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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Aug 1919, p. 5

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A party of Wutprioo Fisiwrmon IPII l July "dt um Ihvir :mnu;-J fie-"hm? trip f They wilt. :-mr'trd hm “wt-kn at Rnund f. Lake, in tho [mini of Ray: Mani”: . The party will ho jninvd in 'l‘m'untn , by Dr. Roland Ymmg, fovmor!y of Wat- 'c, orloo. The local membvrs of the par. :Dty Included Mervqrs. P, H. Rona. Fred, st" Hammad. s, u Bricker, F. u. Hughes. , ' W. Hogg, A. ll. Snider and F. lludg-‘i ytgtmr. " C , COAL NOT PLENTIFUL. According to a slaimm‘ni made by one of Watertoo's wall known coal dale". coal in none, too plentiful. Stan coal which is in greatest demand h almost impossible in gal st tho prom“ limp and Amer. loin coal dealers haw in sump 0390a "fund to tttke any otder, from 10ml In». for ninva coal tor a month or 1.0 at hast. Dual": are lhorr-i'nro “Vining (‘usimnvrs to tttke a my - than aim-o coal as it h likely the price will an up " dollar or more bier in tite awn-0n and own Him) the _.Mttlr of Now» coat mar be unvqual h the demand, Guelph lmwlvrs will mah.. an at “mm to lake home tltr' Cools" Tro phy this "rlernoou. when HIP) tin-M the prvswnl holders on th" local grow-nu The visitors are detertniurut um to gn houn- empty hamlvd, and tho Water loo sponsmwn am Just as determined that “In run shun rennin in this, town. so thrn- is vvhry indirminn of some owning: matchmu Tho game'; are callvd for R an The four rinks of Waterloo bnwlam who attended tho Elmira tournament 'Wedrteeiy wm'r unable to stand lin- DICE. lmm- of the "itverivatw than": itN way In this du-wtiunA They won ahlrs to give their uppmwnls a good run in all of thrs 11.111193 und are “all tsatitstted with tltrr day‘s sport. GAVE REPORT, On Mondav wenlng Harm ot the. membprs u! l-Immanm-l Evantreiieal church, Miss Frizzpll. Miss Hanna. and Miss Mickus. gruw a wiry inlets “mg report of the Missionary Com vention hvld rm-o-nllyal Whitby This annual rsittulmet" school has lu-v'n I great stimul to missionary en tBrprise and is a great factor In pre ”ring you“: people tor son-Vic? in mitmion work. Rev I‘m] 'rmrrnn‘apn who hm horn the able mum ot the I.uilreratt churrts at Dunbur, um . for the [met Mm wars has nn-rol-Iml " wall M tho Lutlwrau Church at Izlwlph and will Its'dumCs his new duties; Sew. tst. His mam friends will wish him ”my mums in his larger field at labor. Friends ot' Mr and Mrs Harry Mararrhunk. King Sta. will sympa- thise with tttem in ttte death or Iheir " asynld twin daughtm‘. who passed away on Saturday._ The burial was made in Mount Hope retuetery. on Sunday anernuon. Another twin daughter passed away July 3th Rev E Burn, former lunar ot the Evangelina) church here, who was given a year's leave at absence by the Evangelical Annotation, in order to regain his health. is now In Rocher ter with his mmily and h reported to be much improved In health. This will he pleasing news to his unmar- om, hiends in Waterloo. Monday being Clvk‘ Holiday: alt places of business will be Mosul, but Waterloo will he lumirr than awn; notwithstanding. The Citizens' Pic nic promises Io be a r-word-hwnkn-r and luv majority of tttts citizens will be found o-njuying mama-hr.“ in the park during the afternoon and awn ing. The weekly murknt held Suurdn' morning showed little rhnnw- L, prices Eggs brought 4% “an! 500. while butter in the majunly of was?" sold at 55c Th. Te was a good sized attendant», Shrewd buyers W1” do well to rend Weltlauler's Departmental Store Ad. on you» 39w“ In this week’s Issue, Early buyers will get tirut choice. "ii"iiiia 'E'm'Ca-m'" --e White: has $li't.'il%t4t'll','tshflhl,lii.litt, ACEPTEO CALL ro GUELPH DEATH OF TWIN DAUGHTER MUCH IMPROVED IN HEALTH loll: m and“ and We go duh. Jul-an and“ l: you... new“. and damn”. embla- _ light at the Unit“. Km" . Hm I! BIG BALE AT WETTLAUFER'B - a my MI. or "Gi 'Ittr wrinkled tttrote .3. a. . LEFT FOR ROUND LAKE, Local News Notes Arnold Jansen FIGHT FOR TROPHY BOWLEFIS IN ELMIRA. MB Immm. Sums. 'st,t',,-ifggta Eyes Siren; and ealthy " they lre.Sman "that ' Bum if Sore. Imam Inn-med at Grmulatecl out Snowinjm or Ain't CITIZENS' PICNIC WEEKLY MARKET JANIIN “'0‘. i' Best A, H'etq_Nt-t.sttha. ._ _ mummy- -~-' mun-hummus... I at-tBt.tqbtte.etm..ardtt tm-duty-tstu-tiNest" I The annual picnic or the St John's Lutheran church. was held in the Waterloo park. on Saturday elm-mum: and was a _mnx1 snowman” and on- oyablv vmuL There was a Brio at- tonnlunre of "very department at the x-hun'h "tpreseuted. Tho atteruoon and Po'nltik was spent in games: ot ull kinds and many intern-sling races were, pullml ott Th" I'M-ding hf the wank-k H's was mm of the even“) of the pin ttir. and m'o-I‘y "lie pruvialvd with " plenitul supply ur good lhlngu Don't Butrer.r A tiny Lottie of Trauma can but u few emu " may ttrug "ore. Apply . in droim on the torus, mttusrrq and "hard skin" an bot, totn of fret, the" lift them otr. When FWna roman: mm: from tho tor. or rulinm from the bottom of led. “g ski. beneath by“: phi and halal, "be “in new.“ i] "" pill .ld hfllth mi m an. Gik'GTi'iiila Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mcketutr were, visitors m town. 51%;? , 145/ :3 (il -i,, _ _ at rs.' cfi,', 'ill' " t f: l On Saturday owning a WI‘H known lam] citizen, who rr-comly purchased a l‘hI-x'rnh'l motor ('nr. mot until an unfortunate "cmudcmt He wa.1 Homing damn King St. and in Iurniug tho rumor In Krb tlt, got on thit wrung side of tho "tCrit with tlw rl'sull my tre smash“! into the auto truck ot the Ilydro Eleolriu- C'o, completely deutrotishiut; am- of the front wines-l3 of his citt". The paasengers sultan-ml no injury LIFT CORNS 0ll '" CALLUSES OFF Tho spwci.t1 mmmmon appointed bv the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Board, to manure the “(canary funds to erect tho, tntuth-destred addition In thrs Hospital, are making" prammlinnu to make u canvas ot the mattutactatrstrs and business men of teh two mwm Within ttw uexl tew days _ boesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers The bereaved family will have the sincere sympathy ot many friends in tttew bereavement " " the lnle Mr. and Mm John Stahl. baum, ot Kitettpuer' They lived In Kitchener tor t? years. Later muvlng to ’anrloo where they have resided tor me past Ir, yearn He WI! a miller my trade and was employed at the Snider Milling I‘umpany tor many years. He was a faithful member of the Evangullrul chureh, and l o. " F. A mrmwing wife and nine children survive, nanwly: Melvin. anvnpolls; Lillian {Mrs I'iarence llama“; Ada, 'Nelson. Edwin, Hilda, Harry, Irene and Kthpl at home: also three broth- ers. l‘hrisllnn. Edward and John, of Rm-lu-slrr, N, y, and three sisters. Mrs, l K VilsinRer, St, Jacobs; Mrs. I'. Ingwhl. New Hamburg; Miss Eliza, beth House, of Walcrkn l Ther funeral will lake place trum the Into residom-e, on the corttpr M Queen and Young Sis. on Tt"u10ar nth-moon. at y u'eiock to ttte Em. manuel Evangnllml church hit new; viva, Hteuco to the Mann! Hope C6'atue-l tery tor interment. l The hue Mr Imvi House was in maried to Susan Stahlbaum. daughter ”rimshy. Ontario and in use; was The may at tho Waterloo School Bout be“ Tueluy cums, In t gum con-km, more hem; Mule but neu 03 but. The punch“; and downing of two room. It the Cen- ual 815th Ind the ”mum-g of backwards m one room It the “are '1'th In “ranged tor. The pus~ In; of sexual an." account: mm» meted the meeting. MR. LEVI HOUSE PASSED AWAY ON MONDAY Dec DECORATING TWO WWI; BOOKS Wruu-u-uumnem ty Wm,» HI I. " ”can I wwuuh-umhuupocum bqtrtrlotoNraboetaoot In 'cnpt‘ ma in: 2 " {swan-nu. - Ti TWO MOTOR CARS COLLIDE PICNIC A BIG SUCCESS WILL MAKE CANVAS y Waterloo crvlrlrratrNt Civic Holiday on Monday by Iml-lim: n mnnstvr pit-- nir and rm-n-pliun to th" rf‘tul'nvd soldiers m Ilw park. Which ivttv a de tg'Ido-d SutirH.", ltvtwv, n Ihrmx and four Hut-mum] prom" Iurmd out. ('ilizrln: l-mnrhl Ihn-ir haska with thour and “urt- furnishod from rum-v and lomonado- and scores of littto pic- nie parting Were wanentd Ihrnughnut the park Th" ("alum-r: of the day's programme wort: tho- "ittrrertt sport- ing "vents. which [urnisln-ll 'tsat amuwmvm tor the, largu- crowd: and the hauquwl and prs-m-nmtiou or $10 no"! mun-s to tite "mun-d soldiers from the lnwn. I‘vspilu thrs ho! W90- vlwr the lany- crowd "er":th "rt- joyml the uminu and mmh (rum in duw lhv (-mnmilIm- that hlrn‘lshml lhe splrmhd prmJ'nlu. _ 34 Entries in Baby Show. hurling the attrrttoon the W. M, S “and rtmoered w most 'niellent pro- HTRIII in tlt" m hum of thrs crowds: on 1hr nthlmic grounds Returned Ion Honored.. The mm! ptettsmg "vent of no 1-" tirrn nflnrno‘m was: tho "and TT'rrir Cto" and banquet follnwn-d by tho [arr st-malinn M 810"" in 20M to Water. Inn's mm": of rolurnall tteroera, Thr. hart- was "Old m the pavir lion, Vamp“ trim, laid tor one hundred and any " vac .1 lnnnli'ul Mght to mu thrs boys who had dnnv "Mr bit and who had rvmmro mainly. “MW In; on Inn-proud provided toe an Whih ruins: armnnl (and m tor the Mr I." do-nhnm armnnl the hairy Show, whore III (and mothers vvmr-n-r thoir darlings tor the "x"'""'")'?? Tttp judges Mr I." ur~r~zwmn wFre hm V J Wei- do-nhmmun-r and W Grim-r. 1hoir ners‘ismnts lu-im: Mantra lluwman and Wood, Thu judging Win dnnv on n cr-ie-c bards and wtum tho: m' was were mark ttterr" was not a dim-pmmg vain: tW HOLIDAY PICNIC AT THE ihl'l'lilll,()i) PARK A MI SUCCESS lrlass at "mutual talent m he, found rrili',l'ff,iydf; I: ‘Wmn Moo Courtly, vary hand on in; mu; Grs the ttHd was a fawn-ma to a tart,'" Ited i',','.,,',,','., xulhrrmg nl Iullumus, ttnd vw-ry band I unrurlmf ill): “mm was "ttte best ol' Hm Inl," Thu-y h. ' . . . A .nd to The play-d m the following order: "‘I'I'I'md Jolnort dc-rmu. Pipe “and, Waterloo lims' . . . “and. mm. 1ter,in"uiHaad of Kitch, '.il'C,',t, tor Cl elm. Elmira Amman Nurml)’ Band. A ms. t l'rmmu Sin-rs. Band. (muxmm Rand _ (29111 llrgl " null Wan-tint; Musical Fullowinu Sammy. Band. -'d'bs. Fratcrloo [my al Ati,'hent l Ranch ol “lurk no! much hml w'nm seuHriy cuij WM]":"" 1.2mm 'rjtiyMm. of nu,- town, I m ttte [um furmsle a pfel,Liir.iiriii1i.re In mahy‘ FTP-1 ank’ ot' the u. nun-s by tlu- suyle in whumluw toot I'm-t they cal-ml on Ilwir mm at m.- puma few In». mam. 'Proc " F" Tnmln- tot, Is to bo Writ, lumillu congraluluhwl an In: work in gelling "tel car ml the hand into its ltl'wf‘t‘lll ronduiun. to Kilt-11mm The liar)?" I,'aud I.“ 17'va to the Tha. park SPLENDID BANQUET SERVED IN PAVILION Between 3,000 and 4,000 Citizens Brought Their Bam kets to the Grounds and Spent the Day in all Kinds of Amusements-War Heroes Guests of Citizens. in an ahlv mummr tlhe was annui- nuniml in min numhwr by tho ‘VIIIFT- loo Musical Soo‘wly Rand. High Class Talent. The sell-Minna by th" diff-awn! bands all went to show Hm unusually high ‘up King strwt and over to the park! And thrm the burnt. opened! where thc progrtam proper was open- Plaxox lit the Mr. rockets uhetltheir ed, the massed handy-x played "The.signaln in the an, the swish ot the “able Lent Furever" and "Home overhead shells filled the air and ott Sweet Home," in honor of the rétttrn- a little to (mu tride, the imavins rom- "d whiter buys, maimed to open 119, " was most roa- The Juvenile pipe hand and juvenile listio while it. lasted. evoryono being dammit-a under Mrs antiemou 'i.ij'ti'r,'i,itciic,a "rtomttt to come through Loudon. wne {natures which were I without m-mtmulnling 3 "Mighty." wett revolt/I'd try In» auriienre. Thei Earlier in the 'tvortingt a rather Iittlo one: in their heautilul Jau2'/.'i'(nofi1 display or daylight firetorhs fairly took the place hy storm lnlwas so! oft. Roekettr ""30de high their fancy and folk dresses, They:in the air. opening out into grates. are all cieotr gunmen. A'tre minuty qu" than.“ and tTotttirtg away. (allow and the Wish dancers. the Inner to the M) by swore-s of mun! hays. om, of mm- ot trsteoteqtr, were tro of the,ttteee tteuros which was trttPtleutttttv heat received of ttthr numbers. Ictttven. was that of a man on horse Louise Thiele in her comet solo. ‘hm-k, llllih alumna the Manda, thus "fled. White and Blue,“ provided a ”twirling an emits-Iv new advance in variation fro mtht- neutaindor of the tterirtf trawl A number of balloons program and ttemrutstrated her 1l11lre",t nigh im-luds-d ill the Early part in an 3th munnm- Sim was acmm-gnf the Pyrotm-hnlt- distill.“ mutiod in thin numhwr by the “WWW, Grand Fittato. loo Mttrric:tl tloi'iety Rand. I Sort/inn as a finale to the pwning's High Class Talent. div-Tm“ was the grand patriotic apno- F ' II. 'est? .- . . . '.o.r, . _ Ian-v at the ttuturling of the tttttrs of oP,u'ti"u,11ei.ty/1' d'"'.”’f.‘”l§"’""n A'lit'r? Iv lite. strains of iIIPIr mu ed, the massvd hands played "The Maw? Lent Forevet" and "Home Sweet Hump," In honor ot the rirtttrtr ed amldier buys. And not' one person was heard to utter a word a din-mnem- ulna: it mu at the clone ot the evening. when some of the Kitchener visitors joined um “mob scene” In an at tempt to board a, car for home. The tstreet can; View lined to their ut- must rapm-lly. emu Ihough many Peo- ple look advantage of the cool evening to wnlk holmu The mm: was named ttt T30 sharp when a grand pnrude ot the seven par- tietpatuur bands. followed by I seem Ingly endless chain of autos Im the Alexuudn r House runner, proceeding up King Mreet and over to the vark., where th" pl'ogrnm proper was oven-, ‘ Tho month III-I um- ot an Wuorioo “In! “my, - In the Put onTudny "out“. eclipsed no u: Wm. in ovary In. Thou- uuls of people from nu tArts a! the country vote making then- my to In. park "on m only hour n the ovum, and by out: o'clock the crowd was on o! the largest, icnot the Ingest gathering that h“ ever been new” the ”It. 0mm OBOWD m “INTERIM! amour ts.vsnmndostirsrisaq; Ailiih asia/ai, Ttti-kia," _-- _ P1rmror1mandNatMttgoitttthettratrmtV the Program " Wsurloo run-k. Excellent Muuc Furnished CN "" Hm the Tar?! vim-1 bah}; no How and PR. interrett vmnarvd A mnanmicnm wont-tn by ttw W. M S ham] was gin-n m tho ruining an: r whirh prize drawing took place tor a aunt-u- nplmhwrpd router tor whkh th" number! of tho Vietoriart t'trrter n! Blur-w: sold tirtots. I tidy sum hem: resumed. The winner Wu Mm Alice Dixon. uh. holding the The Army and Navy was proposal try Mayor Run. and wallumlu-d m by Capt. Rooney and than! Major (‘uw om. Th" 10:19! In "our Empire" was: ruinomlvd In by Nov. H L. W. "arton ln- ndureyslnng ttw large crowd [rum the pavilion steps. His address; was punvlunII-d with murmur ettthttsiattm, and hix' slraluhl hm”! lo boar: lulk in the. fvllnwn nmlvurwl Mm more than uvvr to all who had tlto plPasurr of hearing. Following thr :uldrmg up» boys I'm-u mull-11 up om by our and pram-Med with lhr town's gm of u mu gold pin-on rarh ll was a lzl'vtll day tor the how who had done lhvir hi! and n from clay tor all who par” clt"ttpd in m.- fvsllwmww. _ in Ute pw-nbm', tho u'm-r squirm “PT” run and were mun) "Man-rd by the rzpnrfalors In (mm! of Rttrrtrr.otre tlu. Ciiirrttts' pirnic “in a far himwr mun“ than last Y' at and mm rear thrs mmmmno hope to 'srlipso Iheir $_ttfPrt.'et or Ihls year. 'II “as a mar,ttiftcrmt bit of {are and ”he hm’y of India-z, two from o-nrh church in town, wilrmpty loom-d after ‘lhvir “ants Mr. Arthur Foswr. chairman or tlr" Imam-lion rulmuittmx Ihrupird the ln-RII of thas luhlt. Mayor Kutt bring on his right and RM, Mr. Marlon on his left, th" nmmlnrrs or the coum it "IS" occupying Brats at the fwml tabla The luaut till! was a short one, (he first twin): that tn the Kink, lu-im: trauma-1| In tttr usual way, Th" toaNI to tite memory 0f tlt" hugs who had mad" tlu- supl‘t-nn- saeriffc" war: hottotvrt by all standing silently while Minx l, M, nl‘ucr playml "Nmrvr My God to Thu»? lac-h- ot the uufln'ling of tltr' mttr,s of the Allim: In lite strains at their re, com-[Ive National Anthem: These _ included Ralxium. llaly. Prnnce. Amar- it-a and Grmat Britain. fullnwml by the Ited Cross ling, Whrm the Latter was ‘unmrh‘d tho hum] Mayra! "Miarer My 10ml to Time," the vast amen-ins ms» (and foinort In. showing "Mk grout re I lspwt for one of the greltést of our atlios. [ , lug much to the {sunny or the meet, " was as [hang the roluuuul of mummy; men were being seen thmuxll a tune of nmoko, colored to lend beauty to the occasion. Ind broupht many memories ot marching men whu marched amid the smoke In Flanders. _ moment of - III pant. Inc In; trickthuuumlklolutu bemoan) hill in m a»: - In”. mom thr I“ W “0 Mon slum it." an at the no. tom ue-suua um; I hum- pin wheel "vowing would the In, tho outer menu! ot the null letting go in high and-Mr um convicting no pin when! on the other bar. latch PM The and lurch Put of all an bun-13 m - order to In. an. at "United Empire" was un- ot the walks! sights of the QV'IIHIK, Color- ed lights burning on both mm ot them pm tho mnrvhlng DIM! In A "lure of prominenre, ls well u at} a mar,ttiftcrmt bit of {are and vy of India-z, two from o-nrh in town, wilrmpty loom-d after thas luhlv, Mayor Kutt lu-ilm ”i211! and RM, Mr. "anon on th" nmmhrrs of the ('uum il Punting swam at the 110ml The luaul liell was a short one, , lu‘im: thttt in the Kink, J Mum unwmy at Kltchonnr. the m «uh M a alumina automnhik MN than Inn NM . Md blow to the rela. tire in the Twln Cite and elsewhero. asuisgstit_r.sqathrt0eutttt Mr and Mrs, mum and ulmuzhtnr Windmill left It!!! 't'"cRrtay for thvtr homo In Winnlprm urn-r it w-ry mun)" aNe holiday of gnu-ml wrik-, stent with Mr. and Mrs. William Rona at "Mon Accord," Imus Annlv llumlcrxon. oldest dang!» wr of Mr, and Mrs. Wm [ll-mlvrmn. lull 1ttst Monday In tako a mmrw in running at the Guolph General "ospi. I.” Mtarrs llvndvrmm will ho nun-h VIIIRHI‘d ln Waterloo, (mm-Vinny in Pres- hywriun cirt0ete, where all? took an ac ”w inn-rm! in all Iha- "rttattizatirt"s " Ht. Paul‘s (illuroh. and tho. hug v,iis of her mlny I'm-nth will fullnw mis disciple of Flnrnnn'u- lelningnlo Mrs A. ff. Snydo-r and family. Hrs H's, .‘Huwar! and Murray and Minn»: llvlon and lauhol I-et-tt lhlw \Vm'k ”mm a ’mum tauoyahto holiday of "mm “vi-kn at Ilulmy Harbour. Musknkn. Mina Bessie Nankvery and the Miss. 14 Ida and Eva [will ware amongst 1lw mummy trom, Waterloo, who arm l."d he Summit-r Training Srhoux :- Ho'- zu-vn Mark. Luke 1hrucltichlrrx, the Nrussvs, Kohl going on to Allwrlo-y, Mus- soka, tor an thvmlml hnhday. Miss: Anna Snundwrzz. of w, Spwndim; tlit, In”. "In! ut ot" Mr. and Mrs. Thus, Owns _ Mr. mm MN. F, Zlck ot Totitto and Hum Maud" onyotutclt an- hulhlaymg .:l (”onuslngu. Ct Masmr Gurald (Hesmmn and :‘istvr Mire, Mario C'ressrvan new :Murmvi homo from a visit with Luna-m irmnd: Mrs, nesday " hare a l _ a Social and Personal , l Mr. Eldon l'rmhach, of Seaforlh. is worming. the holiday at hi Immu “are. Mr, Harry Hahn and dauglnwr t'aih urine, or 1.rvr:rlort, are visit'mrr ”mm .5 in town own the holiday. The noww of the tragic death of Mrs Mm: 11rar"e Marlin Is in Land-m nv ' nn- bond”). I] M" Ginghams, stripes. plaids, all icolors. Reg. 5lie and 60e, special . . D M" Flowered and Striped Voiles, in Pink, ' Blue and Black. These are very special, / it will pay to look them over, Reg. 'ir,i,GeGiC..".".' ..... ..... ... 49e Ball & Co. 'vii'iit/"" Ball & cd Ladies take one of the beautiful Pullovers on your holidays. Just the thing for tho cool evenings on the beach and motoring. Purple, Green, Rose, Orange, Blues, in smart 'Autunermode1s,Reeutart,ri.Mt,turw .. ...... ..r.. _.... ..... ... .. ... ... S4.79 Here you are boys. just what you want to keep you cool. Cotton Jerseys, in Blue and White, short sleeves. low "erks.To your mother you need one, Reg. We now c. Fl. (loan returned nn Wed trom Oliphant on Lulu» Hnmn .hu spun! the past month. Waterloo ANOTHER SMASH AT GINGHAMS AND MUSLIN§ if? Kl rmfnrul tht' Immu- Mrs. A MN. t'ampoell. ft Krug Sf. wife ot A Mr! 1'aropttr'U. llanvrnl Amrnuumnl I',".','," [in-or Ry. Iett to. night tor 1m: wn when 9hr um he joined by her hmhand on Monday and then manner with their brother-trt law Dr, Dori): And may. mu an no Many lu-m‘ln Were sunl-lolio-vl by the "mum-Mm] nun: or Hm "oath at Mina llvrllm M, Knvll at her hum". 109 N Que-on “(n-v1, on Mummy p-wvnim: from lunar! 1rrsuttit., Hum I‘l'nill Itas uninv- od frum Kitt hvnct a mmnhnr ot um- ot mlr oltirsct and him. (mullth a lady of tttttch Inn-My uf rhzll'm'tc'r and "trom', pm-mmnlily, who “in ho \w-ry grrstlv misnml and "ground by a Innu- rirvlc- of Mum-0 [rim-d»: Mug?! 'rympathy in oxlc-mlml In Mr "rothor and shun-s Dr an! " K, _ M, Welm mo holi- daying mm Ur (trt, Mrs T " "all and family at KirkI'wlu. n ' Lindaay Mr. and MN, Jim. Hrworott, :u-ru palm-Al by Mrs. hulk-n Srlh-u‘olr " mm dauulum' "r" summing tin-iv va Hun at Luke hallmuxle. “our 1'orth At a mutant danm- givvu tty It"! Duch, ass of HutltvrPattd. tho, l'rlm'o of Walm: dam-ml until dayhrvO, Thr, nl luv where any ot Miss norinda )lvlirhle accompanied by III-r "rrather. Mr. “lulu-Hurt» Mrs hridv of Tumult". hnvu rmurm-d trout a ply-:mnm formigln‘a vacation "pent at Port Smulry. D wand. psuecially her father. Mr .Ins,| 'AII\'Iv‘(-'x “U.“ H, SGuzram. who we rrgn't In 'i.HN it, nu hm” rNurutyd a verv critical condition ot hmlth at at tho hon.» ol rim present time. Mes. Icowlby Ierl’"""’5""' lxilclmnc-r "" July mm, mm rm any ., _ [and In join hvr husband hujur tltr). I“. """"" Rummy Mm v. an "uaehed to the Can Wy.'" P) [hr toliart {-prmlitmnnry [Pm-nay, Hot, A. Fi. ."cttrilei" Mm. nmvmy whale-red Pxctrll,ant pat- _ . nuliv uvrvim- ror Ilm Flu-nirv. only tue I “rm” PH turning shun! "ight mouths “(0 Our gard of ."otroi' inc. her lrax‘el- in the Ot-I Lam: a I mu ttonto "tlet a .14 in ”3.. Tum City. the dpi'rnsed [Mums lr-Ii'. mud" 'r Enrge mrrle " frmnd‘... V who huve mulling hut kindly memories' Mr A. R. R at "UP, whom to know was a mu plea. the holiday in Surf and a whilegn. I Mis.qos Norma and Ella Mother " ruhlrm'd from Port Niamey: Hwy Hung-d " dulbzlllful hull two weeks. Successors to Bechtel Bron. 49c Read these special bam carefully. They will save money. At these prices you can make adress tosuit yourself at far less than you can buy the)! ready made, and thert'yots. get what you want and good mater',' ial. ".' M" Muslim, plain, Berwered, tstrip ' : ed,Reg.35cand40c.now .1. .e.. 29t Art sun, 'l‘ussah and Raw sun, tsci beautiful tolors and pretty t"iTe'dl9t'ii special,Reg.$l.25,and $2.00 ...r.. r-, l Friday tit 8thirda" August ht and H'IWHII’ F and Waterloo I Mr. and Mrs. Hiphard June“ and no: Him-hm. Mm, William Murnhall, Mil! Adv" "main and Mr August Say” or Toronto, were Inn's-ls at the home or Mrs. J. Charter, Mueller over my holiday. . ’ ' “'ATERL00. GAL hr. Sterling. w. Smith. E Hohlnaser HIS, Ram I... .... E Int-col A. It. Achil- C. Sluts.....30. Diam- Flitrht Liallt. " C Willson, ot In. rumba Alta, who rerently return“ [rum u\-:~r<uas. Mr and Mn, T. N. \t'mlnvr, or Toronto. mum. and Mrs. Numb-I1 ot Trrrurrrto, splint seven] days wrth Mr and Mrs. J, Similar. Waterloo mlm-s-mfullv denuded in; Cook l'hnllonyzv Trophy "himrt t _ nah rinku on the local groom: on day owning winning " a 10th gin "I 2e shots Skip Sohlomt'm m SlernK as land had u nip q lurk r nun again” Skin Sam In!“ mm mu in tho lam and by one a V Skip Flt-mum Shane with it. . [(01 an varh‘ lirml nvm Skip Dr tttt and Irn't Mm far In tho roar. wlll lw 22 show, mm: mulin: Wtuerttto the Inhd un tho round by a an” vial margin Tho nmrns tonow:-.s1,f Members of the Adult Bible (III. of the Emngoxliml church. motored to Burlington on Monday. where “my ol- juyml a uh-lightuul few hours. ' DEPENDED COOK TROPHY _ AGAINST GA: Don't target tho Danae in Watering Park every Wednesday and “Ida! nights, Orrhuslru. 8at8 Mr Andrew Urdstadt has roturno‘ trot u trip to various points in ti. nnrlhwnxl. Mr. and Mrs, John han- roturmml from a l{im;.s.illt.- where they Mr, Norman Popplnr. of "mama; was a luuainess warm- in town a. Salurdny. r' RAW. (“ram ford Brown and “to; Brown, ot Magma. and Prof. Wilmer}. ot Niarura. W.tttu the s-uesls of Mei and Mv, I' H Mills turs Week. hm» raluruen at tho honw of urn: aol Mi‘ww Hilda and Clara "nehneh gard of Detroit, hm» rpturtted to that! than» .n'lwr a tirit with Waterloo itsroirm w. Iroquois Iran motor trip Ihrough Watt? eYdowm"syracuse, Rochetrtor, nun-:9: Niugu‘a and home ti, Kitchener. tl . Rrv, \l-u""nn:cie ot" Peru. Ind, \IRHUI at ' home ot Mr. and mm Mr A F. Ran nf Tavistock, spa-t null-H fROtt and Catharine mask? to ppm." nth-r a wink, Mr. and Mra, (Ll-luck” town Srhundclmnyir manor trip lg visited {Hamil 41e G ALT. Mi " 8-5 a f2 _

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