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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Aug 1919, p. 13

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iv ’- Dominion won out on the "not , " and the ball guns. i W... a fuel to helping “on the -trreitvue.kteal-Pttr_d nut-Inn m In tho an. an I won no to In». tho ml of h at " In» tenant. to {36.00 s nth, n lncreue ot $8.00 on etch (mom. much to the indignatio- the house-Minors. 5‘ Anne-men! Commissioner Huehuer- {gird lined today tint the poll in in imam in very well this your will: the “hill few exceptions, Two of mean grptions were summoned to police irt but were glad to my up Ind ‘30 lo the cost before their clsel were I", ed, Mr. Huehnergard stated that a will not be as large a total of ' It in this year as last owing to the ‘In the sports than» WM great rig. TTtr between the two factories, the result being that things were “My 0'01in balanced. the Ktlcheners ttttw in; I Mt the better at the races, while ","l'he following pupils of Miss V. E. gkeenan have been successful in the imam examinations of the Toronto “humanity of Music. comttorpoint-Honors, Nina Hons- Theme: Mitstory--Honors, Nina Honsberger. P, Primary Rttdlments- First class more. Laura Rhelnhart. Preston; - on, Madeline Winterhnlt, Pretr The Joint" outing of the Dominion Rahal: Works and the Kltchener But- tons. Limited, held at Port Dover on handily. was a blg success, more than 400 per'sons enjoying the trip to the Web. 'A special train of Mx couches made the trip. leaving, Kitchengr at T .. In, and reaching the city on the return trip about I a. m. this moming, 7 Primary Piano- Honors, Robert Pannier. and Mario Robleder. '.f abnnentttry Piatto--F'irst class hon- Mrs. Bernice McCallum; Honors. Billy l’bltulted in an ideal sectlon of the tty and surrounded by beautiful do tho stately old home of the gaudy; LaCoume, " Margaret ., Ind Maynard street. which he! _ idle tor the past six ye-ra. has E: on new We and will be known the community in future " Mar Rttl. About six weeks :30 the Eunument was made that opera» . were in progress in connectlon ttth' returnlshing the old manalon for tinert of opening a place where who worked in the neighborhood ht make their home and also for " service to all workers In the hhorhood, both men and women wilhod to aka their meals In vicinity without going down town. - Jenning- oi the Alien tire line. that " one limo more twenty-eight bicycle. lined up evening in trout ot tho theatre Mal tor our hull n block. The n were “tending the thaw " ch Clinic: Ray in “The Bubs" in " attraction, and which In: lugoiy landed Two new bicycle: were. Loion during the evening. The than: we been reported to the police. 'ICNICKED AT PORT DOVER. Introductory Piano __ First class liars, Elisabeth Wallace ct that (may ot the boys who paid in in Int year have since been ex- npted n a result of donning the nu. .jlo Industrial development ot the hu received another litt a: a re of the determination of the A. I Fulani" Box Company to erect addition to their factory The "let ha- been tet to Steve Becker n the work In expected to Itarl at .. The Iddltton wilt be put on In MIDITANCI APPIIGIATID. Mr ADDITION TO ‘ BOX FACTORY not of the prowl! building the minus being 50 by 96 feel. A M tttorey will be addad to the at one storey wing win; at the I In! an tuition-i two “my ' allied to that. I. Mar-I column was let Thurs. " Mr. Becker and it in PX. u that he will Immediately sun In over-Noni. It is estimated "" new building will con! about I at., - h vixen 'd'='.'S't ”PM at Ll. to. to“ " (to than: mm " ch In " M . teat Baum! morning. The lot- - “you“ by a mu .YNARD you I. P. at 1'te'le'g?hi 3.0% an“ «um n a the 1h't2tr4 a July no: In - to out" not. ttme may at mum :7 h " In..." HINT. WERE RADIO POLL TAX COMING IN out can. an In Ar. n . loan 9- Thu-hymn. SUGGESSFUL PUPILS. Oink mum can be and at te t mitt mm. when,“ “a, 'SW.',',,",',;, help It. twi.l In l - mount ‘11,an hour butmnh with tun 0-0"!th "Mnn Ira-Me yrm In this my. Rn up. In! it“. I. My. My henna 'tareal'.' bulimic-bid w ---- w h a d“ Wm In. Iking Doesn't Cure "In M ARMY. MY. . MANY 'Ilcchu. HALL OPENED Owing to tho falling ot the my wire: " the car barn! nbont 9 o'clock this morntnx the can; were unlu- to me the Y Ind had to proceed buck to the City Hall on the hat track. In switching from the out track the 10.40 Waterlo bound our left the 11119 the rear truck falling to follow the from. Plates were immediately rush- ed to the scene and it wan not long before the car was put back and pro coeded to Waterloo. STREET CAR Delay of shout 10 minutel w" caul- ed on the K..W. Street Ry. Thuradny morning at 10.45 o'clock " a result of the derailment of B our bound for Waterloo. The car VIII! thrown all the nll- while trying to twitch from the out ratt to the wont run In from ot the Bowman Home. At I meeting of the Executive of the Trades a Labor Council the question at the request of the local dairymen for a change in the milk try, law wns discussed end the unenl- moue decision “rived " to petition the City Council to take no Action in connection with the request on the ground that the change in the by-law requested by the dairymen would create I milk monopoly in the city. A strong resolution was drafted. Bet. ting forth the necessity of keeping down the price if milk. This was passed Ind a copy sent to the City Council. T. & L. OOUNCIL ASKS THAT NO , ACTION BE TAKEN ROBERT DONALD IS ARRESTED ON 1 SERIOUS CHARGE High Constable (Sh-rial Huber 1r- rested Robert Donald in tet. Cntharin- as 1nd brought him to Kitchener on Wednesday. Donald in charged with writing unmonl Ind obscure lot- lora to a married wanna in Wlimot township. He pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Justice ot the Peace Rohieder on July 29th and was remanded umll‘Fridny when he will be tried beiore Magi-Into Weir. The man In 40 yell-a old ud it is believed he in a pervert. The Tndes and Labor Couucll are vitally interested in the movement to have the by-law changed and It is ex- pected that there will be a stroll; de- legation present " the tuttutee meet.- mg tonight. MULLtNtb-DECKER. The Church of Our Lady ttt the Lake, Windsor, was the scene ot a very pretty church wedding on .ley 28th, when Mles Hilda Decker of Kit- chenor became the bride of Mr. Fred Mullins, ot Damion. Ont. The cere- mony was performed by Father Lent lots in the presence ot many trlendl end relative: from verloue points. The young couple on spending I few days in Kitchener " the home of the bride's mother. 153 Victoria street, following which they will take up their residence in Ford City. Mr. Mullins. who has recently returned from I lengthy period of mice over- man, in o former maiden ot Kitch- ener. being well known in the city. A very pretty wedding tool also. Wednesday, July 30th It the home of Mr, and Mrs. George F. ankner, Queen St... Kitchener, It 3 o'clork. when their daughter. Lilli-n. wss united In meniscus to Mr, J Henry Bone, son oi Mr. end Mrs. Wil. item Bone, of Believilie. The one mony wss performed by Rev, J. B Lynn, The bride entered the drswing room on the arm of her father to the strains of Lobengrin's Bridal Sons. plsyod by In. R. H. More, of this city, sister of the bride. The bride were s dress ot French hive mm. with Georgette. The going swsy gown wu navy blue Duchess silk with hat to metal. The [room’s gift to the bride wss " one! Isvsliere u! ens pearls. sml to the - e pesri pin. The heavy may]. left on ‘s honeymoon trip to “whats. Mr. sud Mrs. Bone will In... - future home Is out Me In! "in. use“ their last 'S", M", m 'fret. M B h in w HYMENEAL B0NE-LACKNER WAS DMD 1 Mr. Nelson Heine) In leaving the [my tomorrow tor an extended trip 'throuh the Canadian west as tar as “he Pacific Coast. Mr. Heipel ex. pacts to be away tor sevenl months. Mrs, Archie Lockhart and children. w,ho have been spending 3 few weeks It Port Dtlshousla. rail-nail home on mu. Willi-ms. BA, daughter of the late John Wllllams ot Laurel. Mini- Inlnpl. to Lloyd C. Tilt, B. Be, F'.. Bott of Mr. and Mn. Geo. A. Tilt of Prol- ton. Ont., the marriage to take [when very quietly In Preston In the near lu- The motorist had not reported the accident up to Into My mom- m; but In “on In bola; and. to Inca him. It In said that the an secular 1y Ion! control ot Mn at which "ter It hit Runo- dulIad new" the “not and ran against the curb when he “wooded in "opptutt long enough,to nun himself Ind nuke n gem-w”. Mm Dons Mayor. of St. Cattt.rtnm, is the: guest ot Mm. Percy s. Pen-u, Owen St. B.. for a no". vlslt. Monday Mr, and Mrs. M. Schodewiu. of Va:- ton rad Mrs: A. Hera. ot Elmira, 2mm the weuektnd and holiday with Mr. and Hy. Dellon. -.r- -- Corp. Norman Halo, of the United Swen army. has rammed than: France ma In visiting his sister " IM King atreot out. Mm Gertie Schedewltz ot Yuma. In: returned home after I week's vis. It with relative: In the city. A Mr. and Mrs. M. r. Manon have re- turned from a two months' honeymoon along the PaCitte coast. and are spend- lng a tow any: with Judge Henrn Ind Mrs. Hum. Roy St. ture. - In. Joseph Huck. Water m., Saudi. In upondlng -rttr" with her Bitt. len- In NG, Tore" Olly. Miss Emmnune Dalton and Miss Alice Stunner are spendlnl o week’s vncltlon with Mr. and Mn. 000. Dttr at Toronto. Miss Hazel Stuebing ot the banner Training School. Memorial “anvil-l. Mag-n Falls. N. Y., is spending a few day's vacation at not homo, 91 Weber St. East. The man was Immodluoly remand to the In": In ham. of King Mind School when. he wu ' It one. to the DOOM!“ where he received Ill- module “mutton from Dr. Edwin Hug-0hr. Th III. vs. your!“ to be doing u well as could be “poem. Miss Ella Perrln has returned home after a two months' vacation with re- Iatlvea and friends in Sarnll Ind Part Huron. Mn. George Brown of Sarah is vit-) f,'M her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph'; " In. " Mlll at. bolero leaving MOTHERS The ouncmem is announced _01 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL nmmmcmmmuuu- not: “and by our 100 mop-yon. “- (Xv-mum wu Inn-Imu- In In dqemttmtotitgonattimtoegtttem. Farmer. Dictate. The Telegraph wu Informed thin morning that the dglrymen and. th- mlstake ot declaring that they were asking the Council to amend the by- law not becnusa they had anything against the grace» who were selling milk. but because they were under dic- tation of the Farmon' Milk Anoma- tion who were demanding that the dairymen ask the Council to have the grocers comply to the nuns rentin- tions as the dairymen. T The members or the Finance Com. mittee did not like this and President Lang of the Farmers' Milk Anode- tion was asked to explain what right, the farmer: had to dictate to the City Council and to tho people of Kitchener regarding the details ot milk delivery and sanitation. After con-iderable hesitation the explanation came from the ("more that they wished to stick by the dairymen who were not gettlnl enough money tor their milk. Aid. Bowman was anxious to find out Just who this Farmera' Milk Associa» tion represented and how many mem- bers " had, but after more hesitation the representation present told the Council that it wan not necessary tor them to know who the Aeaociation re. presented or who composed it or how many. This reply made things a lit- tle more ginger)! and someone ot the aldermen said that the Council did not propose to deal with people) un- less they knew whom they weredeal- ing with. This brou ht the retort trom the farmers that fill, were inde pendent and could cut out the Kitrtr ener milk market it they saw tit, Be- fore the repartee concluded the tur. mere received the intimation that they might seek any market they pleased as the matter of a particular market was quite apart trom the question of the evening. . w. H. Knapp Produces Petition. W. H. Knapp representing the groc- ers spoke at length and went Into the history of the pasteurization move- ment and the investigation ot the Board of Health here two years ago. He also reviewed the outcome ot the meeting with the iarmers two years ago when the price was t1xed at " cents a gallon and from which price he alleged the milkmen aiterwards departed. He produced a petition signed by over 800 people and when he concluded the Committee decided unanimously to take no action. Rick. ert'a Dairy, Shoemaker’s Dairy and the Rosedale Creamery were repre- sented by speakers who outlined the necessity ot pasteurized milk and al- ao the heavy expenses under which the milkmen are at present conduct- ing their businesses. 'lteftatohiiiiimrt. Comp“ Ocean to -esnaAthqgroearoin.t-trt. ammmmmmm‘ "-todth.a'4it6iseorre nun; to: An ghoul-u! d a. Dr hvwmwmuhouhm‘ an. no “mu. o8 no “at“; Inmmqu-nt would ”Hyman-outrun” mm ,cerrt'"ts Batt We" ‘ A 040'." Blown-Ion. It - a litter may mutt-g ho- twool tho tmiryti, the "was. re- uns-tame: ot the hruon' Milk Ab location Ind mambo“ of the PM Ctttrunittmt. Although the pro.- v“ “eluded from the menu. than)". enough automated citizen. not ("hotly connected with the question. “lowed In to hear the Argument and judging trom the report It VII not without lt- humorous we. “at. Your .J v H'Ei'c'nm Ei Y Dhaka; all] “c "AG'. 1:" ltd I. Erin. writ. W I. I“. In My c... Chm 1 our 2t',nt"ifANt E nickly "Imam-u tttei:: Rte 'g,2tt 1: Your 'h-wt.' by mil 60e ';ir"iut. IMOVIL. MAL on NAVY NIP. \ go. jun W militant-m1. L. Parking. " “at" on U. . & In- _ A m barrel on an“ dl.. Mnnd on No fan- rmh. M Portln’l mom I. M from M homo-"mummy Apart from accident or Illness due to Intactlon. Almou all “Health arisen tron one or two raucous. The great mistake that msoNeettshtritr In not ren- 1lsiate um both of these-have the same cause at the root ot them, namely poor and Improper blood. Elmer bloodlessuess or some trouble of the nerves will be found to be the reason tor nlmo-t every ailment, It you are pale, suffer trom headache“. or ttroattttetntttetstr, with Damnation ot the heart. poor npvotlte Ind weak dlgenn “on. th- an” In that than Mood-1 lea-nous. It you have nervous headw aches. neuralgln. sclntlca and other‘ nerve pains. the cause In run down, ax- haunted nerves. But run down nerw as are I130 a result of poor Mood. no that the two ehiet canton of Illness no one and the name. g This “counts tor the great number ot people, once in Indifferent health. pale, nervous and dyspeptic, who have been made welt and hearty by Dr. Willlnms' Pink Pills; for no other med. icine ever discovered is so valuable tor increuing the supply of rich red blood Ind giving strength to worn out nerves. Men and women alike greatly benefit trom a course of the splendid blood builder and nerve tonic. It your dealer does not keep these pills you con get them by mail at 50 cents I box or nix boxes for 82.60 from The Dr. Willinma‘ Medicine Co., Brock- now-um noon- oe Et condition than. Mr. Sch-lulu In ' In" only "and tho Intuition lightly. Th crop. no no but this you. new!!!“ to Mr. Scholtole, that that! [Ilium VIII OI In I" to thin city. Mr. Sch» bl. Ibo. put! through Momma. North Dion and Minna-on. The on" In the tumor ('0 Into. an shoot on e per with condition- round in “we Canada hat the emp- in launch are in excellent condition. in Me. mm. Mr. Schellele stopped at Chicago on " return trlp Ind happened to tench the city when the rm riot. were at their height. He we: “ml-ed tom that Wooten: Onterlo when are treat- ing the riot. no lightly. Mr. Scheitele declered that they ere more eel-lon- than one would believe. He stated that " was kept awake in his hotel all night by the revolvers tiring Snot alt-Me and In the eerly evening he new three nest-oe- killed by a mob ot whites. He uid that only those who hove not: the actual condition: in the riot dun-let ot Chic-go can form any adequate conception of the Illu- etion. THE CAUSE MEXICAN COIN i, Ill CIRCUIATION! m In It. was“ van an. on u bagtttm. My. Ott us It turn at. to m. Ill. m1 “and Inn can" to on lot lamb my but»; u let In), qaeqth.t Wlel",'d to 0)“an - mam- an action. uh d by an T-rs" maxim you In Mag thou, Mr. can ville, Out. If.0.l.MNCOI-w- 's'Jgt"L"ePtgLl2f"egt1"g “In - - you)” 5-5 and mum he. may. -tBmte6omBotttaAtotttqCtur Mmou Always Due to w-k, Impovcr- Ichod Ilood. The death took place near Port Eight on Saturday. Aug. 2nd, of In Clark-s M, Theda. ulster of In. R, Elder or Kllchoner. after An Illness of “out three months. She bore her uniform; wlth Chrlsthn nuance. and pulled any very quietly. The fun- eral was held on Tuesday afternoon. from tho home to the Port Elma cemetery tor hurl-I. A dealer " Batman's mullet tut pened to be tho victim, wrung with some ot III: product! Ind some perfect- ly good “coin/NI” realm" in ex- change tor a Mexlcon Jiv-dolur bill. and to have the Vllue'ot non-1y [any cunts. I'lmllv‘u‘ VVM‘ i A. That the urgent necessity of greatly improved conditions at our ii',iiii,ii,i: Houtse of Refuge has long been recognized by former Boards, and ,had not the war lIItPrvonell some -----.- .auch imprownwnts u are now rtiom. The amount ot currency‘an eirewlmrsnded would no doubt have been un. intton in Kitchener is not mttiteiettt tmdertaken earlier. antiaty everyone apparently. One man; B. That this Board having recently [In struck upon the my,” ides otlticttuired about 25 acres ot farm land helping out tho gunmen by adding tlets"),"." the south side of our former bit ot Mexican monay to allevlnte the property at n YN'Y reasonable price, Ilrlnzoncy. there In no longer any necessity to A dealer " Saturday's mullet tut consider the ttttetstiort of selecting any ----" .- L- 'B.- -........ "am. with other site tor this institution. The bill in dated 1913. printed try the Amen-loin Bank Note Comptny. It has the nape-runes of the “ml stuff" and n person In the nut of bun-Ines- mlght easily be "ken In, especially were the bill handed reverse side up. the luck 11”an mulch in common with some ot the bank commutes Issued In this country. This Is laid to be the ttrtrt Mexican money Med In Kitchener in some months. A small quantity of It made It: war into the hands of several lo. cal business man during the winter. Th0" MOI! t'li " (he K.ttet"P.tr-Vetr-d until the return ot B busy Waterloo hopplul. on Sunni”, In. wring “(I “miner mam.- John "USP. . qrett In.“ rmidtyrtti========xxx==t=====e======x= ot Cone-tom. ltd " ”In. ' MM.“ logo: Fred of Grand molds. Mich.; Ind " dun. l in. mum. of Pmton: Mm. Damn. The No Mm. In“? all! to C." or Behind-"uh. ma Mrs. M. mum. min from mom-m on.” who“ The my...“ took pile» from tho " you- ot In. In I"! It. Buried In. News " Conn-mo. n lt Mr. Ml “In". I!" Wow-lick)“ thte afternoon. to the New “on um VII Mag! 'rtth, fteq Mennonite church and century tor iiiiiki' 73-h? a.‘ iriuiciir"Gl'i"ik'iiiiiiui' Tc" - “Maui-n15. MR8. G. M. THEDE. MRS. JOHN MILLER OBITUARY OF SICKNESS ' C. That it in the opinion or this Boom that the present site cannot be equaled within the limits of the Cotttt- ty when full consideration is given the matter of tire protection. sewage die vocal. water and light supply, together with the unexcelied proxiuctivenosn or the land now comprising the property 1nd also the facilities which the pre-' sent nite “ford the inmates. an well an the management and staff for nee, essary diversion trom the monotony ot such an institution. owing to ihr location so near the activities ot I 1 large and growing city. l, D. That the proposed additions end intentions are cnicnlated to make ample provinlon tor all ”reliable ex- tension of the work of th61nrsututiott ltor at least twenty-live or thirty years to come. At a special meeting of the Boardl of Management a resolution was pass-i tdyy? Friday afternoon authorizing the Wsrden to can 1 special meeting ot the County Council tor the purpose‘ or snowing the Board to submit the plsns in connection with the propos- ed House ot Refuge. The e9boratt resolution which wsl unanimouslyl psssed yesterday afternoon was pram pared by Warden Panahaker who act- ed as cheirmsn of the meeting. war/ den Panshsher who acted as i,'t'arii,'i'i) ,ot the meeting. Worden Pnnshslier is? anxious that the three municipalities) reach an early decision in the matterl so that the work may be proceeded) with at once. The special meeting otl the County Council will he called by 'warden Paunhaker at the earliest pos- sible date. The following is the resolution: Kitchener, Ontario, August 1st, 1919 COUNCIL WILL {MILK BELOW MII) MEETING} STANDARD Warden Pambakor to can Special Session to Con- aider Plans. PROMPT ACTION 1. That the report of Mr. Charles Knechtei, architect. together with pre-, liminary plans submitted by him tor, proposed additions and alterations to the Waterloo County House at Refuge be rocelVed. and that the Warden be requested to call a spatial meeting of the (‘ounty Council at the earliest pow Bible date. in order to afford this Com- mittee an opportunity to submit said plans to that body tor their approval. also that the City Councils‘ot Kitch» ener and Gait be at their first regular meetings solicited tor their continua tion of this Board's decision to pro- ceed with the proposed improvements, Immediately such approval and Conttts mutton is assured us by the respective councils. mentioned. and upon the completion ot detailed plans by th. architect embodying such modmtw tions as may be found under farther consideration and reference to the pro- vincial department to be desirable. Moved by Mayor Mercer, Gall. Seconded by Mayor Gram; Kltrhpngr, 2. That" In presenting the matter to the respective councils and the public, the following facts be not overlooked: E. That It the onllmnted cost of the work, based on the contrast price of other lugs local bulldlnxn ot sittti. In con-tructlon recently tendered tor, the coat to the muniettrttlitMm Interest- ed wlll not exceed one hull of one mill on the dollar per Innum on the pre- lent “monument. dlutrlhuted over . period ot the yours, F. That assuming that. the Conn- cila interested approve immodlntely of this Boards“ rerommmtdtttlott. the nrohltoct recommend. an immmliate commencement at the, work, believing that it It cln In started early this Nil. Contractor. will prohnhly town-r tor the work " clot!" futures than would he the use It the work warn pontponed until the return ot n busy wring and mmmer sum.- s...',"""'"'""""'"'""' up . my.“ ' - on” g, Inspector muchhwpt ”I Prices Go Up and Quality; Goes Down. July Milk Tent. _ The following its the mllk test for the month of July. And " seems, um. stun: the price of mllk has guns I]; the quality has come down. At lent. kthls teat happened to be the lowest we ever had. We am often “Rod. what should milk test? Th6 anawor Is, that milk should test 3.2 which I. called STANDARD. Milk that “It: under 3.2. should not b0 sold by the dealers. The July test In as followu-u- Standard. - fl Little Marion, the four-you'ohl daughter of Mr, 3nd Mrs. W. o. (Idio- way. of this city, me! with a paints! accident on Sunday. at a summer cob tags at lnperwnah Beach. Lula Enron. when lbs family has been "rititte tor a. few days, when she toil down tho stairway and fractured her colln bono, Tho 1ittio girl was brought home and is now doing as nicely II can be expecetd. Sanitary Inspector Buchhaupt gave out the milk test on Slim-y morning and in doing so called atten- tion to the fact that the dalrymen of the city are not keeping up to the standard in the quality of the milk although they are crying tar a - price. The Roeedale Creamery and Behiing‘s Dairy were the only two dairymen who tested up to standard. Rickert. and Shoemaker were below standard according to the report. Bu itary Inspector Buchhaupt also stated that President H. Lens of the Anemia- tion had no right to come to Kitchen- er and declare that his farm had not been inspected by the Kitchener In- spector In two years as Mr. Lang doo- not set: milk in Kitchener and is he! on the inspection list. The following is the report ot the test as submltted by Mr. Buchhaupt: _ LITTLE GIRL FRACTURES HER COLLAR BONE Roseanne Creamery Knapp Grocery . .. pr Nihill Grocery . . . . . Bessemer Grocery . . Diuulg Grocery . . . . H. Behling Dairy .. Rickert Dairy ... . Shoemaker . . . . . -. McDonald Grocery . zit-bell ..... ""J' Becker Grocery ... Roth Grocery .... --... Alex HertrW, residence Keep the atunach well, the liver active, the bowel. regular, and the breath will be sweet and healthy. But let poisons accumu- late in the digestive organs, the system becomes clogged. gases form in the stomach and tdfect the breath. th csc conditions with Beecham', Pills. They promptly regulate the bodi- ly functions and are A quick remedy for mrstomach and ""qthu'calMttaMe Bad Breath DR. J. Mt-GILI.0“'EE. Medical otticer of Health. J. G. BUCHHAUPT, Sanitary Inspector. Older Standard. Over Standard. " " " " " " " " " " " Li

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