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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Jul 1919, p. 4

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fos New Vulcanizing Plant. ‘In connection with the extension, it Is the intention of the Kaufman Rub ber Company to install a completely new valcanizing plant for the rubbers which will be planned after the most modern system known to the rubber industry. Mr. Kaufman has been inâ€" vestigating practically all of the latâ€" est systems that have been adopted by the rubber industry | throughout the United States and as a result of hig Investigations, he will install a vuleanizing department at the focal Kaufman Extension. The Kaufman Rubber Company have also decided npon an addition to their present factory. The addition will be erected in two sections, the first exâ€" tending the present factory building to Francis street a distance of 90 feret and the secomd riunning at right angâ€" les along Francis street for 130 feet. Both sections will have a depth of 60 Seet. They will be four stories high and each floor wil provide an exten. gion to the depertment at present opâ€" erated on the corresponding floor in the present fuctory building. The ofâ€" flces of the present building will be transferred to the corner of King and Francis streets in the new building. It is expected that the building operâ€" ations will sturt next fall and the buildings will be ready for occupancy by nex( March. u: house and two new wings, four stories high and measuring 110 by 130 feet ‘Theae wings will be added to each end of the present building and will be of the same material, When they are completed they will mean the addiâ€" tion of 143,000 square feet of floor n{nca As a result of this extension the company will be able to duuble‘ their present output as necessity deâ€" mands and will also employ several hundred more men. The boiler house will double the present boiler capacity Oof the factory. ‘This will consist of a oneâ€"story addition to the present boilâ€" er house. A new garage is also inâ€" eluded in the plans of the Dominion ‘Tire Company to give accommodation to bring mator cars and trucks. â€" The building will be one story high and will measure 90 by 110. The struc ture will be of the same type of conâ€" struction as the present buildings of the factory. The construction con: tract has not been let as yet but it is complished in the course of a few days when work on the. new buildings } will immediately start. The buildings will be completed and ready for occeuâ€" paney this year. ’ The Dominion Tire Company, the Lang Tanning Company and the Kaufâ€" man Rubber Company have signified their intention to build large additions to their plants and topping this comes the building of the new tire factory of the Amesâ€"Holden Company and the motor truck plant of the Four Wheel Drive. The Merchants‘ Rubber Comâ€" pany and the Consolidated Felt Comâ€" pany have already completed large exâ€" iensions which will mean the employâ€" ment of considerably more labor. Duâ€" mart Brothers, as was announced in @etail recently, are about to begin building operations ou an immense packing house. t bf their freight service off King ureet‘ east to the south, extending across the mewer furm and the Nyberg aurveyl and the determination of the Light} Commission to terminate the lease of, Aheâ€"track in the east end of the city ; from the corporation line to Albert street for the purpose of lnauguratlnx; a regular street car service to South street are also activities that augur for the inmediate industria) expansion | of Kitchener. 1 The plans of the Grand River Rail m ip connection with the dPversion Meir freight service off King street That Kitchener is on the verge of buildings which will be four stories &n industrial expansion, the magniâ€" high will commence at once. An inâ€" tude and importance of which few creased staff of employes will be neeâ€" realize, is evidenced by the decision essary when the buildings are of mamy of the leading manufacturing peted and it is expected that by next eoncerns of the city to bulld large adâ€" winter the tannery will be employing ditions to their present plants and alâ€" about 300 menp, E so by the activity of the new indusâ€" F. W. D. Ready to Builg. | tries in connection with the erection{ Contrary to the beliet of some pessiâ€" of the buildings necessary to their inâ€"{ mists the Four Wheel Drive has not itlal operations. sUspended Bbullding anseusiaullcl. SHt ahe Codupadiy Two New Wings. The new addition to the Dominion * DEVELOPMENT AND EXPANSION z> BDominion ‘Fire Company, h.ng *Tlnnhl‘ Company, Kaufman Rubber Company, Amesâ€" Holden Comâ€" pany, Dumart Brothers, F. W. D. Auto Company __ Includéd In Epochâ€" Making Building Programme. De 3 * Olntment will '&gr:. ind se ‘rod 4 Hamlp to pay pustige, concict of a botler wings, four stories AN INDUSTRIAL METROPOLIS .. Armatrong. B. C., June 11th, 1919. Minard‘s Liniment Co. Ltd., ‘ Yarmouth, N. 8. Dear Sirs.â€"Since the start of the baseball season we have been hinderâ€" ed with sore muscles, sprained ankles, etc., but just as soon as we started using Minard‘s Liniment, our troubles ended. Every baseball player should keep a bottie of your liniment handy. Yours truiy, _ E. E. ARMSTRONG. | (Canadian Press.) Ottawa, July 15.â€"Sir Thomas White will continue as Minister of Finance until his successor is appointed, which will probably be before the end of the month. He has already done some preliminary work in the floating of a big Dominion Fall loan and ts witling to assist his successor to get stirtes on this and other business of the deâ€" partment. Sir Thomas is not likely to make any business plans for several months during which he will anjoy a‘ partial holiday. WILL CONTINUE _ UNTIL SUCCESSOR IS8 APPOINTED A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. E. Lindsay, sister 0 {the. bride, on Wednesday afternoon, when Mrs. E. Simpson was happily married to Mr. L. J. King, the cereâ€" mony being performed by Rev. H. M. Lang Ford. Only the immediate _ reâ€" latives were present. After the cereâ€" mony the happy couple left on the 315 (rain for Detroit and other points, EVC ie o oc o e y Tev. Dob e o e e en esn enpe t ised Templeton‘s Rheumatic Ci The "Curatrus" as now used and artial holiday. m‘mfiim‘;‘# p‘}m‘.‘“ :Y: prepared to order, will not only retain N oo on iniearioiocommancoscreaus "He limsn‘t lost a day‘s work since por rupture perfectly, affording immediate fears Rheumatism any more." and compiéte comfort, but is intended ._ Armatrong. B. C., June 11th, 1919. Mr. Nesbitt gives tK: entire credit for |10 @ssist nature in her work of closing inard‘s Linfment Co. Ltd., his recovery to TRC.‘8. Profit by his |the opening in the shortest time Yarmouth, N. 8. experience." Try them kouwn. These new surgical Applianâ€" Dear Sirs.â€"Since the start of thel . ces have received highest approval iseball season we have been hinderâ€" A B LE ARN wherever shown and are an improveâ€" 1 with sore muscles, sprained ankles, e * mlt on the design in accordance wllh‘ c., but just as soon as we started ption Druggist, suggestion of Sir Arbuthnotâ€"Lane, sing Minard‘s Liniment, our troubles .:'m:rl Tor Wateries Â¥. R. C. 8. of Engiand, producing n-] ided. Every basebail player should o Agent sults without harmfui readyâ€"made hard ep a bottie of your liniment handy. Waterioo, Ont. â€"_ . __ |pad. and old fashioned steo! apring Yours truly, Mail 01mumw¢mnb1‘m trusses. Mr. Egan has muno-hbi E. E. ARMSTRONG. pletons Limitéd, King 8t, West,|from our own section for inspection. Becretary Armstrons H‘~h School _ Toronte, and T. R. C‘h will be sent If infereated, oall; he will show you C Busslall Team. _ tpestpald. T rirwovinAlaa on db There is a steady trade in building also reported by numerous contracâ€" tors. In spite of the high cost of conâ€" struction many citizens are erecting dwelling houses. Each month the reâ€" port of the permits Issued at the city engineer‘s office shows an increase. This with the housing scheme about to be launched promls&;i(ilhig ;ellel to the housing stress in this city. Real Estate Affected. Along with this rising tide of expanâ€" sion comes assurance from the real esâ€" late dealers of the city that there is a marked tendency on the part of the public to take advantage of the rising land values by the purchase of lots for future residential purposes and some for speculative purposes. _ Durâ€" ing the last month one real estate dealer alone disposed of more than 100 lots. Lots in the east end of the city are proving popular as well as lots in the vicinity ‘of new tactory‘ sites. 1 e e omtes mD WA ; be about four stories high. Bodier _ buildings, garages and other auxi}}â€" + fary buildings will also be under \course of construction simultaneousâ€" ily with the main building. Modern Hote! Needed. j With the completion of this building programime the next move for Kltch-{ ener will be the erection of a modern hotel and the Telegraph has been priâ€" vately informed that the initiative has (already been taken in connection with a hotel enterprise. It was pointed out to the Telegraph yesterday by one of Kitchener‘s _ pioneer manufacturers that this city is logically one of Canâ€" ada‘s buying centres. The only way tin which this can be emphasized is by the construction of a large hotel of most modern plan so that the influx of buyers that will result from the completion of the present extensive industrial building programme can be accommodated. A logical and subâ€" stantial housing plan must also be considered and the same party informâ€" ed the writer that plans for the â€" inâ€"} augurating of a housing scheme in this city independent of the ¢lty counâ€"}! cilt is at present under way. The scheme will not be launched to the total exclusion of the city council but‘1 the city fathers will be asked to co-l! operate. 9 q be put together and operations will start just as soon as the Grand River Railway receive assurance from the clty in connection with their present plan to divert their freight line from King street east to the south. _ The erection of the F. W. D. building deâ€" pends upon the location of the Grand River Raillway‘s new freight line. j Tire Factory Started. | The Amesâ€"Holden Company yesterâ€" day broke ground for the foundation of the new tire factory. It was not long before the large staff of workers had the first 200 foot trench dug out. Practically all of the trees have been removed and everything is in raadiâ€" NP SoPretstnatidt 2i ind mists the Four Wheel Drive has not suspended building operations to an indefinite date. The Four Wheel Drive will be under cover of a building as quickly as bricks and mortar can Naeas . HYMENEAL KINGâ€"S!MPSON FOLLOWED Many persons contend that there is no luNI‘O remedy {::m ltl:::m‘&im. Bointâ€" 1ca, Neuraigia, euritis, or their kindred diseases, but don‘t be biased: draw your own conclusions from the proof submitted. Over two years ago, William Nesbitt, of 113 John 8t., Toronto, Ontario, was attacked by Rheumatiam. Mr. Nesbitt was 53 years of age at the time and he feared the worst. After trying many remedies and prescriptions without obâ€" taining relief Kc (oor a friend‘s advice and used Templeton‘s Rheumatic Capâ€" sules. Resultâ€"toâ€"day Mr. Nesbitt says, "He limsn‘t lost a day‘s work since por fears Rheumatism any more." _ At 3 o‘clock on Monday the Watâ€" \erloo fire brigade was calleq.out to extinguish a blaze at the rear of Sniâ€" der‘s flour mill. _A pile of wood and grass had caught fire. The men had little difficulty in putting out the fire, and no damage resulted. Lt.â€"Col. John A. Amyot, C. M. G ot Toronto has been appointed Deputy Minister of the new Federal Depart ment of Health. AGE DOKS NOT INTERFERE IÂ¥ TRBATMENT IB PROPERLY _ Chairman A. R. Goldie, Galt; Vice Chairman, D. N. Panabaker, Hespeler; Vice Chairlady, Mrs. Charles Boehmâ€" er, Kitchener; Secretary, Dr. E. D. Heist, Kitchener; and Eugene Pequeâ€" gnat, Kitchener. _ Councilliors Mrs. P. W. Gardener, J. C. Halliman, Mrs. O. Schnarr, Mre. 1. Hilborn, A. Kolb, A. C. Roos, A. B. McPhail, Mrs. C. D. Bowman, Mrs. Leisemer, and L E. Wildfong. 1 A SIMPLE METHOD TO REMEDY RHEUMATISM Preacription Druggist, Sote Agent for Waterino Waterioo, Ont. $> Mail 3104 to this address or to Femâ€" The following executive was chosen for the Waterloo County campaign: | _ Dr. A. S. Grant, of Toronto, General Secretary of the Referendum Commitâ€" tee, was present and entbhused the gathering with an address on organiâ€" zation and campaign. During the eyâ€" ening a powerful and representatite county executive was chosepn, A. R. Goldie of Galt being the unanimous choice as county chairman, and Dr. E. D. Heist of Kitchener as Secretary. Waterloo County is girding her loins for the referendum. Thursday evenâ€" ing in Trinity Methodist church | aeâ€" sembled one of the most enthusiastic and representative gatherings of workâ€" ors that the County has known in this regard. From all the townships and municipalities delegates come out ln‘ force to organize for the continuance of the Ontario Temperance Act, and a vyote of "No" on the four questions on the ballot. REFERENDUM _ Mass cards were received from the husband and daughter, Minnie, Clayâ€" ton Moser, Mrs. C. Clabaugbh, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hause, Alex. Hause, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurot; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hause, Mr. John Hause, Messrs. Frank and Leander Hause. : The pallbearers were six nephews of the deceased, Mesars. Ed, Frank, Leander, John, Alex. and Joe House. | ton Those present from out of . town were Mrs. C. Clabaugh, Chicago, HM., Mrs. Minnie Turner, C. Moser, Chicâ€" ago, I1L, and Mrs. O. J. l‘ryd‘et, Wesâ€" am Mn bous On Saturday morning mapy friends | a;, paid their last tribute of respect at ‘g4, the funeral of the late Mrs. Wilson | 29 Turner, which was beld from the resiâ€", ) dence of Mr. J. Hause, Jobn St., 12 ) pry Waterloo. _ After a brief service at ‘arr the house, the remains were taken to the Mount Hope cemetery for interment. ‘," at 3.56 o‘clock, of Mrs. Wilson Turner in her 45th year. The deceased was been suffering for a number of yéars from an interna) aflment. Zube 12th, from the residence to u; Gunner Edward Zellar, of Water St., Peter‘s Lutheras éhurch. sou of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zellar, was e . Isho among the arrivails. He enlisted MRS. WILSON!TURNER with the 7ist Battery in Toronto, and The death took piace at the Weber, went overseas in January, 1918 He Chambers, on Wednesday mlnynu 6n the Mauretania. vestigation found that the deceased had died of heart failure. The body was removed to Lippert‘s undertaking establishment, and later taken to the home on Cedar street, north. ‘He was in his 56th year and bas been s resi dent of this city for many years. He is survived by his wife, two" daugh ters and two sons. The funeral took place on Batyrday _ afternoon Juve 12th, from the residence to B4 One of Kitchener‘s well known work: perial Air Service He enlisted with wen, Mr. Christian Becker, muug-uu Battalion at Waterloo and dead while at work im the Lippert â€" transferred to the air service. He Block, King Btreat West, about SÂ¥e{fleft Canada in January 1917 and was o‘clock on Wednesday afternoon. Hejassigned to the Navy in the North Sea, was assisting if making alterations}where he saw many months of interâ€" -u.nmmu-mmummmumunu Liout. the floor and in a few moments life| Woods is a of Queen‘s Uni was extinct. Beveral physicians were}versity and before enlisting was con summoned, and after making an inâ€"| nected with the actuaria) staff of the vestigation found that the deceased |Mutua) Life. J JINCIPIENT BLAZE. CHRISYT ORGANIZATION _ Rupture is not a tear or a breach in the abdominal wall, on commonly sunâ€" posed, but it is a strctching or dilation of a natural opening. J. y, Egen of Toronto, the noted rupture appliance specialist will viait Kitchener, Walper House, Saturday, Sunday, (all day and nlg.M) 2 days only, July 19â€"20. en on B 8 [ A number of young ladies left morning for Lake Couchiching they will attend summer | a¢ Among the Dparty _ were Miss Bruegeman, Isabel Feick, Rose Lo Bessie VanEvery, | Eva Reid, Schaus and others. Results Not l;f;;n:\;d Length of Time Standi J. . Weidnrer, Rev guson. o mausgll, o. * "* 24 LCnnard, Rev. Jos. Engiert, Rev. A. J. Leyes, 'Rov. A. J. Savage, Rev. Wm. Becker, Rev. A. A. Capps, Rev. J. Bononier, Rev. Thos. Clohecy, Rev. Y. L. Sulliâ€" van, Rev. R. M. Haller, Rev. Wm,. Goodrow, Rev. Father Catemer, Rey. F. J. McReaday, Rey. Jos. McCowel}, Rev. L. Degorski, Rev. B, Harris, Rev, 8. McGray, Rev. Thos,. Doyle, Rev. J. Flahaven, Rev. P. Maloney, Rey. p. J. Meyer, Rev. P. J. Padden, Rey. Â¥. J. Hinehy, Rev. J, Arnold, Rev. A. C, Montag, Rev. Father Eitel, Rev. M + en ef 1 _ The following is a complete list of the priests who are making the reâ€" treat; Rev. F. A. Zettler, Rev. Geo. Cleary, Rev. Geo. P. Murphy, Rev. J. . Feeny, Very Rev. Dean Brady, Very Rev. J F. K‘)y, V. 8., Rt. Rev. T. J, Dowlâ€" Ing,. PRD., Reyv, Father Staunton, 81. YVery Rev. T. Forrester, Very Rev. Dean Hahn, Rev. Jos, E. Wey, Rev. P. J. Donovan, Rev. C. w. Brohman, Rev. W. C. Gebl, Rev. J. A. Lenhard uy slco Bs te ce rmoug the number, Thomas H. Dowling F. Kelley, vicar gene are in attendance. €0 0 PCCATIIUT NC cese, who are at present making their annual spiritual retreat at St. Jerome s College _ under direction of Rev. Father Staunton S. J., of New York city master of the retreat,. returnâ€" ed to their _ yarious parishes _ on Baturday. Among the clergy present at the retreat are many graduâ€" ates of St. Jerome‘s College, recently ordalned to the priesthood. Rev. B. Harirs, Reyv. Joseph McCowell, Rev. L. Degorski and Rev. 8. McGeoy are ; rmoug the number. Rt. Rev. Bishup Thomas H. Dowling and Rt. Rev. J‘I F. Kelley, vicar general of the diocese | Sna MXINACORNAES ll.nd lster transferred to the Royal ‘{ Air Force and served with the coast / defense in England, He left on June 'Ifl, sailing on the Megantic. ;_ Lieut. Irvin Erb and Lieut. Harry !Erb, both of the Royal Air Force, also ‘arrived with the Kitchener boys on ,the $.16, Lieut Harry Erb enlisted in 1916 and went overseas in October of that year with the 1st Canadian ; Motor Machine Gun Brigade. He saw lnrvlce in France with this unit unâ€" til March, 1918, when he trausferred ‘to the Royal Air Force. He was deâ€" tailed to the North Sea with the Battle lcnuhr Argus. His transferring toJ the Royal Air Force at that time doubtâ€" | less was the saving of his life, for the machine gunr crew offwhich he was a member, was later wiped out in the German advance of March, 1918, Lieut. Irvin Erb enlisted with the Royal Air Force in Toronto and was detailed overseas with the coast defense fyers in England. He had the _ rare experience of encounters wl:h submarines in the English Chanâ€" nel. ATTENDING summEer SCHOoL Lieut. Oliver Voelker, of Wellington street, another member of the Royal Air Force, came in on the 3.16. He enlisted in 1916 with a cycle unit PVC sUW0â€" m L © AT ST. JEROMES COLLEGE, KITCHENER bers of the Royal Air Force. All of mmmmmum‘ train and were given a hearty welcome Wy the Reception Committee ‘They were motored to their homes. Lisut. Juoseph Woods is a member of the Imâ€" :4 * welcomed number RUPTURE RELiEF priests. of the Hamilton Dioâ€" rabrinbnatibnd nfluenced by Age or me Standing, Reports Expert. ert, Rev. A. J, Leyes age, Rev. Wm, Becker PDS, Rev. J. Bononier hecy, Rev. Y. L. Sullt M. Haller, Rey. Wm Father Catemer, Rev Courhlchini{ w here _Kitel, Revy. M Thomas L. Fer . Wey, Rev. W. Brohman, A. Lenhard, A. J. Leyes, Wm. Becker, J. Bononier, Y. L. Sulliâ€" ner â€" school. Miss _ Vera Rose Lockie, Reid, _ Miss this |VARIED â€"PROGRAMME Monday, July 28, will be a gala day for the employees of the â€" Dominion Rubber System as a result, of the completion . of arrangements for a Dominion Rubber System . Will Picnic at Waterloo ‘ Park. EMPLOYES T0 Phone 416 Store ~TERMS CASH Summer Clothes No matter whether you are going away or spending the our big stock of Summer Clothes ready to wear for women especially at these prices. 14 BrickerGermannCo.Ltd NOTEâ€"We make a specialty in ordering'. LARGE HOUSE lld? MUNICIPAL BUILDING FLAGS. Prices quoted on shortest notâ€" Our National Peace Celebr ation has been announced tn’ 19th, Now for the decorations, etc.,. We have equipped oursel with a good assortment of Flags, etc., and would advice all uh'H citizens to buy early. f ENJOY PICNIC Flags and Buntir [anmneTreacr CsSxz closes every Wednesday aftefr'x?b;ti;‘;l;&;f? b~36 => â€" on Saturday evenings adies‘ Newest In Time monster picnic at Waterioo Park on‘ that day. RIl factories of the System in this city will close down and the fun will begin in real earnest at the park at 10 o‘clock in the morning. There will be something doing from that hour until the close of the verâ€" lous programmes with a grand dlsplay‘ of fireworks. ' BALL GAME ARRANGED The pleric is to be a picnic of emâ€"| ployers arranged for the â€" employes j by a committee cotffposed only of emâ€" [ ployes of the System in this city. ‘The tentative arrangements in con nection with the programme, â€" call for two baseball games starting in the morning at 10 o‘clock with the band in attendance. This will be followed by a basket dinner. The afternoon will be filéd with & programime â€"of fleld sports beginning at 1.30 and lastâ€" GINCGHAM DRESSESâ€" Ladies‘ pretty Gingham Dresstes, made with high or normzi Waist line, colors of Greew., © Blue and Pink, Plaidhs and Checks, prices specital, at $7.50, $8.25 to i rrats sa> +s «11 $10.00 VOWLE DRESSES â€" Ladies‘ handfsome Voile Dresses‘ in all Whifte, _ also figured and colâ€" orexal grounds, in pretty sh ades of Pink, Sky, Maize, Grey and Navy, Overskirt effect, _ special at $6.75, $1.50, $10.00 to ... $18.00 VYIDDIES. Miszses‘ Middies, in all White and Colored Collars, of Copen, Rose, Navy and Green, sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years, special at $1.75 and ..... ..... ... §Z.25 Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Midâ€" dies, all White also Navy Collars and Cuffs, Ladies‘ and Misses‘ sizes, special at ... .... $2.25 and $2.75 Ladies‘ Gingham House Dresses, plain and checked Ginghams, in Pink, Blue, Grey, Mauve, very special at $150, $2.25 to ... $2.75 A good sensible Coat is a necessity all through’ this Sumâ€" mer and Autumn Season. A coat for travelling or motorâ€" ing.. . We are showing splendid Tweed Coats, Covet Cloth Coats and other suitable materials, made for good wear and comfort, all these are going out at exactly Half Price, $9.00, $10.00, $12.00, $13.50, $15.00 and . is a@*>%s ++« $20.00 LADBIES®‘ SUITS. HOUSE DRESSES. A few nice Suits in Navy, Black and colors, Ladies‘ and Misses‘ sizes, also a few 0. S. sizes, all at decided reductions, special at $16.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00 to ... . . +~> $25.00 LADIES‘ COATS AND SUITS ht ty WATERLOO ONT. ing the summer at home, women will interest you, Ladies‘ fine Cambric Night Gowns, slipâ€"over and open front styles, Lace and Emb. trimmed, special pricâ€" es 98¢, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 ooe 7177 Ladies‘ _ Pretty Bathing Suits, in Black and Navy with fancy colored borders, stripes and Polka Dots, special at $5.50 to .. $7.50 NIGHT GOWNS. SOLDIER WELCOMED, Pte. C. Atkinson of this city arrived home from overseas on the 11.25 train this morning. He was given an en thusiastic welcome and motored to his home. } BLOUSES. Ladies‘ _ White â€" Voile Blouses, made in Swiss Emâ€" broidered front, also tucked fronts, round and square necks, very special at $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 to ..... $2.50 Ladies‘ finest White Voile Blouses, dainty styles, with round and square neck, all new. and pretty designs, special at $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 to ..... l..2 220 _. §7 00 Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Bathâ€" ing Suits, made in Wool Jersey Annette Kellerman styles, in pretty colors, of _ Black, Rose, Paddy, Orange and Copen stripes, special at $4.25 to ... $5.25 10 .;:.++ s1«> +++ ++ $7.00 BATHING SUITS, FREE TRANSPORTATATION Free thansportatation will be ished to empioyes and their familie®, to and from the Park. An excellent prize list is being arrauged. It is ll-n ticipated that between 5,000 and 6,000 _ people including empioyes, their famp illes and their friends will enjoy the . outing. & wle ing until 5.30 o‘clock. ,The tainment Committee is arranging programme to begin immediately lowing the field sports. > The e will be taken up with dancing, band concert and fireworks as a grand @nâ€" M #+

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