i;;é.'. per bag , per ton . .. r, per th. .. , per dozen â€"per lb ... toes, per bag -.Q} ‘on . ... per ton , special ESTRATFORD MARKETS Stratford, Aug , per lb. ....> > per dozen ... , Chief , per dozen , Hive /.. Flour .. . ba Floyr . ngs per ton vy steer, choise .. ce butcher ...0.â€" jum butcher .. > imon butcher .. .â€" ers, good 1o choice cher cows, choice. . y medium .. 00 >> s, choice. heavy .. ) good .. .. <> > ) light .. 0 00 ) canners .. .0 >â€" ders, 900â€"1,000 lby p 800 pounds .... p light mixed .. .. gs cows .. .. <> >> h cows (. 0 ~> > lambs. per 1b p. light .. .. 0 ling lambs .. .. Â¥y per lb.. . er dozen ronto, Aug. 5 ceipts: 30 ca w Hamburg, Aug. 6, 1919 lings, per ton .. .~ , high grade .... > , family, cwho ...~> Toronto Markets , per Ib. es per bag , per bush per bush. per ton per cwt. . gs per ton fed and watered off cars 2. ... Lobs se i. clcs to the farmer .. ronto, Aug. 5 â€" There was a fur sharp slump in srains and pro ns toâ€"day in all markets. Rnmors astic (price fixing by the Presi® a@nd the Food: Board at Wash m, â€" appears | to | have been tnc » of a semiâ€"pame on the options ets. _ Winnipeg cash oats arnd y were very weak Sept.â€" pork hicago closed at $3.50 lower. nitoba | wheat In â€" store, Fort lam: No. 1 northern, $2.24%%; No rthern, $221%; No. 5 northern, %; No 4 wheat $211. imitoba oatsâ€"No. 2, C Wo, S25)ec ELMIRA MARKETS. svtwep and buck HAMBURG MARKET REPORTS. Elmira, to, Aug. 5. â€"Union Stock Yard: ts: 30 cars, with 451 cattle, 64 386 hogs and 240 sheep and 1. W., $0%c; extra No d Ng 1 feed, 79e; No 2 all In store Fort William Hogs Wanted LOO MARKET8. oo, Aug. 6, 1919. LIVE STOCK ton J. M. SCHNEIDER & SONS, LIMITED, 63 Courtland E. Aug. 6, 1919 GRAIN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDA Y every week. . Best weights 180 to 230 lbs. ALWAYS PAY HIGHEST PRICES PHONE US AT OUR EXPENSE 6, 1919 ces per +200 20.00 to 22.00 §13 432.00 to 46 143.00 to 4% 43.00 to 46 .. 6.00 to 6 22048 to 50) C 2 maal . 2.00 to 2 51| 18$.00 to 22.001 10 11 7.00 11.50 pncon M 10 0 In In Lt 38 8 10 18.00 900 4000 5‘7:'f|u .30 m‘:z: ;2: asf â€" |‘)l\ .‘225@::‘:!"] LLILL sas) C222 108y 2 06 wirss ... 6.81 Ai 50 5.15 to 6.0 N10 GM o 0 I8 S00 $1.10 45 to 48 to 0 D 0 Handle any Number 50.00 23.16 31.00 44.00 in $11 $12 $1 1.30 50.00 50.00 .38 23.50 27.50 $1.50 $15.00 $2.14 $2.09 $1.00 215 11 $L0 50 46 pno it (115 70 OU q0 pn LL.SN pu fu 9 50 6.01 5.01 6 . 0( 6.5 13.00 11 in [0.940 0) ) 108 M( nal. o 1“::' '“.::l:dl:v public auction Manriicbe barley, in store, Fort Wil on the prem of the undersigned. Haimâ€"No. 3, C. W., $1.32%; No. 4, C. situated in the Village of Linwood, on W., $1.27%; rejected, $1.21; feed SATURDAY, AUG. 9TH, 1919 $1.21. L Commencing at % o‘clock p. M., to 0 To Oy 1 + __ & Itime, the W'hcnn.hh.n.x. _ Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2, $2.03 to $2.08, Lo.b. shipping points, according to freights. y Ontario catsâ€"No. 2 white, not quotâ€" ¢r ed; No. 3, 84c to 87¢, according to|g. freights, outside. 1d Barleyâ€"Maiting, $1.27 to $1.31. br Peasâ€"No. 2, nominal, according to | gc freight, dutside, lo Buck wheat â€"Nominal. Ryeâ€"No. 2 nominal tr _ Mantiba flour â€" Government stanâ€" | c dard, $11, Toronto. ~ ‘l‘l Oatario fourâ€"Government standard, S Torontoâ€" Montreal, â€" $10.25 . to $1059, B new bags. h Millfeed â€"Car loads, delivered, Mont V real shorts, $44 to $50; bran, $32 m‘{‘ $45; feed flour, pot quoted, middlings 2 not quoted; gooï¬ feed flour, per ba,.:.‘}: 1+ AW â€" Hayâ€" Baled, track, Toronto, car lots, No. 1, $2% to $24; No. 3 mixed, $18 io $19 per ton; straw, car dots, $10 to Weather _« dry, had rain warmn days. Tw cold on the 7th July 1: holiday w CalH and opened. block. s Foundry having road INF the 14 Cabton Hgss were sold at HMe at the market on the 1ith, while present prices. wro aearly dive times as much. y11 t Mr. John D ie 8t He ately, ind sa d fo live. Monthly Budget from Peter Shupe‘s Diary its on Th ) to un after we left Hamilton. 8 YOIF eavy thundor storm came up, and in tead of moistening the dry ground it oured its contents info the lake. JULY 1894, 25 YEARS AGO h Uver Woeddin Mi Mr ugent 11th vere Tulled called ou! xi M \l ; 106 pn the Tird just a few days raitroid Infa c crowils.. Son caine with flw rmer es ORB. EL MacMicking of Calgary isiting her parents. Mr. and AMrsllA $25.00 Reward Will be ofered to the person who furnishes _ inâ€" formation which will lead to the â€" apprehension _ of the person or persons who set five to the pasture felds on my â€" property _ on Sunday, z. Shupe, baby ston to visit uid efthers: . wer 11 July 20th verandal south eas vyo shreeds on t1 the T Wim. McDougall roh rou whe 1 Penlergast was for the â€" murder wrison of ChicAgo. The Altar Titadect h Ein: 1 strike dn the U. 8 id lo he ted up in trike has cansed riot ame on Nunday, so observed on Monday in fown â€"â€" Some hangesble on 5 days Hamilton e lith. h yir M. ‘Tru 1e House 515 or 1127J . baby and T started for visit my sister Cather s went with horse . and culiar incident occurred y deft Hamilton. _A very r storm came up, and in ton electric road was il wer 1 he ha The T1 the _ Wm. Spiers orner of King and as tornâ€" dowin, . it Bingemin and Mr ce married in Aune im and Mr. ifriva Lorvied on the: 22o vo Mro Head suared toe enjor the sher ind feller was 55 en nis ®oth birthday is just now learh was visited hy said many gamb ireus. Waterloo. oldi * *A sn Iemte ned Chetists | Rewnabald Iiftile Te . of Waterloo as Therefore hanged on of _ Mayor 7â€"26â€"Sat. are D 30â€"t(. Chie . and the Vi% consists of a one and one hall #107), frame dwelling 24x24 feet, comprising 7 roums and kitchen, frame barn 36x38 fét, blacksmith shop, wood shed, brick smoke house, never failing well, good large cistern. _ Also two good lots adjoining house. Ee enc on ut CHATTELSâ€" Large leaf table, cenâ€" l; tre table, 3 small tables, kitchen gluss i eupboard, 6 kitchen chairs, § cane 1 chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 3 beds with i springs, lounge, . arm chair, bureau, 1 Bell organ, linoleum 6x4 ft, 2 good home made carpets and strips, pic 4 Lures, bed clothing, . curtains, biinds, |‘ glassware, dishes, crockery, wash tubs | 2 good kitchen stoves, wash _ bofler, | pots and | stove utensils, â€" blacksmith | forge and tools, wheclbarrow, hand | pump fire englie, carpenter . Ix nch.’ vice, carpenter tools, wrenches of al! descriptions, large jack, sledges, lnrgc‘ {cable stump puller, large quantity of | ‘srrup iron, shovels, forks, picks, rakes'l and a lot of other articles too numerâ€"| !uuï¬ to mention. i TERMS â€"Chattels cash. _ Terms of : real estate will be made known on j day of sale. I OF : REAL ESTATE, CARPENTER AND CABINET idAKERS TOOLS, LUMâ€" BER AND BUILDING MATERIAL. There will be sold In the above named cha to the late John 8. M premises 54 Samucl St There will be sold by public auction the above named chattels, belongink to the late Jehn 8. Hotner, on the premises 54 Samuc) St., Kitchener, on SsATURDAY, AUG. 9TH, 1919, Conunencins at 1.30 p. m. REAL ESTATEâ€"Consists of 4 good city Jots, 2 frcing Chapel St. 40 » 65 [1., 2 facing; Sumeon St . 24x80 . [t. The carpenters â€" fools and building qmaterial consiss of all kinds of tool: ‘ll:d'll by the Jate John S Hotner, be in a contractor, such as hand saws, hand vices. clamps. chisels, planes, wooden and iron hrace and bits, rac het serew drivers, . axes, craw bars, I" & en Do hand vices. clamps. chisels, planes, wooden and iron hrace and bits, r:u'â€"‘ het serew | drivers, . axes, craw bars, rope fackle and pulleys, Langdon miâ€"| tre. saw. pick, shovels, large tnul’ chest, Tool cupboard, wrenches, hamâ€"| mers, seythe, wheelbarrow, mumrn-::,i levels. work bench, drawing knives, | quantily of different kinds of lumber. | pinc, maple, cypress, in boards, planks | and seantling. a quantity of huiklln,'-:. omiaterial. seaffolding, ~verandah posts.â€" A Aubbtains diatntn P94 levels. work bench, drawing KMIVCS,| _ | cgan gell you a 20x22 H. P. Waterâ€" quantily of different kinds of lumber : jop Steam â€" Traction Engine, . (twoâ€" pinc, maple, cypress, in boards, pla"kS | speed), in A1 working condition. A and scantling. a quantity of hmkllng'_oney saving proposition for â€" you. material, seaffoldimg. verandsh POS!®; Engine has been used only a short and trimmings, extension ladder ‘:“:’time. Can be seen in operation. Wil!‘ {1. long, window sashes, doors, D9X pe glag to show you same any time stove, parlor heater, chicken coup, “Think of the price. Only 31700‘. building 16x20, 1‘; story high, and | Eight hundred cash, balance on good numorous . other articles used . by "\:ecuri!y. Reason â€" for sellingâ€"labor ,(mlr:ut'-rf fimiels Cant \ shortage. ; Terms of chatlels, Cash, i i j :{mll Estate â€"10 per cent. on day "f! Apply in writing or personaliy to «ale, balance in 30 days. ‘ LLOYD BOWMAN, | MRS. J. S. HOHNER, Proprietress. | Waterloo, Ont. 10 M1.4t AUCTION SALE Town of Waterioo: s County of Waterloo: To Wit: C 4 6 By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mavor of the Town of Waterloo, bearing date the first day of May, 1919 directing me to proceed with the colâ€" lection of arrears of assessments or taxes due upon the undermentioned lands in the Town. all such »cing patented lands, 1 shall, on Friday, the fifth day of September, 1919, at the hour of eleven w‘clock, in the forenoon, at the Council Chamber, in the Town Hall, in the Town of Waterloo, proceed to sell, by public anction, the said lands or such portion thereof as shall be necessary tn pay such arrears together with all charges thereon, un‘ess the same be â€"ooner paid. JOHN BISH, Proprietor. H. D. DUERING, Auctioneer GEO. MANSER, Clerk. 10 11 Plan 203%, 40x110. 20. _ John St. N. Lot 43, Plan 203, 40x110, 21 John St. N.s.. Lot 41. Plan 203, 40x119, 22. John St: N. Lot 49, Plan 203, 40x110. 23. John St. §s, that part of Lot 379. Plan 248. within the Corporation of Waterioo, 24. Park St. W.s., part Lot 6, Plan 20. 50x66, 25. Park St, Ka. parts Lot % * and 4, Plan 186. 50x66, 26. William St.. Ns.. Lota 178, 179, Hoffman‘s survey, 124 x132. 27. Ezra Avenue, N.s.,. Lot 8. Block B., Oetzel‘s survey, 60x 135. Wa erloo, 15th May, 1919. 14 16 18 19 ESTATEâ€" The Real Estate J. SHANTZ, Anctioncer Plan Allen TREASURER‘S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. Plan 203, Earl [3 . W s., those parts hots 45 and 36. Pian 203. within Corporation of Watâ€" erlon; Fischer Ht.. Fs. Lot 25, Plan 203. 40x 100. Fischer St., K.a. Lot 29, Plan 203, 40x 100, Fischer St. E.s.. Lot 33, Plan 203. 40x108. John St. N.s. Lot 46, Hen . Plan sson Plan sson Plan arl ob No. St. 8R Kt t SL. E#.. J 203. 40x 100 r Sh, K.sl J 203, 40x 100 t St. Eaxl. d 203. 40x100 8t. N.s.. Lot 1 203, 40x11M St. N. Lo 203, 4(x 110, 8t Wos.. Lot 203, 40x 100, St.o Wos. Lot . 40x100, W s., Lot A W s., part Lot urvey, 55x100, . Ns . part Lot Snider‘s . sw 48. 44x120, «.. Lot 482, 248. 44x120 ., Lot 8. IDx 110. t, Lot 7, 3N 34 312 a0f 15, survey 94 There will be sold by Public Auction on m.m_‘d Joseph Schwarizenâ€" iyuber, 1 mile west of Petersâ€" burg and 2 miles east of Baden, on SATURDAY, AUG. 16, 1919 at 1.30 pm. JÂ¥ the following articles: ‘ h Houschold goods, etc., top, bugty, Chatham incubator, 120 eggs, one bedâ€" room suite with springs and mattress, 1 bod with spring and mattress, comâ€" bination desk and bookcase, 1 glass ‘c( rnuer cupboard, 1 couch, 2 small parâ€" lor tables, 4 jardiniere stands, 3 rockâ€" 12 ers, 6 dining room chairs, 1 parlor rug | 12x10% ft. 1 picce of carpet 12 ft. long, 1 piece of carpet 15 feet lojc. 11 matâ€"; scale, cap. 26 Ibs.; trunk, a geod c.ock, a square, lantern, set ef irous, chamber set, hammock, paper rack, 4 comforters, 3 quilts, 1 spread, woollen blankets, sheets, »pillows, 4 cushions and some bedding, 3 sets lace curtains and poles, clothes basket, l 1 woollen horse blanket, 3 lamps, granite kettle, pans, bread box, water ‘pail, silver coffee and tea pots, 1 doz. isilv er knives, 2 doz. silver spoons, comâ€" ‘plete set of dishes, and a lot of other dishes â€" and â€" kitchen utensils. The ‘above articles are all practically new ‘and in good shape. There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" tion, at the Market Hotel Stables, Kitâ€" chener, on Saturday Morning, Aug. 16, commencing at 9.30 o‘clock, Choice Lot of Dairy Cows, some fresh and others freshening soon. Termsâ€"Three months credit with approved security. JAMES C. HAIGHT, Terms Cash. Name of Party Assessed as Owner: Taxes W. E. Mitchell, Kitchener 2...0...$ 7.74 (+. (G. Scheifele, Kitchener 2..0.0...0 9.86 AMOS SCHWARTZENTRUBER, E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Elmer Thompson Georgetown ... . Elmer Thompson Georgetown ..... Westmount Impri ment £41, 2s as Westmount Impr ment €0. 21. John #chmidfy + Kitchener ..... John Rehmidt, Kitchener ..... Vera 1. King. St. Thomas ... Vera 1 King. Jos, Lassoif. Kitchener . Kitchener ... .0. Henry J. Hoffman Waterloo ... ... Mr. Steam Engine * User St. Thomas ... Lucinda Hallman No. 1. Witchenor Lucinda Hallman No. 1. Kitchener Laucinda Hallman, R R No. 1. Kitchener .. 8 No. 1. Kitchener Archie Lefer, Waterloo .222 . Archie Lofler, Waterloo \.... . Emerson Menger Gailt ... ol ie ce Chas. E. Fischer, Waterioo .. ... Frank X. Grub, Preston ..... .. Julius Kaufman, Palmerston ... Urias B. Shantz Kitchener ... . British Mortgage & Loan Co., Stratford Charles E. Fischer, Waterloo ... ... . Estate Ann Brandt, Waterloo ..... .. {Attention !: Charles Boepple Waterino ..... Good Dairy Cows. PUBLIG SAE Williams & Co ALLEN QUICKFALL, Prop E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer Improve Improve R.R Town of Waterienp, 51 13 86 86 14917 252 16 56 545.11 81 £3.46 83.46 128.37 631 13%4¢ 81.83 36.66 11.61 74 423 1113 54 35 37 Proprietor 16 16 93 98 23 23 36 35 Costs $3.35 2.35 7.46 4 39 3.35 3.43 135 3.43 5b 3.35 1117 3.35 1170 16.73 561.% 5.19 5.19 6.83 9.42 514 515 4.02 3.39 4.96 17 4 88 17 312t $11.03 31â€"4t 181.83 12.21 10.79 11.70 11.70 16.59 92.15 16 59 9%.18 60.74 156.00 261.58 60.74 LOSTâ€"About month ago, two Year old red heifers. Notify John Evens, $6.91 88 .65 FRUITS AND VEGETABLESâ€"Fresh from our gardens and orchards. Ask for our weekly . price lists. Herold‘s Farms, Fruitiand, Onufly. RS.65 86.98 FOR SALEâ€" First class threshing outfit, ready for business. . Phone or write 0. S. Kolb, Breslau. 29â€"4f 40 61 15.0¢ 790.3¢ STRAYEDâ€"Onto the premises of Petâ€" er L. Musselmam St. Jacobs, 2 white sheep and tne lamb. P. L. Musselman, St. Jacobs, Ont. 32â€"3t. 76 M STRAYEDâ€" From home of Wiiliam Jacobi, R. R. No. 3, _ Waterloo, Scotch Collie dog. _ Finder commuâ€" nicate with owner. 5D 3t FOR SALEâ€"Fine black clyde mare, 3 years old: weight 1350, K. J. Stoltz, pkone 783â€"13. R. R. 4, Kitâ€" chener." . 32â€"1t. FOR SALEâ€" White traction engine, 2 h. p.. <almost as good as new. Aboply to John ‘Brohman, New Gerâ€" many, Ont. B14t FOR SALEâ€"Jersey Cow, also Grade Holstein Cow, both young cows, will be fresh in two weeks; also three shoats, â€" average | weight 160 Ibs Apply to Lioyd Bowman, Waterloo. 30 t GIRLS WANTEDâ€"To work on Power Sewing _ Machines, making Fine: Shirts and Underwear. We pay Mbâ€" eral weekly wage to beginners and jghest piece work prices to experâ€" fenced _ operators. Clean, stead y work year around in clean factory. â€" Write now â€" or visit eur factory. JOHN FORSYTH LIMITED, Kitchâ€" ‘ ener, Ontario. 24â€"7¢. R. R. No. 1, Blair ~.â€"Oxford Running Shoes, Rubber f}p oman‘s Pumps, 2%,. 3 and 3Â¥4, .. .»« ++> ++« 31-50 Niagara District Sole II to X ... . ... . : * Several stenographers. experienced, speed, accuracy and good vocabulary are essential. Working _ conditions lleal. â€" Apply stating experience to Sales Manager, Chevrolet Motor Comâ€" pany, Oshawa, Ontario 26â€" 6t. BOHLENDER‘S â€" Waterloo â€" H. B. DUEAING, AUCTIONEER. Aug. 9.â€"Real estate and household efâ€" fects of John Bisch, in the village of Linwood. POSTPONED SALE. Aug.16.â€" Unreserved clearing sale of household effects and vehicles of the late Wm. Shider, Albert St, Waterloo. Aug. 23â€" Household effects of Wm Beilstein, on John street east, Ware erlon. Â¥ | _ Auction Sale List Wednesday, Aug. 6. 1.30 pm.â€" House hold goods, at 61. Alberf St., Kitch ener Aug. 9.â€"Real #state, Carpenter‘s and cabinet â€" makers‘ tools, Iumber â€" and building material of the late John 7 Hohner, M Samuct St. Kitchener Sat.. Aug. 16. 9.30 a.m.â€"Choice lot of Dairy Cows, at Bowman House, Dairy Cows, at Bowman BHouse, Kitchener, Sat. â€" Aum. 16. 1.30 p.m â€"Househol 1 goods of Amos Schwartzentruber. on Joseph Schwartzentruber‘s farm, 1 mile wedst of Petersburg Faces Serious Charge. Faving the charke of committing a cwiminal offense against a little eleven vearold Tavistock girk Fritz Huckel hansen of Tavistock appeared in court in Woodstock on Tuesday and pleaded not guilty. He was remanded a week He says he is twentyâ€"five years old His appearance, actions and speech very strongly indieate mental deficâ€" ieney, and two. doctors will examine him before he comes up again. Scathingly Condemned. New Daily in Preston Preston is to have a daily newspapâ€" er in the near future. So saith Brer Donald of the Progress, who has alâ€" lied with him in the new enterprise Mr. W. K. Gallagher who has been enâ€" gaged in all hranches of the printing game. . Speciah announcement of the} same hath not heretofore been made The new daily is to start in ahout #, month‘s time if arrangements can be, made to get it under way, with a spec staff _ of cub reporters and all the oter eccessories of a new daily. Wants Evader Son Azleâ€"ned. Cyras Vincent, a farmer ol }‘Jl-phvll‘ township. Huron County. has placed in circulation a _ petition urging the Federal â€" authorities to release from Kingston Penitentiary, his son, Albert. aged 23, who has now served . five imonths of a twoâ€"years term, to which he was sentenced because he evaded military service. The senience was pronounced by Magistrate Graydon in London and the department of Justice has asked for a report on the cirenmâ€" «tances. At the time that Vincent was sentenced there was no provision for fining offenders. OPENS OFFICE Mr. Robt. Smyth, J¢, who was reâ€" cently called to the bar, has opened an office in the @lick block. . His friends bespeak for him a succesaful career as a barrister in this cfty. bespeak for him a successii!! LMCCC! V S SNa NTE N To I as a barrister in this cfty. â€" â€" | 39 acre farm and « city lots. Would ; ses Best varieties, . all transplant®d. ‘ conaider medium priced property im Our â€" local undertaker, . Mr. Chris.| Postpaid, shipped successfully everyâ€"|town with stable in ..rt':m Dreisinger was assiating Dreisinger| where. Ask for Price List of other|Farm is one mile from and Hosea of Hanover with his motor Vegetable plants and fruits in season. school and church. Good latd hearse at two funerals, HEROLIYS FARMS, Fruitland, Ontâ€" buildings. Apply Box 30, L uo witiee biluvae »RHEHKBAE .: <>. .. WLLL 3 225. .chs in . O n E. J. SHANTZ, Wanted. AUCTIONEER 2Tâ€"12t 32â€"2t 7| onencmmmmicememacinnmtnc e, ‘\s Money to | +â€" On first class far e_. only. Interest 42 . y 1& ‘cent. Apply Box 7, ‘l'll‘ Telegraph, Waterioo. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to! the Postmaster General, will again be received at Ottawa until noon onI Friday, the 29th day of August, 1919, for the conveyance of His Maesty‘s Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week, over Wat~l terloo No. 3 Rweal Route, from the Postmaster General‘s Pleasure. l Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proâ€" posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of ‘Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices otf Waterloo, Kitchâ€" ener, â€" Breslau, â€" Petersburg and St. Jacobs, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. Putt a sett of Dayton" Airless Tires on your Delivâ€" ery Truck, your troubles will be ended. 29 King St. East / Kitchener Post Office Inspector‘s Office, London, 18th July 1919. Potter‘s Auto Links Lenogas Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Incorporated in 1863. TOTAL ASSETS, 318T DEC, 1914, OvER $850,000 Officers and Directors:â€" George Diebel, President, Waterloo Allan Bowman, Viceâ€"Pres., Preston Dr. J. H. Webb, = Waterloo J. Howard Simpson = Guelph J. L. Wideman, = St. Jacobs James Livingston, â€" Baden P. E. Shantz, â€" â€" Preston 8. B. Bricker, â€" â€" Waterloo Richard Roschman, _ â€" Waterloo L. W. SHUH, B. E. BECHTEL, Money to Loan Experienced Auctioneer and Valuator Number of years experience as Auctioneerâ€"Practical knowâ€" ledge of valugs of real estate, live stock, Implements, etc. Phone 136, Waterloo. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT King Street Office, Waterloo Mutual Build ing. Established 1864. Manager. insped c. a. BOEHM, District Agent. FIRE INSURANCE THE MERCANTILE Head Office, Waterloo Bubscribed Capital ..$250,000 Deposit with the Dominâ€" Government ..... $156,698.00 All policies guaranteed by the Lancashire Insurance Company with Assets of $29,636,465,00. Alfred Wright, Secretary. C. A. BOEHM, QIST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. Phone 249 first class farm security Interest 4%4 and 5 per Apply Box 7, Chronicleâ€" C. A. Boehm 50 CELERY PLANTS 80c INCORPORATED 1870 H. B. DUERING CHAS. K. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. COMPANY B. 6. BECHTEL, Inspector SHâ€"ot yingermiC 310M W. C. Brueckner and Collar Maker All Collars guaranteâ€" ed to fit and cure sore shoulders, first class workmanship.: _ Prices right. W.‘C. BruecknerEk _ Do Yoau Appreciate First Number unlimited. Ideal wol“n 180 to 220 Tbs. We buy for a hi class trade. You give us the goods and we will pay the price. Shipping point Baden, every alternate Wedne# day.. Next shipment Aug. 13th. (The Cld Firm) If so, have your wants supâ€" plied here. We always keep on hand choice Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made Sausage Why not buy your-mut. here and get the best? EDGAR FISCHER _ Successor to J. B. Fisher. Phone 243. Waterloo. _WANTED Bacon Hogs Satisfaction guaranteed. Calls from all parts of. t county promptly attended to. UNDERTAKERS AND 2 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Waterioo. Phone 80. . Nignt Phone Master & Hunsberger LETTER & DREISINCER Best Equipment, Reasonable Prices. Office Phone, Waterico 33 W. Shinn residence, Waterloo, 333K Ed. Lippert, residence, phone 231 .Store phone, Kitchener, 570. No extra charge for motor hearse. -c‘_ Farm at New Hamburg for Quick Salcâ€"4 acres Hardwood Bush, balance under good state of cultiâ€" vation. 9 roomed | brick house, large bank barn with straw shed and other necâ€" essary _ outbuildings, well watered and well fenced. If sold before seeding price is $7700. _ After sef(_ll:}g ;u"i'c;vwill advanceâ€" , Appi; at once to A. K. Creossman Real Estate â€" Waterioo Undertakers For HARNESS SHOP, & _ BADEN. â€" 94} Acre Undertaking SHINN & LIPPERT Class Baden. Meats Oor , Apply