_ _ 100 Men‘s Suits of the better sort by L_ way of cloth and tailoring are to be put on Special for ‘this price toâ€"morrow. ;’ For this price you will be able to buy _ one of the finest grey or brown or blue 44 worsted sults that you will see for _ many days. ® 1 C ~â€"_______ Â¥irst Bowlorâ€""This tournament is ; x d Mrs N M #ibre like * funeral than anythin ; r. an rs. Menno elte." * ‘iMiss Hilda Devitt retur; ‘Sécond Bowlerâ€""Well, it isn‘t as 62â€" n‘:" ':: "‘.’ K";""“"* f as 1 have moldod."', | r. a rs. Herman o ome i i few days in Milverton. Pte. McLellan, of London, burriedly got off the train in Brantford and méked that Mr. George MacDonald. of Â¥he Soldiers‘ Aid Commission, kive a Watch be had kept to Mrs. Abbott, of Â¥hat city. . McLelian said Fe _ was the watch by the hushand before Ed-led. and he was to return it to Mirs. Abbott. Mr. MacDonald loc#fted latter and restored the watch, al grateful thanks all around. But ‘\ _ If you are looking., for M&nof' very fine neat and good fitting get a ~xpair of 20th century Brand trousers toâ€" . MOFFOW sz ice sriae rscue coree §5.05 Réturned Watch to Widow We are now ready for you, Men and young Men, ready to serve you with _ garments that bespeak the best in qualityâ€"Our price is lessâ€"An absolute © eaving on every purchase here. __Midâ€"Summer _ CLEARANCE SALE $36.00. 100 Men‘s Suits. Here you will have for selection some of the finest suits that were ever in this store. _ There are all sizes in this lot in the newest styles. Better _ values _ cannot be found. These trougdérs cannot be bought by l toâ€"day at anything like this price. But out they go toâ€"morrow at .. $4.95 TROUSERS. Special for tomorrow, we have an extra good }ine of work trousers at this priceâ€"all sizes. The lines we quote here are only a few among many. We have a great many more equally attractive. $19.75. This store has been a veritable treasure house for MEN‘S and BOYS‘ WEARABLES during this saie." This place fairly teems with BIG VALUES. Prices are exceptionally low. You cannot expect such prices as these again for years. 100 Youths‘, Men‘s and Young Men‘s Suts, will be put on saie toâ€"morrow at this price. Aimost every style, patâ€" tern and cloth is represented in this Or F.L. Cole, Dr. Jennie M. Cole 107 King St., W. Locates and corrects the cause of 95 per cent. of all HUMAN AILMENTS, such as Appendicitis, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Headache, Hay Fever, Bropchitis, etc. g has since been heard of Mc , who went on his way to Lon ., West. Consult us at once at our ‘Adjusting Parlors, 107 King rast‘s Chiropractic â€" Nature‘s Method CHIROPRACTORS. Kitchiener, ty 4 [NO 8 ‘nlle." Th« is one of the best arguments for prohibition we have heard in a long time. When live business an proâ€" fessional men caffnot meet and enjoy «the "good old game of bow!s" without Jhe aid of booze, then they have surely reached a peculiar stace of buman deâ€" ipravity, and should ask themseives some searching questions.â€"W. C. T. "U. adv. c agk First Bowlerâ€""And the cruse is rasyâ€"No booze." "Probibition is killing bowling just the same as it is killing everything 5 Dor. Men‘s Work Shirts in dark Oxford Shirting. These are extra good value/}o-morrow at ...~. .. Tbe Men‘s Shirtsâ€"We have never shown a finer range of cloths and patterns than we have toâ€"day. Specials $1.38, $1.68 up t‘ keeke es kk vik}l.. $4.50 Ya~ Men‘s black, white and palm beach silk Sock, worth 75c for ..... ... 50c All Men‘s Sailor and Panama Hats at half price. Roibelih.taidntchcby M dnbedibintatiabhad Hburbctit. itveliatbeld n +o gun metal, high cut bais., black kid, H;::ull"ts;zr:hn l:‘r’f:l;:e"?:tnem brown kid cloth top combinations, Reâ€" Wagner .!he nuu') accicent victim, is gular prices $4.50 to $8.00, to clear at doing u well as can be expected. per paiIf ..... ..... k.... ..... $3.95 The doctors stated that a case of bis kind was a difficult one to decide imâ€" Women‘s brown kid, black kid,| mediately. We hope the unfortunate brown calf or black calf high cut lace|young man will pull through, though shoes regular values up to $7.00 and|the sight of bis one eye is completely $8.00 to clear ..... ... .... .»» $5:95) destroyed. 36¢. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Herman and Boys‘ Cotton Jerseysâ€"in white or|‘daughter Betty left for three weeks Blue .2.2.. c2l.l. .2.l. ..... ... .. 366 {holidays to Lunenburg, N. S. Men‘s Heavy Cotton Socks, all sizes in brown and black ..... ..... .. 256 Men‘s Silk Caps in all the new shade and shapes, 79c, 89c and ... ... 99¢ EVERYTHIN GIN HARNESS and for the stable is contained in our stock. Curry combs, brushes, blankets, we have at very low prices and of course you‘ve heard of our harness. It is ali dropâ€"stitched, made from the best leather and guaranteed by us in every particular. . Big values for a little money is our motto. s Women‘s brown kid, black kid, brown calf or black calf high cut lace shoes regular values up to $7.00 and $£.00 to clear ..... :. + â€"» 9595 A big clearing of Women‘s Shoes, consisting of black, brown and grey kid Oxfords, pat. leather, Dongola kid, gun metal, high cut bais., black kid, brown kid cloth top combinations, Reâ€" gular prices $4.50 to $8.00, to clear at per pair ..... ..... ..... ..... $3.9§ Boys‘ Blouses in Prints and Chamâ€" brys, sport or lounge collars. WOMEN‘S SHOES. KING 8T., WATERLOG. "Where th Good Clothes Come from" Phone 944 C We are glad to hear that the Townâ€" evitt _ and {**> Coumeil, who recently took over red from a|®e Rural Telephone system, of the Township, have made arrangements Mank spent With_Mr. Foster to keep the Central Cb saskcstcast ® 'Miss Margaret Wallace of Guelph has returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Tyler. Mrs. Norman Snyder bas returned home after spending a week at Kitchâ€" ener. / _ Mr. Emanuel Soehner and Mr. Jack Sochner made a delightful trip to Goderich on Sunday. . IHE d ooo Pe e dn s on onl Sn se Mrs. 8. Petch and son Russel of Kitchener spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. J. Coote, of Elmira, visited friends at Crosshill last week. _ Miss Pearl Petch, of Kitchener, is holidaying with her cousins at Crossâ€" Mrs. Philip Rominger is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents at Toronto. While there she will attend the Fall Millinery openings. â€" Harvesting and flax puiling is the order of the day. . ooo 1 â€" Miss Nellie Snyder of Glenallien spent the week end under the parenâ€" tal roof. s man hill. Next Sunday, August 17, a special service of praise will be held in Boyd chur¢h. Everybody welcome. ORUnpHy IMRDP Sm emumid nsl Mr. Herman Huras, who recently returned from ovetseas, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Lather last Saturday evenl;‘.. Little Miss Ethel and Helen Mcâ€" ‘Tavish of Wallenstein are visiting their cousins, frene and Mae Birmâ€" ingham. I# qi ue e e esc o n dR â€" Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Brox spent Sunday with relatives in Elmira. _ Miss Florentine Eby of Toronto is spending some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Amos Eby. _ _ _ â€" Miss Annie Riechert of Waterloo spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snyder. . o _ Miss Elma Stauffer of Glenallen is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snyder. ue Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Snyder of El mira, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Snyder, Mrs. R. Cram and daughter Edna and Mr. Orville Snyder of Winterbourne were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoffer of Peel and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoffer and family of Elmira, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Hoffer, sr. ‘ â€" Mr. and Mrs. R. Slumon of Elmira were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Suyder. 8. w c News Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Umbach of Woolâ€" wich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs J. B. Snyder. J. B. Snxder. Mr. afd Mrs. E. Lehnen and daughâ€" ter of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Snyder and Miss G. Cookman, of Glenallen, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ruggle. The follawing spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snyder: Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Mobr and family and Mr. Wesley Mohr of North Eastâ€" hope, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller, Mr. and Mrs. P. Stumpf of Elmira, Mr. wWilfrid Thur, Miss Ethel Thur and Miss Florence Heinrich of Pentland. Mr. Clayton Heimbecker of Hanâ€" pyer was visiting friends in town. _ After spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Syl. J. Steddick, Mrs. M. Brohman of Guelph returned to her home, taking with her ber grandâ€" daughter, Miss Marguerite Steddick, who will spend a week or so with her. S ~ Mr. Wm. Fischer is a business visiâ€" tor in Toronto. > Mr. and Mrs. John Welsch and family and Mr. Vincent Welsch, a brother, of St. Marys, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester J. Steddick, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yanchus, Miss Lizzie Brobman, of Guelph, and Miss Mae O‘Neill of ‘Toronto, returned from a pleasant visit to Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach, _ The result of the High School Enâ€" trance examination held in this disâ€" trict shows that of the 21 Elmira pupils, 3 passéd, and 8 with honors. Nearly every one of the pupils has worked two years into one, and conâ€" sidering the lost time through ilness of Mr. Mahood, their teacher. and pupils during the "flu" epidemic, the success they altained is a credit to Mr. Mahood. _ It‘s a record that not many schools attain. _ Miss lda Schâ€" lerholtz also deserves special mention in having third positicn out of a list of 334 pupi‘s passing the Entrance examinations. / Art Wagner Doing Well. â€" Eimira Pupits Did Weil. Our Busy Neighbors (Continued on Page 6:) CROSSHILL. FLORADALE. mnmmmmmmm NEWS NOTES GAPHERED BÂ¥ INDUsÂ¥Slots ELMiRA. Mrs. T. Morrell, of Brantford, â€" and granddaughter are spending a few days with relatives here. Rev. Mr. Parker of Kitchener conâ€" ducted the church service in the Congregational church last Sunday thorning. here Mr. and Mrs. C. Marriott and famâ€" ily and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fries motored to Gueliph iast Sunday, . => Mr .Bruce Findlay gave a jolly ver‘ andah party on Ffld:‘y evening in honor of his cousin, Miss Helen Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers and family are spending a week at the home of Miss Mary Weber. _ _Mr. Ephraim Betzner, who has been laid up for several weeks is, we are glad to hear, gradually improving. Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Bechtel and famâ€" Hy, of Elmira, were the guests on Bunday of Mrs. W. S. Wright on the Bend Farm. in New York, is spending a few weeks under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Smith and Miss Helen Smith of Toronto are visitâ€" ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Findlay at "The Cottage." e Miss 1. Hoskin, of Palmerston, is renewing old acquaintances in this village. Miss G. Dawson, of Gueiph js spending a few days with friends _ Mr. W. J. Snider left on Saturday on a few days‘ business trip to Montâ€" real and other points in Quebec. Miss Delphine Scheifele of Kenia, Ohio, is spending her vacation at her father‘s home here. On Wednesday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schinbein was the scene of a general reception tendered their son, Pte. Edier Schinbein, who had just previously returned from ovâ€" erseas. Property Changes Hands. It is reported that another property change was made lately, when Mr. Chr. M. Brubached sold out to Mtr. Witzel of Kitchener. On Wednesday evening a baseball game was played between our boys and those of Winterbourne. The latâ€" ter turned out the better of the two by one goal. Warm Reception for Soldier. 3 Mr. Gordon Good has returned home from the west. P Lost Ball Game. TOCCUEUCC ON PABC 98.) Mr. Jacob }ii:cb. of Elmira, spent tromen= entinmmoreeâ€" omm ‘Saturday with his father, Mr. John x â€"_â€"______. & fBisch, who had an auction sale of his household goods and property. Mr. O. ,L _.____f_of_s_f._r_oï¬______ql Jas. Beggs bought the latter for the Cou sum of $800. ; Pog:';rre:::::ny af:;:no‘:::: week "}(*" Alfred Lentwood spent Sunday ’one of our well known business men, i{ “‘(’)he"“'[“ te burl the Risforiuns Allan Good, was married to Miss r. Oscar Lantz ha e misfortun ‘gt:;e Cober, . daughtér of Rev. and [ having his threshing machine, auto Mrs. P. Cober, of Kitchener. _ The|@nd buggy burned. He bad been workâ€" neremoai\y was '»erformod by Rev. P.|ing inside the thresher with a lantern Cober; ,father of the bride. in the |when it exploded. Before he received presence of about forty guests. any help it was all in flames. MBL c e ced en q d ze Lo The newly married couple returned to the groom‘s home here the same evening. Personals. England he took an officers course and a university training course. Preâ€" vious to going overseas ho &raduated at Queen‘s University, n, 8S & civil engineer. His broth Ghllie] was killed in the war. sgh + 5 exens o ooo o e re t K+ Chener, spent The hofldiiy.with their daughter, Mrs. Louis Schnarr. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sattler and children of Elmirs, visfted their friends here this week. 7 Lieut. Norman â€" Goebe# returned home last Sunday. He was overseal, since May 1918, If the armistice had been delayed two weeks Liput. Goebel would have,got over to Rrance. . In| Miss Belle Beaupre of Kitchener spent the holiday with â€"Miss Tillie Zur. brigg here. The New Hamburg Horticultural Soâ€" ciety will hold its first annual exhibiâ€" tion in the Library Hall on Thursday, August 28th. . The directors are sparâ€" ing no pains to make the show a sucâ€" cess and all citizens who are interestâ€" ed in plants and flowers should make it a point to attend. and if nossible to it a point to attend, and if possible, to exhibit. The _ local enumerators. â€" Messrs. Waiter Daub and W. Q, Erb have Nll-‘h pleted their work of compiling e voters‘ lists for the prohibition referâ€" endum. ‘The inclusion of the women voters increased the list of votes in New Hamburg to over seven hundred. The enumerators that were appointed here are two returned soldiers, both of whom had seen service in France and were wounded. Miss Stella Bowman, who has been Mr. Harold Bingaman who spent bis vacation with is parents here returnâ€" ed, to Ingersoll. * * Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sebiedel, visited friends in Kitchener and Preston this week. week with friends in Poole mun‘u; home on Wadnesday. 6 Mrs. D. Rudy of ‘Tavistock, spent this week with her father, Mr. Wm. Woods. Sau 202 Coueee ce GPmes, SE where he attended the marriage of his son Walter, to Miss Dorothy Knoll of piace last Wednesday. The groom was (Continued on Page 6.) WEST MONTROSE. Mr. and Mrs. beo Boppre a of Waterloo, spent Sunday and Mrs. Chas. Logel. â€" Mr. Isaac CCurrie, assistant station agent, spent the weekend at his home near Goderich. Mr. Grant Schummer spent Thursâ€" day in Kitchener. $ 46 _ "e8ers. H. W. Luts and Simon Freidman spent Sunday with frienda in Elmira, 247 1 _ Miss M. Gohl spent a few ‘.7. last week in Elmira. ‘ _ Mr. and ln.i.il;;-ï¬;wllng and Mrs. Fd. Curson and family, spent a week :jn prownA City, Mich. lmo"ufln.‘am Notes, Puiinith 6.3 ta ts is2A ‘ Miss Vera and Mr. Isaac Otterbein visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Herner, at Kitchener on Sunday. The Missés Ida and Laura Hallman, of Waterloo, are visiting the Misses Cora and Clarene Hallman. Mrs. C. N. Good and Miss Grace Good, of Kitchener, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hallman. ’ Miss Elia Wilfong, of Waterloo visitâ€" ed friends hore‘o_v_er Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilfong and family, of Waterloo, visited relatives \IM friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gugtave Hoffman and family, of Kitchener, and Mr. Gilbert Bock, of German Mills, visited at the home of Mr. Menno Stager. Mrs. Lefier, Mrs. Edwin Perrin and son ‘Walter, and Mr. E. H. Bchiimme, of Galt, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Schlimme over the weekend. _ Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and MrowJ. Cassel, were: Mr. and Mre. J. R. Hallman and daughter, of Toronâ€" to; Senator and Mrs. Ratz, of New Hamburg; Mr. Peter Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hallman, of Plattsâ€" . _Mrs. A. P. Scott and family, of Galt, are spenpding a week with Mr. and Mrs. ‘A. Schlimme. Mr. E. Hilborn, of Rlythe, apent Wedâ€" nesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilbora. Mr. and Mrs. Leander Shants and son, of Kitchener, spernt the weekend with .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Main. I lr-&mm.wm tor to T last Woednesday. l Misa Idella Bierman, of Kitchener, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Kookler, Aleo visited Mrs. Jacob and Mrs. H. D. Schmidt during the past week. ter Miriam, motored to Niagara Falls and Queenston Heights last Tuesday. _ We ate pleused to report that Pte. Clayton Bricker has returned from overseas. k &.z Mre. Lincoin Cassel motored to Point, ~Lake Erie, where they have rented a cottage for a few M. WEICHEL & SON Liraited Waterloo and Rimira _ THR BIG HARDWARE STORR Mr. and Mrs. Tr;;n Lautenschlager Ventiplea Sweat Pads, reg. 75¢ at .. 63¢ Yellow Sweat Pads, all sizes, Reg. 72c 90¢, at ..... ..... ... ... ...... Leather Belt Lacing, cut to size $2 50 5â€"16, % and 7â€"16" wide, at per Ib. MACHINE OILS. _ _ Light Machine Oil, per gal ..... ... 40¢ Heavy Machine Oil, per gal ... . .. 50¢ HARVESTERS MITTS. Long Cuff, leather at ... .. 90¢ and $1.25 LEATHER LACING. Wearâ€"Ever Alluminum Preserving Kettles SWEAT PADS. 2 SIZESâ€"5 AND 8 QTS.â€"REAL BARG AINS. C 300 5â€"Qt Wearâ€"Ever Alluminum Kettles, Reg. $3.4». â€"pecial this woek at . 300 8â€"Qt. Wear Ever Alluminum Kettles,:Reg_ $2.35, special this week at (Continued on Page 6.) MID SUMMER _ SPECLAL S __â€" Linwoopd Leo Boppl:e and family, with Mr. x Arthur last week. We are sorry to report Miss Je Rev. Fr. McGloy, of Hamilton, is|Cainsch on the sick list and wish spending a week with his parents, Mr.| a speedy recovery. and Mrs. John McGloy. Dr. and Mrs. McEachren spent Miss Kate Meyer, of Guelph, is few cdays in Harriston last week,. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hayes spent two days at the Old Boys‘ Reunion at Arthur laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kpeble spent Sunday with the latter‘s parents near St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruler and Mr. and Mrs. David Harron and ‘amily motored to Waterloo on Saturday. Misses Vera and Louise Huber, of Waterloo, spent their bolidar: with Miss Clara Lenhard. Weseloh‘s Shoe Stor Come in and see our line, for you will find that our. close prices will save y ou money, Don‘t forget that leather is still going up and when we buy again our prices will have to be a lot higher, so now is the time to buy if you waut to save money. *A wl NOTE:â€"We close at noon on Wednesdays during July,» August and September, and at 9.30 on Saturday nights. ~ a King St. East _ Every time you properly adjust a correctly fitting Go sardyoumo-lymuldymflmetothldulm of your type, but assure yourself a priceless allâ€"day comfe and guard yourself azainst those many bodily ailments th are often the result of improper corsetry. s \ 8 Bee our large stock of the various lines in Flesk White, at prices ranging from $2.50 to $7.50. «_ \. «: Because of th.upd_.sebn_ee‘wuh which they arg skiflhrmuohdthnfloul‘mtm For Extra Good Value _ 41 King St. East KITCMENER Footwear â€" Goudies Limited : DRY BATTERIES. Fresh Battcries. Every battery tested before it leaves our store. Price ... .. 45¢ See our line of Flashlights. The watch for every one, at prices $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $4.25, $5.00 and $5.50. Every watch is guaranteed. INGERSOLL WATCHES. We have some left. Send us your order early, per Ib, ..... ... ... GOLD MEDAL TWINE. Eto Bu in all kinds of The work on the flax mill will completed before the end of the pt ent week and most of the machin has been installed, â€" Mr. W ay Beggs spent Sunday friends in Elmira. spending a few holidays with 1 Minnie Lenbard. Mr. Alf. Runstedler returned to troit after spending his holidays‘1 his father. Mr. Jacob Runstedier. Kitchener, Ont.â€" ~ $249 â€" $1.59 A % 27¢