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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Jul 1919, p. 9

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"SALADA" at m « cabin @l- the cause of thes: pains. ‘aded, jaded, tired, overworked, nervous, dclicate women are to streugth and health by \Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription. Jt makes weak women strong and wick women well. Inliquidortablets. Churssis, OW# â€"*Weing a wore 1 have had eecasion to use ‘Fuvorite Prescription® quite a fot. 1 recommend it to my pationts and it has Sbmen a womderfal belp to many of them. 1 nover tumetw of a case where it failed. ! have a patient Amos Wentworth shot a quick lqpi at bim. ‘"She‘s a crank." was the reâ€" piy. "So are we all cranks, for that r . But heaven save me from the k that won‘t wash the disbes that eats off of, and that‘s what this @ of cranks are Hke." "What‘s Lasra Sibley got it in for you for?" he usked ubruptly. worth. Now, why under the _ sun haven‘t you the scuryy like all . the "Bomething _ rotten here, Shorty, something rotten." he said, shaking his head. "We‘ve got to make them hustle. First thing they‘il have to bury their Gead. ‘The strongest for the burial | of many. On those | days each month, i when in other cirâ€" eumstances she would go to bed, she must still be at the desk or @ounter, or struggle through the quick reply. ‘"There waan‘t any need for any of them to get it if they‘d onâ€" ty got out and done something. What did they do? Growled and kicked and grouched at the cold, the long nights, the hardships, the aches and pains and everything else. They loafed in their beds until they swelled up and gouldn‘t leave them, that‘s all. Look A few minutes later Smoke was taik with Laura Sibley. Supported by stick in either hband, she bhad paused hobbling by bis cabin. "Squint around. Clean as a whisâ€" tle, ch? You bet. Everything shipâ€" shape. 1 wouldn‘t keep those chips and shavings on the floor except for the warmth, but they5re clean chipa and shavings. You ought to see the floor in some of the shacks, Pigpens. As for me, 1 haven‘t eaten a meal off an unwashed dish. No air. It meant work, and I‘ve worked, and I haven‘t the scuryy." "Because I lMke to be. It‘s easier to clean up for one than two, that‘s why. The lazy blanket loafers! Do you think that I could have stood one around? No wonder they got scur vy." "Because he‘s bealtby," she punted; "because lie basn‘t the scuryy; because is supremely seifish; because be won‘t lift a band to belp anybody else; because he is letting us rot und die without lifting a finger to fetch us a pail of water or a lond of tirewood. ‘That‘s the kind of a brute be is." Still panting and gasping, she nob bled on her way, and tive inlontes afterward, coming out of the cabin to feed the dogs, Sinoke saw her entering Amoy Wentworth‘s cabin "You‘ve bit the nail on the head," Bmoke adimlited. "But 1 see you‘ve only one bunk. Why so unsociable?" Her green eyes fambed bitteriy And ber sore lips writhed on the verge of unconsidered speech. But only a splutâ€" ter of gasping. nninteliigible sounds isâ€" sued forth, ind then, by a terrible ef ‘fort. she controlled berself. "What bave you got it in for Went worth for?" be asked with 1 sugden mess that caugbt ber off ber guard. bousework or her family cares. Usually she who feels those dragâ€" gingâ€"down or dizsy symptoms, and bther pains caused by womanly uts soue "Because I‘ve exercised." came the 94 takem it myself and got the : best alte. 1.--..--0.'-7-- women. «he aro efing."â€"Mas. Bocu Mosan, Smoke followed him in SMOKE BELLEW * Favorite Prescription. It I‘ve worked. Come into my oo anean iB t c tm 0 cesc t i c s e oo c 0 9 N 0 Bood uold uBs1 g 1001008 By Jack London | "Who says so?‘ was the query at the first cabin. | _*Two doctors from Dawson," was Bborty‘s answer. "An‘ what they say goes, Come on. Sheil out ammuniâ€" tion too." _ "What do you want them for?"‘ | _ "To stand off a war party of camned beet comin‘ down the canyon. And |\I‘m givin‘ you fair warnin‘ of a spruce | tea invasion. Come acrosa." "Yor might as well learu at the start that we mean business," Smoke stated to the frs: obdurute, who lay on bim back groaning through set teeth "Stund by, Sborty." Smoke caugb! the patient by the nose and tapped the solnr pletus @ection so as to make the mouth gasp open. "Now, Sborty? Down whe goes!" And down she went. accompanies with unavroiaamie splutterings and atrangiings. "We‘re covering this spruce tea route four times a day, and there mre eighty of you to be dosed each time," Smoke informed Laura Sibley. "So we‘ve no time to foot. W1l you take it. or must 1 bold your nose?" His thumb ana forefuger bovered eloquently above her. "It‘s vegetuble, so you ueedn‘t bave any quaims." ‘That night, exhausted as by no hard Oay of trail, Smoke and Shorty crawt ed into their blankets. "I‘m fairly sick with it." 2moke com fessed ‘"Ibe way they auffer is awful But erercise is the only remedy 1 can thiuk of, and it mast be given & thor ough trint | wish we bad a sack of mw potatoes." "It oniv we had raw potatoes." Smoke went on _ ‘"The rital, essentiai something is missing from that prepar «o stuf. ‘The iife hie been evaporatad out of it." "Hparkina, be can‘t wash no more O@labea," Shorty sald. "It horts him so be sweate his pain 1 seen him «weat Jt ) nad to pur bim bark in the bonk he was that hetpiesa." "I‘llâ€"U‘H take it,." sbe qnavrered "Burry upf® ‘"Too late Amos Wentwortb sneerâ€" ed pallidiy at Nmoke‘s efforta . "They ouggt to bave srarted in thet way last "Come along with me." Smoke anâ€" swered. "Pick up those two pails Yo_u'n not afling." Bat, no matter what face Smoke and Shorty put on it the situation was grim and serious. At least thirty fearâ€" fui and Impossible cases could not be taken from the beds, as the two men, with nausea and borror, learned, while one, a woman, died in‘ Lavra Sibley‘s cabin. Yet strong measures were nec. easary. When the working gnogs came in at poon they found decently cooked dinâ€" ners awaiting them, prepared by the weaker members of their cabins under the tutelage uod drive of Smoke artd Bhorty. "That‘ll do," Swoke said at 8 in the afteruoou. "Knock off. Go to your bunks. . You muy be feeling rotten now, but you‘ll be the better for it tomorrow, _ Of course }t hurts to get well, but I‘m going to get you well." From cabin to cabin the three men went, dosing every man and woman with e fuli pint of spruce tea. Nor was it easy. CHAPTER XvilH. "Five Hundred Dgll-n a Potato." ERSUADING, builying, and, at times, by main. strength, men were dragged from their bunks and forced to dress. Smoke selected the mildest cases for the burâ€" fal squad. Another squad was told off to supply the wood by which the graves were burned down Into the froâ€" zen muck and gravel Still another squad had to chop firewood and imâ€" partially supply every cabin. ‘Those who were too weak for outdoor work were put to cleaming and scrubbing the cabins and washing clothes. One equad brought in many loads of spruce boughs and every stove was used for the brewing of spruce tea. in the next bour eéach of the twenty odd cabins was raided. All ammunt tion and every rife, shotgun and re voiver was confiscated. "Come on, you invallds,." was Shorâ€" ty‘s method. "Whoottn‘ tronsâ€"fork ‘em doughs swear by it. ‘These people have never even heard of it." We sure got ourn cut out for us," Bhorty grinued, "Â¥irst thing we know we‘ll be full of lead." over. We need ‘em." squad, then the next strongest on the frewood squad (they‘ve been lying in their biankets to save wood), and so on down the line And spruce tea. that soung fellow dones in 48 and worked op the Grewved wpuny "PlH tell you what [‘N do." Smoke safd to Wentworth "I‘ve got boidings in this country. and my paper is good any where _ I‘ll give you £%X) a potato ap to $50,000 worth. That‘s 1UV potaâ€" time, into the frightful orifices that tad once been mouths Shift by shift through the jong night Smoke and Shorty relfeved each other at nAminisâ€" tering the potato falce, rubh!ns it Into the pour @wolléen gum® wuere Woose teetb rattled together and compelling the swallowing of every drop of the precious ellzir By evening of the nest dry the change fot the better in the two paâ€" tients was mirmculonos and almost unâ€" bellevable. They were no longer the worst cases, . in fortyâ€"efitht boura, with the exbmustion of the putato, they were temporarily out of danger, though far from betag cured Bmoke did not wnit till murning. He and Sborty were erpecting at any ttme the denths of their worst two cases. and to this cabin the partners went Grated aud masbed up in a cup, skin and Clinginy specks of earth and all, was the thousnnd dollar potatoâ€"a thick Suid that they fed. severai drops at a "Was» that ai! the duat you bad?" Wentworth queried. "Shorty and 1 seruped up alt we hnd. And â€" Smoke ihrilied when â€" Amo= Wentworth put out bis hand in the Onrknes»s und befted the gold. Nmoke beard bim fumble in the bianket® und tben felt pressed Iinto bis huand not the beary gold sack, but the untais takable potato, the size of a hen‘s egz. wartm from contact with the oth er‘s body. man io this country, and i cun afford It OE think I‘m getting toucbed. P‘ut a raw potato in my hund #nd the dust is yourn . Lfere, beft 1t‘ Thut night, when the cntop grouned and slepnt or grozned und did not sieep, Rmoke went 10 Wentworth‘s unlighted eabin Bhe shook ber berd, as be thought. a trifle belatediy, then added, "We ner er found any." "But mightn‘t there?" he persisted. "Dow do I know?" sbe rasped angti ty "I didn‘t bave charge of the cum missary." "And Amos Wentworth did." ne Juinped to the conclusion. "*Very good Now what is vour private opiuienâ€" just between us two? Do you think Wentwortb ha= any raw potatoes stor ed uwny somewhere?" "Nu; certainiy not . Why should be?" Strugyle as be would with her, Smoke could mot bring ber to admit the possibility, "Listen to me, Wentworth," be said "I‘ve got a thousnnd doliurs fo dust right bere In this suck. I‘m a ricb "We did But coming up the river we sold them all out at a bargain at Fort Yukon. We bad plenty of the evaporated kinds, and we knew they‘d keep better. ‘They wouldn‘t even Smoke groaned. _ "Now, mightn‘t there bave been a couple of odd sacks leftâ€"accidentally, you know, mislaid on the steamer?‘ "Why didn‘t you bring in a supply of fresh potatoes on the steamer?" he emoke entered. "I won‘t teil a sout." STROHâ€"ROSCHMAN. Both gianced gulltily at the intrudet, and Smoke was certain that he was on | A quiet but pretty church wedding he mot |took place at the Carmel chureh at the edge of something, know hat, and be cursed bimseif for met| 730 D.m. on Tuesday, June 24, when w Mr. Nathaniel Strob, son of Mr. and naving ."""’.”‘m parst | Mrs. Jacob G. Stroh of Waterioo, was b:‘%::‘-“:r united in marriage to Miss Frieda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard "What is 'hltf;.m '.":: Roschman, King St., Kitchener. The asked sulleniy. And Smoke couid ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. pame what was what Cromlund, of Toronto. ‘The maid of Grimmer and grimmer grew the «it {honor was Miss Evangeline Roschâ€" ation. in that dark bole of a canyon the | man, and the bridesmaids Miss Venita borrible death list mounted ap. Each | Roschman and Miss Aiberta Stroh. duy. in apprebension, Smoke and Shor After the ceremony a reception was ' the | beld in the school room of the ehurch ty examined each other‘s mouth for ucous | Yben the newly married couple ~re whitesing of the gums and m eived the congratulations of â€" their wembranesâ€"the invariable frst symp ‘riends. tom of the disease. Mr. and Mrs. Stroh, upon their ore "I‘re quit," Sborty lmnmn 98° | urn from their wedding lrip‘}wlh:l take evening. "I‘ve been thi in‘ over | ip thei + â€"~lence on orl St , uD‘ 3 quit 1 can wake a go at slave | Citchen: +/ d@rivin‘, but eripple drivin‘ ‘s tro much Frsrome" i for my stomach. They go from blld to toal ‘ AHANâ€"LANG, worse. ‘They aiuo‘t twenty men 1 can 4 ivih drive to work, I twid Jackson this Miss O Lang, daughter of M ind Mrs. joun Lang of this city, wa afternoon hbe could take to his bunk | . _,, [, .. marriage at St. Mary‘s R.< He was gettin‘ ready to sulcide. 1 |,,,,..,, yesterday morning at 1@ could see it stickin‘ out all over BMM |.yoock io Mr. John Callahan of To Exercise ain‘t no yood." mto, Rev. A. J. Zipger officiatin "I‘ve wade up my mind to the same | ‘he bride enteed the church on t} m rm of her father to the strains of 1 thing." Smoke answered. Th veriasting miracle of Went edding march. She was dressed e _ * vhite satin chantilly lace, wearing worth‘s immunity perpleted Smoke »ink tulle hat and carried a boug1 Why sbould he alone not have de f orchids and rus;', The bride veloped scuryy? Why did Laura Sib | ))0 ware Missex Mary and Kat ley hate bim and ;to:ht;l:;‘:':" sen Lang, cousins_of the bride, wh whine aud snivel an & were gowned in French blue taffety Ou several occasious Sinoke made it | nq pink and carried bouquets of ros a polnt to drop into Wentworth‘s cabin | :s and sweet peas. The malron o! Ou several occasions Sinoke made it a polnt to drop into Wentworth‘s cabin at mealtime. But one thing did hbe note that was suapicious and that wa» Wentworth‘s suspicion of him. Next he tried sounding out Lanra Sibley. The flare of conviction in ber eyes. followed by bittermess and batred, told bim the scent was warm. "Raw potatoes would cure everybody bere," be remarked to the seeress. "I kpow it i‘ve seen it work before." im the world lor scuryy palieuts. FD¢ , sister of the bride, and Mundu-lmnuum-uu..hmm,uumu stendily at work, and a surpiue bailf |groom. After the _ ceremony dosen graves were aiways burued | guests sat down to a wedding d down snd waiting One day Smoke |after whic\a reception _ was saw the seeress entering Amos Went | When the new!y wedding couple worth‘s cabin sud followed sfter mer. |Oived the congratulations and At the door he could bear her voilce, | Yi*hes of their many friends. tw the world for scurry patleuts. Yhe whimpering sud pieading. Fot‘# woek, sicciing himwelif to the | bome of Mr. and Mrs. Rudoiph fi.m“:-l .‘?‘ 22 ,%.‘ the Spruce tes, and ons by one and is “'“’::’wgi twos und threes be was compelled i “',,__'u, .. oo . Siffe CR PR (To be continnod.) not only. was iTold by Herself. Her Sirâ€" 1 cernity Should Conm , vince Others. The best man was Mr. Morgan Cal ahan, & brother of the groom. Thi ishers were Dr. W. J. Swift and Mr Srank Regan. The bride‘s mothe was attired in a gown of pink goorg »tte and ermine cape, Mrs. (Dr.) T 1. Callahan, a sister of ‘the bride . wore tuquoise blue georgette and i white hat Theâ€"groom‘sâ€"gift â€"toâ€"the â€"bride_wa; a handsome platinum diamond pin; ! to the ushers gold cufflinks and to the _ best man a scarf pin. t There were about two hundse |guests presen: in the ghurch aad ; the buffet luncheon and reception ‘ which followed at the’; home of the ; bride‘s parents. The bride was th» ‘recipient of a wealth of beautifa‘ gift; | inc‘uding _ mumerous checks. Te‘s | grams of congratulation were rces yâ€" ied from many outside pul.â€"‘ â€" The marriage took place on Tues day, June 24th, of Frederick H. Mar tin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Morâ€" tin of Kitchener to Minnie EJdiths daughter of Mrs. John BoTemfigr, of Mr.: and Mrs. Callahan left on tho 5.20 for New York and Atlantie e}> On their return they will seside in Tcropto. _ Nervousness is often a tom of wreakness or some functional T.r.n â€" ment, which tay be overcome byti'l- health. 1 believe the Compound will Core any female trouble."â€"lire. Aricm S cth, Christogher, I11. _ __ _ ___ 60 ITOM IANY OUISTC t Mr. W. J; Motz preaified at tunch ecn as toastmaster and the guests rs sp: nded to various tb@xts. Thae. or. of town guests were Dr. and Myrs. V J. Swift,. Chicago; Mrs. Kaiser Moa~+ C‘emens; Mr, and | Mrac Rlwad Stoody. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Garye: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Geddes and M wer, Ti1.â€"*"Por four years 1 suffered from irregularities, weakness, ment, which may be overcome by this i_i-_c:M :n:’ herb remedy, lydt- E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound, as Pinkbam Modicine Co Lyun. Make. â€" toe at your sarvice, 8 __ HOW THIS NERVOUS WOMAN GOT WELL A quiet but pretty church wedding took place at the Carmel chureh at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24, when Mr. Nathaniel Strob, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Stroh of Waterloo, was united in marriage to Miss Frieda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roschman, King St., Kitchener. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Cromlund, of Toronto. ‘The maid of honor was Miss Evangeline Roschâ€" mgn, and the bridesmaids Miss Venita Roschman and Miss Aiberta Stroh. guests sat down to a wedding dinner after which‘a reception was . held when the new!y wedding couple _ reâ€" ceived the congratulations and good wishes of their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Marquette will reside in Waterloo. . After the ceremony a reception was nleld in the school room of the church when the newly married couple re eived the congratulations of â€" their ‘riends. Miss O ivia Lang, daughter of M ind Mrs. joun Lang of this city, wa united in marriage at St. Mary‘s R.< Church yesterday morning at 1@ wc‘ock, to Mr. John Callahan of To mto, Rev. A. 1. Zipger officiatin ‘he bfide entered the church on t} rm of her father to the strains of 1 Rev. 8. E. Schraeder, pastor of the Evangelical church, officiated. . The bridesmaid was Miss Pauline Guen ionor was Mrs. W. J. Swift, of Chi ‘ago, sister of the bride. She was at ired in pink georgette woaring : eghorn hat. She carried a bouquet o ‘oses and sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. Stroh, upon their â€"re urn from their wedding trip, will take ip thei + ~lence on York St, {itchen: a MARTINâ€"BOLENDER nervousness, and was in a run down eondition. _ Two of our best doctors failed to do me any good. I heard so much about what was in a un down | 725 Miss Alice Haskinz, a sister of was in a run down | ss Alice Haskins, a sister of condition. ‘Two o! | he bride. who was attired in a gawn of our best doctors | ©°V #°orgette with hat to match. The wledu;d‘t‘)molny 1 :;Zmnn;i-l hw;w Miss Giadys Elvy, a 'nud eard so | ‘fS!er of the groom. She wore a much about what | TOWN of pink georgette with hat to w‘m‘pi“h‘m'. \v!nloh Bowquets of roses were carâ€" egetable Comâ€" )‘‘ed by the bridal party. The groom pndhlddanff;: !wa-" anr:irmr'ml by Mr. Arthur Ash others, tried |croft end Mr. Leonard Elvy act s and '.l. cured. 1 )usher y acied as am no longer nerâ€" | The niptial knot was tled by Rev m ll:l Pe]z?.“'n’i }T. M. Lanz Ford. rector of the church, a n n__“m:_. OV foCowing which & reception was held Mr. the Mr. and Mrs. Elvy left on the 7 prelock train for Toronto. . Nia#+~ Fa‘ls and Buffalo. Upon their return they will take up their residence on King ~treet east. Mr. and Mra. Elvy have the best> wishes of a host of at the home of the bride‘s parents where a wedding luncheon was enjoyâ€" od by about 70 guests including many frienda and relatives from outâ€"ofâ€"town points. ‘The house was tastefully deâ€" porated ftor the occasion with carnaâ€" tioms, ferns and orange blossoms. The bride was the recipient _ of many beautiful and costly â€" presents. The friends of the bride and â€" groom enjoyed an evening made pleasant by music and dancing. I Mone im The young couple will reside on the grooms‘ farm near New Germany All join in wishing them mast joy and happiness, 2 The church at St. Clements was the scene of a very pretty wedding _ on Traesdoy morning when â€" Miss Clara Martin eldest daughter of Mrs. Jos ‘ph Martin became the Bride of Mr Villiam Zettel, eldest son of Mr. and "rs. Frank Zettel of New Germany everend Father Wey officiated. The ‘«le entered the _ church to _ the i‘cains of the wedding march. She )re a beautifel gown of white â€" silk vorgette irimined with hand em ___!dery and seed pearls. _A tulle ""‘l and wroath of handâ€"made _ satin fowers completed her costume. She carried a bouquet of white bridal rog «. Sad maiden hair fern finished with 100 Unei in marriage to Mr. Ray 4‘vy. acting physical instructor at the T. W. Collegiate Institute. The bride, vho was given away by her father, <us becomingly attired in a gown of hM.e siik cenrgette and wore the >rctomary bridal veil, caught with nrange Wos:oms. The maid.of honor Miss Bortka Zettel sister of the groom acted as bridesmaid. _ She wore a dress of pale pink silk trimâ€" med with beads and hat to match and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and ferns. Mr. Les Martin, brother of the bride. ac &4 as best man. Litle Loziso Martin, youngest sis ter of the bride was flower girl. She roveon streame baby rose tbuds A. L. Zinger, C.R, in the presence of the immc i:ate relatives of the _ conâ€" tracting _ rarties. ‘The bridesmaid was Al‘ss Marguerite Lang, sister of the bri‘~ ; i the groom Was nnzw ed by Mr. Cornelius Humme! of Kitch ener. The bride who was given awâ€" ay by her father, was prettily attired in her travelling suit of delph _ biue trleolete with grey and angora trimâ€" mings with a Targe black novelty hat, wearlng a corsage bouquet of _ white aweetheart roses and â€" maidenhair ferns. ‘The bridesmaid wore â€" a seaâ€" foam ;reeu silk crepe _with a large blacl, picture hat wearing a corsage bouquet of sunset poses. . Mendelsâ€" sohn‘s wedding march was played by Miss Maric Lang. After the _ cereâ€" mouy a reception was held at the ‘ome of the bride where a luncheon /as provided. ‘The bridal couple left 1a the 5.20 train on a honeymoon trip lown the 3t. Lawrence _ river â€" and arough the Thousand Islands. They clil later take up their residence _ in ‘ardchilt A pretty wedding :. ok place at th home of Mr. and Nirs. P. Zebr, 103 Wilmot street, on Thursday afternoon w 7 O‘clock when Miss Marle Bossort {ochis erv, was ‘tippry married =.) n Hermin € 05. oldatz, alsoo of this ‘ity. ‘The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. Hauch in the presence f the immiediate relatives of the con racting parties. The bride was atâ€" ended by her balfâ€"sister, Miss Kath wlne Zenr, and the groomsman was Mr: Arthur Raddatz, brother _ of the groom. ‘Tne young couple will take up their residence ai 33 Oak street. An interesting marriage coremony took nlace at St. Mary‘s Rectory _ on Tuesday afternoon, June 24, when Leomore Amelis, eldest daughter . of Mr and Mrs. REdmond J; Lang, 14 We‘ror street. west, was % wedâ€" ded to Mr. Rlion Brown, of Kitchener ‘The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. 7 loom Adhere the gt tor a hoveymeon irig i9 Loudon. Ser a bouquet of white bridal ros maiden hair fern finished with sirecamers caught back with RADDATZâ€"BOS§ERT. ZETTELâ€"MARTIN. ELVYâ€"HASKINS . BROWNâ€"LANG, The maid.of honor Many continue to suffer from ples in the belief that a surgical operaâ€" tion is the only ecure. Fortunateâ€" Iv. Dr. Chase‘s Ointment is available, and has saved many thousands from the risk and expense of the doctor‘s :;lfo. :lo cents a box, all dealera, or ma , from Edmanson, Bates & &:( B'-‘-... Teronto. _ _ . GATSCHENEâ€"SNIDERKAN. The marriage of Miss Matilda Elizaâ€" eth Sniderhan, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sniderhan to dr. Oscar Michael Gatschene of Oberâ€" in, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob iatschene of â€" Waterloo, Ont., . took place on June 17th, at nine ~‘sloâ€"k, pt Caynga, Ont. Rev. Father Murâ€" hy officiated. ‘The bride was given iway by her father, and. wore white zeorgettee crepe over white satin mesâ€" Mr. B. F. Tracy, Minesing, Ont, writes: "For about thirtyâ€"five years 4 was troubled with itching piles, whici kept me from sleep until I was completely worn out. ‘Then at length I would drop off to sleep and rub myself raw. I tried every kind of ointment made without any perâ€" manent good. I also tried a homeoâ€" pathic doctor, but only had momentâ€" &ry reliet from his treatments. Three years ago I tried Dr. Chase‘s Ointâ€" ment, and about half a box comâ€" pletely cured me. I have never been tioubled with piles since, and can heartily _ recommend Dr. Chase‘s Ointment to anyone suffering from this terrible agony or from any other skin disease." Mr. H. B. MacDonaild, Walkerton, Ont., _ writes: "Having . suffered from piles for some time, I finally tried Dr. Chase‘s Ointment, which efforded almost instant relief, and in time, cure. I have great faith in Dr. Chase‘s Ointment, and think it superior to amy ointment on the market. .I would advise anyone sufâ€" hr_in, trdm piies to give it a trial" Reports come to us almost daily from persons who have suffered 10, 20, 30 years or more from piles or hemorrhoids before finding out that Dr. Chase‘s Ointment affords imâ€" mediate relief and ultimate cure for this annoying and distressing ailâ€" ment. This is not a trouble about which people care to speak, but if you ask your friends about Dr. Chase‘s Ointâ€" ment you will be surprised to hear how many have been cured of pilcs by its use. It is the one treatment for piles on which you can depend absolutely for prompt relief. â€" (‘‘This is to certify that the above statement is correct in every partiâ€" cular."â€"Rev. H. Berry, pastor Methodist Church.) seline, with the; customary wreath and veil. Miss Winnic Sniderhan was "ridesmaid while Mr. Cyril Sniderhan wrother of the bride was best man. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a »in set in diamonds and pearls, to u.e‘ widesmaid a pin set in pearls, and to he groomsman a set of gold cuff unkl. After the ceremony a reception wna‘ ield at the bride‘s home, where the newly married couple received the nest wishes of their friends. _ The bride was the recipient of many handâ€" iome cheques. Mr. and Mrs. Gatschâ€" me left on the 6.20 train for Waterloo, it. Thomas, Ingersoll, Wyoming, and »ther points. On their return they will reside at Oberlin, Ohio, where the groom holds a position. +600 confined to bed with Récwmatism. During that time, I had treatment from a number of doctors, and tried nearly everything J saw advertised to cure Rheumatism, without receiving any benefit. Finally, I decided to try ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€" tives". Before I had used haif a box, I noticed an improvement ; the pain was not so severe, and the sweiling started to go down. I continued taking this fruit me, dicine, improving all the time, and now I can walk about two miles and do light chores about the place". ALEXANDER MUNRO, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢, At all dealers or sent postpaid om receipt of price by Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawa. . T R.R, No. 1, Loras, Ont. | _ From _ Kitchener â€" Presbytet Church, Miss Eda Euler; U. B. Chut ‘Misa Violet Thamer; Benton St. B tist, Miss N. Boehmer, and the MHs ‘Ly«na Dankert, Clara Umbac® 4 Hilda _ Dengis; _ Zion Evifi | Church, _ Misses _ Magdaless, ‘and _ Melinda Brubacher, Mary j Good, Miss E. E. Ratz, and Mrs, lKnufman. } Bridgeport Evangelicalâ€"Misses: Lachman and Elizabeth Groh. 5 In Army of Occupatron. Rev. Dr. 8. Banks Nelson, of ton, has received word that B Fiâ€"Lt. 8. B. Neison, who euffere a severe attack of pneumon recovered, and has joined the ; ent army of occupatign. _ ;. d ARE ATTENDING SUMMER SCHOOL â€" _ IN WHITN Waterloo Evangelicalâ€"Misses F House, Carrie Mickus and Violet zell. Hespeler Evangelical â€" Rev. Denzis, Misses Greb and Hilda E Miss Hattie Dicks of the Mi dist church in ConestogA. ; A large delegation from Kitch and the surrounding community, attending the Missionery Summer ference, which is being held at V by this week. J. A. HILLIARD, Dentist, LD.9., Royall College tal Surgeons, D.D.S., Toronto U: sity. Al branches of dentistry tised. Office over Lang Bros. f Kitchener, Ont. DR. 8. ECKEL, L.D.8. 5.0.% ; Graduate Chicago College of I tol Surgeons and Royal Coleg Dental Surgeons of Toronto. . Déf )ffice in new Molsons Bank Build! Water)â€"o. D ntistry practiced im its branches. D. S. BOWLBY, B.A., L.L Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyancer _ Office Mi Bank Building. _ ‘Telephone . Kitcheper, Ont. : etc. Money to loan. Gerf Officeâ€"â€" Pequegnat Block Market, Frederick St., Ki CLEMENT 4 CLEMENTY . Barristers, Solicitors, Notam® Conveyancers l Private Funds to : Office: Metcalfe k. " 9 Cor King and Foundry St4., £. P. CLEMENT, K. 0, _ R. W. CLEMENT. v W. F. CLEMENT. > St. East, Kitchener, . Phon@: MILLAR, SIMS & BRAY Harvey J. Simg,â€" L. L B, Bray, B. A., Barristers, Notarie Office upstairs Béonomical King St. West, Kitchener. C JAMES C. HA ‘‘Barristers ~ )!!dhrl. Conveyancer, Office, Twrows Hear King St. East, Specialtyâ€" A. L. BITZER, 8/ A. | (Successor to Conrad Barrister, Solicitor, f D. G. McINTOSH, BARR Notary, Conveyancer, otG, DR. F. G. HUGHES, Dentist. 1 < Oddfellows Biock,‘ Water0g. Ailen Theatre, Kitchoner. Phone 344w. Residence 118 104 Weber Chambers, CHIROPRACTOR :; A. HOLM, D. c. 3 seases of the F Nose and Throat. D. J. E. HETT Medical. Dental.

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