A Time Saver Electric W asher Atario oatsâ€"No. 3 white, 86e @ ‘mecording to freights, outside. wheatâ€"â€"F. o.b., _ shipping according to freight: No. 1 , mixed caflots, $3 @ $2.06; No. ter, $1.97 @ $2.08; No. 3 winter, B @ $1.99; No. 1 spring,. $2.02 O 8; No. 2 spring, $1.99 @ 3$2.0%; No. ring, $1.95 @ $2.01. arleyâ€"Malting, $1.237 @ $1.30, ae ling to freights, outside. tkwheatâ€"Nominal. Nominal. dâ€"In carlots, delivered, Monâ€" ; freights, bags included: _ Bran, ‘m ton; shorts, $55 a ton; _ faed r, good, $3.50 a bag; middlings not hicago, Sept. 29.â€"Butter _ unsetâ€" ; creamery, 49c @ 68c. fontreal, Sept. 20. â€"Butter, choleâ€" ‘Creamery, b4c @ §41%c. There is b, or no demand _ from _ outside Fees for butter supplies and . the ime of business passing in a plesale way is not latge. BUTTER. aw York, Sept. 29. â€"Butter firm; imery, higher than extras, 63%ec Mc; creamery, extras, 92 _ score, ‘creamery, firsts, _ §3%c @ 62c¢; king stock, current make, No. 2, j If you want to make wash day easy and save both time and energy, get one of our time saver Electric Washers. â€"It will prove an invaluable aid to the housewife when wash day comes round. : Come in the next time you are down town and we will ‘be glad to explain its superior merits to you. GRAIN. 1 Mito, Sept. 29. â€"Cash grain quoâ€" t toâ€"day were: iitobs wheatâ€"In store, Fort Wilâ€" No. 1 northern, $2.30; No. 2 "§2.27; No. 3 northern, $2.24; &t not quoted. cateâ€"In store, Fort Wilâ€" No 2 Canadian western, $4%¢; Canadian western, $3%4¢; extra ‘feed 83%,¢; No. 1 feed, $2%c¢; feed, $2%4¢. â€" ritoba barleyâ€"In store, Fort im: QNo. 3 Canadian western, 4; No. 4 Canadian westerm, $1.â€" rHs, 200. lhe markel is strong:| MWM PWY MPT,grtt ++ 0+ l &l.ddlhï¬w ton sees w York, Sept. 29.â€"Cheese . firm; ur. h grade .... . , whole milk, flats, current make, Â¥iour, family, cwt .... jected and foed, $1.11%. ricat coruâ€"On traek, Toromto, lots, prompt shipment: No. 3 , nominal; No. 4 yellow, nominâ€" Another Lot of those RAILROAD RAILS. Just the thing for EINFORCING CONCRETE BARN FLOORS, over ROOT CELLARS, ULVERTS, ETC. Assures PERMANENT SUPPORT. No breaking inn.h floors with HEAVY SEPARATORS, and no breaking of HORSâ€" B LEGS over Root Cellars where wood rots very quickly. Hogs Wanted FARMERS â€" ATTENTION |! CHEESE. vadifinicechalysihew real, Sept. 29.â€"Cheese. fiuest| Bhorts, per ton s, 250. The market is strongâ€"| Brax, pgr ten .. |Epeglex York Sent 29. â€"Chease firm: ur. h grad HUNDREDS OF TONS SOLD TO FARMER® throughout the Counâ€" Rails cut to any length. THE SUPPLY 18 LIMITED. Apply at once. . _ _J. M. SCHNEIDER & SONS. LIMITED, 63 Courtland E. BUCHER & SON 90 King Street West MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY every week. Best weights 180 to 230 lbs. ALWAYS PAY HIGHEST PRICES PHONE US AT OUR EXPENSE OPPOSITE CITY HALL, KITCHENER. . also Phone No. 636 or 92. Mandle any Number l-nll" Eoo ~ wl 11 e THCl #Ai." ns duatin ‘ ;“c.llc.mr!ma;‘ ‘ww\ 12.50 §0¢; storage proked, :0- ate I ht m": i * !t‘mwuuuudou 28 Waslwich Pawnshin at achoo Wheat, No. 1 Bran. per Kn ....: .. â€"..%% 6999 @horts, per ton ..... ..... ... §2.00 Lard per Ib ...... ..â€"_.s.. s:... BB Live hogs ... Hogs, dressed . Butter, per lb. . Rgge, per dozen Lard. petr Ib. :.:. Potatoes, per bag Butter per 1b ... Live hoge ... .. Potatoes per bag Hay, per ten ... Bhorts, pet cwt. Batrloy NEW HAMBURG MARKET aEpORBTs. STRATFORD MARKETS °. Fall . ELMIRA MARKEGTS.. Â¥s @ ¢1¢6; ¢o., House 515 or 1127J 39. â€" .. .. €8.00 to 48.00 Cst* s o.% to 8.50 ...... 5.15 to 6.00 7â€"26â€"Sat. . .52 to .60 | ... . 19.00 4.00 to 460 17.00 18,00 220... 800 <â€" tx. 986 2. ... 130 1.50 to 1.175 .... 18.00 \16.00 . 38.00 32.14 $3.09 $1.175 2.00 geedle work. The youngsters -vu mush, if not more interest in .‘ taire than the older people, M. the parents give as much assistance > them a% they are able. aains A little more advertising will ab, ways bring more contebtants but «lso a large number of spectators, 4 Woolwich District No. 3. ! OMXC. No. 72 Oatsâ€"1, Bdward Winâ€" . #eld, â€" school No, 6. _ 2, Eéward ©ebweitzer, school No. 13. + No of entries, 2. ‘ __Marguis | spring wheatâ€"1, Robert Wirfeld, school Nw 6. 2. Geo. Moyer,| %, Arthur Wby, Plorsiule Tp. and Woolwichk. No of entries, 3 ; Marly | Britain | poas,â€"1, Flou.ccl Barth, Balsam Groves. 2, Howard Koek, Mo. 11. 3, Mabel Barth, Balsam Grove #. 4, Gordon Schweitzer, No. 10. %, Alfred Lehman, No. 10. 6. Clare Brobman, No. 10. ] Number of entries, 7. 1 3 T. L. Mangels,â€"1. Freddie Stetss, Seheol No. 11; 2. Nerl A.. Steiss, ‘ sehoo! No. 11; 3, Emerson Bpiée, Florâ€"| adale; 4, Rmma Fries, Reideiburg; 5, , Barbare Martin, Sohool No. 9; 6, Ou-l ear Feldbush, school No. 12. Number of entries,â€"6. 3 good luck _ turnips,~ 1, Olive Selinell, No. 9; 2, Lucinda Frey, No. 9; }, Marold Soehner, Floradale; 4, Milâ€" ton Geilsel, No. 11; 6,â€" Gee. Snyder, Floradale. Number of entries,â€"&. 4doz. garden beets,â€"L, Margaret Bowman, Floradale, No. 6; 2, Roy Durst, No. 6; 3, Orville Suyder, No. 7; 4, Marta Feldbush, No. 12; 6, Clare Kuhl, No. 9; 6, Ervine Letson, West Motitrose. _ Number of entries,â€"20. } % doz. Chantenay carrots.â€"1, Helâ€" n Allgeior, No. 9; 2. Verna Snydeér, No. 7; 3, Laura Reist, Balsar Grove, No. 11; 4, Alma Hartwig, No. 9; %, lda Martin, No. 9; 6, Ruth Sehwibndt, No. Number of entriés,â€"11. l 14 doz Y. G. Danvrer onlors,â€"1, Clara Schmeh}, No. (9; _ 2. Petet . Bommeil, No. $; 3, Frieda Kirck, No. 4 I ddz. Iriak cobbler potatges.â€"1, Mary Ann Weber, No. 1; 2, Ramurd Boma, No. 9; 3, Vere Williard, No. 1: EmE ENi M anee o inR en n en old 4, Ray Lederman, No. 1; 5. Wilhelâ€" mina Waifler, Conestogo, No. i; . 6, Mary Gingerich, West Montrose.. Number of entriee,â€"12. . , ‘ 1 doz. Gr. Mountain potatosd,â€"1, Lorne â€" #tahibaum, No. 9; 2A Harold â€" Knarr. â€" No 1; . 3. Sal ome Bauman, No. %; 4, Harley Stahl baum, No. 9; &, Beatrice Ebel, No. 1; $, James Bowman, No. 9. Nimber of entriee. â€"â€"#. < 0C‘ Silo cora _ and ears,â€"1, Barbara Martin, No.‘9; 2. Roy Good, No. 9. Nuniber df éntries,â€"2: Golden bantam cornâ€"1, Hilda Bix, Balsam Grove; 2. Julius Borth, Balâ€" sam Grove; 3. Willard Schwartz, No. 0; 4, Allen Geisel, No. 11; 5, Warren Hartwig, No. 11; 6, Edna Kirsch, No. Number of entries. Noxious weeds,â€"1, Edward Win fleld, No. 6. Insecis,â€"â€"1, Harold Soehner, No. &; 2, Hdward Winfleld, No. 6. Vegetables from home garden conâ€" test,.â€"1, Mary Gingrich, No. 6; 2, Walâ€" ter H. Geisel, Balsam Grove; 3, Al lan H. Rix, Balsam Grove: 4, Beulah Hilliard, No. 1; §, Maria Huehn, No. 1; 6, Mabel Borth, Balsam Grove Number. of entries,â€"10. Pint mangel seed,â€"1, Marie Huehn, No. 11; %, Frank Simons, No. %; 38. Edna _ Ritter, _ No. 1; _ 4, Gordon Schweltzer, No. 12. Waed seeds,â€"1, Harold Soehner, No. 4 2, Robt. Winfield, No. 6; _ 3, Hilda *aist, No. 11. 1 doz. asters. 1. Marbara Martin, No. 9; 2, Phyllis ®chweitzer. No. 1; 3, Marie Bansan. No 19 4. Jean Daly, No. T; i. H‘sen Larher, No. 10; 8, Laura Schuts. o + Number of entries 6 Bonquet of sweel peas,â€"1, Gladys Number of entries,â€"3 ) Fuir held by the schoo! ohild~ * ""tzm-l.cuu:u iwich Townahip |=" « Edua Schmeh . # ‘.‘u!... hn aharkals -..†t bik L2 ..!?‘..‘.‘.: E..‘.. hn ‘G: :' nu-: Butter Wrappers Why pay more for no betâ€" ter quality Butter Wrapâ€" pers or why accept inferior quality wrappers at the same price when you can get top notch quality and top notch value at the Chronicle Telegraph Press. A FEW PRICES. 1000 Sheets with name name ... ..... .. $3.50 2000 Sheets with ; CHRONICEâ€" TELEGRAPH Lots of 100 and up wards at per 100 ... 40¢ 500 Sheets with name ..... WATERLOO. Flowers . Marbara â€" Martin, ®ehweitzer, No. 1; Na 19 4. Jean sen Sarber, No. 10; was !n bI& 3 ‘Margaret Bender, No. 9; 4. Arthur 4 id"'k-&l..u;l.mm No, beneSt ~ to\11; ¢ Rimer Milliard, Heideibergâ€" .. $2.00 $6.75 Number of \ :% ’IL v' 6. u:'nb q-‘-v.m‘* * No 1; 6. Hurplda Btains, No. 1. _ f | N»Fhr Of entrige. 6. s | : Ned box.â€"1, Robert Winfeld, No. 6;°%, Marold Mann, Winterbourne; 3, ‘Mdwund . Schweltzer, _ No. 12; 4, George Becker, No. 9; 6, George Sherâ€" ;;‘ilo.’ Winterbourne; 6, Frank Simons, | No. #. . Number of entriesâ€"6. _ Heary mallet,â€"â€"1, Harold Mann, Winterbourne. i SLs uim CEMEW, NCM Wy oV Em P t C Number of entries,â€"7. ‘ Crayon drawing.â€"1, â€" Hilda â€" Reist, No. 11; 2, Gertrude Stangey, No. 9; 3, Mary Giugrich, No. 6; 4, Dora Scherrer, No. 10; 5, Phyllis Schweitz er, No. 1; 6, Edna Eiz, No. 11. Number of entries,â€"30. Penc!] drawing,â€"1, Hilda Relst, No. 11; 3, Eileen Brohman, No. 6; 3, Phyâ€" lis Schweitser, No. 1; 4, Emma Brohâ€" man, No. 10; 5, Clara Snyder, No. 11; 6, Mabel Borth, Balsam Grove. Number of entries, 40. Junior writing.â€"1, Emma Wieland, No. 1; 2, Irene Hahn, No. 11; 3, Ella Hilliard, No. 1; 4, Willie Mackie, No. Hillisrd, No. 1: 4, Wille MISCK®S, ND i AMRIZ UR UE MARNDTDY OO drnit C T; b, Ruth Schweitzer, No. 1; 6, Sal-lMargnel Fries; 6, Margam Maurer. ome Bauman, No. 5. Boys, race under‘15 yearsâ€"1, Ar Number of eptries.â€"32. thur Eby; 2, Walter Schweitzer; _ 3. Benior writing.â€"1, Beatrice Zinkan, ! Harry Mann; 4, Howard Zinkano} 5, No. 11; 2, Phyllis Schweitzer, No. 1; lHnrry Knarr; 6, Earl Steiss. 3, Norma Schaefer, No. 11; 4, Aleda | > Giris‘. threa legged . raceâ€"1, _ 8. Bonn, No. 9; 5, Beatrice Hahn, Heiâ€" Bauman and F. Ziegler; 2, N. Moyer delburg: 6, Gladys Stelss, No. 11. l-nd C; Brohman; 3, A, Lauber and L. e M T lonnâ€" 4 T Hnless and l Flaglar: 6 _ Number of eptries, 47. 1 Cooking, Sewirig, Crochet Work, Emâ€" broidery Wotk, !(nttflng. Sewing I . Contest. â€" 2 loaves wylte breadâ€"1, _ Mabel Borthk. Baltsam‘/Grove; 2, Margaret Fries, No. 6} 3, Antelia Moyer, No. 10; 4, Gladys Steisa, No. 11; 5, Clara Brohman, No. 10. Number of e‘}:tfles.â€"z't. 4& doz. biscults,â€"1, Larne Stahlâ€" baum, No. 9; %, Clara Moyer, No. 10; 3, Ruth Schwindt, No. 9; 4, Florence Borth, Balsam _ Grove; _ 5, Gladys Steiss, No. 11; 6, Mary Gingrich, No. Number of entries,â€"10. 1 Dozen cookiesâ€"1,. Verna Snyder, No. 7; 2, Aléda Bonn, No. 9; 3, Olive j Schmeh1, No. 9; 4, Mary Gingrich, No.! 32100 40 L d i 1t 8 ts tiics o0 iss o : 6; 5, Pearl Hilliard, No. 1; 6, Mary Pirle, Winterbourne. Number of entries,â€"â€"21 Apple sauce cakeâ€"1, Edna Eix, Balâ€" wam Grove; 2, Pearl Hilliard, No. 1; 3, Nora Moyer, No. 10; 4 Gladys Steiss. No. 11; 5. Gordon Schweitzer, No. 12; 6. Rosa Geisel, No. 11. Number of entries,â€"26. Pumpkin â€" pleâ€"L, ‘Ruth Bowman, No. 6; 2, Catharine Challoner, No. 1; 3. Mary Pirle, Winterbourne; 4. Gordon Schweltzer, No. 12; 5, Helen Allgeier, No. 9; 6, Myra Snyder, No. ler, No. 9. Reef calfâ€"1, Harry Mann, No. 7, _ Snrine Aamb, short wool.â€"1, Waiter Bnider, No. 5. â€" incer senool stock jndging cnntnt,' â€"1, Frank Simons, No. 9; 2. Carl, Scheifele, No. 11; 4. Allan Lundy, No. 7; 4, Harold Stetss, No. 11; 5, Harley Stahihanm, No. 9; 6, Harry Mann, No. Light coltâ€"1, Clayton Miller, No Halter broken colt . No. 1; 4, Emma Brohâ€" Girls‘ race, _ ugyder 12 yearsâ€"L, 5, Clara Snyder, No. 11; | Veria Hilliard; 2, Beatrice â€" Mitchell; h. Balsam Grove. 3, Isabella Wright; 4, Irene Hahn; 5, entries, 40. Edna Ritter; 6, Dorothy Letson. Ing.â€"1, Emma Wieland,! Girls‘ race uhder 15 yearsâ€"1, Emâ€" e Hahn, No. 11; 3, Ella‘ ma Brohman; 2. Clara Geiger; 3. 1; 4, Willle Mackie, Nn.}Mnry Gingrich; 4, Sarah Brohman; 5, d t E NE T e o e e «200 * +% 5 1, Clayton M1l 4). td No; 11; 2, May Pirle, No. 7; 3, Clars . Geiger, No. 11;¢4, Roscing Stablibaum, _ ‘No. 9;â€"5, Emms Brohman, No. 10; 6.° ‘Marie Hucha, No. 11. _ Boy drivers,â€"1, Walter Pirie, No. 1; ‘2, Harvey, HaFung, No. 11; | 3, Rufus Zinkann, No. 11 Hitching and rl::pr Brohman, ?lo. Hiltching and . unhitching, . boys,â€" 1, Walter Pirie, No. T; 23, ll,'ry Mann, No. 1. â€" Horseback riding.â€"1, Waiter Pirie, No. 7; 3, Gordon Schmernund, No. 11; 3, Clayton Miller, No. 9. _ R l-_loâ€"r'l:b_wckrtdlu girls,â€"1, Mary Pirie, No. 7. j Public speaking contest,â€"1, _ Jean Daly, No. 7; 2, Emma Brohman, No. 10; 3, Howard Zinkana, No. 11; 4, Luâ€" cinda Frey, No. 9. School drill,â€"1, 8. 8. No. 10; S. 8. No. 9. Girls‘ race, under 8 years,â€"1, Hel en Challoner, 2, Frieda Kerr, 3, Flora Brohman, 4, Nora Wright, 5. E. Bauâ€" man; 6, Margaret Pirie. Boys‘ race, under 8 years,â€"1,* Wilâ€" lie Schwindt; 2, Roy Hahn; 3, Edward Moyer:; 4, Henry Zender; 5, Kd. Lehâ€" man ;‘ €,; Wilfrid Bird. ‘l London,. Ont., Sept. 26.â€" Semi.of * fAcial intimation that his retirement ’|in to be provided for in the â€"re ‘lorganizationp of the permanent forces, |was received toâ€"day from Otftawa by *! Brig.â€"Gen. L. W. Shannon, _ General ~, Officer â€" Commanding | Military | Dis ‘/trict No. 1. Girls, race, under 10 years.â€"1. Ruth Schweitzer; _ 3, Theresa Lebâ€" man; 3, Clara Brohman; 4, Alice Lauber; 5, Ruth Schwindt; 6, Ella Hilliard. â€" Boys, race, under 10 years,â€"1. Roy Goo#; 2; Norman Brox; . 3, Wilfrid Knarr; 4, Julius _ Borth; _ 5, Peter Schmeh1; 6, Kenneth Bitzner. > Boys, race, under 12 years,â€"1, Henâ€" ry Roger; 2, George Brox; 3, Ed. Winâ€" field; 4, Frank Ruggle; 5. Edward Schweitzer; 6, Harold Soehner. > Girls‘. three legged â€" race.â€"1, _ 5. Bauman and F. Ziegler; 2, N. Moyer and:C; Brohman; 3, A, Lauber and J. Letson; 4. L Geiger and E. Ziegler; 5, L. HilÂ¥ard and. â€"R. Schweitzer; 6, H. Challoner and. C. Keingle. i Boys‘.three legged .race,â€"1, F. Simâ€" ons &nd Hy. Reger;, 2 A. Eby. and H. Mann; 3, G. Scherriffs and L. Scherâ€" riffs; 4, J. Lauber and A. Lehman; 5, K. M. McKenzie and E.. Winfleld. .Teachers‘ race, llï¬iel."l. Miss Atâ€" chison; ~2, Miss Wilson; .3, Miss Girl driver, Bec. A. 1, Bisie t y 11: 2. May Pirle, No. T; t."& â€".Teachet‘s_race, ~men,â€"1, G. Craw ford; 2, A. Fi Hansuld. . _ _ . Obatacle _ race, girls,â€"1, L. Bayâ€" man, E. Soehner; 2, â€"P. Schweitzer, E. Challoner; 3, E. .Eix; G. Mattusch; 4, M. +Pirie, M. Forbes; 5, R. Eby, A. Reist. : Boyle; 4, Miss Brown _ Trustees‘ race,â€"1, Win. Sattler; 2 Harry Smith; 3, E. Bauman; 4, J. A Steiss; 5, L. Bauman; 6, E. Bender. Girls‘ sack race,â€"1, Ruth Challonâ€" er; 2, L. Bauman; 3, Mary Pirie; 4. Maggie Forbes; 5, Lucinda Frey 6, Hilda Zinder. ‘ Brig.â€"Gen. Shannon has held comâ€" mand of the eleven counties compris« | ing the Western Ontario Military Dis i trict through practically the whole | of the war period, and approximately 50.000 men â€" have been raised and l’lrnlnvd for overseas â€" service . under Boys‘ sack race.â€"1, Harry Mann; 2 Henry Reger; 3, Arthur Eby; 4. George Sherriffs; 5, Alfonzo Lehman; 6, John Lauber. Mrs. S. L. Upthegrove _ returned home from Seaforth, where she had been very ill with fever, while visiting her mother. Mrs. Upthegrove has been away about six weeks. Among the Elmira folks to attend the Milverton Fair were: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mattusch, Messrs. Harry ZilMax, Louis Fischer, Wm. Stuernag el, Rube Cleghorn, A. Kruegor, Marâ€" tin Schumaker and "Duke" Daimn. BRIG.â€"GEN. L. W. SHANNON IS TO BE RETIRED his Look at the tongue, mother! _ If conted, your little one‘s stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at onee. When peevish, cross, listiess, doesn‘t GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS®" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can‘t harm tender little Stomach, Liver .n'dip.hd waste, undigestad food and sour Hmuy moves ont of its little bowels ut rli:ilg. and you have a well, playful child again. _ Ask your sleop, eat or act naturally, or is feverâ€" ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, dfarrhes, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Fige," and in a few hours all the foul. 8yrup of “fl which contains full directions for Imhies, children of all agos and for grownâ€"upa. .;‘l-n:ec!'io'n.’ He joined the militia for a bottle of "California nitebings . hi. â€"4, ! . 10; 3, May Pirie, | Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance ‘Company Officera ‘and Pirectory t ; ; ; $ Goo:;c Dikbe!, flr:!ma!’t?‘*nurloe ..Alian Bowman, Vig@Pres,. Preston Dr. J. H. Webb, « Wateriso J. Howard Bimpson .. .: _. . Gueiph J. L.‘ Widetman, â€" St. Jacobs , James Liyingston, . +. .. Baden P. E. Shantz, y# * Pr3ston 8. B. Bricker, _ â€" _ â€" Waterloo Richard Roschman, _ â€" Waterloo L. W. 8HUH, B. E. BECHTEL, â€"_ Manager. ‘Inspector, C, A. BOEHM, District Agent. ° TOTAL, ASSETS, 318T DEC, 1914, } * * "arak 4850000 * j qo e eatit h m n t e en e m e o t t ._Potter‘s Auto@Links ~**~ Suturday BE MK"*. â€" 20 Set Only Practical Harness and Collar Maker All Collars guaranteâ€" ed to fit and cure sore shoulders, first class workmanship. _ Prices right. W. C. Brueckner Ww. C. Brueckner years‘ service _ In civil life GENERAL . INSURANCE AGENT + King Street Office, Waterloo Mutual Buildâ€" Ing. Established }â€4. FIRE INSURANCE THE MERCANTILE Head Office, Waterloo a a private Inâ€" Almonte, Ont., in 879. and so has a reeord of forty Subscribed Capital . .$250,000 Deposit with the Dominâ€" Government ..... $156,698.00 All policles guaranteed by the Lancashire Insuranee Company with Assets of $29,636,465.00. Alfred Wright, Secretary. C. A. BOEKHM, DI8ST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. Waiter W.Frickey EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, Spring Street, Waterloo, Ont. 1 hereby notify the residents of the surrounding country that 1 am a licenssd auctioneer for the County of Waterloo. All sales intrusted to me will reâ€" celve prompt and careful attenâ€" tion. Practical knowledge of values of real estate, live stock and implements, «etc. .M Experienced Auctioneer and Valuator Number of years experience as Auctioneerâ€"Practical knowâ€" ledge of values of real estate, live stock, implements, etc. Phone 138, Waterioo. 1 30x 3% Inner Tube $3.25 1 Ford Spark Plug ~Ta 1 Crucible Steel Scythe 1.50 INCORPORATED 1870 Incorporated in 1863. HARNESS SHOP, BADEN. H. 8. DUERING COMPANY $2.90 per Set _ SEE WINDOW Phone 249 CBL. ~T AALLA tA# ‘Bacon Hogs class trade. You give us the â€" and we will pay the price. Shi point Baden, every alternate We day. Next shipment October (The Old Firm) Number unlimited. Ideal 180 to 220 Tbs. We buy fo class trade. YouA_(lv! us t Do You Appreciate First If so, have your wants sug» plied here. We always keap on hand cholce +* 4 Beof, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made . Sausage â€" : Why not buy your meats here and get the best? EDGAR FISCHER Buccessor to J. B. Fisher. Phone 243. pua‘y s k 42 ©â€"â€" satisfaction guarantbed, s Calls from all parts of county . promptly -':“vl-"'f e 2 0 Cohe : ce‘ m ooo o he : O qh en anet nntat 7 Uunpertakers ANO_"**" > FUNERAL DIRECTOR® Waterioo. Phone 80.. Nignt Phone. 207W. Master & Hunsberger Baden. Best Equipment, Reasonable Prices. Office Phone, Watertoo 33 W. Shinn residence, Waterloo, 333K Ed. Lippert, residence, phone 231 .Store phone, Kitchener, §70. No extra charge for motor hearse. " 145 Acre Farm For Sale Situated within 5 miles from Waterloo or Kitchenâ€" er, Large Brick House, good bank barn with straw shed and cement stables, new silo, good land in good state of cultivation. Owner wishes to retire. An opporâ€" tunity to get a good farm near market, Apply for further particulars to ounty promptly attegded it0$ LETTER & DRuiSiNGER wANTED | A. K. Crossman Real Estate â€" Waterioo Phone 185. Undertakers Undertaking SHINN & LIPPERT Class Yours for Meats Waterloo. 8th,