at Scholar. who returned) about overseas. spent the trtttt trtends in town, A. A, mm the militia In "law" the elite ot Clement _ti99.tchoner. We wish him I ttWnew amhltion. . _ "Eret' Cress of Elmira; Willi- relatives here. 1 n Mr hus bought the 'mq6ed Mrs. Heist who in- in“!!! to Kitrhener soon. to has bought a home. . Mn. Schterholtx of Port m the vest-end with Dr. and Mason. Mr. Srhierholiz in. Itll",, " Kitchener, where he . employment with the Kit. toh. Co. um! some threo dozen of when» and their friends on “m must" on thv race hank my evening - Eby, of Toronto. in "t tow days With his parents. .9; s. Ehy. Itâ€. Martin (nee Miss Ot- gmt Btratford and Mrs. Monk L Miner, ot Tavistock. spent W. with Mrs. Heller, tith, last F Mrs; Shoemaknr and son motored from Mirhlxan and I: Manda in the vicinity. {his and Amy Snider 9nd E Gingerich are holidaying Muskokn Lakes. _ y services tor communion E11 church ttext Thursday At 8 p. m., and communion " 11 a. m. on %mday, and ’,-lervlce at 7.30. Y, B, P IQ Mennonim church at 7.45 Mice: in St. James' church Spam-us to Ibonny Mr, Jun Karley was t, mmimony to Miss Minnie not tlt. Clements, They .wtlt '" “thermal“ has disposed tito Mr. Fisher. at Waterloo “a bu bought I tarm . Museum"). . who has charge of the tttton of tho returned men mecca-uncut“! by Mr. and H Snider and Mrs. Cram of no were recent guests ll m Honrtch and lnmlly re- flmrloo last Wednesday." Ills. M, L, Wing are on- o‘llg among friend. In W .nd Strallord. [more I in Calvary church In! “her Watertoo's Dollar Day “that Money saving bar, ren-ed by merchants to the ITll,'l,"'l was announced on “is: Madeline Lam: and Doherty, “my Schummer and Ctem. Ian on Monday to take up u college at New Albany, Im CONVENTION , Wuerloo's Dollnr DIy Mr. Money suing bar rd h, merchants In the tr. Mrs. James Kennedy. n Schnarr and Mr. and Mrs returned home after spend. weeks with his son in Mild. "stiiiqhr."t BM tho. In an Henna-no WMay. Sept "th. a.†“an at (he Be In. mung. r Wall. noun ot Mr, " ti. hm " our boys lo â€one". â€mm: mm by. - one In slid II but mm in the Nut Jim! and (nr'lv an Item Honda, with the W od the“ prop- nay-h: to the sunny in. Stable of Kitchener, “not, Mr. t'on Heimbuch. Mrs. John “enrich visited Ilo Lottel is vlsltlng with other in St. I'lvttsettts, 'olock pm. (new time) he manna" M the tittx ttttahhtst preparation at EWITLIY DEVIANT hmtrlrMnnm‘r. part my Board of btet,taa, rm mm "if'iiii,l,ri.,' mamamg'a. a. 1iG. , t,ttillttg,t "g','Cli w.' H. magnihsamag 5"“: Ell-'1'" 'araiifr- mn- sdrrl'ltas,ii, my .. 'vii, Jiit mn‘mnwnuon for tho whom. a rpndklmo for tbee Ontario election. .. LINWOOD. LXICUTIVE OF THE Tua. ' Sept. 13, 1919 MW“ “bomb ot North Wahrloo iiiOih6h ttkids-tuit' - i , "mtttgttr1itrtttDUtmtMNN , t l Edvard. a. a I w. m In. Otto Koch. who -. in. age"- by a “to u wool - lug-y. aldwvho .“ Inn-II- in n In - to In. mound injury. will not qtrtto " tonal-u an In» on In." bulbo- vandal“ on " but! and by ‘m the.olocu at witch he I: um Ind up. New. Nola: mieé-ranm. Ind Alex. Ledermnu with Ruben Knorr. spent the toreun of In! vast u Wallet-con, Remember Walerloo'n Doll-r Day nut Saturday. Money saving bar- gmno one?“ by merchants :0 the thrifty Myâ€. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Wright with Mr. And Mrs. Henry manor oe near 8!. Jacobs motored to Willue on Saturday where they spent the day with Mr, and Mn. Menno SnMer. Several from here nttendod the fun. oral ot the late In. Levi tutsutrer, held ttt Winerloo on Slum-duty after: noon. The friends of Mr. Orphan Winner gathered " his home on Thursday evening. August 28th. to celebrate his tttttes) anniversary. Guests were prev meat trom Kitchener and Breslau, numbering forty, who enjoyed an evening ot music. Alter partaking ot a bullet lunch those present departed, tor their various homes. In the course of the evening. Mr, Winner was presented with a hamm- tul chair and the following address was read by Mr. H. Bechtel. The gathering here this evening is an amalgamation ot your relatives and closest friends brother Orphan. not nlerply to enjoy (mrsvlves but to try and make it as enjoyable and pleasant tor you, as we positively can, In the course ot a few days you wlll reach the half century mark. and of course we could not let it slip by unneeded, hence thlu large and joyous gathering. During your lite you have had un- pleasant as well as pleasant days but you held your own in lb very capable manner always having a good word to any to everybody. trying to do what you thought was Just and right. and today you stand In a class by your- self. respertpd by each. and everybody. Hoping you will continue your good work no that others may be inspired by it. and follow your ertsmple. To show our appreciation by which you are held by Four friends hero to.) night. we ask you to accept this ("ehair" as a slight token ot respect. lSo when making hay while, the sun shines. And to start or“ thing else would be hardly worth while. Forget all youi Maxim's, worries and cures. And sit contented in your trig easy (+111. May we all extend our best wishes to you. and only hope that you will be spared so we tum celebrate many more birthdays with you. May health and happiness be yours and tho, rest of the family. Mar God speed be With you in att your under- takings and prosperity come to you with ham: and lmnnds. All tokether In one we hope thai the balance of your life be one ot con tlnual sunshine». "YOUR FRIENDS." Mr, Wisnter thanked ms tr.iends tor Ms am saying Wm was sure he would make good use of the (may chair in the years to value. Wplluslvy Municipal Cottncil mm ul the To. Halt, ('russhill. Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. mm, In o'clock in tho’furv noon. t All th, mumlu-rs worn trrpsent, J Rt'ldl-i, lute Reeve. prmsidcd. Tlte “mun-m of the rogular and spvrial â€anions iwld in August wn-rs- read and conttrmed by the nlvmhrls in attendance. "orresportdonet', hills and accounts Wer" laid on the table and nth Bill. and Accounts. A, K. Mayor. r91), road machine $3.1m Simon Frivdutan. gran-Hing tser tattttract -.. .._ .. ...__e.P. If.» Slmon Frivdmnn, 26 yards grnwl pm" comma . .. ... .,,.. .‘ 45.50 Robert l‘rooks. lr-volllng _ Krnvn-l per contract ... ... "tt ..r. 8.00 Gordon Frirkey, rep, bridxv and timber -.. _.. ... v.- ._. ___ aosi Emerson Foster, teaming gran-I Tru" John Linspmnn. low-mm: grin-l lrncl, 's [my ... ... .. wr... 52 Henry Ran. rrp, hridgo and posts m Mrs V, "eric, wire nrvnum ..__ H. w, Kaufman. part pay print- per cotttrttci, 'h my .NWF__ .. Fl J. Knohlurh. unveiling osu' roll In}: corttrttri ... .. 7 Fr.. I FM. "oitntcirtr, unveiling nor rommrl. lg [my .. .N.v I ‘. All“. Svhluolvr. operating road marhino.. .r.rr""" .. H N Hmmm ihovvmnu gravel J, I', Ms Kay, (mm; rv road mach, inl and plow W .7 .. T _ ‘ 0am" Lana. o-nzino on road um rhinoâ€. _.t.r__.r_ .‘ Jan Howl". mxlnr on road mach Ins and no mad machine I Attred â€Iris-is. angina an Fond gram“... .. ._. _,,.,.,' J, P. Petch, opt-mum: load mart: PLEAOANTLV ‘URPRIQED: Ina WELLESLEY TP. COUNCIL, couu'rooo. Signed “My: â€new naval 6.00 "m -iG. ' Wallis aveM Saturday “I COO l “when". ' I 4 _---------'" "P' k Oneal and. hunt M an _ may! 90 0-1! 1er1e"11. t49 tto Rom!) 52.50 “no 7,00 In I." KLWI 20D.) I 00 all an Moved by Noel). seconded by Pelt-h. that the va‘vr stm- orders in P'O ment ot the ramming accounts. be- ing m mnnvmiun with the up" Tele- phone Syslam: ' Hy. Tottol, hand :nm and " lbs spikes ... -.. ... ... 'tt 'tt $13M Wm. Fuorxlvr. poms ._. ... .. 17.M Wm. (:Ialsh-r, freight on sup- _ Total ... .. v.m .. .._ ttet $11123?! Carried. Accounts of the new Telephone System ., .rrm .., _.. tr. __. ... -., .mlw Srully & Scull)’, Auditor's teea. 30.00 K J. lh-pprv, work on Tp. road l' 40 piles ... pp. ttm .v. ... v... Miss Albrecht, Balhry for August Minn Itoberttwon. salary tor Aug. Alf, Margetttr, salary for Aug... Kathylene Hayes, salary tor Aug. Irene Cttrnochan. satary.ror. Aug. Robert Posts-r, salary tor Aug. Air. Martwtts, oxponses tor homo Total ... m.. ... ... m.... 3303,35; Carried. M. S. Williams. secretary of “WI- lnsh-y Polic" “mm? trottt reuuisition asking our Municipal Board to place to the credit of said Porters Villauv. Standard Bank. Ihe sum of “00,0" which requnht W15 "ckuowledged. An application was recpiw-d trom J. R. Stumpt. comatnlm: " tettdor tor vmnloymenl m the new Tviephorte system. It. Hamilton Hamilton, Ont. and R S “outlay: Kitchnnnr, rpm.- ..,tatatires of tho Boil Tvlephono Co.. appeared below the “and to compte"' thP bill of sate and the mum-mam. with said Board. for 1lre salo of tho ill-ll Tole-phone Branch. at Linwood to the new Telephone System. Ttu Council did not romnlntr- the sumo at this meeting as "my wished to consult "h" sutmrrilmrs of said branch and (also ohtrin more iwmssur)‘ infortttit- union. nu... Tho fnllowing rvsolution was passml in I'IISI‘ the said Ianl went lenulz'lz - . , .__. 't' '6BiNT" _... ._..... V. 'i" Movod try Kniuhl. socondvd by Haerhier, um this (‘nuncil authorin- the Rvnw- and Clvrk m oxm'uu- and sign tht' hill of Sill" and agrtu'rtrent with the Ibs11. Tum-plump Co, for ttto pun-hnae of tht' Boll 'i‘anhonp t'o.'s plrnl in Ihr' Village of ‘.inwuml. Car. rimL um; Ttte accounts of Hm "rittterv. Rt Jen-aha. and that of tho t'tork of Wool wich Township. \H-rv laid ovot In thr â€Hahn" meeting. pm" ... Bb., P.ep""rt' -"e "_-"' ___ rimL l The most remarkable tact about Ttte zit-counts of lite l'rinlenn At, t lmverhulme In that, while he is the .lnmhs. and that of mo t'iork of Wool. most strenuous capitalist lu Britain, wich Township. \H-n' laid KIWI" to the _ he is at the same time one of the ovtotwr meoting. vmnst popular. He has everyone".' and hy l'vn-h, sac-mam hy Knit“! l good will. Northelitre taught him mm this. Couttvdt do now adjourn toiottct in tho courts and got soundly on Illa 6th. 1919, IO n'rlm-k a. M. Tp ttttrashed; but in general Leverhulma "all. Crosshit1, 0m. (“HTML .15 not only respected, he Is trusted Mr s, Slum-l spun] lhr workman as well. _ with his famlly in Min-hon l In his public speeches he talks like ppynm F. SCIII'NHH-IIL ('h-rk. In labor under. He Is the originator - --- [of the au-hour day: He is the main Mr J W l‘loIm-ns 0nd at his home in K Mr Alfred Thomas spv-nl the week-od ar Mr (‘hnrh-A l'tetycl tun-m the week u.l " “has Bradley of Sin-â€WA the wevk 0nd with lwr pan-ms Miss Kathleen Welt pl. wllu tandfny. Normal School tit :41" ‘spt-m tho wt-vk ond wsth hor pm Mr. and Mrs, Thomas \M'nrvl he tending Normal School ttt strattord apt-m tho week and mm twr [Ian-ms Mr, and Mrs, Thomas \h'nr'el here. Mr, Hvrmnl Apprl who spout .1 wnek with iriottds in tistchrmer rv lurm-d homo on Snlnrdny a'trtrtoort Mrs Norman Mama. Hm sponl a ruuph- ot woo-kn with iu-r part-uh- Mr. and Mrs. German "mm. rr-lnrm-d lo In-r hmno m Chicago mu Monday Mr Court! 0mm“: :1» n: Sululav with Iris-nus in Hamlin)" Mr, James: t'orric of Shaun-n! sprmt the week-ontd at his ‘wmv hnro. Mr. Thnmaa Corrie of Wan-rim spent Sunday a! his htrtrw lwrv, Minn [Jule Appel of Kitcttemo', xarottt Ihp week.esttt with rotativosand trionds hero Mrs I (uninh- n Mr. and lo lit-r h Mr. sin-m Mr, spent Mr, Win Wood Mu] Mm. Juno: Flmy have rolurned hom~ (ram a work's "all with rel-chm in mum! lord. . Misc Edna Apttol whn m mt a v n: plo of wcor,s with rv‘"?!\'~ 3 and friends in Rt, .lnmha. whim-u! hunw Rem WaMemar Wlllh-n: and Mrs Williams arc mm!- m the home of the (on-Inn‘s part-ms. Mr, an! Mrs, I). Willlamn. . Dollar Dail.,,] Bargains Letters Furniture Store NEW HAMBURG Reg. $10.00 Art Leather Rockers for . . . . . . . . . $8.65 . "I 111168.; Reg. $21.75 Royal 0akDressers for . . . . . . . . . $18.85 Reg. $25.00 Tapestry Riig,uiirfe Reg. $62 Oak, with Tapestry Uph. Davenports $53.00 Reg. $29.50 Tapestry Rug, size Reg. $9.50 Bedroom Boxes, matting covered . . . $7.95 Reg. $19.50 Tapestry Rug, size Reg. $7 .50 Bedroom Boxes, cretonne covered . . $6.45 Reg. $38.00 Tapestry Rug, (ori¢ Iteir.i875HallTvecinmahosrany,for ... .. .. $6.65 .... ... ... ...... ...... ... Reg. $40.00 Brass Bed for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.00 Reg. $14.00 Bedroom Rugs, size Every piece of furniture and all rugs in our store, at specially reduced prices for DOL m or Kitvhu-nvr ar Iii-4 hmm- ln-ru- VII ot stratroru, with his "tother w...†the “'er H'ln'nvr 3303.39 an "o 15.60 4mm 40.0" 77,0" 151m 40_tMt 33.00 17 spent hi-re Lord Leverhulme Became Power in Modern England And Is the Real John Bull HE moat virus and represen- tsnve nun in England at the moment, lays the Wall Street Journal. is Lord Leverhuitste, formerly known as Twr. Ham Lever, the soap maker. He may he the richest a: well. Nobody knows. He has, at any rate, the largest and most prosperous 1n- dustnal organization itp Europe. He is a. bull in all market matte". too. He is always a. buyer and the Input habitual breaker ot the Tenth Commandment in Great Britain. Hits faith in Britain and British business In abnolule and complete. There is never the smallest cloud in the blue sky rrt2Pyrotim!tt -= no bought 2w,“ dun-ring the war. He alread 75 or go. Even the steel trust, whlch In an indus- trial empire; has only 146 'ti.tterettt plants; but this one man, wax-king alone, has acquired over loo He will doubtless have several n. , e be- fore these lines art', printed. He is the king ot the soup makers. He and Sir Alfred Mond. who ro- opemte to a certain extnnt. control Rf. per cent. ot the soap business of Britain. Even the humus “Pears Soup" iss now Controlled by Lord Lert F rhulme. For the last ten years Lovcrhulme has hecn collecting factories. as an antiquarian collects old coins. His method is not to buy them outright, but to control them try the purchase of their common stock. He talws tho risk plus the control. Hr has bought not only soap works but margarine factories and polish factories. He follows the trail ot gram? 'wherever it goes. Give him the tats ot a nation and he cares not who makes the la“. CORSETS regular $1.25. $1.50 and $1.75, SalePrice... ... rrp ... ... ... ......$1.00 HOSE, A Ladies' black Cashmere Hose, I'eg- ular $1.25 and $1.50, Sale Price . . . . . . . $1.00 DRESS GOODS -. Several good lines, "Dol- Come and see our remnant table. A Few of {he Dollar Day Bargains mDoDontiDuiuDollalgDau M. DEVIT'I a Cos Waterloo Ontario. ehampiou of ttrom-sunrise He is about to try the oxauriment at giv- ing tree malls to his workers. I Iteccutly hm tonu. In“? urns. Ltd.. held ins twtuty-tht'llt annual Ema-11mg. 'l'hv mu tinv, was 'tot hrhl ;'m London. In! .;I Ihr'. nl‘idgr tttn, ‘in Port Sunlluhs, wur Livurpool. l “Is firm has nrm‘ $,'toiy,ttrtrr.00tr icuryruh It has M3300 tsttatvttoldcvs, â€Including many Ill-mum"! tmtirloyic, “hr art. vHvert shurm» of struck [or I faithful sorvicv. 5 As to thc munlwr of mnployva. no "mans has I-vvr bvun Ink- n; but Htvy were [mun-mus vuttuch to tt,utd . 5.207 lurn into iho ranks of Ihr lint- m. army. . Usually llm sttarottoldors havu rc- eeivert 15 per ('I:Hl.. In†Iccrt war tho, v'oroivvd 179.? per com. Lour- hulnu- D335 his almn-lmhh-rs xsctl, but he does not Mood his cmnpunws. The main secret ot his success. perhaps. In his willvnower and NHL ity. I have Been him at work in the drawing room ot his London house at 8.30 3.111. He keeps tour sourc- lbries h'autlc. His culput of deci- sion: per day is enormous. Hp is a businctss mun ot the old- l’ashtoned tymh He is muro Ilkx Carnegie than I’m-b -tr.ote like Mor. gan than Davison-- more like Mum Iron than Foci He is tovcetut rather than shrew --pcrtrorvai miner Hum co-mmruviu Although he made hir "taidcr: spocri in the House ot Lunh; recently. tt asks no help from politics nor Ila. wmuvnl. lb. m.nkrs.up his'own mm. and no on“ knows what It. will d next. He is th- unotr,ir, or British ititrstry tit-Kan his basin-w l rend boy In a Bum A year agu lu. h" Inn;n comm Yummy new Lunc'm; W1c.t he wumwl. no doubt. Watt "" mutual bulb-r. WM 11 is y b.v-irt'oriue' of cocoa. . FF. has factories In Canada, In] shun. (Errluuny and "Minn. an: w! an In England. lit. Luv, proud-w i Wes! Afl‘i14lillt\l 1111- Snlnmun [strum- And ht- has his own um or (rd-um going ships. During mu past your lu- has" plunged in a no“ (lira-lion ll. luv Hmdnnly hcrnmn the ttsh kink ol England. First tty Imndm tht' ('nllz'v island ot' Lewis. whu-Il is "lly in. lawn :LS “hour Island atrl har.: 12.01"! in- hubihuns. It lies an the :mrrhwnzh n n u .1:.l ol Scotland, in lin- Iuiddh- ot u svu that is pnpuh-us with tish. vil he h-mzh" til shops in England. wt to use a!" u My slum of lln- tish in tht. nus ti Iteccutly hm tony Ltd.. held its tmn mm ling. 'l'hv mm tin in London. In! .:I l in Porn Sunlluhs, mu huuLh" an or Inglmuj, wrieh a) slum of Muir thes m-Is of [.0 hm lll'l!!. Ir its twtuty-tht “in! prime mmisw "y-this man Mir " l run-or as "alt H mm: grocery. Emmi." control ot 'tory neat Lunch-u tift or mun T RUSS; Reg. $25.00 Tapestry kiig,.s'iiekxt for ... .. $18.00 Reg. $29.50 Tapestry Rug, size 3x3rr, for . . . . $23.75 Reg. $19.50 Tapestry Rug, size 3x3, for . . . . . . $15.75 Reg. $38.00 Tapestry Rug, (oriental), size 3x.'ll/e, for hr il, Hun to, " h TI " Wart This "v-- The business of any lalrrtmno oxpvrt is to explain away the dufcuts of the home “nun. Appanmly the same formula may be applied to war writ- ing. The homo mam nvvm- 1osus, borause it is meme-om, inadequate. and Ken- Orally unprepared In: a vptwiiic oc- cats) Nrilln-r did Germany. Lty nu means. The home. (can: loses twruatisu' same our tinvxiwctvslfy Iussvs a ttton- key wrunch into in; Vitals, All the same (humanly. Along come Gun. Fli van [Ivrnhunli to nip} Przlsun (Rx-many lcst TV'.' [Lust-r didn't t:tv,trs . enough. Ile Ivmlroritt Russia and Urn-III 11in cuuld luna- hit 12mm on "on Urrrmhvreli, II B. tiuisalsiv, this ulumlcr Fun ymrs and yum our, lb] win in n Fun y Burnhan war and lar Day" per yard ... ... ... . . ..... $1.00 FLANNELliTTri, yd wide, 3 yds for $1.00 ROCKFAST DRILL, old quality, " yards for...... .qt.V. ._. ... ... ... ... ...$l.00 TOWELLING, 4 yards for Ho lumped: and Grrrnt 111i n.- hit 12mm on ruin-HM. ll B ttyl lop â€Hunt An 1sz hr said Fun 1urs, size 3x3 for . . . . . . ', for DOLLAR DAY only. bhivdvrieh A. J. {plain than thu “as Ireeurc:uw ths ' mulling mun rim-d, with both lximin who" he on Hm chin. says “.0; mmplv in- mr Hf Wiltwlm's. war: (Ln. “In I uniting arout a lulu o.', Novene Gt 11mm) would Lincoln's Rules or Lite, ' I am u'Il uo-uul In ‘1le but t um bound to he mm; t nu. nut hound to sun-cued. um I um hunt“) to ttre up to the Hum um I mun- I mus! stand with murmur wtto stands rmm<umml With him while ne " rum ttttG pun trom mm when rm guru wrong-A. 1111mm. _ Gunman Oil. Gcmnlnm on ty nus-4y mm tummy um! Is tun-wit m rose leu. "Win: to tlu. mum-nu Pru unmn: nu» mun l.. . yr mum: SPECIAL DOLLAR DAY ' BARGAINS and Homemade Candies V at The Honeysucklo R. LUNN Moir's and Ganeng’s Chocolates . $29.00 . $11.50 Iy "an! In an )1: rum- uonmlv mu nrnv'hr? of v mam: "an!†Prop. Fr.", ip:':