! ogterly sixteen feet more o 235 to th place of beginning: and the C'otttt. cll will, at that time and place, hear, in person or by his Counsel. Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially street- ed by the lay-Law. and who applies to be heard. DATED this twenty-Mum day ot September. 1919. MInard's Liniment Co.. Limited GentB.-A customer of ours cured a very bad case of distemper in a val- nnble hum: by the use ot MINARIYS LINIMENT. ‘7 " - EV -'""'""'e.r v: _"" “__,I a. fir Ct-or-at-at-toats/ri-ist) BOHLENDER'S ". Waterloo " BOHLEND; Intention to has By-Iaw JAM as c. "new, Tommi Yours truly, VILANIHE FRERES ,7, up . “MIMI!" Orb! mm 1tfA"tgh'lu%t and W mall a! “lad... . "r-Ort-tui/tttlt t... with - und in run-at. with “in; in. " Wattle at“. “I uthutr and may. try "ree beauty ttt yaw hit, hum- it in. dual, din-oin- _ path]. of W. You can not but: also hwy, ualthy hit if you but W. Thin denim“. sour! lol- the hair oi it. lupin, in Mb and in very We, and it m cumin: it product. I Ma- inline- aad itching of the only; tho hair not. amish, loosen um! die; the a. hair tall: out but. Surely t n -11 bottle ot Knowlton's main In. any drug More nut jun. try ik Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Incorporated ln 1863. TOTAL ASSETS. 318T DEG., 19", OVER 3860.000 Officers and t9ireqtttr.."-- Goorge Diebel. President. Waterloo Allan Bowman, Vice-Pres" Pro-ton Dr. J. H. Webb, - Waterloo J. Howard Simpson - Guelph J. L. Wideman. . Bt. Jacobi Jame. leingatnn. . Baden P. E. Shank. . - Prsalon th B. Brlcker. - . Waterloo Richard Roechman. _ Waterloo L. W. 8HUH. B. E. BEOHTEL. Practical Harness and Collar Maker All Collars guarante- ed to fit and curb sire shoulders, first class workmanship. Prim a right." W. C. Brueckner Mlllmxln'ulnonlnl vInlnIuInInlnIIIlnlum I! Owl“. m1 W. ll. Bruckner GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT _ King Sheet omtre. Waterloo Mutual Bulld- lng. Established 1864. FIRE INSURANCE THE MERGANTILE Mariaoer. lmpector. C. A. BOEHM, tNstrlet Agent. Head Office, Waterloo INC! It'll. 7.0.1 Subscribed Caplnl ..$250,000 Deposit mm the Domin- Government .. . . . ”56,698.00 Alt policlee guaranteed by the Lancllhlre Insurance Company with Assets 0' $29,636,406O0. Alfred Wright. Secretary. c. A. BOEHM. DIST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. Walter W.Frickgy Spring Sheet. Waterloo. Ont. I hereby nouly the reticent- of the su.rrourtduttt eountry that I am a IIcennd luctloneer Ior the County of wnerloo. All “In mtroted ttt ma w"! re- ceive prompt-and c-nlul unen- tlon. Prune“ knowledge " vlluu of roll "tate, In stock and Implements, on. M EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEE'R AND VALUATOR. prcrlancod Autumn» Ind Valunor "mum of your! "pom“. u Auqm---Praettent know- "o. of who. " real "tat., IM "ttttte, Imvalommh. "tt. PM 18% Wanna. INCORPORATED 1870 HARNESS SHOP. BADEN. 2591mm; mm tho COMPANY H. B. DUIRING tg,tgtrfgtttgttt'd tum bunt-IMHO.- whom». new“: . . Inn. ”an”? hm no». Phone 249 Number unlimited. Maui - 180 to 220 lbs. We buy tor I high class trade. You give us the tttlt and we will my the price. , Shin point Baden. every trtternr'" Wain- day, Next shipment November 5th. (The Oid Firm) . “VOIMMM First . - _ If u. in" your “a. I. pllod hon. w. than I.” a hand that“ out, Pork. Lamb gtgtd Hem-mun Sumo Why not buy your'muu hm Ind get the but, EDGAR "scum! twee-cor to J. B. FM“. Phone MS. Wind... WANTED '_ : Bacon Hogs., Oatluaetlon war-mod. Call. hem all pub d 1 county promptlv attended to. UNDERTAKEns AND FUNERAL DIchToll wnorioo. TOWN OF Phone N. Night Phone w. Master & Hunsberger ASSESSMENT APPEALS 1919 . NOTICE IS "FERRY GIVEN [hit the sittings of the Court ot Revision, to [war and determine appeal: mint nssoaqvnwnls tor the year 1919, tor the Town ot Waterloo, will be held It ti. Council Chamber at tho Town “All. Wtttrrloo, on TUESDAY ovum... M NOVEMBER. 1919, at eight o'clock. r Best Equipment, Reasonable Pri. Ottitte Phone, Waterloo " w. Shinn reeldence, Waterloo, 888tt Ed. Upped. residence, phone 231 .Btore phone, chchener, 570. No extra charge 'tor motor hear-e. LETTER & DIIISIIGII ihttod 2m Orton". i819. Mlmml‘n ”Mme!" Co, United no" Sin, I an wonmmoml teb NARI)‘S [ANIMENT for Rheum“ and Sprain. as f in" IIIQII It for with excellent rvsnm. A“ BO Acre Dandy farm, A1 land, all level and in high state of cultivation, large, solid brick hove, with new sum- mer kitcnen and woodshed; new chicken house, and good barn, in splendid lo- cation on Main road, near St. Jacobs. Owner retir- ing. This should not last long, so don't delay. Get full particulars from A. K. Grossman Real Estate " Wuterloo Phone 185. Undertaken Undertaking SHINN C LIPPERT Class i . _ Meats Baden. nTlillll)i) JAMES C. HAIGHT. Yuan In”. T, 3 MM emu.

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