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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 18 Sep 1919, p. 7

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Don't Imam Sopwmbor 23, The date of the School Fair. hold It New Dundsw Many lntvnwunz {pawn-n on tho program, hnn'v min: A! and overylmdy is whkvnme. On Samarium 22 commencing at. 3.15 pm, ll Mn “WWI will ha has"! at the nrhonl. ttus Drum-owls to gn ("wank pletnrns. boo)”, Mm for the srhool. xvi-"body In welcome and tho Ind!” Ire‘mrrllnlly Invited to hrmx . hom No ndmhuiun win he ct-trt and A the whom, tee Drum-NIH to go ("wank pictures. hooky Mr” for the ”not“. Everybody Is welcome and tho lam».- In‘mrdinlly lnvlled to hrlnx a box, No ndmhuiun win he charged ttttd a pod progrnm In" been arr-uteri of “Dal/Iona at "no number: no: Bel, The boys who Were, not prom-ht on Hte any ot' tho pit-"iv will tuweivrt their gift on calling on Mr. H. Kan-11mm at any time in tht future. Mrs, K. Schrmwlor and Sun Harold ot l.ockport, va York, are visit. ine nl the hmnu of Mr. and Mrs, John thc-r at prI-swm Miss Elsi" Kare-11mm ot' Kitchener spent Sunday at her hmnv hero Ore Chimney Mining News. Frontenac County is coming to tho front and sumv [maple nro ln-ginnlng In think that ttwir lnvnstmvuls are not morn scraps of [unpnr which "my are holding Inn in Ibo-m thrsy sou tho, rnys of a hrlghlor fuluro. Slack is at prom-n1 .wlllng for half price for tho simple rmlsnu m up! more finance so ma to be aulo to work the mint-um a a larger scale and thug bring forth tho 1ruupiooktrrtor [lividvnds Mr. Wm, Spaelzul, with others, rt'ctrntly, mm n vial! to this dintrirt and tho, vtyrtrict which wttyr brought back was‘ that the prosper” are simply wonder. ful and that shun-hold”; win, in "ml up" lulurv n-nlizv an unexpected‘ mrtune. I Th" following boys rI'm-iw-d watvh- vs: tleorp,e "anlvy, Flnrn Toucan, Murlvy Tnnzln. Emil Kan-Imam. Thotttas Sm". Alvin Hut-kman, Hhs. lpy 19tttrrtmin, Wilt'rot Snraras, Gor. ulun Itoirnpet. II. To Ibo buys of Now "untim- and Vit‘inhy who (101mm! the King‘s uniform but did no! proouul nvvrm-ns. In mldilinn to rorugnizing tho se-r' vim-s m our frinnrls the, veterans who haw- ru-Iurm-(l from (worm-:13. wn " so nIm-m " a privilege to pay hunorln In“ lmys who have 1101mm] thu King’s uniform hut Wr'rr? not privilr-gml to Irr'ocorrul “volt-was. Ham wnmnlltm- of tho township Wilmot. II. KAVELMAN, JOHN "ilt'K, E. T. COLEMAN. Thr fullnwinz hays rvecived tho pins: Githurn Sabhurry, Mum! " Innn. ('limml V\\’ulI-r|n:‘.n. Hugh Mc. Donald. Gordon Hamarhvr. [Iflvw Irc. Drmahl, "ms liimzvnmn. Victor Din- gn-r, Smnuvl Humphrey. The prvssmtal"ums worn v"ry ably mado by the Misscs Nelliv Hilborn. Gladys Huck and Klora Hallman. We would thoremre ask you In at" onm thor," pins. as Might lukvus of our mat-win and trust as you wear mom the nu~mury of the Itoopht of BMW “under and vicinity may tannin frvsh in your mnnmry. Sign-ml an ln-hnlf ot the citizens or New Dunvlmu ourBusyfielghbors Rutmmtmnttttttttntmuuunm"mttnttttttttmtnnttmmmnntsttotmnttmuit' 1"uutmmntumtttttntmmnttMunuunutt1utu+tummtuemtttttttttmttmp, Black. brown, and white; everything in store in polish line. min: for LAtmiiiriiiiFii." - Bal, Gray Kid, Cho- colate Kid; the lat- est heel and cut, in all sizes and widths. A regular feast for the ladies. 3 lines, about 100 pair in all, and your choice, $2.50, $3.50. and ... ... .. $4.50 POLISHES of all kinds and colors go- ingat... .. ... 10c It seems early to talk about Hockey Shoes, but we won't be here in hockey time, and the prices on the hockey shoes is so low we must tell you about them. ((‘umimu-d from Pap," I.) PN chittyiii'iriiijiei HOCKEY SHOES CttysfortMirremO Save money here. NEW DUNDEE INTERESTING NEWS NOTES A HILHURN [, Patent 2Sesf ot H Mr. and Mrs. (‘hnrlnn llnlllnxpr and family, Mr. ttnd Mr.n Harhpr! Krnngnr from Khrhnnar. Mr and Mn, (lunar Halmpol from New Pun-l: And Mr. ad In. Club- Noob “a My ot Mr Adam Hurtts and family of Wu] kWh-y worn: Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. P. Lathor. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Burg nr-ar wor lenley. Mr. and Mrs Val, Z Wagner and Mr. and Mrs, Jnm E. Wagner trom Kitchener. and a number ot ,v..;'.r.g pcap'.c, $3.211 '.'.arcpr.tpad - the vlrlnlty "Mud at Mr, and Mn Jun 7.. Wagner'n. Mr and Mrs. Jun. Pl Ilnughler Kttir. of Labor Sunday with friend»! Inm- Hom- ot Intereu Mr. and Mrs. h Hialster and Mr and Mrs, W. “(Hwy spent Sunday at New Ihtmiors. Mr, and Mrs l', Hirminxhnm qwnl the wm-kvml with friends at kitch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank “an and the Missvs (Hos of Kitchertrr “In-n! Sun. rlay at tho home of Mr. and Mrs John Gies. Mr. and Mrs Norman l.:-lla-r ot Watvrloo visilpd at tho hunu- uf Mr. and Mrs. Javol, It Zlvgls-r Mr. J. G. Hahn. nnr local drovvr, has already disposed ot ~wvvml tine lot, at stavkcrs. Ho will not In _ eral more lots and {annual wishing to put in any would do welt to svn him. Mr. and Mrs. John Wohor of Elmira spvnt Hm WI'l‘k end visiting [fit-lulu and roluIch-s hnru (Minn by a local mam "Murmur, fm strumenttti by Miss W. Toman, selrc. tion by Iadios' quark-Ina, mrlvctious by lu- S'vhntirit orchestra. (‘unw and t-njuy yoursnni Mrs, John Vannmr. Miss Ulara Valhnar of Water] is spending hvr vacation with her tts ants, Mr. and Mrs. John 1'allmar. Mr. and Mrs, Adam Wl-nlauh'r and Mr. and Mm. John Wnnlaul‘ur of Taw istock spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hank. Mr. and Mas. En]. lluvhn and ram- Mmsrs. Russ"! and ily spent the Wei-k "val at New /diiiidari,' visiting rvlalivws t burg, brief vacation in ttty I Mr, J. G. Hahn. nnr local drovvr, Thu Rov T. Hit-IN has already disposed ot avvvral tine tarewoit surmnn here 1 lot, at stavkcrs. Ho will not In slur-1 tho nflornnon survlrn eral more his and furmnm wishin_Oreh. His tu-xl way to put in any would do wvll to sen) ll Corinthians. 12277“! Mr. and Mrs. Ell Kmmvr and two daughtvrs of In. Appolll, Rusk, are: visiting with lhn ful'ln--I"< pun-Ills. Mr. and Mrs. Allwri Krautrr. Mr, and Mrs. ani Elly and (laugh- tn-r Nina ot Sunthammnn and Mr. and Mrs, Ira Khy and son of ”timings Mills spout Sunday with Mr. ("Ill Mrs, John Vannmr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Miflor of Kn- rhmwr illo'n' Sunday al thy home of Mr, and Mrs. John G, Hahn. l fhttrafenrmoredarouTmintAGIiIN "SHOE STOCK will be of the past.. .We said this Sale would not last long and we are tro- ing " trove it. This week $2,000 of this stock must tind new owners. HAGEN needs the money and so it has been good-bye to profits No argument; you win, Hagen loses. What Would You Do '? If you could buy $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 shoes in patent leather/Kun metal and box calf, up to date in every particular, for one- half regular price, you would grab them, wouldn't you? EVELY offers just such snaps. The rapid manner in which this stock is moving is an indication of the values we are giving. " Don't blame Hagen or anyone else if you don't get your share of the good things on every table and counter, but blame your own self. We have told you often enough. I uni-him iiaaTiiiii 'rsthe>toatt, ... ..8t.00 mums-ova: BERLETS' CORNER, Your Last Chance at Hagen’s Close Out The Time-NOW. ' The place-HAGEN'; The People-EVERYBODY. Every shoe on the toboggan. HEIDELBURG CROSSHILL Jun. I'layforri and of Lolwrmm gnu-m for the Finish! Wamrlun Hi” til r Don‘t "I"! A tiny bottle ol Yunnan can: bnt . few eegttq " an, 'trt'tt “are, Appt n few Iteg an we can“, eullum uni "hard lkil on be. toy? ol feet, than lift them OI. ’ When Frrémne £va}, rat-grim!!! “In ion or uIlm from tha bottom of Int. 'bt""' Inn-uh urn. pink-{d by!” Thu, Rov T. Hirku delivered his far-it sr-rlvmn here on Sunday at tho nflornnun swrvico in Christ (‘lmrolL Illstu-x1waa taken from ll CoNnthians. 12277“Finuny "reth. rn-n Farewell." Tho, anondnnrv was unusttallruarge, and ttw rector tspoke, well. Mr. and Mrs, M. Mark and dattgh. wr Mary ot Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. W, Camphol1 from tho, state ot Missnuri mnlun'd horn for the service at t'hrist Churvh on Sunday. Miss Lucy Tye and Miss Mary Gra- hatrt haw rmurnml to Galt an” sun-mung tseveral days with relatives, hero. l)uiu- n numhvr of people from (his village and vicinity altvndml the Now Hamburg Pull Fair an Friday last. Mrs. J l.. Erwin of sent n few days with hum last week. Miss Verohica Krupp "heaped luck- ily with only a few scratches and bruises nn hor way to m-hool one morning last wedst, when she was artirlrmiiy anl'kPll down by an Ott, mmim; auto and fell right between 'tw whvvic. tho cur mum-d over tuir without hurting her. Tho, owner int. nmlizns-ly stopped and nfl’orml to lake tttst' hunm hut she was auto lo walk hom" with :mmn girl friends. Mr and , ElnlI-r and I ing at the h Mrs. K, Tyo, The stark mum to Visit In the name of a little baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Jos l-I. Lirhtll Miss. Irtute St-hzm Is visiting at unam- llrs, Louis Wagner LIFT CORNS 0ll t CALI USES OFF mn't hurt! Lift any com or callus off with fingers Tavistock visltml at Mrs. E. Ham: nu-r's. 'itPMt,'ptet.2s g: h u" Mull u‘rourvqalh-thueut tkethe1ineat... ...88.66 Mvssrs. Russ»! and Walter if? and Mrs, F'. Phillips and song; and "mm of Toronto aw visit-' the hnmo or tho forum-r14 sister, HAYSVILLE Sohallhorn ot Kitchener, pruwnt with Mr. and Waller Love twro tiller their North-West. Ellml. ont. Mrs. J. J, Urn li road Mrs. F, anrp Mrn. C nun» Mrs. M _ unto Jars. M, to Radon .. ..._ _.. (' “I Nichol- Bataan“. naval calm! hrldkm _.. .F. .. ... ... .... 73.00 (Thu. "aural. 2rd mm!" min) as mm Ind TREE, pom-n and "wintering 'rt .. ... ... ... 186.9! hum w. Roth, whoop hills-d by Nlrhnlnn nuthholt. moving and" road grader ... .r. 'rr .. .. 3740 Mrs. F, Walkur. Patriotic Insur- anm: for Sept Fee v.. TVP w.. 10.00 Mrs. C Erhnrh. Patrtotie Insur- nnrv tttsept. .r.r_ "rt.. .. 10,00 Mfg. M. Srhmm, PatriotV Irttrttr, _" "nc" tor .trot. ... ... .. ....‘10110 Mrs. M, Forum Purlotlc Imrur, 1mm for Sept w_r... "wFr. .. 1000 Herman Reihn, "In for mummy so John L. Fttrmr, lumber for " Norman llama grand . .. . . . .. 2 Hurry Hum. grnvvl 'Pt .. .. . .. Elam Ttants, grnvm ..A. . . . . . _ . . 2 1ltmry Schmidt, uravvi . .. _.. a Aug. Knvolmnn. urnvn-I . .. ... fi kd V. Wilhelm. urn-vol .... .... 1 Alma Srhnnrr. gravel . .. . . . . . Ell Tyo, Rrnvot ...m.. _.... Ftt John Filterlin. Rravel ... ..._. Noah S. Shana. nuns-l 'tt ...t_ Il hank-1 why, crawl '", H... . V. 1 Wm. Null. pnlank signs ..rr.. New Hamburg Corporation, mu- of WELLESLEV FAIR A SUCCESS. Tho Wellvslty Fair was 'mort'ciuded on Wt'drtusduy, there being a big at. h-ndmwe, nnny being present trom tho Twin-City. The exhibits were Inna-r and ln-tlur than Inst war and alluuelht-r th" Fair was a hip; sucu-ss. Mrs. Fred Lemon has been on the sick list for the past week. We wish lwr ape-ally recuvr'ry. Mr. Le Roy Marriott of mtftalo spent last week with relatives hero and at Guelph also with Mrs. A. Parks of Ultervme. Mrs. Rhodes Letson left last Sutur- day In spend a few days with rclatlv- es in Buffalo. Mr, and Mrs. Burnett, of Linwood, 'spent last week In our burg. Mrs. K. Scrngie spent Saturday in Guelph. Mr. Rhoded Lemon MMsMaBPILet son and Mr. and Mrs. Erein Rotter motored to Grlmpfzy last Monday. Mr. W. J. Lemon mario a business trip to Soul): River last week. Miss Lida Bowman yen lust Mon. day to take up her duties in Hamilton. Item: of Interest Several from this vicinity attend, ed the Toronto Exhibiting: this year. This is the right store for you to nose into; crowd right in, you will not be lone- some,. and. you’re welcome to look around.--- Rubbers men. The price is on ev- ery pair and they speak for themsel- ves. Handy to have around the house, "Just like an axe." Rubbers boys. 2%M33ewwi ttett.eet lit. .415 ind clone: anti Look in 'em! Rubbers Ladies. Rubbers girls. RUBBERS 200 Pair. WILMOT TP. COUNCIL WEST MONTROSE EVELY GALORE for for for for the the the the at iamuv 9.45 4A0 9,45 22,80 3.175 50.70 IR 45 too " ".45 8.70 5.45 9.25 mm l Baby's teething limo is a time of ‘worry for moat mothers. Baby's lltlle iguana hm'ome swollen and tender; {his bowels not out or order and con- 'rrtipation, colic or even diarrhoea sale ‘In. To make the teething period easy llluby'a ()wn Tablets should he given ~thellttlv1 one. They sweeten the mammal; regulate the bowels and keep baby good natured. I'oncernitut them Il:)'))':', Marcel D. [.olllanc. Memramcook. .Wnst. N. B,, says: "I have used Baby's iown Tnhletn for the punt six years and have found them imlitptntuttrte, li? my mind nothing can equal them in allaylnz the fever accompanying (loathing. I would not be without .Ihvrn and can strongly recommend them to other mothers." The Tubietu nre sold by medicine dealer: or by man at 25 t'ttttt a box from The Willlams' [Medlclne tto, 1trortviiltr, Ont. _ t Mr. u. W. Moyer rammed home {hare on Thursday after spending fuur Iwevka with his brutth lama] at Rf" Inna. also visited friends at Leth- 'hrhlge, [minimum nml tspent. in tow Mays at the wumlerful summer resort at "an", Alta. A series of revival meetings are hty gins: mndlmlul at the Melutonito C,,',',',',','.,): by Evangelist Stamina of Shorksfnn, with very good success. Togrnuyunt on Sept. 24. The Twin Thwn Bowling 'rourna.' mam will be hold on Wednesday, Sept 24th. Thoma who hurl the [nutm- In hand hid made arrangemema tor Wham-day, Sept. 17th. but on tbp. munl of the Brnntfurd communism It In declded to malpnna It for u week Huh club has been requested to en- ter ten rinks and wlnnen wlll play winnnrn. Print-n to tho valun of um will be [Inn and lhrre will tttt Your prim. Bach rink outs-run must um have morn than two old members on such rink. in! Mun COMM". Miss Manor!!! MchIatar very llloasnntly ontertainod a score of her friends last Saturday arwrnunn uml gave them all a wry pleasant limo. The young people of this vleinity spent a very ploasuutt tlmo, alarm tho banks of the Grand River last Wed- neday evening, when about 40 of the “RA Soviety enjoyed a Weiner roast on the flats at 0xhan tarm, and spent n very pleasant evening. When " v" longed In "upon-r um Iofk hid Iclunlly nut-nod on tho rot-Mu at an - “no. Mr. Jvruminh Snyder of Port Elgin, turmerly of Rosedale, called at Moan. ant View [mu week, also renewed no quaintanees at Rosedale after an ab- awn-o of abqu Itt years. Mr. and Mrtw. lk-nningor and (laugh- ter, Nettle. Mr. and Mrs. LitsehRy and family and Mrs. Frevhrey spent a pls-asan! day Vast Friday allt-mlinn the picnic at Victoria Schnol. Tho Mism'x Mary and Abbie Henna sum! a “wok with their brother. Ir. A, “Innis ot Toronto Maw a low days with relatives at Jackson Point. Mr. and Mrs. V. K, Schmitt and daughters Violet and Verna and Mr. F'red Fluke of Kitchener Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Hubert a ttrw weak: Mo. Mr. Abram Hnyder ol Michigan I'v- tnrnpd to his home after spending a few weeks with his mother. Mrs. Ham nah Snyder and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. (‘an Imhberton and daughter Catharine and Ruth. Mr. Geo. Fluke and daughter Helen, Mrs. Wm. Fluke and little daughter Alice. ot Rochester visited in Bloomingdale. and N. E. H. Tn. Line J. .‘I'TEMJs John Hess, putting up railing .. 32.50 Simop_quner. lahor on Wilmot and Wellesley Tp. "no . .. . .. 18.00 Alfred H. Snip. repairs to. road grader ... ... ... tw. ... ... 3.00 Nicholas it. Lichtl. part payment on bridge contract ... ... ... 200.00 A. Fraser, balance on bridge con- tract ... ... ... ... ... .... 62.00 Mow-d by Johnl Harbor and Hy. Waikor. that this Council do now ad. journ to meet again on Monday, Oct. 13, 1919. Van" "V" ariraircaa iii? ' "rtf.gtfdNef.uttttindt 1trm.t-t'"iu.tAuauiiiiGa wig-yr. out} trt upon" a can -- 7 _ r__,_,_-.,_._. .._.. akin and dim MM. protect younel! Inlmt the further runes Itt dine-u by liking Dr. Willhma' Pink Pills. They luvs cured thouundn ttt people ---tt you (he than A fair trial they will not dlnppolut you You can [at the“ pills throuxh any dealer in medicine or by mu] " 50 cent. a box or six boxes tor 82.50 trom The Dr. WIlllams' Medicine Co, Brock. ville, Ont, our“ h, killing the yuan-‘91: the blood which can" it. The" are many “lady no”. who In. no": [on I “All. at thou-hum. Batd my who I". eon-am tt hy simply howl“ their blood rich and pin. The blood mhlu. blood ostrtetttnq tau-ml:- of Dr. William. Pint Pill. l: becomlnx - your more widely known. and It in the more [choral me of than all. that hu robbed mourn-mm of m tartan. At the Brat Illa of poor Mood, which I: shown by le ot hppetlte. palpitntiqru, dull All can. at nvuquh mmummcmvm Wuvou-mrynuht Ill-dun 00100010. In that. an an rm th-at-ee-o whim“. Nam-mm 1m6eeetandsthatrVsmat1-t.idi.. 1e"Ah?bhttolmttutwtttsood _rteW"dMmtd_.artrintro.-aittse "l! - 'ee, What”- he To. Line ... J. . V. ~¥WHN|§ Peter. Elegant. labor on Wilmot Teething Troubles “mot and 'Nonh Enslhope BLOOMINGDALE. ME8PELER, CHAS. HEIPEL, Clerk 35.00 Birth: LATsCH---in Elmira. Sept. 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Latswh, a son. mkrm. 1n Elmira. Sent. 8th, to Mr, and Mrs. Louis ttuppe]. R sun. HKINTir..MAN--m Elmira. Supt. 10th, to Mr. and Mm. Henry Heintzman. Fred Fishen the young man arrest- ed by Chief Thomas Wilson last Tum» day was mu to Kingston for 4 years. in [mum circles this was considered quite a c'iever.arretst. .He forged his brother's signature to n gratuity che- que for $70 and was making a Ret- nwny when he was arrested in Home. ter. Magistrate J. it. Blake uf Gait gave out this sentence In the police The Canada Machinery Co. at Hes. peler. will resume working at Uespe. Der on Saturday mornings. They have not worked on 5.1iurdny mornings since inst March. Since gning oi! work on marine angina they have an! the hours ot work. Beginning next week they start on lull time, tro hours a week. This means they are getting more orders Mr their regular line of work. wood-making machinery. 1 A Clever Arrest. / Gall and Preston there was great nu, I daughter. Jolt-in: among automobile owners of, the town, tor they had “guru! that DAUB -- RO when work would be done to that' Sept. 9th. road, that than might be tsuattrthitttr . Mr. Miiron done to the Hespeler and Preston road, VEITCH~~BE especially between Doyle's corner and Miss Ethel CAlrotrh corner. At present this road to Witt. J. In a. diagram the county. BOETTGER Mr. Chthurphy of Niagara Mr C. Boat Mr. Chin, Murphy ”70'! Ni Falls. N. Y., a visitor to town Wilt Work Full Time. BIRTHS. MARRIAGES, DEATHS WRlGl . " Hum t i (at. . "he, Warning: ..:£:. want... 2tt targ.' - MuN-Iul. Yumwamom é a: e . In ho Pt'frt.t, tttgt “mm Slrltt t M" W 'rrythiauiritr. Getaboetuur"tu't-rourditt-dt. For win-u: halt/a -er--' Thirty Feet of D-"--" Nujol Laboratories, Standard" Oil Co. (New Janey) Mt B' N Ihr t2ikitgration Sickness Prevention THE FLHUOUR LHSTS SO DOES THE PRICE! do." __ Aoue IttGratr.9iiiu, if" a." .. "m- 't',gtt,', ttrt) III. not T'd.'Mh'la'lS'l'ath'e'u', _ 1t"1t.'tg,'2fI,'at, . "tmt-rt-r-rot-.' 'l2'duri'.'rau't'.tterte 'runew.n'ehe-ore-ie1otrke. indie-self-ami-ion. Aetri-uahVta.eeu9ttrae.te.rusere, ”"32?“wuflmwuz4 tdi7a'lt'i'1'lf"ku't2"lm's"1u'lUlrahLTd'dt"; d-u Ad drtfe--ihr' ihdNi. 'Oethe-vitalrroe- “with“ ”.. 'd'gfllf1'lh'lrlliUli _ Jhhaigal --ltt Elmira. Rept. 10th,' Irene, only daughter Jr i; Mrs. Henry kleintzman. Hoop t aged 12 years and i c a package c a package c a package during the war before the war NOW , CATmtAFu'--At Elmira. " I _ no of Mr and Mrs. Brat I ftUPPKL- Scot. ml. at m , both Svhnnrr, rciict of ttik lluppel. aged 78 your: , wuss _ At Shakespeare. Mr. Vincent Weiss. and M and ? months. ‘ I; IHILHit-- At Kitchener. Mrs. Margaret Heller, all“; Inte J. u. HnlIer. Sr. j': lunuvm: At launcher. sow. r......., ,‘_|.. 1A....pA. -- OI BLKu'H--lioT---At Hon-In 10th, Mr. George Bleiet 1 Daisy F'oot. . T '.' E'IX __ ALLHMANG--At in Soot. 9th, Miss Elna Attat Mr, Roy Kix. T SHANTZ b'NYDEP.---At Elsi lrla Louise Snyder to It; Roy Shanlz. T WHlTiaA--DAvmsoit-At fit “In. Mr. Wm. Wilma to "r Ann Davidson. _ ' JviLLrAys--nM'z--At Budd 6th. Mies Fidella Maud in Morgan Williame, ot New WOOD G000--At 1mm 10th. MISS Elsie Good to Wood, _ C ' mun _ RouLEDroib-at Heart. Itth, Miss Emma I . Mr. Milton Daub, both " Miss Ethel Banner. ord to Witt. J. Veitch ot aut. BOETTGER - "ALU---at,t Mr C. Boeuzer. out Kitt cheater, to Mites Helena Em VEiTCH--BET2NicR--At Maniac“ Deaths 3:54“

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