7," 'Died-There passed away last Thurs, Iiu'r'7,i'aL','i' one of Mannheim‘s oldest Heats. in the person of Mrs. Amos ntz. She leaves to mourn her loss ' husband and teat children and a her ot grandchildren, besides a e circle of friends. _ nah. _ Ir J. S. Hersey, of Winnipeg. who , spending a few weeks' holiday: his home here. returned to ills , there. "le33 Edith Dean. ot randomhan‘ in resumed her duties an school! . or in our burg after a few ___ ttttr' holidays. {In aanMrs. Rphram Dewitt and B Ruth Devil! and Mr. and Mrs. ry Kurt have In" for an extended through the Northwest. Lor, up 1I.-A. Bauman, French; o, . runner, Lat. Anth, Lat. Comp. , , 0 Lecture. 2 3trr. Mr. Tarama, native missionary , ._ tWo. Japan, delivered a splendid ik , u in the Evangelical church. on , a y evening. Rev. Mr. Tayama was United at Naperville, ill.. and speaks ' Indian language freely. A mia. w-n offering was received in the â€not of his country . Homo From anneal. _ Saturday evening Elxnira'a only with the Canadian Expedition Force. Miss Annie Starr, return- . home. She was met at the sta. H .by relatives and a large number m friends, including the Welcome one Committee. _ Pt “our! Home From Hospital. l .’ It wt" an unexpected surprise tol t - large number of ponplv at the c.: station to behold llr " Siowarti "ttt trom the train, Saturday ttl _ lag, only two weeks ago he had his ht Inn nnipnta'v-ii Doc. lonks‘ ll and his many friends are glad! 'i, is doing so nicely. ‘ 'lrRemtrmtrer Wmmiou‘s Dollar Dari .. t Saturday. Money saving bar. It onerell by merchants to the fly buyer. Cult and Mrs. A. Winger. and Mr. Mrs Fred. Eitel motored to Port ' n, Detroit. and Marquette, Mich. Ps, rs. (Rev.l J. Meyers ot (mining. Texas, was visiting at the home _ Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hahn. iieNims Minnie Ewaizl or Part Elgin, V t n few days with Mr. and Mrs. 't I M. Kuntz. in: 11. John Zinger and baby Joseph 'he of West Montrom- spent the week- ?m at ville homo ot her parents, Mr find an. Albert Ran. . _ Mr. Chas. Weber, and Mr. Tony her of Detroit motored to town. "ititse at the home at Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Weber, the iormer's brother. "It. Jacob Spatzel Inwmls opening Lt"" mm on the mm or this th. $tesrnomtrer Watprlon‘s Dollar Day 1trt Sunday. Mongy saving bar- I offered by merchants to the C , buyâ€. ' maul or Jessie, the “Hench! ter ot Mr. and Mrs. William took place on Snlurdny than at , o'clock. The Mule tttrl VIII thought of u we male-led by - um BomrerB seat In and espoci~ the wreath from thy school citil. or he: clus. l, membm" Waterluo's Dollar [lay _ Sunday. Money saving har- E othsred by merchants to the y buyer. _ - In Junlor Matriculauon. I “up L~M. Aliingham, H. Chan, {1" Hi‘horn, Til, I', Klinck. J Aw mm. G. s. Schmidt and A. wirl n. o. Huntintzs. ot 1"J,',t,t,1','r". It . day In: weok with her a Mer, I 000. Richardson. . funeral of Mr. R, J. Kerr, who It Damion on Friday. Soot. 6th, who was well and Invnrahly m in this part, having want hi: hi din In this vidnily, took I on Sundny from me home ot his i It; W. Knight. The (um-ml under the naming of "w I. ttf which Order the de. ' III a member. I Waterloo':, Dollar'Dny C Datum-y. Money lllVIhl bar. b'tgtl by merchants lo the V buyer. II Holt-n Barbour spent a weak her turn. Mrs Sham: of Ahtttt, 'T “in... I“. '40 I You MI- "t 'l Ptdt=TStrg'd'i my. a... lull. 1t..yttteee) I.“ h an Moutonhunnlh an: d In. It.“ - ittHr-rr,rre'g.rs8r» thunk I. m Showman: "itee.rtieF?9tet..ytettq um " art-mu, tiiiitii,iii' u. um. In. we», f'U."e" fMVt', 'tt 'ttttttttgear, M, â€3 . in to r. . t Inâ€! ad but“ In 1.1-!“ to“. â€who column: to the. an lived with put nah-MIDI“. â€.0me- m Her husband, Mr. which at Ind nu Win-In ard. in oeedeeoanqd hor (In. with the butt hm uphmnu. an In an Btttrered with but! help to In“. tumlu any. n 'br the 1"“ “m "Brs. ttttd Remember Wuo‘noo‘l Donn Dar! . â€â€œm'â€, '“ the cum, of h" I next Sauna} Money saving bur- P’ On um. John B., ot wnter. gum enema by nonhum- to the Ind two hunters, Bertha um um", buyer. ip. mun-n, nah/Ive. The _ Mr “a In. Albert bench “a 't'h,'2,t2"1dn2ituf1'q,:'o/ut,'i, children} left today tor London where i (“In to the Union cement! (at ?.t,r..ri,1lyge,t..yi1?P'iu'u' m , Wall-mt Mammary Society It. John] Lutheran Church I meeting In the chapel of Scum-"y on Viv-anon» T at 4 o'clock. All num- p at! to but present. Goth". Laid to Rent. CROSSHILL. 31-19;)»- uolm Du MANNHEIM ILIIM I" Aria,"; Mr. and In. Geo, Home! and Mr. Bron-M [mu-HI Hetpet of New Prat-h. were -- . (he not" of Mr. Ind In. Hen-ml Duh: Day Eaer. .. min: - -3293 522.5â€. 3.31% le: Mr, and Mn. FM. Hnlpel tttrent Butt. day with rel-(Ives Ill Tlv‘ntork. Mr, Ed. Narr Ind baby, ot Shake- npear. spent a week with the farmer’s parents, Mrs Christina Roman 1nd family urt- spending 1: week In London. Mrs. and". of Sebrlngvme Ind Mr, and Mn. Anon Koehler, of BW. M'u Corner. were the "can of Mr. and In. "any Borg. Sunday. Mr. J. K. Srhmidt has opened a armory More in the village, the ttll kinds ot soft drinks, cigars 1nd to- harms. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Berg. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Becker and non Larch, were the guests of Mruand Mm. Ed. Door. ing. Mrs. Peter Berg - 1 law any: with her bomb-3r. Mm. Reinhurdt Heldmnn. at Steiner‘s. Comer. Mr, Henry Berg and (hunter. Mn. Nun, went a any last week with Mr, and Mrtt, Astor Roam". It Berle". Mrs. Chm", Berg ts visiting her daughter. Mrs, Zinn, at Amuhrue. Me Ind Mrs. Karl WIN. of an Agatha. spa-t Int Sunday with Me, mm! In Hem-n Wagner. Remnmhcr Waterloo) Dollar Day n03! Sal'nrday. Money saving bar. gains otrored by merchants to :he inf-my lmyrr. . I. " .W.; . Ont hmlttrel, and ninety-tour up Deals against the Rah-rendum Voters' Lists are being rnnsmarvd by Revis- er Jardine and Clerk Taylor. The homing of appeals started on Tues day and will In In“ probability be wwund up this week . Mr. John Heritage with his wlfo and dalkhter who have been visiting friends and relatlvéa In Hespeler and lelinrh tor the last week returned to lhmr home in Spatula Mr. Thomas (batman who was In Windsor for some weeks has return od to town, She has secured a post- tion with the Solid Leather Cm Mr. (I P, Doherty ot the "Prpston Iiatt" was a business visitor to Town to ynstprday. From India. Mrs. Robson. a returned missionary trom India, will address a meeting in the Preston Presbyterian church on Sunday, Sept. 1215:. This “Noting is looked forward to with considerable local Interest. Stir' is a very clever speaker and it is her ttrst visit to Prcstom Thomas Dixon or Con. 9. m'verley lost his barn. crops and five pigs, whor, a spark from a threshing engine is nited the building, Miss Robson. a returned mission“) from India, also gave a splendid ad dress on India Some of the visiting ministers noticed at the meeting wore as follows: Rev. J. L. Small. BA.. of Hospeler. Rev, J. R. Johnston. Pres ton and also visiting ministers from Gait. Paris and other towns. Thr meeting was a big success in every war. The Presbyterian Ministerial Asso ciation met at Glen Morris yesterday afternoon. The main address was or “Rural Problems" by Rev. Mr. Shear er of Drumbo. He gave a splendid addrens. Big crowds took advantage ot the time weather yesterday and named the G.R.R. cars. They get more popuiu r'Fi'ry Sunday ' l Miss Adelaide Bolduc ot Butraio Is a visitor to 'O" n. Dr, CtMrord Stole of Paris was a visitor to town over Sunday. A 'Nptttatioo went to Tumult) tm ~lay to get the necessary prlmznndn '0 start a Ioherty Imagine in Preston ‘Altngether likely a big club will hr Jar ou' “May. Mr. McCarty. of Alena. Duck. who In " years old, was a. vial r to town tor a few days. Ho. ways the guest. at his brother, Mr. Ala Mecarty. He left far London to visit the Fair to~day [ Mr. R. S. Schonold left for Detroit to-day to vial! friends tor a few Jays Preston "till rennin: on Daylight Saving time I (men won ottonoenLv CONDUCT. Two Preston young men rat-ed n disturbance m Central Pttrk but week. They called on Magi-tram B. W. Zlemnn 1nd were ihted 3500 muth for their misconduct Chief Unw- ford laid the complaint. He informed the Telegnph that be intended lump- in: order in this park And this case should be a warning to others. 275 Name. Wen Ad“. The voters lists are completed. Some 275 names were “Med to the Proston iims. _ Mr. “a In. Albert Leach uni children let! today tor London where they will lpend a week vlslttutt and attend the Western hit. - Remember Wuo‘noo‘n Dollar Day next Intumy. Honey nun: bar. nlm altered " gtMtrettattta to the gum, buyer. Mr. and Mrs Harold Hm been at Georgian Bay tor several weeks, urn-Ned In Saturday night PHILIPSBURG "I.“ who have town on ._-..r In a dark tweed with Ra’s; belt, coat made In a Nor. Tuea â€-1918. ml; with bloomen. be sizes 29 to 34, I $12.00 to . '15.00for... ....qu mule mung posseulon of the mir. road tracks, It Wu some lime below they were drlven oft. School Fair. The annual School Pair of Wnterloo Township East will be held this yen at School No. 4. Limerick, Kitchener - ' The town a lie-pen» M. m to Banana Time, the chug: all“ place Bud" "ortittq. A wool-mt Hon hunted " Aetitur-henrttr D. R. Pugh-kn- requested alumna to “In the" chain but one hour or Sunday evening. The change of time did not am my wnxulon st'.. the tutorial rained on Stlndud time Monday morning u did the school- The 10 o'clock car leaving Hen-ole: Monday morning mu delayed he" Beaverdule on account of . hard of -"'i'"r"'r_r"-r"T"_ sir-III- . . PAq. L"rL2,'lrl'lhTa'ltP1'ra=T, l ',.- Jam“, 'ei'it"i7ieiPiiSriii1iiil.'. -::L.=DSI:MJW!I naiatt'g " . nmhmgtooluï¬vlna. gunmanudrhot. ‘uiuul. A 'rt 's, ¢.... he! he! amin- to Normal "iaihiiraE Int GI qu'Timo. ' Remember Wnbrtoo‘l m, but ' Enum- In“! -- I". plan ottered by moron-MI to a. thrilty buyer. In a parametta, colors grey, navy. fawn and black. all miles, regular $7.50 tor .. .. ... M4ttt LADI ES' RAINCOATS ts. on sale Men’s Tweed Rain Coats, with belt tad buckle, dark grey or brown, made welt, nin- M to 42, $18.00 to 822.tn VINO; WRAPPERETTE8 AND KIMONA CLOTHS, dalnty lot of patterns to choose mom. special . . . . . . . 2 yard. $100 tir 18.00 to $22.00 Menu Raincoat: at - - - BOYS' SU ITS $9.00 TABLE OIL CLOTH in a white with a blue check or stripe pattern, width " Inch, Nc value, . . 2 rarda $100 good weight and width, 25:; regular, . . 6 yards for STRIPED FLANpELETTES. in a lot " stripes, pink: and blue, heavy weight, nice for night gowns, underwear eta, 30c to 36e value, on sale m... .r.. A yards for-mm PRINTED VOILES m Grat and stripe dulgnc, on ugh: grounds, a nice lot to cho‘ose from, regular 29e to 39c per yard .'... ...r. __.. ._... .... ._.. ti yard6 for slm TOWELLINGS in a checked and fawn color for all“ or hands. good value, reg. 3Se to 43c per yd, . . 3 yards $100 FACTORY COTTON SPEGtAL-tyeart, tree (rum week. FLANNELETTES. In plain dark any. good weight'and nice width, 35c value, on sale Doll-r Day 4 yd. "#3100 'i",,.",)])!,).)."!..!).,?,."!,!,.!.!!!,,,.',,, Departmentï¬t‘gaq‘xï¬asï¬ ttiitirGii; Staples In dark (weed; good values, grey. and brown, “a: 34 to " only, 320.0% value (or .... .. $1200 ium light (weeds, fall weight, all "es, 'tes to $1.75 value . . . . . , $100 MEN’S SUITS $t2.00 MEN'S CAPS In new f Mr, and In. "an unborn was: Sunday II the homo ot Mr. and In: Clayton Cunt I Among dame who â€lend“ the Set, â€onto Exhibition but wank van. It. and Mm. E. B. Human. Mr. and In. Lincoln Can-cl. Mr. And up. Inn mi. "tora, Rev. nnd Mn. W. o. which Noun. Gilbert Ind Harbor! Bar. say. Mr. Alvin Shun. Illn- "nui- It.†Carl loan III Carl Inn was: I turd-n which; h (to “It“ lam with. Mic Blah and loan All nu Alh- Kuutnnl ol Kitchen-r m Mr. Arthur Khulna at Model. In†up team " their homo. mu Lucind- Kuglnn at London Howlul. In; boon main; . low. not. " her homo hero. new.“ Jam 'll'l,r'td,'lt,'tMtrfdh'Nttit. mummy-amum “alumnus-cum orMataoN-etgr".tttMto..thrr. Inn-Worm. Mr, t 814.85 .. .. $14.85 $100 Ladiet’ Drawers, In white knitted, knee "ttttttt 75c rea., 2 pair $100 Girte Woot awe-urn. pulley" style, old toâ€, groan and cardinal, the. " to 32,».pochl .. 2300 Lmliee Fall Weigh! Veda, long about, high neck, the 38, Ne VII“. for F.. ... ... ... tUte ice ... ... C.."... $1.95 STRAW HAT8 lor men. $2.00 to $3.50 ream-rt f'? ill. {or . 2Se to 3Se Ladien' Vei,....-e...-... 5 an†Ladln' Bummer Vutu. mod doom good chgM, III. 4,.ttoelal ..... ..... ... .... .......... ...... 5lwmc Ladies, Fait Weigh: D AACOBSETB Shim and Dawns, pink and blue, good might all that, regular, 99c, .... .... .. 3 for $200 MEN'S WOOLEN SOCKS Grey and wink. mixture 75: "In, 2 pair 'too MEN'S SWEATER COATS, in plain grey, cloud coll-r, $2.50 praiut Whlte Middiu with CIVIC! urlpod con†and belt at- tached, nlcoly made, all“ " to 42. "an!" 31.50 to am, at MEN'S TROUSERS In a' dark tweed, urine pattern, on“ " to M, $3.60 to 83.96 price $300 MEN'S HATS tn detft felt, *fterent col- on. all onâ€. $250 to $13.50 value: ...... $1.85 $1.50 to $2.00 White Middies $1.00 MEN‘S UNDERWEAR .. ...'. um " The B.Y.P.U. hold um: - t .000“ It the home of Mr. - . m on Monday O'Illl‘. The man; _. m In ohms ot the Indian and the _ weather being uvonblo. a. - Mu unmounted to " AM tho ren- . In mum. an and" I“ - : slyly spent In a we!“ mum on tho spacious Inn: and Int but at but. '.aetrmamonta were and. at thigh , everybody heartily permit. I no "artrtq no. or. and In _ E nock a m. In. J. H. IO’II'I at olive-MI. Tuna; Mr. Want! In“ M M our»... m Mr. and In. T. In“ a New limb-rs. mm Sunday with Mr. and In. Philip Poul. ( 'flti'eu'littra'xntt 'ffAUr.tfULtttrtt, It. a! A.p.tunr-tiru-t HI.“ Inn-- at“ TMrdt'.,l."'"'""r'l""_ Knvol-u. r, ,'et,dtl't,1',egpttitt'." "r-st-Atom. on . land In. W. 11mm WIth Hon annual-urn 'ttashed, lac. trimmed, It“. " to 30. Ipcclal Dol- lar Day .... ,.... $100 valuo . OVERALL APRONS SPECIAL ree In light and dark por- c-lu, size. " ttt 44. $1 on 5 Pack. Jello " It ttn Cocoa , Tht - - , i _ and - Halon-o OH.) Vain, '100 “Q Men's Box Kip Beau, In I Inc, bluclnr cut, made “folio. medium Weight. all “no, “no "In. . M.tttt Men's 8pm: Lace look, made “may. will shad a “no! an», _ I, , and tt only, $4.50 nun. on all: .. n.“ Glrlo' and Ion’ Tum-h Boon, In buck or tan, .canvno wlth rubber to“, ulna O to 2, reg £1.40, Don-r oar 'loo Inn's Paton! Oxfords, Englilh toe, Goodyur wok, can 6, 7 and B, “.50 "In. for ..... ..... .....r.. .. (am Wmon'o Batter, Cam" and Gun Maul Pamâ€. high and low Mel, brokcn all" 2'/, to r, angular 01.!) to $4.00 "In, clearlnn Dollar Day .m............ ...... .... .... 'loo Womm’s Whit. Grin. Button Ion; low heel mun an CAP, due 2'/. to I, "on!" $3.50, ctearlmt " . . . .. . 'loo Shoe Dept. Specials BPECIAL 81.00 Dollar; Day Bargains] . $100 " o" . that the mount'ot aid-- phon- roqnlrod tor the nor-1| nutri- tion of man In sartouly macro-Illn- PHONE. ft." ulna, Who am- I.“ . _ f“- y, In! at 3 I". it. in si)te7lt'i'ihh't.'.t'..T,, . I. â€I! b In. "aNltiei.i.i h ' . with Clay - th".T, d'." _ . l tqatete-t -trt1tta. w â€I“ . . out! mm“d~'ï¬nm.w‘ a "iiiiifiitri'E'7tt.iFPfl',dt Itgth'eiaratt l tt at - te, . nu. II III' my nu -"'---.--r-qe "eehd W an. an In. up aatr - I"""""?,, te'""'"""' “In. tat pun: 'st'atNi2t,A'hui W “at“ “I . ww- uoudvq than... at» In 1rlri'lafuthTair,,'tgl Attributed to "do. an “sun can tytrtrHbitie9rrii' 1f2'.,NTt'd"t'et.t,'pM,tatt C*nnrr-,oitteoiiuééi nonhuman ,e1t1nfuyLerenqtyo_iibt"tiFtiFi Whack-u unmi- twomhum‘l "r! my manual“. he “to out It In _ _ cation. hymnâ€: on luau “(I Two but.“ ad I In". l amul- by any sch-this have to tttq â€ma. “who. nonunion beyond question or doubt -'----------- that 1 body dertVUgM in pho-phorou “Omaha! Want-ho“. Doll home- urvou. sickly and an A It“ WINâ€. - nun not“ “that and prolauor In " ulna ohrsd by will. boot. “Chemutry no Food rum- ttrtttr him. “on." published In I’ll, a)": _ - e-"---""-:""-:--"-'---- $100 In Grocery 'Depart- ment $1.39 to $1.75 Jacquard Striped and Tau-h Plaid 8mm, in ten di'terqett colon. tunable for (Irena. wants, “(My ete., width " unch, $1.39 to $1.75 per yard ... . . . . . 'loo '2.00 '3wa PAILLETTE leK â€A was. 37.00 ON SALE $2.50 EICOHOM 'tuatlty, wlll am good war, Mu width. In navy, any and black, "gal" "AS, hr inn 'peers-Thi. alum Silk wm give "can"! war, tor dreads. walla, etc. ,opacial 4V, yard. 'TOO TAFFITTA SILK SIIk lPopllnl, in all colon. Mort knoll“. tunable for mm. mun, ste., ".39 to "" per yard . ' . . . . h $100 $1.39 to $1.69 Silk Poplins yard $1.00 2 TIM Pork and In" , TIM Salmon Him.) $125 "up, $100 m S Wetting "tttste a 'nch Envolopu I low. Ink , Pam 2 Lb. my. 2 Ltta ann 1 Lb Rama. $125 1Mtue, $100 lo! lei .... .. Girre Button Boots, In a box kip. good school moo. wttt cw. "comm war. "i,“ " to . 0&- who M35 Yalun "l an; -- SIEDLEOO RAISING gun valuu, 3y, Ibo $100 V $100 “upper _u_rtrtharrstiii.-t Warmth-Ida- futon-1 aes6kt9ii.iuurGaa'ii'l slump-Mid“!!- “Omani-.010.“ . i y1trr_.etirikuq .'-' "um. ug runway-m. hug. the pan-u. "who. . 7 Bommbor Want-loo“. nun. In! “My. Ion] lam. nin- ol’orsd by W... to thrtttr My". who stunner not}? gte I - Ink. nan on. , low. Furniture W , TWt Wall Popu- an†1 :0: OH Dunk on..." , on Sun Am“ 1 Dun PM I cum I... A IPWIAL £1.40 In navy, brown, ear6 inal, dark gum and buck good weight, width " tack Ipcclal per yard . . Matt ' TIM Drudge mum:- 2 Tim Imm- 2 Puck. 8m Ammonia 2 Paco Lu: 2 Tina Ly. l Bar Colo “up _ tt.40 Value, “m tet WOOL. SERGE. 00c LADIES’ "o" ' PAIR .1.†Ladlu' Silk Ankh Hon. m plain knit, black or white, a" that, worth â€a pair, .. ... 3 put 8100 Boyd School In“... In I printed para“. a... I to " yarn, price .. no to 0. “so vial-{ff} Glrie sum! MI»! I printed - MI! be". and 'melee, no. t 35c LADIES Hos: ale. Lum' coma New. In plnln knlt, J" will“ or black, good valuo, IV. to to, "gull? a: loc- . . 'tiv me To mrteteooL _ was: “a Boyo' Ind BVU' school Hon, In black or whl%, mad. good and ammo. all "so Vain. JAVA OOFFII 'tso value, tty, Ittq '100 to Ne, aural. “on m ., $14.9 a, h" 'h"ct