"The band of the Waterloo Musical which has for years enjoyed m wide reputation as a premier musiâ€" eal org@nization has this year under its imew and highly talented leader Prof. Ehiele, surpassed .its previous efforts and risen to new heights musically. It has just concluded the best season &n its history during which it not only gave a large number of concerts here but also filled engagements in other centres. During the winter months, the organization under Prof. Thicle‘s leadership intends to put on comic opera productions with the assistance of local talent and also has other plans looking toward increasing the efficiency of the organization. The band ‘@Hich is now compnsedl The following are the offiegrs of forty members, is well equipped‘the band:â€" Whose playing has made a big hit The Waterloo Band Enjoyed the «_ Best Year in Its History Ul;!der . ~1~. Talented New Leader Prof. And you can rest assured that BRICKER GERMANN CO. LTD. will pyt on a Bill second to none in the town. You will find Blankets, Shaker Flannels, Prints, Hosiery, . Underwear, Gloves, Corsets, Dress Goods, Silks, Ribbons, and several other lines out at special cut prices. Some at $1.00, othérs more, but all good snaps. > EXTRA!! We have only 53 Corâ€" sets in this Job Lot of Crompton‘s â€"make, Reg. $1.50 to $2.00 fOK .2... 22222 2l l l 22. $1'00 "Kayser" and Niagara Maid" in Blk, White and Greys, specâ€" Nn fOF 2z us on c en netan sw $1'00 This is a "Job" of Vests only in Natural and White, worth $1.25 and $1.140 each for ... ....... $1.00 In a big range of shades Reg. $2.25 per yd. for .. .. Band Well Equipped. Ladies‘ Odd Winter . Vests S o4 Silk Poplins Silk CGloves Come to the Great Corner Store & 5 For Your Dollar Bargains \(GÂ¥ Corsets THE THIELE CONCERT COMPANY SAXAPHONE QUARTETTE, freely of their efforts in furthering the interests of the band. A set of tymâ€" lpnnlcs was recently ordered and is i(-xpccted in the near future. New clarinets are also being secured. The Iband is changing its clarinet system from what is known as the B. Albert Inyst(-m to the Boehm system. at the Waterloo Musical éoeloty'l Band Concerts this summer. and recently some new> instruments were secured and new features introâ€" d@uced. A quartette of Saxaphones has been installed and the Thicle famâ€" ily, who are skilled performers on various instruments have also given During the past ‘year the old uniâ€" forms were renovated and new sets of caps secured so that the band apâ€" peared smartly attired. $1.50 This coming Saturday Sept. 13th is Waterloo‘s Dollar Day Men‘s Overalls and $Smocks Our very best heavy weight Overâ€" alls, in blue, grey and black, special At 222 22. 222 22e .. ... .. $2.00 T erms Officers of Senior Band. See table of ‘Ladies‘ Hose, special $1.00 and amother at 2 pair fOT 22222022222 22. 2. .. $1'00 SPECIAL $ DAY BARGAINS IN sHEETINGS AND PILLOW COTTONS. We have special prices on 8x4 and 9x4 Bleached and Unbleached Sheetâ€" ings, and 42 to 46 P. Cottons. Clearing out every Girls‘ Middy in the store worth up to $2.75, on sale at ..... .22 222 ... $1’00 NOTE!!â€"These are only a few of Middies‘ for School. Children the many lines that will appear on DOLLAR DAY. COMEâ€"RBREAD THE CARDS. Bricker Germann Co. Ltd. § ‘ Presidentâ€"Albert Hergott. Vice Presidentâ€"Geo. Grosz. 2nd Vice Presidentâ€" Secretaryâ€"N. A. Zick. Treasurerâ€"N Stroh. Exe.Com.â€"A. Bechtel, 8. Kieswet ter, Geo. Hoffinan, J. H. Ziegler, J. H. Roos, H. Sturm, Mayor Kutt, D. Bohâ€" lender, Chas. Treusch, C. W. Wells, Dr. F. G. Hughes, J. H. Smith, A. Ufâ€" felmann, J. Hertel, Fred Edmunds, P. H. Hasenflug and P. H. Roos. Three years ago a Boys‘ Band was ther organization formed by Prof. organized from which mempers E"4dâ€"| Thiele was the Guttenberg Boys‘ Band uate into the Senior Band. It is in| which was very favorably received. a flourishing condition also! and durâ€"| Although travelling extensively Prof. ing the past season has filled engage-"l'mele found time to produce many ments at Milverton‘s Reception of,comic operas, including Bul Bul, Poâ€" Returned Soldiers, and also in conâ€";cahontas, The Doctor, and others, The Boys‘ Band. . Thiele THE BIG REMNANT TABLE Is filled with several hundred ends of Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Shaker Flannels, Towellings, Tablings, etc., the majority of which are marked at $1.00. _ All others are equally as cheap. C . _ See the Shirt Waists at ... . $1'00 ulso given concerts at ‘the House of Refuge, the Freeport Sanitarium and it is the intention to increase the band from the present nurmber, thirtyâ€" the Boys‘ Band.. The officers are:â€" Pres.â€"Geo. Hoffman. Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Harry Ki | The Band‘s New Leader. The Waterloo Musical Society has been exceedingly fortunate in securâ€" ing the services of so capable and exâ€" perienced a leader as Prof. C. F. Thiele of New York City, who came to Watâ€" erloo at the invitation of the band in March this year. Since his coming il new spirit of enthusiasm has been kindied among the members of both the Senior and Junior Bands, and ‘everyone has cordially coâ€"operated unâ€" der the inspiring leadership of Prof. ‘Thiele, making possible the new triumphs the organizations have enâ€" joyed this year. D. Bohlender, Mayor Kutt, C. Treusch and P. H. Roos. # _ Prof. Thiele was born in New York ‘Clty and at the age of nine began his :munlcal career. He entered the New York Conservatory of Music when ’qulta young and on graduating from llhe conservatory he went to Germany where he studied for over six years at 'Lelpslg. Taking a special course in pianoforte he spent considerable of his |tlme on orchestral work, having conâ€" ducted many fine organizations of his own. While proficient on a number of instruments he selected the cornet as his particular instrument. " Amateur bands have always been ihls hobby and many bands of high standard in the United States owe their existence to his untiring efforts land ability as a conductor. Prof. ‘Thiele not oanonducted men‘s bands ’but organized in the city of Rumford, lMaine. a girl‘s band of 50 pieces, "which proved one of the finest organtâ€" ‘zations in the United States... Anoâ€" ther organization formed by Prof. ‘Thiele was the Guttenberg Boys‘ Band which was very favorably received. \.owCitint U t J "//%/ € j the do vmn ... See the Shirt Waists & Silk at $3°50 â€"«weâ€"~â€"~â€" .‘m““, e proâ€" IAY, The community has reasons to be proud of this fine musical organization which is making a new record for itâ€" self under the accomplished leadership of Prof. Thiele. Prof. Thiele has also written many excellent compositions. He has travelled across 37 states of the union and is well known in Lycâ€" eum and Chautaugua Circles. Mrs. Thiele has been a cornet soloâ€" ist for 15 years and is also a talented reader. Her daughter is an accompâ€" lished saxaphonist and clarinetist. f The Popular Conductor of the Waterloo Musical Society Band. To make good iced tea it is necesâ€" sary to make fresh tea, not use what is left over from a meal. Be_â€" sure and warm the teapot and when made never allow the tea to. stand _ longer than from three to five minutes. One teaspoonful of tea to cach half pint of boiling water is a good _ proportion. SOME USEFUL RECIPES. 11, 1919 A great range of different Cloths and Colors suitable for Winâ€" ter wear, clearing at per yd. $1'00 And a big 12x4 Blanket i White and Grey at ... .... In White, Grey and Chamois shade, extra special, worth $1.25 and $1.50 per pair for .... $1’00 A fine big 11x4 Flannelette Blanâ€" kets in White and Grey lps in White and Cc $2.50 And a big 12x4 Blanket i Il'l.::d.-"_J llg‘.._--‘nt an et 18 $3.75 In stiffs and Fedoras, clearing at ... ... .>. _ During this Sale we sell you the best American "Feltex" Linoléum at $1.00 :sq. yd. 0 0 c s â€" # Look!! Look! Chamolsette RGloves Sale of Blankets Big Sale of Hats Dress Goods "Seconds" PROF. THIELE, ‘ ‘The following seasonable . recipes were given in a recent edition of the ‘ Louisville Courierâ€"Journal:â€" Tea With Mint Leaves. ‘ Follow recipe for making iced tea. Into each glass place three mint leayâ€" es and a teaspoon of sugar; let stand in a cool place until ready to serve; fill each glass to twoâ€"thirds its depth with cracked ice; then fill | glasses with tea infusion. Pass fine sugar. _ The _ mint _ leaves _ should _ not be â€" crushed, as they â€" are liable tp impart a bitter flavor to the tea. Thrust a raw sprig of mint in top of each glass. These too, . may Strain the tea into warm jug. For iced tea allow the juice of one lemon to every half pint of tea, and aweetâ€" en to taste. When cold place on ice to get well chilled. _ Serve â€" in tall glasses halfâ€"filled with cracked Ice and place a thin slice of lemon â€" in each glass. i Pare one medium sized cucumber, Cucumber Sauce. $1.00 Specials at Specials at Specials at Specials at Umbrelia Sale LADIES®‘ AND GENTS‘. An odd lot of Ladies‘ old style Coats clearing at ... Our famous Rockfast Drill special 40c, or 244 yds. for . $1'00 5 Doz. of our best $1.90 lines special at ... ... .. Underskirt Sale 1916 ... ..12.. .++. «+x6«0}MII® 1916 ..... ..... ....¢ %.. fli 1917 ... csa ie ree sns W I9IS sazres cevan cesc be 1919 (to date) ..... .... 16 In connection with the roadway the town it is interesting to notgâ€" the frontage tax on the macadam P ay on King St. from William to U streets, will expire in five years, cost being covered by 15 year de tures issued in 1909. It is exp@ that after that period has expir® permanent pavement will be consti ed. â€" That Waterioo is r era of growth and } in the increased ng activ uhu:.'o-tot ust plm to present time Buillding Insp Moogk has issued permits 4 @mount of $75,290, i . pe for additions and provemen tnctnfl-nl:‘hrlh "' 4 sidences a garages " tions are for still greater m tIvuyut.:onJ.ntobo Waterioo by Domtnrion Bystem one hundred houses at a of $2500 each fo ran aggregate Iouzso.m. t MINARD‘S _ LINIMENT . CU DISTEMPER. * . It is also expected that eventuall permanent roadway will be Built # Young St., to the corporation line King St., North. Under the Provin County Roads System the provi would bear 60 per cent. of the cost the town the balance. The fact t the farm lands along the ro@d mi be obliged to pay frontage tax on proposed roadway, making.the c to the farm owners very heavy, | been responsible for the hesitancy going on with the proposal. S remove the large seeds and â€" chop; drain in a sieve and keep cool place until ready to serve. J oneâ€"half cup of triple cream >A stiff, season with salt _ and _A grains of cayenne; add gradualy tablespoons of vinegar, and dl‘g cucumber, and onion juice to ly flavor. Chill and serve with ‘ fish. . & The following were the : the building permits Jeswed past five years: Increased _ White Shirting Coats $1.50 $1.00 $4.00 $1.50