I For All Kinds of lGood Footwear l at Low Prices Weseloh‘s Shoe ’Store _ resard. The low cost of our ciothing and the high standard of quality is due ‘ to our knowledge of the clothing business. t .Only a firm with such extraordinary purchasing powers, such a tremenâ€" .†source of supply "a dozen big factories, making for over 350 leading h‘-*nt' can ’roduc( the extraordinary stock to select from as we show. Ernst‘s "HZ*%.. Anros o mmmmemtemenen om eafrom THE HOUSE THAT 1s Down ~â€"â€" oN HIGH PRICES %$5.50, $8.80, g7.80 ..... ...... $10.00 1 ‘WILL RISE SAYS |_ _ BIR GEORGE FOS.MER 2000 PAIR MEN‘S TROUSERS. ABOUT 200 MEN‘S, YOUNG MEN‘S AND FIRST LONG sUits, REG. YALUES $30 TO $33.50, ON SALE AT PER SUiT. These are suits that were never made to be put into a sale; they‘re bhopâ€"tailored garments in rich fabrics of brown, grey and fancy weaves; they Include the young men‘s favorite waistâ€" seam, the all around beiter, form fitâ€" ting for the more Conservative stout men, tall men‘s, short men‘s, sizes 32 OVER 100 MEN‘S & YOUNG MEN‘S HANDâ€"TAILORED SsUITS8, REGUâ€" LAR VALUES UP TO $40 AND 345 .. ON SALE AT PER SUIT. Suits for particular dressers, high grade tailoring, beautiful fabrics with rich shading; models of the very latâ€" eat features, many style ideas not shown .before .in this .city: single breasted waistâ€"seam models, close fit ting rope shoulder effects, plenty of regulars. ABOUT 2000 MEN‘S, YOUNG MEN‘s rirst Longa SUIT8, REGULAR VALUES FROM $25 To $30, on BALE AT $19.75 PER sUIT. Suits that are styled to the minute walst .rm. belted and form fitting models for the young fellow and plenâ€" ty of selection for the more Conservaâ€" tive dressers, grays, browns and fancy weaves, sizes 22 to 44. $19.75 These big sulit specials wil} be never that have created such intense intere the returned men of Kitchener. _ The high quality of our clothing is attested by the twenty four years of M“WMMM“.’.M{“M“W "At a clear saving of 50c to 1.00 pair. $1:98, $3.30, $3.89, $4.95. $3.30 buys best $4.50 Trousers. $3.89 buys best $5.00 Trousers. $4.95 bhuys best $6.50 Trousers. $1.98 buys best $2.75 Trousers. ©pecial Bunday Beat Trousers at Or F.L. Cole, Dr. Jennie M. Cole 41 l(ing{St. Eést, KITCMENER NOTE:â€"We close at noon on Wednesdays during July, August and September, and at 9.30 on Saturday nights. Men and Women Take Notice! ALL DISEASES Peculiar to either MEN OR WOMEN are being SUCCESSFULLY ELIMINATED by CHIROâ€" PRACTIC SPINALâ€"ADJUSTMENTS. o Phone 944, * .4 Consult us at our ADJUSTING PARLORS. Q & July 21. â€"In a statement on will be never extra besides the extraordinary values intense interest among the young men, the men and CHIROPRACTORS, 107 King St., West, . $25.00 tect their fuel requireiments by placâ€" ing their orders at once; The state ment says there is little room for hope that the price of anthracite will fall and on the other lwand it will ?rouuy advanceé. Fare Outing Shoes, black or brown vas, rubber moles: ..... ..... . Wo.‘s Grey Buck Pumps, worth $5.00, clearing at ..... ... ‘a 32.95 Wo.‘s Grey, Brown and Ill;k Kid Oxfords, regular $6.00 at ..... $4.95 Men‘s Brown Bal., English feather sole and heel ... ... . Wo.‘s Patent and Gunmetai Pum’pn. clearing at $2.98 and ..... .. $1.98 , Men‘s Box Kip work Shoes, feather soles and heels ..... ... ... $2.98 SEE. Wo‘s White Canvas High Cut Lace Shoes, at $1.98, $2.98 and ..... $3.95 T5c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50, 1.75 and $1.98 Wo‘s v}hlto Canvas Oxfords Pumps, $2.60, $2.75 and ....... The sturdy kind that stand the tubâ€" bing and still retain their shape and color. Selling at less than last year‘s prices: Tallored from pure wool British Worsteds by the best makers in Canâ€" ada. Over a dozen shades to select fromâ€"piain stripes, checks and Scotch and Irish Tweeds in splendid ranges. BOYS‘ WASH SUITsB. BUY_ _ YOUR S8HOE8 HERE. iT MEANS LOW PRICES WITHOUT LO§§ OF QUALITY. COME AND Child‘s sizes 5 to 10 at . Boys‘ sizes 11 to 13 at Girle‘ asizes 11 to 2 at . Boya‘ sizes 1 to 5 at ..... Men‘s sizes 6 to 10 at . DUSTPROOF GREY sUTS. $18.90, $22.80, $27.50, §$35.0( Kitchener $1.15 3$1.15 $1.29 $1.45 can ‘lt,cmo of Interest The young peoule spent a féw socâ€" jal bours on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gies who have just taken up their resi dence in Mr. J. Schweitzer‘s house. The young people camée well prepar ‘60 to satisfy the inner man, and at the same time not forgetting Mr. and Mrs. Gie#, whom they presented with & handy household article. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Dahmer on Tueaday evenping last week, for their son John, who has just returned from overseas. Mr. Dahmer was made the recipient of two presengations during the evening, to both of which he briefly responded, thanking the donâ€" ers for their kind remembrances. A group of Waterloo young ladies are camping on the banks of the Grand River. * If the unfortunate party who loat some monéey at the Garden Party at the Lutheran parsonage about two weeks ago, will call for it at the parâ€" sonage Rev. Brenner will be glad to return it to the owner. Pte. Weybourne Heldman returned to his home here from overseas. . A big reception was given him on the evening of his arrival, friends and reâ€" latives being present from Kitchener, Baden and London,. ‘The evening was spent in singing, patriotic songs, speeches and dancing. Big Peace Tattoo at Waterloo, Friâ€" day, August 1st. Seven Bands. Don‘t miss it. 1t Mrs. J. Hagen of Kitchener is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Kirch. . Community Picnic. The Women‘s Institute community picnic held on Saturday was well atâ€" tended. The day being an ideal one for a picnic and a holiday helped to swell the crowd. _ A baseball game; Bloomingdale vs Conestogo, resulted in fayor of the former, by a rup securâ€" ed in overtime play. ‘ A presentation was made during the afternoon to Mrs. Geo. A. Bowman who has been the painstaking Instiâ€" tute Secretary here since its organiâ€" zation, and who is about to remove from here. Rev. R. Brenner of the Lutheran church will preach in New Dundée next Sungay evening and has chncel led till some later time the English service that was to have been held on Sunday evening. Iteme of Interest. Mr. Wm. Hochborn has purchased the property of Mrs. Geo. A. Bowman. Visitors in the village over Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Val. Wettlaufer, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woettlaufer of Kitchener at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heldman; Mr. and _ Mrs. Wm. Forler and Mrs. Henry Forler of Kitchener at the home of Mr. and Mre. Henry Lantz. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Herlich _ of Shakespeare visited Mr. and . Mrs. Con. Lantz. _Mr. J. K. Schmidt is confined to the house with a severe attack of rhenmm' tism. Mrs. Weber of Kitchen&r and Mrs. Jacob Robb of Princeton were visâ€" itors at the home s: Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeBean‘s this week. Mr. Louis Merner of Norwalk, Ohio visited his relatives in town this week Senator Ratz returned home from Ottawa on Monday at the close of the session of parliament. Mr. A. Fraser has a gang of men at work laying a new concrete floor in Hartman‘s bridge and expects to have the work completed today. ‘ The (Continued on Page 6.) Mrs. Chas. and daughter Eisie, who have spent a few weeks among relaâ€" tives in this vicinity have left for their home in Utiopa, Kansas. . 4 Mrs. Gordon Benedict and daughter June are Visiting relatives in Chesley. Mrs. ‘T. Voaden returned home a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in‘ Cayuga. â€" Missa Eva Williams bas accepted a position in the office at Mr. Beckâ€" er‘s store. Mrs. R. Menish of Port Huron is holidaying at the home of her uncle Mr. ,. Peine. Mr. Chartes Nablo has gone to Rainham where he intends to spend several weeks with friends. Mrs. J Tales and daughter Grace of Galt visited friends here this week. Mrs. Howard Culbert and daughter Margaret have gone to Chesley ; to a weeks holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Benedict. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franke this week. â€" Mr. and Mrs.S. G. Holley and Migs Vera Holley left this week to spend a month with friends in the eastern Miss Hattie Krogman is spending this week with relatives and friends in Kitchener. Mr. Charles Lederman spent® Wedâ€" nesday in â€" Mitchell. Our Busy Neighbars . and Mrs. Ed. I Mr. and B6‘ Heipel and. Mrs. Heimuth . ~NEWS NOTES GATHERED BY INDVSTRAIOOS _ Day was quietly observed PHILIPSBURG. CoNEsTOGo, 1t Mrs. V. Sloan, of Kitchener, spent a few days with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rominger. t 1 Miss ‘Mary Snider is spending her vacation with herâ€"unele, Mr. and. Mrs. Dan Martin. Do i <Mr. W. Mohr, of North Zasthope, spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder and daughter Gertrude, attended the picy nig_nt Conestogo on Srturday. Another one of our soldier boys, Pte. Harry Moogle, returned from Overseas on Wednesday.. His . many friends are delighted to have Harry with us again. Big Peace Tattoo at Waterloo, Friâ€" :';"e": day, August ist. Seven Bands, Don‘t ‘uu’a miss it. 1t joY #t. Mr. f\mp Rominger spent Wednesâ€" ' day in Kitchener. t Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ott and daughter Gertrude spent Thursday in Kitchener. Miss Nellie Snyder, of Glenalien, spent the weekend at her home here: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Umbach and Mn Miller, of Kitchener, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Oft. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Snyder, of Glenâ€" allen and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ruggle, had a pleasant motor trip to Hamilâ€" ton and other points on Saturday and Sunday. Quite a number of this vicinity at« tended the celebration at Elmira on Saturday. 1028 We are pleased to report that Miss Iida Bowman, who underwent an operation for appendicitis on Saturâ€" day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Snyder is progressing | as well as can be expected. Rev. Eiferd, of Tavistock and son Arnold Eiferd, of Arkansas, renewed old acquaintances in this vicinity on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoffer and famâ€" fly, of Elmira, spent Wednesday with the former‘s mother, Mrs. J. Hoffer, On Tuesday evaing Mrs. Walter C.| Mr. and Mrs. John Warper visited Quickfall gave the K. ahd W. Hospital{relatives â€" at Stevemvillr uver Sunâ€" Auxiliary, of Eimira, $ garden party.|day. The ladies enjoyed the good thing§] . Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hofman and prepared for them by. ‘Mrs. Quickfall|son Rockford, of Kitchener, are holiâ€" immensely. , * daying at Mr. and Mre. W. Spaetzel‘s. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. F. Millar, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ziegler _ and|spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. children of Waterloo wére visiting at|B. Bergey. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Roâ€"| . Mr. Lloyd Hilborn, of Kitchener, minger. _ Mrs. Ziegler and children‘spent Sunday and Monday at his home will stay here for a few days. here. Miss Myrtle Bricker, of Linwood, }‘~ A number of our citizens motored to spent last Sunday with her parents,| Buffalo on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bricker. Mrs. Hewitt, of Kitchener, spent Big Poace Tattoo at Waterico, Friâ€"{the weekend with Miss Wagenest. day, August ist. Seven Bands. Don‘t! Mrs. J. Hallman, of Rochester, N. miss it. _ _ _ es 1t ;Y., is visiting relatives here. Green Apples Cause of Convulsions. ‘ The litte son of Mr. and _ Mrs. Aaron Gingrich got hold of some green appies which he ate, and the effect was convulsions and the doctor, Gave a Garden Party. plication, and 10 perâ€"eént., which is $267.30 leas $50.00, when the Applicant takes possession. Then every month $16.05 for 20 years. ‘This @mourt inâ€" cludes interest and primeiple. Whereâ€" as thos= with lots will deposit acâ€" cording to the value of their lot. The applicant can pay off the principle at once or yearly. . The Elmira ‘Planing Mill Co. have been selebted to bulld the houses for the Housing Commisâ€" mira have sccepted the plan of the * bsl. in. a *’.‘.:iz i & t, const en _ to twelve houses l-mzz' The nm::l ied < sud ho o::' c rmace room. ° adn Hespeler Housing. Commission Evana & Hell 2 'Am"mu", Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Main and family, of Galt, to ' ten to| Miss Idelia Spetze!l are spending a twelve houses 3 The few days at Niagara Falls, the guests plan calls for a six rodm house, h-ldllr.udln..l.lnm. cluding furmace and bath room. Galt) . Mr. and Mrs. B| Playford, of Waterâ€" adn Hespeler H . Commission‘l6o, visited Mr and Mrs. John Copley have adopted the ‘plan. The ‘last week. commiasion have four lots] Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Schmidt, Mr and on Ernst street at $1 each. The{Mrs Ira ‘Toman, called on Mr and ruliinnntrabitffichiatini sds sb dots t Afrsias s RECIMIS ITR IOINRE, CANOE . houses with lots wil wost ocn.u.'mn John Hamacher, at and without lots, tha@%%, those who\‘ on Sunday. & i mm mm mnmnrenmmmmntimmitmme â€" Special Offer Orders may be left with nearest agent or at Daily Telegraph offices, 114â€"116 King St., Kitchener, or:diâ€" If you are not now ::“ber to the m nicleâ€"Telegraph, . you an have it mailed to you ‘rom now until Jan. 1920 ‘or only 50¢ (Continued on Page 6.) THE CHRONICLE FLORADALE I AllL roads lead to Waterloo, August _ 4 | Ist. Big:â€"Peace Tattoo at Park. Sevâ€" pf; |on bands, elegant fireworks, vaud . | viNe, acrobatic stunts and other stronq °n1{ attractions. ~‘The best ever, you‘ll en‘ **{ joy it. it | . Miss Etta Battier spent Sunday at | Pustinch. Driller Crewson, who is drilling for gas and oil on the Neubauer farm, was in town yesterday. "We are down 3060 feet in well No._2. Nothing new to report." \ Private "Mike" Ryan is home. He is a very cheerful lad despite the fact that he was badly wounded by ma: chine gun bullets in the left leg. The fingers and thumb of his left hand were blown off‘by a gas shell and he was also badly gassed. Mr. Arthur Spaetzel spent Monday in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Warner visited relatives . at Stevemvillr «wver Sunâ€" day. . Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hofman and son Rockford, of Kitchener, are holiâ€" d.y.inx at Mr. and Mre. W. Spaetzel‘s. _â€" Mr and Mrs. Weston Battier and daughter Myrtle, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Copley. Rev. 8. Goudie, of Toronto, conâ€" ducted Quarterly services at Bethel on Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Titus Sheard, of Kit chener, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. D Schmidt on Sunday. Lleu;}l Harry Jardine arrived home last night from overseas and was givâ€" Mr and Mrs. Herbert Rellinger, Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel and daughter, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Clemens and Mrs. Heller. Mr. A. Hilborn was a business visit or to Baden on Monday. Mrs. Blumenstein, of Drumbo, visitâ€" ed her daughter, Mrs. H. Sippel last week. ' of Sanalec, Mich., spent‘ a fow ï¬- with Miss Idelia m. â€" _ Mr. Ira Spactzel, of Kitchener, spent Mr. aul Mrs. P. Reiber and daughâ€" ter, of Kitchener, spent Saturday at Mr and Mrs. W. Spaetzel. Some of the Things Protect your Buildings by covering them with our Asphait Roofings. 1 ply Santile Roofing at per roll . ... $2.25 2 ply Santile Roofing at per roll ... $2.75 1 ply Mohawk Roofing at per roll ... $2.75 2 ply Mohawk Roofing at per roll .. $3.25 3 ply Mohawk Roofing at pet roll ... $3.75 Red Siate Roofing at per roll ... .. $3.75 _Each roll contains 108 sq. ft. and includâ€" es nails and cement. 3 Tine Hay Fork, plain at ..... .... $1.25 3 Tine Hay Fork, Stropped, at ... .. $1.35 3 Tine Straw Fork, plain at ... .... $1.40 3 Tine Straw Fork Stropped at .... $1.50 In 4, 4 and 5‘ handles. They cook and bake perfect a cool kitâ€" chen on a hot day. 2 Burner Perfection Stove at ... .. $17.00 3 Burner Perfection Stove at .... $22.00 Sgle Ovens at ..... ..... ... ..... $5.50 DUhiec. Ovens at ...:.:â€"...â€". «.. .. $7.00 ROOFING. PERFECTION OIL STOVES. HAY FORKS. weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Allen COME TO WATERLOO We carry extra Wick. HESPELER. Prices on These Lines are Right M. WEICHEL & SON Limited You Require @_A reunion of the Coons family took place at the home of Mr. Albert Coons, one mile east of Hespeler, on June 30, 1919, when the family of Mr. D. A. Coons, all met together for the first time in forty years. Seven daughâ€" ters and two sons were present, there not beipg one death in the family. Those from a distance wera: Mr. George Coons, Mrs. ‘Thos. Driscoll, Lisbon, New York; Mrs. Simon Ault, Iroquois; Mrs. George Jones, Owen Sound; Mrs. Hugh MacKay, Mrs. Wilâ€" liam Giles, Toronto; Mrs. Thomas Hilâ€" born and Mrs. E. Bowman, Kitchener road; Mrs, Donald Gunn, Belleville, sister of Mr. Coons, was present with the family. A special table was placâ€" ed for the family under that leaty temple that God so beautifully made. At the dinner table all sang, "Blessed be the Tie that Binds." In the .uor-! noon Mr. Kenyon of Blair took photoâ€" Mr. Barber has disposed of his photâ€" ography business to Mr. Armstrong of Dunnville, who will take possession August 1st. Coons Family Reunion. en a warm welcome by his many friends. For bravery on the field he was given the Military Medal. We have come to the last stagâ€" es in clearing Rugs, Lincleums and other floor coverings. There is very little cholee, but the price is so tempting you need not hesâ€" iItate. The extra cuts this week are sure to clean ‘up balancesâ€" including Remnants. in Winâ€" dow Shades we can save you moneyâ€"large sizes in stock shades, are on sale at 25c and 50c off our usuaily low prices. DEPARTMENT Ail Ladies® Suits, in Silke, Gerâ€" ges, otc., on sais at one half and one third off regular prices. Ladies® Coate for Spring, Fall quarter off reguiar prices. HNOUSE FURNISHING DEPT. Skirts, Blouses, Whitewear, Unâ€" derwear. A special 10 per cont. discount off all Ladies‘ or Childâ€" ren‘s Summer Dreases. READYâ€"TOWEAR King St. East GOUDIES LIMITED Window Screens at .. .. 50¢, 60c and 75¢ We carry all sizes of Wire Cloth for Screen Doors and Windows. T wine GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE. 650 feet to the Ib., at 27¢ per Ib. cash. We can supply your wants. Screen Doors and Window Screens KEEP OUT THE FLIES. Plain Ccreen Doors at .... ....... $2.00 Varnished Screen Doors, at ....... $2.50 Kasement Screen Doors at ... .... $3.75 This well known Lice Destroyer and Disinfectant is now again in stock. Sev« eral sizes, at 30c, 60¢, $1.10 and $1.75 per Lice Powder, at per pkg. ..... . Zenoleum ’ ‘The remains of Mrs. John Col who died from burns received Wedl lday were taken to Brussels Friday ternoon on the 8.07 G.T.R. . thi where burial took place. A~ l# number of the deceased‘s friends J lowed the remains to the station, of which accompanied them to B# sels. : auliadt Reeve Kearns of Arthur has .\ ten to Mayor Curter of Guelph i ing the Chamber cf Commece to | m picnic at Arthur in order thrat people in the nerlhern section of country may meet and _ discuss question of rai‘way facilitres for ; part of the country. The Board| proved of the picnic, and as s00m the Chamber receives a formal 1 tation the Forum Committegswill 4 up the matter and make the ne sary arrangements. es + THE WONDEREYE : _ Big Peace Tattoo at Waterioo, day, August 1st. Seven Bands, D miss it. Burial At Brussels. a e graphs of the family. Mrs. Ault, Thomas Driscoll and Mr. G@ Contributed musical selections. purse of money was presented to futher. 4 s which does the stitching on our shoes transforms them Into lQotwn.r. No hand work‘Ba equal: it inâ€"regularity: and e mess of stitching. Send ut pair of your shoes as a test of the magic work of this machine. We do it in haif the time and twice as well as any cobbler cant. Interest to every. Woman, SA matter what her sphere. . 1# teresting priges on all~ râ€" ware and stock sets as well as edd pleces, including a ‘,' sortment of Cups and Saugere. There is Shadow Cut Giase Im neat pattorns, all marked so‘10W none need be witho aid there is an assortment of toys and dolis that make P Birthday Gifts for the Kiddles, _ Oad sizes in Gloves in K or Silke, at special prices. â€"â€" Embroideries,> Laces, Ch ren‘s Hats and Bonnets, at. discounts over regular value values are offered at 206 106 up and HINA AND GLASS.DEPT, KING 8T, WATERLOO. Kitchener, Ont. Mac