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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Oct 1919, p. 4

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tie duties which the war Micro all of the provinces of Mr. Mills declared that be, b" of these romltnns resulting from his; years of war the critics " Government must not allow IIOIVOI to be biased in their con- Wanted bl: re-nominauon ( 10: the Ontario Legislat- bmliol that his tenure ot “I ntmtaolory to the I Ills of the party, He stated - Md not been n LitrerW W. convention In the history Moo at which a sitting mem- I~oppmmon no long as his rec- rules was meaning to those pinged enough confidence In 're'," him It the polls. tt - Administration II ”hated out that while I" In! - with me Premier or a. ot than "on! on. clan about! outer the political an" CIIVelI- new It": their viaba united to tho ' Hall. Watuloo on Iofllon of clan mama. van and" 100; Labor Law-Non. w "arhod will a The aame- arnuueat would equally _ ' II that ‘aa romin. apply to Labor. according to In. an. CH. um. ex- glint He allowed that every encour‘ . unanimou- cholca bolus agenueut had hum given to Labor by "a".'8.'h"def'l'lfl, tor North the Governmunt, The establishment ' ”out oppoaitwn. 8. B. tot a Department ot Labor and ti. “out of the MIMnl-(‘on- tappomlmenl ot a Minister ot Labor In imam. u. m the ell-”the prumlue with which the Prune ”We of Ford Kumpl. J. i Mini-[er [on before the people on . at Waterloo acted u 900- l,0ctober 20th ca_.a-- '- n-a-.-|.. at“: Government Mr. Mill» to the fact that in 1914 moi '" ot the Province were $12.000 thitet In 1919 the receipts were - or almost 50 per cent lar- ind thls without (amnion of the b with the exception of the one bill leviéd on municipalities dur- h period of the warn E The U.F.0. Movement UFO. Movement also ramp in ”out from Mr Mills, He slab while the farmers have a right a political many and place " the field, hp could not Baum them in their opinion that thor In the beat lntemtl of m r.' It could never be In the best of the country at huge that Honest Government l clung upon the fiscal policy of! tum administration Mr. Mills} vi that It had been one of tton. Illd strict economy. l " recon] Is as clean, as ettie, M. Ag tk Prime Minister of On- Id In praitreworty as that of any Prime Minister in the history of ”Vince. _ in“; to the financial record of "3;; polidel In ot war and that whatever I were adopted by the Govern- voro adopted conscientiously View to placing Ontario to the i tho matter or participation in 1 connection: with the various but have been hetom the Leg- rtn tho ‘pul term. yet all were to concede that the present nation was conducted under _ tar-r WA. MILLS, ex-M.P.P., ”Mativq Candidate. tire. to Ilka prop” prpeautinns m mponxihle for many drnths, lune cause of much sum-ring and ttr to-Gr. I they can of Wm. Dunn, 3h M at. East, Toronto. Ottt. Mr. ”VII I "ronie rlwmmniv 'rumtrcr Lyon's. Three yearn of that trn t in Yul strfterine imlv wrihahln h Pietrtre the joy of this man %that Temph'ton "a Rheuma- wv-v-o "storing lawn to nor. tt “HP are a frw or hom mm to us: “During In year: I have born laid up ettnuit.Utrt, Ono anark cumin. P my hot!!!“ n roar. m”! u an» left mo MIN?" for over After I hml trird aim“! ' I frirrd trot me x box of " Old I f, 'Y drum cmniuuml had at letra' found the pmpvr my frouMr, TAtf' _ "If ‘-V e.n8i'iort rattidlv, and I ha " no! Mum for TREK. Prt hm hm! np tor years." In "thinly wand" work- I YEAR? Putnam I IAN WHO ALLOWED A [mom SITUATION To DEVELOP. qlllrh!llTia0 a chrdmu and" mm: in Wa- “my Attended by About It!) Deteguar-- I cum“ Stan d on Temperate. Policy. A. I. LEARN Won mum. "an by View“. I Wu MANN)!"- of the Govern ON an?» Hydro In Onurlo. I What Hydro electricity has meant in the way of urinal money nun; in Ontario was a subject discussed by Mr. Mills. He declared that “nee 1914 " has meant a having ot 350.000.- 000, tt'tg record of saving tor Kitch- ener was "17375. for WIIerloo $63,- 129 and tor Elmira $15,000. Totwbtux briefly on education Mr. Mills stated that be had every taith in the Hon.‘ Dr. Cody, Minister at Education He declared that in the near future ltr, Cody is coming to ow en the new school at Bloomingdale and that on that occasion, he will have Dr. (‘ody pay an otneiBl visit to "I am ot the opinion, and strongly of the opinion. that the question I should be tsvenu1ally decided by the t direct vote of the electors or the Pro. l vim-e by means at a referendum. in a' democratic country like this public opinion is the last supreme arbitra- t ment on every question, and it seems to me a question of this kind, so clos- t ely affecting the people, is "articular. t 'o' one, in which public-opinion should have an opportunity of expressing it- 1 suit at the ballot box as freely and t as untratnelled as possible. ; Supports Sale of Beer. I am prepared to give my support Ito amendments that will permit the " sale of beer containing E51 per cent: proof spirits in standard hotels co that the public may have the privil- ege of purchasing it by the glass. I will also favor the sale of what ' are known as strong liquors through . Government agencies and under strict _ supervision where any reputable citi- F zen can purchase pure liquor at a , reasonable price without a doctor's ' prescription. In making this state- . ment. I do not desire to be understood I as in any way declaring not to support . the present Government upon its tts-l l cal policy, The temperance issue is ' in the hands of the people of the V i Province and upon their verdict on " October 20th it will be decided. The Government has given a sside,latitttde to the ballot and has promised to put y, it in force the expressed wish of the B people whatever that may be. 1 Pi have endeavored to make my position clear to the electors of this riding > up this question. and upon this plat- V form I solicit. your support. Kitchener 'iii. Tamper-neg lune. . The big issue of the present can» paign Mr: Mills maintained in the is. sue ot Temperance. The Ontario Temperance Act in all Its H: n upen- tlons will be before the searchlight' of public opinion, In this connection Mr. Mills presented a written state- meat to the convention outlining his views in connection with the temper- ance issue. Mr. Mills was frequently interrupt- pd throughout his address by enthu- s"astie applause and when he conetud. el he was given a hearty ovation. I Mr. Weichel Speaks. Before adjournment w. G. Wetehet ex-.\LP.. was called upon for‘ an " dress. Mr. Weichel in a few brief remarks outlined the troublesome I times through which the riding pass- I or! in the days of the war. He reierr- ed to the stand he took on conscrip- tion in the campaign of 1917 and stat- l ed that while, he was defeated history l would show whether he or Mr. Euler was right, Mr. Weiehel agreed with Mr Mills on the temperance issue and declared that much ot the unrest throughout the country is due to tho dissatisfaction arising over the rely! trlctionn of the Ontario Temperance- Act. He. stated that while he muh' be misunderstood in connection with his stand on the temperance quostiont ho would always maintain that "most; illogical to contend that the muse oi' booze is the cause of the Citizens Lih. l Prly League with which he has been. connvered. H" statpd mom emphatic-1 ally that tho program of the Liberty Imagine is to obtain honest sane, and decent liquor logislltion. Leader King'. War Record. Return, concluding Mr Weichel took 'a crack at tho Hon. Lyon Mackenzie King. leader of tho Opposition He stated that his war record would Prti hour scrutiny He maintained thug whurt Canada wan tuthtinx for he!” WA in tho greatest and Mouth"! strugglu in the history of tho world, Mr. Kin: was in the United State- drawing a handsome salary from ttgo Rocks-teller intend». He charged that Mr. King shirhed his duty and then came hack to Canada when the war wns all over to ind the Liberal war was all OTPr In "mo Im- mun-- party, Otter speakers canal on were "hark-s Kerchor. ot Kitchener and o ktinch of Elmira, John Strong of Bloomingdale Ind boui- Mocha: of Kitchener. John Strong. of uncom- iiaiiie".%diauuiodttu, ot Kitch- en" were ma nnmlnnm of m. Mills. __ "autumn-a 99y any... In!” u.---, - allulmlldwm - ”IMWVWW‘. “I n.ahtnkrgc F ' Inn-diluent!” at - toiruiaer.siritefoo"t.t.e, ymw-atmholuolnr.“ln.' =ln Jun- ”khan-Tunic tor n "I". ot tom. Ioob will Manda in Nov York. NY. In. Hayward Ind lbw, In“ have returned to Kitchen" “tor . a 113mm! .otouru during the Willi." months In caiitorttin, can!“ on to Brockvillo In" Kuhn!” A, Helium. but um. Superintendam ot the K, t W. Howlul " enjoying I well otsraqd holldny ot neural week! in New York. Min Nina Bombers". dunner of Dr, J, F. and Mrs. Honnberger left Last week to an I course " Haver- gal Cullen. Toronto. vacating their residence on Cuneron street tor Mr. Martin ot the Dominion Tire Company, Ind are moving into the beautiful old home-ind. "rorttat Hitt" (ormerly occupied by the his Mr. and Mn. George Rumpel. Mia: Marion Milne bu rammed "er undie- " Bishop Bethune Col- .ege. Oshawa. Mrs. A. C. Madmen)” and non tw an of Guelph Ire visitor: " the home of Mr, and Mn. M. Fromm Sega-m this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Meyer have re turned from their wédding trip and will take up their residence at 126 Queen St., until the completion ot their line new home in Waterloo. Mrs, Aiken has returned to London Out., after a pleasant tortnlght‘n with at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Haber- er, George street. Friends will be pleased to learn‘ from latest reports that Rev. E. Burn's condition of health is quite en- couraging. He and family ue still at West Walworth, near Rochester. N.Y.. but they Ire looking forward to returning to (‘anad.. during this month. His son Eldon. who has lust arrived home trom England. was rec- ently pretreated to King George, from whom he received a decontion in hon- or of war. Miss Decima Zimmerman In enjoy- Ing a short holiday visit with friends and relatives in Dgtrolt. Mr. William Roos, who was taken suddenly m last week and has since been confined to his bed. is reported to be recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rump] no Mrs, Schankf. of Locust Bt., bud a tew ladies in on Tuesday afternoon to say good-bye to Mrs. Barnes who Is having shortly to visit her parents in England Rev. Father Blair. viearraeneral of the Arch-diocese of Winnipeg. ls vin- tting with Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Hughes Miss Mamie Biggs ot Preston spent Sunday wlth Waterloo relntlves . BORN MogER-At Walelloo. Sept. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maser. a daugh- tor. DETENBECK--At Waterloo, Friday, Bept. 19th to Mr. And Mrs. L. R. Detenbeck. a non. Miss Clara Boegel is: returned to Ottawa after spending some time with friends here. Mr. Herbert Kuntl rammed to-day from an extended business trip to Chicago. Winnipeg and other points. Mr. and Mrs, John Sunder. of Bram ford. were guests " the home of M. and Mrs. Menno Devin on Tuesday. Miss Johanna Stuns. of Bethel. Pt. is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. c. E. Fin-her. Queen St. Mr. Frank Wageput. of Branttorv‘. visited his sisters In town this week, Mia: Devin): Zimmerman in visiting frlends In Detroit tor a few days. Mrs, J. Charles Mueller has return- ed trom a pleasant Vlllt spent In Chr crrtrrf where she vlalted friends and re lathe-s Mr. Chnrles Waahburn of North Bay In a vhimr in the city (his week, having accompanied the rem-In: of Ms mother tor lmormont In Mount Hope cemetery. . Friends are pleased to see Mr, Thomas Hilliard back u his post It the hand otnce. Iookln; hula and hur- ty after a strenuous trip of, "van! - a .. =._--_---. ' " ...._. - WWW, __ _ -' weeks in the (‘amdlln Northwest. In the Imam-tn of the Dominion Lite In. aunnce Compttttr Mr. Albert Lee. non of Lee of Millhrook. Ottt., and vlnltor In W.terhto. Dr. end Mr: J. P, (helium, mlulnn- min In India under the Amerloen Prvshyterlnn Bottrd, hIVO been renew- ttttt old "may!” In the Tell-City. where their vital“ hue been much ”predated Md bleued Ienlcee have been conducted In seven! or heel. Are unending e couple at Ito-the in the any. The Molds of In D. Kali “I! n- punhntmlMDe-IM b A .- ----- -- - ' - iiii,iiiiiit" srerviees, during the icrtrriGuner South”. "a%TG, can: - --e"'-' I” qt. Ib-- . '7‘ r i In“). (your mm: t b an: John Snuder. ot Brtltr 'q.'.'"-' as m"nu.u4unnw.mu In "ae-tee-leer, W Gi_.dettt.'t-,-t-t ,rat-..arswtti-remttars6u- a much-drum 7 _ _ I Mr. and In. D. A. Bela motored to [Toronto ans-turd” and spent tho week end with Mr. “d In. F. W. lwinter. Dr. ”Jim. Gun- :10 Ionic: shortly 18 . tour ot the N" - nu Bum. when no: '11:... not]; " hr Ion. mo- . in t moha- g thqtr mum an In a. Bonk-{mum India. “um: will to than.“ " a. but vklu od and! my Mold! an an the tated of Host: my dine! tn. to ..th- ot plane-- “a murky the than“: of HI- Kingdom; Mrs. J, Chan. Mueller In: returned to” that an ”Soy-bio VIII! of sev- em weeks with relaun- and friend- in Chicago. Mrs. M. J. Home and little son of Minneapolis. ulna. returned to their home Thursday after spending the put few ween at the home ot Mr. L. House. Mr. and Mrs. Chariot Fox of Wu]- kerton And Mr, John Fox of Toronto In mum; It the home ot Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Hughes. Ml" Nome Hager left tor Philadel- pm. on Monday to a end some time with her Mater, 2,,'lt Ida Huey It ldro. the Stetson astute. Mr. Harry de Joannls, ot Chic-go. a former resident ot Waterloo. spent Sunday ht town, a visitor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bechtel. BABY’S OWN TABLETS or GREAT HELP Mothers it your baby or growing "P% (him Is sickly; It he does not sleep Bl well " night; if he cries a great deal: is constipated and " little St bowels and stomach are not working right, give him Babr's Own Tablets Al ---they have proved ot great help to thousands of mothers. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. W. " Decater. Ctr mvi's Siding. Oat.. says:-" ”(we used Baby's Own‘Tnblets and have - found them excellent tor the little I ones and would not be without them." I The Tablets are a mild but thorough t laxative snd are guaranteed to con-qt tain no harmful drug-that is why H they always do good and never harm. They ore sold by medians dealers or by mail " 25 cents 3 box from The C Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont, LIBERALS Ti) A lii)llillih'lt l ( A CANDIDATE Convention is Being Called in Waterloo for Next ‘Friday. After several meetings of‘ the Exe- cutive ot the North Waterloo Reform Assorlatlon during the last few weeks " has been definitely decided to re rnmmend the nomination of a candt date for the Legislatufe " a conven- tion to be held In the Waterloo Town ‘Hnll next Friday afternoon. Oct. 3rd. at 2.30 o'clock. The situation in the riding has been curetully canvassed by the members of the Liberal Executive, and with the prospect ot several strong men being manly to enter the iray they are confl- dent that the Liberal party in the rid. ing will rally to the support or the candidate to be nominated. mum-u...“ TV m. -"_"-'" Among the names to be placed tre-l tore the convention is that ot Walter J. Snider. the well known miller ot Conestoga. who has consented to stand tor the candidature. other-aortttrttt- [ions are also anticipated, and the Convention promises to be one of {most eathatsiatrtlc held in many years Jil]ll[Ei'iiii hm-iuu‘ _ii,i,i,i,l':i,',itii','i':jl Early Fall Feilllli1t1g, H _ii,iiiisii'iiii:i:i'il Pia"; LANG TREACY Ctiara, I "nirr%od. B. Dewar, aged 81 years. 9 months and 7 days. scHMtDT--At Ratzburtre, Sept. M, DEWAR---Near Wellesley, Felt. 18th, Bauer Schmidt, aged 65 years. BECKER--At Waterloo, Sspt. 30th. Mr. Conrad Becker. aged 69 years. BCHMIDT--At Bridgeport. Sept. Mth, Mr. William Schmidt. aged 66 year; ALDERSON-At Kitchener. Sept. 2411). Mr. John Anderson, aged 80 HotrF'ER--RIFPER--At Elmlrn Sept. 21. Miss Eleanora Hitter to Mr. Er- vin Hotter. cook-Moot-At Ratzburg. Sept. 25th, Miss Edna M. Mohr to Milus W. Cook. syrAHLE--sM1TH,-- At Kilrhoner, Daniel J. Stable to Miss Adeline Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin of near Preston visited friends in town on Sunday. years Smith of Mllverton Turkish Towehr-- The largest range of Towels ever received pt one time. Every one a sensible, suitable Christmas gift. Why not do a little Christmas shopping early this year? _ TERMS CASH BriiikerasrmannthsLtd Plain and Stripe Messaline Silks, as in. wide, swam , ings, the very newutthintfotFall Skirts, peryard ' . .-. .'.'. Ladies' pure wool Cashmere Hose, (Foreign make), withriiiii1 without garter tops, (a late delivery), per pair $1.00, $1.50 and 81.85 Ladies' Heavy Winter Coats, newest styles, cloths, velours, and salts plush, at from . . . . " La dies’ N ew Autumn Clothes Ladies' Handsome Suits Gathered from the best fashion centres our Ladies' Autumn Suits, represent the yery latest in materials of soft texture such as Duvetines, Velours and fine Serges. many are plain tailored in smart lines and many neatly trimmed with fur and embroidery. The styles shown by us are exclusive and the price moderate, MARRIAGES. iae, $33, $45, $50, $05 tt $115 DEATHS. The Coats for this Autumn and Winter Season, represent many distinct and original ideas, handsome in designs and rich in materials. Foremost in these are the soft and pretty Silver tones, Velours. Broadcloths, made up in Swagger, Dolman effects, and Russian styles, loose backs and smart tailored styles. Many have Fur Collars and trimmings. and rich linings. Prices special - A-- A-n L- n1nn i'rtitdio, $25, Recent shipments of New Dress Goods. Silks. and Suitings, have been put on sale and we invite all who are interested in the new materials to make an early Inspection. Nowhere will you find a better choice and nowhere better values. [a in charge of Miss L. M. Weber. of experienced helpers and work done. end get your work done promptly. Ph Handsome New Boats Our Dress and Suit Department A __-"', Litter,?!:,,:,,,';,,.":":",".",],..:,,',".!. Convention at the TOWN HALL, WATERLOO, on FRIDAY, 3rd oc. TOBER, 1919, at half-past two o'elock P.M., (old time). V A Convention of the Liberal Electors of the North Rid- ing of Waterloo will be held at the above time to nominate JI candidate for the approaching Provincial General Election and to elect Officers of the Association. All Liberal Elec- tors are cordially invited to the Convention. A large at- tendance of ladies is desired. JAMES C. HAIGHT. Dress Goods and Suiting}; s, newest styles, made in Whitney at from . . . . $25.00, $29.50 to $45.00 Secretary. WATERLOO ONT. 3537MB, tim to $120 er. who has a competent staff he. Leave your orders' early Phone 6871. . STAU FFER. color- President. tf. £71 E29 5/

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