nee C. Lein with an address gold piece last Sunday evening. ‘Lein is the last of the boys to m from France from out of the ation. Rumstedior Has Returned Home s . Rumstedler, of Glenalien, who 2 overseas with the 118th Batâ€" T , returned home on Monday. ‘Elmira goes back to Standard Time, E&-‘tldninht on Sept. 27th. "L. Linder With the Regulars. P EeA aecls Praw ies T2 CCC 00 Couill ny ues es ~ . Linder, son of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Angder, of Kitchener, foremrly of El m and who only a short time ago received his discharge from tne C : M e e FF., has joined up w at London, where he â€enl. Lanc. sure C the, army. Colgnial Knitting Mill Fcs. %ial Knitting Mill Quits Business Buring the p«st few weeks Mr. C Steeb, of the Colonial Kni:ting Mill EPWE CT TE C Kimira, has been negoticting with the R. B. Long Co.. Toronto re amalgaâ€" meation and on Fuesday . the deal was closed whereby the Colonial Knitâ€" ting Mill goew out of existence. A few years a#zo the Elmira Council gave Webec ue . mtuene e ie ting Mill goas out of existence. A few years a#zo the Elmira Council gave Mr. Steeb $15.000 to locate in Elmira. He brousht his machinery from Guelph installing it in part of the Elmira Rubâ€" ber faciory building. Owing to the scarcity of help, and the want of space, when the rubber factery began remodeling the factors, Mr. Steeh be same. so discouraged that he began looking for means to relieve hm of His obligmion to the town. He got in touch wish the R. B. Long Co. manuâ€" fecturers of (the famous, "Bob Long Overals," _ the â€" amalgamaiion took place and with a certifiel] cheque tor $12,000, Mr. Stech having formerly reâ€" paid $5.000, reliesed him: oi his o ligation to Jlie town otf E miral Mr compi ing th the n cided The i the ( the i have. been alible, s i.) chief 2c mirg. Bought D Yest dertol Ts rer the t burs v that i. shoe depult Price of liog Yesierdas snhs Spasrking 1 9 : FREE If your is hig trial i Ardr congregation of n _ church, . El 61 m, mechari v. has hee sined up v;nh the regulars where he is stationed al anc. sure can‘t stay out of Lein Presented With Mc F4 To do your duty duriniethese tryin times your health should be your first consideration. _ These two women tell how they found health. / ELMmiRA LYDIA E. PINKHAMS |/ VEGETABLE COMPOSUND Ne ATTENTION! / of the Gale Presâ€" Elmira, presented n with an address al enki Diir moy un cond teeh he e began hm of He got o. manuâ€" )b Long n â€" took un Why Not Try 1P m 111 the 1 4 % â€"â€" Mr. Hatry Speall is spending several days in Gu : Rev. Voaden spent . Wedâ€" mesday in Stratford. Mr. Owen Hamilton leaves toâ€"day for Toronto to resume his law studâ€" tes at Osgoode Hall. _ Mrs. Olp returned to her home . in Evauston, 1L, after spending . soverâ€" al weeks visit with ner triouds here: Mr. and | Mrg. MeKersie and Miss Euphemia ï¬pi:nle retwroâ€" ’ed to their home in * Gorrie after spending a week with relatives here. Mr. Clarence Brightral of the Stanâ€" dard Bank staff. at Blenbeim, spent |lhe weekâ€"end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. H. C. Brightral. Mr. _ and M and Miss Euphemia ed to their home in spending a week wi and Mrs. H. C. Brightral. l Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. of Mitehell Dr. and Mig. R. T. Winn and 8008, / spon; the week end with Mr. and Mrs Capt. Nile Winn, and Mr. R. \““"<',1,mvi Hostettler. motored to Toronto an@ spent _ the | _ rpys (harles Molson and daughtet weekâ€"end with their dfughter, M“‘-(Uazel‘ of Kitchener, spent the wv‘ek 1 B (Dr.) Aikenhead. The following graduates . of the New Hamburg High School leave for ‘Toronto to take a cnitrse in Engineerâ€" ‘ng at the School of i‘r tical science: Harvey Ratz! Arthur zgar, Armand | Nahrgane and A. Mansz. | id 1 o c L uic s l d ob e s t b e i ns New Hamburg High School leave for Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Merner, Miss L. S. Toronto to take a eviirse in E"gi"eor-!nah. Miss Laura Rab and Miss Mabel ing at the School of Pragtical science: | Schweitzer motored to Princeton â€" on Harvey Rate! Arthur ggvr, Armand | Sunday and spent the day with friends Nahrgane and A. Mansz. \there. The inauest on the death of Earl| Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boettger and Pfaff was held on Monday forenoon | family. of Monkton, spent Sunday and the jury brought in a verdict . of | with the former‘s parents, Mr. and mccidental death. attaching no blaluel.\lm Otto Boettger. to anyone for the accident. Several Mr. Lamber| Bowman of Kitchener, nf the train crew were present to|spen! Sunday at his home heve. Tive evidence. ] Mr. and Mrs.â€" Hawkins and Mrs. The hardware store in the Win. | Browning of Exeter, Apent Sunday Tell Block is undergoing some buildâ€"| at the home of Mr. and Ars. O. H. ing improvements. | Messrs. Rohr and i Becker. > Ingold have removed the lathe undt Mr. and Mrs. George Bean, Mr. and plaster partition along the whole west | Mra. Wm. Kont and son Ear! visited Eo C We M NCR U C otcodtrse ‘Folatives at Ratho and Plaitsville this The hardware store in the _ Win | Tell Block is undergoing some buildâ€" | Ing improvements. . Messrs Rohr nn(lz Ingold have removed the lathe und‘ plaster partition along the whole west | side of the store, thereby @RIERMINS the width of the shop nearly gix feet \Ur. Alibrecht the owner, infends putâ€" ‘ing in a new plate glass front in modern style.. He also intends makâ€" ing other improvements which we will note later on. Mr. and Mrs. David Zinn of Grand las Cl Now Hamburg Markets whn th Ar. Ch spent tht Mr nd MT Mr. 1. Rerser of Straiford spen! th ekenm| with his parents here. A[re. L Bucke), who spent a week enate Di eR ce o parlition along [he WHOIC T7US f the store, thereby | extending dth of the shop nearly six fect and Mrs. David Zinn of Grand called on friends in town this M I Mr Octoher Iy Fru 1 Mr 1 en H the wi â€" RHtatf home h jlton spent Win. Curt is zone to to reside returned b mt Mill tn LYDIA E.PINKMAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN, MASS, h $ th h 60 "I"}r{‘d 1. of D 1 nf & several eowork hardt whoat iz her uis i1 Doon. aord, apent h amil Mr nl Sun Stratford. s mother A1 initols per pet at h h Tatted io hor hows in Braatfore on th Miss Lou Bettger, who spent soyâ€" eral weeks holidays with _ relatives and friends in St. Paul, Minn., return ed to her home on Friday. e 11 _ Miss Goforth spent ‘the weekâ€"end with friends in Stratford, ©_ . _ _ Mr. August Meier, of Stratford, spent the weekâ€"end with his mother here. ‘ . Mrs, Craig, of â€"Bright, visited her mother, Mrs. Katzenmelier here, . _ _ Mr. and Mrs. George Cousins and family, of Avon Bank spent the weekâ€" end with her father, Mr. Philip Rinâ€" b kle 1t PDW Miss Madelene Rutledge returned home on Mouday from a few days‘ visit with friends at Sebrlng_vl_l!g. Mrs. Charles Molson and daughter Hazel. of Kitchener, spent the weekâ€" end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowman. k eupormeme c Eue New Dundee Outclasses all the schools in capturing prizes. h Mr: and Mrs. Bingeman visited rela s at Washington on Sunday. plex Hilbort Hihor: I‘h Th Secomil, Third, W Watni Licht Colf NEW DUNDEE 11 Writing 2 Wiriti h1 i1 his home heve. Hawkins and | Mrs. xeter, Apent Sunday Mr. and Alrs. O. H. 1 W hla m 1 Din 1¢ H W 1 H i| AIf 41 Isie Groff. Maricrie Bock. ozella Sararas. ork. Rozella® Sar ish Cloth â€" Nellie O hi Heowling oGatidbi Ruck P Cametch Ivan Sar al Einwi Iph Co+ Rich faar Hall alt tl First , Insect Collection, GATNOIG, Weber. First, Mangels, Vioiet Copley. * ‘Third Mange!s, Garfeld Weber. , Secand, in Sewing Contest, Idella Waterman. _ ; Third, in Sewhig Contest Rozélia Sararas. it3 * .A ; Third, Pillow mkou}ln Sararas Third, Heavy‘ t, \Garfeld Web er. ("T i _ ‘Third, Feed Hopper, GarMeld Web er. , £75 M Brighton. Third, Collect.on of Weeds, Ross Lantenslager. Third, Cockerel, Ross Lantenslager ‘Third, Pullet, Morgan Hallman. Second, Horse Back Riding, Morgan Hallman. First, Onions Ralph Copley. Second, Onions, Donald Jacobs. First, in Girls Hitching and Unhitâ€" ching contest Hah Hallman. age eight vears. & ] t Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaufman, Misses Margaret, Violet and Mary and Masâ€" ler Charles Kaufman, of Inglewood, Mr. Gordon Bergey and Mr. Strom of Hespeler and Mr. and Mrs. E. Strook: of Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Main. Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Ludwig, Miss Rodenna Ludwig, Mr and Mrs. Herman Ludwig of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koehler and family of Kitchâ€" ener visited at Mr. Andrew Koehler‘s on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Conant, Miss Laura Krieâ€" wol, Miss Nellie Mae Kavelman and Messers Herman Kavelman and Dayâ€" id Litwiller motored to Elora on Sun; day * Second, Potatoes, Lorne Brightpn. Second, Collection of Weeds, Lorne Mr. Shrader Lockport, aces er. who has h short notor M : danght thons i Sundas exnsis‘ed i Winifred T quartette, Herman K: ierh Borge Sehmidt â€"T prizes were which were ated and w Winaifie Tompson Tompson, £1.00. On behalt of the school hoard teachers and pupils, a hearty vote of thanks was extended to all ladies of the village, vieinity Bright Ayr Roseâ€" ville, New Mamburg, Baden and othâ€" er piaces. who were kind enough _ to furnish a hbox. allo to those who Li ably rewdoered assis‘ance in masical part of the program. Your kindness es wore apprectated and will never be pAMAGES OF $ $1.00) GIVEN IN SEDUCTION CASE forgotten he prizes 1. Miss The hex ie schuol nd Irogl® us . uioi) o% Romes sold the fine red brick house of Mr. Dechert on Waterion street to PRert Fathaur. he bex ascial which was hold at school house on Tnesday evening. veil to he a gool anovecs. A ailid procram . was rendered which «isted of an instrumental by Mis« nifred Toman. seleciion by a male rteite, Mesars E. B. Hallman. man Kavelman. Elmer Poth and h Borgey;: selections by the midt â€"Toman . orchestim. High res were realized from the . boxes, ch were indeed hbeautifuly decorâ€" d and which grve the jodges quite it of trouble to decide as to ~â€" who o receive the prizes. Winners of Insect Collection, GarBeld anml Mrs. Wogloy Spae‘rel and . er of Kitchener, visited â€" relaâ€" u the village and > vicinity nnl Shrader _ and Mr. Boyer _ of 1. rccompanied by Mrs. Shradâ€" » hos been visiting here _ for a inwe, have returned bome by tobhn Richard of Fordwich who u condaecting services at Roseâ€" ver the weekâ€"end paid a short relatives in the villago. C a tew froimm the village â€" and aitended the services at the St.,. Bantist church, Kitchenâ€" unday afternoon. iph. than dner [â€"_5H were: Ruby Toman. $3.00; 2. Mis® Toman. $2.00; 3. Miss Jean Mis ree The case â€" was â€" the I at the Assizes. which over by Chidf Justics Falconbridge. 24 hon conf »t H .. Roehm ware for a couple _ of Aft« h the le t ees) | wr. McMaster, in a neat, witty Te | . ply thanked the town officials, on beâ€" || ngâ€" GaAVvIN BARBOUR half of his wife and himself, for their j of Crosshil:. kindness. f j s Gunner Frank Wildfang has come ‘The candidate for the United F@râ€"| pack from overseas. He got a big reâ€" | mers of Ontario, for North Waterloo ception by his many friends and relaâ€"| in the forthcoming election for the tions. Frank enlisted with the 64th | Legislature. Mr. Gavin Barbour # 4) Rattery. He was in 18 months. _ He son of the late Captain William BArâ€"|;; ; son of J. D. Wilfong, Coles Mills. bour, of Dumfries, Scotland, and Jane A Narrow â€" Escape. Rennie, of Ayrshire, Scotland, WBO! what was nearly a fatal accident 0c came to Canada‘in 1847, at the ag* Of| curred on Saturday night when Hugh 19, settling on the farm now °'“°dluc1‘mnon. who was driving a Ford by his son, in 1856. Their only $09}car ran into John Dandeno‘s baker Gayin, was born in 1868. He w29‘ waggon. Mr. Dandeno was badly educated in the Crosshill Public 8chool|hu" about the head and was taken and was a pupil of the High School in|nome in an auto. Dr. Hutchison safd this city in 18845. He had chos°n|there were no bones broken. He had dentistry as his profession, but owing|a bad bruise on the head. It was a to the death of his father in 1888, be| wonder that be was not killed. It changed to farming. He tookK OV@T| was dark and the driver‘s view was the farm which was under & h"""obflmcted‘ Mr. McTearnen» stated debt and which was cleared off in}that he turned out for an auto coming 1889. The farm is near the village °'r in the opposite direction and ran into CrosstIll and is one Of the most UPâ€". the bakery waggon, which was standâ€" toâ€"date farms in Wellesley Townshipâ€"|thg still at the foot of the hill. This ; Mr. Barbour has always been interâ€"| took place at Roos Hill near R. a.! ested in public affairs. He has been ; Scott‘s residence. s | {leader of the Boyd Church choir for| _ Surveyor Johnstone of Kitchener: \thirty years and in August of this year | was out near C. T. Groh‘s last week | was presented with a valuable gold|surveying up the county roads _ for i watch by the congregation as a token ) the new proposed Provincial highway. 10{ appreciation. He has been treasurâ€"| Making _ Ailterations. ‘er of the Crosshill Creamery fo" &) x alderman David Grob. started \number of years. He has bad CODâ€"/Monday in the alteration of the Comâ€" | siderable platform experience @nd f0" mercial hotel, the roof _ will get atâ€" upwards of 15 yvears has been l€C ypyjjon first. Sampie rooms will be |fwror on live stock and husbandry f0f) juf in and a auinber of other altera pibe | Deparntiwent af â€" Agricalture. | IN ) yians made. Mr. Bruce tet 20 of his U14iG ho was selecrted to 1907 Albe?!9 | puogler boarders go on Suturday _ to nutr side up w LiPa uo td on l 0 000000 d sA d e M n d c aantnd ion. Burial of D. A. Coons. rrrnmcs S on cce is mcermcemnetaire ‘The funeral of the late Daniel . A. Dies at Ninetyâ€"Seven. Coons was held Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Mary Bigzins, aged 97, is dead from the residence of his daughter, at her home in Woodstock. She came , Mrs. Thomas Hilborn. Kitchener road, to this city sixtyâ€"six years ago, nnd]ll :’flfl largely attended. A number during that time had been a prominâ€"| from Preston were _ in at ent memberâ€" of the â€"First Baptist | tendance. Services were held in the Church. _ Eight years ago she gave Mennonite church and _ the burial ths church $2,000 toward paying off, took place at the Mennonite _ cemeâ€" iis debt of $5,000. She was married | tery. three times, but no relatives survive. Ticket Agents Return. Sune was born in Suffolk, England. and | _ Mr. William Schluéter, the popular came out to this country when about! G.Tâ€"R. upâ€"town ticket agent, returned thirty years of age. lhome Friday. He was accompanâ€" The Brazilian Government has given the sole air mail contract for Brazil over all routes, to the Handley Page Company. M y Freezone on an aching c n, i""“"" ’;nlych.ngewol time on the new time that corn ""P‘Yh“"'"gz !“ m you lifs ‘unbl ewhich _ took effect _ Sunday it right out. Yes, magic . Buried At Preston This Afternoon. A tiny bottle of Freczone ¢: ',‘:t‘f |__The funeral of the late Robert J. few cents at any drug Ml "dh‘ * sofy Homuth was held this afternoon. _ It clent to mo:‘mrym |u|°°| "a.. the Was very largely attended. Rev. Mr. in t â€ra "':.- or irrita. ~1. | Ischick of Hespaler, conducted _ the .‘ll,""" 1y |.0uw..°m“ï¬w.] disco, ‘imprnn!ve funeral services _ at the ol.mnnï¬ genius, It is wondertui home and the graveaide, The floral Apply few drops then fitt touchy corns off with Docsn‘t hurt a bitt Drop a little LIFT OFF CORNS! fosdida wikn Ha is a broedet 1 horses and Yorkshire fis herds being of the fingers {othe Pn ies on No Lh mss Raeiflme® In Mayor Weaver‘s office be was t Darwin. in a clever address exle mmtï¬u l:(llt. andâ€" Mré. Master. . He praised Mr. and . McMastér for the good citizens they are. In closing he asked Mr. Meâ€" Master to accept a smoking set to reâ€" member the town officials by, and & silver gold lined set and stand for Mrs. McMaster. â€" regular boarders go on Suturday to make more rooin for the _ travelling public. _ He is short of help but thinks be can now inanage for the travellers ar any rate. The Queens hotel still reimains closed. Farm Sale at Puslinch. °_A auccessful farm sale took place at the {&rm of Mrs. Archie McKellar, Tusiinch _ Township on _ Tuesday. $4,300. was realized on the . impleâ€" ments, stock, etc. The farm was not sold st the sale as it did not . reach the reserve bid. A number were afâ€" ter it and a sale will likely go through in a fow days‘ time. Mrs. McKellar has decided to give up farming and will Hive in Galt. A big Orange recoption and banquet was tendered Thursday night to the members of the local _ lodge who | have been overseas. Norman Martin was chairman for the evening. Stock | Donaldson, the noted Scotch comeâ€"‘ dian, was the main entertainer of the evening. ‘There were 75 members present at the banquet and reception, 20 more were returned men. Some 30 of the local lodge had enlisted. _ Five were killed in action. Ticket Agents Return. Mr. William Schluéter, the popular G.T.R. uptown ticket agent, returned home â€" Friday. He was accompanâ€" ied by his wife. Eggs sold at 55 cents a dozen, butâ€" ter sold at 60 centa a pound. Presented Peace Buttons. Mayor Henry Schultz presénwd souvenirs, and silver buttons . to 215 scholars on Monday at the R . C. Separate School. He was _ assisted by Rev. Father Gehl and the sisters of the school. Each and every scholâ€" ar was presented with a peace button. Jt was a very Interesting and notable ‘evant and will be remembered for many a day. \ The ‘public school of which there Butter 60, Eggs 55. The market was a busy place again this morning. Vegetables and fruits sold at last week‘s prices. Quite a number of out of town buyers _ were noticed at the market when the Teleâ€" graph called. Saturday William Mich. P Rapids. : sident in vive are The ‘public school of which there are over 700 scholars were also pres ‘ ented with a peate button last Friday. Died at Grand Rapids. 4 A wire was received in town _ on Saturday telling of the death of Mrs William Speare, of Grand _ Rapids Mich. Previous to going (to Grand Rapids. she was for many years a re sident in Preston. Those _ who sur vive are a sorrowing husband _ ani three danghters, Mrs. ii Carruthers, Preston; Mrs. A. Webster, Preston; Mrs. J. Gingrich, Grand Rapids The G.T.R. train going South leaves seven minutes earlier. This is . the only change of time on the new time tabl ewhich took . effect Sanday Buried At Preston This Afternoon. _to him ‘and‘ his good -uo:r-; assepsor: and tax collector Joa | 2 JbS over 700 d with a Died ed in town _ on the death of Mrs Grand _ Rapids going to Grand many years a re Those who sur ts se 44. lafo e i pipepes thnas? the iltar mill that has be its erection changed hands five, or six K. W. =. Snider &:In E. W. B. completed the 1% mil of pleasant memories, which | plied water power for nigh: rentury, and operated the pH 1917, when he disposed of 1 son, W. W. Snider. â€" The 8 mill is the pioneer one in use the roller process, Mr. 1 Snider baving imported the !Coughing Fit Fatal. . 3p O 1 Mrs. John Snider of Soneca «i f’l‘ue:duy from a hemorrhage, ‘sult of a violent fit of coughin®" | is survived by her husband l"’j {small children. .‘"‘A:_, ler machine â€"from ‘Austria im . ‘The present plant is one of the equipped of the smaller mills ario, being supplied with and hydro power. tributes were many and Some noticed wore from the. Club, _ Merchants _ bank} Club and the C.O.F. and many | tco numerous to mention. Full ticulars will be published tomr Mrs. Pantler and Miss Pantler have been visiting friends in B Mich, returned home _â€" today __. wpending several weeks in the h can city. _. + ;B Mr. Moses Unger says the of Manitobaâ€" are good. but in j parts of the West they are good. Mr. Unger just got h‘e‘ a two months‘ trip to the West! MAMIERNT CTERATIC CC Oe Quebec, Sept. 26.â€"The $71,000 currency which was stolen from mail coach of the‘ Ocean Timited s recovered early today, according to. a statement made this momllx"ï¬f} Detective Walsh of Quebee City. . \;= NOTLICE OF Cy PrIISTRATION _© OF BYâ€"LA!" Notice is hereby given that twou laws were pessed by the M Council of the Corporation of U Town of Waterloo on the second of September, 1919, providing for iskn> of debentures to the amount 6 $3,500,.00 and $2,500.00 respectively for the purpose of borrowing m 3 to be used in making permanent ; provements upon the lands of / Waterloo Park, and fhat such Byj were registered in the Registry O c‘ for the Registration Division of th&@ County of Waterioo on the sixth day of September, 1919. Any motion to quash or set asids cither of the Byâ€" Laws, or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, ~and ceannot be made thereafter. : â€" Dated the sixth day of September, 1919. + Notice of ' Intenticn to _ Pass Byâ€"law TAKE NOTICE that the Municipil Council of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo will take into ¢ sideration the passing, and, if, proved, will pass, at its meeting t held on the third day of No&zrcnber. 4 1919, at the hour of eight o‘ k in the afternoon, at the Council Chamâ€" . ber in the Town Hall. in the Town of Waterloo. a Byâ€"Law for stopping up and selling that part of the large or aiâ€" lowance for read shown on the regâ€" istered plan of the survey of John Hoffman of part of the said Town, morg particularly described as folâ€" lows:â€"COMMENCING in the westerâ€" . ly limit of Lot number Sixtyâ€"seven of the said survey at a point nine feet ï¬outherly from the northwesterly . anâ€"> gle of said _ Lot,. thence southerly along the westerly limit of Lots numâ€". _bers Sixtyâ€"seven, Sixtyâ€"cight, Sixty® nine, Seventy, Seventyâ€"one, Seventyâ€" â€" two, Seventyâ€"three,, Seventyâ€"four ani Seventyâ€"five of said survey three hunâ€" dred and sixtyâ€"eight fee!t more or less to the southâ€"westerly angle of said Lot ‘numhor ‘Seventyâ€"five, thence west \at right angles to said limit and act ;snirl lane or allowance for‘ road q teen feet more or less to the e ‘ y limit of Lot number One hundred: ‘and seventy seven of said survey, ’lhpnrr‘ northerly along the easterly limit of said Lot number One hunâ€" 'drml and seventyâ€"seven and the east svrly limit of Lot number Ei orâ€" ding toâ€" registeced wq&ï¬â€œm | threec ~undred And | stt feet | more or lesa to the northâ€"casterly afn: | gle of said Lot number Five, thence easterly sixteen feet more or less to |‘the place of beginning; and the Counâ€" [ cil will, at that time and place, he@r, in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially afééf« ed by the Byâ€"Law, and who applies to be heard. : â€" DATED this twentyâ€"ninth day of Septembor. 1919 ‘ 40â€"4t Sept JAMES C. HAIGHMT, JAMES C. HAIGHT, Clerk. 38â€"3t