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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Aug 1919, p. 6

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RE" . Mr. Reubon Lautenschlager, of Sr>u-| fampton, . is visiting Mr. and Mrs‘ Lautenschlager «â€"Miss Lair and â€" Mr. Prentice, of D imbo, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Sopâ€" Wipel 01 Saiurday. ‘Hr’Rnss‘ Hingeman has returned efrom Toronio, where he has been takâ€" Wdng a course in storage battery work. &> Mr. Cranson Hallman spent Sunday it Bridgeport. *> Mr. MeNinch is holidaving at his ‘fioma at Grimsby and at Grand Bend, wind during his rbsence Mr. Brown of Efforonto, is filling the vacancy. E The Misses Carrie \gel, of Sanalec, Mich E As amended by the Vaters‘ Regis tration Board for the County: of Wa! cerino. . EA'» NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVIS NC OoFPiCERS. FLFPCTORAL DIS E_'an'r oFr NOPTH WATERLOO. To Wit: E Take notice that the lists of voters \fear the said Electoral District are be &l,, Gilbert Bechtel and daughter!ang Country. | wisiting in Kitchener for a week i After te presentation a number of Misses Essic and Ada H"‘“m‘nilmpmmpm speeches were given, lher‘ the weekend with friends @tl which the remainder of the evening| Falls and vicinity. ‘ was spent in games, music and social . and Mrs. A. Hilborn visited| inferconrse. ‘ ir. and Mrs. G. V. Hilborn at Press| _ Nojp the least important number on | in o4 Monday. the program was the sumptuous lunch | Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Spaetzel Mâ€"jprepared by the members of the| ad Mrs. Randall Hoffman and 8$00)|pajjeg Aid of the Lutheran church, r Mr. Arthur Spaetzel, of Kit(-hen~|lo which all present did Jus‘ice. 'rhp,’ , the Misses Carrie and J““a.gmhering dirperset at a seasonable paetzel, of Sanales, Mich., visile:! 4t pour after all preseot had spent an| I; and Mrs. Wm. Spaetzel on hun»‘pnj“"h]e evening: 2. | SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS.|complain or appeal to have his own . And further take notice | thai the name or the name of any other perâ€" sittings of the said Revising Officers son, corrected in, enfered on, or re<| c will be held as follows: moved from the said lists. 4 | 1. €ity _ of Kitchener, Judge‘s |_ Further take notice that such apâ€"; ..Chambers, Kitchener, Monday, Augzust , peals must be by notice in writing in : c 25, 1919, and ml}uming days | (excepi|the prescribed form, . signedg by thel Sundays) from if to 12 a. m. and 2 to | complainant and given or left on nr‘ y~6 p. m. (New Time) until all com before the said date, at the address: ~ plaints and appeals shall be disposed given above of the Clerk of the Reâ€" Of. \vising Officer â€" for that municipality. . l.0_%. Town of Waterloo, Town Hall, | The Voters‘ Lists can be examined in: \ Warerloo. ‘Fime of sittings, same aS \the hands of the Revising Officers or ; above. itheir clerks, the Enumerator for each ~ 3. Village of Eimira, Town Hall, | Polfing â€" Subdivision, â€" Post Masters, Eimira. _ Time of sittings same as| Clerks of Municipalities, Councillors, above. \Division Court Clerks, the members of 5 ~ 4. North Waterloo Tp., Township | the Assembly for the Electoral Disâ€" ~Hall, Centrevitle. _ Time of sittings |trict, the defeated candidate at the -(jnfnn as ahove. ‘last Election for the Assembly, the )0 5. Tp. of Wellesley, Township Hall. | Chief Enumerator and the Clerk of <\Time of sittings same as above, lth.- Voters‘ Registration Board. w\ 6. ‘Tp. of Woolwich, Township Hall. Dated at Kitchener, Aug. 5th, 1919. Wime af sittines same as above. i E. J. HEARN. Take notice that the lists of voters ar the said Floctoral District are hbeâ€" ing prepared hy the Enumerators and Municipality All that oniu Waterioo ‘p tained in Nov! Tp. of W Tp. of Woolwich Eschelman, of Rochester, N. Mr. and Mrs Aug. Lautenâ€" on Monday. Ru Mrs. 0. Reichard and daughâ€". Olive, Mr. and Mrs. F. Goedke, fordwich, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. ou Sunday. s at the homes of Mr. and , Aug. Lautenschlager and Mr. and . J. Buck, last week were: Mr Mrs. Bierman, of Newark, N. J., ~and Mrs. Herman Gruetzner and ‘Edward Gruetzner, of Hanover. Village of Elmira Town of Waterloo _ John A. Huarper, Clerk, Ofto 1. Allemang, City of Kitchener _ William Cairnes Clerk, Harold J. 3. Village of Elmira, Town Hall, Eimira. â€" Time of sittings same . as above. 5.. Tp. of Wellesley, Township Hall. | Time of sittinzs same as above. *w 6. Tp. of Woolwich, Township Hall Time of sittines same as above. i % And further fake notice that any | voter who déesires . to complain that | the names of any persons entitled lul be entered on the said lists have been | emitted from the same, or that the j names of persons who are not entitled ‘ to be voters have been entered on the Mists, may on or before the Twenty: ‘#econd day of August, 1919, apply.| 'w»unh.-uunnnu man, spent Sunday at Bi ingda} C W‘l‘w is ‘visiting and Conestogo. ; tor a few days. Mrs. Johnson, of Kitchener, was the ‘tw Haliman ...lsmuozm..wu:-ao-m, r. and Mrs. Ivan Hllbunsld‘ A very pleasant event took place visited Mr.â€"and Mrs. Fred at the home of Mr. and Mres. C. :Kltchuu on Sunday. | Kavelman, Petersburg Road, on Saturâ€" A. Walter, of Betaira, N. Y.,‘ day evening, when four returned solâ€" ss Eschelman, of Rochester, N.‘ diers of the Lutheran church, Messrs. ted Mr. and Mrs Aug. Lautenâ€" Alvin and Charlie Beckman, Gordon r on Monday. Bergey <and Amiel Kavelman were nd Mrs. O. Reichard and daughâ€"4tendered a reception ny about 100 of ve Mro and Mrs: F. Goedhe.llheir friends. ' TEMPERANCE REFERENDUM ACT, 1919 elesley Form 10 DUNDEE from Page 1.) LITTLE JULIUS SNEEZER Nichelos Roe Clerk, John Seip. Moore Hil Clerk, W. B. Led erman, ..John IL Ruppel, Clerk, Miss: Lorâ€" etta Ruppel, ind Julia Spaetâ€"] spent the past 33â€"6t Hearn, ONTARIO â€" E LECTION ACT, 1918 (Referred to in Section 34.) tvn“uw and Mrs. H. Bippel visited relâ€" atives at Drumbe on Sunday. The Misses Eesie and Adsa Bingeâ€" man, Mr. Floyd and Mr, Ttus. Bingeâ€" man, spent Sunday at Bloomingdale and Conestogo. Mre. .lon.-.azun.u.mm guest of Miss W est on Sunday. The boys were quite agrecably snr~i prised, when during the course of the evening they were presented with an ; address, very acceptably read by Mrs. ; Irvin Kavelman and also, each a find-' some pair of_cuft links, a tie pin, and beautiful silk tie, as a slight token ; of honor for their service for King and Country. â€" _‘ After te presentation a number of imprompta speeches were given, after which the remainder of the evening was spent in games, music and social interconrse. Bornâ€"To Brun, Aug Minard‘s Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth. N.S. Dear Sirsâ€"Since the start baseball season we have been ed with sore muscles, sprained ete.. but just as soon as We using Minard‘s Liniment. our t ended. Every baseball player keep a bottle of your fniment ~ill be delivered to the Clerk of this: toard by the Chief Enumerator and hat the following have heen appointâ€" ‘d Revising Officers for the respecâ€" live municipalities set opposite their names. for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to the lists of Voters prepared by the Enumeraâ€" tors: and also the Clerks of the Reâ€" vising Officers with the addresses of all of them. SV SV V TT OR c.. but just as soon as We started ing Minard‘s Liniment. our troub‘es ded. Every baseball player should ep a bottle of your fniment handy. Yours truly, E. E. ARMSTRONG. Secretary Armstrong High School . Baseball Team. Farmer Merchant Saddler, M. Tailor, Vil. Clerk, Clerk, Elmira. Seey.Treas, _ Waterloo Clerk, c. 0. Con Chairman Voters‘ Registration Board, Judge‘s Chambers, Kitchenér, Ont. MISS EMMA NUSS, Clerk of the Voters‘ Registration Board, County Clerk‘s Office, Court House, Kitchener, Ont. GOD SAVE THE KING. 5tâ€"Aug. 7.9,12,16.19 Armstrong. B.C.. June 11th, 1919 Agent m Mr.' and Mrs. Vernon 10, a daughter. -rSlnce.w!he start of ‘he on we have been hinderâ€" muscles, sprained ankles, 15 Ahrens K., Kitch ener, Phone 455w. Linwood, phone 20712 Linwood. Conestoxo. mâ€" â€"â€" DE HOSPITAL, WHAT WAS BeLtEve ME ALt THE SX Lâ€"â€"â€"~â€"A TroUPLE ‘ ABOUT ? " &fi 4e e .# ES ( ' F 1": J %‘ \l, es F5 |___â€"Scâ€" W WHY, HE‘S N DE HOSPITAL, BEL(EVE ME Boyv‘t â€"â€"â€" Address Kitchener Conestogo Elmira. . o. Conrad Bros Waterlo0. Kitchener. 58 Roy St. Kitchener taff of wide awake nE\ Mr. Nath. Martin has his new . barn {prutlcllly completed to replace the of , one destroyed by fire three weeks ago Ler| Monday. This is a good example of ngl what coâ€"operation and organized labor ial| can do when properly applied. | Mr. and Mrs. David Brubacher and on | family of Toronto have been holidayâ€" en | ing _ with friends the past week. he} _ Miss Gehman, nurse, from Penn., is p, | the suest of Mrs. J. Martin and other w‘ friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Snider and i daughter Francis are spending three weeks touring the Maritime Provinâ€" i Miss Lents, of Waterioo spent some !dly- with her sister, Mrs. Hoefliin, last week. â€" T s _ Who‘s Who and What‘s What. Mr. A. Koch and Miss E. Friediand, of New York, and Misses Frieda and Johanna Holm, of Philadelphia, have been holidaying with the Rev. and Mrs. Holm the last two weeks. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Smith have reâ€" turned after enjoying a few days moâ€" tor trip to visit friends in Albany, ARIRERC | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Filsinger and | son Donald, of Toronto, are spendlng’ ‘n week ut the former old home, "The | | Maples." & +0 d Miss Luella Doerbecker is enjoying a iwo weeks‘ outing at Grand Bena on Lake Huron, > An attempt was made last week to put the finishing touches on the floor 'nr the bridge. but a lack of material. ,has again delayed the completing profl cess. '\I Mr. ond Mrs. A. W. Stark spent the ! weekâ€"end with friends in Mons Mills. _ Miss Salgme Doerbecker again after spending some the Grimsby fruit distr‘lqt: The Feil Bros. and friend s spent Sunday at Burlington Beach, Messrs. John and Joseph Hoclscher of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Rohinson. Born.â€"Near St. Clements, on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs John Brenner,/‘ a son. ts en Mr. Charles Heller of Detroit spent few days with his mother and Born to Mr. ter. ° The Misses Reynolds, of Brampton spent last week at the bank with Mr and Mrs. Harold Reynolds. sns . ues S e Ooo e ras s Mr. Gordon Hollinger is on a busiâ€" ness trip to Toronto this week., Mr. Adams, V. S.. who has been overseas for the past four years, has opened a yeterinary office in town. and is ready for action in his profesâ€" gion Miss Celia Brubacher, of Kitchener. recently returned from a trip to | St« Paul, Minn.. spent Tuesday in town. Mrs. â€" Porter, â€" of Winterhaven, Florida, and two little daughters are the guests of the Misses Snider this week. Mr. and Mrs. Balmer, of Blufffon, Ohio, â€" are . fraternizing with â€" their friends, the Brubacher clan, this week. «Merssrs. Jonathan _ and Edward io ht ii Butse | Mr. and Mrs. Chr. Haus, Ewdard Haus and daughter and John: Haus of Rochester, N. Y., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L E. Filsinger. g Miss Henrich of North Easfhope is palidaving _ with her cousin, Misa Kathlcen Brubacher. Ernst left on Wednesday to join the harvesters in the Canadian West. \r. and Mrs. Aaron Cress of Lonâ€" don spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Brubacher. â€" 2 00 mcz l c d 3t dannanciad Mrs. Dan Ringle, of Hespeler, Mrs. Hemmerich, of Conestogo, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hemmerich, of Elmira. were week end guests of Mrs . Geo Good. The masons are making good proâ€" gress with Mr. L. B. Brubacher‘s home on Young St. s e ce ie There‘s too much smoke in the nir to philosophize . very much, but the whole body politic of the Gritty Armâ€" chaii bunch haven‘t . forgotion the Vimycampaigns of 1908 and 1911, and take a great deal of satisfaction . in doffing their bonnets to the Hon. W. L. M. King on his recent boost to the Liberal leadership. _ The concrete work on Spring . St., leading to the G. T. R. depot is finishâ€" INl. and the contractor has removed his roadâ€"making apparatus . to the {r:\ilwny crossing on the Elmira road. ‘and is working southward, hence a no “rvspassing notice and a fence bars ltho direct way to Elmira at the hillâ€" top corney. | Rev. W. A. Snyder will occupy _the pulpit of St. James‘ church next Sunâ€" !dny at 2.30 p. m. Y.P. B. M. on City Mission Work in the Mennonite church at 7.45 p. m. Don‘t forget the Y. P..A. convenâ€" tion in Calvary church during the last week of August Mr. William Luxford, of Port Huron, Mich., is visiting with his sister, Mrs. S. B. Hathaway. â€"At Heidelberg, on Aug. 9th and Mrs. Jacob Heile, a daugh 8T. week wWELL HET BEEN A !â€" TELLIN‘MmE FOH DE LAST mMontTH, Dat HE‘S GwinE TO LICK HIS wiFEâ€" F [ELL HE‘S BEEN A .LIN‘mE FoH DE LAST NTH, DAT HE‘S GWINE ) LICK S wiFEeâ€" â€"â€") DIP WE 20 L IT" P ~ iii%.":‘.‘ %/ 4o eXFY AcS Ge6 Y â€"~2 & is home Miss Tillie Merner of Toronto, 4s‘ Winn. spent the : J thour spending her holidays with her mother ; daughter, Mrs. m here. | _ Mr. and Mrs. % < shomer" open in nashene m me eoupls is C . spent weeke at + M M ‘ home of the former‘s father Mr. Herâ€" _ Mr. Michael Gardner “-Lfl | i ath m Mmonestind m etaret mite Pack Mr. and Mrs. Arthur SehI and daughâ€"‘ r. . H. ‘m of Owen Sound spent the weekâ€" Mr. Burton Feick, u::?h weekâ€"end end with the former‘s mother, Mrs. with friends in Delhi. | Peter Sehl. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. !!Oi_!d‘_‘_e: Peter Sehl. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haln of RiCDâ€" Mr. and Mrs. George Bean are visit. ener. spent Sunday with the former‘s ing at the home of their daughter, Mrs. parents. *3 Joseph Vance at Ratho. ; _ Mr. Norman Goebe!l returned home Mr. Lambert Bowman of Kitchener,‘ from overseas on Sunday morning. is spending his holidays with his parâ€"| Miss Wanda Krogman, of Kitchener, ents here. spent Monday at her home here. Miss Lottle Goebel of Waterioo, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trautwein of Deâ€" spent the weekâ€"end with her parents. |troit, spent Monday at the home of Mr. Charles Pietsch, of Stratfor r. and Mre. Win, Sparrer. spent the weekâ€"end with his mother|. Miss Annie Niebel of Galt is visitâ€" here. = ing friends in town. _ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buckel of Kit| Mrs. May Schnelock of Toronto, chener, spent Monday with friends, spent the weekâ€"end with ber grandâ€" here. |mothor. Mrs. J. Graff. _ _0 _ .\ ~ Dr. and Mrs. F. Becker of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boullee. Mr. F. Blick of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end with friends in town. Miss Winnie Lederman of Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. Harley Bowman who spent a week‘s holidays with his parents reâ€" turned to his home in Detroit on Satâ€" urday. _ > _ Mr. James Corrie of Stratford, spent the holiday at his home. â€" Miss Holmes, of Galt, spent the weekend with friends in townl. The New Hamburg band furnished the music for Plattsville‘s Civic holiâ€" day on Monday. Mrs. J. W. McMaster returned to Toâ€" ronto on Tuesday after spending a month with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schmidt. Dr. Anderson has sold his race horse Kelly Todd, to Mr. Payett of Peneâ€" tang for a handsome price. The horse was shipped on Monday. Mrs. Alf. Fischer of Walkerton, and Miss Seraphine Bruder and Eleanor Bruder of Kitchener, visited their parâ€" ents here this week. Rev. Thomas Voaden and ‘Mrs. Voaâ€" den returned to town from their va cation in Port Stanley on Monday They report having had a very inter esting and profitable time. The recent rains have done much to help along the corn and other crops. Mr. A. Haun brought to our office a corn stalk measuring over 10 ft. in length. The death took place last Sundny’ at Yale, Mich., of Gottfried Michlenâ€" thaler, who was a former resident of this vicinity and will be remembered by some of the old residents of the neighborhood. He left here about fitâ€"i ty years ago. The deceased was 75 years of age and is survived by his wife who was formerly Miss Mary Miller of North Easthope, besides two | sons and three daughters. Mrs. G. R. Kampfer is enjoying the visit of her mother, Mrs. S. A. Hose, and of her nieces, the Misses Alethea and Celia Hose, all of Philadelphia. _ Mr. Alfred Ruthig has accepted the position of principal of the Baden pubâ€" lic school, duties to commence on Sept. 2nd, Mr. Ruthig resigned his position as teacher at Petersburg and enlisted in the First Canadian Tank Battalion with which he went overâ€" seas. After the armistice was signed he took a university training course at y some ol INC OM POSIOEMLE ©T ENC % N ‘ eighborhood. He left here about fifâ€" Since last summer the Everett Bros.i‘ y years ago. The deceased was 75 noticed their cow was being milked by ears of age and is survived by his somebody other than themselves. The vife who was formerly Miss Mary|Everett Bros. keep a cow from which , Miller of North Easthope, besides two|they derive their supply of milk, on the | ons and three daughters. flats east of town.. Charley Everett, Mrs. G. R. Kampfer is enjoying the|who reported the incident, elaims risit of her mother, Mrs. S. A. Hose.|somebody ‘milks the cow between the ind of her nieces. the Misses Alethea/pours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. The cow| ind Celia Hose, all of Philadelphia. Tgives from eight to twelve quarts at Mr. Alfred Ruthig has accepted th@!‘a milking, of which Mr. Everett got‘ position of principal of the Baden PUbâ€"|about a quart. This has been golng' lic school, duties to commence O"|on last summer and part of this. A Sept. 2nd, Mr. Ruthig resigned is\ watch will be kept and it will go very% position as teacher at Petersburg ANd|narq with the party or parties if they enlisted in the First Canadian Tank get caught & P Battalion with which he went overâ€" ° i seas. After the armistice was signed| Receives New Tractor. | he took a university training course at Mr. D. M. Bowman, of Floradale, Rippon, England. and just lately re‘iagent for the Leonard & Sons, of Lonâ€" turned from oversoat jdon, tractor. received one of the Leon: The Wilmot _ Agricultural | Society ) org light 4 tractors yesterday, and will will hold its annual Fall Fair in Four~|Slace it on the farm of Mr. Henry tain Park, New Hamburg. on Sep.".'lWit‘tich * The Wilmot â€" Agricultural Society | will hold its annual Fall Fair in Foun~‘ tain Park, New Hamburg. on Sept. lith and 12th. A special feature will be the Live Stock Judging Competiâ€" tions for boys and girls under 20 years of age. of the counties of Perth, Oxford and â€" Waterloo. Besides . the regular prizes in each class the highest scorâ€" ing competitor of the five competiâ€" tions in Horse, Beef Cattle, Dairy Catâ€" tle, Sheep and Swine, will receive a $10.00 trophy for permanent possesâ€" «sion. There is no entry fee. Any inâ€" formation will be cheerfully furnished by A. R. G. Smith, See.â€"Treas., Wilmot Agricultural Society, R. R. No. 1, New Hamburg. t" ‘ New Hamburg Markets. Wheat, Spring, $2.14; ~wheat, fall, #209%; oats, 70c; barley, 85¢, corn, $1.75; Family flour, $5.60; Manitoba flour. $5.70; middlings, per ton, $42.00; bran, per ton, $42.00; butter. per 1b., 52¢; eggs. per doz. 50c; hay, pet tom $15.00 (Continued from Page 1.) NEW MAMBURG. SHE Done OVERHEARD HIM, BELIEVE mE _ BoY! AND NESsTERDAY | pr. and Ms. Wins and : ’& *A C Winn, spent the weekâ€"end i%"" Aikenhead in x h i r. Mre. » « “ "ealled on mcm on o ‘ s‘:‘.“‘unâ€"h-‘ MavAnas ‘matarad: tol _ t ib spent the _ Miss Madeline Rutledge is visiting friends in 'Ollt us Wl i i UEapEEF So se cEid u)'l-;"nn;’i-u‘ Lorne, Mr. Kelvey, and son of Montreal, called on friends here on Monday. â€" s _ Mr. Earl Pfaff is spending his holt days with his uncle Mr. Joseph Pfaff at Milverton. Mr. H. L. Albrecht who bought Mr. Feick‘s hardware store took possesâ€" sion of the business on Tuesday. _ Miss May Howes who spent a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mess ner,â€" returned to her home in Brookâ€" lyn, N.Y., last Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Messner left here toâ€"day to spent a month at their sumâ€" mer home at Sauble Beach, on Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Zurbrigg of Siout Lookout, New Ontario, are spending their holidays with the former‘s §M# ents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Zurbrigg. ‘The memorial shield to the late Pte. Charles L. Daniells will be dedicated in St. George‘s church on Sunday next, Aaugust 10th, at 7.30 p.m., new time. The public is invited. 1 A e Lail n _ Em on oo ns Next Sunday, August 10th, Rev. Karl Bauman, recently of Mannville, Alberta, will occupy the pulpit of St. Peter‘s Lutheran ‘church. There wil} be morning and evening services. A hearty invitation is extended to all. Milk Thieves Operating. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Schrank and daughter Jeanette , and Mrs. Joseph Schrank, sister of Mrs. J. H. Ruppel, all of Port Elgin, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.~H. Ruppel. Mr. Sol. Schrank, who has been away | for the past 45 years, found Elmira | improved _ so _ much that he hardly knew the old Whrg. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruppel, the Misses Hilda Eby and Edith Behrens motored to Consercon, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Noxon (nee Miss Gertrude Ruppel), for a few weeks. Sister Polycratia, of Chicago, and Amelia Bronck, candidate of the Notre Dame Convent, Milwaukee, are visitâ€" in at the chome of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bronck. Sister Polycratic is Mrs. Bronck‘s cousin and neither have seen each other during the past 23 years. While Amelia Bronck is here to enter the Normal School, which }wll lbe very likely at Hamilton. Miss Bronck is a graduate of Elmira High lSchool of 1918. Jessie Cathea Doing Well at Detroit. When Mr. and Mrs. George Cathrea left to visit friends at Detroit, they (Continued from Page 1.) . BY BAKER ELMIRA. I ;su:tm:::! On Sunday evening, when Mr. andl f Ruppel.“‘"“‘ Jacob Eisenbach were coming sen away from the farm to town, they met with a Elmira\'“ accident that might easily have d more seriously than it did. e hardly resulte Â¥ ‘ln a purely accidental manner the driver came in wcontact with the gas PPEl, th8 jover and the car jumped forward. in BehreDS8 jrying to escape a telephone pole the they willi griver had to turn the car sharply nee Mh“lnnd it turned turtle. _ Mr. and Mrs. weeks. _ ) Risenbach escaped with a severe shakâ€" ago, and ing up, but a young man named Wagâ€" the Notre ner, who was in the back seat, was are visitâ€", not so fortunate. . He had one eve and Mrs.‘gorged out, his jawhone broken, and yeratic ia:was otherwise badly disfigured. Much ther have‘sympathy is felt for him. Eâ€" |took with them their granddaughter, _Pteâ€"|\Jessie Cathrea, who was sulfering from ated ) a leakage of the bheart, with the inâ€" neXt. tention of consulting a specialist. time. yesterday her parents received word Hev. that she was doing weil. . vine, With Dr Stewart Again. | f St. Dr. Roy Winn, who has had a very will successful dental practice at Sturgeon s. A Falls, sold out his business and movâ€" all. {ed to Elmira. He has taken tharge of 'Dr. R. Stewart‘s office, while Dr. Stewart is recuperating from a brokâ€" For e | _ Mrs. Herman Smith, of Stratford, is visiting at the home of her mother | Mrs. Henry Zillax. °_ Wilss Carrie Starr, of Rochoster, N. Y., is visiting her miother, Mrs.. 8. Starr, for the next fow weeks. Mr. Henry Ahrena is another of Elmira‘s folks to be visiting. in the West. 3 E. 0. AMTZ & Co., AGENTS FoRr KiTCHENER, Mfl.flhlbllm"nuh".h.-mml Vm.bad?.l.c.smllhqmlm Miss Maria Winger, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Wm. Quinn, of Haiilton, who is visiting his brother, John O. Quinn, on the 8th of Peel, called on his uncle, John Quiun at the Zilliax House. § H;‘. Hbses Burkholder, a former El mira citizen, but of late in Detroit, is spending a few days in Elmira â€" and district. Young People‘s Convention. " Last Sunday was a red letter day for the young people of St. Paul‘s church, it being the annual convenâ€" tion of the Onfariec Lutheran Leagne, an association of Young People‘s So: tieties of various Lutheran churches, of Ontario belonging to the Missouri} Synod. There were delegates _ and other members hore" from | Toronto, | Stratford, _ Mitchell, _ New Hamburg and Tavistock. Many of the | deleâ€" gates arrived on Saturday evening, and were entertained by St. Paut‘s Â¥. P. S. at the church. A session of PL(NT’ OoF MUSIC PURE FOOD SHOW Auto Entrance corner Dundas and Egerton Sts. Usual Entrance a% the Gates. Grand Stand 50c and 25c. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary LT.â€"COL. W, M. GARTSHORE, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary the League was held on Sunday after: | noon. _ After the reading of the minâ€" utes and reports from the different soâ€" cleties, an interesting paper was read by Mr. Otto Schierholtz on methods o% making the meetings of young provie‘s societies interesting and pro fhaule. In the evening Rev. Mr Hahn, of Toronto, preached an imâ€" \pressive sermon, addreasing himscif more particularly . to the young peoâ€" ple. Another session of the League was held on Monday morning at which the following officers | were elected: President, Mr. E. Badke, Toronto; Viee President, Rev. E. Gnllmolar:( Secretary, Oftto @chinrholtz; _ Trean urer, Miss Ott of Toronto. . The Ex 1 Committee: â€" O. Weismiller, Edward ecutive Committee is: Rev. A. Dede, The Western Fair London, Ontario > September 6th to 13th, 1_919 Very Best Exhibite This is tho Great Agricnitural ‘ExhiBition of Western Ontaaio Two \ "Bpeed Events Daily ned Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yanchus and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Steddick and chil fren spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Buifalo. * FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS Better Than Ever Attractions i Butter i Wrappers Salesmen I Wanted | ll“.flIflflllllmm‘llmlufllllllHHl()Il!lllleImlw“‘ The ‘Old Reliaâ€" le Fonthill Nurseries The greatest demand â€" for Nursery Stock in years. British and European Marâ€" kets again open for Canadian Fruit. Largest list of Fruit & Orâ€" namental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown in Canada. Stone & Why pay more for no bet: ter qualityâ€" Butter Wranâ€" pers or why accept infgrior quality wrappers at the same price when you. can get top notch quality and top notch value at the Chronicle Telegraph Press. A FEW PRICES. 1000 Sheets with name name 21 2 22222 .. $3.50 2000 Sheets with . namwe .222 . ... .. $6.75 500 Sheets with a name ..... ... .. $2.00 Lots of 100 and up wa:-l'ls at per 100 ... 40¢ CHRONICEâ€" TELEGRAPH Write for Particulars. Sts. Usual Entrance at TORONTO, ONT. To represent , 142 King 8t, WATERLOO. Wellingtoh John‘y J. Joné# Midway Exposition 3â€"4mos.

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