cca, The Labor candidate Geo. Haehnel addressed well attended meeting It Bridgeport and Centreville on Thurs day evening. ' Mr. James Erlel of St. Clements has purchased a valuable house prlr party in Waterloo, at the corner of George and Herbert streets. and will remove with his funny about November 1. A quiet wedding took place at tho Lutheran parsnnmzo on Thursday ev- ening when Mr. Waiter J. Srhnurr was united in marriage to Migs Edith Eager, both of Waterloo, Ree. E. Bockelman ottieiatirur. The residence of Mrs. Levi House on Quenn St., has been sold. Mrs, Housn and family inn-pd taking up their residence In Kitchvnvr in the near future.. Messrs. Bail & Co., of Waterloo have purchased a general More, busi- nvm at Underwood. near Port Elgin, Ont ", and have taken possession. T y will upvmh- sum-s at both Wat- Ian and Undorwmnl, Mr. A. “all be- ng at present at the latter place. On Friday (waning Mrs. B. C. Tweed was "At Homi' to tho members of the Qmmn Ester Chapter Mission Clrvlr- and a four friends. Those pre- sent spent a most delightful few hours in Mimic and social chat. BOUGHT STORE AT FGRT ELGIN The FRET. class met at the home of Mrs. J. Itruvgetttan on Victnria SC. on Wollnvsdny nvr-nim; 'whvrc they trpent a pleasant ttasv hunts. During the owning one of tho mom- bers. Misé Ada Lips was present) with a numhor of pretty handkor- chiefs on the (we of her departure to The Labor ('anditlulv. Cmvrgo Harn- net, held Ills-c'IillKS at llvldellu-rg and Conestogo induy vvvnian. Address- es were Kinll by thu candidate and others. there living a good atttmdamte at both moi-tings. ' During ttw (‘vvninz bers. Miss Ada Lips with a numhor of chiefs on the (W0 of the West. _ MARRIED AT DETROIT. The marriage took place at Detroit on Tmssday, ()(‘tuber 7th of Miss Ella Frnhnapfls- a Waterloo young lady and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. s1itt,"ry'1'"ii,?'h1l'"t St., to Mr. G. It. Slew“. M . and Mrs. Sievert will make their home In Ohio. TENDERED A RECEPTION. s' Mr. and Mrs. G. It. sievert who an rivml in town on Werim"sday on their honeymoon trip wow tenth-rm! a rut-option by ttwir l‘rivmla at tho home of hvr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frohnu'pl'lv, on William St., at 7 o'clock on Wednesday (wooing. Thon- Were about twenty live present and a most vnioyable low hours wort- spout Tho newly married couple re. coidml the congratulations and good wishz-s of their friends and were the revipirmts of many lwautiful and [Iso- ful gifts. During the evening delec- table refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Sievert will have on Friday for their future home in Ohio. “ POPULATION AND ASSESSMENT HAS INCREASED _ The official "ures on \Vmorlno'a pmmlition following the nsaessmont n-Iurns wan- givvn out at the Town Clerk"" 0mm The total shows 1,'iad ortoo to have a population of 5 76 and all irtCrotMert of 173 ovnr the popu- latiun of last your. Income and Business Assessment. The frwomo Assessment of 3308.782 In n substantial Increase of 370.566 or r-I- thp previous your. Ttto land and â€â€œth assosxnwnt amounts to 83,- 264.6 cmmrml with $3.258.360 in 1918. or a small immune of $6.135, “Mimi! a to has. ad myth?“ m In “In. . "l."l'plutMuTr"l"lot2 -. mm mm or. "mm, P....?- ...vmm .._.,..... _ ï¬r 77,, __ - -. rt at hot twin (lender-ub- and has m: {a chain MY, if! better Inuit hr: cement! mm a! home y dag 1‘.I.¢.'I "the cum-on - Inn-eat." Jun comm-re can and rrttat" _ an, opt' trout-sat 1ef U'rariiliiuie" - I. m mum. and W a a an lucid . punks-l 'trer"rik-tfe "mquwm ttetretL1'Httt'ftt'f3t",t omen-- Rtttht at m Hark-t. Kuhn» . Pimp C“ MEETINGS WELL ATTENDED. PLEASANTLV ENTERTAINED. Arnold Jansen Local News Notes f succession antennas. a†ht rt't."g'grt.oht'g'T "wan-n .42.: . " 8,Ndtt.' 1ri'rf..5ltgu', Pal any“: "~qu with ttt other (mines)! Illd tmt tre m _, 9'5. '31 .eee ENTERTAINED CLASS. iiiiiiiiWrbN's 1 Rre1B"nSi'Ar'sule msunmsn n:umns.scma mum, iiiifiaiiia,tWfr m. m mtg Jon 4? $1 m: _ mm: ("mm-6m m RESIDENCE SOLD. iBest 586': ‘F Ptit ill-I iii":- “that want an. mo it. 7 "t "ii'ri'itrut.eeo-tt' mmqmqmwm ioa., - - 'St tt'qlui'efl'lv'n'ruu'.' _ â€IVSIM in "and to. ' visit 01 the. month. with Mr. nil numb-Ida - at our Btgqtrtetr cums“ Harmon. Out., when the my“ I pic-u: how-y. 'era.i'..Briirttolda-d_ “(haul reception It her home. " menu at. W., Kitchener, on m- dey elternoon. ": honor ot he: dean. are. Ire. Clement Medicine Mat, and Mn. L. Bricker, of “minim. when may triendn, old and new. evalled themselves ot the pleasure of adding thelr hearty greetings to the vleltore. who have come out far 3 short holldey. Mrs. J. B. Weaver and Mrs. Stewart presided It the toe table. and were enlisted In larval; _dn1nty relreexente -by Mn. A. H. Snyder and . Armbruet. At an enthuaiutic bullion meet-1 in; at representatives of Bt. Quentin Chapter, I. o. D. K. krsd the Navy' League. held on Monday afternoon, it; was decided to celebrate Nelson Day, October 2ist, with a hall In the Orp- heus hull. Waivrioo. This will be a grand opportunity tor all public spirited citizens in pay a grateful tri- bute to the victorious hero of Tra- tulgur. Miss Lola hit-Coll, ot Kansas City, Mo. .niece of Mr, C. W. Wells, who has tteen such a popular visitor In the Twin City during the summer months, has returned to her home. Mrs. Marshall (nee Hattie Simpson) left last Wednesday tor her home in Quebec, alter an enjoyable visit at several weeks with her relations in Waterloo. Miss Deauretta Leslie and Miss Fnory once Miller entertained the girls ot the, Lat-Lnt Kluh at a six o'clock tea ht Maynard hall, on Monday evening vhrtsrr tea was served the girls assem- hled in the library. where a short business meeting was held. The ob- ject of the meeting was to arrange for a Masquerade Ball. to he held in the Bridgeport Casino on Oct. 24th. All arrangements were made. and. with Howard's seven piece orlhcstra to provide music the dance promises to he one of the heat at its kind ever held. Invitations are to he issued the latter part ot this week. The many (Hands of Mr. Elwell c, Reade will he pleased to hear that he has arrived home safely after two yours service tor King and Country. Mr. Reade is spending Thanksgiving with his mother on George street. Mr. Darwent Kinum who has racont- ly returned trism Ovvrsoas serviw._is a visitor In town, the guest. oy Dr: C W. and Mrs. welts, George streot. Mr. Kinton made many friend. in the Twin City while attending the 1‘0“ng ate, who are extending to him the warmest of greetings on his sale re turn. A N: free ball (or returned soldiers and their wives and friomls. with the .sioreice, button as a "ticket" of admis- sion was the [firm of a dance given at the Arena last Saturday owning in honor or General Currio's visit to Vancouver, B. C. Judge J. E. Hearn has been an pointed senior Judge ot the County ot Waterloo. 1: The annual 'tleeds') of the Waterloo Young Womon's Hospital Auxiliary drew a record breaking attendance of momhers' and â€funds. on Tuesday ovvnirtg. The President. Miss Joasiv “mun prvsiderl and after a tew intro- duHI-ry remarks caller! upon' the SOCI‘O- fury mill “manner to 'rvasl the roports of thr, yeat's work. which were ot a most satisfactory character. A pleasant feature ot the meeting was tho attendance of tho newly ap- pointed Superintendent. Miss Rookie also the President and Secretary of the senior Auxiliary. Mrs. Suttler and Mrs, Lippert, and Messrs. Gen. hiehel. 1totit, Smyth and A. Kaufman. each of whom expressed their appreciation ot the excellent work being accomplished by this Auxiliary. Refreshmenls were served at the. close. and a pleasing hour spent, in the interests of the K, and w. Hospital. Mrs. F. Pearson left on Thursday for a vial! of several months in thp South, where Rho will be the guest of her brothor, Mr. Alex. and Mrs. Gibson. Birmingham. Ala. The handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Krug was the scene of a delightful rmtertalnrnent on Tuesday evening in honor of the bride alert, Miss Mary Lang. whose marriage to Mr. William Sit-ha. of Toronto. took place In St, Mary's church on Thursday. whereby Kitchener loses another of her loved daughters. hut her hosts of friends are. gind that the happy couple are to he settled so near as Toronto. which will keep them in lllf'h rinse touch with the bride's home town. iiiiitiiiiiiiiiikiiititit2ttt BORN. At Waterloo, Thursday. October 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hall, Al- bert Bt., tt son iiiG, .ktiFiiritnie4 iiG a B Infhmed or6ramNte& oeMgrhte was -rrrrg.attttte1t1. ruin... _ cr 1!“ $3»er Mun-In m “$3636.58“. 5650‘. 1e,'ciega'r, Eyes tMi and aka. It t_tter may“ - 1. n.'ireudttr. l' ttU,"gde'lT,.MidtnMle, Inna-m. Inwmhn u- aeatr..uMm.3.3.thdtteeT6 rum. Thoe-trrp-n-rs 'anu'gNfi,',t,d,t.t/U m In! - 10.16 o'clock. but on; 3 John tbat t-rowd. wI-nly In ever 1M BPMI’I u can. . c: numammg‘u her our“! " mamdm-mlhj- if) Tae-ha, .: T It!“ ha. ttmoe .i.Feta-trtLii?i.iEii.tfilFrrsa$ire'r.Aah" ttte t, in lb. 1U,'1%1'yd'UdllN"ll'J. . - . - .. Ct.," 1Slrtl'l'e) â€not!†the reception u tht - of the Wei par-emu. 311mm In. Son: left tar their honeymoon trip in use unto-duh and New York city. followed hy (ht but wishes of their no." ttd friend- tor much My†3nd proaporlty. Mr. and Mm. E. H lick of Torpnw Bpent the holiday in town. Mr. Lenny Devin who I: “and!“ the Ichool of Plumcy " Toronto, in home over the holiday. ' Mr. and Mn. Wm. Flynn ot Winni- peg “rived here Worms-any evening and will lpend th month's “anon with hln parents. Mr. and Mn. B. Flynn, Young Bt. Mr. Hubert llazelton. of Exeter. was a winner in town over the hall- day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Woollams and Miss J. 1498 of Bruntord visited friends in town on Monday. Mr. Harry Hahn and Mr. E. Bourne returned to London after spending the holiday tn town. " Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Cressman. of Plattsville visited at the home of their son, Mr. A. K. Cressman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Bonthron and two rhilllron an, Miss Hattie Mch-on, of Hensali, werc- guosts ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Fl Yunghlul, Young St ' tor spveral days irrs. A. Z. Garner underwent a suc- cessful operation for appendicitis at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Horace South-ll of Butrtilo are visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mn. Henry Moore, Spring St. Miss Martha Srhnotor ot mum-ton visited at thts home of her sister. Mrs. Herman Mnnk. over the weekend. Mrs. Gorda Ward Uurknor. of tho Buckner (Tourer! Company, spent Thanksgiving at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Shelley. Allen fit-. Waterloo. Thankseiving sorvirps were held in the various rhurchvs on Sunday. Im- pressivo sermons wvrn de-llverod by the pastors appropriate io the own- sion. Special music was rendered by the choirs. Mrs. Hter) E. Schultz and child- ren, Muster Milton and Miss Holen of Tonawnndn, NIL. are visiting relativ- es in the Twin-City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hahn and daughter Catharine and Mrs. FL Raul-n9 of London are spending the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougall. Dr. J. R. Parry. (F.A.(‘.S.). and Mrs. Parry and family, of Hamilton. and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hewvtson. of Brampton. spent the Thanksgiving season under iho parontal root of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Brtrittraupt, Queen St North. dim vino-inns. A welcome visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Flynn is Mr. Samuel Morton of “Inseam. Man. Mr. Mor- ton who in 72 years of age is a Velcr- ln Poiire Court thin morning Frank Arkoll. who was chum-d with "It nnry. wail gin-n until noon (0-day in in": the city Tho man intimated to Mngiainta Weir that he voila.†be ion; in taking a trip back to t Unit- an of1hoF6nian Raic.ieinx In the same regiment as Chief Flynn. At the business meeting of the Queen Anne Chpter on Monday a do- nation of $50.00 was made to the Navy League. The chapter will also _do- nate money to the new [0.1113, sick children's hospital In London, Ont. Rev. Prof. Henry Schaeffer, 11.11. Phil. the new Professor ot the Wat, erloo College and Seminary, who ur- rlved last week conducted the Thanksgiving service in the St. Mat- thews Church. Kitchener, on Sunday night. _ Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Rahal and Capt. and Mrs. Frank Rnutley motored to Toronto where they will spend Sun- day, JUDGE ISSUES Hamilton. Oct. lit-A warning was handed oat to the foreigners by Hon. Mr. Justine, Sutherland. at the Fn‘l Assiaeg. held in this city, He said: “Judging trom what I have heard in this court during the three days horn, I tind that foreigners, when they have liquor,‘have. no respect for law. I speak of this as u warning to foreig- ners thot it any of our law: are via. lated by them they can rest assured that it the authorities are mum of it "my wilt be followed and punished Thaw must not Ignore the luv: of our lands," SHOP IN KITCHENER WEEK Monday. October 27 to,Satnrday. Novomhor lat. merchants will pay your fares to City. me stocks or choicost merchandi-e to select from. An unusual buying opportunity you cannot allow! to ruin. WARNING TO FOREIGNERS no mm to the building new, tt tng col-mud will be uniform . th ti- - sanctum. mounting " x 104 not. The will be two new :50 s â€new. one. “Mull " commodation will be provided to taV cm ot tin npidly increasing basins†of the Gummy and it is believed that the new wing will provide maple ac- commoduiion tor some years to come. The uchliocinre m be uniiorm in every "upset with the beautiful Ilnu ot the pron-i bull-lint Work in now woe-oiling on the excavation. m ran-Ibu- We ot the Hun! Uh MM Gt., In _ be “In. a. In: low you Ma w M " IMHO-l. so much to an n “and“ addition to the m an: 0.10. In has! undated .th- nub my. In Herbert" Homer ot Toronto in the architect in charge. The Mutual Life for the ttmt ten months ot the rear wrote clone to "2.000.000 assurance, which In In un- usually ttae n-cgrd, showing the re Humble growth of the company. RECEPTION TO is Caused by Thin, Watery Blood I . and Cured by Enriching the Blood. - Most people think of neuralgia as a pain in tho heaWor in the face, but neuralgia may affect any nerve in the body. Different names are given to 'it when it affects certain 11- "veg. Thus neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is called seiatien. but the “character 'ni' tho pain and the nature of tho dis- l ease are the same. The cause being) the same. the cure to be P.trpctive must he the same. The pain in "eutu nlgia is caused by starved nerves. .The blood which carries nourishment to the nerves has become thin and im- pure and no longer does so. and the pain you feel is the cry of the nerves for their natural food. You may ease the pain of neuralgia with hot appli~ nations, but you can only cure the trouble by enriching and purifying the blood. For this purpose we know of no medicine that can equal Dr. Wil- Iiams' Pink Pills, These pills actual: ly make new. rich lilood and thus act as the most tsrtticiettt ot nerve Ionics, if you are sudering from this most dreaded ot troubles, or any form of _nel've trouble, give these pills a fair trial. and see how speedily you will be restored to good health. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a hex or six boxes for $2.50 from The llr, Williams Medicine Co, Broekville. Ont. Mr. and Mn William Mussel, Pun-k Bt., held a reception on Thursday ev- ening at their home in honor ot their son. Leonard. who was wedded to Miss Paullso Potrzaaki of Detroit on October 8th. There were 25 gnu“ present who joined in amending bent wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Manuel. The young coupio will leave in a law weeks tor Detroit where. they will re- side in future. CHLORIDE OF IIIME EXPLODES; EYES INJURED Miss Emma L. Bean is making a satisfactory recovery following the unfortunate aeeident which hate“ her this wm'k whon a can ot chloride of lime exploded while she was in the act of opening “The “ma lodged in her eyes sovun-ly burning them and hut tor the prompt medical attention recs-Iver! 'her (wt-sight" would have been tlestrnynd. F"ttrturtately the vit- al parts of her pyos were not aireeted. PAINFUL NEURALGIA She will. hruvover, ho taottfhtoti to hot home for some time. LENINE PLACED UNDER ARREST AT MOSCOW London. Oct. K-ive, to Hel. singfors. Finland. report that Nikollne Lonine, Russian} Bolshovlkl Premier. has been placed undnr arrest In Motr cow. Lenlne ordered the arrest of Leon TruIsl-v. y n Est/Minister or War, but failed IO socuro min and instead was himself taken into custody. The price ot milk in St, Catharines was rained to 15 cents per quart on Saturday, consequently upon the de. cision of: the Milk Producéra: Associa- Hon to r Isa the price to the distribu- tors Tire Civic Conservation Com- mittee held an inquiry into the in- crv we eliciting the information that 140 increnne was due largely to the price ot milk feed. which had gone up from tt.90 to $2 45 in the past month. I want to help you "you In "frorintr [tom bleeding, Itching, blind or pro- truding Pu... I tun all you how, in mm homo and without lnym\ assistance. you an apply the but“ the new .bsmptimt guano-mun! n- F-homrourirh""ocatttrVrm "botwrft. Ind-Ah. “mayo- Jinnah-bun“. B-tdeter-r. bert-oth-ttht-br. [pm-nigh“ you a FRERtriglol RE.LIEF AT LAST locum†FILES YOUNG COUPLE TREAT" " I“ I AM no mum-101ml. a: unc' r sud. - 'w' an an. to Kitchener " It than w. .0! it. happened to so that Iâ€. LAME cuss or 43ANDIDATE8 ran E or o DEGREES Itâ€, P. N. and!“ and (on: mem- horl at the Junior â€Wain. AIM. MOI-n. Barnard Biron. Roy 311M“. cm. For“ and mt den - torment“ It. Saviour: church 0! “Idaho. at an Inter-nucl- at Convention " the Bmthrbwd at St. Androvl at Detroit. Mlch.. trom Oct. In to Oct. an. There were MO meq and 300 Bun in “landmine. . About 65 candidates were initiated Into the Knights of Columbus at St. Louis Hall in Waterloo, listrict Dep- uty Pbelan sad 3 degree team from Toronto being in charge ot the work ot the dearer. Previous to the third degree a large class of candidates were given the second degree. The dance wurk was most succesnful On Mon- day I number of Knlghts of Columbus from Kitchen r and Waterloo went to Walkerton will†the third and second degrees of the Ordar were exemplihd by a Peterboro degree team. Montreal. Oct. 6.--Dyuatnitert' blew a hole three feet square in the wan at me Dominion Textile Company's ‘building at Cote' St. Paul, Saturday may No clue to the criminal's [HES A' very [blatant and trroittBble time I" spent by all. - f,i,eheis2it'f. Irstr, or round- luz Plles. No surgical oper- nuon rimmed. Dr, CW5 Ogn'unont will relian- you at (meg yr. - V............. -... u..-†"7.. w. m“ and " certainly cure A"'??,' an a 00x: All 3uuru, or Mun-on. tam h ca, Lunilorl. Mm Mylo box (no It you mention this 6-.att1esmt1ir-8ssostasr"tto8' pout-go. Ghstttr, Auk yet when Drake and Nelson chose the tretVt18 their life- erkhwho was there to know what would be the overwhelming consequences of their decision? . WWON took, to the future NELSON DAY, CAMPAIGN _ _,", -foireitftitj,,titj,iill,iiiti: tiss,:?'):...;,"-'-,?)--" Och-In: MR JOHN C. 33TON VIN-Chairman: A. M. HOBBBKLIN Honorary Tut-II." tttrt I MUND WALKER Anni-tun Tun-nu N. L. HAITIN‘ ' a In an... Wm. Ton-(o _ . Ah- a, ti. NAVY LEAGUE or CANADA n 0.)th Canal-'1 â€pun-Mn ard "spu- mum†u the not. n "in [null for the vettef of our suntan! INHII. - " m .17, all for duh-Inn - uh can billed. To "qhrtrh. nun-‘50." loo-IMO. " In“ "rs all â€In: - for our ninth-I "its by the "to-Jum- qf Bers' Nun! Brand“. Ah Puma '. H.R.H. m PRINCE oF WA!†Dom! Mon Preside ttt COMMODORE AEMIUUS JARVIS Do _rsot trutrey 'lea iGraGa' I HE glorious victories of Drake and Nelson were des- , timed to be the foundation of our Elipire and the guarantee of the freedom of the’seas, which makes i rg.silt,', the vast international trasle of Britain and er Dominions. . Campaign Co'mmiuee for the Province of Ontario " Thanh God I have done my duty! Begin with the Boys 1| BALL & 00.3 56 in. Broadcloths in navy, grey, black, red, light blue, fawn, special . . . $6.50 V "K l I \ .t3S-9066 . 9“! Pure alljwool navy Botany Serge, 48 in .width, special McCall November Patterns are here The Cash Store 'irrieiri-irtrii2 -girace Today, if you have any question in your mind as to whether you should support the work of the Boys' Naval Brigades, study the miner with an eye to the future. Get clearly in mind the tremendous importance of Can- adian products reaching foreign markets“ which can only be assured by the building of a great Canadian Mercantile Fleet, - ned with Canadian Scam"! We may build ships by the thousand, but it we cannot man them ourselves our position is still economically unsound. If we do not train Canadian lads to man our merchant fleet, we shall be left behind in the race for export markets-we shall have missed the greatest opportunity tor trade exp-mien in all history? _ What will YOU do to help some Camdin boy who isanxiou's to learn selmlnship, and so be of the greatest service to his country? Let your contribution to the fund be It? worthy answer. Help them by giving! ii "i'sL but: “can“ - hour!“ mum â€in 7 was. i 1mm "di' The my. black 'si' ways bespoah digrtiti", its cunning, new .' pus-3m Waterl p;