( ty W (E v>=~Mr. Conrad Lants is serlously ill at éhh bome and his many friends hope "#or his Toovery. His daughters, Mrs. ‘Rdward and Allen Heldman of Kitchâ€" ener, were called to his bedside. _ Big Peace Tattoo at Waterloo, Fri day, August ist. Seven Bands. Don‘t miss it. 1t Mrs. Henry Forler of Kitchener, is visiting relatiyes in the village. mm'm is spending a gew days with his sister, Mre. M. Stever. l *4â€"â€" NÂ¥arte Aruhbber of Elmira is spending a few weeks at her hbome _ mirs. D. MacPherson and son Ross snent the week end with friends . in we q. wi h bsemus at Milverton. â€" Mr. W. Pringle of Toronto was the guest of his friend Mr. Earl Tabbert ever Sunday. Quite a number from this vicinity touk in the sports ai Elmira on Satur day. # Miss V; Tabbert spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Reta Runstetiar of Glenalia ~ . â€" Mrs. Dr. L. Doering of Mildmay, is ho‘laay‘ng in the vlquge. Mrs. A. Gabel and Mrs. Clinton Schmidt of West Toronto, are visiting relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and. Mra. James Ca.oellnx of Burnside and Mrs. Walsh oc Toronio, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoerle. _ bvoas cme ciGur EDRUe P Cepanee Mrs. Henry Berg was called to the beasiue or her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Nun, of Shakespeare, who is critically ill. A bouncing baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wagâ€" Lew Maxwell car o mmoes e aere Nir and Mrs. EA. Zinn of Amulree were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lantz. Rain Needed. Haying is nearly over in this vicin ity and wheat cutting has commenced Both hay and an wheat are abunJdant erop. Uniess rain soon comes, barâ€" lav and oats will be light, also roots ley and oats will and potatoes. Big Peac; Fatioo at Waterloo, Fr day, August lst. Seven Bands. Don miss it. 1 wuisses Mable and Norma leste PCOM) Agerfoyle are speading their bolidays with Mis. J. Pringle. Mr. Chas. Tuck of Guelph is spend lug. a few days cailing on his old is.ends â€" ce spat o ds EEXETUE Mrs. Huinmel from Kitchener call ed on Mrs W. Brydon on Monday Nigh. se â€" SW . ues Cofaks Miss H. Haugh Sunday with Alrs Mr. anad Mcs. John Berner and MAM! ily and Mr. FraakVanie spent Sunday in Toronto. Ps Mr. and Mrs â€" Bert â€" Berner and Mrs. Dan. Kraimp motored to Mount Forest on Salurday last. Miss Helen Vance is visiting | her Brother in ‘Toronto. Mr. A. Brown returned Mon. even ing from Detroit . Mr. Fred Pindu took charge of the service held at the church on Sunday last and also sang & solO. g & 80. 000 _ â€" Mr. and Mrs. John home from the West week. Mr. Geo. Z. Lantz has purchased & F407 womies tuar * TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Council of the the underinentioned works on specially assess a part of the s 1. The Council of the Corporation of«the Town of Waterloo intends the underinentioned works on the streets and between the points set out in specially assess a part of the costs upon the land abutting directly on the 2. The estimated cost of the several works, the amount jn each case imated special rates per foot frontage. and the number of annual instaim e to be paid, are also as hereunder set forth. 3. A petition against any of the said works will not avail to prevent DATED at Waterloo this fourteenth day of July, A. D., 1919. Cement Walke: Charles, _ (Weat side), Park Avenue, North limit of Lot 105, Plan 73 .... Victoria â€" (East Side), Erb Street, _ Point 396 feet north from Erb Street., Mary, (West Side), Union Street; Southerly limit of Town Sewers : Charles, â€" Park Avenue, Southerly jimit Lots 21 and 28, Snider survey, Victoria, William Street, _ Point 132 feet southerly from William Street STREET PHILIPSBURG. MAAGTON. The Haugh â€" of Guelph spent h Mrs. Jas. Taylor. irs. John Berner and fam Fraak Vanie spent Sunday MANâ€"Aâ€"LIVE, wreres$ THAT WHY, HE‘S IN I sUuRE Do OoLD PaAL oF DE HOSPITAL, FEEL Buue! Yours, SAMBO®| ||BeELtEVE ME z~â€"â€"â€"A4|_BOY‘!f _ Musboro U wA it and Norma Leslie from speading their holidays T!o;n;i"l"uck returned West one day last LITTLE JULIUS SNEEZER FROM ‘Town of Waterloo T Wellesiey .1 * ""â€"-â€"-mâ€".:'â€""""n!ll' Big Peace _at Wateriag, | day, August lst. Seven Bands. Don‘t | , miss it. â€" 1t SERIOUSLY ‘IJUIID <â€" Mr. Henty w living about 3| b miles from very â€" unfortunately | i had a while mowing with a spirited team~cf horses which _ took | b fright and rup away, and when . Mr.| P Merlaw was found he was lying unâ€" der the machine with his leg broken | d in two places and otherwise badly used up. He is not expected to live gangrene, having set in and may prove fatal. Passes Away > the said works will not avail to prevent its construction Mrs. D. Leis, died last Wednesday | after a long and weary iliness, andl was buried on Saturday â€" afternoon | amidst a large concourse of friends: and relatives. Personals : â€" R Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Meyer and faimily of Milverton are spending . & tew days here amongst friends. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Stable, Mrs. Krenâ€" tzwise spent . Sunday here . among friends. Mr. Herb Batenberg is holidaying in Elinira with relatives. Pev. H. Battenberg occupied the puipit at Rhmelind last Sunday. Private Henry Neeb is back from _ Private Henry Neeb overseas. \ Rev M. Voélker preached his fareâ€" well sermon to the congregation of St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church, in Pres: ton, Sunday night. The service was well â€" attended, and . the departing clergyman delivered a powerful serâ€" mon. Rev. Mr. Voelker left for his new charge at Pembroke ‘The holiday on Saturday wus quietly ; observed in Waterloo. Many (.‘l(l!el)l‘ joined with the War Veterans in celeâ€"! brating Peace, by joining in the big { parade in Kitchener. The local band | furnished the music for the cetebraâ€"i tion and were given a splendid recep-‘ tion by Twin Cityites, receiving numâ€"| erous encores. | PILES Ing, or Protrudâ€" ing Plles. No surgical operâ€" ation required. Dr. Chag/e Ointmhent will relieve you al once and zs certainly cure rl:m' 0o. m nox; all mn. or Edmaneon, Bute: & Co., Limited, ito. Sample box freo if you mention this saper and enalose %o. stamp to prv no~**~~ ‘The undersigned will sell by Public Auction his furniture, which is all nearly new, only used a few months, on SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919, at the premises 56 Lancaster St., Kitchener, :ommencing at 130 p.m. Steel range cook stove, kitchen cabiâ€" aet, â€" extension â€" table, 6 mahogany finish diners, 3 burner gas plate, fumâ€" od oak library table, leather, upholstâ€" ered chair, fumed oak rocker, music eabinet, phonograph electric reading lamp, fumed oak, leather covered Davâ€" enport, Brusels rugs, iron bed «with springs and matress, linoleum, some kitchen utensils, pictures, short cut hardwood, and numerous other artiâ€" les. TERMS CASH. HOLIDAY QUIETLY OBSERVED OF NEW HOUSEKOLD GOODS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE by a La‘rge Staff of wide awake. PUBLNG SAE SCHEDULE. ROY MUSSELMAN, Proprietor E J. SHANTZ Waterloo intends to construct, as Local Improvements, e points set out in the schedule hereto, and intends to g directly on the several works respectively. unt Jn each case to be patd by the Cornpsration, the esâ€" of annual instalments in which the special assessments prowst nc i w USEing blecdâ€" Auctioneer.‘ 1/ "g 4K ...â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"____â€"'â€".“u---â€".â€"q.-â€"--.-â€"- (Continued from page 1) tle later. £ I l cerrnriemaanten gapzerey â€"â€"*â€"«~â€"â€"»â€"sâ€"â€"| Dr. F, C, Becker, of Toronto, was & bridge will be open again for traffic weekend visitor at the home of Mr. in about two week. | Wm. H. Boullee. ‘ Miss Madelene Rutledge is spending‘ Mrs. E. H. Schiedel of Kitchener, is her vacation with friends at Grand spending a few weeks with Mrs. Urias Bend. ; Cressman. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller M‘ Mr. Ed. Merner is on a business trip daughter of Winnipeg, are visiting atito Winnipeg this week. L.2 _ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller and daughter of Winnipeg, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jos. L. Roth. â€" i hi# Mrs. McDonald of Paris, is a visitor at the home of MrsaHerman Schultz, * Mrs. Corcoran, of Mount Forest, spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Ernest Franke this week. Mr. Win: Bouer, who spent several weeks with his parents bere returned to his home in Albuquerkue, New Mexico. Sm m mc e ns s Wheat, spring, $2.14; wheat, fall. j2.09; corm, $1.75; barley. 85c.; oats TQc.; corn, $1.00; Family flour, $5.60; | Manitoba flour, $5.10; middlings, per tou, $42.00; bran, pet ton, $42.00 lbuner, per ib., 46¢c; eggs, per dozerf 143(:.; lard, per lb., 35¢; potatoes, p¢ bag. $1.25; hay, per tom, $15.00. | Mrs. W. Eldridge and son Jack have returned to their home in Wiarton after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Messner Mr. Danie! Kipfer agd Miss Lavin® ‘Klpter left last week for Davenport | lowa, to spend the summer with thei1 i sister, Mrs. Edmund Gingerich. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Laschinge: of Elmira, spent Tuesday in town. _ Mrs. J. M. Smith and children wil leaye tomorrow for Deihi, where the: will make their future home. Miss Edna Mibm, who spent twi weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Maurice Mihm, is spending a fey days with friends in Stratford before returning to Kitchener. New Hamburg Market Reports:â€" _ ‘The stock of merchandise in the H Deichert store here, has been disposec of to Mr. W. Gledhill, of Kincardine and was shipped to that place on Wed nesday. * Messrs. F. Debus, George Morley Geo. Hahn, and Harry Spill compose a rink of bowlers at the Twin Cits bowling tournament in Kitchener, or Wednesday, and Messrs. J. Lauten schlager, Rev. Bauman, Thos. Wenze and D. Eby, took in a one day bowling tournament at Embro, neither rink succeeded in winning a prize. ‘The Baptist Sunday Schogol held the‘r annual picnic in Mr. Noah Web er‘s grove on W'e(!ne_sday afternoon. â€" Mrs. Hohner, of Toronto. (~ ~n~ > ing a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimbecher, Rev. and Mrs. Ernst Reick, of Hen dall, N. YÂ¥., motored here this week and are visiting their relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Roland Plum, of Chi cago, 111., are spending their holidays with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plum. Part Estimatâ€" No. of ESTIMATED payable ed rate annual COST. by Corporâ€" per ft. instalâ€" | ation. frontage. ments. ~ Capt. N. H. Winn, left this week for Vaucouver, B... to take charge ol the Dental department in the military hospital in that city. Mr. L. A. Merner left for his home in Denver, Col., on Tuesday after a few weeks‘ visit, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Merner. ltev. Thomas Voaden is going to take a much needed rest the next four weeks. He and Mrs. Voaden leil for Port Stanley and will spend a few weeks at the summer home of his brother and the rest of the time with another brother on a farm near St Thomas. Miss Chant will meanwhile visit her brother in Burgesville. The services in the Methodist church will be under the charge of the Chairman of the District who will send accept $557.16 265.31 286.97 781.44 410.44 en ronne es WELL HE‘ BEEN A !â€" WHAT WAS | [ teucimm‘mge Fom DE LMST ALL _ THE montH, DAT HE‘S GWiINE TROyBLE_||| to LiCK HiS wiFE â€" ABOUT ? â€" â€" $8.24 2.64 .68 84.48 $3.08 JAMES C. HAIGHT $.8234 .66 .673 1.32 1.24 Clerk 20 20 20 30 30 able suppiies for the able suppiies for the evenINg SOF7T1007.! puat it was a bij was evident John FIBK, eB€ bo vithdrawn UitMMr. Vorden returns| So8l g&upwâ€' erusher, pic. vet the Sunday school services .will SXt""f BP AWEC EC S Ds Were!G. Rosenbintt. continue ‘The Anglican churches of Wilmot will entertain the soldiers . of this community at a picuic ta be held in Fountain Park, New â€" Hamburg on Wednesday afternoon July 23rd, all men who have been in khaki are in Wim. H. Boullee. Lean «uabsriod imr the cottind vear WwiW Y U Mrs. E. H. Schiedel of Kitchener, is b-ao.u-udurlhou-hcmin'. J. Hgyes, suditor‘s salary auo’ the St*Jacobs P‘ublic School Board to | Denis Hanley, corrugated culvert spending a few weeks with Mrs. UTMR® | yake charge of the second division of| _ and .’“g‘ 20.50 My d Merner is on a business UiP| Euhiâ€"s Pease Celebration. o mop sSbrmnl ... ** * _ 200 to Wiunipeg this week. Under the auspices of the Elmire|c. F. Ottman, grant to Wellesâ€" The Anglican churches of WiMOt|pactory Basebali â€"cague, Poate Day| ‘ ley N. E. Hope Agr. Society 10300 will entertain the soldiers of tRi#| w;, made an "Oscar Weichel Benefti w. 0. He Work on roadâ€"drag 480 community at a picuic ta be held i"| y Since 1908, when Eimira oou-ig Lintick, grading per contract Fountain Park, New | Hamburé OB prgted the Eimira Old Boys‘ Reâ€"union,); 1 pay ..... > <>.<>0 0> 1500 Wednesday afternoon July 23rd, all lthou wis nothing compared to this|j. 8. Knapp, gramt to sthoolâ€"Fair 20.00 :::d"‘“’ have been in khaki are i9 bqay ‘The people joined hands and, â€" Messrs. McEachern, Glaister and * f willingly belped to make it a day oll Heric were present and discussed the Miss Mary Puddicombe is VisiHBEL;,ccess. Although, the princip@l prOâ€"| price of their phones with the Coun with friends in Toront@. . |gram began at 2 pm., the day began| cil. _ The Council promised to call & The regular meetng Nof the W. Câ€"| ;n a fairly good Calithump!an PAY:} meeting of the subscribers of the local T. U., will be held on Monday °'°"|ulo. The Kitchener McGinty Band, jines and then lay all information beâ€" ing July l4th in the Evangellc@| wa, engaged for this part of the P"o‘llon them and then it is up for the church. | gramme, but owing to Kitchener holdâ€"! gaiq subscribers to decide whether or Four rinks of bowlers played @|ing a celebration, the band stayed 8t| pnor the establishment of the new proâ€" league game at Plattsyille last Friâ€"| :ome, and helped to celebrate thereâ€"‘ posed Telephone System is to be carâ€" lay night and won uut by nine shots.| The parade was led by the. Eimira Fire) ried into effect. ‘ ‘The New Hamburg School Board| Nrigade, then followed by the C;u-' Moved by Knight, seconded by Neeb aas engaged Mr. W. L. Bowden Of| thumpians and baseball players, the{ that the Clerk is hereby instructed to jimcoe as principal of the local High! woodworkers and Great gv.l- notify all the subscribers of the Mc Jchool to fill the vacancy caused by| Mrs. A. Zinger and son Anthony Of| gachern, Glaister ®ad Heric Telcphone he deaih of the late principal J. M.\petroit, are on a ten days‘ visit to th€" gygtems to meet at. & date to be set imith. at an initial salary of $1600| former‘s brother, Mr. J. B. Weber by the Reeve and Clerk for the pulâ€" Jer year. Mr. Bowden bas had seven| Mr. and Mrs. Gaets of Churchville: pose of discussing the taking over of "ears experience as principal of the|r; y. are visiting at the homes of MT. ajojs Lienhardt, work on Toadâ€" )resden . and Simcoe contlnuu!lon‘ and Mrs. W. H. Schnetder and Mr. ABd ‘~ machin® ..... c>c>>0 999 9nCc 4.10 Jchools and is highly recommended! yys) Chris Dreisinger: |J. P. Pletch, operating 227115 y the inspectors. \ ‘The Evangelical Sungay Sehool has L___ Mrs Raiph Gribble and daughter , invested in a fne piano which | C8Fâ€"| potal ..... ..e}> ++ 99c .. $632.41 teft on Thursday for Parry Sound to , tainly is a great improvement. â€"Carried. ° spend the summer holidays. i ‘The Evangelical Y.P.A. will bo‘!d‘ _ moved hy Petch, seconded by Knight Mrs. W. H. Umbach and daughter their annual picnic next Saturday @5 imat this Co‘ls." grant the sum ol Ruth are spending their vacation with terroon at the Elora Rocks. ‘ twenty dollars "($20.00) to We‘lesley aer mother in Chicago. About three weeks ago and shortly ‘rownship Schoolâ€"Fair.â€"Carried . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wolfe of Hamilâ€" |after his return from overseas, CA"l the different systems and for the ap ‘on are visiting at the home of the|Q‘Neil had a position at the head pointment of Commissioners.â€"Carried ‘ormer‘s parents Mr. ang Mrs. Peter | office of the Royal Bank of Canada, Moved by Knight. seconded . by Wolte. at Toronto. + . Petch, that this Council hereby asks Doc. Milner, V. 8., of near Linwood, for applications for the office 0 .. A very pretty wedding took place| was buying pure bred Pole Angus Treasurer, of this Township, includ it the home of Dr and Mrs. R. Tâ€"jcattle for shipment to the West. .ing annual salary. Said application: Winn on Wednesday afternoon J“'YI Mr. and Mrs. John Klinck left on‘ to be malled to the Tp. Clerk,. St. Cle Ind when their only daughter, Ethe!| puesday for Calgary and other west : ments, Ont., and to be opened and con satker, became the bride of D. W. Jâ€"‘ory cities. They will be away about‘ sidered at Crosshill, on August the Lend cnka Fin»rfad The regular meetng ‘of the W. C. T. U., will be held on Monday even: ing July 14th in the Evangelical church. Mr. Stuart spent the weekâ€"end with his faimily in Mitchell. â€" Mr. L. A. Merner and his Mother Mrs. Simpson Merner spent a few lays with friends in Stratford and Sebringville this week. Miss Gladys Marty is visiting friends in Galt. Mr. J. 5. Clemens, spent Sunday af his home in Kitchener. Mr. James Corrie of Stratford, spent the weekâ€"end at his home here. Mr. Charles Plefggh, of Stratford ipent the weekâ€"enu with his mother here. & _Mr. and Mrs. Millier and daughte: of Winnipeg, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Roth. Misses ‘Ruth and Ethel Bettger ol Monkton, are visitors at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bettger. _ Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Appel of Kitâ€" chener, were weekâ€"end visitors at the home of his father, Mr. Herman Ap pel. Miss Linda Kaercher of Toronto, is spending her vacation with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaercher. Miss Lottle Goebel of Waterloo, was a weekâ€".end visitor at her home here. P;l-l'-.fl;;ld Mrs. Randal are visiting re latives in Harriston. â€"Mr. August Meier of Stratford, spent he weekâ€"end at his home here. Mr. Laimbert Bowman of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at his home here. Mrs. Bruno Beger and two sons, Re ginald and Robert of Stratford, ‘are visiting at the bhome of Mr. and Mra. Sparrer. as usual, only probably a litâ€" We Do IT ? HIM, BELIEVE mE Bovy! AND NESTERDAY U_ SHE DPoONE OYVERHEARD L. _ Li on d ces ts cmcnmcmeme dn inians ty iB ap r 7 pomtagnt s [ \served during the day. wm-«nx-m l:-lduhlmm m‘. es sgirle . ‘ tul in passing her at the | Fred work on roadâ€" |Stratford Normal School, and has| grader ....« â€">.0.) <>>>> > .heuounpdsortnu-b‘mhs'.l.mw--hn the St*Jacobs Public School Board to} Denis Hanley, corrugated culve | rake charge of the second division of| and rep, bridge ...â€" â€"â€". â€"â€"> their schoot Andrew (Tillie, drawing plank i Eimira Peace Coicbration. and rep. culvert ... ..; > Mr. and ) Tuesday for ern cities. two months EVC PMNTITUICC Mr. and Mre L Huehnergard and‘ family of Hamiiton are visiting the tormer‘s mother, who is staying at the , home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Klinck. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Voisin and Mrs. Peter Graybill of 8t. Clements, Mr. nd Mrs. Wm. Voisin and family of Mount Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Leo. toppre and family of Waterloo, were i ‘siting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . \ug. Voisin on Sunday. ' Cholerainfantu mis ome of the fata‘" ;uug;!s of childhood. It is _A rou that comes on suddenly e8â€" wclally during the summer months and unless prompt action is | tak>n ittle one may soon . be beyond‘ aid. Baby‘s Own Tablets are an _ ideal medicine in warding off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sWeetâ€" on the stomach and thus prevent all the dreaded summer complaints. ‘Thay are an absolutely safe medigine being guaranteed by a governme it analyst to contain no opilates or narâ€" cotics or other barm{ul «drugs. They| cannot possibly do | harmâ€"they ar| ways do good. The Tablets are .m!q| by medicine dealers otr by mail at 8.‘ cents a box from ‘The Dr. Williams ! ~HOLERA IANFANTUM Medicine Co., Brockvills, Ont Wellesley Municipal Council met at the Tp. Hall, Crosshill, Monday, July 7th. 1919, at 10 o‘clock in the fore:â€" All the membors were in attendâ€" ance, the Reeve presided. The minâ€" utes of the special.June session, were read and passed. 5 Correspondence, bills and accounts were received and read. Mr. Winkâ€" ier complained of being erroneously issessed for four days statuteâ€"labor inâ€" stead of three days. Error corrected. Herman Neeb asked for a grant to la some gravelling, work to the amount of about $45.00. Assessed to by the Boardâ€". The Clerk was instructed to notify Nicholas _ Steckley to | return: gate from where it was removed. Notice forwarded accordingly John Fink agreed to to roadâ€"machine, for roadâ€"crusher for $12.00 to supply his own fuel ed. C. F. Ottman and W. Croft, appearâ€" ed before this Board and asked for a grant in support of the Wellesley N. E. Hope Agricuiturai Society. In subport thereof a very nice address was read by the former showing that a raise in last years grant was necâ€" essary. The Council granted them $25.00 more than in 1918. Sheep Case. After taking the evidence of Anâ€" drew Bast and his witness re the Killâ€" ing of three sheep by a dog or dogs WELLESLEY TP. COUNCIL. BY BAKER furnish engine $14.0) and to per day and Offer acceptâ€" of the fatal pres~| _ @fugher, @LC. ..... ke. adr>s 230.00 were.â€"G.â€" Rosenblatt, stamp account .. 241 pOBMESER TEA sns Moved by Knight. seconded . by . Petch, that this Council hereby asks for applications for the office o:‘ Treasurer, of this Township, includâ€" . ing annual salary. Said applications to be mailed to the Tp. Clerk, St. Cle â€" ments, Out., and to be opened and con ‘ sidered at Crosshill, on August the | 4th, 1919.â€"Carried. * _ Moved by Baechler, seconded bY Neeb that this Council do now adjourn | to meet again at the Tp. Hall, Crossâ€" j hill, Monday the 4th day of August, wvarh 10 n‘clock in the forenoon.â€"Carâ€" PWm PW MPCCEC C TY that the Clerk is hereby instructed to notify all the subscribers of the Mc Eachern, Glaister mad Heric Telcphone Systems to meet at.a date to be set by the Reeve and Clerk for the purâ€" pose of discussing the taking over of Alois Lienhardt, work on roadâ€" FEm fhill, Monday the 4th 4 1919, 10 o‘clock in the ried. > St. Clements, July the â€"Carried. ° Moved hy Petch, seconded by Knight that this Colng_ll grant the sum of twenty dollars ‘($20.00) to We‘lesleyâ€" Township Schoolâ€"Fair.â€"Carried . the different systems and for the ap pointment of Commluloneu,â€"-Carr\ed 1 Bm eotec n ces Consandad bÂ¥ THE LATE CHASLES BEERBOHM The following references to the dmath of the late Charles Beerbohm a natiye of Waterloo, which was his‘ umeta published in the La Junta ‘Tribune of Colorado will be of â€" our interest to our readers:â€" Charles~A; Beerbohm who passed aay on July: 14th, was born in Watâ€" erloo, Canads," Febuary 14, 1862 and au tne tnie of his death was aged 57 years, 4 months and 13 days. Tt the y~ 1OD DL OO OL.0 memece Your®> Eyes inflamed by ex K OUF Puipinriesancaine auitkly relieved by Murine yes yeRomedy. No Smarting, YoueDmegias P was Che per Bouks. our iste or i per For Book ol the Eys free write. R4s Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicage. Sole Agent For Waterioo. qgZ Erricie=t= Mail $1.04 to this address or to Templetor Toronte and T. R. C.‘s will be seen postpaid. PLENTY OF MUSIC PURE FOOD SHOW Auto Entrance corner Dundas and Egerton Sts. Usual Entrance at the Gates. Grand Stand §0c and 25c. ‘Prize Lists, Entry Forme and all information from the Secretary LTâ€"COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, President A. M. MUNT, Secretary How old are YOU? "A woman is as old as she looksâ€" a man as old as he feels." Stay young! Pain wrecks you in the prime of life and wastes vour best years. Fight Rheumatic pzins with T. R.C.‘% OBITUARY The Western Fair | London, Ontario September 6th to 13th, 1919 the Very Best Exhibits , July the 10th, 1919. PETER F. SCHUMMER, Granufaled Eyelids, This is tho Great Agricnitural Exhibition of Western Cniaaio . B. LEARN Two Speed Events Daily 20.00| age of nineteen be "crossed the ling settling at Erie, Pa., where he p sued his chosen avocation, that machinist, for two years. His as a machinist was suddenly t ated by an accident, hi right arm ing caught under a steam | hamiB and crushed, as a resu‘t of vhlch} |]ulnl at the elbow was entirely ‘troyed and left him with a stiff an This accidentrendered manual hd imposible and chunged the en course of his life. Te aitendel commergial college at Bellevilie, C ada, for a peroid of three years, & graduated from that institution W tae highest honors. In 18$5 Mr. Beerbohm came We locating in Topeko, Kan., and in 1 went to work in the general offi of the Sante Fe Rialroad. In 1 he was transferred to Le Junta chief clerk of the western . divis of the mechicanical department of | Santa Fe, which at that time extend from Denver to Dodge City, K and severed in that capacity / eleven years. * E RN Prescription Druggist. 1 & Waterloo, Ont. Templetons Limited, 142 King St., ~W eats Indigestion and Constipatio For years, l‘ suffered wi dreaded diseases, trying all treatments until I was to In the year 1897 he was nomina q! by the republicatts for county lreg urer, was elected in the fall, and that capacity served Otero c'mnt'g for a perfod â€" of: nine . years. From! 1908 untll September, 1914, he was employed as cashier oR the Colorad@ Savings and Trust Company, and from (>=> later date until a few months before nis death as secretary of the | Big Pearce TaTtoo at Waterloo, Friâ€" dov. August 1st. Seven Bands. Don‘t miss it. it He has been a resident of La Jq ta ever sinceâ€"a period of thlrly-l"- years. s J ~b;'uawwm ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘. To my mduu-»dsu-n"hl! telief, and in s short time I P »# 8e > pow ap LALON! b0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sixt At all dealers or from Fruit® La Junta Automobile aud . Machine Company. T Mr. Beerboihm was married March ° 18, 1805, ot ‘Mary| Elizabeth â€" Mason,‘ and to this @nion was born a daughâ€" ter. g‘&?{q\‘:}anq a son, . Frederick,; Who2afFo now Qleprived of a loving! of Boston; Mrs.. Fred. 'l'hompsoM Chicago, and Miss ‘Rebecea Beer of Boston, also ione «brother, W. R Beerbohm, of Topeka, Kan. Who a afo now -Eluprl\'m! of a loving! husbang and father. He is also sur~â€" vived by four ai;Ters. Mr, Edwards Goettel. Wah., Mrg. Ernest Gllmod The funeral tqok place the followâ€" ing ounday under theauspices of .Euâ€" clid Lodge, No. 64, F. & . A. M., hr 'iml mfw aroi rdIrlll ‘grave were in ciatger wff hrdrddl lo "he services were, in charge of the Masons, and ‘were particulary impresâ€" Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Treacy and family, are Rolidaying at Grand Bend, Lake Huron. gam sive FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT TRACTOR DEMONSTRATIONS Better Than Ever Attractions Ste. Usual Entrance at Hul, John‘y J. Jones Midway Exposition â€"~*:{00