. cow chains. .AND PoLufrtty--4 tat pigs 800 lbs. each; 60 chickens. BNTtV--h'rotst and Wood ' nearly new, 6 rt. cut; McCor- éhlder; Masisser-Harrits muwer, 5 Preston pen harvester mower; . mower; hay rake; Massey- aide delivery rake; Elmira hay l spring tooth cultivator near» ;; Frost & Wood hoe drill, new; Nuxon drill. btttrrow glow; 3 No. 21 walking plows; '0raikintr plow; {section iron har- gdlsk; turnip seeder; 2 scul- iccockstunt manure spreadur. new; circular saw; land-roller; h'l','CCr,l corn blower; 12-h0rse â€gasoline engine; 1V; hurso . gasoline engine; pump Jack; _ ft" and 4 pulleys; roller choir {New Hamburg soparatnr. 32 cyl- 510 Inch plate chopper. 8 inch Q ehopper; New Hamburg tutor. 32 cylinder. " body I chaff blower and dus- ineurly nun"; Drinker separa- i.Trtteit scale can, 1200 lbs,; bag b.; 90 ft ot linen rope; fanning tr have] jack; turnip pulpcr; 50 :61 binder twine; grain bags; wag- htlngs. (up 6.000 lbs., large quan- Mt scrap Iron. p democrat; light dcmo- v a; tour top buggies, tyne . new; sulky; 2 sen of! T bob sleighs; set of light l l {designs with lvox and three 'scats; ', Wars, I nearly new; carponters' m machine; log lifter; paint! W; 2 sausage grinders; sausage tg,', scalding trough; 8 ft. steel S(mush; copper kettle; 2 iron ket- fi. feed boiler; sap pan; sixty sap F; too sprouts; 40 gallon steel ti' 2 live gallon coal oil cans; Tir galvanized tank; 100 cedar ll; tl corner posts; quantity of i‘hlnbar; quantity of beech lum ' blacksmith drill; forge; anvil; “mill: tools; grass seeder; but. . bench; 5 pig hangers; mortar En; new garage 10x14 ft., Ford [ car 1915 model in good run- order; crosseul saw; stone hum o" wheel barrow; ladder; fence F. barb wire and steeples; seylhes _ cradle: half barrel mnrlur color; 1 Pump; emery machine; ten- eememt tile mould; quantity of l number of large cement tiles; we auger: block and tackle; 18!. ot doulvlelrees; 4-horsc even: neck-yokes; logging chains; burs: pick axes; horse power A m couplings; chaff forks; shovels; beet forks; pitch , shovels; dung forks; hoes, ttad other articles too numerous ‘4 Hon. ESS. norms ETC.-" sets of harness; heavy not of single HBCLES~3 hunt-or wagons, Il, ly new; trtwri wugun; wagon box iuhL-lving; sugar bum. but with1 no shelving; l acts ot gravel '.:-t 2 hay racks; pig rack; , democrat; light demo- F tour top buggies, one h new: sulky; 2 sun or 'tar-s good dairy cows. cow - In April. cow due to . Iâ€. cow due to cable/in Der i I ma supposed with can, 2 - to calve in November. 4 pith; , years old; Hereford Intro-o bay towns “In; 5 acts of single harness", 2) ', 6 horse ttltsnketg; duster. RY. GRAIN. ETC.--A quantity of f Mo hush. banner seed Okla; 200 _ No. 72 seed oats; 35 bush. of 3t need oaks; T bushels ot seed . AN) bush. of oats; 50 hush. of " 260 bush. of mixed grain; 'lover seed; 200 hush. mangels. _ EHOLD EFFEPTS~ Behav- q I separator, nearly new; 2 p' ' In“: pans; extension table; " , years old, 4 mean ruin; old. a spring calves. one tat " - old;' black mum. at. m 5 you: old; Duck m "was, thing ' 10‘" â€In: [chord Purpose, m old; tenors! Daw- “, “I; " years old; tr u we o‘clock Ken. will vuulbh - m evaporator; ttttttr chest; rm: Ipringn and mum-u; dou. Incl that gun; bureau; side , Ito-mar; rarpnl 3% yds, T qu. - other articles, "gun-r "tM donut-do- uum; aw» Me; kitchen chairs; 2 wash benches;- 2 bedstead: with |::lounge; cider barrels; meat f. tard buckets; 2 kitchen Mov- Milt-A“ ' .1 was!“ on“. i“. (at ar; vanity, And All - I under. oar-h. our tom' " mac cull: on " It noon OF SALE» “my. ttrpm lore-and to firm I: ', mm 15 1.1.. 'ttetttPMti."A'f a... .1 b d “I. that " In†" nil. not of W. W. 000. u. t .aa.--hrars dock can - Implants-ll at w Ogram. 1% mile. south " “In. 8% all. north at Prelim. Gummy. can» II. at I.†- Homhold good: blown; to I. Haven, " Ayr. Wad. on. 'E--6rm .toee and up]. meat. boloulu to John Fun. 1 In“. I.“ od Preston. on Pruton and Kitchen:- my]. Tao-day. Oct. =--rarm neck All! 1- pigment. belonging to John 891mm. 1 all. and! o! New Dundee. on an Dana“ lnd Polar-burg road. l Wodncuhy. Oct 29-FUrm stock and) implements of Goo. Alias. 55 mile you ot Kitchener, on road leading to Petersburx road to Munhem. tqotct-Houstahold goods books and chattels ot the late J. L. Wideman. sold by N, E. Harry, Saturday, Nov. it, at l.30 pm, bonny hold goods Mlonglng to the tate Henry Zinnucrmqu. to be sold on I the (arm ot E, Schotte, 1% miles west ot Erbsvillc, 2 miles south ot west 9t Erbsnllc, T, miles soum u: Heidelburg. Tuesday, Nov. It, .130 p.m., farm stock 3nd implements ot Amen Mil let, at Kus nth. Wed., Nov 12, at 1 fun -'The valuable tarm, farm stock and implements be longing to Eckhardt lluras. situated 3% miles northwest of Wellesley. Ct16 miles southwest ot Crosshlll. Tuesday, Nov. t3.-F'tu'm stock and uplementl ot Clayton Shaun. 2h' miles N. E. ot Bloomingdale, 21/; miles north at Breslan. _ Tuelday. Nov. 18.---Farm stock and‘ Implements belonging to Louis llorscht, 2 miles west ct New Dun- den. Wednesday. h vembsr tg.-- Farm stock. implements and grain be- longing to William Houras and son, situated 3% miles northwest ot Wellesley village. 2 miles south west of (lrosshill. int 10, 5th line. Thursday Dec. 1tt.-.-F'arm stock and implements ot' W'ellinxton Schwartz. 2": miles west of Kitchener. Pt: 1L--ti'arnt stock and implements of M ’chael Schauh in the village c' 1 .W011- ' a [New 13e--Ftbrnt stock, Implements I and household effects. or Andrew [ Searth. 3 miles east of Breslau, and 3 miles south ot New Germany. Nov. t8.--vtuuaNe (arm. tarm stock, implements and household effects ot the estate of the late Henry Kniplel, one-hall mile east of Petersburg, 5% miles from Kitchener, on the main road between Kitchener and Peters ' burg. , Nov. 25.-Natuabte farm or 139 acres if not previously sold. tarm stock itnplemcnts and household effects , of John Wagner at Josephshurg. 3 . miles north of St. Agatha, 3 miles r south ot llamhorg. 1 Nov. 2r.---Farm stock and Implements _ of John Kipper. Tk miles south ot St 1 , Agatha, 1% miloa north of Peters ' burg on main road trom St. Agatha i Dec. r-Farm stock and implements . of Christian Litwillor, 1 mile north ' or Wel1eslcy village and 3 mllm _ south of Mill t Dec. 11.--IParttt stock, implvmonts ; and household efforts of John Much- ; twit, Ile miles wr-st of St, Clements 1- 3 tuiles vast of Crossllill. 2ls', miles north of Hamburg. Oct. 16--Parm stock. vehicles and household Hints of the late Emu! Albert, 1n the Village of Baden. Ort. My-Farm slot-k. implements and‘ household effects ot Louis Koehler., four and onematt miles west ol Waterloo. and three miles east ot St. Agatha, on the To. line between “him-loo ax d-VVllmm townshlnn. Nov. Itst-Real Estate and House- hold effects of the late Peter Ham- mer. in the village of Hamburg. Nov. qth.--F'arrn stock ot Louis H. Wagner, 2% miles vast ot Welles. ley. and one mile north at Harlem corner. lNov. &--ti'arnt stock and implements Oct. ".-Barner Smuck. 3 miles north. west ot Arias station, on Elmira road. farm stock and implements, Nov. t7.--Mohtt Seltrled. Pllklngmn Township, 3 miles north ot Arias Station, farm stock and implements Nov. W--H"rrr. Walker (arm stock and ' immempms. Nassngawoya Township , 2 miles east ot Natchhull. Oct. 6.---Farrn stock and implements of Wm, Maser, % mile west of Glow alien. Oct. 11.--Househotd ducts. ete., of Mr. Schmidt in St Jacobs. Oct. 13.--Farm stock and implements of Merino M. Sandor, 3% miles north east of Elmira at Balsam Grove. Oet. Fair Day- \‘irchols' harnouiu rob "blankets. ete, of John Welter. El ‘.. B. Ducting, Auctioneer mira. Oct. Fair Day-Livery outtlt of Her man Schmm In Eimiru. award! you" note- or 6 per cent. " for cash pnymontn ot credit amounts. n. n nnmmxn. 'tttrt t" L. F. ItHr"rRt1'5t, Clprh. LOUIS ROEHIJIR. Prop Pte. ll.-~Farm stock, implements and household “from of Edward Kimr wetter. Ninth line of Wellesley Township. IV, miles north of St. Clements and 2 miles northwest of Heidelberg. I. Crawley, Auctioneer I --R- I! - a teq - w o M will I. - I: â€I. Anal-I - BI and†it :uï¬MM‘ï¬udmuauggfl.“ cl tmumxquum m..."- vma. " mu.- m at In“. an ' i u'rumuv. act. w. . TUIIDAV. car. " an mm at It.†debt . Mt. ' swim. tr',,',;',,' Set'y you. ""e'l1t T mug: “"5." no". old. Holstein cow, duo to cal! an Map, ' t'."Mu"t,",',l'f but? "in 0M Dirt-um Jo-rr emu cow, in. to all 'ld Navy (to! bone 5 ’9." iii. In Mar, about " chicken. - bar ham " yâ€. old. Md vol-kw. use; "get'g'Mtfgr'2."1' Howmm tuuturmersts---iH, binder no how wagon: one hone “an. land mun oculdln; trough, hand mmâ€. a we Iron horror, Ilule plow, Isn't" tool-I lmrrov. Pitt hunger. good democrat. cutter. good top buy. “all; boa, [my rock. " rock. " bone - " englne. nearly new. - single bur no“. buggy. lumen. nearly new. slugla harness with collar and MIA“, 4 set boldb-ck naps. oculnet. clrcuhr ““3 .-._.. 7-. _---'. -.- w"? - v ‘-. - - _,_.___, w, - engine. nenrly new. has" stuck bur ' PIGS AND cmCKBNB-- 8 ml 'MMB. butrq, bun“! nearly tMor. brood so". one due to vi. by time or, single harness with collar and MIDI, an one to mg by December. our 4 set holdbsck strsps. scutner. circular supposed to be in pig. " good m1. saw. grind stone. robes, blankets. 60 to so u,- “ch. , young pigs gum wheelbarrow. cross-cut saws. torn. weeks old. ' shuts weighing shout shovels and numerous other mlcleo. IM “1. “Ch. 60 turns/SO young chick- Hti--'rwo ton timothy bar. "rw, Collie dog. Household Goods - Churn, cook [IPLEMENTS -. “may Harri. stove. single bed, lounge, wash sand. binder, in good shsve. McCormick small table, hanging lamp. sausage mower, my welder. shoe seed drill. grinder and stuffor. ice cream (recur. Dim] disk, spring tooth cultivator. I scales. 240 lb. can. good cresm senor» my may, 2 plows. ' Mellon inn tor, cupboard, milk coolers. will. but burrow, Beutner. steel Ind roller. one ter bowl and print. horse power gas engine. 8 was?†and l w near new. TERMS or ttALE-Poultry, hny nod 22:, J,tte,"1%,', 'l'd'l'dl,' â€laden all sums ot $15 and under cash. over top MIKEY. bob sleigh. set of rack that amount 8 months credit on up litter ropeB, good rope Its feet long, proved joint notes or 5 oer cent P."., pulleys. My fork. 50 rolls wire (enema. Farm Stock, Implements etc TERMS OF ttALE-Poultry, hty and all sums ot $15 and under cash. over that amount 8 months credit on up proved joint notes or 5 per cent per annum discount tor cash on credit amounts. _ on the farm known as tho John Ker- chnor place, situated on the Kossuth and Preston road, 1% mites south of Kossulh. 31,0; miles north of Preston, on -.. THURSDAY, OCT. 23, 1919, Commencing at 1 o'clock. the follow 77iorsos-croon work horse 12 years old. good work horse 15 years old. aged horse. - _ T CATTLE---? good dafry eows-ht sey cow due to valve in Felix-nary, Holstein cow supposed to be in calf. furrow cow. heifer 1 year old, steer 1 year old, cult. PIGS AND cmCKENS-Good York brood sow with litter at aldo, 2 shunts 4 months old. 4 shouts 3 months old, about 50 chickens. 59y Harris mower nearly new, Massey Harris disk nearly new, Oliver 2 fur- row plow nearly new, single plow, 3 3ection iron barrow nearly new, Frost & Wood hay rake, tscutrter, cutting box, good wagon and box. hay rack. top buggy, cutter, good team harness. single harness, buffet. forks. shovels, hoes and numerous other articles. 'i's'iiiixiriiVhr- Massey Harris ‘commenclng at 1 o'clock p.m. binder. 11 hoe drill negrly '""5: Mast HORSES-mack mare, 14 years old, MAY AND GRAIN-ti tons good hay, mostly timothy: 500 bush. oats. 100 hush. barley. 'quantity ot buck- wheat. TERMS op SALE -.-. Hay, grain, poultry. shoais and all sums of $15.00 otd under, cash: over that amount 12 months’ credit on approved Joint ttotes or 5 ppr cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. Choice Shorthorn Battle E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer, GEO. LATCH, we“. To he hold on Nov. 6th, 1919, on the farm at John C. Bricker. 2 miles west of Elmira. 14 miles north of Kitchener. Ont, commencing-at 12 o‘clock noon. 37 head of Scotch and Scotch top- ped shorthtrns. 7 link! and M) cowa. including such families. a Lover Man-hips: ('lenmnnna. Misslo Argyle. Mina. Buckingham, (fruickshanks. Mil, drqd, Miss Ramadan. Fanny B. Mysia. Waterloo Prim-mu, Morlina. Lady Jane Pglled, Shorlhorn Crimson. Flower, Snowdrop A large part ot this offeran is Scotch and the rnnalnder in [mud Scotch- lnmvul. As a whole the offering in in gum! breeding condition and of gum] Mom] linps‘ C P. R. and G, T R. trains will be _ mu day of sale at Elmira. I Write tor catalogues to J. C, Brick- Pr. Elmira. Ottt. it. R. 4. PUBLIC SALE AUCTION SALE HERMAN STUCKHART. FOR BALE-rhom" organ. 0 not; piano ram" Ilrst Hana com“ :48 M Apply It. A, Roan. Pt Rn Mt., Kltchonrr, or at this- ometr ROBERT OGRAM, Proprietor, E. I. SHANTZ. Auctionrer. o. S. KOLB. Clerk CAPT. T. E. ROBSON G. G. CLASS. Auccloneen. part of this offering ls Scotch rundlnder In good Scotch- As a whole the offering in breeding condition and ot OF OF Proprietor o ocuvon. condition. 19 Roland 40-31 40-3t HoWMlB--T- - 10ml _ " no " you! on. be." bay - ' you: on. bun-nun i you: old, In. bony any born: ' "an old. bar born " you" old. good worker. CATTLah-to good wry cow. lup- poudtobehlall. to (when ho tween the. and mil, IMrhagttq and Hal-mun. pure bred Damon bull I yegn old. " hood you»; out]. up yarn old, , head yam out]. one yen old. 0 spring tte: A "fii,riiGiVriraG semi-mot. cooking slime. box beater, wash muchlne. shaft" and pulleyg. _-- _ _ HAY AND GRAIN-15 ton good buy. 1700 bush. No. " o. A. C. oats. 400 bush. mixed gum, 250 bush. barley. quanmy of turnips. . "iriiikEiisiCiGerat set of good team Menu, several set of Dingle buggy harness: - _ _ .. _ 73.55;“; rahovels. chains. dotttrtotrmytr, and other articles too numerous to mention. - TERMS OF' '3ALE-- Hay. grain, poultry, shoals. and all 2mm: of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on appi'oved Joint noten or 5 pennant. per annum discount tor cash on credit amounts. ALLEN HAIST. Prop. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. o. S. KLOB. Clerk. 40at Farm Stock, Implements, There will be sold by Public Auc- tion on the premises % mile west ot the city limits of Preston, on the road leading to Kitchener. on good worker; black mare, 7 yearn old. good In all harness. CATTLE~2 good dairy cows., Ayr- shire cow. Jersey cow, fresh 6 weeks. tat Holstein heifer. 2% years old, steer. rising 2 years old. Holstein calf. 6 weeks old; a number or old and young chickens. IMPLEMEN"rs--M.-H. binder, good} as new. mower, ‘51:“. need drill“ spring tooth cultivator. disc, iron har- row, 2 Bcuttters, plow. heavy wagon. truck wagon. iron wheels, 4 inch tire, democrat. good as new, bob sleigh cutter. hay rack, atone boat. cutting box, root pulper. fanning mill, grind atone. corn planter. 2 Bot team har, near]. one good as new. single harness, horse collars, nechyokea. doubletrees, forks, shovels. pulleys. hay carriage. 16.tt. ladder and numerous other articles. TERMS OF ttALE-Poultry and ttll sums of $15 and under cash. over that amount. 6 mo. credit on approved joint notes. or 5 per rent. discount for cash on credit amounts. Mah SALE JOHN FOSS, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. O. S. KOLB, Clerk. Nov. 4.--F'arm stock, Implements and household affects belonging to Wes- ley Sehweitzer. two miles north- oaal of llmwville. Oct. 30.-Warm, stock, implements and household Meets belonging to "who". wiliits. 2% miles east of Itoneville on the main road leading to Gall. -- I. H. THOMAN‘. Auctioneer WM. M1CKUS. AUCTIONEER Oct. 1ty.--Housrehold effects ot Mrs WALTER PRICKEY. AUCT. CIDER MILL OPENED Nov, 11th. --Farm stock. Implements and hnusphold aroma of DuanI Ernst. lg mile northward of Bt. Jll‘nhl, on main road trom Bt. Jacobs to Elmira. Fllhers' mu Oder Mill will be otrrm) every Tueadny, Wednesday and Than-1 day. Panha- ot long distance: will find it more convenient to mike III Appointment tar bolllng apple Mutter. Phone Reeldence W2. (Dell); Reel- one. 2r0, Weterloo Munlclpel. Mm 2râ€. Waterloo Munlclpll. A. J. .HANTZ. Prop. R. R. 1. Hayden I“! WEDNEsDAY, OCT. 22. 1919, asuiicHelm. in the town of Water. OF mallow-CNN -gtr.n-seNiwgt_! sun-mum... mummuunnu win-cm " t - â€I. My. newsman-nu by ttet t at u not: M. not how Aruaaht,, 1 you-.011] ooh. not"! nun. I "an old, good drivu. m MOI Int-I. ' you: old, can - Artrqe. ot uh; red cow. In mu M oe nun: who. POULTRY-About 126 chicken. tMPL-NTS-Pew. Mud-r. neu- ly no tt. alumnus motor. 0 ‘tt. cut. n ly new: noel My mtres,' nearly new, udder. _ new; Gum“ culunl ' he!!!) now; (“In tooth culuntor, steel lull roller. nurture "reader, nanny new. F. W. dine arm. turnlp\ seeder. Turk 10- 1gortMet-r an engine. eon binder. I Arr taming plows. F.-W. m plot. ' we. iron WNW. " sec. Iron huh rown. root pulper, disc. I wagons. one nearly new, Milky, good teed box. bob aleixhs, hay racks. alum-km midst. 28 yda. long, (inning mill, wuon springs. Lion any. top busty, new, 109 buggy, nearly new. single demo- lcrai, cutter. 3 gravel boxes. lam. carpenter tools, seminar. , dozen good grain bags, ' dos. jute bugs. chicken netting, forks. shovels, neckpoed. doubletrees, beet tore, logging ell-inn. cow chains, meal aw. cross cut uw. wheelbarrow, 5 bundles 5 in. thingies. and other articles too numerous to mention. HARNESS, Eete.-H+ team har- ness. nearly new, plow harness. sell plow harness with halt chain tugs. sl set single harness. 3 nearly new. tine string of bells. extra good robe. new buggy oilcloth. 6 Pneumatic ham collars. HAY AND GRAIN--? bus. lm- proved Banner seed oats; 5 ton good Timothy buy. 20 tons mixed My. quantity ot good Clover seed. quan- tity of potatoes (about " M.) HOUSEHOLD GOODS--' exam. slon tables. corner cupboard. cherry wood writing desk and book case com.’ bined, white enameled iron bedstead with springs. 2 bedsteadn. with spring. tand mattress. 2 wash stand; , toilet sets, sideboard, 2 rockers, couch. wood heater. sink. Melons cream separator. dozen kitchgn clulrs. lawn bench. bench, scale. 240 ma. can. 18 yards wool carpet. 18 yards home made car-i pet, " yds. stair carpet. new; totd- ing ironing stand. churn. meat barrels 4 tabs, meat grinder and stiller. nearly new, barrel vinegar, iron hei- tie, clothes wringer. cider barrel, 2 dot. 5 qt. pails. milk coolers. lard cans. fruit jars. thu irons. lamps, dishes. good full tea Bet, and lot of good use tul'kltchen uienslls. t - --- - n,,_u___ “no... car'rLgr--Bue& m. but a up. 1 PUBLIC SALE lul'nlltnnu usw..u.\.n - TERMS OF ttALE-Poultry, pots toes and all sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount 12 months' credit on approved jolut notes or 5' per cent. discount tor cash payment! at credit amounts. I There vlll be offered tor sale by Public Auction. upon the promises of the undersigned. at 14 Uollcvuc Ave., in the Towiot .Watcrloo, on - SATURDAV, OCT. 18TH, tttttt Commencing at one o'clock p. m., the) following valuablo property: l HOUSEHOLD EFECTS -- , .lwd- sis-ads, springs and mattresses. bed- aloud complete wlth dresser Ind wash stand, 0 dlnlng room choirs. 2 rocking ‘chain. , parlor ables, lounge, a good organ, small lent table, parlor rug 10 x 12 good an new, parl'or lamp, 2 smnll lamps, , chnmher lets, hand power wash machine. , cider barrels, I good cupboard with glass doors, heater good as now. , wine barrel; urge iron hot- tle, hand slolgh. con! oil Move and oven. sauerknul ml), 20 â€rd: ot bed. room carpet. lawn mower, prawn tools and many I to mention TUESDAY. OCT- " d. J. SHANTI. Aucuoneer. B. HALLMAN. Clerk. t '0: Household Effects, Tom. Club. MRS, LOUIS HELM. Propriotreu. WM. MICKUS, Auetiorteer. Peppler St., Waterloo. 4t.2t All um inn-nut“ h at"'?, ncehn- prompt and elf at ', hnilou. Your â€(ton-gs I. _ "ulna. tra M. Tomlt Nu Dana“. Phone on. M.tf JOHN LICENSED AUCTIOk fin cow, lulu!) M unlit: other arm-lea too numeroml SCH U LE, Proprietor. 4t-3t :--orrtqr660r It',', a no â€and. ' gmumvmuw moo. his†gun with! u». can. -.v 4Ҡâ€to... "willâ€; lunar-.21." old. gum-tubular; twat-J one nu oW,8 m on nu on; I good sprint can; _ Pu. usd Ptttuter--4h" m in. liner " tool; I oowl supposed to he "rith pig; 11 than. ' mm. ow, w ichlckou. Implement: - Culuvnwr. "tsoo load drill. mower. :culller, {6. 'iii) valor, turnip laden} Llano novel" with sick. I dun. land roller, Manor. 1 home corn cultlvwor. hay like. No. " Arr plow. riding Dunn.“ ot Iron hum-s. them use! doublureon. 3m plow. International [my louder. 'nurly new, - cutting box with I'. n. ot union. we. alpaca: "t "tte. Vehicle: -- Lumber vuon. truck.‘ “can, do†with bunks. net ot wuon wring, not or wagon uprlnu. up. 4,500 Hm. not at wuon springs. suitable tor milk wagon, up. 2,500 lb... open buggy. top buggy, cutter, has trupk. buggy pole. {1... audio. drtln Now, , hay non. sum kettle. not at gravel punks. (Inning mill, Mutable for milk wagon, up. 2.500I TERM.--' tut cows. pups, poultry. tba., 0rrett buggy, top butrto, cutter†and I" mm: at 810 and or. ash. beg tngk, buggy pole, w-. cftl.1"i over that amount 10 tul',',': credlt dratn NOW. , hay racks. - kettle. upon furnishing approved security. or aet ot tgravel pianka, humus mtil.t 5 per cent. per Innnm on tor cub on anvil._potato sprayer. churn. logging credit Amounts. chains. 2 light chains. donbletrces. neck yoles, torn, shovels. etc. WESLEY OOHWEITZER. Prop. Hames». ete.--Bet ot team harness. I. H. Tomi", Auctioneer. not ot plow nameâ€, double set ot E. B. HALLMAN, Clark. ..48at ‘cnrrlage harness, nearly new; new {not of slngle harness. l “I ml In a " l? Grain, Roots-tUN huh. oats. 400 bush. mixed grain, 100 hunk. ot bar- ley. 100 bush. of buckwhent. quantity ot turnips. Positively no reserve sold. TERMS OF tbALE-.Grtun, Roots, Poultry and all sums of $10 and un- der, cash, over that amount " months' credit will be given on ap- proved jglnt notes, or 4 per cent. ott tor cash payments ot credit nmunts. I MICHAEL SCHAUB, Proprhtor. H. B. DUERING, Auctlonur. CHARLES OTTMAN, Clerk. 43-2! There will be sold by Public Auc. mile west ot Kitchener, on Wednes- day, Oct. 29, commencing at One O'clock pm. stoctr--Dappel grey Percheron mare 8 years old, pure bred St. Bernard fe- male dog, abttut 200 chickens. 4 ewes. 2 years old, 4 lambs. one pure bred Oxforddown buck. pure bred Holstein cow, 8 cheats. 10 weeks old. Implements-One ho'rse wagon. one horse sleigh. , seated democrat. cat. ter. one horse plow. new M..H. soul. tier. hand, beet seeder. 25 ft. rope, hay fork. iron barrow, set single heavy harness, buggy harness, or» iato shoot. pig troughs. large mail box. wire netting. some chicken coope. scythe. cow chains. blankets, grain bags, cider barrel. quantity of mixed ‘hnyr-n number of cedar posts. forks. ‘shovcls. hoes, and numerous others. Household Goods -Kitchen range, parlor cook heater. sewing machine. coal oil stove and oven. 8 kitchen chairs. rocker. bench. sausage grinder and trtutrer, couch. butter bowl, churn. milk pails. coolers. tron kettle. large' honey can. center table,“ milk box. l.'.'.?.?,',', tubs, stepladder, tiottr chest. scythe and other nrticles. TERM8 OF tSALE-Har, Poultry and all sums ot 816 and under. cash, (over that amount. 8 mouths' credit ‘on approved joint notes, or 6 per rent per Innum discount tor cash on credit amounts. GEORGE ALLES. Proprietor. I. J. BHANTZ. Auction-or. Farm Stock: Implements - and Household Effects. 42-2t PUBLIC SALE " SALE-- PM! clan (Nahum tmutt, may for bualnon. Phone or wme o. s. Roth, Bmllu. 11H! Stating a Son GROCIII, KI‘PCHENER WIN pay UK to 12: tor good Dried â€pl-O. Phone “I. it OF u farm " Mali“! to“ brawn-silo "(I-1L: H-ao-rt- rail-I m. 0H. m m man. not about mum tgomqucl. o---' Cow pd u an. d uh ltuwor.lmmv.leo'. “pm-ed to be In all. Doc. 1. Pun ud Pouttrt-0 so". a you: plsl, rum from I to I was†cl. l pure bred York hour. I lentil old. I Anon“. than! "it [III -.. " new. tt not previously told. tnur-tto-t open bum, pm made tires. 1 open buggy, will! rub- ber tires. 1 good surrey. uncanny how. 1 double ruin; Now. V tG-ur-a wt single lumen. lul- ton. etc. Purtsiture-t cupboard. 1 couch. 1 book' cum, writing desk, 1 Walnut sewing machine. 1 Morris: chair tad other very metal (manure. OF Farm Stock, Implements, Household 1ilfrecta, Etc. There will be sold by Public Auc- tion on the premises or the under- signed. " miles east ot Resevllle. on the main road leading to Gait, formerly known as the Garrick Farm, Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. the (ollowlng valuable property. viz.: Horses-l heavy bay mare, 8 yrs. old, 1 light mare, 3 yrs. old. well broken, 1 sorrel driver. ll yrs. old, mood driver. l Cattle-i registered Holstein cow, when} Sept. l, 1 Holstein cow, (well bred), calved Aug. ii, 1 grade Hor stein cow, calved Aug. Ili, 1 cow. calved ln July, 1 Durham cow. due to calve Jan. 20, 3 yearling Meters. 2 feeders. l yearling calf, 1 call. 6 weeks .old. ' _ WM‘W. pups-S igss, about 100 lbs. each, 8 pigs, 8 weeks old. 9 pigs, 6 weeks old. 1 sow with " suckers. new. Household Enema - 1 good heater. Implements-l good open buggy, steel tire, 1 cutter. 1 set single har- iron SALE-Pulled Angul cow to treshnn in about two weeks. Apply I Henry ti'ehrenhach, one mile out ' of New Grrmany TERMa-Pigs and 'til sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount 6 months' credit, by furnishing approved security, or a discount of 5 per cent. amounts HERBERT WILLETTS. Prop. L H. TOMAN, Auctittrteer. E. B. HALLMAN, Clerk. 4', To close an estate the urtderslgrtod will be pleased to recelve otrers for Dot number tfvtt south side of .Moore Ave., Block A, and lot .number .mm, enuHmweei corner John St., and Moore Ave., Block D, Town of Waterloo. ... MRS. J. E. KNIGHT 170 Glasgow St., Guelph, Ont. YOUNG MAN WANTED with two or three roars' experience ht dry goods Apply at once. Lang Troacv Co, Ltd. Kitchener. 42.tt, PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1919 Stueblng & Son GENERAL GROCERS, KlT‘CHENER Witt ply 10c to tac (or a Dried MIN." Phone on. ST. JACOBS CIDER MILL will operate every Tuesday Ind Wednesday till further annum ott for cash for credit notice. Lots for Sale J. B. SAUIEK 4b2t 41-3: