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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Oct 1919, p. 4

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'r,, PLAY FAIR. m the urn. we can win the 1aot'ltt' the speaker. x. A. Hall ot Heupeler. m of Galt, and D. N. Pan. mol Heapeler, also spoke. Hom. ”. well-known artist. ot Boon, ttbm. Oct. 7--The Township I this village was filiod ,to its I: Int night to hear their own “an! the cause of the ur.o. Wm that has been in circu. an only a few farmers want- Ipdidnte was not in evidence t. Mr. Barbour stated that gently encouraged by the way - were rallying to his support hunmber of ladies and man u to both political parties Par-rd after the menus and ex- jtholr desire to have their nam' nomination pawn Mr. Harv that it looked as it the Far! y had ulreday graduated‘ Paouie's Party Addresses] _ delivered by Mr. Elliot! ot', I! the dilemma between rem- and Any diwuo which in new cannot be itt4etirtttely You In” (“3ng the forms KS',',','",,?.', t " u I mp); _ Man for you. with Rheu- i After trying numerom "at. “at success, In “to. Trm. trtatits Camilla. Ind in P9- chrhot hmfth mm. at no later Rheumatic symp- xt Whit does he im. he “do! Thu it In his old mud; tbat the while he ll ' turn an ow the lg!!! t: wen. Fil, im. on we will: to endi- , ts 1'""1t, (use. placer. 'ttttrtatie than . hit trUI they It, 2,',',t dt?'?.', Lum. t our: ' or my of din-un’ "I." mt. m Itrtmmte III" dim Tiny will T ated drive then from bet vinovov you M! u (I, an "In; T.B.C.'- [ PM laid that as a result of _ Clnldl had been thrown mldotream ot competition t this education was funds“ in producing the best work. nm! hi- dopartment wan girl m by liberll grunts toward w and technical schooll. Hal tttt pllco needed one ot these Liners than Gait. and urged: i3. combination ot work. thrift “than we can face the mm? to come as we faced the terrors but!!! by the grace of God, as If; MlllMfll (l,1, RECEIVED [OMB VILLAGE tr. r. o. Candidate’s mination Papers. t). happy (unu- at hav- In tho Idmlnlutntton at " "id m. Cody, “in that mndnln, no lholetonn out! no one hu to shy ' t boeause some would . voted." /thartkttrt the Government ulna of Its human wealth. m was doing lverythlnx (or! and moral adjustments. to the grant Ionics the hhontorlen had been In .&0 spread of disuse. the paid I tribute to the new of the Hearst Government. Arthur E. Ross, to whom credit tor puctlcally the) tho-nee at typhold omen: troop. in the recent wur. unknown baton. and the hhontorlos provtded the an! tor the success ot the Compensation Act. Hon. Dr, It pie-sod him an an Ontario a- tho American Labor de- fupeently In Toronto declare p Ontario Act was the belt lrlslln. Wh, he “do! “I had; that th lily ' Minna! - lglln " I no we I - plan'- light AA. LEARN J. G. Hurst ot (‘onestégg up ttt the meeting was Mr. I w, M Ribbon". . 3"!!!er or b You. a. m In} gnu-R y, In CI" .. an m um nu you: at that: In m history but with . “cord 0; And prom”.- MW” HIV-urbavuu = ”We . We!“ Wampum... nun-uncan'uu- ”to! he had local who. CONCLUSIONt Desire to at KWatae, . .i.Prett.tliidiGr7GiFTii Jd'fg'dN, ho 'all"."','.'"' C. - manna 'hrrre.tiu'udrmetr.tttrsit. tytttt.ee 1tT"'.ltyqettoe-vtt- W MIMI-him will” was Inown In Woodstock on Monday morning. when wmum Rendition. Iced M, run down urea! and .topped a runaway horse belonging to the It E. Butler Cour may] lumber Ture m his public life Mr. Buchhnupi served the on) u I member of the Public School Board. as . member or the City Council. Ind also " In Att, senior. m, In: I member of St. Peter's Lutheran church A PIN"! oft-run. Mr. Buchhaupt had been identified in pubiir lite in this city for many years. Eight years an. after retiring Jinan the mercantile shoe business. ha soccpted the position 0K Sanitary [inspector and during his term at omce he gained a wide circle of friends as . result of attention to duty, his fairhess to all classes ot Iciiizens and his unfailing interest in " work ' ( John Goortre Buchmupt was born its; Germany 66 years ago. When a boy " yell-s ot use he came to this coun- try, iocating in this city. He left the city for s time to ion-n the woorworit- Ins trade and inter returned hare to ucspt s position with the Simpson Fttrttitttre Company. He left the on» ' ploy ot the company to enter businsss for himsolt. opening the Mantra! Shoe Store in the space " present occupied by the Wsseloh shoe store. After selling out " stow on King street Mr. Bucbhsupt conducted an- other shoe store on Frederick street for some yesrs. It was with genuine exprvssions of regret that the news was received throughout the city this morning of Ithe trutsirttr of Sanitary Inspector George Buchhaupt. Mr. Buctthturpt, who has been in failing health. died shortly after midnight thin morning. Five weeks ago Mr. Buchhaupt found 'it necessary to relinquish his duties at the City Hall. He retired to his home but was forced to take to his bed three weeks ago. Since that time his .condiiion grew constantly graver until the end came peacefully nt 12.30 this {morning _ -- _ ___.‘... , I You can get Dr. Williams' PPI )Pills from any medicine dealer or by (PA! at 50 cents a box‘or six boxes for 182.50. from The Dr. Williams’ Madi- icine Co., Broekville, Ont. i Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. and we soon the pain: and atln'neu of Joints fade away, leaving behind energy and new health. There is only one Why to cure them matism. And that is through the blood. Linimenta, hot applications, ’and rubbing may give temporary one, "rut cannot possibly root the trouble 'out or the system, That can onlybe done by the rich, red blood which Dr. Williama' Pink Pills actually make. This new blood drives out the poison. ous acids and impurities. and the rheumatism disappears. It you are a suiterer "am this painful malady‘ be- gin curing yourself-today by the use on Rheumatism is a disorder ot the Mood. It attacks people when the blood is overcharged with Acid and im. yurltiss. thus setting up fntummatton In the muscles and Joints. Wet we:- ither or cold weather of autumn nay start the tortures ot rheumatism. but Is not the cause. The cause is in the Mood and the blood only. Victimsi or this malady have every reason toi tear the tirtyt dull ache in the limbs‘ and Joints followed try sharp pains through the tietrtt and muscles; these are the symptoms or poison in the blood which may shortly leave the victim painrscked and helpless. RHEUMATIO PEOPLE Can Only Flnd Relief by Enriching the Blood. Mr. and Mm. mm. [on on I honey. moon trip to Bulalo and other palms And on then return will nude on Quest: Bt., Waterloo. 'Tbe (Hindu critic nowly [nu-tied conple will wish than every Impul- ness and prosperity. a quiet ”do!" took plus a the " Pull“ Pro-bunt“ church. Wnterloo when Mr. John Ellis in muted In marriage to all" Ella Johnna. The ceremony Wu performed by Rev. D. A, McKeucher In the 978001100 ot my friends ot the council“ par- “on. Mm no the M n m to mm... m. a... Ptttf"rt.to . “WAW ttl"elthtdtttigt “a. aadeAbrheest.tar,3m. rum ~01:th my...“ otDWWlLIIIIuIIMn-d KIM. - _-'" --_ '"_'_e- "m'"""".-., _. w. A. - v "I T I Tr w -"6" "‘5: ‘ 1MBrtTI. "i, 9633;“ . " It. a: ninja» III. Ink-IL. 'ttttht-tist all“ tie 4 t I, A T - "'/ )1, tr-tyear?).')"".";, 2r cs., EMI (,.t"2tt11'tirtt"a'i"i't'dt,'h't',?, Eirtrk%'llllll"u'rtf 1?qtrtttyitur ”4 tt'gahr,gt,tts,te " ' ' ",'!tcffh'"tti'f!'i' ‘37 33-3; “17.... m" 'ra'.e - “an“, "ttrrht. which “amt " an out, 'tetttamt" can: - .'"r", C':' in,“ 'uttt,T,T't ol only y, -e----- ' _ B _ ' _ . . . " -' 'A."r,tt'eaeLtt,ra., m. tn ,rltgd,"h"iaohtgagtg “a, ' will. in, Win} tar Dry Goods , [ . '_try"ititra liltoluvy Ma _ _tteM1rptur'ttMtstdtiui "tut- n. m- "at--- _--------- __ l GEORGE aucn HAUPT“. ILLIHOHNION. lla. Petr “tel-3:009. Sept. mu OBITUARY how the new nomad midwi‘an:‘hon1 I The old Conservative Club home were the scene Monday evening ot I smoker M which C. R. lilie. ex» M. L, A., end undid.“ for the Lite "ra1Xhttsmrrvativ.s tor North Water“ loo, in the pro-em elections. en the‘ no". There we- . - mm out of "”on and "tar the nicer- hnd been meted Around and A few nine- of nerd- enJoyed. Mr. Hill- wn celled upon by Chairman Otto Veal-en; to nddreee the menu“. Mr, Mili- toeched upon the policy at the Govern-lent in connection with the Ontario Temp-moo Act no new the! the Premier bed manly adopted the policy u n strict m lieu-re end an he led lived " to his m- in. to the main in mun-nin- nun- he to the now; it: eGGriii,ViG'i' the rfPeetys..yr-rt u the m MR. MILLS HOST Brockvnle, One, The Fall is the most severe season of tho year tor eohu--om, day in mam. the next in cold and unless the ‘mother in on her guard the little one: are anized with cold: that may hm: on III winter. Baby’s Own Tubleln are moth": best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They not an I gentle laxative, keeping the hovel: and utomurh free and sweet. An oc- culoml done will prevont cold: or It it does come on nuddenly the prompt use of the Tabla- will quickly relievol it. The lellll are sold by modicum donors or by mull ttt " cents I hot‘ GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN 001.138 " was a splendid address by a man who has his whole, heart and loul in his work Ind his unblock. He got a splendid reception, Addresses were also delivered by J. A. Mclrvine. w. G. Charlton, Liberal orxnnlzer. and Mr. Geo. Wilkie. ot Tor- onto. The convention concluded with char-rs for the candidate and Henley Dewan. {In cost $1.63 per head In Canada to Hive, now it costs 8441 per head. The country Is In a peculiar position at the present time. No one knows where they are at. The Liberal ranks are broken by the U. F. A., and the Con- servative rank- nro Molten by the “Mr party, He told of tho ox- (nuance of the Minister of Public Won: It Toronto. who went to Dog- In“ to not “on. Any m and. by tho Goon-mun. vm .. opted try tho Litton" you. hetero. Liberti- always so fomrd. occur-i votive- "And mu. 1 "We advocated Women's vat-o. alto the temperance (mention. and thi: Workmen'a Compensation Act. I Dr. Charlton then took the platform and thanked all present for the nignII honor they had conferred on him. "t will do all l can tor you if elected." he Bald. "We have bud some noble 1men representing South Waterloo and ‘l will do all in my power to redeem this constituency. It in true we have not elected B Liberal in South Water- loo mr some years. nevertheless. we must curry on, and do and act " we think but. Right will prevail. And it l am elected " a Liberal in South Waterloo t will do my host to repre- sent this riding." Re touched on the ilnnnclll side of [ the Government. Under Liberal rule; Dr. ChaFIton received the unlnl~ mous vote from all present. to contest the riding In the election. on October 20th. the party and are count out on inde- pendents. “We hove not elected I Liberal in thin riding tor twenty yearn. but I think we will elect one this time." said Dr. Wooller In the closing rem-rte of bl. splendid address. Four Nomination. _ Dr. Charlton of Gait wu than nominated. Omen nomineted wen J. A. Mclrvlne. of Gen, Dr. Woolner af Arr, and Mine Rennie ot New Hamburg. They all withdrew In fever of Dr. Chlrlton. All trBre, short addressee. thtuthing their mor, er: and wonders for the honor Cort. terred on them. They would ell eup- port Dr. Charlton. Mine Rennie made a speech that aroused the enthusiasm of the deleguee. " mum iielii, ma moan-nod with the Hearst 0013mm. “no Mr. Pratt. Thot are braking Away from The “men will not hit. man who mutt to work III hours . day. They are Also greatly nil-named with the present Government. 'PmAr:ArTr.mibarm,aetutt,ao. m u. dull-I. Dr. WW aatd they were not. for the m"ttoq. ot man - hm tor tho comm mm obo- I'm no In an to In an my repmcnuuvu Iron " - at a. ”will. " VII " up. can.“ Thins. m very Ina-tad. be all. and than in you “not I. ttmeth Wanton, bot this u an can All our the _ Thor. u so than bonny than the - to Inset u Bootr “max Liberal ttt can.“ this mun. l Ubenlmn will no doubt be at». tol null; and remedy an mu “not There In great ditisatuttettoa In Inbor nnkl at the are-out time, “no my other vulkn ot we. "reaeti.-iUikt TaririGGGa'"i" - ‘htlvo W on: but I“: I“ he. an m at a. an. mod-um -u. W rho was I um Paul» let, 'tceettrctaitrre try m; um. The 'ifit2ijiPiai “" I..." m._u_r:4w.uu ,dOdt.» The Candldlh'o Addreu. Ill are Bord by kinda-ind; mu" at " cents I hot Willlunu' Medicine Ce., AT BECKER In the use: ot Ru u Paul Free- mnn Ind Rex u Tony Churn-ho! It the Full Anise: thin morning the a. fondant: were roman! found not nllty gt, direction from Hie Lord- ship. H Mr, Justice Multan. It " mnd that both ot ttte men had been ‘pmloully tried and their can dia- lpoml of n the Policy Court In our on Ann-t 8rd. The Jury were direct- ed to deem. thi. morning In to whe- Ptrtuarro-trudGditVo to bring ta verdicts In uml'ul‘lllll! win: the decision arrived " by Matt. htnu links. I A. accord will: for tho arttegttt. Noun I. “can“ fury "Elan " will“ ac " AOOUGED HAD BEEN TRIED; FOUND NOT GUILTY Aunnsor Chas. E. Froehllch ttatt completed the returns tor the yen 1919. The report shown I population 015478 a autumn lncrense In popu~ lutlon of MI over Int yen. WATnnnoo's POPULATION mom-:3 6,476 " were passed. The Board ishes to convey their thanks to C. Ah- ronn & Co., w. Wright. Mrs. Simon You! est-is. the Natchez School. Pine Grove School amt the Margaret Ave, nue School Garden Club for their gem erous donuionl. Tho monthly meeting of the or, phannge board was held " the home on Monday evening. There was tk ttood litendnnce ot members. The matron reported " children In the home with no sickness during the month. Donation. received valued at $37.80. Accounts amounting to 8272.- ORPEANAGE BOARD GRATEFUL . One man In in the hoopltnl under Cl',', and another is out on $100 ball P" a molt of a tight on Queen street. north. Monday alternoon between two men or nlmoet tuurronouueetrbte names John Veneer“; in in the hospital out raring from n broken low end collar bone and other minor injuries. His via-e via in John Manchuleho. From' 1ntormtttian given out by the police it .ie ascertained that Youeerug is alleg- lod to hue been drunk. He provoked Mnnchuleho who it is thought we“ only slightly stimulated. into a tight. The tight unumed n more serious 33-; pact than either had planned when they began and the police were called in to give Ynncerux the benefit ot a} proper counting out. They were both removed to the cells and Yanoerug later wan token to the hospital. Theirl can will come up in police court on, October 16th. I FIGHT ENDS IN SERIOUS INJURIES T0 CONTESTANT TERMS CASH. BUY YOUR LADIES' WINTER COATS HERE, ARE LOW. LEFT-OVERS OF BOYS' WINTER UNDERWEAR " garments In all, manly van, tolling up to toe, Sale FNen ouch ..... ..... .., ml: -'----------- SALE OF NO. l QUALITY FLANNELETTE ILANKETS 103:4 rug. "is for ".76 "IA rag. 04.00 for 03.50 12x4 no. $6.50 for 04.00 SALE OF FINE NAINIOOKB 2 8mm In. of flu. white and colour] Japan.“ Nulnoook. Ind Mum, so inch wide. no. Me, 65c " me, an. Prlco yd. ‘3: and try 5 dot. 2213. .atra heavy “no Irish Linen, no. MA, Clio Price dean .... .... .. cam ODD NAPKINB (Purl Linn) noun-um mum-hu- 'baty,ata-8.6aetd o. In no chi ... .r. ... .... ww- MM " 000 TAIL! CLOTH. (HIMIRIZID) I Cloth, “I“, good ”no quality, no. ".00 fat ' Claim, “it“, on" ”no quality, no. 84.50 for he Window. MOW/3' WINTER um - V-V -""e__'. - -lMt, m?!“ Tacoma-cull“ “mum-am [hunt- or, an mu at vnv Low man. w .Dllk 80m SN"?,? a... It?th ; unable G, NEE IGGU -- 'uuu..." i"Grai, ii" FOB. DON'TIONS HERMAN? TASLI-.. - to M on. d Item. “Buriglfer Germann- Co. Ltd '?ttthfitui'yeirrjiiiiRi'i"'ir1ii"iriii. Tu' at: [with the automobile accident on the- ee, Road on July 13th when a ear) owned by Freemun and driven by' ‘Clurnnbol crashed into a taxi cabl in which Mr. and Mrs. Consaul orl Toronto Ind their little girl were pro-1 geeding to Kitchener. . Crown Proucutor lit. I The manslaughter case in which} William Bolduc, of Preston, is charg- ed with killing Miss Mabel Tatum was ndjourned- this "ntoG'ii'G" until 2 'tpt LANG 'TDEA CY tfi,ibi':':i, Home Furnishings and Home Decorations , ',rug.6"Ohte .... ...... CORSETs Some odd also. YARN-ao the grey and card. Wanted Yarn, reg. 66c and 70c 9x4 Plaln Unbleached, .0: yard, for .... .... .. Cu Plain Unbleached, Mg. Me yard for .w... .m... ...... an: CHIETING I “on. Hum Tum... " par "ttt. “can. and ”M. "a. value ”JO, “I. Price per nrd ..... .... .... .. ”no TAIL. LINEN WALL PAPERS-see our Special Values, which we are clearing out " " 10eit2e, 15c, 16e to 35¢. WINDOW SHADES - We have a complete stock of bestahades. which give perfect satisfaction, in any color and sizes; made to order on short notice. We measure same and put up free of charge. TAPESTRY SQUARES - In neat designs and floral effects, of a medium priced Rugs. Specials, 8x2h, $20.00, $25.00 to 835.00. 50 SHORT PIECES OF LING- LEUM and oiLcuyrHs-Tr, clear at Special 75e for Me, and $L50 for BRUSSELS RUGS - We have a full range of all sizes of these good wearing Rugs, Specials 3x3l/p, $24.00, $28.00, $32.00 to $48.00. WILTON RUGtr--These are the best wearing Rugs, with the rich ef- fects of choicest colorings and de.. signs. Specials 3x8%, $60.00, $62.50, $67.50. $75.00 to $85.00. Experienced men with knowledge ot the Decorating and Fur. nishing trade are here to guide you and will come to your home when desired to take measurements and make suggestions. me us, we are ready to help you. Home Decorations and Furnishings are a big part of the service of this store. A big stock of the most useful things such as Rugs, Curtains, Curtain Materials, Linoleums, Floor Coverings of all kinda Window Shades, Wall Papers, makes this a very attractive depart- Iran!“ ment. OUR PRICES _ .. 7,- ---__. '___- wruu [u anotner mun. Lenka II The Interim this morning was tak. gueing for poxseuion ot the property an up with a civil case which is an ae- J. A. Sceilen " appearing for tin tion by C. G. Lemke 'strttinst Isaac 'rlaintitt and W. P. Clement tor the Umbacb in connection with the pur'defendant . chase of a house. It appears that the . o'clock this afternoon owing to the illness of Crown Proavoutor Makinu who in conducting the prosecution. It is expected that Mr. Making will be sufficiently recovered to proceed with the witnesses. l ".sgiiiir7TiGaiUiia "ira'rsull'lr. I'Ilu A8e and ASe a 7nd,... u. grim" "rtGEs---qtecia, tor Suit: LINOLEUM 3 dot. black and colored Moira Satan and TI.tirte, no. (260 for .... .... .... B.... $1.98 Sale of Window ShadeSHSecéE Only s doaert um of "a! good 80nd“ comidorlng that they In "con“ Rio.$1.10,8-Ie Prlce each F.'.... ..... .,-- A-.--, "M But American Feltlx, " Inch wide, special .4. yd. .. $311” MOIRE UNDERSKIRT BALE See this" Baiiiiii2='i'tciii'i't" of 1333:!- kerchiefs and Laces THANKSGIVING SALE 0F EMBROIDEIED CLOTHtbi. 10x30 and 1.145. no. 65: and Ne, A - be u mum'- flno ribbed all wt: also: 4 to C only, mark-d vol-1 In to clear out on Sale of Cashmere Hose Sale ofllSilio 2a'.t,,'t'tr1t.ertttttitueoe Milan,- 7*“... on, "a. - - .. .. ..'r.._ Per Property Wu Sold Tune. yd $250, $4.00. Eat brno ”his! cream at .'tk. CHOICE CURTAIN NETS - We have the choicest and best assortment of nets of newest designs and at moderate prices, Special 45e, 50c. 60e, The to $1.25. SCRIMS AND MARmHSE'rrwq-- For Curtains, which launder easily, in white, cream and Ecru colors, with plain and fancy Baryon, Special at Me, Me, Me, 45c to a. LINOLEUM. OILCLOTH AND CONG0LEUM RUGS - At, Special prices which are worth from $5.00 to $8.00 per Rug more than present prices. See our new designs. OILCLOFI’HS - A full range in neat floral Block and Matting effects, Special at 67re, 75e to Me. LmoLEUMs-We have a choice stock from the best manufacturers in all widths, Special, $1.25. $1.40 to $1.50. MAmr9-rA few Special pieces of ‘detendant issued power of attorney to W. H. Rosenbusch to sell or rent his (.iii.eiiiei. Rosenbusch sold his pro- perly to Lemke but it In alleged tint Umbach sold the property In the ia. terim to another mun. Lenka In suelng for poaseulon ot the property“ J. A. Scellen is appearing for the In Taffeta: and Satin, rig. 40c and 45c .... .... .... QQtt BATTING Our but American Batu for each ... ... ... ... ..... 19c RIBBONS 2 only patterns, In blue Ind any colon, no. 06:, Sale Por KIMONA CREPIS WATERLOO IDEIED TEA AID TRAY and Ne, Sal. “an m... an: wool Mun-n Hm, I; on “and” morning, ".

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