p autumnal»! B'gll'l.1'llllil'S, $93 (illllllgi)lipprg I He had been brought to the opere [noun under I misapprehension. Hin _ lunt, the Art'hdllrhpsq Artrtarteittttt, had l Itrongly advocated “The Flying Dutctv imam" and his English gunmen, Mm .Bruithnalte. had read him some ire i-pirinz literature nhuut it. So here he was. and the Fiyln: hutrhman was not {[huntiy at all. nor did " tir. And in- Btend of ttying, "ter dreary eons of ‘singinx. it was moved " on orvuky 'rotters by men whose minnows were ithrown trrotetsquely on the son back- lug. ( Tho emu Prince Ion. Amy. he Crown Prince at m the rorat box Ind "an: Ms iega. Thin wu hardy princely. but the royal legs did not wig mob the tioor from the Mn (Hum-velvet Beat of his chair. Prim Ferdinand William Otto VII bored. Hits royal when, consisting of I pair of blue urge trousers. u short lion Jacket, Bad . stiff. rolling coil" of white linen, irked him. Tho orehentrtt, assisted hy n bass solo and trtterruittont thunder In the wings. was making a deafenlng din. One of the shadows on the 9m buck- lng took out Its hauslkerchiof and wiped its noâ€. _ l'rinre Fa-rdlnand Wllilnm Otto Innib ed avross at the other mynl box. and caught his Cousin [imiwiz‘s eyo. She Ilsa had soon the handiwrohis-f: aim took out her own scalp of linen. and mimicks-d the shadow. Than. “or Royal Highness the Arehttmmen An- nunrlntn being oomph-d with the storm. sho winked m-mss at Prince Fovdlnand William Otto. In the npposito hog were hls two conslns. the Prlnvecsos lla-dwlz and 'nida. attend"! by HedwiR's Indy in orttitimr. [ls-rim: Wins olghh-nn. The ertMm prtrteo liked "odwfr better tlmn Hilda. Although she had Nwrt lmm- duced formally to the rnnrt " Hm ChristmmH-ve ball. and haul been duly 's,presented by lwr grnnrlruthvr, the klng. with tho usual string of poms and hA. own cttrroee. 'ctto still rnn " MW and then to Lnye ten with the crown prlnr'r and Mists BrthWnllP in the school room at tho palm-o: and sho could eat I great deal of bread nnd but- ter. This crown prinrn yuwnt-d, althmuzh tt was but the middle of the Mirr- noon. I‘nloising limlwig's- Pye, ho run his ttngers up thrungh hie thick yet- low hair and psrinnmi. Hedwig biushed. She had eonfidod to him once. while they were walking in the garden at the nummc-r palace. that she was thinking of bring In love with a young lieutenant who was "ttached to the king‘s mile. The prinee--who wal called Otto, for short, by the family, because he actually had clown namus -the Prine had bum much imam-crud. For some time prterwnrd he had ttottt, cred Miss Brnithwuite to "etine lu-ing In love, but he had had no really satis- factory anvwor. In pursuance of his quest for in- formation. he had grown quite friendly with tho young other. whose" name was Ia1riseh. and had "n.uliy asked to hnvo him rlde with him :aj the royal riding srhnnl. Thu grim old kin: had granted thrs rerwe't but it hm] I-m-n quite rtmillre su fur arr-w- tul, Liv“- lennnl Lnri,~vh “My grow qmzo red as to the rum who" love was yiew.tionPu. nlihouL'h inn appctrrcd not unwilllng to hvur Hedwig'.', name. So nnw Fc-rrlinnml William Otto run his tirtposrs tttrough his fair lmIr. which \vns a fuvnrin- vu'stury ot" the 'siivstere ant'I. and "mlwig Nut!“ " Tr.e ,. " It. Ind m completely cured by! ,thnt temperance wnio »made from ' wild barks and roots. and known tor 50 1 Jan to Dr. Harm's X‘nvorim My I “on. When I Woman complains M back. I “be. (human nr pain-when everything l ,kraha bluck before her eyeer--. drukin' f Ill-ling, or blarinzdnwn, with nemm -, she should turn to this "ter-ses" , herbal Ionic, known as Dr. I’irrm’s Fan [ like Ptmcription. It can be obtained in I Edam every drug atom in the land and the madman In: [mum] in plm’w Ln;- linhonmownwa. Put nyw whua liquid. Dr.Pieme.of1~ “a. HomlJiul- 15b. N. Y.,wi11rrr/ - sonltr'ursroritheeem _ Mum cm H», Harm‘- usum has l B.rrtnw.orurroh.trrtomo-ttr-tr-dr Immunoas- starbe hum-{pl- I ht. Winning-rm ' unduly-Mich. I: MI. “no IN can - n:- ... All trotetMrrtIewqPreo; goetr,r-dtw-t' humb-nnnm-mm trothrrmd.t than I.“ my, '" math" manna - '- 'F‘Iv-an Moth-I3 Ind " - and - d I" my "MIN- AM- I mun-tad l Ito-1 I _ I7 chm".- IN an hum" Im It: Stu. madma- an may for ma. ad II. “In“.{lnd I which†run-“Mun - I =1. 'lgahnau"r" IP, _-. CHAPTER I. iakqssr.hes.yritt-r" â€summary†mrmuwmunomao “hula" Icahn-o. no. “Hunt-“crmundmcomdu .ebttr.mr+rieBbmBttHatai" woman-mm.» ta.atut,imeeortidorttr-tur9. .tmqt,_amtPrtreHs.itaqerettt. " woun- that Mia. mum-um to WI The crown prim an II It. pocket. than " weck'l unav- .neqofpoehetmo-1ngeoiortatV tugtouctret' Be mediated. He could no out quickly, and be back More may know ll. Evert If he only wandered About the eorrtdor, It would “Midi In. wort Inn. And outside " - I an any. It looked already llke sprlng. With the (mundane!) of I 4t8uWrr who tinds his cage door open. and. hopping to the threshold. Iurveyl the world before venturing to explore It. Prince Ferdmnnd Wuhan Otto ms. to his feet, upload past the Arch- dncheu Annuncmlu. who did not move. and looked around him from the doors way. He picked up his tut Ind com-led It by In: nude. Then nonchnlanuy, u If to strewn his legs by woeintr ten feet up the corridor um]. luck. he passed the dressing room door. Are other moment. und he was out of sight Irouud a bend of tho passageway. and before him I†liberty. Not quite! At the top of the prt. vlte stain-um reserved tor the toâ€! family I guard commonly stand. HO laud,moved . few feet from hls post however, Ind was watching the Ki;- lhrough the 1ttMr-otrers door of n mint. loge. Prince Ferdinand William Otto passed behind him with outward calm- ness. At the top of the public stair. case, however. he hesitated. Here, everywhere. were brass-buttoned om, ciuls of the opera house. A gardembe woman stared at him curiously. Tho little prince looked at the woman with appeal In his eyes. Thou. with hit heart thumping, he ran past her, down the white marble staircase. to when the great doors promised liberty. Olga, the wardrobe wulmln, can). out from behind tttsr counts-r qua stood luoklng down the marble staircase the: the small flying tigure. The old soldier who rented ops-rs glasses at the second lundlng, um] who had left a let: In lh-snla. lvnnell over the railing. "Look at that!" be ex- ttaimed. "He will break a log, the yuung rust-11!! "nee I could have-- but there, he Is sttfe! The tum] God walehe-s over hula and thallium." “It looked like the little prince." Mud the wardrobe woman. "I have sown him ofteu--the has the mum: bright hair." Put the opera-class man was not 1istv"inrt Ho hml drawn u long saus- nze- from une pocket will a roll from the other, um! now, n-Ilring to a fur window, hrs stand plundly entia- bite of snusnmn 'd bite at bread. His min-I was in HORN“). with his log. And ht-(‘ause old .th-Hu-rt's mind was in lluklliil. and tum-mm- um- Iu-nrs with the mind, and not with the ear. he did not hear the sharp quesllnn of the m‘ntry who run down the stnlrs and paused fur " ground at the clunkrnum. Well for (Hun, too, that old Adclbort did not hear her rrply. "He him not pussml here." she said, with wide and honest "y"", but with an our toward old Atiellrtsct. "An old nulnlwuam ramm- u [mum-II! nun and put " tcttrOwich, which ho bad h-ft In bis ovvruml. I'twhups this in whom you are yon-king?" . you are tvi'kirtg?" . Tho svmry ('urm-Il. and ran down the smirl'm-r. the Hulk In Ills 'rhovs slrlk- ing sharply 'm the marina Ulsu of tllu- (‘lt-uk rnnm Ivalm-d OVI'l' LI-r dim-IN. Willl lu-r lips Cl]r\('ll up In " smile. "Th" 1.ittlt' nnrf" she The 0mm. prim-e mm Just I trMo dar.r.terl by tite l-rillfmlco at his suc- m-su. He pttusrd for one hreulhlc-ss moment under the porte-cuvhere of the on": housc; ttwrt he took a lam: breath, turned to the left; and Wu: at one? swallowed up m the street. crowd, It Feerriod very strange to him. Not that he was umwcustomed to crowds. Had he not. that very Christmas. [our uhnppln:: in the (‘iLy. ur‘mnmmniml only once swallowed up In the street. crowd, It [wt-um! very strange to him. Not that he was tuvaccustomed to crowds. Had he not. that very Christmas. [our uhnppinft in the (‘iLy. ur‘mmmnniml only by one cf his liiiurs and Miss “mim- wnllo. mu! bought for his grandfntlivr. the king a burnt tood box, which might 1mm Pull"? nm'kiios or gloves. and for his cousins silver photograph frames? In " smile. '"t'le. â€'llt' nun-T" she thought. "And sm 1. otucage'. lie mu make . rout king: Let him have his prank an the othcr children. und- God Moss h n and lamp hlml" But ll" WM duh-rent, Ind for a rather p rullur roman Prince Fordln- and “'illlmu Otto hnd m-vrr not-n tho back of n crow-l! The pubhe was " ways llnnd up, fat-lug him, smiling and bowing and null blessing him. I'_r ervlilmrzd WIIqun "It" hlld never known tho Yul-In vault! be so rigid. It WM most Intel-rating. The next tour was full of remark- able things. Fur our. h†dodxni be- hint) I utrvPt mar rind wn< almost run over by a "Int-uh. The Pt llrvnmn on the rumor mum nut. and 1'0an Fr!" cllnunul Wtlliam (Mm by the Ilu-uldr-r. 2mm him I calling to and I shuklng. Fn-rdlunud Willinm Otto was furious, but pollry Imp! him Mltsnt; whirh proves conclusively tlmt the crown priuee had not only "tttintl-wit- hls "ht-tmt Beir-cotttrot and dl. Nomnvy. Lnrky rounlry. to have In pruwpm-l tmeh I king! . Prtrtos I‘vrdlnnnd Wmittttt Otto had ttte futnllmmt of n (m! drain In his mmll, artlvo mlnd. This was nothing loss than a rtde on - A-q9rtstt noun" rallmnd. which hnd trecurod I t'oncesrio" m n fur mm" of ttte park. Hedwigâ€: "eutettnttt hm! described " to him-how on. was taken In I am." -t._etat'nndthgnt-' 1'Mtlhutd'Sa1ttrhrlt itt"ti'E','li'riTi?ei'ii.'i:,','i Ste/TY, Amalgam: “an, - no bad nub-ad “Sip loll-wu- nun-my Mutvulzht "tt.ttq nah-“mm. withâ€. Dan- "tg,tnaNntw1nro'.ee.r8qstn" M Attica-("authorin- Fdeo" oil: mm M "tttrt" was mmunwmynmucm unnumhmwu. RUN†hit-unoutuun‘lhwul - ol the that In. Ill-4.181. which In magnum. Inland dawnmveryuu! Iheroeaa"ttqhuei.tqqt..q- ma] punt!“ hurled thruled. Now tt u . atranpr mm. but an; that one doe. not renal the land of desire none; bee-nu a. but at plenum In the sharing ot " will con. _ one also. mad the land ot dun. alone. I. not the [and ot dalro " u). an". I madden", Prince Ferdinand Wmlul t Otto discovered that he In lonely. At that moment there was I sort whirring " to one this of him. and I yellow bird. Ham: and tuning err-“cull, on‘ the breeze, cureened suddenly and foil I at his feet. Prince Ferdinand Willi-m Otto but nihir. Billy Grimm. " ma ticket Viv down and picked it up. It was a III“ dow. hardly gttuseed n the Boy Vi. toy aeroplane. with yellow silk planet. Blood, trembling with Incubation. In guy ropes of Mixed thread. and a _ “and"! of the Booth. womb-n nuhlrx. its mmive power ( The car came. mil they climbed ll. mama lummmv twitsteUrubtter. an. Perhaps. " they moved off. Princ- of the wings “in: mm. Faun-ml Ferdinand \\'lllium Otto had a 'tuttim, William (mu ~Irulgluvned it, Ind ootstoned by the remombrunce of the looked around for the owner. ‘l-Imllik‘lI rhild who had met an “I- A small buy was standing under tho Himnly end; but if he did, he pluck", ani gun lump. "Gee.'" he said inghid it. Kusr.lislur "Did you see " go that I "Put your lid on the ftoor of the cur." time?" an“ Hubby Thorpe, ll!‘]lh~lllli|{ his uwn l'riuca Ferdinand William Otto eyed 'ulum there. "F.uther mm, if you do the slump-r. He was about his own lihnr, yuu're [ll-HAW“! sum." are. and mm drum-Ii in a short pair! Prince Forvimxuul William Otto til- of m-rulurny trouserm much wool-pd " vinvrl that this rwi‘rrrui to his hut. the knmn a pair of yrlluw Rusi-ln- and drew " small lurvnih " rriinf. AM nonihvr Rhona rim! "inched welt to his jihvn the} m‘n- oC, up an , mun“ MM; l Ho Indicated the very top of (In land of main». The prlm‘o stand up. l ' "How does one mt up?" he queried. F “Ladders. My futho-r's the Hammer. Be lets me up nnmotlmes." calves, and. over all. a muggy white nwenter, rulllug almost to his chin. 0- the very hack of his head he had the smullnst (‘lp that Prince Ferdinlnd William l r had ever seen. '66.! Old You tlee " Go That TlmOP The boy walked ulnwly aver Ind Itoud looklng down It him. "You ought to see it tty from the top of Pike‘- PMIL’I" be rr-murkvd. He had mug“ light of the dospim-d derby. and hls eyt-a widonod. but with Instinct“. gum! hrawling he lgnnrvd It. '"Iit'q Pike's Prak up there." “Tm 'n we wont time for tirmg." he Sal I. tn tn. perfect Engllsh. "All the exhibition [llama are at sundown." Prince erdlnlnrl William Otto lined with new uvre nt the boy. Ho found the Net much more remarkabl- th-n " the stranner bud "and that his father was the king or Enzlnné. FOUND (1jitfy RF NEGLECT THREE YL'AP.,T X‘UNFIHME] FOR MAN WHO ALLOWED A SERIOUS SITUATION TO DQ'IIZEJH'. Prescription Drtritttj", Sole Aqrnt Vor Water‘oo Waterloo. Ont. Mail $1.01 ttttttie addren or to Tem. tstetor" lelted, tMt King St.. West, form - T. I. " “I " - A. B. LEARN rumbl- that told a - no loul being " that nay-I and twisted an: hymn-l, In per the neat-nah my Tr them s/z/,/i,iiiiiti'iiiiii PUNT 711MB“ \I 'nnp were, u may In.†J. Prim 70:00:.“ '10“ MI Hun. hr: Iconic "ttg-.-. I ~1maauwuuuu-m intrheulmmuncal'un "eetiom "Do you out you In“ will .tt's'. mo . ticket!†1 “Billy Grimm um. rn p was I Prine" Ferdirtuud l vlnrd that INN rvfl'l and (how In small bro itrwrt they “up of7. up iing roadway, win-ro- a lhlmz tor a rhreu1'oh-; gulf below; In“). Ctit " u- xxx I only llw r0 ,ml " INN“! “uh th “Mm nu "oHHo"Y', . ili',ls " “ill: In“ my . The prune. role with thatâ€. n- he stopped. a. nut. .1 count. uh the Image boy to be " “an. In two tickets! Porhlpl I. an...» wu not auMetent. “I must use an! in Jul It - he laid with dignity. the Imus! be: to " " not Bet , V prince Foidumnd mum; on. went! two mum Portug- I. nlit-Inc. i up the mm. mum“. Hm .ual "e, not madam. " i than he puss-~11 guard; who cured and I must we ttrrrt in much tt all. I muted. Hm] he um been obsessed. he “Id wtth dignity. 4'ltl the vlslun of Miss Brattttwatte. The other boy hum "Oh, ’0' ‘h would hme kmmn that relief tol- Yon fr": with no. It won‘t colt my l lowed m m. wukv. lit-Henge" clat- thnt- he am. Bad led tho w and down m- Hula-mu to ttto Cour! 'op/feat,"';;",',',',",.",',',"),;,, . m“ ttf other mmugeu, wanna. . and eagvr. ti..w to Inn! [Med In" boy to ride with him V" an our!!!†l where the onoueil wt. to! when tho 3:33:21]; 'l2'd'li 133?; :1: old klng, prupnt-d up In bed. wand . . and fought terror. stood, trembling with municipal-Ion. ll " gym “may with many you- of the lhldOW of the booth. ruling, of "isuppoirr'ruents Ind bitter- Tho other boy untied. "Oh, "I You come with me. It won‘t can! my thing." " um. Ind ltd tho In! toward the towering 1mm. The our came, 3nd they climbed ll. Perhups, us they moved on. Prim-o Ferdlnand Wllltum Otto had I qunln. ootstoned by the retnturttrrtutee of tho 1-2:â€:th chm! who had met an un- (I? GT ti. heart-bu: wnrd a“. grunt lor tn ths. tun" u! mm- "(mu tlie so" In I buy frlrnd Mr M Grimm. in “hut hr ' the rount_ry. "Whtt auyhoI'c"t" “In â€mink-N 1le his lmrw- 'sitio ut In; Inn- uu-r Ilu~ wns "Y in a tltsste outrlivrts or “no frt czn'nlrymv-n. As tln. last hnrw leash-cl the hedge 11an uli<:w|mnrml. the rnr mum: to I stop at Ilu» lulutfurm. Quivering. Prine Fordmun! Wuhan: Otto reuched down fur Hu- nh-swsml hut. "Would you ' In Ko around again?" :I<kr~ul Hubby, quilv casually. UH Nahum“ gaspâ€! sxttl, iny. "If --tr you would Im an kind!" he unit]. And ut the tordfy innc of Bobby) hand. the Irttt' “mu-d un. Disgraced. At eight o'rlruk [hm owning the Crown t'rinec l-‘Mrlimmnl 'viliirttu ("to mipr-nu‘lml Iln- I-uIm-n- tin-mud- the pnhlin‘ mumrv. He "ppiuvacttett " s'orwly, fur tun n-usnus. First, In- did nu! “um In a“: lmvlc Sun-um], ttts was rn'h‘r friglm-ITt-d. llu- Int-I an Idea U.le they wou'," hp IHHMgrl-ruhlu. Thorn s:ravrtrtrU to be a grunt Ilvul 'to. ing an at tl ._ palace. (‘nrrlncv-s Were rolling in under tlie 6mm- m-a'lmay Ind. humus disrhxarrml tin-5r tumHutls. mostly gentlmm-n I" titril'ortu, 1-0"! moving " “in: n thunk mm: of hoot.q thut rruched from .tht' \nulh-d roof of the tantrum-n. All the lights wc-n‘ oh m the wing whore his grandfather, the king. lived alone. As his grand- father haw-l llghl< und wont to bed enrly, Pri- F'ctmi.attd Wlnuust one WI! slightly puzzlvrl. no war wry :llxly. Ills August Nee was stronkv'rl with anal. and hire nu- nm hands Illa-“1w. Ills sntntl derby hat was awfully plum-ll on the very bark of hls hand It the angle- of the Amoricnn twry's cup. An hts vnllur had mrat‘rhed ttin m-rk. ho had. It Bulk by's snap-3mm. taken " off Ind rolled lt up. He dcctded. as he walled In tho munâ€. to put It on net-lb. Mm Brnnhwnlte was very peculiar ahnnl collars. (‘Ime tt lull m the line of curring". l Prince Ferdinand William Otto tout} a lone breath Imi sit-rind forward., As he ndvnnved ho Muck his hand-E in his pockets and swungerod I tritie. It was. as nn-urly as possible. an ex- I It'i imlililnn of liolxlw Thoma“! 'idur., And to in!) up his r‘nurncv, he quoted l "mi young trentlerunnu fan-well j Iprs‘ch in hlmwlf: "WhIi if you can"! Thoy won't "ttt you. will they?" 3 Prince F‘s-rdinnnd Whliqm Otto stood tn the shadows and glInood Icmns.‘ The Innirim Mood like woodmt mom} but mmolhing wu- wmng in the court , yard Inside. Th0 (Minis were Ill Ital-din]. und_ more Inna! to be I ("It many of them. And Just " he Ind mad» up his marl lo uh thol pinup. no to upon. I part of hi- own "(but of "will†ennu- ottt from the court Inf with a wandering of hoof; l m in" CHAPTER II. numb-2 lo knuw y f Ilr>LrLu am In tho "emu-9 "r tus." reriie 1:! hr w.iilvd llu- "Whut'.q' “mm; [nun-nun! hart “In-oh " ‘r u mml. null. jump- "' bulge ul' the “live. ruin“: wnn-h of the park. l‘ulluwml by hls Titqut nu: William Otto rit- n-rrrd to his hat. ml: at rrilv-f. And " nu , 1:41.“. I'nl'k at the [up thc um " may; oc r lxllmdlL'd. shite :m-l Irlll n... -.. i Pr": din-Inc. ll; th than] I tt - I "lute ' 'I "Oh, -, 'L'td t Tot up 1 lowed nun-l blue hr lu-m-ulh n " lumwl tht mu? BIN} Lost mummnumm- but. hwm-rmO-um madam-NLHI-MM t-ttram.eupttedttM_tt"" card).lndm|rcmu. “no you: and!" an“ no no and may to Mun-oi. m " mrw Iu in land ttigttttr-eor a may loan to In nil around III. I but. “than! Mum; Na Beet---" was“ the runaway mm the palate. Hig "eo, weury with â€in, in" " “Pruhuhly you are mum," said the ruling, M disappointments tutd blnehlllnx. "that you have ulnnned a great uesl. raved the room. They Cline â€HI-Hy people." rest " Install the photograph of I “I‘m “my. sir. I mum tttlub--" young ""3. which stood on NI " "A prince's duty In to think. Where In}: EDIQ- . A, -, - did yuu no?" He mus a wry.- wum.’ mun. tn tt "1- "To the park, Ilr. l--l thought I'd form, [In W , t a“? and alum". like to m the park by myself. In There mm " ulna In mic him, am! It: wry hard to n-ujoy things with Ill-I hem! “m m. In "M: Wtwrever ou, Br-thulte. sir. Slu- doey nut really stood In Ilu. rum†the eyes of th, enjoy (ho thlna I like. NIH] and photograph guru-ll ul une_ The kin; t-" know this. nun! [Jr-numb he was mm- "By ‘leiy' you mu Lieutenant old, and Int-mun? tttore were few 1-00 Lulu-h?" ple to “hum " Mm: vim-N to spunk hl~ "Yes, SIP-n lmuosl Hmuyhh L.» Mann-ml) “pub "GooC' to the photositvrpl, The oliiesr In "We lure the same ttrings, Mr-Me Crew. tue Inun- he Ien, .-m~Hnwa. up Ptke'trPeturor-Buat, Ind all that.“ though " in...“ Mm In. ,iuld. The king rnised himself on MI cl "tf my“. cot him†ho m.ch lmulbOW. "What wan that?" he demtigided, “If tti.s've L' to the picture . ttttd into youâ€. Murh mulling, lug for walling. in "r lug for that :a In wuilm: at luvml mu! Inn child. In li', tt died tt vird n: his ttrvrl Ir.“ ,'celtttsr In Itis; ‘a dud alum ugu (tro _ . a "t I 'ttln "rut" I'm I d Prim-P For!!! um! took u â€up n ml 1 out mhunvo Int / _ “l'rmw lwro." “I! l Lr., v v-m to the . “who r0 huve I f "I'," ..r...|l.-| , icept"r to Itjsc L'X‘HUIII lulll. Quite smith-My the door opened. Thu- nlll nun lurur-l his bond. Just inside Mum} n it ry "irty \mull boy. The t'yosvn l’rlnw- M-rummml WI]- llnm Otto wuu most teifmry mum- n-nvd. Fhrr.srtrlit'.,r “aw ut :‘Ixes and ir'tirt.R, Mim’ multhunirv had been crying her mm ott. mud on soc-Eng hlm bud (mm. in " mm. Not that he 'lmught it “am n " " faint. He had mriiislulrly ~c-nn tdt. "ycllds quiver. And wins: che 01m~ to she had or- !vrvd lulu 1m "'lPi" '1 null four page! If Gt'riiruu.trurelvt “:1. "ml to tro to oed at ~:;“.m| mm L- !nxnlml ot seven- Illlllllmiu Mj‘vrdlm‘nd William mm mn- Ildvrml. lt was "ttter an awful mo- mull. "I don't anvil, know. 1 Just "much! I would." You .00. " mu rr-ully oxtromoly dlf- tirtolt. To tnv thttt he was “rod of Hun:- u may m would mum! un- mtoful. Would. Indeed, be must In- palm. And than. one“: why had in 'N tsis IIII' nu'lln: I mm to It Hm II hud been spun m fur a run, In mm g;~...\ to be 11 man, 1H my. In his [urn nan-I lu-gol n unm- ‘h'll that mm had F fur lln' tlute “In" uh! nllnqulsh the _" hr It of my [Hurt-x an; : ,, 1 - .10".w mix, “you dn' up a ehatr Ind tell me “an! it. We'd better talk " over, I "link." In. ruyul ttttttmom drew up a chair. and "I on It. His, feet not ran-Inns the Boor. he hooked [hem urouud (In a-lmlr rung. Tm: was Darwin!» be. muu, ttrrt. the Hug could not see them hum hls bed. second. it kept to kurets frum linking. “Pruhuhly you are “are," said the "i'ttt sorry. sir. I didn‘t tttme--" "A prtnee'i' duty In to think. Where am you no?" "To the park, alr. F--, thought I'd like to we the park by myzwlf. It" wry hard to n-ujoy things with “In Brnithwulte. sir. h'lse doeis not really enjoy (ha thlnu I like. NIH: Ind --ttheorqb-es nut-“mm“. 1 go.“ get no W in)“ I and Tundra.†and 'thpottta - Thom: mmtpnnordh.. "Br 'leiy' you mean Lieutenant "rucht" "Yes, sir." "Go on,†"We like the same things. MP-the Pttrr'trPeturor-Hot, nnd alt that.†The king rnlsc-d himself on Ml cl bow. “Winn was that?" he demanded. Prutee Ferdinand Wllllnm Uttu blushed. and explnlned. " was Botr by's nulur fur the punk It the top of the scenic ruilwny Me In; 1 .u on the railway. He hm] been-hu vu- thustlsm (-1"de him away. His chi.ees llushml. He mt I’urwnrd on the edge of his "tttir. nnd gmlivulutvd. um. 'r I 1 Mn and up has m a,tha "tea' And '40 d 5.4,, c.ndn-¢ggugly_go_l†The king lay back and thuuxht. More than anything in the world he loved this boy. But the occasion demanded I strong hand. "You were happy," ho laid. "Ion were disobedient, you were causing grave anxivty and dis- tre-ttnd you were happy'. The Brat duty of u prinw- is to his country. Ell lint lesson is to obey laws. He must Mum's obey m’rtnin Inn’s. A king is but the sorvunt of his people. Sumo any you will be the king. You are he- lng trained for thin! high "tttee now. And yo: you “mild sot the example of msubooiiuutho, tii:;obettivrtce. und rocklosq disregard of the feelings ot minors." "I “as awfully happy, sir." he ended. "it feetr, Hire titititt, only safer. And the lights are pretty. It’s like fairy- land. There were two or three time. when It seemed as If we'd turn over, pr Iran the track. But we didnt" you: he. Mu modi- Ill mum-OntnboIJhl 'tao,i-te-trteFtrr Ptuttwttva.1gmitM.ott_ ' “Fruit-vuvd' b duo - yuan-muting». _ Correct Keep the stomach well, the liver active, the bowels regular, and the breath will be sweet and healthy. But let poisons accumu-. late in the digestive organs. the systet“ hen 'mes ch tuned, mars form in the stomach mid affect the breath. these conditions with Beccham's Pills. They promptly regulate the bodi- ly functions and are a quick remedy for sourstomach and Bad Breath ' ., ""Tghaaltttatml""t. 3" Vic. Hindi-0 tau. mine. 00mm, on. I allâ€. - ht Cor mi fut radii}: Harvey J. Bttrtr. L L Ir. Bray, B. A., Barman, New Office upstairs Economic-l Kiug St. Well, Kitchen". etc. Money to Iona. an. Otnee-- Peqnenn Block. Market, Frederick Bt.. m o. a. McINTOOH, mum Notary, Convoy-near. In, " tet. But, Kitchener. PM» t D. B. BOWL-V, IA, L Barrister, Sollclmr. Noulr 3nd Convey-near _ Ollie. Hank Bulldlng. Telephou n Kitchener. Ont. _ _fS. : General Mound. tilled Ml - hand. Marty year: of weld" I ydim-'13 mp hlll not Injured N! H I any hulr. He had brtstttrtq an" white now. and . short. maul tttchr. When he w" Irritant. C ( agreed with any one. In M I "me down and the trr-tne" I i up. DR. s. ECKEL. I..D.8. M Grndu-te Chicago College of III Surgmns and Ron] o" Dental Surgeons of Toronto. I Otfice, In new Maison: Bank mi Water? o. D nun"! new“ Dentist, LBS, Royall 0011.: tal Surgeons. DDS. Toronto any. All branches of dent-try lised, (mice over has Bus. 1 Kitchener, Ont. " branch" Until Into that night (Mum! 1 Itch Ind the km: talked toprtttesr. km; hnd been lifted from his M Mt propped In I (rent cult. I In: shabby dressing gown NI showed gum and old. In I - ohm racing him out his old old chancellor. "WM: it bus Ihown Is not a bad,," aald tho has. utter I l "The boy has Initiative. And in no attempt at evuion. B. “All! I, truthful." _ "What It bu also shown. I that no protection I. enough. I, who love the lad. Ind won'- I could sleep, und let him pt " I did---" "The truth II." III! tho m are both of w, .ottlng old." a. I with his maria! ttttgem on the N that lly our his kneel. â€I'll. l Is also." he observed a man! "that the boy has vary M II. Be In new I great deal." Buy years of used-Hon '3. king and ora him the right at to him no man to mun. M , qunrreled now and men. tt v. brave man who would can?“ '1‘ Ferdinand rr. J, Bo not his eyebrow- on} and his mustache wont up. alone. sire?" "You do not regard that English vomun u I consul you?†"tthe In a thoughtful and ed "on! woman, alre." he all may. happened that he had "he!“ l "She does her duty. And I. to boy being lonely, he bu no an. tt lonely. His “atom" "How oid " In?" “Ten next month." The Ila; aid 30ml. for u I Then~“lt ll hard." h - at I "for seventy-rot" to no I". .0 ' of ten. An for this “tom the nun of I new“ they take him to no - 7 Dutchman? I do". It." ," t9peeilr-- Dluuen of the n.1, Nose and Throat. A. L. IITZII, B. _ (Successor to Could “I W, mung, NM King St. But, CLIIIIIT a Batman. and mm!- of armor! anh are from Snlnnika to be te Green wind-yo! gull M}: “main-nouns Allen Theatre, mum-f.†Phone 344w. Ruldnnco “I 066mm- mock: 100 Web" cum-non. CHIROPRACTOI A. HOLM, D. C. MlLLAR, “M. C “N Cmvm' "a Privm m to [an B. p. can“. . I! I w. can“. :4 an“ e. (To BE con‘rmuto...A*y§ on. F. a. Human, Dean-t. ' J. A. HILLIAIID, D. J. E. HETT Medical.