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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Aug 1919, p. 7

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Mr Wilfrid Saran“, an llas’ ham m ill-H"- sorvirn for "rank two V";tth'. and who was nrtrtrvtxoiuR Imamwm In London mlimry llmpilnl, visited nt tho home ot Mr and Mrs N Roth. Baum Easflmpo, fur 3 row dttvy An important real munfo (Ina! tat runsnmmn'nd hvro Mr " L M brorht of Newton D'Irv‘hacvd the Wil Nam Block from W R Plum Mr Alhmhi has also haul!" nut tho Minivan! hmlnvss ot Mr J R Frlrk and duped: to Iakv pmnossirm in a "or darn. They arr busy stocktak- ine " prowl". The C. P. R. will run a Mrm labor an onunloo to Winn!” and we.“ on August Mth, from pom"; In! ot Toronto. Mr John Gimtprirm, of Chttt-rtrth III. Inlvod lb" Friday to spout! new on” -ktr wtttt in: fuvndn here. PM Allrrd "whiz. who wa< a vassvnxor on tho slvnmm‘vp Winni Indian. ttrrivod at his homo hurv an Thursday attprTtoort, Ho wrm arm- was with the First Canadian Tank Battalion. and hI-r sivtrr, Mr Toronto Mr. and Mrs Wm. Warn, of Cleve, mm]. Ohio. an: \'i~‘ilin;: (Funds in El mira. , Mr, John l‘vllo-y ot Biz Taltvy. All" is visiting his trather, Mr. samuel l't Hey. Mr. Harvoy S'tauiter. "f Kitruortcr, Spvnl Salurrlay wuh his la‘hvr. Mr. I Strum”, Mossrs. Chas $11"le and How-luv Pratt "union-11 to Millnu and autumn-(l to snmr business Miss Emma Ttrtilor of \\'innim-g and Mr Bnck of F',lora \u‘ro “shim: at ttws homo of Mr and Mrs (low-rm, Rmnor, Mr, and Mrs Wm Nair of Mann! Pars-2:1 span! a [Mr dug m 1mm! timing “Hinds Hr an Wrtrrt of Slurgonn Falls. was visiting a! thr lmnw of his par- rms, Mr, and Mrs K, " Winn, Mr and Mrs David Zioclt-r haw Ion fur a two months' visit to tttc weM, Mr. and Mrs. Georg" C',athrva and xranrldaughter. are visiting friends at lh‘irnil. Mrs Samuel 1%rnochan and danghv fer Edna. repent Saturday with [Howls at Watorloo and Kitchener. . Mrs M. Hruhlnan of Guelph. in 'wcrtrimr,r a wrvk with nor alnugllh-r. Mrs Syl J. SIOIIdit'k‘ Ilrs blyl. J. stvsldiek and rluilclrml. z-lul Miss Lir.xie Brahman sun-m Tur- (luv at Kitrhs-nor. Mr. and Mrs. kdw Arnold and mm. Ily. and Mrs tt'rrt. U'Nom mwnl Sun- day ttt Bramplun. Mr, David hm- or Mullah). NV, was wishing friends in town and vicinity. Mr Wm. Hillier or Hespeler. called nn frlnnds in Elmira. Miss Elizahmh 11idwinter has ru- lurnml to hor Gome at Hamilton. " ter apt-ruling sioveral work-4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Rook, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. P. Ruppol and (-hilllron. Miss Murlt‘l Ruppol and Mr, Wttt, Javksou ummmd In Mt, Or, men's. Mich., and will vial! relatives and Irivnds. Mr. and Mrs. A K. Home} and rhild re" and Mr. J. G. Rainer at woilvsley wwo Naming friends in haw" Rev. J. c, Berth and wite of New York City. are visiting at the home of their daughter. Mrs. H o Weichsal, Rev. and Mm. Borth will he here for a month, also, visiting Mrs Rorth's brothers John H., George. and (hum- Rupnel. and sister. Mrs. John 8 WM- rhel. and other relatives in this Vic-in ity. -ur. and Mrs Calvin Cnukman of Chicago, “L. are visiting wlativm and friends: at Glonallen, Mr. L. Miller returned man who was wounded by nhruplwl while in France hau gone to Kin-honor for modical examination and an Kliay photograph take-n ot the wounded part. Elmira Bind to Waterloo. The Elmira Musical Sucivu' "and has been selected as on" of tho hands participating at the Waterloo Tattoo. Angus! Isl. It is uncertain N there “Ill be any special train coming track. Persona“. From the effects of being slrurk in the lucwy a foul hall lust Smunlay afternoon. Mr. Chas, Kumzie. In un- able to attend to work. Medical Ettamirtatiort. Ttte Y.P.A. Home Big Sacco". The Evangelical YPA. had a very auccesalul picnic at the Blot-a Rocks In! Saturday. The V.P.A. Cancel Mating; During the month of August the Evangelical Y.P.A. will not hold any meetings. on... Kunuh Laid Up. A cannula-th- trom ttw city clerk. Colt. OIL, lulu-u a depumlon hon 31min. to Btteq6 I luaellll‘ tu it hold " Oak in July Slut. " 3 o'clock pm. ot ropronnlutlvu from all nunlclpnlmu lntomued In . India! but" from un- alum-t to Hamilton. um mating to be “are“: ad 2 Mr Adam Beck. Ext I 8mm. THIS WEEK ONLY, we will [all two!” Cabinet Monographs at the old price. We will “so give. with net machine sold. In (10) records free. Price: ndvance August 1sty This ole: good tor this week only L. A. Joann-rot. it"!!! Pfttt? In which they could _ I". ”It. Inhibition Mrs. Ed, mtehrt and cmldm of (l‘nnlinnr‘d trom l‘azn H ‘W t tmrGGiT/" NEW HAMBURG ital“ s, hivrhnllz in Mun- Joan Vnttre loft Inf I'vlm'lvorn, whr'ro slur will vand " thunlv “mph; with her slum. Mr, Fwd .lnhnsmn Children Return to Toronto. l'ndnr "w anuphog of tho \Immu nil-v Mirrniott Board or Town)!" "rirtv oiuht 110me rhlldrc-n ot all tlr‘lmmlvm Hott. wan- aon' In this dish"! tor tho trosah air ramplnx About thlrtv 'rPr" purort under a Ov-nl on the {arm ot Ephraim Shaun. "var Watortoo, ulqu "In (unwinding: assUsatmt In providing rwnrylhiug nnrnsury tor the rmttrtrmu Thorn were alt-n two erulron «swim: with Mr, and Mrs ("Ivar SnMr‘r, two with Mr and Mru S M 'Veher, and two with Mr and In. Levi "and Tho rhitrtren wpro I" lain-n away and Inc-m to Toronln Thrs deitth took plzlrn at hor Imma- 1n Wilmot on Sunrlnv last of Mir-s Margaret Ir,, Baird in her Hmh yum: Shr had boon ill only a short Linux an" hull hm’n an‘l’aN'll on for "mu-n- drcitis on Saturday. whirl) howrvvr DI‘UVI'II unavailinu, Tho. law Mies Baird was a daugh'or or Ihn Iain Thus: Baird and was horn m l'rnspm-c farm, thr Baird homestead, now ownm! by hor hrnlhv'rs. yn..ssrs Ruhr“ and Art. dison Baird. trh'.re shv spot hrr “huh Fire. ttrr tlearh 'iar dmvply I" :rvlimllluy a largv u-irria- "t frlvlulk'. Tbo funl‘rzul took plar" on “'whwxdnv Mir-rlmnn from hrr Into rl-sirlvmo Svl'virv was livid m H..- hous" "t two o'ciock and interment took ptare in 1ho family burial plot. New Hamburg Markets. to "hon! $360,000 “(x-"id": I'II'I'I' In about $74me worth of Slur): lulu! hora TIto muurir,GLt/imTt,r.crv up pmvr'd nf Ihu t'ctttHrlizaiion and up llninmd Nit-sum Ed. MPI‘m-r and Louis I'rinv to rant-stint thom a, the mm" in: in Toronto on August Cth, A rv» solution was also unanimously Danna] that thc Ontario Govrbrttmcrtt "minim a Itoyal Commission In ittvestiea0 thr. [allurv of tho Standard llvlimu 1-. Died. $393.00“. the esuirttaied 35:0“ Mum H.75u1mn. and tttss "atutitec 35.1"”, oo" As ttter walnut! the mums mm ”my~ shuuld be 'd.", pvr r'rnt :n‘allabh- fur tho dt'pomlors and (Iv-lu-nmrv huh! on: l'ndr'r tttw rr-orizanimllon whom“- depositors, of $lml and 1mdrr are to lr" mm! m lull forthwith lbw-mus mad" :Iflpr Jum- 2md Arc- at." to lw rs-mrnrd in full as lhv mint-nu of the I'umnany lwunuin: um-Mimuhlv nth'r ma! duh the hmmhmr has no: includctt drpuuils talum after Ilml Ilium an purl at lhe- gnu-1M asst-h: M-nul SBIme was deposit) in In" lmcll hmurh "mu' Junv 2nd. whit-h is to Ire returned. Tho, total deposits at thr. lncul In‘anrh tapproximate “HUN", and the dolwnfuras Fol" hore :mmllnl ( Over two tatmdrest creditors of the ulnlunm Standard Rpliauro Mmmagv I'orporatio" crowdvd into Librars Hull here on Tut-sday "vening: to hear Mr G. T Clarkson, llnr liquidating "ttttai" lhn' attairs of tho- ronwnny. Mr Louis l’n-iuo acts'" as chairman. Mr I‘Iark 4ttn pointed out 1he twttrttur of ce orkartrgatirm was In protee' tho rrudi tors as far as possihl" by duspomll‘: of the rompam's holdings: an thr. mm! upponunv timss and that " would "t:ro tout far Isms than to qumdaw the I'ompany Mr 1'tarkson told tht. cretrttors that there was a drum! ot Mr. (‘hnl Rnphlln of Arthur. "I II vluilor In town. On Thurud-y evonink. August Tth, lat 8.30 a nperlal patriotic meeting will be held in the Baptist church, under the Inspires of the Men's Club. There will he addresses, upeciul music and patriotic songs An illustrated lecture will follow on "The British in Iaditc"' Important developments in the Yin-- mm: government. agriculture, public works. transportation and education will be of inlvrmt. Various factory in the! cause of {amino- conditions will ho pointed out. A colic-rtion will be tnlwn tor the (amine sum-rem in India . Standard Reliance Meeting. In. H. C, Kathdeitsch and son Ken. new are spending 3 month’s vacuum with the tormeru brother at their summer home, Lake ot Bays, Mor toil. Mr, Nelson Hundatein at Detroit in "falling hits parents here. I' II- ‘Lcu Pickup and In. 6ttve Intel}. " New York Home“ Mttatrr ul. New“. In Ham-3 an hum-'3 um", In. Hilto- Bchlner. . br. um Mrs. Julian Schmidt. ot Vlmzx lam, Ire visiting u ttte home at the tciuttr't, stepmother, Mr. John Salaam. It. All In. Philly Btier and In” Sabin Btier to". today tor Rocket ter, M. Y., whore they will spent Bev an! to.” with (ritual. On sunday. Aug. fret. Rev, B. Home. ot Philadelphia, rm much tho Hamish church here. -trtor.iodarecuititi" Kilt-lbw? do ”H" In. t I" new Aqrtmra u an haunt so: NEWS q tteu" Mr K "I'M 13mm. This boot vs extra good value, wulh toe cap.,madc strong. w-II owe exceuerrt' wear, sues 6 to tt, use value for . pt. . R.'ttift In Fawn. Grey or Black. in Para- mctm Ctoth, sizes :36 to c.. Regular 53...!) to $6.30. on sale at F . $4.85 Men's Chrome grain Boot. tor factory or farm wear. made extra strong, black or tan, 31205 R to H. $500 value _ Mm Menu Harvester Boon m A dark brown, extra good tot; summer wtar. nun; B to tt, reg.$3,2btor "Per """t're- -$269 strong. sizes $4 25 value . Mrn's Balbriqgan Shirt. and Drawers, in in fawn, pmk and blue, good weight for sum. mer. sizes TI to 44, $C00 vane for ' .. 79c MEN'S GUN METAL BOOTS $3.50 m bunk, made extra LADIES“ RAIN COATS. tn a ”a... but! the kind tor amnion. u or“. etc., att colon, Rog. 30c to 38c. lor..... w......', ......-.-1Nie MONARCH AND CORTICELL! KNITTING YARNS 25t, 1' . Cone. More" Cotton, white or 0cm. In" .. .rFFr ----10c Men’s Trousers, in a dark grey with stripe', good wearer. sizes 32 to 44, $350 Value H $295 Men's Red Handker- chiefs, special .. .. 150 In about six drtterertt shapes, all good value. and sizes, mom.“ to $2.50, MIlIea' White Canvas Pumps, ankle strap, [’12. 11 to 2, apulal .. $135 ChiidsS Tent"- Boots, I" mark or brown canvau. all" 4 to tote, $125 value Men's Caps, in light checks, nicely matte, all 5|2"$. special .. . . . . 75c match, sizes 32 to 50, union made. regular $3.50 value for . . . .... $249 Wcmen's Patent Pump. plain toe, med-um heel, Men’s qurauu In blue and while amped, alto tstark, with bib, mocks to In a button with to. cap, tow heel. good urwceablc wearing white boot, min; 25’; to b, regular 62,50, Women'. High Lace Boot, with gpool heel. plain toe, well made, sues P', to 7, white on”. regular $430, for,..-.....) at tor for In a heavy could, lac. trimmed um. O hole “wooden, all mu. m Juana“ Still In a drip- ed, “It. with court. make. no me. for val-u. arm-o. am. you $1.73 O 5 A CORSET. $3.75 VALUE FOR 8246 ons' school boots Men's Gun Metal Boots WOMEN’S WHITE CANVAS BOOTS $1.49 Child's Wain“, m a heavy coutlt, att lulu, spec!” St; MEN'S SAILOR S'TRAW HATS $1. Reg. $1.95 to $2.50 values. ttos, $3gO) Menu Rain Coats. m grey and brown (weeds. with convertible collar, also belt, extra good value an was. no. $16.50 to M850 value. on trate at, In light and dark (weeds, grey and browns, striped and plain cloths. three button sank coat, vest and trousers to match. good lerviceable weaving sun. sizes 37 to M, reg $25.50 for $1985 $109 $100 $139 Women's Pate"! Boon. hunk mu. Nam toe, spool heel, all uni, Inecia! Men's Conan Socku, In dark greys, all sizes. spe- cial for 5 days ../, tttic Menu Cotton Socks, in alléolorl, spec-31 ttr. 15c Women's White Canvas Pumps, (:uban he". all that. $1.75 regular $105 tile-310 7, $4.25 value tor Tri qtN _.. .V 13:50 Footwear Natural can sham-ml hi I In. III-arid. mum! color for - dun-u. “$70“ width, 't.46 w Special prices on White $14-95 35c TO 45c PRleEO VOILES SPECiAL YARD 29r. In a dainty lot of nanevm. th gunman. with "(Val and Itripot, tunable for d'ctsel, watch. "c, yard ..P'.rt . v_. .w.. ,mc GINGHAMB. 00c value. On largo pIaidO ham and dark colon. open-D per yard 66t Boys' and,G-r|s' P, , Rubbed Cotton bunk- InaI. seamless. good mount and wcll Whr7r, extra good, black, blown or whur. all lllCI. 35c to soc value . _ -. 29L Women) PM!" Ulla Hose, m bunk or white. halt Illk, uch it'.. to ‘0 'our pan vaioe for 7 _ . . . V 39C Made large Coat style. extra sham: sizes II to l7. Regular value . $2.Mfor,..........,. $1.69 Women's 300 Sfoekmgs, white. manufacturers scan-Ids canon, tires tp 2 to 10, at -. Sorts. wit" fancy colon-d Ion, gilt-I 5 to IV... wcrrat Mr $10.33 new: SUITS Fort W75 In greys and blown (weeds and waisted dams. made very neatly, ages 8 to 16 “are, reg tto.2stdr. '.. ‘... . .. T .. $875 Noteworthy Bargains in Gloves and Hosiery MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. Boys' Blcuscs. in a clrlpcd punt, light rnlorI, new style. ages 6 to 35, spcoal .., " .mrr 98'. $13.50 Boys" Suits for $10.50 Boys' Bloomers 5.: a dank tweed strupcd Mall», ages 6 to '4,,$1Ai5 value, In brown and grey tweed; and worsted clams n'ccly made, with belt. bloomers to match, sizes a, to 35, regular $13.50 value for ... ... $1050 Chcldren's White 49c " Money- Saving I Prices t 'TC Cups only dozen ... 6 m. Plates. dot. .. T in. Plates, doz. ... 8 in, Plates, doz. . . . Bowls of all kinds. _ Good Anorlmenl of Dinner Dishes on hand. WHITEWEAR CLOVFR REAF WARE Cups and Saucers dozrcnh I Cups and Saxon, dozen Are you taking Advantage? Start now and take advantage of these great salés at the bug alone, and you Will find you can u." down your grocery and run". but Crown Jan: ( STUNEWAIH‘. CRHCKS Small dot. _.. . .. tt.35 Park about ‘l do! raga Medlum doz. .. . 3L4” or 8 ID; of buttc, te onto Large, dot. v.. U $115 gallon. Our stock :5. in Imperial Manure Jars. , for Fall and we can (mole Small dot. ... ..t $1.65 [ you all 3-105, 'n. 's. I, P, Medium, dot. Fm'" $1.50 l 3. 4, 5, 6, B, it) and lt? Large. dog. H . _ . $2.00 gallon Perfect Seal Jam CHUCK COVERS Small. doe. ... 'Pr v.40 Covers '0 m all hilt“. Medium. doll .. .. $160 _ Fruit Funnels, grey. 30.- Large,doz... ...3200 and..,..._.,..,.95c Parowak lb pack WeFm 20c Zinc Ring: not. tNF _ 55c Parowak lb pack .evm 20c Jelly alas-cs. ti. ot, tio Hindu: ' _ ., _.._trtk Procure your Caninng and Preserving Jars and Crooks Now. ' trim 3 elk” One cake $139 30c For Ihort limo omy Beef 20c. lb. I’M-[OLIVE $1.16 dozen. Wbmcn's $1 silk Gloves. m whcle, " 50 Na: k, all burl. prec gs, in black DINNERWARE ITEMS good weight $2 00 't.75 $2.25 " -King St. - Phone 8 - _Waterl The gum! magi-(y, 5pc 9 I t width Blunhcd bhcctmg, extra “long lhrcad, wull guvc cuvcllcnl wear, my 'Ah value. yard .. . T . 69: Ugh! and ttark rol or; good weight, 17" value, yard __. 2.T Fine Mrnw, all sham-N. rotors/tpark or White, all :irft's, tttwMr ' ' $23.00 and $2.3", for . . _ F Sl.39 In .In (Ina Hood quality and weigh‘, free from sun ks, good wudHI. rtuular 75c vrluc. CHILDREN 'yi STRA II' "ATS. yard lulanls' Winn: Embrmdeu-d Dresses, "Italy mmlv, ."3cs h months to 2 years. reg ular $1/5to S." 00 for .. _ . . .. $1.39 Toc and .., v'. ""r _.. Zinc Ring: dot. tNF Larzgurred Rings dot Glass tum. dot. . . . . . ' CHUCK COVERS. Covers tty m all tsteCN' Fruit Funnels, grey. .1 Patk about 3 dnL rgqa or 8 lbs of butter te one gallon. Our stock :9 in for Fall and we cart (mole you all 5:205, 'a, '3. I, P, Cups only dozen . . . $2 6 in. Plates, doz. .. $2 7 in. Plates. not. ... $2. tt in. Plates, doe. . .. " Pit' hers, Platters. etc Pr'ma Sutual, m Ham‘- l’mvcllmg In a ENVELOPES. At special prbcu. 5c, tthr., ”mm and F., .., 25c BOXED STATIONERY That hem; any occasion, A "tee mom-mm of Writlrttt Tatrteta at Sc, MN, tsmart,".-,..) padies' All Over Aprons box 400. lb. "an-hwy Cotton yd. 17c. Wettlaufers TABLETS 23 in a strrpe prmtcd Percale, {awry bummed. nuts 38 to H. sold regular $225, for In a prmted Percale, overall atyle. like cut, all- es 36 to 44, regular $1.15 for .._ ... 're Pt... 79C Ladies' Nrght Gowns. m nice t1rqrt cotton, lace and pmhrmdcry lrm1mrd. low and high nttk, short and long sleeves. sues 56 to 60. prucs range $133, $1G9. $1.98 to ._. V $2.60 ml per yard Ladccs' House Dresses ttt 3275 $2.25 3?.10 $1.95 lvlc u bed wrighl and qualuy '- yd rcg. 28 55c MN: lurk sttipcd lmcn (.ol'cms m a wrote Have PY' tri_cd Purina Poultry TEA POTS Size. 1 quart to 4 (maria. at COFFEE POTS No. 1 Grey Enamelwate, size. 1'2 may to 3 qts, '... "ee 70c to 95c A new lam: In addition to our already largo stock. are 'tocklng quilt: a large variety, all No. t condo, a “do; which you require every day. _.. __.. '... size met ... ., m... Derby red, large aize Punk, largo sue .. .. Pink, '2 size '6' me.. Red Cron. red, ls size Canned tomatoes tin. Canned peas tin . _ . . . Canned beets tin . _ .‘ Cocoa "c lb lint .m..e 23c salmon-For red, large Seeded Raisins 16 oz. pks special Pure Castile Soap, large bar, 20e " In. ... we.. .\. Graham "our ' ttm Strawberry Jam ttr Rnpborry jam lb . Apple butter-1b ' . . Peanut butter lb ' Sweet Orange- dot. 60c Bananas doe......e40c Lemon. dozen .... .. 30: Corn syrup 5 lb pails Me 2tb tin. _.. .. .. 30: In bulk per lb ... 10c “Bring your container. . geeaeatsRairirur2N .... . hm LttNq new It It. Ocean 'ttsur at ttt in. 01.50 Agate Hour 24 II: My .1.“ Flo Rou. "our, " [b $1 69 " IT 22 We are the onty distributes" here, Dining room and hall paperl, in' tit and (Ia-h. mowus, grey, eta, dainty Ilrl cllc ttg. n'so Halal dcogns. regular 19c 22uvatuc.tor (r __..,..,....., RuIIer Blind», In rhu- green, made {culy plam. wiiftt, TT nub, spun-N Mr Bed-cum and K-uhcn Papers. extra ' 03, m dainty lo! of palirrns lo rheae In ol-,. may. Lawns, on , reg, tSc to values,mll , . FV . _......, GRAN ITEWA RE. good size, Rwahnr $1.25 fun Bras. Curtain Roda _ "(and 5 fort, vdlue tor 8.e H... . -we ,.... .... Lnducs' Sateen Underskirts, in black isi wuth !ou, an 51205, special for 5 days $1 Curls' S-hool Dresses, m " printed p mic, assortment of styles, ages 2 to 6, H ttso to $1.75 tor.... ""'s"'"' ....9 Ladies' Summer Vests. in plain, “I rubbed. short slcrwes, am: 4. 3br. valucul FL VNNFH,F'.TTF, " \NKETS. In a worsted knit, colors "cardinal, old rose, green. etc., extra good value, sizes 36 to 42, $5.90 to $6 no value, on sale _ ., .. $198 tera, m a nice asaort. mem oi colors, ages 6 to 15 years, Tcg, $395 for. Nm. ._..P_ -. Wt xtdies' Pull Over Sweate Attractive Values in Wall Papers. Glrla’ Pullover Swea 1irry In Whiip, "hte ot' Pink hart Upped, with wlre ball, extra de, miles L", to " quarts, price! ... , Preserving Kettles . .1.“ 25c 16c 25c 15c 15c 10c 70c to $100 ttV Grey Enamelware WASH BASINS Good depth. well finiuhcd, 1 quality. White Enamelware we to Limburgor chem ptr, Factory the... ID BWV Cream chcm‘ tso Cottee tts ... ... .... Molamu tin ... ... Sun Ammonia, pack Rice, beat, lb ......-. , Jelly Powderas, pack , Came map 1 bar .. .1 Rubber jar rings: dong Gunn'o park - ., largo an .. ... m'...' cum pork and 5.11 not. “a .... ..... Holnz pork and a'0arq." Clarkl soup 2 "a. "I. lame'tln ...‘. ... Heinz Tomato “Wk Com "It” I We!“ - i Putt" M I Roll“ "" " A loll“! whet In last rice It . .. Tauloca 2 WI .. larloy lb ._. .. "llt Mu lb . _ . Departmol Start 4 .753“ Iptl‘ N to " to

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