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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Sep 1919, p. 15

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if}, __' ll DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS 'r IN MILLINERY . _ Imnhhuwm tr . ‘01..”Mucu 1 Innumvmm‘m f “n"-m” / haul-humus“.- E m- m In" a: a. (Juana. V mum-momma. a 'te-ttttttFor. , mun-3mm.” . tho-ta-v-m-. Mr. Hart. comm from the North. htwintt been born in 1856 m Mortota. Young Hara went to Tokto to tunhet hits studies on I scholarship founded by the feudal lord of his clam In Toklo he entered the kw school at- tached to the Dvpaument of Junta. In those (lays French turning WI. much encouraged and the school upe- clulized in the study at French law. This fact accounts tor the Premlcr'l knowledge of French to-day. Han (Md not ttttish the course on account of a school trouble In which many " his classmates were expelled, and In. left out of sympathy with " friends. He has n thorough knowledge at nub ty Luella. Ind also has had export- enco In Admin-taunt. for to has held I portfolio In three (human. Mr. Hun In in his sixty-third war. and with his consummate knowlruxe ot political lite and Inn; “penance both In once and m opposition, the new Prime limiter may be expected to achieve success in 0mm. l In. an. we Into power on tho an og Count Tenucm toward a. and at In: September. Hitt (hunt! h interesting in another respect: it *1: formed on the [mm-mes of party teLT"d'le,t; “moot all hits colleazuel u. when from the rank. of his party. the Sewn-hi. In. Hun In a party man; his political tnlnlu In. ‘bzen accompM-hed In the new od party Politics. H0 in been con- nectod tritit ma’ sun-m aim to ormulution, and In now ita leader. In LA. _. - . td 0.9% Of the season's latest models will also be on display. The ladies of Waterloo and surrnunzlimr Community are cordially invited to visit us. In I.“ ml" "ii 1‘; -tciiGaTiiriie' “min of the n" Premier, his a.» “IL-lg " policies: price. tret PIC-t- mm Mr. Mara (or-- ‘0‘ MI Cal-bet. LLEiry"i?iiiiiir.rewud ape-to “In a tt.hiqtqt hat sum-u. “Th-I w In! mm; (Manama! Jun we! tho - "on, tor u "I an Item“ to have dawned upon tho rung); an the you: (Toho). We are offering: a lot of Summer Hats at the special price of $1.00 for Saturday. Miss Chase's “time in and take your choice at this luv, Millinery Store 0l TR FALL SHOWING Chas. H. Roos Ladies" Oxfords and Pumps at greatly reduced prices. EXTRA suH'ECIAL--An Lad- ies, Hoys', Misses' and Children's White Canvas Shoes. Tennis Shoes. etc., will be sold for. $1.00 per pair Saturday. Sept. lilth. King St., Waterloo. The Popular Boot and Shoe Store Dollar ' Day Bargains Phone 1 OD at The lalmr troubles in Barcelona Spain haw been si-ttlod. and the men arv returning to work. A WardsviHe man has (smart-d no “on against a wuman tor damagus for alleged breach at promise. ,,,__ ""_"_ m- .-... “mum“.-. uulcu. The charactr-r of Mr. Han is not of thc Lloyd George type; It is rather that of Mr. Asqunh, suave and equ- able. Han is never governed. not for a moment, by trrtttsion-tto In no: eooi-treaded, seII-pusuesued. The ninth anniversary of the (an nrxailon of Korea by Japan was ob. servql. on Sunday as a day of mourn- ing by [hr Kurt-mus. I When the me Prince [to hem to organize the, hiya-Kn Mr. Han vu 'oue or the prmuoten. His real poll- I tit at lilo now uoustueueed, and he had rot to wait long for his turn in com- ing to ynwer. Soon “term Prince Ttt; normed I CCU“! " M Mr. ttttra was Minister at C-unter. tions. This was in 1900. When the tirtst Suionji Administration wan termed Hara was at the Home once. In the second Saionjt Cabinet (1911) he was again at the Home once. That was his last ministerial once. Han went but to bl. old protu- uon. Journal'sm. He boom editor and propriror ot the Out: "JI- lchl, one K the moat 131mm“ JNV per. In f mu. It was " "In period at his , e um he bowl. nun-or to the F' ctthawa Com----' conco- tion inch it In and bu laud an i "_" -7 --_'- -. and It. But“- an. a... M I. be“ . noon at -sarti. no V. M! ot a. '0qMtgeeqtiB' slain "no: in the ”run on. - Count luau. uu nun m m that ot Ilium" In Koren. Then be was viee-Mtnuterr at Foreign All!!! with Count luau u the leader at no Foreign once. When the count Te. tired trom public lite on uconnt at declining MU). his lieutenant lol- loved. "'ilj,tiitlirtiii?r'ttt, tetgti tr, I ' Not " Bo legend Bhutan-rem cont-won that “than was never a pttiiosotttter 'ho could en dun the toothache patiently” Inn db j proved by Canon Uddon. After In qty. .perlencc um would have closed tho l Ina-ma of most of In. ledon found It I mama to Write My. friend: "I Mn 5 been an“. hid up with trout». mu. I my few remaining tooth. or "not t 1 had an “ken out can any before I- “May. A. only {our remain. this par- l (Ian-r experience cannot be who I In this present life." Ttsu u a can... f mum at the triumph of 01:1wa I out "ttL-tatom, Globe. Wound Ian-r}: or Trade ("on . hum" of tio. on such ton of no! at- Prhttt (hagg- In the not! an In” A grain nirvlllnr, moon trttghem has Three Riven. Qua tut, black silk braid; still another harks back to the woven rlbhtm work In whlrh our grandmothers delighted. the skirt ot the coal. hem: made of black ribbon. woven In I squared pat. term with the him "looting of which the suit was made. Tucks. running crosswlso. rellovo those short Jackets of plnlnnoss. and sometimes, on suits meantlor formal wear. an embroider- ml hand nrnuml the he! tom edge of tho coat gives it distinetiso. One delight- fully simple shit of dark blue serge had rather widv. rotted seams, which made a decidedly interesting mush. The wide. twarf collar. one end of whieh ls thrown over the wearer“: would", ls nrnrly always becomlng, but is, of course. imprttctieat on I cult which must be worn on all occasions and m all woathm. since Its elect I. more becoming than trim. "nlrm;Unottter a mini with" "L ho"; The tight-mung, merely mama In]! is no: so much shown as m the looser-mum, more youthml-Iooklng models. Narrow belts are on nearly all or these juketn, fastening " the Mde; the skirt. ot the coats are rather full. nnd are quite ant to be Incon- spir'uuusly trim-nod. Embroidered silk armwhnds mnktooe such coat Inter. The new In". no Win In B... en] ways. Cunt: in jun tkngtmtt. length. n a rule. and mu- of then have the loose elude pocket MNet, it'lk'ved by turning up the bottom oe. the mm " the sides and In from. The skirts are narrow. u rumor predicted that they would he. The more " treme mndell lave made allowance for the wenr.er'rr need. when by nllttlng the skirt at the buck can for I In Inr-hl-s up the hem, or, an In one use. hy rtiueirtq the Iklrt with the front and back widths absolutely untrue " hr up u tho that: M, two we. were then caught together " lateral: down the Ides by short threat , but lly buttonhoted, which held 4c m sevnnns together except when the wearer WI! Wilkins. When such Iklnl us these If! worn, there ls worn III. a heavy nu: IND, matching tn. It!!! In color. ft iiiUNGi US$74?“ "3.755 all “In" you." when the pMIC. a titled. before we oven begin I. M by the maul-anon; other you. (I. about $01 nothing. mum! mung. but New Sin-.- and out: But m- us: both a“: - arm-u nre shown In amazing "Holy. and who IntMed is the woman W I. Ioolml on: her nrdrobe 1nd reach" I decision as to what the meal. I“ no [on to the norm. and: " Gray Engmh Tia-i0. with n "new ot heon mmnlolad " At the prey-m “me then Ire may "muons why tnrmera should Into Rum! cam ot their equipment. Ono is tho arms] shortage of madman. and the _ the saving In dollar! I In noun: the most valuable out of A machine below lending It to the sunk noun-$112!. John In... o. A. Ott- teee, Guelph. of hard cash» he loses through his indifference and neglect of them. What farmer would not Drown m vtgomuu terms If he were told um purclmshm but binder. any for "so. that its life would be "out thirty day: - a competent authority oath 'Mate its avorngo‘ "to to be (Venn- {our 'urs “and tor all any: in I you. Yet. through me name farmer's mro~ Imam and indlloranco. n machine mm to I"! J ieagrt%iiti; IA}. I. reduced to, nu “may ttee yours. Dunn he. Invited the American bunch: of [Altar to not than nut you. The ttttmuon ot good and enchant [amusement of muchtnary is an Igtt, porunt one to the turrner it ha only could be made to reallze the amount in; condition. Such a hard metal " undoubtedly much slower to corn-lie than either cast ct wrought iron. hence machines and looks left out exposed lo all kinda of tether, the bearings and worlds; parts of mu» chlnery and the cutting edges of tool: will Income no bully MNeted with rust u to - new puts neut- lu'y in the mnchlnes and good ninth Int and hanging at the looks to put them In work-Ne condition. ' The itmt requisite In this dtrmstNtt " to properly house then. This .ahove all is the moot impor- It.,'.",',,':, It ll needle- to ulnar tho ‘rapld deterioration ot stool. Iron. l wood, canvas. or anything that goes 'into the construction of form run- calms. when they are out at doom and exposed to the elements. Ot course. the factors conditioning than life and working emclency ire wr- I-oolon ot the metals entering into their construction, due to ma»- pberic actions; the dislnwgmion ot the palm and varnishes from the some canoe, and the any ot tho wooden parts duo lo heat and mob- ture. There is, however. no tenable data available that will give us the coemclent of corroelon. bot - ttrrmer ls aware that the moldbowd ot a plough subjected to dew man. or damp weather condltlonn tor a. few nights will so rust the hrldlt moldbonrd as to pit its surface that it requires several rounds of the ttend to brlng it hack to good work.. i The Dawson's Golden Ctuttt has been the popuinr winter wheat of ifl",tylt' tor 's number of year- put, I It in very all! in the an": um um ' all] turninhan 1 high yield per new. lA new urieiy called the o. A. C. [Nix lot, originated an the Ontario .'atrrteottural College from a cross of Llhe anson'a Golden Chair and the Bullarinn. is very promising. in the “but six years it has produced tut Wer. Jun-l average yield of grain per acre of 45 bushels, while the Dawnort'tt Gold”: Chni! tor tho same period has produced 40.9 bushels and the Bal- nrian 37.5 bushels. It nu use tub en the lead over Ontario in the co- operative experiments in mi: of “an; out two yarn. This vnriety will‘ Again be distributed in tho (all at the present rear for eo-operative em Perimerats our Oniulo to be tented [with one or two other varieties in plots one rod wide by two rods long. Those wishing to conduct this or perimeni should apply to tho ow tor ot (Jo-operative Exporimanul h Agriculture. Ontario Agricultural College. mtettrtt.----Dr. c. A. Zara 0. A. College. Gudph. The importance of storing art Mr- vesung tools and madam after use is an economic factor ml! to In reallud by a very large mutate qt farmers. Much ot thin may on the part of the farmer tty-ttg tbo proper care and mmement of h!- farm equipment In due In I km measure to the Jack or ttptrreetisttarn of the tact that tool! and was $=gutot give maximum of emote” when allowed to become mood with am and rust. Th snug River! {bin-rd: m The [luminance of Storing All h In experiments conducted " Guelph the WInlOF wheat which has been not": 1qu tho and of August or In the out not ot tMptamtser nu Ft',",', the most annular] mulu. the land II In upocluly good out» ditlon. as In the we of a summer allow. the seeding might be delayed a little later. In soul-g winter wheat it is Important to me large, plump. sound. well matured seed of strong manu- nt the ate at shout six been Der__scre on “erase soil. White that an be my: nun- tummy on 1 "not: od will. It - particularly well, however. on I rich bun cumming I can “doable amount ot "punk nub tor. This crop mu m important pine In the rotation and usually thrive- woll all“ bum. pea. Ind “wildly “'01- tr clover nod or I bare summer fallow. I . . an. canon-In w hit-4 ht“- .u M an In my! in! m a. In it: m. M (Krista. all "on an Irv can!” In no“ to great mum. om I: u: i-m-t-pmdocu of mm that. cuddly ot the “no "not.“ winch yield well And bring and prie- tor and". Ian-nut lnery Ana-Ute. Th0 Von!“ " Bern... Brand. Bar-on . an. ot mo Inna madamtbcworla. communi- onnrteu ot tho Bonn plum tt In I had ot alum Venice. being built on- ttmV over [ho was. Tm. mum. at) . the capital ot the "ate of Bro. nd, Borneo. All In. housu an trum our tho “mun; aver. communal on slender one. and. trom the when; will. . wood that realms the ttetiott at Inner tot than, yell-I. The lnhablxunu ot Brunei are Milan. End-yum. orantrmrskttn and . few Huron. They earn thvtr thing mostly by trad. lnx witt, other mm: In the "uertor of Barnum and _ Illlxh North Borneo. Some ot (lwm "tr Terr willful brass “Quote It from whit? I and In Imminent. "Ott. It does not nutter. Jun amply quote It." Next morning the Mann'- Journal duly reported that the performance wan " '0:un He had on canon. dole-ion. Bo nudge that 11:ch comma- won. n protection am a libel action. and. manger mill. at mm. for unaccu- tMettler at min tht on. oar-sun In. Bodkin In describing I theatrteat no (mne- PP that it wu- “exquhlto " annulus. "Old G." count! In]: new eHttealtr on om lids. “I don‘t like that word 'exqttisitetr."' no “It "All right. In." 1 unread. “I'll am. tt out.” "Nu, no; tth I good enough word. but tth I um. unusual there. Tell you IDII. we’ll quot. ir" Handy Quotation Mun-la. _ . Judge Bodkln's book ot minim eoturttrtqaderettptsouotomrotts tattoo under whom he carved. John B. Gallagher. who I: laid never a ttne.mrutattooetsrhtritts ltwu he. an [no Dublin General mum at. who I‘M the renown can Ind mercilessly manned tho mow script. 'ir mu new. um "to ttair'.")"":.:":")',"' . an Tttti 3mm I. on you Money 8. er’s on DOLLAR 50 pair Boys’ Calf P?.ttmesh-strsetosyi, T Worthto-day $5.09,$DAY ...... ..... ... ..... 30 Pair Women’s Pat. 8 in. Cloth Top Button Shoes, weliworthtsno,sizea2yitoi,iiiiC..T. ..... .. 100 Fun; of Girhf Shoes, may, to 4, in Button Kid "d Gunmetal, a dandy School Shoe. at less than FactoryPrice,$DAY ..... ...._ ____ 150 Pair Womvn’s Shoes. small $2.00 and $2.50. Don't miss these. A Few Extra Glacial: Dun: by szing. ; Donor] Mam»; """'T " tn ma clearly understood now no‘ am to - dun In ttrad ver- cold cause: death. runurkl "101mm ot We mat-h...” lJonnnJ at tho America Medical AMI- tt u now- noon; -tMttttqt, sedation. A tax-lea or annex much blown; an um uh; Wt' (tsem, mum-d to be a -k--ttecttttttr cumulus-mum . g: laden or urban]: acid. pal-nulls of ttte) --"-*"---- ‘- vupmotar centers. loan ot no“. acco‘ o... m * mutation ot blood In the hurt. ammu‘ Ova-cl. ,errtNett [at - I of m min. tt-troetton or red coo Mwhmmmudy‘. pueuo-att of which and. tux-bow b. gm " m of a”, on it. that In 'ealty do oot snow Innhlnl may mean In”. F deihtitq u to the mcbe an... --_--, -__ -.-. k The lim- " death tamed " - win-nu the urination of the comet an orbits In ”manne- considmhb: for the periodic comm tt vanes trom 8 to 162 dogma. Consequently comet: attain regions at the no!" system mu no other home. pencil-nu. These can con- mlm " Indeed they exist. arm or “runs chemical competition and; my be eottntdered " trtutmentn ot the} Initial nebula that mined the combo: Hon than 'hlch m. member: of 'IQ ooh: mun am l, In“! in g {:3ng ' you JMSIoe-Im when“ the Inclination of the 1 man an.“ aid. “I "mama-'7 tta-u. um and m m a we According to the tktegttitie Amman. In.” 'teqtp0etV m m me ot the urlklng change. that um tarmac. u a. M " place In certain comm In their Ttaurii"trkrtd"irai'aTar, use through space may he expumedjm “a (In. gmgtNrrq pg.“ by the" encountering any masses mm“, of m ‘m h Kan. It " In true (but met: mama ol‘m It.“ - _ an exlat. comets would be more thttul Ill'-:::.::::----)), hkely to encounter them. tor the ,lr'.'ii.l') Ill-he. V, nations and the enema of their orbits make them especially good "iircFiiut','2t "M m a paid him I nun can“ The plural: mote In a narrow none] (lode M.mem’ very near the plane of the eettptse/P_t "_-v-- “n, _., -- ,4. __ - worken. lné the Brand vowel: and beautimi cloth. Interwoven and un- hroldered with gold thread. 8.30 " grown In m. "lqu out by. and I can“ can": at no. I. on railed. In the early part or the alumni: century Brunei III the rendezvou- of the dread Borneo pirate- and I market for (no It". trade-Wid- Wofld In: Aline. 1 SEE OUR WINDOW FOR DOLLAR DAY BANG, A reduction of $3.00 to $5.00 on all Dinner Sell. aw to per cent. Reduction on Granite Ind Mail are, Reg. $1.20 at . . . .. .. .I'f. _.'.-.".-.' Chum and Sugar. Reg. $1.30 at . . . . . Condiment Set and Just. Reg. 'tar, at 1 lion Ron and Jug, Reg. $1.25 at . .. (Tram and Sugar. Reg. $1.30 at ...., ... ... .. 81.” : Condiment Set and Just. Reg. $t.25 at . . . . . .... 8130. " IBon "onartd3ug,Retr.$t.25at ..... ..... .. $1.1 And many other articles too numemus to mating,’ '1 Call at the store. l ' 5 Cups and Saucers. Reg. $1.25 at . . . .. ..... .. 81.0. , 4 China Cups and Saucers. $1.20 at ... ...... .. 81.0. 4 China Cups and Saucers. hand painted. $l.20 "hat: I Syityetttr Tub and Pitcher. hand painted, . ll few Dollar Day '. Bargains at". Conrad Bros. _.:""., Waterloo small sizes. 4 lots at $1.00, $1.50, _ Hon-allow _" nona- Import” In” mau- tgnxht ”avoid . Pttettottq. MI the nun animu- than I11 burning was of (In wed. wmw- alumni!"- club an and that In. Ind an: than a an; quit. Mk. 'K-we- germ u the. tmr-bt at mamaommmql mummpnm 1teetttr"-"+M What. 1;.“ are toeUd In $rge,ef,ee,ii,Q This b may autumn-(I- ' ot tho met that In " man (“a - of “In (an quenuymwmbr utm- = 2 $3.25

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