â€my Endowed at looting of Kitchener Bond of We ---xp. Representatives Present - Wallaby he .atq.Bhtat of the (Inna River hum from Waterloo north to Lin-l wood, the "can“ ot a United Stueu‘ CitassuM tor Kitchener, the comtruc- - ot I nubway under the (land hunk trucks on King “not tad tho when!“ ot Kiestr utreet from Glukel meet to the Grand Trunk. were the ,gusttoun (Ii-tuned at one ot the - important and bent-attended lasting: ot the Board of Trade, held . this city tor some yuan; A retro ttation strongly urging the Grand Riv- . Runway to wrinusly cunnider the â€blunt-gas to be mammal by the ex- Milo!) of their present “our; from we Anxiou- for connection. “want-gen to be “run"! try the ex- eon-mm of their pram-m Imus from Walerloo no“): to Linwood. was un- uimoualy passed. The resolution lends: Moved by A. S, 1'apwoll. tseconded by Job" Iteidel, lit-eve ot chqnlvy, "That. whertsan, the Township ot Wellenh-y corttainuug approx» ttttatt-ly Mum! arm». ot the must tertite land in the ProviurP ot (mlarm, and the adjacent runn- try, arr at present without rail “any cottttectiortrs to the snulh. and, Town of Waterloo: _ County of Waterloo: To Wit: Br virtue of a warrant.issu1ml by the Mayor of the Town ot Waterloo. Botsritug tlate the Iirst duy of May. 1919, directing me lo proceed with the col. loction of arrears of namessvnents or taxes due upon the undernientiuued land- In the Town. all such Ming patented lands, l shall. on Friday. the tttth a†'ot September. 1919. at the hour of eleven o'clock. in the mrenmm. at the Council Chamber, in the Town Hail, In the Town of Waterloo. proceed to all. ‘by public auction. the and lands or such portion thereof as shall be necessary to pay smh arrears together with all charges thereon. unteuu the name Be eooner paid. _ Parcel Name of Party Number Description of Property: Antes-ed an Owner: Taxes Co!“ to“ 1. David Street. NS, Lot 60, w. E. Mitchell. Plan No. 196, 40x120. Kitchener p... ...$ 7.74 $335 $11.09 q 2. David St, 5.3. Lot w. o. G. St'helfele, Plan No. 196, 40x121. Kitchener _.. . ... 9.86 3.35 1311 3. David St., HS., Lot 71. J i, Mission. Plan No. 196, 40xlill. kmt'ltetu-r .. .. .. . 7A4 335 Io." I. Willow St.. We, part Lot 13. J A. “Illinois & (Tu. Itevltt's survey. Mumâ€, Kitchener VF. . ...17l37 746 tstat S. William St. Ne. part but 15. Henry J Huffman. . Kumpt & Snider's survey. Waterloo ... ... . Inst 439 55.93 ' 44xle0. Whereas, this section would naturally Ire 1sest serwd by a runnm-lmn tsith the [hand Riv er Runway at Kttvherter, serving the viltatges of blrbsviile, Hi-idel berg. SI. Helm-Ins. Hawknville and t'rosrmiU. and. \thrras. such extension to Lanhmli will provide a runner tion with Guelph and Goderich Muts, to t.isttrut" and tho country to the north. and. ' Whereas. the Township ot ' leaky Is the only township in Waterloo County that has no railway ointtectims with the. l‘onn- ty town. atthough two I-ylawx have alrvudv beerx voted npun and carnal by lurge majorities. tor and. connection, . Plan No. 248, “x12â€. 9. Allen St. N.s,. l.ot 4%t, Plan No. 24ti, 44x12ttc, l0. Allen su, tts., In)! a, _ Plan 202:, 4tyxtt0. 'ti. Allen su, ss, Lot T, Plan 203, 401110. [ ll. Easun Bt.. W.s., Lat Jo, Plan 203, 40x100. M. Eamon Bt.. WA. Lot " Plan 203. 40x100. " Earl St,, ws, last A, Plan 203. IE. Earl St. Wm, titose parts Lots M, and 36. Plan 203. within Corporation ot Wat- erioo; M. Fischer Ht, Es. Lot 25, Plan 203. “DINO. I7. Flacher St. Es. Lot 29. Plan 203. 40mm), M. Fischer St., his. Lot M, Plan 20.1. 40xi00. ". John Ht,, N.r, Lot 46. . Plan 203. 40xll0, I. Jnhn Bt., Na. Lot 42. Plan 203. 40xll0, .1. John St., NF. Ln! H. ' Plan 203, “all", II. John st, Na. Lot 40. Plnn 203. 4ttxii0, Iâ€. John sc. 8.1. that part ot Lot 379. Plan 2-“, within I the Corporation ot Waterloo, "4. Park tu, WI. part Lot B, Plan M. 60x66, 'm. Park MC. En. partn Lot , and 4, Plan IM, 60:68. Se. Wlllllm St. NJ. 1.01! 178, 179. HoNtttttn'tw nurvay, 124 x132. . 'm. Em: Avr-nue. Na., Lot t. more B., Oqtaqt'. may, wuss. _ -ttter, 15!} In. [.19. “Theron-rm Ge it resolved, that this turning. consisting of CP presentatives from Kitehencr, Waterloo and the villages of Wet, RAILWAY T0 Waterloo St. N.s., Lot Plan No] I'JCr. “le03. Waterloo St.. is . Lot Plan No. 190. Allen St., NS. In! “(I TREAy'sURER'S SALE 01" LANDS FOR TAXES. 18, JAIII C. HAIONT. leuley Town-Mp. would 1».qu the Grand River Relive, Co., to nerwully eott.ider the adventure to. be secured by the extension of their present In“ trom We!- erloo north to Linwood. And that copies ot un- rewllulon be lent to Board. ot Trude can earned." - Elmer Thumpmn. Georgetown . . . .. Elmer Tlrompsom Georgetown . . . . . Westmnunt lmprn ment (Tu. .... H. Weslmuuut hupru ment ('0. mm.. ... John Schmidt, Kitvhem,w .._.. . John Schmidt, Kltchener . . _ . . . Vera l King, Ht. Thomas ... . Vern I, King. St. Thomas ... . Lucinda llallman, No. l. Kuchetter Lucinda Hallman. No. l, Kitchener 'mcitidts llullman, R R No l. Kilrhener . . 8 Archie t.etier. Waterloo . . . . . . . . 8 Archie Lquer. Waterloo .. . 'F.. g Emerson Mongnr, Gall .. .. .._ H...“ Chan, K Plan-her. Wulerlon ,. .... 25 Frank N. Grub. Preston .tt.. .. .. 8 Julius Kmlfmnn, Palmaralun '.' ... E l’rlan " Shaun. Kitchener ... .....1 British Haring! & Loan I'o, Shutter-1. " " Charles E, Fischer. Wntvrlm) H, . _. .. t1,t3 Esta“: Ann Brandt. Wuorllm . . . . . . . Ar41Ltt Charles Snapple. Waterloo ..... Tron-r». To.» d W“ Improve Improve .. " 23 KR. . .188 " C31 184. 14917 252.18 i116 86.93 1116 " 98 " " ttl " " 8146 8183 " " CK, "61 8.35 836 cts 3 " 3.35 3.13 3A3 517 "A't SOLE: Irtr 451 {5| 335 sas F,14 519 (klt3 tr,19 942 515 002 339 4.90 488 ms 00 MI " 1170 ll.7< " " 91.15 "" " " 80,7. 60AN It 71 Ir70 " 91 " " 88.86 80.9! do," 79’ "w, iiiE,Fitiiiiiiiiee?,t.etAtett - at ttt. adv-bunt“ cl “in! an. R. w U C mttw'nri'oq1i8 but Item In. no." touch with the m and loved an the an nun may†G'ii%F1GaTruiuiiNiitur"tki 1'2t'gMetlgMt'?f."kt a do." and: ruminant-MM Chad hoped an the day an.» can. that Mr, ' than», Pew-bun In“. u . mum at til- - “auction. II If“: "on!“ who. “I." tuftnucblmauotkuchur Ion new Mn â€I?“ hunt mu cult-l - tho “new!“ In! out Mr. no Miami-Woman Tannin. chordhndmhmm Fuller Way u reused him" A: n. pure at all†out us In. not than to 3m {in autumn to the worth buying our the that can. Dragnet. Out of A lack a). ettu1'. we. __ _ _. - n. _ n I .-.-. __l.l- -- L-d.-. 1. In- ll‘ - III“ father Way nu lollovud by Joseph Stunt, who tutu! thu the “no In rip. tor runny “tendon into Walla-by Town-hip. It the people ot Kitchener were " earnest " tho people ot Walla-lay Township than would he no doubt of the luccou or the violent. He concludod with tho amnion t Ihelht l rl Rely. ll Illeruon that the people of Web lesley would co-operates with the peo- ple of Kitchener tor the securing ot the even-Ion. Hop†to to. "ttway J. o. - VII the next spotter from Weneuicy. He Itnted that tho project unwed the nturo ot two proposition: in hlu mind. The on. wu the direu. connection at Wet. leuley by h branch line. He stated that he had been interested in the project of securing ruliwny connec- tion tor Welles!†for half of his lite time. and he hoped thnt he might live to we a railway come through the dintrirt At the mutant time, he stated that tite t-umlt'uutluu ot I rail. way tint, might be hampered by the prevailing high prim-s. He tluclnrt-d tn. “an not in n ptv.sltion to war vnry much on the smut-ct until he hld mun- intortuatloa of the proposed route. Afraid of Hydro Norman tPieischauer, ot Wellesley, stated Ihul the mind was knocks-d out or the tscheme when ho learned that mm. might be a poulblllly ot cutting out Walk-slay on the route or the proposed extentuon. lle hoped that Hun would not he Ute case. He gun an iullmalion u! the butane“ that my: “mum: in th" district in treittht alone, pninlinx to the tact that there “urn hn-lwot-u m and w. trucks at [mun-n1 mnvrylng prmiuee trout [he Ttswusttip He wonders-d how the prawn would he rammed try ilte Hydro and expressed the thought that there migm be tty sauna olden-lion â€(at by Hm Hydro as was taUsed in Guelph agaimst the Grand ttlvor extrusion-x proposed there. Sm-relul'y‘ P. J Paymm suggested thatthe rrsull-c of the, meetuUF he mam-u In-Inrv sir Adam Inn-k. The last speaker trom Una Welles Iey.ueletratiou was Mr. Rimelllull. of St. Utements. Ila onuvurred in the tattttettttmts of the other awaken; and promised hits hourly support to the muvvuwnL The matter of the subway was finally (Ill-MM! n'f by referring it to Mr. A. H. l'upwull and the Railway Cont"rlittre fur u definite report in the “our ttttttre. Welletley Delegates. The Wrllc.HItry doh-giniun included Rev. Jos. Wt'ye w. o. Herzog, Jos. P. Shnnpf, John Ilvldvl. l'elor. Me'yer, than. Itostmhlatt, John ll. Slumpf. ot Hts rletuvnts, John T. IPvlcly of Linwood; ls. Haovitier ot Hawkes, ville; Jacob Lumntz of SI. Clements: Wank Srhunu-r, W. H. mm. George Homlvr. John Rain, A. H. Terrill. R. P, Kitswetter. ol' Linwnml; A. C. Moyer. of 10trwioo: J, G. [hint-r, of WPtle.st, Ivy: William Dinzwnll. H. It, Fallmr. Tnd N. S. F'leisehauer, of Wv-llosloy. A, I'. "Moyer, of Waterloo, also plmigud his hearty support to the project, an. Ball Cold. or 11mm Milk Conn More in London J It. Tum-r. VHF-principal has ttotsn promoted to tho position ot principal of the Hamilton Collegato lnnlimlv. to surreal the Into D. R. A. Thompson. Ills salary wilt he $3.300 a year. Th" mIdIlIesax Milk Producers' As. soriuiiuu has announced an inrrmso in the privo of milk to Jeaiers In Lon. don of trom 111t't cents per quart to 9 conlS. New Head of Hamilton Coll. In“ Fun-w __... .w..e%.- r- r'* .- bid) as†pun-tad i2t2.o%'tttd'tl"'a,'t'Tfk".tl'dVe'lt iiiiitdtee1yattt"etM, I); should In Bztgtod to that ban om. iiaFiGiaiidoma+sutrPsteeilt .-and thun pmaot en’s-111nm: my .iiiiuiiiFu,prtahPete?rt.ti,e,t Fla-at luau“ Inch " Dr, Ham's - Fallen, which an with of Mar. tht','.",?,',':',',',,'?,','; Tmthunovary o . tT 'itTiiGaiGreiteetrieiettttromil Int-on. ttetilprgl'teittigt, Minna! huddamd mummy; sitr.ttyltt'geertgt,'l."g'eat'l bud u nidn. oaeuid.raht. an in tho “at, Mia-dim than}, Tttit head-do in an grg,'t,Ie, 'rtstatrrnttttrdrtt-' 'ittrid'V GiiragiiyitiuttarrttrDr.P_ qutmitdupth-ettyedimr- Ibo Hood, uh an in his and to “We," Mutual†Dr. PM I! tm hid in than a tug than. a a.†it“ to». not a Dr I Golda W Dinoâ€, iiaitkiGak-Atttee_e 'riau'"Gi"iUri"irtiWiG0iFf, - Wash The Kidneys! look to Kidnap and MY id l {on}! 0mm- lockolllum. " nu‘ put-uuuholuolnolnnhu valu‘ tor 13in5. Thu will“ 11. white not nil lulu " uncut. II. In (out condition and roll worth having tor nut. you. The can!" I". don. br 30min lulu! m luau! Heath, two young man who hue It“. I study of chicken. A: qaelr Mrd \vu enm- lnod its pointi. good at] bad, we" made slur y, the rum. tor keep- itttt or duets in; the bird “planed. This work VIII [studied In . mon Able mlnmr by the two dqttnortBtrtrtorq, "on runny ot the older Poultry tinc- Ierl but!!!“ points “out the hen um were new to them. J Mr. Butler! uplsinod "as: in the early spring months some of the ttrat birds to begin Urine are often the poorest. As farmers xenorsily “he the“ eggs tor latching the results are poor. By culling out the flock in the tsll. only good birds no lett till the spring and the an will all be worth while using tor bun-hing, To show that the 27 birds separIt-! mi from the rest as ot little vnlue. _ test will be made, records being ttseen; or the eggs lald during the nut tent day» The avers" previous to the; culling was two dozen to two and a halt a week. " the 27 blrtls are not producers the (valuation at the ex- ports Is that the up will be as plent- iful without them and at a rust of food tor 27 birds less This is the ttrt" ot a sarles of slmllsr demonstrations whteh will be huh] in various parts ot the neighborhood in the next month or so. Between thirty and forty numbers ot the Association and nthnr interested persons _ pre- sent. PRICE or GAS i, ‘ Is INCREASED IN KITCHENER The priru. or was will take a jump of In rents per 1000 had ttt the begin. ning of HeptHmber, This decision was arrived at ttt a man-ling ot tho Kitchen" ngm l‘mumlxnlun [Md on wodnesoy allrrlmon. when Ille “a. purl autumnal to the Cummisslnu by Svrn-nry Clark showed that lhty gas dvpurlnmnl tun] been cpl-ruling at I loam tor awn-ml months. During thn has! n-lghl months luv [urn-u of mu coal Used has ndvuurvd 61 por m-nl.. tiw gas on 100 per (will. and the Inbur 56 pan- cent.. whlln- ttro prim ot Ru hm: remulm-d slutionnrv In mm». t The Incrrasn of 101' pm- Humming] feet will he an nddlliunal g lt"r pom. udded to the present prim: and will just abut" bo tuttneiettt io bring tho nun department of the commission up to the line main. Fhtperintondent v. S McIntyre rv- ported lo the ('umlnisalnn that the thrm- new cars which won- pun-hauled In Ulovuland on August Huh haw been shipped and delivery is promised hore Roma time “an work He also reported thttt ran: 16. " and " had been repainted, these brim: an that will require pahnlm: this your, and the n-plnclm: of dorm-1H0 Hos and worm out troitey In tho "Y" at the Kllvhvnm‘ can harm. NEW TEACHERS START CLASSES ON TIESDAY Thoro will he a number of new tttc. on nu the Public School Matt of teach- Pl‘tl when school opens on Tum-(lay. Every school In tho (-in will huva its quota of now {now oven int-hiding the l‘nllexiata inatltnte. At the High School and also the Pub- lic Rchools thvro will tro a new physi- cal lnalrurtnr fur the boys In tho per- sun or Mr. James E. Staphans of "lila- hnrg. Mlss Mary W Hutibs will mnw to tho (‘nllvglnlo to assume vllar- au of rlnssos in mmlnrn language. At (‘nurllnnd Avenue School School Miss Juseplllnv Housln. Min Vennna AsmllssPn and Miss Madge Yates will he adult-d lu-lhe staff. At Victoria School the following new mourners will “sump charge ot classes Miss Ellllh Mat-Ewan. Minn Elam R. Kuuhnvr, Miss Ellzubmh A. Krug, Mlsa M. Halal llawklna. Minn A, la. How- Kitts, Miss Blanche I, Slater. Mr, ll. I' Lung. Miss Jrwrutio King. Mr. Henry Wiltouetttry and Miss Ida M Sh‘wurt At Smluluhy School tho following now teachorN har" hull outraged Mist, Ella McKay. Mlsn Kthotwyn Mc-Tavlsh. MIR?! mm M. Walla“, nnul Mlsa Jam-I K. "sirooto, At Margaret Avenun Mina Augusta Kern, and MI†Maria L. Timm have hum engaged. BURGLARB GET SIX MONTHS AT REFORMATORY Joe Runoff and John Siokvm-mki. Ind MIN Ukmnkl wvre ttrrairrned be. tore Magnum.- WoIr INN mural": tor lumen“: after having here, hand “my of the thott of U050, and alto of rI-cviving the stolen goods. "an“ irate Wo-Ir sentenced Joe I-Ivnnon‘ and John Sivkowvnnkl to six months in tho Omarlo Rsformatory. and an In- determinttte moment‘s martian†of two yarn In: om day, Tmos-ht was Allows-d ttttt an "abandon nonl- onr» "In mmrttor, W. P. Clement. naked tor lenient-y on “mum ot tho Matt tttnt the moi-my hand on htm At King Edward Miss Eva leuwlnn will asunm vhurxu ot a clan. ,rsayettirrtstarmtrrtsi9tmtltm- Bought New Can is}: titt.N "he W tn W Maintain-MW mu at": n cut â€that the rut-kr- me In no - mu. “titled but hunks-d vu halo pt a: use In In may“ " in damn no trick». PM no â€no. Otto Blu- ot Preston vu and 8200 In Poll“ cm In on: today In I mum at the activity ot License In: w Wham". The Inn in chart“ with hoopla; liquor tor “In MARKS M6 I. h h. Council raven Im- provements at Home of Refuge, Anticipation ot I good Peace Labor Day Mom-non wu undotttrtedl y the cum: ot I good turnout of duh-gum Tueudly evening. Prunident Bert Hughes. called the muting to order at eight o'clock sharp, Homn at luau. Question. The Prelitlent railed on Mr. Haul Itolrnder to addrun the, meeting ra-t uni-dim; 1he pmpuud additions to the' litmu- ot Refuge. The until-(Pr hm! ;invitt-d the executive or the Truth-t9 and Labor Council In vii-w tht' mixt- im; conditions at Ilit" innit "yum house" Thu Mtdiliun ot tin. ltr mates owing to the t-mmpmi 1‘“an was deplorable, the tred rooms brink ovrr crowded, and the krtchett and dining room1 In the huunu-nt umnsi Iatinu artltletts1 light the whole day long. Tit-- "etteltrrs in the plump room wvrt- inhuman in their aunt-rut ducomtort. and the uxm-utiw “1H unlnimoun In tin-tr opinion that tin- old folks .‘thulkI not In‘ ctrtttpVt1 In ondure tttat dintw-mrnrt in u (‘hriuliun countv Unit was in favor ot a chtttipe. thlvrimt as V l ll Thr, t'nun Iy t'ounvtl had voted X to 6 HKIilllrl. Ind thn Kitvlwna-r l'uuurti Wa", III "med to wm'rr in a th'li‘ilun Whil'h should only m) nam- um“ At the (mu-luslnn ot thr. (Iolmlv a strong reNoltttion MN ununimnuvly passvd withâ€: ' (My Pawn-w! to nuppurl any rhzmru- in ravor or plac mg tho Inmalw nl IIn- Iluum- ot W' fury In a In» 'bwloraGlrt pundit-(m SOLDIER DIES AT FREEPORT BAN ITARIUM Pte. lhlt'kmun Hugh. " ILIIivn or Emu lmlln. prtcsetl away al ttte Fri-v purl Military Unwind yn-sH-rdzn' "mm The ymmg soldier was mmmlml lwll'u whllc- sersiup, hts co"try in b'ratuu' null rnnlmrlml t"lr,wculoriir, as a "Null "i' Ma \vurk Th,. y-mng Inn“ was " Mum-m an Hte, l'nin-I'uily of Tumult: when Ilw unr Grolo. uni hu- enlisted with " t'uisirsity mm and went (worm-n4 COMMISSIONER, HUEHNERGARD WAS HONORED " is Inulvruluull thut " unlimrv fum eral ls hull-g arrattwul fur llu- yum": soldier. it wHI lu. In-M Sunday tittci" mm“ with tht, llrn-ul Wat' \‘rwrmw in charge of the â€hm-quirsv " is. umh-I' stood the ltmh Rn-gllun-m â€and will load thr. curt-1w Hurlul wjil talut plan. at Mann! Hope 1'uttitstt'r'.s The ymmu, tsoldier had no rtrtativvc m Cuuada, Assassin"!!! Cotutuitoimvt' Marian Ilun-hm‘rgurd' returnrul from ttw ml- ttual lllvvlllu: of ttw â€marl†Muniripnl Assoeitttiott, last "vvuing. whvn- h:- wnx honored by living Mort-:1 to lite position of [011th vicrirssiltsnt ul' tho Association l'ity l'lvrk Ilukvr. ul' London. “as eluvttnl m-midmu lmrlug the runn-utiun Cottttttissiotr Pro of that Some Women gg Avoid Operations! Ldilll. - M... "Mr miner who Ind been helped by Lydln E. Pink- . "ipkriiciaii, Compound, advised me to try it be. fun lubmltung to an nperation. It relieved mt' from " -'a,t,r,,"g",?'t I0 I can do my home work without any dl eultz. I “vise any wnman who lumrmi with “all. toublas to give Lydia Fl. Pinkham's Yum. _ table Compound I trial uni it will do an murh “If? tr them ' - Mrs um: Bow. m: on. an, C l, s/ . B, Canton. Ohio. " p? " ' 'it') Evan; Sick Woman Shot! c _._4_._ Mrs. Etta Dot-ion. of Ogdemburg, Wis, an: " Buttered from “male troubles which caused Piercing gluing like u knife through my back and aide. I fl,nd,12 lost al my we no I had to go to bed. The doctor advise an open-(inn but I would not Elton to iL I thought of what I had read about Lydil E. I’lnkhum'l Vmublo Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought greet relief end " bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have femtle trouble of any kind would uy Lydh B. Putnam's Ventnblo Compound." How Mrs. Bord Avoided m Operattoni Canton. ohm..-"' suffered from a female trouble which caused me much sunning. and two doctors decided that I would In" to go through an operation before I could / got well. f .... --- .A‘ A- _L- L-) L--- La“) L- I .11.. D DI-» LYDIA E. ii':1iiiiiliiiii,itffe3l '. VEGETABLE COMPOUND v," Before Submitting 1b An Operatioti I - te, g --r mwiutorr,rard "a/hir-co the. City ‘l'lvrks and Asitrcsors at at Iunvln-um nun Tmurrday' afl'wmrtm. in uhirh h.- {nmhnml his opinion in (“nun-um" hull: ,Ihr uppuinlnlu-m of :IS~I-~.~'Il|I-IH Irmnmissimlvrs nu the 5mm»- bul. m lhv uppnlulnn-nl of mmlil'nl ulllrv'w ot' hoahh. who aw :lmuunII-zl hy Hts, City l'nmn-il. but who (annual by r.- mmv-nl without the cull-mu! M In.» (:mw-rmm'nt. ttttttttttet-tttttttttttttmn-tttttnt-tu-tttmme' _ I , . . ', in At pulh‘c- 1urirt"1 vhis mnrni \n-I'c- " nmulwr of tttotoiist-., Hun-x tot" Inn-akin; thc trot" lations, Sin-mun». n-m lights R nIIluIn-r "f otltru' violulir onnnntmsuutmnntunuummmsmuumtmimmmnmntumutrttAtttiittt; The Royal Bank of Canadi Hun om“ Capital Paid-up Reserve Funds Tout Aunt .. LOANS ON LIVE Brock-we will make advance. to “man In 5003 standing for the purchase " “V. stock. or to provides Iced um†pro-1 "nt stock of cat": and hogs can be 'trtl.hettt and marketed. which may be opened by drum-Ring $100 and upward. at any h SAVINGS DEPARTMENT-tFiat cue own to Savings Accounts, Kitchener Brunch Waterloo Branch trisr knowing how In mulling "our. combmed with your oxpermeu In bread nmkmg. shank! make a loaf ot rare, rich quality. Demin- "rate our or kick“ - L, , tttttgtg,?,",)'.')),,', MMhm’vmn Mind ham-wish may. _ MMdevhlawu-d Mtiikit.)hEt.t',t8lltttt)'i' MOTORIS I S PAY FINES “mztimtm'tm capital Pam-up 014,000.01» 3fl'stutotm. i opinion in {mum-m of nu the sun mt ot' mmli 'ttttttttttttot-tttHt-ttttttttttttlit-tttttMit-ttMott-mms'" 675 Branches USO Branches in Ontario) LYDIA (â€IINAH MIMI"! CO. INHIIASI vii-,-','.',-.",--"-:-"])??)?....? how mnrnln: [hm n ht. " ha ro mad, MANN APPLE '3 OF 1018 HAS i, REFUSED T0 not iiiillliij--vCici" unzuimx. Mr. Lump]: Ill “nuns In prmvn‘o but it in the usual way I.“ no r and: ' l 5.000.000 Laim‘h ot' (‘vnturvillo bronchi} h-lnmuph this morning a pond hum ur " Mum] male ot 1918v'i " ic 3nd as gum! as it 'mC: Wll" tulmn- trom the [me I“ Iu-iuu m Irrviet Mule ot DID-{ A. Mr. Lurwh usml no “new s to Prt':it't'k' the apple, Mi F. H. Bach: _ H. G. Mid ch Manual]? .. . 516.0000†"8.00030? . . . 300131630; which thte. LS