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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Aug 1919, p. 15

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“d The tour rinks of Walorlno bowlers, who qttendod tho Elmira Iournamenl Wednesday wow unable to stand the pace. none of the silverware finding its T way In this direction, They were able . to give their opponents a good run in all of the games and are well .qatirstted with the day's sport. i COAL NOT PLENYJFUL. , According to a slatvmont made by one ot Walrrlon's well known coal Gulch. coat hi norm too plenlimlv “on coal which In in names! demand h almost Impossuhlv to a!" St the prnsonv Hmr and Amor Jun coal dealers have m some cases Milled to talw any onion trom local (rtrttr tor about viral for a month nr ho at mm. "Paloma are tttForo “VI-In; cuntomora 10 can» a tUze khgk thin movp conl an " In likely .0 price will go up a dollar or more - In the net-on 1nd "on then the Mt,' of stove coal may be unequal _ o demlnd. , Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry '.Maraichotk. Kim: str. will sympa- ', miss with thNn in the death of their -16 tisFolU "wi" 44.4.411th wuo paused away on Salunlay. The burial was I made in Mount Hope M~mewry, on ' Sunday M,t'trrloou, Another twin .dnughtcr passed away July 3th, Guelph how-lama!" makn an M temtho Hiki- homo the Cooks, Tro phy "uh afIn-rmmn, when they mam the ttment halting on th" lava! arm-nu The vitritors um :Inlv-rminr-d not to :0 Mme empty handnd. and thp Water- loo lportsmun arp, just as dv‘tvrmlw-d that tho run small remain In this town. in lhvro is "very Indivallon of some oxvilinx man-hm. Tho games no calls-d for 3,3", GAVE REPORT, On Monday evening three of the members of Emmamwl Evangelical Church. Miss Prime". Miss House, aha Miss Michus. saw; a very inter “has report,of the Minslnnary Con- vpntlon hold rem-nllyac Whlthy, Thin annual summer schoo! has boon I grew Mlmul to missionary on- tttrole and In a - factor in pro wring yuunz people tor service in min-Ion work. LEFT FOR ROUND LAKE. , A party ot Waterloo Fishermen lett July 31 on thcir annual fishing trip Thoy will spend two weeks at Rnund Lake. in the Lake of Hays District. Thr, party will he Jolned In Toronto by Dr. Roland Young. formerly of Wat» erloo. The local members of the par- ty Included Mum-n. P. H. Roos, Prod, Hammad. S B. Hrieker, F. G. Hughes, W. Hogg. A H. Snider and F. 'err) int. . Rev. Carl Swanson who has heen the ship pastor ot the Luthvrnn church at Dunbar. Ont.. for tho past two wars has accepted a can to [ho I,uthoran church at Guelph and wilt assumv his new duties Sept lat His many friends will wish him ovary surcoss In his larger tte1d of labor Monday being Civic Holiday. all places of businpsn will tts, Host d. but Wttterioo will be busier than or”, notwithstanding, The I'itir.rms" Pic ttie promisos 1o bo a rs'ortrtarrakrsr and the majority of tho citizens will Rev. E. Burn. foimer paslur ot the Evangelical uhurrh here. who wan given a year‘s leave of absence by the Evangelical Atmocrutiou, in order to regain his health. is now in Itoches. tar with his family and In reported to be much improved in health. Thia will be pleasing news to his numer- ouu minds in Waterloo. he round Prijoyihg tken-il/ri', the park during the afternoon and run- ing. The weakly mBrket held Saturday morning showed little change in prim»; Eggs brought 480 and 500 while hatter In the majority of C'sttFes' sold at 65c. There was a good sized attendance. Bttrewd buyers will do well to read Wetthuler'a Departmental Store Ad. on page seven in this week's “one lady buyers wilt get first choice. "mm teel/e, Clic; Eve- ACEPTED CALL TO GUELPH DEATH OF TWIN DAUGHTER MUCH IMPROVED IN HEALTH Urdu-wan“ EGuu"ai' - tre.?" mm mm or. Right n' “iii-ram. I‘M-nor . PM" “I I'G SALE AT WETTLAUFER'S JaHtettk um“ I In. - W at am m. 0- »- ....... ... 'ttT. moon-mm two Jr?sJttl'tdr2'l drgtlt wnooz. noon Arnold Janna local News Notes FIGHT FOR TROPHY BOWLERS IN ELMIRA. WEEKLY MARKET. CITIZENS' PICNIC D ijitiiie! __ Ecru" Jim]; t. mm." or Adult. tn 1m to: trey 'lg,'tieg'ar, Even an“! and "tthr, It tttet ha. Itch." Pun "-502. "”994 I The annual picnic of the St, John's I Lutheran church. was held In the Waterloo park, on Saturday afternoon and was a most sucmssful and cm- oyahle evenl. There was a large at- tendance of every department of the church. represented. The afternoon and winning was spent In games of all kinds and many interesting raves worn pulled off. The f"i'tting of the pirnirk- lens was our of the events or the ple- nlr and every one provided with a pleniful supply or good things shaman” MW tiller! ’A “it! bottle ot fret-mm com In? I r" eettta " a] a “on. A . a d an a Thi, eallutrrg 'II', "hard a???» bot. tom of fret, then lift thorn of. ' When Fran-me ma - {with 'ttes or eaih"r. from tho bottom ol led. at Akin beneath in J"t puts-[l My Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mom-liar \wre vii-Mora in town tit/J5 'l' " M.7 k! 'i:,,) it On Saturday evening a well known local citizen, who recently purchased a Chrtvrolct motor car. met with an llnlnrtunam arridont, He was coming down King St. and in turning the corner to Erh SL. got on tho wrong side of me street with the result that he smaxshod into the auto truck of the Hydro Fliectric Co., completely drmolishing (me of the front wheels of his Far. The passengers suffered no injury. Tho, special committee appointed by the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Board, to secure the necessary funds to erect the mttclrdetsired addition to the Hospital. are mlking preparations to make a canvm ot the manufacturers and business men of teh two towns within the next few days. LIFT CORNS 0lt ' CALLUSES OFF osoesn't hurt! Lift any corn or rallus off with fingers Ttig hem-awed 'tamllr ,rui have the sincere sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. " - ”-ka iff I _ 1se, jjb, 0 V; Fe Ttte funeral will take place from the late residuum. on the corner of Quit-0n and Young Hts, on Thursday atternoon, at 3 o'clock to ttut, Em- manuel Evangelical church for sq-r. viro, mom-v to the Mount Hop" Ctlmttt tery For irstprrueatt. ' The late Mr Levi House was in maried to Susan Slahlbaum. daughter (:rllmhy, Ontario and in 1mm was lot the late Mr. and Mrs. John t'stattl. haum. of Kitchener. Tiny lived in Kllchenar [or 17 years. later moving to Walerloo where Ittey have realdvd for the past 15 years. He was a mlller try trade and was employed at the Sttirior Milling Company for many wars. He was a faithful mmuher of the Evangelical rhurch. and l " o K. A surruwlng wife and nine rhildn-n s"rvive. namely: Melvin. Minnvapolls: [Milan (Mrs. C'lttrotttNs Hamelt; Ada, anson. Edwin. Hilda. Harry. In-ne and Elhel at home; also three broth. ers. ('hrlxtiau, Edward and John. or Rochestvr, N. Y,, and lhroo sidtrrs. Mrs, I K Filsinger. St. Jacobs; Mrs. c. hum-M. Now Hamburg; Mlsr: Eliza buth House, or Waterloo. _ The death took place on Monday morning at 4 o'clock. in the person ot Mr Levi House. a well known until highly respected clilzan of Watertoo. aged 66 years. 9 months and 6 days‘ Deceased had bean in lil health tor some time. having sullen-1| a stroku tour mottths Ign which was followed by another atrolw at 2 sic-lock Mom day morning. and he died two hours later, never regaining consciousness Bold, held My evening. an . taut lot-m. than hell; mu. hum- neu on hum The painting and decanting ot two rooms at the Cu. tral School and the Installing of unborn]: In one room " the rune school was arranged for. Tim mu- lng of avert] small “mun“ com- pletv‘l the meeting. MR. LEVI HOUSE PASSED AWAY ON MONDAY magnum-mu "mu Hob-t ”was! I u“ hlhumwumu) boon-connections. ,e9eiMreteyikutrss-au 't.tdtitrg,glgretieat -otb-dtutriaorrtrtg kg waw__cop. Dun unor- MT if?" “I i. TWO MOTOR CARS COLLIDE Tht mean); of tho Waterloo School £335 PICNIC A BIG SUCCESS WILL MAKE CANVAS 'A - bottle of I In mu u any s in (In? on the "th akin an bot. Waterloo celebrated Civic Elnlldny ,on Monday by holding n monster pic. hlc and mveplion to the rammed soldiers at the park, which was a do- vided slum-m5, Bolivar“ three and [our lhousaml prank turnnd' out l‘itizvns lu'nuuhl their baskets with mom and wan furnished [we "off-c, and lvmonadv‘ and scoros of little pin nic parties, werv‘ sralmrod mmughoul tho park, Thv frtatttros of the day':; prozrammv wr-rv tho diiFrent upon inc: M'nms, whlr'h Inrnistlwd gram amlmemr‘nl for the large crowd; and me bauuucl and presrsntation of 3!" gold plwws to the roturttmt soldlvrs from the lnwn, lysst'tiir, Ilm Inn] weur, lhvr the, lurgv- rrowd lhnrmlzhly on _ jnvvd tho outing and much rrr-dlI "t' (luv tho rmumiHc-v that rurnir,hevt tho splr-u-lid wont-am 34 Entries in Baby Show. ‘ While Hm "Irma wow rlnsr and mm citing tho rim-f lnwrr'sl mallow-d around the halw show. whvm 3t fond nmlharx onion-r ”er darlings tor tho orceittt [wins Tho jlldzos for thr, nun-union were Ttrm Fl J, WM rlrtthRrttmor and w, Croiersr. Hwir During tho Minnow tttes w M H Rand rnndorv-d a mom mrollem prw gram to tho delight of the rrnwdn on the athletic grounds. Rotor-nod .oyl Honored. The most pleasing event of the en tire afternoon was the grand recap- tion and banquet followed by the pro» nenmtlon of $10.00 in gold to Water. loo's quota ot relurnotl heroes. The henna“ wt: hold in the pavi- lion. “New being laid for mm hundrvd and In]. ' It w” a henuliful mm to m tttq My: who had dom- their Nt and who - return"! “My. enjoy much. summvmmau. {and mothorn onion-r llwir darlings for tho “wont-n1 [wins Tho Judges for thr nun-union warn [In I". J, WM donhlmmI-r and W, (Wilton mun- ncshmnms Ming Massrs. Bowman and Wood. Tho judging was done on a srirtntifie basis and wlwn thv awards worn mado "mm was no! a dimanunc voirn CIVIC HOLIDAY PICNIC AT RE n'l'lillll)() PARK A lllil SUCCESS The sensational act ot tho I Four Casting Campbells was one o! the cit cus 1hrillors that has tho Toma]? part of the audivnca continunny' in lime shriek: _ot "actor. thou“ oerqttickly when it was snen that the portnrmv‘rn IS"'"', will "carrying on" and that lho Preston SlivaRgmd. Gull Killin Hand (2mi- Rt-gl.). "and‘Waga‘rluo Musical 'teoeiriBtsmd, . 58119 “limbo Buys” HttnrVormbttrh run-mu. had unwin- ust hem known. unmidn at tho lawn. furnished a pleasani surprise to many of the visitors Ivy the a vlo in which they carried off their l'el of the pm- gram. Prof. C. F. Thielc too is to lm congralulatnd on his work In muting the hand into its prosent Rendition. The Buys' Band is a credit to the Town of Watvrloo. , SPLENDID BANQUET SERVED IN PAVILION Between 3,000 and Moo Citizens Brought Their Batr kets to the Grounds and Spent the Day in all Kinds s of Amusements-War Heroes Guests of Citizens. Il 1 Tho juvonilv pipe band and ju\enlle Mam-mi. under Mrs, Ill-udvraun or ‘lagndon. unn- natures which were wall ro-reh'rd “the audirttiP, The liulu- onus in th" r beautiful [oslumn‘s fairly tank th" Marv by storm in (huh (um-y and hulk dresses, ley aw all clit' dancers. The mlnulc- and the tristrAtrtr'rrs. thi? lattoF In H..- Hum or' bun-man. were two of the howl rmtrivud of thrir numhnrs. Lnuise 't'ltiple in MM cornct Soto. "Red. White and Blue." pr'ovid'sd a variation fro mihr Ivmuindnr of thc program ma dvnmlmlrawd ltpr ability m an auto mnnnm‘ Rho wan arm-m- trartiral in Htis "untlir by Ilm Walnut loo Mush?” Socirty “and. High Class Talent. The: Kuhn-Hung by "In ditFrent hands all vu-m In Hm“ the unmually high Flam: of IIIIINit'ul lulvnloh. be round in Waterloo County. . ldwry band on Hm field was; " favorite. lo a. large gathsiinP/ot Inllowm's. and t vnry l-nnvl (ttere was "the bvst of tht tot." "!rht played in the fulhmlng ‘ordnr: lll‘ll“ dorsal; Pipe Band. M1titoNoo Boys'] Band, l"Rtlt tmse1rotust' Mind of KiIvh-l earn Emrg“Mnsuml gummy 13M; The atrair Watt started at 7.30 sharp wth a tu'amrtutrade of the NW”) par ticlpaunu bands. (allowed by a weal» "ugly endless rhaln of uutos w: the Alexandrr House turner, proceeding up King street and over to dip park, where the pr0Kram proper was open od, We rusted bands played "The Maple Lani Forever" and "Home Swvo! Thyme." In honor of an. return od soldier Mys'. ' And not mu Peraoqt Va turd to unar a word qt dilutintutlon union it In at the glue of the evonlng, when some 'ot the Kluhnnor visitors joined tho "mob scene" In an at. tempt to board . cu tor home. Thu Btreet cars were llxed to their ul- moat capaeitr, even though many poo- ple took ulvanlago of the cool Manning to walk homer l, mammal-mm at M Wan-rho lune-J an”, kg]! {ha rut an: - “and " It: 'rh'e',ii?'e, In - v”. The.» unl- "a't'fi,'S', Alumni W country were u in; their my to the park from an only hour In tho eve-ulna. and by - o'clock the from! I“ one of the largo-l. " not the largest ”thorn-x that In ever been held in the park. Gnu-mu anon In inn-um“ nun-on In“: and; anliilll h A“ . M . td',e,trt'tigf,'tg' 0011mm ti' We“ " Mott 'mgrtrn a wmrloo rut. ‘ _ Eytcllrnt Mum: Furnished _ Mr Arthur Foster. rhairmnn of tho ‘n-u-pliun "orttrttifter, "crtttrird Hu- hu-ml or tho talrlr. Mayor Knit lme' (on his right and Res. Mr, Harton nu his trut. Ihn mcthrs of tho (mum-6| "Iso nvruming Beats at the hm” Hum-n The Maul lip! was a short nnv. the fir::' Imus; than tn tho Klm’. twin: honored in the usual way. Thv West In the memory of the hoyn who hm! marl» the supremo sarrmco wan- hulmru-(l be all standing silo-NIH whilv Miss I. M “Fur play“! “Na-urI-r My God m Thee." Th" Army and Navy wow proposed fw Mnyor Ru“, and rvspuntlv'd "I by Capt, Romtey and Herp,l, Major ('hn "rrt Thr. Max! io "Out Empirv" was [nap-Ind"! to to Ree s, l, w "arm", lu- addrmsinnx thc 1am" crowd from tho pavnlinn "tVps. His uni-Irma wat, punrvad win» nutrient enchuniaum. and " Mmmlll ttttart to hi-ar! Hulk to Hm follows. smdoared him morn than MTV to all who had Hm plmsurn of Itrvtrirtc. Fullnwing "w nddrmu Hum boys wrre called up tmr try our and vrvmvnlbd with Um tow . Rift of a " gold wow raru, ll 19 a Rttttt, thv for Ilw boy: who ha on" 'hrur; hit and a gram dav for "I u par”. ' inNI in lhv erHvlhos. In point of armndanr: the (.‘lniens' pirrtirs was a far hlnvr more" than last ycnr. and mun your the commit!» hope to "than their sun‘s-a of ihln your. A tttttttFern' rot-nun by the W. M. R. hand was gin-n in the rtrtettrttt, arrr-r which prim draw-m: took plan! tor a valuable unholmrvd rock» tor which ttto members a! the Vittoria order ot mm told tiolttttt,. . may mm Minn: realized” The will" "a gun mm: mm, . II. may as. In Hm vvv-nimz lho- anr sports warn run and worn “runny onJnyr'0 try tho spermiorn. Tao-rial travN A numhor of hailoons (were Mm im-lundvd in the narly tmrt ’ch Iiw Pyrrrtrrrhrti" dim-lay. Grand Finale. Erwin: as a tirtato in the evening's display was Hm grand patriotic Spct" ttttie of the “(Hurling of the 'tatts of tb,. Allin-s lo lite strains ot their re- sm-clivn National Anthmna Tin-5m im~lmlml lh-Igium. Italy. Pram"; Amer. ica mnvl Great Hriiuln. iullowvd by ihe lh-rl Cross (lax. “magi; iaiiur waif unfurlrvll Hm band pin) JNa'arvr My mm: in len." thes vasi Ierlm: ruse 3am! Jnlnmi m. Mhnwing ttirsir grout re-j inn-M fur nne of tlm grades-t of "T nllios. n was a rrttagrtiftrrertt ttit of tare and the lwrv of ladws. two from t,artt church in town. willingly lonks-d after their wtsttts i Fhrtirr in the cvrttmr: a 'rtsthUrr ~m~wl display or davllzht ftrpwarkts (was sn-t on. Rockets awn him}! 1m Hu- air. 01min}: out Into Cro es?- qm- Mums and floating may. follow- "iiry srnrvs of you": boys. One nt ”my” ttcutro." wink-h watt panh‘ularly grin-er was that of a man an horses hark. high amour: thes clouds. thus ldvnit-Hm: an r-nurrly m-w ndvnnrv in The park was lighted, strum; with hundreds ot lights, artistically hidden in cotored 1anttrrtva, making Pvery part of the prugrnm clearly visible to ovary one ot me many spectators. Huntl- rmls ot Iuttos. lined the‘park. coming trom Gall. Elmira and [may oulsidn pearls of the county as welt as from the Twin "ity. Fnlluwing the playing of tho Nation. al Anthem Um yt"Inh.. promo of the Rs- smuhly adjburned in Inga mambo" In the pavilion where the turning of lfrml Krug‘udhebestra tt'pre-atttic.intr llw tum-[nu plomremcekum to spend a. few hours on the "(inn Dancing was continued until one o'clock, a Spa cial car carrying many ot-tttem back to Kitchener at 1.20. "And then the barrage an“: Flares, In the trip. rockets lashed their signals in the Sky. ttrt swish ot the owrhnad shall: ‘Illml mn " and on a littt" to one skid! The heavlas rum unvncud in OW'" up. K VII most "I- tistie whlIn " lash-l, Maryann mm furlunalc- enough to romp through without avmlmulaling a “Highly." - _ Inch M The mind Illnh' mat of all tho bum: tn par-do order torch. "ttty ue “(Valid linplm" "I we of the punts-M sight. of the evening. Color- ed lights burning on both “an of them put the laughing ma tn u trirtee, or promittemur, " welt u add. ing much to the beauty or the and. " was an trtough the columns of mun-him: man Were helm: Keen through a hum of smoke. colon-d to Io-nd beauty to the autumn. and hymzht many metrtoriets of mun-hing 'firn who marched amid the smoke In Flanders no...“ a! also: up Int, m 'd,'2',,12lt%'A2t'N.v2't hon-mm Mn h m an» on.» no. mm a. (was In» Ge L009 aunt than "I. 01.350 I. (on: than-elves Into 3 hum uh wheel revolving around the bar, the outer member at the It! hull; no In My! with]; “(begun the pin the! on tho othee. . Enticing Enjoy“. The new: otthetrtsefc death of Mrs. Arlitte Dummy of Kitchener, the re. sun ot a about!“ “tomb"- accl- dent. nu been {and blow "tthe rela- tives In the Twin City trmi Mammal-p. at as. A m ”mouth: tor an tte. ilBall & Co. '"i'i'j?o"' Ball & Co.‘ Mr, and Mn. Baird and r1toghter Elinheih trtt Int Tuesday tor their home in Winnipeg. alter a wry enjoy- able holiday of several weeks spent. with Mr. And Mrs. Willilm Roos " "Hon Accord." Miss Annio "omit-mun. villus} 'Pattgit- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Httrtdrtrson, Wit lam Monday to tako a umu‘nu in nut-tux at tho Ullnlpll Goncrttt “01in tat. Miss, Ftrndorsort will he murh mlwmd in Watortoo, ouwdally in Prea. hytvrlun rirclos. where who took an Att. tive interw.4) "I .nll (in: organizations. mi St. Paul's Ihun-h. and the has! wluhcn ot Itpr Immy "Innis will follow 'hln dwelplt- ot Plurnnrr‘ Nitthiirtto1o. Mists [30.2350 VattEvery and tho Clitrtr HS Ma and Eva Reid were amongst the number from Waterloo, who attended the thumult‘r Training tit-hum at Ge, neva Park. Lake 1'ouvhirhing. the Misseu Reid going on to Atherley. Mair hoka, lur an extended homily. Mem A ll. Snydvr and family. Mes. srx. 'cittitrt and Murray mul Mum” llnlen and Isohol rMurm-d this ww-k hum a mum vujm allh- holiday of "tree “0ka at Hum-y Harbour. Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. E lick of Toronto and Mimi Maude O'llmmell um hulhluylux at (")uentmw. Mlss Anna Saundmx. of Mumford, ls alwndinj; lho week end al the home of Mrpad Mrs. Thus. (NI-ms, "PL-own “a; , by; very glad to grow old " thcy may red the superior privi- lege of years, an! that growing old is not growing down “In gmwing up." Mrs. J. H. Sims an two suns have returnvd to Jackson's Point after a delightful trip down the St. Lawrence. stopping oven tor svvvral days at Que, hm' and Montreal. Mr. Sims and Mr. William Runs. Jr.. also tttwompattied me party to Quebec. Mr. Harry Hahn and dauuhlvr Cath arinc. of hmdon. are Vishnu: rolativ 03 in town over the holiday. Master Gerald Crvsnmun my! Fiswr Miss Mario (“Inssmun haw rolurnwi homo from a visit With Landon frivnds. Mr. Eldon Umbarh of Svurorth, is spunding th" holiday at his home Itere. Mrs. C S. Bean rnturncd on Woll- nosxlay from Oliuhant on Inks Huron "here she soon! tho past month. Miss (mu-a Martin is in London (N thrs holiday. , 36" Flowered and Striped Volles, in Pink, _ Blue and Black. These are very special, it will pay to look them over, Reg. 49c L75c,spedal ..... ..... ..... ... a M" Ginghams. stripes, plaids. all :l‘olots. Reg. Siie and 60c..special . . Social and Personal g Here you are boys, just what you want to keep you cool. Cotton Jerseys, in Blue and White, short sleeves, low necks.Tell your mother you need one, Reg. 50c now Ladies take one of the beautiful Pullovers on your holiday; lush the thing for "the cool evenings on the beach and motoring. Purple, Green, Rose, Orange, Blues, insular: Summermodels.Regular$5.50.now .. ...... "'." ..... ..... ... .. ... ... $479 Waterloo ANOTHER SMASH AT GINGHAMS {\ND MUSLINS. ' «am Friday a: Mrs. A. Met, Campbell. 8 Krtttt st., wit. of A. Met. Cnmpbv-ll. Gene"! Aceottnuttt Grand “not!!!" left to- 'Ile.', for OHM" where she will be ' nod by tar husband on Monti-y and than rancher with thoir bmtner-ln-lnw De, mor att0 “any, Wu! up tho Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Ht‘vorun. tt1'cortV mauled by Mrs. Multan Srhv-ll‘vh- and littio daughtrtr nrv "pvttruiut Ilu'tr vaul- Hon at Lnko Imthousio, m"Ar' Pprth Dr. nml Mrs J. H. v/vol, urn hull- daylm: with Mr. and Mrs T. " Hall and family a! Kirkt1eld. near Lindsay. Many hearts WP"! tstuiriotted try th" um-xpm'md nvws of thr, than: of “has llnrlhn M. Knott at her hump. Ito N Qumn tstreet. on Mundny lemming trom ttearl trouNo, llur tlonllI has rt'mnv od trom Kilt-boner n mombor or om- of our oldnst and but “million. a lady of much tummy of charm-tar and tetromt penumnmy. who will he very ttrratly missed uni regretted by I large rircle of Gavan-d drietttU. Much nympathy In extendpd to her hrmher and sisters In their bereunmont. “Hung your hat on 'Kitchener'u peg." was the ward that went down the line when a group or American 'ttrttting men passed through the peers' lobby in the house or lords. And every American took on his hat and hung it for a second on the peg that bore the name ot Lord Kitchener. ‘Twan a breach of regulations. but a showing of n-gard tor the dead tield marshal that the ltriUMt appreciated." Mina l’urlrnla Mdlridn arworrtpartied by her brother. Mr. Ruihvrlurn Mc, Bridi, of Toronm. have rulurnwl from a pleasant fortnight'" vacation spent at Port .Stanlvy. At 3 rpcent 'tance' givnn by the Duch- ess of Sutlwrland. the Prince of Wales: dame-d until dayhraak. Tits, Mismes Norma and Ella Mother al Itave mmrm-d trom I'ort Maillot whrv'e lilo-v t "l u (It-lleulful lmli dny ol 'st,rt "Verity. as in ths, Twin City. ihe deceased lady made a large circle of lriemls. who have nothing but kindly memories of one whom to know was a real plea. sure and a privilege. A memorial chapel. m memory of Lord Kiwlwm-r. is; to be constructed in St Paui's Cathedral. London. and the. following inciddnt shows that his mmnury is clwrished beyond the bounds of the empire: reaved, especially her father. Mr. Joe) E. Seagmm, who we regret to say is in. a wry critical condition of health at the present time. Mrs. Bowlby len Kitchener on July and. 1915. tor Eng-' land to ioin hor husband Major (Dr). nowlby, who was attached to the Cam adian Expoditimvary Fort-es. Hero Mrs. "owmy rendered excellent par; riotic snrvlce for the Empire, only re- turning about eight months ago. Dur- lm: ber travels in the Old Land as wvll Successors to Bechtel Bros. 49c § Sat (In Read these special t carefully. They will aye " money. _ ((,'li, At these prices you an m i a dress to suit yourself, at fit: less than you can buy thott j, ready made, and then you get“ what you want and good inati'ihfg ial. we! M" Muslins. plain, tlmvered, étrip- 29e ed, Reg. Me and 40e, now ... .... Art Silks, Tulsa]: and Ray Bt beautiful colors and pretty deélgns. special, Reg. $1.25, uni 82.00 . ,1. . . August tit and Waterloo Flight Mont. H C Willsou. ot M 'mnhn. Mm ' who rvrtrstty retttt from mart-as, Mr amt Mrs. T.. ' Woolucr, u! Toronto, Capt. and Mrik Hta"wrrr, or Toronto. spent so“ days; with Mr and Mrs. J. Stluilf. l Watorlrto sucrrvisfrtltr defend“ atr Funk (‘Imllnngn Trophy i',',,',',",',',',')), “all rinks on "tn local noon: on A " day owning. winning by I nice a!" of 32 oil-um tMrip Schlouer ' hr, Stu-rung as Inml had . Mn I‘. mrk gum» against Skin Sam Law won out in tho in! and by on I Skip C,letgnort Shams with B. to: an early had over Skip Dr. and left him far In the rent. '1 by 28 shots. thus putting Wanna/m Members of the Adult Bible Ch ot the Evangelical rhurch. 'm8?Td Burlington on Monday. item tWI joycd a dcllxbtwul tow hours. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Jones 1nd Gordon. Mrs William Muslin“. ' Aden "radio and Mr August " ot Toronto. ware gunsts at the III of Mrs. J Charles Mueller over holiday. . the loud on the Found -tr, I DIN Mal margin The scores MW: WATERLOO. l Dr. Sterling. W. Smith. E, Schlmm ..18. tttutt . E, Engel A. E. CAk. C. Blunt: .. . ..M. Dr. and DEFENDED COOK TROPHY [ AGAINST G. Rev. Crawford Brown and I: Brown. of Niagara, and Prof. Wilt: of Niagara, were the guests of I and Mrs. C. H. Mills this week. Misses Rose and Catharine liq have returned to Devonian-c . I at Um home of Mr. and Mn. 6. HI norgard. Mr Norman Peppler. of [haw was a business vuilor in town “j Saturday. . 't Mrs. MacKenzie of Porn. ML. II visitor at the home otMr, IN‘HI A. E. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. John Schondellm havo returned from a motor trip Kingsvillo where tlu'y visited "to: Don't forget the Dance in MI Park every Wednesday Ind Frld nights, Orchestra. " Mr Andrew Urdstadt has retttr1tfKi)" from a trip to various points in tux northwest. 2:3 Iroquois trail motor trip through erdown. Synapse. Rochester. Btt! Niagara and name to Kitchener. Misuse Hilda and Clara Rm gard of Detroit. have rammed toth home after a visit with Wltorl friends. _ , Mr. A, E. Ratz or Tavtuoc'k, .1 the holiday in town. _. a may -ii- :ZMWIIlson. ot dt: 41e "ir,

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