Ion-Mun Press , l _.. mt 6.-Wr Lomer Gow“ 7 Murray were unano-. ' ‘ joint chairmen ot the‘ m.., _ rat column I07: and were', ' ' “In“! by the crowded‘ te. Murray delivered an} Rh probably struck that p h the conventlon will be a". we: frequently applaud-, " rted that the Union gov-l L days of usrlulnesa were: urged that no drtterence oh Wald new dIVIdc the Lunar] f‘holieved In the pvinciple cl. n trom those who thought e when It was an lssue. Mr. “I ought there should be no} ‘ ulty about the Ieadershnp.1 , y throughout the country T buy accept the choice ol the " or Gouen then spoke briefly W" amid great enthusiasm. on 'we km of Mr. McKenzie. . lncial Leaders. Liberal I premterb and the Ontario a leader took seats on the . were many women delegates rly from the western provinc- Governor General's Foot- band played "MarseiCraise" all t,!iiiilr"i? singing Iustily. The Inged to "Yankee Doodle" and bt",:',":','.', amid general laughter. before the opening a light was t ll Gia alairmen. Mr. De in singled out for special up [on a large picture of Sir Wil- hurier over the platform and I... vigorous cheering. In his by motion Mr. Mckenzie Lat convention had as 1cm 'ted â€at will and testament of the â€lanai" and it had been unanv t agreed that his Wishes In re» the convention should be car- 'tt to the letter as far as gzoossl~ ‘58 OF THE coNVENTtnN. I the delegates assembled they given printed rules governing Eon of the party leader which . that the vote is to be lakcnl Mat ballot: to be dlslruhutcd on] â€Inc of election day. that aul 'tion? shall be m wrut-nq. that desiring to Wllhdl‘nw Mm" simple announcement with- Inc in favor of anoumr can- 'ii'g'L1t"ict vs to conhnue until ' Male receives a majority of to cast and after tour ballot: 'ruult the lowest candidate oh waive hal'ht shall be drop-! utineers are to he nom-natccll 's AWFUL WARN it " Moet- DO . “in. mequz TERRIBLE om air in»! mm That Days of autumn of 1mm Are Over, and Urge- Xhat lo pace of Opinion Should How Divide Liberals â€and in Principles of Conscription Prom I Who Thought. Otherwise. Aw (iiiiiiisifjj's'"iiii Chairman ig the l Liberal Convention at Ottawa IID§: / tr, f/f, W1 "iiifti "WW LEADERS WERE _ GIVEN OVATION BY DELEGATES // I; Fl sod, Water smiaiGai"."reert1sgtt? W!†. RE ikfst! 'lrom each province, nix each lrom On-'l o _ tame and Quebec. two from each 0! the‘ e “W" Marmme provinces, three from each). am†ot the Western provinces and one tor! e "â€1 the Yukon with ttee teller. from each) a vere provmce and one from the Yukon. Our-i. . 1iiiil ing the convention a mover of a Ttit an; lutnon is allowed Mteen minutes to . the} weak and other speakers ten minutes . I be but the chairman they limit speeches LG') to tNe minutes if the discussion is pro' gow, longed. were) - -- _-" l " of, ltr.) Ie at mall! I b, N), _ Ir.N , Thirty Pour of Forty-Five Appointed in South , Waterloo. " is inn". Him: to mm- that In [hr-z .nmmmluwnl ot' the vnunwrumr»: for' the ruling of Sum): Walvrlmr, "Y/Stl tout' of "w lurlyl‘n'n itosttious \wrv L'H'I‘H to I'u-lurnml sotdtcrs III Galt,) "rot;ton. Ilvnw-lvr and New Hand-urn“ .-\.-r_\~ :unmlnluwnl is an ~~\rm~rvn1y mun Thin is " u-ry wu,tumcnrr.our' ttctiott u" (hr rnuln-il in rhargr Tho list oi rmttruvrators full-nu: ('llic-l’ I‘lnunu-rulur, 1'o"rur1ly G Skin Inn. I'm-slam. Town 0f l'rwmm Thus. Lonnunl Wocu. IUrhort King. Ifetu'y Nirhnlls. livginuhl llalh-r. Arthur Yates. Jnhn W. Gough. _ City of Galt David Huh-y, Allyn-r! lMasott, Tin-x Allisrm, “mum-5x Allieum, Arthur ttmirh. Wrismn Httrr-eH; Fri-HI i'uytte, Thus “whavhlnn. Dani->1 1'ttti- silly. “Mun-l “(In-ilk, Samnvl Law, Geo. I'rv,', its mks. llunuld liuwvr, John Ictwrltsr, Harvey vau-r. hum "rayshaw. Tilituw of Ayr- Rum. Armt:trong, livu y, Ayr. Town of Nrw mtrnhttrg--Wrtlter J. 1mm. Wm. UH" Hrll. Town of Hcspir--Harry Wilkins. Walter H. Runwick. Township of Witmot-Howurd L. Bonn. rolurnwl soldier, Haysvillc; Alvx. McDonald. iarmer, New Blinder; INMor t',cliat'for, tailor. l'u!vr;zlmr::; ‘I’rn-d " llnvrlling. I'rlurnml snhliu-l. bunk"; victor Schm-ft'r, Prim-slung; Henry Wap,mer, wagon nlakm', I'isihps- Ihurg, Township of North Dumb Williams. retired, lirum'hl Allisun. tir, n-Ilrml. Galt Nt‘l’hull. Hull? Hull! J, tl Juhn Hurkuvr. Ayr Township of Watvrliro Wm. Hap- worth, "orm; F'rtul Sapworrh.‘ Duo": Wm. tyviunk. I'm-Ann Herbert L. [ion- wtek. Hrrs,peler'. Henry B llagey, Inrnmr. lirtsmtu: John Yanlz. store chpe-r. BrI-slnu. Born" August J, Hungarian Invo- plcsc rtlpuhln in thte oHuual ttitc of [hr m-w guwvrmnrul al Inulupcst. it mm annmnu‘ml at Vienna ymturday by memhvr:. oi the [Hungarian Govern nwm a|lrr a Ponte-o with the alllml reprrarcrtta1ivee, new Dr Max Levion, tho Bavarian CttttV munist Nader. has been arrvur‘d while trying to make “his way into Italy, . MEN AS l, MMillh'l'i)lG HUNGARY NOW A REPUBLIC V ‘3 Nnrill humhrin m1. l:r:uwhlml Wilmot-- Howard L. V soldier, Haysvillc; iarmer, New Blinder; l tailor. l'uu-rzzlmm; Eng. I'rlurnml snhliu-L Schm-fm', I'etorstutrg; wagon nmkm', I'hihps I (pf l Galt; Alex " J, Carr" k, Ayr By " Cam ll Gull. mmhnrl: www.- "itrloblrr L', Tim Mark Thos. MMilljl'l'i)llS l START WORK The nunph'It- MI "I rutu"teratot' torl tllu- runny, of Nurth Waterloo was run-mlvu-vl Sutunlm murmur. and iite mvn has" crmuuortui nu their wu'l; of prquring th" your; lists 1'1""th rum in: o.nwrnduru The list ot' enumer- alorr. is aw I’ulluws: ' II t'hivf 1P.totrtietolor. (has. II Prov- lin'h. Wutcv1oo I City ol' luh‘hvnor l~' van Neu. ‘hrnn, Wm 'c1strufcr. Arthur Klugmun. 11h». l.m-kvnh.nuer. Aastiit KH'H’I‘. Fredv :vrid‘ Ix‘l'wg. RuhL I'nwun. Allan "ri. IN: Frank 'l'uphnlmv. .Izuwl Misuter. ICrutst Manda-In trrartk Sc-hwurlt. lmlns [Kn-“gm; Marlin HuvInu-rumul. Wm, ('. IHownot. Huymnnd Rom-r. .I I" Mr- Hizu, Jam-II Kl'ivsul, (Illa \‘uuvl‘mng. ll'hus J. Alwnmn. Waterloo; LnlliH tu" !thous. Kilrht'llt'r; r'rauz. t,utztotwski, "ii/J/di. Appointees for North Wat erloo Begin Preparing New Voters' Lists. ToxrrtsltiIt nf Wootwiclt .luhn 80hr- iT. Wait Mortiroso: Cout “alum-w. Cott- 'tstogo; Wttr. Mung-r. SI. Jun-IN: lly Hump-r. I-Illuil'u; FI‘I-alvrirk t4ochtter.) F‘nrmlalv; â€war "nu-lull. "rit1p1tturg: Gtty1 Hrulunnn, Wooiwic Tun. Townsltirt of Wt'tlrsslrsy John Jan-um. Hamlin-n1; John “vim-l. Ht. Cirttvuls: Gott Purw-~||. Huwksrinv; Wm, H Kuikhl, llIlll-uuk: Wm J Hung-,2. lit- wuml: ll) Altctuatt, Wviltrtslr'.v, Wm. S. Fl‘vl‘lml'n Vilhmn- of Elmira: tmas. Klim'k, Elmira, Ilnhl. Md‘nllmm. Elmira l Town of Watcrloo Wm. " l-‘rut-lirh. mun. July 3tr--Paeti-rt will be called, In all probatritttr, girl) in Svptcmber. _ Tum-uh): September 4, igs sug- gested IS a tentative date. " though nothing has yet been ot {IN-ll) dru-Imuml. As pomt- rd out home days ago, an our her calling of svsslon than was at Brst ont-lated, will be nvuessury owing to the lupsr ot the Wat Measures Act (and the orders in Comma! pass-“fl under itt on [ht proclamation ot peice, Glam! Harps-r. (Imus. J. " y Hull!) Hahn-hi 'lv-wnship . Sol" acc PARLIAMENT ron strum-u. it IB further regarded as of great importance than there should be no delay in rtttrttca. Hon of the Prat-v Treaty by um- "ominion Parliament To Prevent Appendicitis Here is the Experience of a Man Who Escaped the Surgeon‘s Knife. i Chronic nonsupatlnn of the bowels In nun-d hr Dr. Chum": Kidney- Liver Pm- brmm they m the liver In honlthful working order. In other words, they not at (ho cause of the trouble Ind â€move it, thereby r.t. ;lortlng thoromth and Inn»; bene- t. Dr. Chm". KIany-leer PIIII. can pm I 'lt,,',', cen- A boa, "I lul- "B, or nun-on. it. 0... w Ion-w. ---- "â€5--. I‘mmrll In miluay :elmlunru will tak, :Ilrikc- Tote. dot "Noo Wm. " I-‘rut-lirh Jul'Ilb l'l'lvlmam Thos- mith. Edward N “on: I" Urn p, Sv'llm-idvn ivatorloo (irrm; 1w: Svhmhln Wan-Hun Shoumukvr, Kiich urr'S, "I was taken F'PVPr8. pains and unmrh l "all-d In " l h " nnpendichll ou"teratot' tor Waterloo was "mirttt. and itte It their “ark of n rm‘nmmnndnd Hum in Mum, so ry" them I mm: :n': Jam: c. Lasso, "riugrt 'tlt, Waterloo AI CONDITIONS ()li ONTARIO FARMS Reports Received by Pi'tt- vincial Department of Agriculture. OUTLOOK IMPROVED Tht' lulu-Mm: i.; a smum porls "Lulu try ugrirultural (min-:1 (n tttrt â€mum- Ilvlul apriottturt". Thu outlook tor wring F," th'n Imu'h ilnpruw-d by rm \x‘hivh worn [nirly gI-nvrul. I roach all sections. Tlt" slit muvh nm-dml. as harloy am hvudv'd with hwy shun. sir in smnv tielrls Stout] only 3 I high. In some msvs Hm rnrmnulvh'. vmnv Inn lall much cifel Tho harvusii Ivy has lwgun in tuttrt" t'ol in sum“ mums (ht- mnwm‘ I bo “st-IL (Md “vials of var]: toil; Live The King The greatest W yet written by that most popular of American' authors .5... T...'..'. The outlook for spring gruilu has“ hm‘n murh "ttproved by row-m ruins. which worn [nirly 'wnrtrtl. luv md noil roach all sections. Tlt" shawl-rs “TH“: muvh Haw-dell. as harlny and "tsis had In-udml with Tttry' slmrl. straw. whicltl, in snmv lit-Iris stotrrl only a [um or two’ high. In some (‘zlsvs Hm rains, "m; lnrmnulvly. vmnv mu Pal" to ttavr', much cite) Tho harvusling of bar, Ivy has lwgun in mun» munuivs. mull in sum“ mums th" mnwm‘ has hi!" "II bo “st-IL Odd llvluls of mnrly "INN Inn'sH :Ilszn I’m-n rut, SI'III“ nu llw grm'n sidlnl In "to'at"' Ills- grasslrotrprsr A lighl' yivld of bout grain :In-l straw is 2ll pm'n-nl " lmlh of “weir t-rup' I Fall wtwat is Hourly all v-ul "rutl 1mva in Ihv burn. and “Min Oreo-) ing rr‘nulh rung" from th to 2H. [HIR'I "ls In I' new. Ihvwvnvrul "will will Iro' obout an avvrugn Norfolk rtersortr; a, 'rtrer uu‘oagp [lull usual, hPan falr lmw‘d tor Pall ulnar l Thvn- i, manly to hp it pond unnr‘ral' yivhl M rum Earn: :xmn lm~ mun-- "T [Hum-minus growth hm thut put in 'l'" latrt is nu! ‘n prumwing, i"" Evan rt-lmrls that luluu-rn " "UH" tiicriutl" wrap in Illiil 1-0“an 'irs' Itvon sttftr um: from ' Ilrnugln I Enrlv put-1m»: an": not yielmm: at] I welt Ith', 'vie: hnpul for. the thy Sum-I‘M; mer being very lrymg to the vrup g5" noun also haw lawn mum m nvaT' of rain. The-y are not very regular"d In the row. and. generally speaking.|"° an: hardly up to sun tor the time ml“ ycar. ice _ . . ., L- fo mp Flu We guarantee it to warm the imagin- ation of the most jaded reader of romance mle tut" In: prtrnu thich in runw- rasc-u lulvn rsarhml $31 " cw? ' to h. With tho hay and (all whoa! hnrvmd out of the way, and most of vim "nan fruits markvwd. tho ":11me of tho crop. of tbpritttt grains will lumen the demand for summer farm Ialmr. "mm mm Ill kw‘n prtrmy which in rearhml $31 " cwt ' With tho hay and MASSACRE or JEWS REPORTED IN ODESSA " ' a... F . Ttw. milk 'low has been stomlily dar In‘asim: owing to Poor pzbhlrrm Flinn nlsn ttare born w~ry unnnying to dairy London. Aug. 2.-Duouchu from on... raw "woe drum of manner: of Java there tt troupe. Our N a Serial Be Sure Mir nut: and it IM': lw‘v'u we 'IV "v1 and urnwlh of rhn'vl h 1:: Ir"! " >IHI|0'\\'|.|' Humid. .-l 'ty Iu'nmuiun fur 41-1! 3.1-†" In.†um Imuwl lull _ le hm may of ultall.‘ did rulo‘. this spasuu but tho " vntictt ha ' itts1 begun zslll ,r;r'tvr:ly light, nu Th nl Tho hay Mir rm“. Roberts Rinehart " man . m ' ol' ' ol' Pun-mm: '.HI|P llnn- l ‘h III-sh MI [ is twirl rtr urn pirkini: [hrs in tbat t'l fulluwing is a summary of mank- by urr,ricu1tttral row" a (u the Omani- rlopurlmv-n Mir “mun-urn! "In pl" FY“ ."i“"' am promisot lw, urnvml a ottttttt I, uw “rail-“r W" nun-mm: mp hay turrtel our I‘l‘pl to Read It! ml Dun-n puhum: on pauhl'l, and markr‘l an! rvnorls that drum up yvzrlin; Hot-Orin null! tor Shipnu-nv h) tt Tlu" Iil PM Illll whilr, throsir m th to yr.', ["1le ‘rnl result win In" (urn-1k rum-Th: a usual. Wptnrt far th . whirl: with; in In hm an in: "isappoint"tot" mg In tho wry -v:ulm|: m thc '" " II vn wall I owl hut' pr In inc m In m of pulling of NH" to be uwed " an rnnd m {aim M "" Cm!“ Pull " Ottr‘a, July 'T---puam " an» m ‘ tlol luau-5 hero nan Tuna-y, Wed. new†Ind 'l‘hunduy won discus“ and putt-Hy "round by'tlu Advisory commlttao thin morning. There CGI be three mansions any Ind tt in wot»! able that the vote which will settle. the question or the liberal larder-Mr will be tnkeu on the ntternoon ot wed-3 nee-y. Accredited delmtu will 'tl elude between 200 and 300 women It was learned thin morning. Most of them are from the western provinces. Premier Oliver or B C., Premier Murray, N. S. and several provincial ‘cabmet ministers were among those? who attended the advisory committee, taeetatg this morning. Prominent among the uni-mall's was Hon. George P Graham, tanner Laurier Irimllvnant and 0110 time hb eral leader in Ontario. Hon W S. [Holding blill remains the favorite in thc name tor the lead, ership. Premier-elect Bell or P.E.l. promises to be quite a fignrr- owing to his recent succtss 1n redeeming that province tor the liberals. EXEMPRESS N SAYS THE LORD WILL LEAD KAISER 003M011 Ttiettatsttod trr Comma. Hvrlln. Atte 1 Thc former. (tor- man Km1rr":c, m Nu» vourm: of a Vit' In Ilw \‘I-ur m (‘lu'IH Church, m \\'|lhl'|mrlm!un aux "'l'ha' KHiscr is luurin: his hmllr‘n, but the Lord will Irzul lulu um M IIII' dank Vallr-v." Th" former I‘lmlu'r'ss adds UN". itt" "xil" is urn-II. rum." mr a bad HIM, and Ihul :lu- in ulna wnll BOARD TO BUY AND MARKET _ WHEAT CROP Ottawa, July '.10 Thu Gootrrttuertt this "fl-ot' fi"Htly 411-h-rIIIim-tl its puliry In otrcout In tltis .stuar" wheat may]! The main lvalurvs of thr. plan Mr“: V I. A board to huy and "tartott llll‘ Nun of 13Hâ€. 2. A ca. h pnynwm un :u'rmmt lo Iu- sold by 1h.- lnmrrl ttt I‘m- prrvuil~ nu: wurld prim->2. and tho, sun-Inn por' row-la. “Tl-r 'ipimsi'f arp ttertuctmt. to In- (linlurur‘d to tttts orginal $01an of “up wheat in proportion to grade to In- tlit,litt"ursd to tits. orginal senor,“ nf tite. wheat in proportion to grade um] quantity. 1 No .s'iuumkoiousi m- I-M-hangrs or prmm l-rirw. hy hamllma to In: aUowed in rliapnsml: ot the wheat crop of I919 In the dismlvuulugu- or Dimer prnduc- (-r ur (‘IHISIIHIA r. 5: " dirm’l und imlnmliatv rush sad:- by thu farmvr and n 5110le iwas resumed to-day after a four-day â€trike of surface and elevated carmen. (The resumption or trathc soon foilow- (ed the announcement that the men had (voted to nscmd the strike order and [to accept the wage schedule of 65 ‘ceniz. an hour for surface and b? cents for the cltvatcd employees agreed to rm last month try the heads of the Un- Mon and the Companies. CONVICTION IS QUASHED AGAINST SPENCE Toronto, July 30.--Judgc Morson this morning quashed the recent con- »ichon by Mawstrate Kingsford. against Rev. B. H. Spence, secretary of the Dtrmmrort Alliance in cortnec- tion With the famous "Parasite" ban- ned by the censor. The Judge took this action because no attempt was made lo “remake the "Parasite" after pub|ished. The convuction carried with it a fine of $500 or four months' Imprisonment LONDON POLICE STRIKE SPREADS Ti? LIVERPOOL Imuulon. Aug, t---rhe ranks of the "ilritrrt [DULHI'III"1| in lnnvluu and l.lvvr paul have ttot hrrn "toteriauy increas- rd. and all strikers have been summar- ity dtsroissctt. There was considerable looting at Lwcrpool docks and troops were called out. Loyal pohcc and troops chnrqrd rmllng Liv-Hans with Will. wtth fivctl trayorttts and order was restored following many nrrcsls. can Housing “all, July ly,t, Galt how-Jug rnmmls- salon. whrm it oprmr'd tho mutton: tor blocks of Mt and IM httttsr's. which It was propuswrl would ho hum unrlvr lht- Go-tont hmudng schotrte, rrwoiV» I'd nurprlsn m the fiRttres which m: crsod tho 1imit'Uuowod by Hm Govern mom to be spom on home unulor the Do qtot I." PM dukwl ,tthl,rnhs , Int. or m4- " Pilot. No ttilCtl, ITG." on " HH. Dr, orqgh clam!“ wm - ',,dQi one. ‘-_. " “an“ tmPe an m a on; all tho srchemo Thp commission hate ulplayml action on tho tenders for two wrpes and in the meantime Director Ellis will m Imhly be interviewed. . 1'iaift"'iiiiii'iti7i,tii iSWti'i, bar a tii'i?i'titiii'igir'i)irii'iy Chicago. Aug. ry-Street car service CAR SERVICE RESUMED EXCEED THE LtMIT, H‘unudian Prcssn ing Tender: a Surprioe to the Commission. 'i'iiii'ji=ijii- comma vows FOR i Ilh'flFla'fli)ll (lf TREATY; R) 1 mm, or GREAT BRITAIN (Camuitan Prose.) Paris, Aug. 2.-The Peace Committee on the Chamber of De. puties which by a vote of thirty-four to one yesterday recommend- ed to the Chamber that the German peace treaty be ratified. be" fore balloting listened to George's Leygues, Minister of Marine. After recalling the mtuytiticertt role played by the French navy during the war and especially in the Mediterranean. the minister said France could not rival Great Britain but must have a fleet as- suring her naval position. The commission unanimously recog- ‘nized that the peace treaty meant the disappearance of the fleet. London. Aug. 2.---tt is officially reported Iror the Soul-l, Government of Bela Kun has resigtte sueceeded by a Socialislic Trades Union (lovernn Peidit. The new Government has issued a mal business of the new Government will be to preset order and seek "eviotiatioms' with the allies. SEEKS REFI‘GE AT VIENNA. Vienna. Aug. 2.-Bela Kun may seek that his life would he endangered if he rem The peace overtures were made by Jae: the Soldiers’ and Workers' S'oxiet of Hung: na from Budapest. llerr Weltner asked Cr leading representative of the allies at Viet oIfieials, here to recognize the new Gove peace. --.. -._. “-‘unv m 1,013;- iiiiji 1llll MAY SEEK REFUGE Ill VIENNA; Bi IS glil0ilil)lill) BY PEIDLT WHO WANTS PEACE nd-ii-ta. has†... ..... ..'... ... ....... ..... a... ..s. U. S. SUBMARINE HAS SUDDENLY DISAPPEARED w-ar-iso-rr-re-tttttttel'.':'.','., 2U=WaiUiTGriia-itriiiiiuiit"-'""'e' mum» maumuuMpnanlm-M The new Hungarian cabinet is " who was formuly Minister of The Pee Karolyi cabinet. The cabinet contain bers of the former Bela Kim Ministry. tCanadian Pre, s, l New London. Comm. Jute S. submarine said to be trtt denly went down with " open 10-day. according to l _ ... _ .7“. "a. wr-br..--". -- S. submarine sand to be the G 2. sud. denly went down with its ttatchee open 10-day. according to persons at Pleasure Beach, Watcriord. and it is said that two men were drowned. Spock! an onion to Caving. Amount. I positing 8‘.†IM upward: at any bunch. 1,500 NEGROES WERE LAID OFF BY CHICAGO Kltchonor lunch Waterloo Branch Chicago, July 30.--Nc:rrly fifteen hundred "agrees. employ†ot the city wcrc laid off by oNunal order, owlng to riots, Many of the numb" were chIchd m that vrpavr works. By trttVslat order, rune munlcipal way. grounds in or adjacent to the "War Zone" wore closed. Tit" “'th â€up of Iitmt, ('ulmly ifl badly arm-um by mm". and mulvrs ray that a diu‘onul of t'ifty pvr rrnl 'will have lo tw lulu-n on tho rvunlnr prim- of' sum: of thr, crrot, “MI" in :mm- mm“; the whett will have lo In. rs'I’IIEI-rl for mum": p"vpos"'s, accord In " stateruettt mud" by J I. Dung Marty, Distrirl Rolvrvwnlmiw of Att- rit-nll "rr TEUTONS IN WEST. Roam». July I!" Tho “PT mnn l’anmlian ’lmllvoruin win hold A cam-ml mI-wlimz in this city tho first w-wk in Sum-m bor tor rmvruanizminn purpnsvn, This is In tttttrortrtliort. qualmoa- “on: tor whirh arr mm mom. hers must he of Toutnnic oriRitt, " bad a membership tho ttryt your ofthe war or 24,000, It " . ietwerfut pottttral orznnlu- tion tor the advnnovmem of AxtstrtFGermntt intornsu m the Wettt. The Ukrainhn Aturociatiort, an "on more powerful Cprman or. sanitation. huldn a running .0 8â€ka ht trrtrtotrthesr. Ark. hovmc AGAIN: PLAN CONVENTION SAVE“ DREW '" Innehu (150 lunches In Ontario) mum nun! Jl'IJ-JS 7." In... VIICOOI_Q"' ,-Bela Kun may seek refuge here as it is felt he endangered if he remained in Budapest. .ures were made by Jaeoh Weltner. president of "rkers' Y'soxiet of Hungary. Arriving in Vien- llerr Weltner asked Colonel Cunningham the ire of the allies at Vienna and the other allied v-nn'ni'le the new Government and treaty fon Eur" I [Alli-1. - _-_-_‘, :In cabinet is presided over by Jules Peidlt, ister of The People's Welfare, in the Count cabinet contains provisionally mény mem- as PE10rn' PRESIDES. trunadinn Press.) is "trieiatty reported from Budapest that of Bela Run has resigned and has been c Trades Union Government under Herr nment has issued a manifesto that the ernment will be lo preserve international ('ulml y . .kanr mm any b. - by - Read Our New Serial 1 thing about a story by Mrs. Rinehart that no other author gets--- a deeper thrill in the adventure, 3 heighten- ed tension in the mr" THERE is some- thing about a story tery, a richer, warmer appeal in the romance, an added crispness and vitality throughout. And never have her varied gifts as a story- teller been combined to such advantage as in this timely romance of a boy-king whose ideal was Abraham Lincoln. L o n f Live T' h e K l n g Watch tor tho Opening Installment! By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART F. H. loch-nu. In “a. a. mum). Mer. 01‘“ "I†a it is felt _ ti'