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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Oct 1919, p. 3

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' In pollco court this morning Hill ‘Witt'howskl and Nick Smyrku paid {100. eaeh and costs for lining drunk F d causing a disturbance by fighting L on the street Tho two Inn-n were try. " to make mince meat out ot, 93in ther on Chttrles M. last night whontho ’tttemion of tho polite was milk-r] tn the fracas The men were quickly "ounded up and spent the night in the, iwélls. This morning they stated tha- t they got their hulllt' from u yMart named Miko who hailxnl Lfrom Preston. Tuey did not know - his last minim When they heard the _ nmount of tho Tino imposml on ther.n [ both they looked Cl hit shk for a min. , uto hut 1vcovorod sufficiently to in- _ form the Magistrate that if ther were J' allowed out with an affirm- tln-y mini-l rake up the cash. om, of tho- num _ wont across the “we! to tiw Post or. tice where ho had 81,000 on deposit. DEATH or MRS. (REV.) THOS. BOYD f' AT WINONA ' Thu frimuls of Miss Marian Boyd. of 'Collegiate staff will rPkt't" to learn of the tieath of her mush " Mrs. [Rent Thos. Buy-d. whit-lt took plave sul denly at lmr humo m Winona on Tuesday. The turtoral is being hold to-day. Miss Ilnyd was called 11mm- by tell-gram rm Tmsrroy morning hm the spark of lifn- hud [It-II lu‘l’nro she reached ht-r "tother's hmlsidfn _ Mr. M. Lock. " Home street. \Brockvllle, ont.. writes: "For many ,‘yom I haVe been troubled with con- ‘oupation and have tried a. number m“ remedies. but without obtaining pmucl- benefit. About a year ago I tanned using Dr. Chase's Kidney- (Liver Pills, and have found them to "to the beat medicine tor constipa- (elon that 1 have ever ttaed. I would (measly odvlso anyone troubled with thin complalnt to try the mo , _ lunacy.” _- Greatest Rule of Health ....,7._... -...... in”: axon: and quxckxy. but} ther do more than that. They post- the]: cure constipation. and insure I hating regularity of the bowels by _ "ettintr_ttto liver right. ' iMK" 1htsttat+ at no Appointment to the . Position. And How' it May be Carried Out With Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. You 'gometimes hear it said that I the moat important Rules of Health In "Dally movement of the Bowels." , You must also consular the way " etreeta the uver, the kidneys. the digestive system. and in fact the this human body. ' Dr. Chm‘a Kidney-Liver Pots are Iqtt nhamlly Int-d " a trentmrrtt ', for con-tipulan Ind ttter and kldnoy 4 “his: that you ran ohnln thom " ”a - when madman are on Lice. can trmp lose: " ef' ...e. Headache; backaches. aching 1 11min, Indigestion. blliousness. kid-, may dorauigementa, appendicitis, and. 1 the most. serious diseases imagin-g able often have their beginnmg with 1 cog-nun” of the buwuls. I There in one treatment which has a direct. and combined action on the bowels. the liver and the kidney- cnd gets the» organs into good tor-king order in remukeMy quick time. and that is Dr. Chm! Kid- ngy-mver Pius. _ caGiipdoon begins with tbo bowels but it does not and there. In. R. Chuds. Harriston. Ont.. “hi: “I suffered from constipa- (ion tad kidney trouble for nome "me. One day I bought some of Dr. chm'l Kidnoy-leer Pills to one " ther would help me, and to my do- ttght, I received "can ttettet" from than In a short time. They no a ‘ ”Iona“! mcdlcino. and I always lump than. on hand as I. household Hun-oar.” _ -- - m CNED $100 EACH FOR BEING DRUNK AND DI‘SORDERLY hl l). Ruhr? A very pretty wedding was celebrat- u the om: ml in the First Baptist Church, Wal. vral deliv-g lam-burg. on Thursday, Oct. 2, when "hm." up Winifred llrnntlur. only daughter ot purunontg the late Mr. A, A. and Mrs. Bfwdetw .l, position btcaiue the bride ot Herbert Mowat. ml hm. only mu of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mow-t. city In ( Halt. Rev, G. H, Saunders conducting this morn.) the ceremony in the presence ot many _ his trrati- i guests, The bride looked beautiful 1 nus n, gun” us sh" walked up the aisle wcompm- I all my,» ied by her brother. Mr, Gordon "sand, ntiom-l Jil or or lirnntlord. who gave her away. n Ho ttts. ”or wedding gown was of white u lulu KN“ rchartiwurie, veiled with white silk net, PIN (we... . Irimmrd with seed pearls, and having ihlo oostaol a vuurt train lined with shell pink Iehnrmonsr. llvr wedding veil had n _ . _ crown or orange blossoms. and she I I'Llli'it-d a bouquet of roses and or- chidti. Miss Mae Simwhouse. In a [INK l, dainty gown of pink satin. was maid l of honor. while Miss Ann Bellamy of DERLY| Edmonton. til'vsst-cl is mauve net over mann- silk. was "rideunttid. Little “Hing Bill‘ Miss Emma McnotiKall made a dainty crko iaid ttowrr xirLThe groom was supported ‘ilu: drunk by Mr. Cuthbert Robinson ot Toronto n. fighting and Mr. Dudley Gordon, Wallacoburg. nvwero trv. Professor Whitney Scheror of Chath. ut of ijh am presided at the organ, and Mrs. itt whonthol Alan Brandt-r looked very qhorming i ”In"! to In.a. sunset geox'guite gown trimmed 'e quirklvl with ostrich leathers. sang "Because" ight in thi,', during the signing of the register. noted tttur I Messrs. Alan Lillie and Lawrence from 1' Martin tit-zed as ushers. After the _ . nn-remony n reception was held at the m ham"? home of tho hritlv's mother. A buffet not know l luncheon was sctwtrtl. the bride‘s tah. heard mesh being Iovrly with pink roses and l on li"y" tulle. The young couple motored to mr a m!”'| Marine City, en route to Detroit and tly to "" , other American Cities, where the hon- they Wert', n-i'moon will he spout. the bride’s thrsy "OH!" I going-mmy gown living navy blue th" nu'n nicotine. with plush hat to match. tus l'ost "lshe also wore lieaver furs. The 1 deposit. I bride's mother was gowned in black ___-Vee rhunzivuso. with hat to match, and curried Ophelia roses. The groom's ' mulhor wore ‘3 Belgian meteor crepe L4. ttttgttauhtttgv, and “W’ _ at Mr. a? I": Huh-I... tt'.'ltStlt were " w W lead“: Enters. the we" Lb In: Wed hy Rev, Dr. a. may”. The brill. wu was“ by Mu. m Hughes, And Aid. L. o. Broltmpl of this city wu tho grooms-nu. Th. wedding was attended by the men- he” of the “may. Tho groom roa- onuy mum-ed from ("emu and wu In France when the lrmhuce In sigma] ,and was a member at Ll. army of occupation. GRAND UNION CHANGED HANDS ON TUESDAY Tht. Grand Union Hotel chrtngru1 Sunnis ynwh-rcluy. ill-in: purrhnsml by Hu- Kiirho-m'l‘ Tlo-att Ltd., and willl Iu- usvd in otttruwtion with the nrvnl lion of Kiwlu-nc-r's Inn-w modern ova-': Irv. umlor lln- rtirevtiotl of P. McCutrh. "on. who is runnm-lnd with “in (Wm-1 puny. Humor nn llIa- Mrtst had ill Hull Hm Kitchener Tin-zilli- Ltd. was men-1y " branch of 1th Loow 'l'hrmra- ink-runs, lull this is omplmlimlly ll!" niml bv on" wlm is clnsr‘l)‘ 'i,',ii'nu',",,'i) with lin- Kill-hmwr Theatre. II was,' dt4iniroly nnnnum-ml this: morning that l lhv tiiirmttrtrsr Thisairo will tu. finanrodl by local capital and that " numlwr of: bond saluvnrn will he in thr. city tm }ilny to civil their campairm in "ont"""; lion will) thr' disposal of tho Mock. Tho apptieurirm mrms in connection with the prawn-wills are hPiIIK issued to-day. Ttrey rim tho sham-a al $10 ioar-h par value. Tho all-3V bctwotstt "w (lmml T'mion and the Daily Tolozrnph “12mm! in 'yvs-lvr-I‘Lr's property "xrharv.r,ta, This sunny. if m'nnvr arrangvmvnts can tro inimlv will Gr. runw'riml inln a Iherttre ilnhy 'md "tatt'rtttr't Thu pit. auditor Hum and stage wiil bo silllatml in tho Ivarant property dlrvrlly behind tho 'hnml. AHWtt trimmed with libvrxy carried Marshal Neil roses LIBERTY LEAGUE ARRANGING FOR MASS MEETING i The It1depertdertt Labor party at Htrnmrnrd. nominated Mayor McBride ‘m: its candidate for the lmxinlature. islayor Mvnrlde. In the second ballot. defeated It Maycock, I local union mnldor. by n vow of 114 to 73. This mrmMetes the no” In South Bum. iyfth Morgan Hum. Mural. W. tt, "runner, Connorvntlvo, um I M. l McBride, inasmuch!" - puny. Tho (‘llizons' Lihon .vLeaguo mml 1volnrsrtay "Vi‘nil‘lR at the Morrhnnls' Bank Hall. for tho pnrposo ot {turret-bl ing their 1oral oreanizatiom Tho mom-l img was: prosidml (nor by Chairman Amulet! R. Lane. II was r1.riidod to hold P. mass mvvting m-xl Nidnt'sday owning. Arransr.tmmts will ho com i plrtod Intor in connortion with 80”er int: a hall for the moeting, hut it is' nxpurtod the mans meeting will he. held in "In Merchants Bank‘ Hank Short speeches wu'rv made by w. CW Wrtchel. es-MA'.. Nathaniel Stroh M1 Waterloo, Geo. Sehnarr, and Wilson D. Her. l Opened Law Office Mr. Ciarencp Snidor, R. A, of Wat, "Inn. has opend a law otfiee at Room 20fl Webor Chamhers. Kitchenor. Mr. Snider was called to the bar with honors m Sepwmm-r. 1918. and tor the past year has hen practising in Ham. ilton with the firm of Lee. Farmer & Simpson. MOW Ar-BRAND). Ilotel chnngvd :pnrr-hnsml by , JAIL, and will with the orb?» rm]. and ,hseauitter?Prtq, on ammkig-"e-IW". tiduiedirie John m. at a he In yummy; knowing“: kg. 'an' Crown "in... unlit-t a. colon-lo- 1v- ”tool. the motion of the a: a the hearing or the one on may. The with“, wu in tho box uncut two hour: in the uhernoon end " the ev- ening session he we: put through I grilling wenmiution by the counsel tor inn Peteodr, Mr. WT: any. who nanny secured the mint - eion from the witnen that former Itoriu he ind told were not in accor- dance with the tutu, but that the story he related on alumni-lion by Crown Prosecutor Mold“ " the " ternoon tension we: the true story. Evidence Cub-untiatod. During the morning. utter Crown Prosecutor Maxim had delivered his t-harge, witnesses were called tor by the Crown whose evidence was "trt, tended to wind the thread ot guilt around the aecuwed prisoner. Patron. The departure ot the three men. Pet- colt, lie-yon and Sorokaty, (mm Strut- "ord on tho afternoon of May Nth. and their arriving in Galt, tho hiring of a horse and buggy. the tlrivt- that want taken into the country in the op. Iposite direction to tnat which they lnatl intimated to the liverynian. the return to tho Western Hotel, where I "eyoft and Sorokaty secured rooms the vngaging of a room at 10.15 o'clock 'fur Petrol! at 74 Ainslie street, the [search tor Petrol! by his two compan- ions on Sunday morning and their tin- al "tetrtitut in Victoria Park at noon on Sunday. the walking ot the three men on lat Avenue in the direction of Bheldort's bush, and the return two hours later ot Peteoir and Bayou, was carefully knit togetuer by the t‘rown up to the time that Boyeff was called. In addition to these .eatures 301.300 “NOT GUILTY” " ”HAMMER ot' the case the Crown submitted evi- dunce to prove that the watch taken from the belt pocket of Petcoff by thecltw liradley in Stratford, when he arrested the prisoner. was the watch whivh had hum: worn by Sorm katy previous to the murder. and had been given to him by a friend, Luck- mu Wulko. who stated that he had bought the watch in lletrnit. and had had it repaired ove, and later new works put in, by a Jeweller in Sarnia. Algernon Williams, the Jeweller, gave evidence to show that he had mudé tho repairs and had put In new works ali statOt by Wuiko, The itupurtunco attached to the evi-i derive of Wullco was indicated by the fact that tho Crown had Wuiko plac- ed under arrest and remanded as a vagrant in order that he would be available at thP Hum of the trial. Many Witnesses. Hrs Wardlasv and Charlton. of Galt. who port'm'lm'tl the irost-tuortettt we atnination, informed the court that the murdered man 1yatttp, to his death by Irving struck vinh-ntly on tht- back of his head by a hludgonn or heavy stone, and that he must havo lmvnl struck soverat times on th" head as his skull was lulttt-n'tl lo a pulp. Tttey (It-Mann! that nthvrwlw thtt truly was in a healthy condition. t'rnss-vxumim-rl hr. Wardtaw stated that the first blow was sulI'IriI-nl to n'nuw ihe man to tall uncmwvlrius. and the nthr-r blows must have. hut-n stun-I; after. Thr. Crown rested Its vase In the rimnlvr trial of Ivan Petcott shortiy', after the court rcsunmd this morning. Sluyku Bryon took the stand to ii2l uwer a few quu-stiuns by Prosocutnr Makins. attvr which I'hiet Harman. ot Hall. told ot" the cortiersrion made by Ih-yoff and the finding of the body of Sumkaty in the gravel pl! as directed 'try Bryon. _ L The deft- Wil'; thott prnrm‘ded Iwilh Attorney Hray railing Harry SIM“. or Hamilton. jowollor. who {sworn that hr. sold a watch lo I'etvotr "imilar to that found un I'eteoft th-n art-sl. and which. it is r‘laimml was talwn from Sornknty. after htt had tterm kmed. He also idpntiMd the ”warmth-o that was given with tho t watch, Mike Ganoft, of Gait. said he knewl the prisoners. and remembered goi- ting a note from "vyotr on Sunday. May 25th, on which was written that Mike was to tell Ivan to [to to Strat- ford while he was going to Hamilton, ‘lt' said he had lived in Kitchener with Peteotr for seven! months be. fore the "tin" epidemic last tall. He said that PPteott owned a watch timi- lar to that produced in court as being taken from Somkaty. Rm: R, Katrmnott related the story told by "evoff when he rearhed itrantt'ml on Monday night. and told of tho death at Sornkaty. which he had Men led to believe was acciden- tal. but inter WEN told that the Hus» ‘sian had been wounded by a stone. tnnyuff did not tril the witness that {the man was dead when ho and Pet. colf left the body in the grave! pit. [The witness aid that Petcotr and Sony katy had been quarreiling about Bol- yshnvism Regarding the lugs Bae i,ount of money in mwotrs pocket the Whmyou feel mum 'tmrsadh,iiverertBootMs onto! order,r-rthatr mum; tggiligtteaSt2'tftt'dgtr' "tfr , ralievrt was acciden- in his opening remarks. stated thatl told that the Rus- on Tuesday. May 27th. the dead body untied by a “on? M John Borokaty. a Russian. want I the witness that found huriwi m the gravel pit in} l wimp he and Pct. Sheldon's hush with his head trattered' in the gravel “Mun having liven murdered by ammo tat Petrol! and Soro- person or pursuing, It was the duty warn-Hing about Rnl- of the Jury to find out from the mg the urge lm- ovirence submitted whether Ivan flavors wicket the Petrol! was a party to the crime. It mlwas ndmitwri in the box by Sloykn Boyer! that he helped to murder Sn- “ ”your rnkaty nn Sunday. May 25th. He tu- cr Moo" lpointad out to the jury that white his client wan of foreign birth he was p, MM just an much entitled to British jus- m tire nu any port-0n born under the protection of the Union Jack, Mr. . “my referred tn the, prrnnnalities of the two prlsnnern. one of them, "or _ off. being shrewd and widenwake. with executive ability. while Potent! was slow and early-going. without the power of initiative, One via: the master. and the other a servant. Mr. ., (“my linked the lury to bear this in mind all they musidorad the evidence 1'ntrdtatl"" inc Competed the evidence given br, I! “his-WM! Alabama. an: at MWJ'I‘HW‘Q... r" 'A’vw'mm » 3.1.108!“ ' the In! for minutes shoved - " V w extreme nervousness. ”all! told br , at the most; ads tor the "m _ "t.tomltttrsMar86W.whielseot- autumn! cided with-the evidence given by oth. m er witnesses. Ho maintained. hover _ a“, 'srtttatuetgh-mtttor'tdrt" “to . Ki Shield. and taller! on sever-l firm. . on whom - talked to regarding mills, sud than returned to out about i) o'clock. He said Beyoll on! . TH! "Brown," In Sorokaty was known by the loreixnerl. stayed st the Western t Hotel. while he secured s room on ' Ainslie street. it hes been ”ruled ", I that the trio were to meet in the _ . v ' mmml. but ttty never '1" Brown 1MV W til alter he had left him Saturday ' ",1,i,"h while gag tigl' mggs 'u'e,'t'U'hd'trtf", J,1'",f,tlCg'gy on I a street sit a ut do y He said he asked Beyoll where fiiiiy/1tl'.'ro'uti'ct,1 'le'" it,1Te',f"tulU"tdot wet' “dune”! r.t'?P'd that he .m‘hls client was inoceut and that Bey- gone away with two Russians, "3'0" was the man who murderd Sara did not know that Brown had lwenlknu killed until he was arrested on the . following Tuesday evening. ”ml r"',':.',.",,')",?:,',', tn'l"rht"e7y'reaett,u"' 'fri', responsibility of Ills Lordship on the i,'iicir."'iiii' w it d the e a‘th~benrh. his own responsibility and; " t .' E a er w that ot the jury in this case. stating’ towns suitcase and umbrellas Pet-ithat thev were all part or a machine so“ said he went to tret a horse ("land it any part of that machine falls rive to Hranttord, but he could "mime whole fabric fails He compli- get one and then decided to take the ' mented the counsel (or the accused trolley He visited Hmnlford, ”anhlupon the strong defence he had put: than. (minnows. Bridgehurg tor a I in, but declared that the evidence was 5?”)?! 'll'": t1Tiahve' returned '°.against Peteoft notwithstanding. He _ f? or on uehuay evening. He referred to the (act that the stories said the watch taken from him was“)! the two prisoners were almost his property, and had becn bought miiilentical as to their movements up Tapi/ten tar $10 He maintained ' to Sunday night, and after t o'clock that his story was true. ;on Sunday afternoon. But between] Found Not Guilty. lSaturdny night and Sunday atternoon The fury in the Petcott Case went Peteoit was unable to give 3 satisfac-1 out at 11.15 o'clock this morning and tory explanitioln with” "Trp/led)) theacourt immediately took up the case 'l,1'1i1',"'d,','c'l'2 to Jr'l'v"l'"'tt,d'Tll2,"l o ex vs. William A. B ld . _ y e l . ton, charged with ntid'//a'efaort. '?rtt, was where he said he was on Sunday‘ case ot Rex vs Sloyko Bayou char ,Imorning and part of the afternoon. ed with iiiiriir,17L adjgurned toga:On the other hand the Crown pro, future sitting at the request of 'it/il duced evidence ot persons who knew: Crown, it bemg argued it would not! the two men. and who had seen them be tair to the prisoner to conduct thew" the morning. and also dim;l three! case at the present sittings which haVelme." going to the bush. an. t e 'til',! been attended hy members of the per; prisoners coming back without the I it Jury who have heard the evidence Pet',?". the possession of Soiro in the case of Petcott. His Lordship, katy's watch hy Petcott was 330’ Hon. Mr. Justice Masten cont,urraistrontrlr emphasized. Found Not Guilty. The fury in the Petcotl case went out at 11.15 o'eloek this morning and the court immediately took up the case of Rex vs. William A. Bolduc, ot Prmr ton, charged with manslaughter. The case at Rex vs. Sloyko Rayon. charg- ed with murder, was adjgurned to a future sitting at the request of tho Crown, it being argued it would not he fair to the prisoner to conduct the case at the present sittlngs which have been attended by members ot the pet- it Jury who have heard the evidence in the one of Petcotf. His Lordship, Hon. Mr. Justice Masten concurred in the opinion of Crown .Prosecutot Maklna and M. A. Secord for thr de- fense also expressed himself as satis. tled with an adjournment. In adjourn. tor bail being made betord V himself but would not object to application! being made elsewhere. l In the Bolduc case the defendant its) charged with neKiigentiy causing the death of Miss Mabel Tatum aged 25 on F'vhruary 25th. 1919 in the Town of Preston at about So'clock in the even- ing by running her down with an auto mobile while turning from King St. into Church St. It is alleged that Hoi. lllll‘ rut armss the corner contrary to tho traftie try-law or the town. The tirstwttnpss called by tho Crown this morning was Town (‘lork Wurzen. He idtmtiritul tho by-taw and on Mass ex- amination by M. A. Secord fur tho de, fen“. stalmt that the straps! had been) turn up in that sm'tinn or tho th, Dr. J. Swan How: was ttrat lullml. Hat lvsliflml regarding the post modern oatamiiation, aiming that t I v e ribs “'er broken and mat the lungs worr- perforated in sow-ml places. His post murton slalempni ascribed In tioath of the girl to the [not of being struck by ct motor car. Tho next wil- nws called by Hot-hon Johnston, Town Engineer for I'TBR'OI'I. Mr. Johnston tuentititsd the drawings of ‘tho accident as drafted by 1111mm". ‘Thn court then adlourned untll 1.,'N with the Juyr In the murder trail lain] mit. n the opinion of Crown Prosecutorl After deliberating tor eleven and tl making and M. A. Secord 'tor the de half hours the jury in the murder case ’ense also expressed 'himselt as sans-i of Rex my Petcott came out Thursday; Tied with an adjournment. ln adjourn-i night at 10.50 o'clock and reported the; ml; the case, His Lordship stated that i agreement on a verdict to His Lordship] le would not consider an application; Mr. Justice Masten residing at the! tor bail being made before himself, Fall Aasizes. iii: Lordship after hear-i but would not object to application, ing the report of the foreman, dir‘ ieing made elsewhere. ”.l‘charged the jury and the case stands In the Bolduc case the defendant is_over until the Spring Assizes when; charged with negligently causing thetvan Petcotr will again be tried by a death of Miss Mabel Tatum aged 25inew jury. There were only I. few in' on February 25th, 1919 in the Town otithe court room when the jury came) Preston at about so'elot‘k in the even- out. When court went into recess in ing by running her down with an auto the afternoon at 5 o'clock, Mr. Jus. mobile while turning trom King St. tire Masten announced that he would into Church St. It is alleged that Hoi. return at 11 o'clock to receive the illll‘ rut arross the corner contrary to jury's verdict. His Lordship arrived the traftie hy-law of the town. The at about IO C, and the Jery were ap- tirstwitness called by the Crown this patently nwaiti.. him, having decided morning was Town (‘iork Wurzen. He that it would In "tosiible to .come identified the bylaw and on (Toss ex- to'tm atrreemerd on the evidenre. unination by M. A. Secord for tho de- fense trtatod that the sirens! had beenl Manslaughter Case. [urn up in that set'tion of the rity, l)r_| Further ' itnos'se,i; Wt'rp, hetual Thurs J. 3”," IItrgg was nrxt lulled. mll:r'y nflornoon in the manglnnghler testified regarding the post my/Ti,';',',',','. in which William A. Roldan. " oatamiiation, stating that tive!r'hartred in connection with the kil- rihs were broken and that the lungs ling of Mabel Tatum who was knorib were perforated in sew-ml plates. ed down by a "IMO? ty." drrvpn by His post marten statement ascribed m‘Bolduc. in Preston on Fettrttary '2.5tht death of the girl to the [not of hclngllast. Engineer Herbert Johnston pro- struck by a motor car. The next wit-“lured drawings of tho spot surround- Iiws called by Herbert Johnston, ing the tragedy showing on the plans Town Engineer for Preston. Mr.‘ the spaces on King street where bricks Johnston iUtsntJfitsd the drawings of had been removed from between the tho accident as drafted by ,','lCt'Ui'r'll'2'. tracks. The following are the jury in the case of Rex Vs Bolduc: w. ll. Kennedy. Gait. Merchant. R. S. Slauft‘or. Dumfrins. Farmer. John It. Eden. Kitchener. Agent. Ezra Schmidt. Waterloo. 6'terk, Jos. n. F'ehrenhaeh, Kitchener. sauhller. W. H. Bunker. Kitchener. Carpenter‘ Michael Allgricr, Elmira. Carpenter Lorne Sago. Dumfries. Farmer. l William F. Syler. Wilmont. Farmer. E. Fret-horn. Wellesley. Farmer. i Hugh Walker. Gait, Merchant. ', Adam Ilengia. Kitchener. Contractor Charge: of Counsel It was 13.18 o‘clock when Attorney Iray intimated to Justice Masten that the evidence for the defence was in. and without further delay Mr. Bray there was a denial of the tact that. proceeded to deliver his charge to _ the jury. The counsel tor the defence. i Crown Attorney Maklns. in his open- -in3 remarks, agsln reterred to the ',resttomsttruity of "in Lordship on the ~bench. his own responsibility and that ot the jury in this case. stating liiiiii they were all part ot a machine. land it any part ot that machine falls attic whole fabric tails. He compli- 'mented the counsel tor the accused upon the strong defence he had put ' in, but declared that the evidence was lagainst Peteott notwithstanding. He .relerred to the fact that the stories Boron and Patent! mlnutely from! the beginning to the and and In con- vlnalon stated that there could be no cum conclusion reached than that his clloul was Inocem and that Bey- ott was the man who murderd SON} tau. _ John w. Smith of Gait was called. lie was an eye witness of the aceV dent. He stated that thts accused had come down King street toward 111turch street and had cut tit-r0119 King street on the left side of the intersection and entered Church street from the left at a distance of between seven and 10 feet from the curb. There was a Gait car approaching at the time a..d witness thought the headlight might have blinded Mr. Balduc, Instantly after the motor car passed into Church street Mr. Smith saw it stop suddenly and heard a scream He rushed to the spot and saw the girl under the car ;He then rushed to a telephone and tsummonod a physician. lEye Witnesses Heard. Motorman Bean of the Grand River‘ Railway was callad. He described thel scene that met his eye when he Jumped from his car at the corner of Church, and King attracts. In an answer to questions from the Crown he expreqn- ed the opinion that his headlight could have blinded Mr. Boiduc if the accus- ed had looked directly at It in cross- ‘ing the street with his car, He saw (the tracks of Mr Boltluc‘s our arms- !inx the street hut he was unablo to 'aive definite futures regarding their distance from the curb. Miss Savage of Preston was also an ere witness. She stated she saw Mina Tatum standing on the corner as though waiting for 3 var. She nw her step trom the curb Into the street. Rho stopped about alx feet from the curb and was stnndlng Wth the mo. tor car curbed into her. hitting her on the slde int! knocking her down. Lleut Col. Beverly Browne. 1180.. Mr.. Ind Mrs. Browne have sallod tor Can-M. and are expected m Kit- chener shortly. when they will be guests of tho farmer‘s wants, Mr. And Mrs. H, G, Browne, honor shortly, where Vlhey will help... Watertoo. A. D. LEnnL‘ WM 'te, 1 t t th f ' t . M . _ 1'i'",'L','. /l"inrr"J,'c',. ”ten 3 r E. o, RITZ a co.. AGENTS FOR KITW'MI. V , Mr, and Mn. J. Woodholue um - tun a can Mrm u u hum». Lam-u. " I!" pi (‘nnndn on the Naxnnllc for a few ' n m.“ F . month! villi to England. 7 _ -- Jonah gtttd T. R. c" "I. b. m _ -----e . ", THE or' _ _ ' a i l "e-"'"--'""'"'"""'""""'""!"""':-""' _ - A. -. . ,7_._. .7 L 'Met M; ' PB. F ., ' tt and Petcolt minutely (rum! I , neglnuing to the and and In run~ F br, Ju Muted that there (mum be nul _ r, . (-ujurlualuu reached than that , Tq " <n- .- lleut was iriocent and that Hey- I van the mun who murderd Sum ARE Ill P 2wn Attorney Yukins, in his open-l I , ' . , J. was“. aitil"flat, a w. WHEY o2,ttnue, $51?! g a... trjiiAiiesadiiGiaitutt, ."' it,'- Mom, it is t,"gt,tgt?gihat o,-; poaitittr? "P" Immu- _ l "_,,',), Grand Jury Males RecomMr Peter Shirk at mendations Respecting L port Died Wedu House of Refuge. l in 80th Year. The report of the inspection of the public buildings in Kitchen?“ Ire .'-es Grand Jury presented to Hon. Jul- tiee Mastery, who is presiding It the sessions of the Supreme Court of Jul- tice this week, contains a number of important recommendations which will be forwarded to the board or manngemeut of the various institu- tions. The Grand Jury recommends an entirely new House ot Refuge building. the removing of the heating plant at the K.-W. Hospital to , new arate building. the installation of an electric elevator and the erection of a new fire escape on the east end ot the Hospital, was also recommended. Increased accommodation at the or- phanage is also suggested. The re port as presented is as follows, The Hon. Mr. Justice Musten, I respectfully beg herewith to sub- mit the Inspection report of the Grand Jury tor the 1919 Fall Amines. of the Public buildings visited, as fol- lows: The County Jail. This building was found to be in i'trst class shape. being kept in a very clean and comfortable condition. and' rcfleetig great credit on GovernolH Cook. _ I The House of Refuge. J um "m.” u. "mum. t' This property was very thoroughly gone over and we found matters ' be in a very deplorable condition The building was very well kept (at far as cleanliness was concerned) by Supt. Martin, but as the building is over 50 years old and nddltions have‘ been added from time to time. with- unL any apparent regard for llgnt, ventilation or sanitation, we consider it totally antit tor the purpose used, and would strongly recommend an entirely new building. built on up to) Jato lincs. and with modern imprm’w‘ moms in tho matter of ventilation and sanitation. Everything is bring VPry well conductod. as tar as-tht-lrf raciliUes allow. and tho 'mtuattss_sociii; to he Tery welt taken can: of and are perfeclly satisfied with their treat ment. [ The Hospital. This building was found to be in a very satisfactory condition indeed, helm: very writ conducted and tho wards, halls, elm. being kept in In ex- cellently clean condition. The heat- ing. sanitation. light and ventilation in this building are strictly up to date. but we would recommend that the heating plant he placed in an en- tirely separate. building, thus olimim min: tho danger from fire or explo- sion. The elevator in this building is entirely unsuited tor the needs of the Hospital. being extremely Mow and at times when the water pressure is low, stops entirety, and we would strongly recommend that an up to date electric elevator be installed " the. earliest moment. The tire escape facilities in this building Mu very inadequate. the only escape being at one end of a building 130 ft. long and no indication as where exits are, and we would re- commend that exit lamps be conven- iently placed to indicate where exits are. We would also recommend that a tire escape he placed on the east 801- A90!!! For Waterloo. iit le, Bo"'" W... v _ _ .', t A 8ckntifte preparation which eradicate: every (an te 9f. Rheumatic Troubles. Stay young! Keep m but 1.. _ frce from pain. T, R. C.'s will do it. fi‘ "'9'rlllll t,, " if? 1 . )I5: $5,551: . ki_,_§"‘ I 991t tttttrt-tttr-e-tr- Il 1 air-iii-i-iii-i-ii/iff,]? Bit "ifiiil'lli)1i'iiidei'.l MII' b',',';),'.,;'?,'),?,',',,:,,':!,',,'.,?,'?; ii.ikitssti'ltl,lliiiiiiifl'tj, t'iitllf: 33:... A. B. LEARN 1's'l'll'?iilt.lllir'it' fl - - air-ii-ii-iii-i-ii/iff,?? I . _-?,; _,1t)'il,'siiii'i'iiig,itii'iiiii, .llglll 1!: unwuzumwmoutm. Iii a?) . I' »SURERELIEFLORT_N£M" v-Il‘w't- ", “WWW” s'..g's'i.ie'itt-tt:!:','i. - J) Brii a; - c. , Blat!) .77 tti 'iigfis, a: il!gjilllilli! (f, law 1868 AN ACTIVE C. The death ot one of Whit] Couuty'is atre&nullertr, Mr. I" Shh-k, took place at " Down.” Bridgeport on Wednesday mam at 2.30 o'clock after an tumul‘ about seven weeks. The the“ was in his 80clt year and was MN Lancaster county, Pa, About " " 51,111) he rume to Canada. r [learning the milling humus t an the late Elias Snider at Mt he spent a short time in Blur which he wont to Eli and was in partnership with m Sam S. Snider mr many your. had been actively connected with. mills in Bridgeport until it wu over a few years ago by the MI limited (umpany under the In” nwnl ur his son, Mr. Geo. M.,SW}. . i Tttp dccmisMt was Treaaurirr' Waterloo Township for twenty " and was also a Trustee ot tht 3 Ethan] in this city for nearly two cadets. . , He was twice married, hll " wife being Magdalene Mttrtitt, , died 24 years ago, and the m wire was Mrs. Judith Kunming , survives, together with tan a)!” Ytz.'.-- An alarm of fire this morning mutt Hu- fire dcparlmnm to the rear'b‘. ann St. South. A small blame In. , ('himm-y caused the alarm. ki'llit, was no damage. y Annie (Mrs. Wm. Kraft,) Ge M., Noah M.. Bubam (Mn. 1! min Drudge), Selina, Bridgeport; ma (Mrs. Gideon Bechtel.) Ba Catharine (Mrs. Allan Shanta. In Catharine (Mrs. Allen Shanta) th (Mrs. Addison c. Snyder) ot W too Township; Lydia (Mrs. m S. Snider, Waterloo. end or the building as in case of m in the stairways thr- omup-n’tn of tttit was: out]. under present conduit” would be entirely cut ott from I.“ lire 05mm. " Tho Orphanage. _ tis coar'srtatt*atRtot6tstt-i1 This building was found to be in,“ Main, wholesome condition but . ti,' siderably overcrowded, and the i"irgl!i mu states that quite a number ‘1 children are waiting to get I... _ A are prvvomed by Ink ot (moon tion, The kitchen is being outa and the facilities generally could 'ht considerably improved. ."t'ir) At present there are more my, pants than the building is :1de tod, Yours respectfully, J. F. MACGREGOQVW . Pow“. CHIMNEY BLAZE. FEW} Preset-Inna

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