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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 29 May 1919, p. 8

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Peg, the birds. ;',hlectloua diseases which - through sucks concern "." Such disease- as fowl t the dim»: of (owls In trr. In order to - the *mhly, poultrrmen were by press notices. corre- nnd persona} appeals to ro- .. fully " possible by Bend. Ind dead birds tor study In. In pursuance of thla _ department guaranteed ex- .ibove diseases are those u_su- mmulblo for individual k Ind my easily be detected ie m Igver--'rhin occur- Vhlch are excessively in. ”bed by ludden death. "tttste of the bowel cavity his. and In the last five or ll the ammunition ot speci- p become a tank ot consider- "mums. “more seems timely. when a I. the watchword, to mnke suggestions as to what work f", to undertake. and to point vuimn causes which rebuilt will; or inthtmrmttion of the pt, covering membranes, It.' caused by tho partial _. t of eggs in the bowel Nature of the eggduct an r: or accumulated yolk mu.- c. Frequently the diseased I "imagine tor this latter cr, or u rupture ot A blood that brain. Thi- dlaeue cu: m omy by the thee-('6 “on. and the Huddenneu h be sully recognized by the' hirt a home. In this conneo AR" be pointed out that. live tt [owls are frequently tor- _ .na via express trom remote i in British Columbia, Alber- hlkuchewan. and the expense "martin; these birds is wholly bible where the losses are lim- olo or two (owls. '1' tuberculosis. blackhead in , map and coccidloais may be II an infectious, and it In es- that they be recognized early, 'thelr spread may be checked. M, He also very troublesome. Java already published diretr :jettlng rid ot these pam- bulletins may be ob- mn application to the Pub- . Branch of the Department. - owners desire to have I Mentitted. the parasites-- ”. In nlcohol and securely my be sent by mail to the hieronce to tuberculosis and MI. our bulletins fully de- 'e' two diseases. and any - should be able to diag- - “(or reading our literature “I! the Illuslrntions. raven! misunderstanding of the t the department, we wish to ttttnt we are desirous ot in. “Mellon: whieh are re- !or Inge longest "hilly stated. where only two deaths occur, the express b umlly total more than the, .3.an of the birds. . therefore, that troultry, all" us in our Prortomic " and fuwls only when Rev» a have occurred simulta- tho "use cannot be de- . It home, 3.33:” n. - l " who: match I. “5 harm a. at F huh. hue stun n It. poultry Iasdtttrtry, mm I}: may. on; m. " - cu In! land by r Jot! mu. wu / at our records. may I n, h. attritttttesd Br " conditions, none of " unnamed to other r No. " of the Dominion In! Farm show: thttt need we“?! of vogemblvs an be home of as good or hem-r In In the Imported squad To ”In: good 399d, however, 3. produced from the but run crop rather than trom happen to he Ian unused, do: whlrh In emmnd r Hit, Own Seed . obuinlhle from the Pub. h ot the Department of I Ottawa, and tells how And are for new of traps [as henna. corn. - puma, lettuce, melons you. radium, tom-- other craps. d no Heart-Th- In - by a quality of in covering mombnne. bit-lice: by an accumu- I of Inspected poisoning. in that alum!!! be rotttutfted, not undertake work ot this ’INQ GARDEN SEEDS. tar..- 'rr...et- IND“ a. nun ad now Hike material, the to ir ha . nuty Job they " b I.” “it!!! dlml - lt I 'dotul‘ t* tn I accrue. of In.“ by tho Rush: M ion!" um Re;- one thing I liked about 90-00an- “In” W. at. a "It?” Wt - "Wait. 1 .. (n- tt. mm 71:.) Ml (no. a. W - "ttl-t uni-ulna” - 1- Do We: mum that ”My not “at In.- I: ”that pm “to hull approval, at "' - " an new In m u d 000.- 000 new. at but. Bat II. ”vent-t tB only beginning to at under in). trttquetasouiottoohadtr"_ a" by numb- critic. it iq mum an. a m um - Mm my ad 4.000.000 neg-1m. In_ my wu. be ' ... MIX ot what it not” to I". this addition to not- - m1 In mm Bunt- mu: all launch. Y-tr-ttve thou-um such settlers “all; in " .me bun of “.000 would menu 8100,- 0(l.000 Pttt out In three Provinces. Speaking at Regina rodent.” later] Milton. ot the Soldier Settlement Board. pointed out the possibilities ot the scheme to Saakutcho'lan. Prob ably about 30.000 widi‘l, he test would return to that province, and the record: ahow that " per mmt. of them were either farmers or farm lair are” " tttree-ttft" ot them, or IC, 000 took advantage of the Soldier} Settlement whome and had on aver- age loan of 84.000 it would mean the advancing of $72,000,000 for farm dev- elopment work in Saskatchewan alone. To date one-third more appli» cationa have been approved from At, berta than trom Saskatchewan no it is easy to see what the west has to tmin through the succeeslul working out of the Soldier Settlement scheme It the loan companies were to put out ttVt.000.000 this year on farm loans in the Prairie Provinces what a wonderful thing it would be consider ed. With any appreclpble measure of success the Soldier Settlementl Board will do better than that. Com-i pared with anything-that the western provinces have done in the way at assisting agriculture through loans. even now the Soldier Settlement scheme is a great success. During! the two years that the Saskatchewan! Farms Loans Board has pet-n in upr‘ eration it has not loaned much more‘ than $2.000.000. and Manitoba tstus) probably not loaned more than '3.000,- ooo. Still. both ot these provinces are claiming a great deal of credit for what they have done. and rightly so Their work in this respect goes to show that the possibilities before the Soldier Settlement Board as a means of promoting settlement are wonderful. PALE AND WEAK DESPONDENT PEOPLE Owe Their Condition to Weak Watery Blood-Bow to Regain Strength. Every wamttn'sr-tteatth-ftr-TreFtrHr blood. Far too many women suffer with headaches. pains in the back, poor appetite, weak digestion. palpl tatlon or the heart, a constant feeling} of weariness, shortness ot breath, palo lor and nervousness. or rourse all’ those symptoms may not be present', in any particular cage. They arel merely a warning that the blood is, tout of order. and that It is thin and watery. and it you note any ot these symptoms in your own case, you should lose no time in taking the pro- per steps to enrich and purify the Mood. Anaemia-poverty of the blood-is a most insidious disease and it allowed to run will end in a com. plete breakdown of the system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are, beyond doubt, the greatest Mood-making ton- ie offered the public today. For more than a quarter of a century they have been the stand-hy of hundreds of thousands of people in all parts of the world. No other medicine has, ever .aehieved such world-wide. popularity. and the reason is that this medicine does what is claimed for it, enriches and purit1ers the Mood, thus bringing new strength to evéry organ and ev- ery nerve in the body. In this way Ur. Williams’ Pink Pills bring new health to weak. despomlent people.‘ Among the many who speak highly of this medicine is Mrs. Louis tr. harsh. Windsor, 0nt., who Bays-- "it would be impossible for me to teommrmd, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too highly. Some years ago I was very thin and pale; I tsuffered many ot the symp mm or anaemia. and always felt. an ml. depressed and weak. I had tried several "tedir'irtes, but they did not seem to help me, Then acting on the advice of a friend. I began taking Dr. W'illiams' Pink Pills. lit-tore I had used halt a dozen boxes I was actually feeling like a new person and had gained nine pounds in weight. I com tittued taking the pills until I had taken a down boxes. and from that time I have always enjoyed the best ot health. I freely write you this let ter in the hope that some Woman in need as I was, will see " and be bane- fitted as l have been .. Most of the lruululon thal tttrect mankind are due to hmmvvrishod Mood. and will promptly disappear If the trtood is built up and renewed. " you are ailing. gin this groan-M of ionic medmines n fair trial and " will not disappoinl you Dr Willinms' Pink Pills can be procured. through any dealer In mvdlrlnM, or will he sent by mail at Mc a box or six boxes for $2 M) hy writing The Dr. Wflllarmr Medicine Co., Brockvillo. Ont. [Mam-sum hy Mammy to mmmnn! (at? with his wife and (our children, whom he left In Russia hpfom the w", John Bachor, ngad 15. of London, Ont, committed middle by hangln; AVOID 00mm? tt I A: the city tor the Germ to etl ; unmet to the pence 4omands of the . allied end “minted government. .91 protein. and the German plenlpo Itonthriee have nnnouneed that they will ”I no further extension of time beyond Thursday, the limit net by the ametr---tttere apparently In been no Inn-use In the tentiment or German iiii,Ti"riGai clrclee that the treaty [should not be ligned. Rii7,',rr) {HMS Nev Yuri, I” " Thu uncut- od Frau try-night aa lbo follow- In: review ot the International litu- non “Should I under pro-lure trom our own misled countrymen. high this len- tence of death?" an utterance attribu- ted to Count Von BrochdorilRantaau. head ot the German peace delegation, in reply to a question as the demand” of the Independent Socialist: that the. compact should be duly analed, mama up generally the state ot mind nup- posed to exist in the higher walk: of German political life. Austrians Chafing. l ‘Meanwhlle allied commissions are preparing ahortly to hand ta Amtria land Bulgaria the treaties that are ta be drawn up for them. The Aus- triana. who have been tor acme time at St. Germain. are chafing under the delay in being called beforethe peace iconfererree. The delay is declared to It mainly due to the settlement of lcondition» regarding reparations. Dr Renner, head or the Austrian delegation. has appealed to Premier Clemenceau. president ot the pence conference. urging the hastening of the presentation of the peace treaty. declaring that the delay is creating a "regrettable strain" on Austria ttttttrr cially. The belief is expressed ln Paris that the new states taken awuy from Amr tria llugary will not be compplled by the allied and associated powers to make payments on account ot repent lions by the dual monarchy or the public property taken over by them. The council of four is now ensued In thoroughly going into tho situation of these new states. GIVES aOLDIER "JOB" OF BEING A BENEDICT. Gordon L. Sawyer. agent ot the United States, Employment Service at the unemployment bureau ot the 77th DIVliIon, 280118330!) Ava, tTleegTatR1, Ohio, the other day plcked a pink. li. lac-scented letter " the top of his mail. He opened it and read: "My husband died some time ago. I have a small income. a town home and a country place, but I am lone- some. Having read that so many 'sod. lers are out of work. I have concluded that there would be nothing better for me to do than to take tor my husband a man who has tought tor his country. Can you send a worthy soldier to me?" WJT‘MsV may he a Ijoke." said Mr. Sawyer. "It sounds‘ too good to ho true. But it is worth a trial.” U _ Ten minutes later Private J. walked into the office. "I am looking tor a job." he said. "I'm a carpenter." "Married?" naked Mr. Sawyer. "Nope," replied Private J. “Read' this letter. investigate the job and,report to me." imam-z Under Tm Just as Mr. Sawyer was closing his office, the telephone rang. “This is Private 1,." said the voice. “Thanks tor that letter. I've got the job." GRHIN ‘At Waterloo. May 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groin, a daugh- Romnmher that Rum-um» Park In - closed. but dancing 3nd outer nunruoms every evening. his or "ttle crowd. G-ttat BARBER HAWK -At Galt, May um: Miss Ruby Hawe to Mr, Arthur Barb-er _ LADHRUUK -MO|R' At Gait, May will. Mrs Jeanie Muir to Mr. ' ter Ladhronk. DEAN At Kitchener, May 23rd the onerPar old daughter or Mr and Mrs R J. Dean, RI Mount Hope St. zlKG'lmR - At annnln General Hos. pltnl. May 22nd, Louis Wm. Zieg- ler, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zing ter, Ill Waterloo St, Kitettetter. SCHIJTT Mt Wntorloo, May 21pt. Elton A, Schlltl, son or Mr, Ind Mrs, Wm Schlltt, aged 21 years, " mos. and " dtsys. o'KERF'E--AI Btratrora, May 2m, Mrs Thom-s O'Keefe, aged 20 yearn. . Wm. Bailey of Brnnltord. a returned soldier, employed an “rel-km ot the City Hall commmed nulcldo through donmndancy ter wzobmés. DEATHS. BIRTHS. (SHAPING IKemmng left half [WWI centre halt ‘0. School] imsidts Ion Lamar outside M! D. Scloch Inside right Rolllnger outside rig Debra]: our!“ Mr. at In. V... a...“ ' than", - the new with It. tonal-‘0 ”1.. Mr. at Iron huh Cream 7 -- _ _ I The - School Wanna. hold to tho Kano-la church on the am: proud in ho I bl; “no... The church VII i1iied to wallowing tn tho morning. “term and evening. Durban Ito-1 ham all-nod with what they had head. I (h sum. May um. the town- lho football team Johnna) to Hou- vlllo and played the tan ad that Naee . use. The [have wu tut. Iron nut to amt and more “I no nub our on either ulde. The nut halt ended with [own line tn the I.“ IO. Shortly alter the menu! lull started Roaevllle moral and eve-ed it up. And the nuns ended I tie Li. Fol- lowing in the line up: . Town Line. Position. MOVING. Carve" goal Gingrich Potinttk, full back Awleyard‘ Prlchett lull back Wnlttg', Ziegler right hall Pole Kmsmrtrintr left half Hum [WWI comm halt Grub ‘0. School: Ill-ids loll Swlz Lamar outside 1m Delma- D. Schoch Inside rttght Fried Rolllnaer outside right Rocker Debra“ our!“ Hallmnl -iip. '.iou.""i"wow a WWII» "an Brrrdpr gt!) 'tttl' LII-1h ”5.3mm all my I 'tttFr - - with a. . WI mu. Mr. at III. I“ _ Lr.1'1..t,e.ete..t 2t",gtd'thet " th Mr. Carl Israel ot Kitchmlsr spent the week end under the parental root. Misses Elimiwth Ind [Allin Vau- ghan of Kitchener spent the holldtys with their pun-ems here, Mr. A. L. Ruxgle was a business visitor to London a few days last week Mr. Arthur Umbach of Edmonton. Alla” 'spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moogk. Mr. [Imbach who has recently returned tom overseas. in spt-nding mm! time with relatives and Irtends before having for his home In Edmonton. "aiiti.lGmber of this vicinity al- tended the "Mennonite conference at Strasburg on the 21tCtuf 25th. -rirTGii sirs. & M. Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snidor spentISundny wloh Breslau friends. - - Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ruggle and was {$de and Prank. and -Me.-ttqtd Mrs. N. Dietrich motored'to Happier on Sunday. Minx Rana Nelson. Mr. Alex. and Mr. E Wideman of Elmira were Bun, day vlsllors m the home of Mr. and Mrs. J Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder and dan- trhter Gertrude spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman King at Creek- bank. Mr. and Mrs. J. t on and daughter Gertrude and Mr. und Mry Fred [mam-h spent Sunday with Elmira friends. About twenty of the young people of this vicinity enjoyed a pleasant picnic at the Waterloo Park on Vic- toria Thry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kaurman and Miss Nellie Snydvr of Clenallpn attended the “Welcome Home" which was tend- ered our returned hereon lattt Tues- day evening. Miss Liziio Schnffer of Elmira spent Sundav with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moogk. _ "Méjhnd Mm. Herbert Huehn of Heidelburg were Sunday guests at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Rem. ”Mimi‘s Florence and Emma Reist of Kitehener son" the holidays with "Mr mother, Mrs. George Reist. _ A serious accident happened to Mr. North, an empioyee of ma mtot mill. on Monday, when he got his foot crushed in tho Excelsior prp.'or. Dr. Watson of Elmira attonded and after close examination (mind it mix-Maury to have the patleht removed to the K. & W. Hospital Last Monday owning the momhors of Ihe Evangeliml church and Run. day school gnthorod at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Syn-mater Bowman and vomnletoly surprised one of Ihoir members in tho person of Mr. Wil- liam ttrox, who had inst rt-tumod with his bride from Mildmny. The evening was “mm "in music and cam". An mamas was read and the young oouplo were resented with a bountiful tucker. in?" which lunch was served. The merry group (“R- porsad. all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Brox mam years or - and [nonporous wedded "In. , Mr Thos. Hiram and Miss Grartx of Call apt-m the week end with frIr-nds In Ihis virinltyx Mr. w, Slomnn of New lmndve spam Smithy It f‘rnnahlll. Mr. Ralph Knieht ot Kitchener spam the holiday under the parent-I t . t I . WANTED A . Exception: . ty te Ian I q all It Mu q "a want. . MANAGI . mun Mrs, M Binmngham ls vlnmmz her dttughter, Mrs. Mv'l‘avlsh mun WnIIPn- slain. Mr. and Mrs. P. Lather spam Sat nrday with " brother at Newton Me.qgrs "mm and Milton Doom-n rmurnvd soldier: of Detroit. accom- rompanird by tho” slstrr Miss "one, of Llnwood. spam Saturday with friends horn. Mr, Ftrznsnn of Shanon! orrupled the pulp" ot Boyd thumb In" Sunday and dollvars-d In addrou on behalf of tho Lord's hay Alli-neon WANTED A BRIGHT BOY Exceptional opportuni- ty te Ian printing trade and It “and! (or - no? ”vie Amy MANAGER DULY TELEGRAPH FLORADALE [Tm CROSSHILL u.wm-n§pw - ”but. aM. w thhnqrsier m up w to load In" at h m at an d m ho.- " in up” 5:0!” -. W. “I. plant. In mrorttr" " use: Idling an want (that " mic in this new). one at our popuhr you; II... Me. Herman Had“: we ttapril, “and to It" Inna mm. caught-r at Mr. lur- un Beluga a! Bt. Juan. The vod- dln: too plies " Bt. Jacob- " 8 o'clocl on Vacuum-y Inernoon. lay tut, new. Stump!» ot lmln at} clubs. . . . _., The groom wu supported by Mr. Clayton Schmidt gt Kitchener and mu Mule Samar acted u bridete maid. The young couple lett on u trip to Goderlch Ind Milverton. On their return they will mine up their midence her. where the groom holds a position with the Brat ot Huehn Bron Tusk lull)! triewu.whsts the young couple every prosperity and many years of wedded bliss. Kitchen. ”tomb - Tile wmerry fmnkera {rrlved home in the wee ttours of the morning (old time.) _ Alxml thirty ot our young people surprised Mims Barbara ottertr.ia, dunghler ot AEr, Val. Otterbeln with a Kitchen shower on Friday. evening. May 23rd, In honor of the coming ev- eat “A dainty lunch was provided by the ladmu and I pleasant and enjoyuble evening was spot)! In gulp“; "HAhumber ot our young people spent the afternoon of the 24th " the Three Bridges where they had a pity nie. _ Person-Io. Amongst the hoilday visitors we noticed Mr. and Mis, Frank Ball ot Kitchener " the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gies. -.irrriirns." Hudson or Bttfrtslo " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stelgs. Mr. and Mrs, o J. Stein and son Fred of Ponesstoro, Mr J A. b'teiss a! Kitchener and Mr Walter Steins at Toronto with Mn. A, Steiss. “Miss iouisa Doerr of Kitchener wigll Miami Mrs, Hy. Koehlor. rhiiiseruatin ofssirro with our prineipa1, tilss lit. Dustin. "iriGraiirs. Henry Ziegler of Wat. erioo at the home of his brother Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Ziegler. - ___ _ -iuiita. iidroid Dreléinger of Elmira with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huehn. _ _ ".irrriiurrsatuer of Kitchener with Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sat- tier. -iir. John Zimmermnn and family of Waterloo at the home ot Mr. and "he; Misses Selenda, Lillian and Nellie Weber with Mr. and Mrs. ' A. Swiss. - - - vii}; Engolter and daughter Martha are visiting Mr and Mrs. Btoehtish of Chesley. _ __ A - -- -siririiid Lingelbncn of Tavinlnck spent several days with her sister. Mrs. A, N. Weber. Pte. Lorne Schmidt of Carling Heights, London. spent several days' leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Adam Schmidt. "Ezéf'itdg'air Sinner has been dis- charged from his military duties at London and arrived home on Thurs- day. "iichoot Inspector. Mr. F. W. Shep- pard. xpald our school n visit on Wed. nesday. May 21st, A Mrs. John Doerberkor who had been slaying with her son Walter Frickpy of Waterloo for some months has again returned to her home hero. -sir.Gsnd Mrs. H. N. Huehn spent Sunday with their son. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hnehn. at Kitchener. Miss Coultor from Hamilton and nephew Master Edgar Jeanen of Tor- onto were [meals of the farmer's sis. ter, Mus ('nullor. and Rev. and Mrs. I'lam for a few Guys last week. - Mr. LiduiA. Aidison Snydcr and son John, Sundayotl at Kitcht'r. _ Mist gi,an cuAe spout Monday night at her home, " Ahrona St., Kit- rhom'r. _ Miss Ell-an Slroh. Miss Pearl and Aara Knob spent the Mth at Brian-- port A "rut-arbor reunion was held at the homo of Mr. And Mrs Schweitzer on May 24, in honor of Mr " Martin. Mr, Karl Martin and Mr, Edwin Bru- lmchu-r. all of them returned nulnlinrsr They worn ouch presented with n purse ot gold. Amootr thrs [plants were Mr, and Mrs, A Hrubactter and daughter Ev- Plyn and Dormhy from Wunkarnsn. Indiana. and Mr, and Mn. R Mnrlin and family from Brtopton, The day wan Mal and u enjoy phle lime was spent by overyono [ The Mlanos lvn Ind Lllllan Schweit- zor. Mr, Glanley Schweluer and Mr “when Scum; from Kitchener were guests of Mr, Ind Mn. A, Rchwoitxer on Sunday. Minn Malvllla trom Chianmhu. West Africa. glve a very interesting talk m the Comtretttttiomtl Church In! Tuesday evening. The Minna Annie and Mary (‘halm- on; of Toronto were no": at the Mines Mary Ind Abbie Bum: a few dun In! ml fir, 1nd Mrs. J, Drug" of Kitchener Sunday-1 with Mr, and Mrs. ”when! of Round“. Farm Mrs. 'Seibart at Kitchnnor II spend- ing I few any: with her pars-nu. Mr and Mn. Redford on Mapln Aer, Mr. Ind Mrs, Walton Ind Mr. D McKay heml- called on friends In Knchmor on Bud-y. Mr. ad Mm, Tom Radium. Mr. and Mn Adam Earl". and Mr. and In Jon 81mm" “(ended the born - a" um on WWW. _ 7 titetttttcwttt BLOOMINGDALE. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's lnsliluic- was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday, May 2151. The mam toature of the programme was the election at otucertr. All ot the former otricers resigned. . Inn'- ing ihu coming year Miss M. Tye till, mi as "'11rsyrdr'pr.Arr., . MLiViahr- gang as Vitys 1'rvsident and Miss A. Garland as "SNsevTreas.it. An Empire Day concert was held in ou the Haysville st-hool on Friday even- ing. May 23rd. A splendid program.* was rondervd by the children. hwy] l were encouraged by quite a numhvrz of out of town visitors. The splendid; talent that was displayed promises- 'Haysville an admirable Dramatic Sow ‘cimy in the near tuture. lo the A. Y. P. l'. at the home of Mrs - the A. Y. l". 9. at ther hnmr or Mrs.‘_sl IL. Poll on Friday waning. May 30. h! Misses Lloy Barber. Carrie King and Isolwl McLellan and Messrs. Murray Uttyiey, Ted Ellison and Ad- am Neely of Stratford were visitors al the home of Mrs. J. J. Graham. Miss Mary l’nddn'omln- of London ls spvnding a lvw days with Mrs. Ed, ward Tye. ' "a... ._.t. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fenér sp"n! the holiday with the tormer's parents at Poole, Mr, and Mrs, daukhtrr Ilvssir Kitchener. Wain on Sunday, Mrs. A. Ainslie has rcturnod to ttru' homr ant-r sprtndittte several wreks with Mrs, T. Stunnrvillv, Mr. Aifar Hul’slrllvr visitol ovcu' tlu. holiday a! lite humv of Mr. J. Hilton} Mr. Henry Bin-kiv and Inmily Htt'ui Sunday with Mr. and Mrs William Schl‘mnm, Mrs. J. J. Graham Mr. Illingworth “hunk M TAn0on is Vlsnlinu at tho humr or Mr, T, G. Walkor. llnl'rn Road. Mr. nml Mrs. Mrnnn Nnhrgang and Misawa 7.9mm and Iu.ah Barr atmndvd ihe Mpnnonitr Sunday school Uotttt'r vnrv m Kittmtsmsr on Saturday, r sling Lottie Cttristiutt of Toronto vi.', ited over Inc holiday with Mr. and MrOstnr Nnhrgang spt-nt the hoIr day with Mr. U, Nalh‘nang. __ Mr. and Mrs. Huston and Miss Vio tot Bluhm of Preston visited at the hom" or Mrs. Charles lhlllork the lat Ivr pan of Past wpok. h urrimia Moiset and family visit od over tttts holiday with Mr. and Mrs H. Srhmmm. Mrs R I. Lamlm- nnd daughter Mnanc-nv of Kitrhener and Miss t,il "an Monrvhousa» of Chmhnm spam the wrsott and at Mr hymn 1grtTtttnrr, Business vlyitors to Toronto Inst Thur-day wr‘rv Mr, B, C. Woods. Fred nelson, ‘Sarnnus Martin ond u. 'P. Snider. Mr. and Mn Harry Snider and dan- thor (Nadya and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra human and an“ Lorne of Khrhennr upon! Sunday at Mr. F'red Irisonl. Ml" Addio. Lydia and laurona le'n spent Runway m Guelph Mm Lillian MrGovorn of Kilehnnvr upon! n few days In! week ttt her home here, Mr, and Mrs. Harry [Andean and sons Omar and Clayton of Ont-lob spam Sunday at Mr. Fwd 11-19mm. Hrs. Goo, Lotion spent a [mu days It Know-nor Int uni. . -iiiid"rcAittt"siroor hm: rammed hunt- In" 'ttremthttt a In wank: m autumn! _ - ME. A. K. Richer! went I few darts In Tm but wool. -- A -- A WEST MONTROSE HAYSViLLE, l‘rins Nahrgang and took a thving visit lo 1100 and onirevillt' I Local News. Miss Lizzie BPrlet of Kitchener I spout last Sunday with former (Hend- ' here. q__}. with friends here. _ iiiGhi:Gna Weber in spending s few ueeiis wuh hrr aunt, Mn. Fred Lemon. - _ -sirifiiie%rsGin give an midi-ell In the Womon'a Institute next Wed- nosmly maintain; - __ _ -- . Mrs. Simon Weber of New Dundee and Mr. and Mrs. Max Tuchllnlky of KIu-hanvr spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Demon]. -iirir% -iiiirG. ot Baden spent Sunday with friends here. Miss ours and Mr. Emmanuel WI? nor paid a visit last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lautenschltuger at Peter:- burg. Tii',.', and Mrs. Charles Holllnger and lamily from Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Z. Watruerr., VAL"; Jrid. SrKoehler went on Monday to Toronto on business 7 Mr, and Mrs. Christian Gerber spent last Sunday with relat" was near Brun- 'ner, Miss: Alma Wagner 'tt on Sundny to spvnd a tttw days in Kitchener. Mr Jnmiv Ptanner erchmmd t nic- PL?" cu. .u Kitchemsr mine time no a an ML.qu a goodly nu 'ber luxurious trips. _ wiiis" tummy alter two m mus hard labor is , Xmoat complet- rl A vl wwlpr the pre mt rate of pesop,rcsos,f is tumor” to make Ill first rhm-so try next A unday at the eaNiest,mnd on new" of it being tttte of the tlnest of m cheese (actor- in in Tho. Province an F Ila splendid iocaiion it attracts I urge number N vistiorn every Sunday from my pans of the surround”; country. A I’m]. A Hill? child ot ttvs. ”I! of .3. was not willing to Bttttt oft to "tool. After trying to coax the little one to so by ”vet-m Ind prom!“ of I penny. the mother lurnd to hat ttatv band. and said: "Here. dad, see " you can (at {it "tiid " to school." The father commenced ht UM: my: "Now, Jennie. run any to wind. I always want to whoa! without any trouble when l was a “tile boy.” Little Jen-lo looked on!“ ur- priaed. tad uld. "You did. daddy?" "Yea," said her father, "I AM. New run away." "When you was I "In. W. daddy ?" and the child. "Yes, yes. Now run am,” and her daddy. _ "Who in. my daddy, than. VII. you Va A Mule boy?" The war II responIlble tor a a“ of metal thlmblu. Prune. Italy. Spain and Forum” In “my" without supplies. Before [In w. Lille, Nuremberg and VI..- nu.- holured min-blo- tor all than co.- lrho. Ind there “a only four In..- f.eturera In til+d--threro .1 ICE-- mchnm 1nd one at Redditeh--bet the new ttttOrt-r ha brought M blame. alums! to I Illldlllu. Th0 trade dom not consume a m 'reight of metal. but tho null. a mlmblcl on order looks f enough. rune. don II In tut d 050.000 grog. _ - A - But thé child um not amused; no looking up at her (“her Bud: Mr. J, E, Worth spent the week and BERLETS CORNER. w factory alter of altar two Xmost complet- mt rate of to make In many at the

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