" g Ind i. ttheel, l In an. ' .PW I , "a.. Ad 't -a-h.o..- kn ha - ~b¢v lun- rot-nod has. r 1 wgbBet-M.or may retinal hm I. â€and!“ mule um "'. m, Urn. II. J. Tumble“. , Qua-Io Eaton ot am, In hou- a Mr. Grunt/um. ' . W Hotthrs ot Wuodnwck. ‘u t ' tate I couple any: lull week. . If. Yaod naval MI hounebuld al- to Fotmt Wednesday. “HM Maude: Ind dunner Dor "tft ot Tomato. Ae "sendintt noun: (ttlen with In. loner. g." ‘In. Geo. Weavet went . couple or ‘0’ II Kitchener thin latst week, . - We m units proud to report that 33:01 Entrance clun were all ,, ' t, handy: an“ Emma Kin ' h It]. Marr Watson. Min Margaret “M Ind Master Roland Mrtjarv WW, dMs Adl Young ot Brnuttord, in MM her mother, Mrs. D. Hamill. Mr. ind Mrs. Wm. Young ot Brunt m Ire visiting in the village. ' Mr. und Mrs. Hubert Wilton; ot Mum. spent Sunday at his miner's, Mr. Ind Mrs Boll and mm Hull and Mr. Ind Mrs Byrce tsttendtd tite tum ml of Hrs, Boll in Kitchener. Mr. And Mrs. Norah are visiting in Purkhlil " the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Roy of Alma. visiting Mr. sud Mrs. Frill over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F'red Bumpers ot Gall. were Donn visitors last Saturday. In. Weiss and children and Mrs Shutter ot Kitchener, spam. Wednes- any with their sister. Mrs. J, Bullock. at. . Mr. Harveyl Clark ol Hamilton. call- ad on friends In the village. Word was received in the vttlsuw of the death of Mrs. Arno Wimmg of Kitchener. formerly resident of Dunn Threshing has eomtnenceit in this vicinity. The oat and rout rrups are lulertng for the want of rain. Mr. Alex, Hemhuw of Toronto. gun the Interesting im'turPs in llu- Christ adolphlan church [ha last hm Sum dun. Mr. and Mm at Mr. and Mrs, . Mr. "urn-y um. Emu“ 1'... Wagner of Hull mun-rel and 0' David wagrver's Ind Mr. Louis "Ns" spa around Phllipshurg. "fr. Edward Hmnuwr p; " Mr. Ind Mrs Con. Hm TNristoclc Loin! News Note s, ' Wis 'kkitt, Wottrter from bury. spun fumhy with lmr I 'pf"""'"': .'APttmhrr of ymmg people, from here spent tast Sunday with Geo Nevin "our lhu'shHl. --. ' '-'~-~ Iinlnru. fl Gran; cutting is promises to be an unusuuuy short '" Win. and , K|tchener BPI here. . ' 1. Thie I'ounpil of m the ur"termentioned works upeclally mun-sex a part of t 2. The "stir-d cos! din-led tspecial rates per t are to be paid. are also a.- Mumps Germ-m1.» Cement Walla: Charles. (West side), Park Ave! ‘vmorln (mm Hide). an. Htreet Mary, (West Skim. Union Street. has": Charles. Park Avenue, South; 'mctorta, Wllllam Rtreet. Point I TAKE NOTICE THAT STREET Frra- and In. In! nun-halt" '“U'm "Oli .VUIu n 'VB'"" I. Thie (‘mlnrll of the Corporation ot thrs Town of Waterloo intends to t'omMruct as Laval h tuutermentioned work" um the sIrPels and 1retweott the pnlnls set' oat in the 2'ii,ui',ii, hereto td'y,r,'2,',','21',' [ally mun-sex a part of the posts upon the land aluming dlrectly nu the man...“ wnrkn â€Spelctlvplv an a to 2. The palinmlegl cost ot thp several works, the amount In can'll Ptt'.0' to be paid by the l'mpuralil;n the as- ltud special rates per loot frolltuge, and the number of nmmal Inunllnents in which the special LL',',,',',",,"",,,',';, to be paid. are also as hare-nmlvr set forth. . 3. A petition against any of the said works will not avail to prevent its construction, DATED at Waterloo thls tourteenth day of July. A. 11. 1919. taunts: " HAInl-I'I‘ BERLET'S CORNER, Li Mrs Wm. Hammer visited 1an Mm. Min-rt \Vnmmr. Henry Bushmt. Cyril Bar. Louis Heist. spout m...“ Ming is in full swing and :o be an nvemgv crop, but short Mt straw Mrs. Wm. Schmidt from spent Sunday with retatives 'ii1jii2, 'Town of Waterloo VILmhzg-xillm amlv Waltrr Philipshurg and Mr, Em- 1yrgrt spent Sunday at Maw-num- uanLuu. LITTLE JULIUS SNEEZER Janer paid a visit ('nn. Hnmuwr neur , _ 't V v - .. "Ne,riGatt-ittr-'tetagreenrideanrai" ctttm-brrts. AWNâ€. southerly limit Lots 21 and 28. Snider nurvoy, Rtreet. Paint 132 feet southerly from Wllllam Street and Alma llolst‘ PRO M Park Avenue. North limit of Lot 105, Plan 73 ... if†Street. Point 396 foot norlh from Erh street " Street, Snutherly limit of Town I Pawn:- parents. .r v isited me You m A L, WRECK,MI$T€R , Sunday "Children'. Day" will be celebrated by the Evangelical Sunday School next Sunday evening Aug mm, at 745 am. A good programme hu been provided. Everybody welcome. Miss Blanche Robertwn has re- turned to her home in Detroit. Mich., after spending I tew weeks with her friend. Miss Ella Ott. (Julie T%auir ot lhlu vicinity at, tended the Tattoo at Waterloo on Frl day evenlng. Mina Ida Snyder with triends in Gall. -i'uiiiir,runce helm-h at Preston, Is spending a tew weeka with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Det, rich. ii/ and Mrs. Orville Walker and child of Toroutto. Bre spending a tew Jays with Mr. and Mrs, Menno Sny- der Miss Verna llumingPr is spending a tew weeks with Kitchener friends. My, and Mrs S. ht. Weber. Mrs. Silas Bowman, and Mr. 1. Slim-maker ot Elmira. spent Sunday with Wilma! friends. Master A. Stahl of Kitchener. haul! returned utlnr spending u week with Master Frank Ruggle. A nnhm pk'nic hmuaeu the North Wootwirh mm I-‘lurmlulo Evangvllcal churches was held last Wednesday unvnumn in the beautiful grow: ot Mr. nen Miller. North Woolwich. The attendant-o- was a spin-mm] one. 'and-the interest throughout the entire whom-clings of addresses and sports was must "nvaruragint', - _ ...~...‘_._. (ll'IlH-lll Jinn-n. Il.sttes mum Wirietuatt, and mm! Nwlsnn and “wasâ€. FYI. Widrrmart amil "tr. ll. Schmidt of l-Ilmlm. spent sum.' May with Mr. and Mrs. E. Brox. I Mr, Moses Hurkhnldl-r of Detroit. h is -visuiru, friends Special Offer" If you are not In I - writer to the - Chronicle-Tm M can have It "nBed to YOU from now at“ Jan. 1920 (or only Orders may be left with nearest agent or " Daily Telegraph offices, 114-116 King M., Kitchener, or di- rect to M LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. THE CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH F-ciyrentsALE, Waterloo SCH EDULE. 50e [i_iiitttilttff wtil be celebrated tn this vicinity spent Tuesday Vlollon god and his. Mr. A b ttdll at tlt-IL If. and In. - " anâ€. undo -. Mr. all In All.- - “a un- " of M: snag 3h wre'" don "in no In. Mr. new": mn- ono', luau-4 with Mr. and In. Adolph Bfeltt. -- -- _ _ .. Mr, And In. H. Culvert And Mr. and In. Bull! ot Pick-ring vor- - It Mr. and In. Harry Show hard on Sand-y. gum It Mr. Ind In. Harry Show Mr. Aunt (landing from Tun-out hard on Sunny. Washington “all“ in mm In Mm.; Min Jun Clark at Guolph, Btgre mehm tant wo" whom " nu not dared at Plot-n! View. I tor u - Mr. Wm, Bptoumnn at Pnuon. call- Born on the 1.1 ot Aunt to Mr. ed OB Mr. D. Mekay â€OI-ll " Mon. Ind In "eott Fray . da-tttor (cow dar. animation- new». . Mr, Ind In. late Belinda! from Mr um In my“. “gum... . In below Br-un Sunday“ with Mr. and Sam“, at ttse llama of Mr. tll Mu. Amon Bclllodol. Baden - Mr. and In. Addison D. Snyder It. out“: Mun from - Arr 'tl M.r:ysnd. I'". Al?'? .lretr Pty spent Sunday under the parental root, Mr. sud Mm. Aden-on D. Snyder mud Mr. Ind In. Allen Weber motor- ed tt Mandala on Sunday. Ind were the Ku I of Mr and Mrs Dlvtd Sny- der. Muster Roy Rolling" of Toronto, I- .pendittg his helm-ya with Mr, and Mn. Buchmnu. Mr. B, W. Mayer Intend- leaving next Tuesday on - trip to the We.sst, to Regina, Lethbridn otCr?hutytrr.. Menu". Oscar Bushman and Rina Hummel motored to Detroit this week. "irrainiir hudy' and Mu. [Jule Cressmnn ot Break. Sunduyad u an Intelâ€: home with Mr. and Mm. Jacob Creasman Part Estimlt- No. of ESTIMATED payable ml rue annual t'os'T. by t'orpor per rt. ittstat- ntlnn. frontage. manta. News Note. of Inurut. Miss Marjory Walker of Victoria Houpnal, London. In Hailing her par- ents here. ___ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schrnmm of Tor.) onto. is visiting with his parents, ML} and Mrs, P. Schramm. Me. J. L. Irwin. local blacksmith has closed the shop asufaecepted a po' nitiun as traveller with the (‘upewell iiarsunall Co. He will be asaigned to territory in the Maritime pruvlnr- PB. Mr, and Mrs. Irwin and tum Clin- ton. left tor the latter's home in Eth- el. Ont., on Baturdnr. Our black- smith Msop Is now vacant. Everyone hopes that this vacancy will soon be “Had. The house is ottermt for sale. "in“ FGG,ee Pmldlcomlm ot New Hamburg were visitors tor a tpw days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walk- er HI); and Mrs. Tye of Milvortott, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Walker here. Mina Mae Anderson is spending sav- vral days In her home here Before go- Ing to the Hamilton Hesplwl to train tor a nurse, Mrs. w. "vim, and daughter Edrl. of Goderich. are guests ot relatives here for a tow days. Quite l ",iaiLsr from this village, attended the Peace Tnltno at Water, lun last Friday avenlng._ Miss iuTG" Walker" has returned home utter spending her vacation In Cleveland, Ohio. A anusmll' “rs Ralrke of Kitchener. spent Sunday prim Mr. and Mrs. W Schramm ' Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Nahrgang. daugh- ter Brush- aml Mr. Denim Canon mot. ormt to Goderieh on Sunday. _ Mr. and Mm}. Kerr of Kitehettor, spent aundny at the home of the tar. mvr'n brother. Mr. A. Kerr, Huron Road? "iiiiin-To Mrwnnd Mrs. E. V. wn. helm on Sulurdty. Aug. 2. a Bon. Misses Qusenle and Annie Anderson $557.16 285..“ 2MS7 781.44 84.48 1.32 410.44 8398 1.24 ILOOIOmAl-I. HAYSVILLE. $8 24 2 64 .68 JAMES C. HAKJHT, ---si--a--o ' “I. I". - . 2t I "f?"i5iii?iiila'i,'ii, I U t.Ng: I nun-l In. .3..- $8234 Ar6 .673 I FELL OVERTNE ODE OF LET Hm my; 11-“: ce-ur, A saw, ANDASNARK CAME a; was; I NEVER ALONG AND GRABBED ME W WITH SHARKS! . .7 , 's wnAT : .-- 'iti'i"iijPisT oiiwj!jfjp, JC4 " A. _ . THEN? R ttt up , f Clerk 20 20 20 30 30 r-i--.- m. -- _ a. A“. m a m tlatrteeiiii')htiey.M will!†W m. In. w- w ‘__A ---. LL-A II- I viiiia -ia- Aiu. ."lii. but It. N. W " I“ “maul-Ii... Luella-0M A annulm- lron at "daily not and to I'd-onto- In! root to II- tend the on hon reunion at am plum. :gln Wllliemlnn Wilhelm “will I WP k with he: duushltr. Mr. Chm; Wllhelm at New Germany, Mr, and In. Wm. Riehm upon! Band†with Mr. Ind Mn. Prod LIIIIBBII'IHISOI' " New Dundee. _ Mr. And Mrs, Earl Sham: trom Kitchener spent the week and with the late" parents Mr. and Mrs. ch, Menu). Nun No!" in and Mrs. George Saunders ot Torontu are spending a law holidtya with Mr. ant Mos. A. C. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Joann Sham: of Hnysvllle cubed on "land: In the Neighborhood on Sunday. - The Mum»: Cook ot Kitchener via Ited with Mr, and Mrs. Moses Hull man on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Richer! spent Sunday at the latter'tr home near St. Agatha, A The “Hues Jacob Kunkle Louis The Minna Jacob Kunkle. Louis Blanch and Carl Hyde and the Miss-m Ella Khtehn, Viola Meyer and Lilly and Mrs. G. Bargey. Mr. Ivan Hullman and Ella Hocken. dorn visited with Mr. and Mrs. S, 0 Sham: on Sunday. Mlss Alma Bdrsy of Grand Rapids Mich., Is sprndlnx a few weeks holl- days at her home here. Items of Jame-t. The farmers In tho vicinity are quite busy cutting their oats. - "Miss Viplet Helmpel spent Sunday with Miss K. Schmidt. - “It and us. George Cook of Bt. Agatha, spam Sunday at Mr. and Mrs H. Prelim. er ï¬nd Ara. Henry Heler spent Hun day at Mr. and Mrrr. Henry Schmidt at Mr. and Mrs. M. Prams, fl VVIVVIVrSVand Mrs. William Schmidt of Hume-mural spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt. __ 77 Min Vera Duerbecker and Mr. Per. ry PeppIer spent Sunday an Conestoga with Miss Florence Dnerbecker. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerlch ot st.l Agatha, Mr. and Mrs, Theodor Door: becker, of Erbsvllle. Mr. and Mrtg, tot, Lunnln. Mrs. George Pauli-n and son. Edwin or Brunnor. Mrs. 16:th Ber-l nor of Mllverton. Mr. and Mrs J. War. run and daughter Greta and son Har-' old ot Henpeler. all spent Sunday at, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmidt. I Keep Children Well During Hot Weather Evvry mother knows how fatal the" hot summer months are to small child. ren. Cholera inlanium. diarrhoea.‘ dynnlry. cotie and stomach troubles are rile at thin lime and otten 3 prev- ious little life is lost alter only a few hours illlwss. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets In the house feels sole. The occaaionnl mac or the Tab- elu prevent alonlach and bowel trou- bles. or " trouble comes oddmtly--- an " generally dortts--the Tablets will bring the baby surely through. They ttre, sold by medicine dealers or by "In" in 25 wants a box trom The Dr. Wllllams’ Medicine Co., llrnckvllla. ont. . l 's wpwr mo you oo . THEN P h '/ WILLIAIIIUIII MANNHIEM ERBSVILLE. LET mu MW we LEG" 3| "tt2rgtAt'dy Bunyan-gnome holwmmbm-‘M' l'l=uu';l'rl177idi'r77j'ii'l"ei TFFiiuiijirlaEeiittt1yty incohtoiy an "M In. John â€bushel In. luv-1w an â€an" and communal with m.- (hnorsl L. W. n...» the! - .lho Iona-In. no": luv. John much. at, aantu. Wan-loo Conny. Dear tnr:--turtrinq to your blur of July 24th. the will! Prawn liar-lull. who " In mad ol the llllury Folk. of tho Dluricl, II- forlno me that the - ot mum Dltner In unknown to hill Ind that he received no Intunnuhm "on him concornln: donate". You-I very thaw. _ L. w, SHANNON. I Tho lawn socinl " um residence of'reumencr OT Mr. l'nnrles \illlwllxu‘, er‘ and Mrrs. J. J. Lowe, Roos Hill. when his daughter, Miss Veda, became Friday night. was a great succesl. the bride ot Mr. Pred sqtahmaum, [The Laurie “wily ot Scotch enter who returned from overt" tt tew â€liners lived up to their reputation and 'ttde',", If":., t1,utud,'ethtn,r'd,'.'. ldelighled the Inge number present v1.21 1'rh/"l'l wr 1',"r'l','ll ' an d,',',) (with their high class entqyrttghtrnrsttt. _ ' tr " a " oo. w“ 3 Died on Monday. 1mm. Rev. Mr. Draper. pastor or I The death occurred on Monday tthe Methodist church, parrnrnml the July 28th ot Lydla Ringlar the belov: ceremony‘ The bride looked charm. iG "wtte i,i James O Prov.ou in her in: in a dress ot white silk. with rail Iii; h T . and carried a bouquet of bridal r0395. " t year. he death "tek Pitt " Th, arm's gift to the bride was a Ree, W. H. Htrvey bu been Mend Ind bu lcceptcd I plus in the dele- gation (tom Cnntdn mm [on to Low don. England. In September to attend the “World's Brotherhood Comer- once." Build Another Kiln. A visit to the lime kiln two miles north ot Hespeler revealed " ln~ Guilty which " one of the lumen ttF day. which will Increase the capacity at thelr output one clrlosd a dar. Lawn Social 1 Saccoâ€. I Prestoninns on Monday Mternoon. July Mth, witnessed the grenteet grass (i1'ii,' that has ever been see around Ihla part ot the country. The tIre started In the meadow near the liver .Speod. and swept across the land ‘known as the Moore hop tttsluts, end :then across Beltig to the Bernhardt farm. After hard lighting by the 10- !cal tire brlgade. aided by miny eiti. 'zelu. who rendered valuable assist- ‘ance, the tirtt was checked In a point that the Grand, River near the Bern. hardt burn. A IA Former Reeldent. The death occurred on Monday.‘ July 28th. of Lydia Ringler, the below ed wtfe ot James O. Provost in her 29th year. The death took place at the home ot her parents. Mr. and Mrs, D, Ringler. where she bu been stay- lng the past two weeks.’ DUceaidl leavas to mourn her loss hesldes n' ‘uurrowins husband, two children. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, of Madl- son, Winn. who have been visiting at the home of Mr. Smith's mother. Mrs. w. B. Smith, left tor thelr homo Tues- day morning. Bad Gran Fire. Word his been received hr friends in town of the death ot Mrs. Ell: Clemens Medcnlfe, who died at her hump, 51 Parkwood avenue. Toronto. 0.] Monday, July 28th. The deceased was well known in Preston,' hnvlng been a resident here for many years. In the return from ovcmmns of Sgt. Chas, K. Hunter. Bon or Mrs. Mary S. Hunter, one of Preston's um hays to enlist came back to his home Mter nearly Itve yvars of service. Sgt. Hunter was one of the " hays who left Preston tor anmrlier camp an Aug. Mtit, 1914. One of the Imps! boys to arrive home safety is Pte. Arnold Brain. who reached Preston last week. He went ovarson as a bandsman with the 75th battalion. He has hrough! Ms mm. Hy here and his entered thr employ of Mr. Geo. Mather.' Mr, F'red Pam has left tor Wlnnl- peg and Arnaud and points weal tor a month's visit to his son in Regina. Mr. Emu Roan. of Dona". an old Prams" boy, arrived in town to spend the wpek and with his fttthpr, Mr, Adam Roos. tgtahtbaum-Aa'rtwrfgtst. Commanding M. D. No Ontario. an;;?the -p"rettieysit woddlnzl of the BY BAKER [Aldon III! “a. "" HEBPELIR PRESTON Bru.iuoru, lo. l, 1t no A... - _ ' _ may. ii " -. A. B. [LEARN WM 0 I. o. an: a 00.. “In" FOR “1mm“. ' " “A. 0. "do - or to "e""" LU!“ '" ma. _ hum-arr. no:- umuuo-nnuu. ’ â€non In Preston took place Wednes day afternoon at 4.30 o'clork at the resldencr of Mr. Charles Cartwright, when his daughter, Misg Veda, became gm: bride ot Mr. Fred Stahlbaum. who returned trom overrun-as a few months ago. Miss Lillian Ik-nges ot ! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rnnsmdlvr aha Irene and Mind are visiting at thoir I home near here. L Miss†Annie Logo! and Minnie Teothttrd are unending a few days in Kltchoner. A t Mr. Laval Hlyes of the Bank of 'Nown Swain "tatt. Muvertort, spout ‘Sunday at his home here. ' Mr and Mrs. Frank H. Srhummm spent Sunday' in St. Clements I Misses Edith and Salome Roth ot l'i,2',',2, gnu! the week end with [Honda re. m.“ m. to the bridesmaid a cameo bmoch. and to the bent man a cigar case. The bridal couple entered the drawing mom to the tteiy ot the wedow. march played by Mrs. Jacob Snider. The huppy eouple loft on a wedding trio to Toronto Ind "utrato. and on their return will maka tlwlr home in Humillén. where the groom has a responsible, position. Interesting News Notes. Miss Edna McKay. of London, is at present Hump; I' In r humo- here. Miss Helen McEarhu-rn returned ho'me on Sunday after spending a few day" In Harriston. SCU. Sliihixghlin und Mrs. (‘hut- tor orv- visiting Mr. and Mrs. W Camochan. 7 - Miss M. Bricker, of tho Bank Nova Soon: sum, was trrutsterred St. Jnmha and is- ropluced by Mr. W. Buses of St. Jacobs, Mime“ Elnora Ludwig and Edna Daub. of Kitchener, Ire spending th week at Mr. P, Lvnhnrdi's homo Miss Lama Hum-r of Waterloo is spending n week with Miss Helen [an hard. Aeroplane Lands Here. Tttrt people ot Linwood had the opportunity ot "wing a Govornmrmt plan? land In Mr. Philip Kreutzweis- er‘s ttrid on Smunlay II was on in way from Toronto to Detroit. AMut 200 people had assembled around the neroplnnn in about half an hour, as the field la only about one hall miio out- side MLlnwood. Home ‘Burglariud. - â€MIL 8.11m; or Elmira, went Sun day with triends yt - While Mr. and Mrs Jon Amen! we" away their home was entered by human, who not nwuy with a nun: her of vaiuttttte nrHvlun. The nulhnrl ties have been notiMd and hope to trace the (News . wright to Mr Fred Suhlhnum FEN‘K WIHTING~ July 23rd. _ Miss Phi-Me Whltlng to Mr Harry 0 Fetch, of Kltrhoner B0toe--LACKNER i At Kitchener. July Mth, Min LINnn Lackrtor. hunter of Mr, and In George Lariat-r to Mr Henry Botte Ouch. KNELL -- At Kitchener. July um. Mtm not“. M. Knoll. Rootr-To Mr and Mrs " E Roos " Irvin Bt., I daughter [Norma Ger PLENTY OF HUNG PURE FOOD CHOW [rude I Auto Enlranco corner Dundu and Egonon an. Usual Entnnco at the Gnu. . Grand Bland 60c and 25c. Pun LII“. Entry Form. and all information from the Savoury VIZ-COL. W. M. GARTOHORE. Pro-lam: A. M. HUNT, lunacy 'gtMt “h‘mdw V c, Iv" LAM“_~A‘I$ The Western Fair . ----- London, Ontario' Septembgr 6th to 13th, 1919 the Vory In: 11MB".- This is tho Great Agricultural l Exhibition of Western thetaaio LINWOOD Marriage: Birth. Two Upon! Event] Dally ot to ,iii, Butter é Wrappers spend at stock. " l urn-(Invin- , Nullnnll Int "th. mwttttmttttmtttotmtmmoBttttl il Why pay more for no bet- I ter quality Butter Wrap- 'i-', pers or why accept Inferior 3 quality wrappers at the g same price when you can t get top notch quality and = top notch value at the it Chronicle Telegraph Press. FIREWORKS EVERY we"? TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION. .c,zi.crmoNIqir, S' TELEGRAPH Better Than Ever Salesmén Wanted The Old Relia- Ie Fonthill Nurseries AttratttittnB I John'y Jul“ The Wuterloo Human on Sauna†errnmm lost to lln<|u~lrr itt a Umrtttr Immun- Isazwhzull games by a 9mm of s to I Tim Im-al mum phyod . rill cr mun-My rum- mm the result [In their uppunPnN "ere o-any which. The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in years. . British and European Mar- kets again open for Canadian Fruit. Largest list of Fruit & 0r- namental Stock. Seed- Potatoes. ete., grown in Canada. Stone & HESPELER DEFEAT WATERLOO. t A FEW PRICES. 1000 Sheets with name name ... ..... .. t 2000 Sheets with name ..r.. ... .. S 500 Sheets with name mt6.N ... .. $ Lots of 100 and up wards at per 100 . . . Write for Particulars. TOIIOM‘O. ONT. ll the Prmce ot Wain. VIII nn omin- or Inwocuu .agrirullnr! and mlnIhc‘Ia in of i‘nnmin at "to mail. n Exhibition. Wetlandâ€. LIE To represent W ATERLOO. Wellington Mull-y Expo-Mon 3-4mos. $3.50 $6.73 $2.00 . 40e