w: 'WI-V- - -___ -___ A The bride who was given away by her brother William, was dressed in a gown of pearl grey silk crepe. and ear- rlul a urge bouquet of white roan. “hr the ceremony the guests sat down to a dainty repaint The bride who has been a popular 'dans lady received a number or, hutli‘ul and costly stile. l ' Mr. and Mrs. Brox will make their} home in Elmira. ( The Elmira “Jitney Bus" Is a sure good thing tor Elmira. ll gives our â€is I little more time, in Toronto, or' in Kitchener. And when a good play comes to the city, Mr. Quickiall will give the play goers a chance to no the ttttish. Of course the Jltney Bu. has a regular time table, at pre- sent the Bus leaves Elmira Zilliax Home at 6.45 pm. for Kitchener. and have. Kitchener Béwman House. 10 PP", stopping at the Walper Hous6, _’ '6 -.___. ,Er._a.s-r.sr, Llnllinn. pan" Inuyy-u, -. “w """."" the Hen-sou Hotel. Waterloo. Bolling-I nt's Hotel, St. Jacobs. i _ An enjoyable bridge party was held ' at the “In: House. by Mr. and Mun; John J. Yanchus, in honor of the tor- met'l brother, Spr. Frank J. Yanchus,‘ who has Just returned from overseak. Mr. North of Floradalc Had JC) Hurt. While performing his duty at thel Mal? Flax Mill Monday morning, Mr. North had the misfortune lu have his loot badly hurt. He was mam-(L to the Kitchener and Waterloo Hos-l pm]. It was uncertain how serious' the accident waq. hut lil.-~‘.y the was well“ be amnutntml. New Auto Livery. _ Mr. Waiter ()niMJull ha» lmughl' “tho Btettermngel Livoz-v. lhrn. lately occupiwl by Hl-rmnn Schmidt. taking I-nnsvv“l(:~1 t'nrs Is', of Juno Mr. QuitA.rull will make, an up- lo-dale auto Ih'Pry lln will havo pew Cary for Halon-ls. wu-Ildings. pn- Wm. Jackson Has Charge of the Ford f Service. _ Mr. William Jacrt;ort, a rolnrm-(l man, wlll take hold of the Ford Sm" , -urUdiGrsioliatt and Mr John Mroh :..,s?t, Wallensmin returned trom a Hall k ld Mr. and Mrs. John Mullah, "rant- Vice, taking urn-cl June 1st . Mr Jackson bought all tho F'ord [hurls and aucssnries from Mr. W. Quickrnu. Miss Reta Crooks acrv"ttttauicrt by Mists Olive Miller. Ictt on yyaiurtlay for London to visit old frionils "mm. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Rittut and daughters Lillian and F'.sttwr of tii. Catharines. and Mr and Mrs. Norman .Bitter of Kitvhertcr worn visiting at "the home of Mr and Mrs. Adam R.ifr or over tho wovk "ttrl. Mr. c. E Dippol of Listuwul Win a business visitor in town. Mrs. Thus. Quivlifall of Gall. and her sister, Mrs. Samuel Woelflc of" Kitchener. Miss Gladys Cross. Mr Walter Cross and Mr. Boll Hnnlvr of Gall. Mr. Lloyd Cross of Toronto. spent the work 0nd at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Quickieâ€. _ Lt. J. R Rom-wk of llrnylon. was I visitor in town. t Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Irevitt or Water, I00, apvm Victoria hay with their daughter. Mrs. Fred, ll. Runnel. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. [Hankslvin and hmily of Kitr'hrtqer called on Mr. and MricFred. C Rnppel over the hali- "iii-, Marlo'aml Mam-ll Mayer of Waterloo spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. ' J. Yattchtts, _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawn. Mr and Mrs A, T. Ott and daughlcr of Flora- dnln spent Sunday al the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Hardwiz. pe, "at... g Mr, and Mn, Adam Becker of New Elihu“. visited with friends in ttte," r_horttood, The Mines Becker' p» Willinmnhurx. visited with Mr, F T Mn. B. Davin Sunday, Mr. and ; . Alton Shnrmnn of Kiirhener. ' t Sunday at Mr. and Mrs, Harbor! .--Tho Milan Sadie and Olive y of Kitchener. wont Sunny un- & a. ptroninl root-fur. W. E. Ber from Toronto, trpettt the wttettatttd in bone here ---Mr lunch Brickl- '"ettttretort, Ind Mr, Albert Knot! "' Kitchen"- vzre 811mg} “than “£1.4me Unloy or" Kitchener ls Ipsndlng a few days with relatives in town. W -- Mr, Leo. Christman of Beechburg la vialling his mother, Mrs. Henry Chrlslman. who has hot-n seriously ill tor the past few weeks. "i6r.rtthrom Schroeder of Toronto, yryt help,hh\ rather m the clothing "Nitâ€. ttyt next few months. P mm} mm. Behrons returned from 11‘s“ to friends at Tommi). _ -. krTiUC/iiiaG r/turned from a business trip t9 Toronto. an! luff. And In. A. C. Eva-n.3- nl In. Arena Human " mun- ttE tg,eurg',', up was] . "I. In I P. tallg'L't't',','l n! “it!!! "Crt/let- Busy l moi has PI.- DIM (LII-A. MANNHEIM Ne,rstuti-gitrau-8taFrtde-" Rittcr and . Mr F and UL rd by i l _'ill,l1'k%'ilEiii't' b1thit ttt ad Witch how It be?» make a thin child grow an pot on weight. Then is nothing quite so “anathema, as Scott's Emulsion Iota chi 401mm Sand-y alternoon from overwu. He enlllted la the 111th Battalion and had - two you: service In Franco. A few of the members ot the Antrlr can Mlsalonnry Society attended the' annual meeting ot the Deanery held at Waterloo on Tuesday, Rev. T. chh, ‘Rural Dean presided. Died at Dayton, Ohio. l The and news was received here on iMondny that Mr. Frank L. Holocher had passed away on Sunday at the hospital In myton, Ohio, after a brief illness. He who a non ot the late Jor ,eph Ho1ocherot this town. and was Show: Emulsion -.... “WWW, born here about Btty-three years ago. For about twenty years he resided In Dayton. Ohm. where he was connected with a large hotel business. The news ot " death was received with deep regret by his many friends here, De- ceased ms unmarried. hut is survived by tour sisters. Mrs. Peter Behl. Mrtr.I John Buckei and Mrs. John Hartman) of this town. me Mrs. C arias Hart. man of Hamlpon. Miss hr: Bucket trom here, and Mrs. IL; E. Green of ‘Hamilton. left on Mon y night to nt. ‘tend the lunch! w c was held at \Daytok m “‘ 74“ A. amt-DOAII any“: 's'er.7?iasmretatarsind of Deemorton. has again engaged with Smllh Bros.. Zorra townune, after his discharge trout the Brtttr, - - '___, ac, n...‘ my... ..._ ......,V Mrs. Wm. (mental received tho news that her brother had died Buffalo. Mrs. Hamilton and Miss Methmuns are spending " tew days in Toronto. The New Hamburg Creamery rev ceived a new latest improved churn of seven hundred pounds' capacity. which Is being installed. They have also put In an electric Btstreock cream tester and a large- electric force pump one shipment of " boxes ot batter __, u “L ...... ......h. tout Jatainild 45 lbs New $1.75; Family “our. an)"; .unmwuu Hnnr. $310; middling; per ton. â€Zn bran. prr ton, $42: buttur per lh.. 46e; ~zgs. per doa., 41w; hay, per ton. $15; potatoes, per bag, 5150. Mr. and Mrs. George Nahrgang ot Strutfnnl spent the week and at the ho-m " the torrner's sister, Mrs. Wit tiam Srnrrm'. Miss Ella Krngmau spout the week ntttt with her brother, Mr Paul ng w mtl Pte. George Strchter unwed here on Spring wheat. $2.14; Fall wheat, 2,09; outs. 70c; barter. 350: corn. “15: Karnily flour. $5.60; Manitoba Sm uourgu lira". Miss Louise Goebel spent the holl- day with friends in Kitchener. Mr. James Corrie of Stratford spent tho hulinlny at his home now. Mr. and Moy Lttmtterl Appel of KIM-honor spout the weekend at the hortir' or Mr. Norman Appol. Mrs. It. Luckhan visited "lends in Guelph on Friday. , Mr. Wm. Cache] spent the week and with friends in Buffalo. Mr. S. Stuart spent the Week-end! with is; Giiiir' in' Mitchell Mr. J. U. cicmervs, was a visitor at his home In Kitchonvr over the hott. day in“ Gutonh spunk the her home in_MitcP"1: .Mr. iiiid"iiri.' -gavot, Thiel warn weekend vlailnra at tho home of their son, Milton In Lpmlon. Bo", ."IIqu In ..v...‘..~._. Mr, Wm. Woods is waning relatives and blends in “landlord. -- - I A; h:.. Mr. 620 Igilvy rammed home in Campbells' corners day nu}, Mrs. Charles Maison and dunghler Ham! of Kitchener. spent ‘the weak- 9nd at themomn of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J, Bowman. 4. .. _. __A.______. Mrs, Howard (fulhcrt mun-mm homo on Monday evening after tspend- in: a week with twr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict In Chester. m... an“... ... '_'-'""- Mrs. Oliver Herr and daughter Muriel of Strltlord nnd Min Lottie Goehol of Wmerlno we!» week-end visitors with their panama. Mr. Ind Mrs. Fred. Gothel m... r“... “Wm... Mr Ferdinand Mayor ot Strum"! spent the homily with Ms mother here Miro Malvlnl and Cum Schanf ot Kitchener spent the weetroml wlth their mother. . Dr, Harry Hananmelor ot Kitchen. er, was I weekend visitor It his home here. "ST. nnern Wm. Shnhr Ind non Lloyd spent the week-and with ‘her parytttc_ryr. Illd Mrs. Lon ll Canal. "Ti/UU-UA. itGot of Kitchener were week-end Yam" at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. to_Btnurer: _.- ""iiiU'cG"riaon returned hone from myton. only o'? "Pe.tr, _.. ii. "iiaG" Hdateller 1nd little (Ingmar Helen no vlnltlnx relative- and trurtdt, ln‘rulhrgon. _ -_. -- Mm Grace Would and “In Nut 0! Nelle-lay, Open! an "on" " 3. Ion. at a. former. â€mu. r. and In. V. C. - (Continued from We 1.) - & â€It. Tent-ho. “I. N Hamburg Market Regal-h. Famin flour. $5.60; Manual): 53,70; middlings per ton, " pr tom $42!: buttur per "L, 46e er am... 41w; hay, per ton, 815 m, per bag, $1.50. NEW HAMBU M. each was made lent week end atl On Friday. Mav 23m. Mrs. Freder. Mr. and Mrs. ion Barkman. widow of tho lato Mr, John Berkman. in her 83rd year. The ml the holl- funnral look DIRCP on tho followlnx t'ner. ISnndav from the residence of her son. rattord spent Mr. Charles H. Rerkman, Svrvlrnl ttere. 'was hr'ld in the Unborn" rhun-h. Amid ot Ret Mr. Brmnttrtr ot Harlan conduvwd k.etsd at the the sPrvlr‘o. The mull hrnrvrn “mm pol. ‘Mnssrs, Christian Knvnlnwn. Airgun? sitvd "lends Kavolman. Fwd Hum-do. William Fat. _ nrdc. John W'mner and William Corl- the week and tling. week end at to his on Sun- and " Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ~Cauel and inmiiy of Plaitavilln were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Causal on Sunday. Mr. Inn Hilborn 1- Visiting In I Blair for a few days. . Miss Winnie Schulzo of Toronto Invent the week end with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. John Sch-use. A -- 91.1473. Bock _ - f no tum-u - hold a nun-er In. A. _ry't.ett.tetttt'ttCf'iryyttsyt.ttysot'ut1t_tt.tPtettt, 0mm nod In. an...» to rest? I... In. unborn. kn. Stun-.3! "€57. sum. In. sunny mph; “an ward spent the holiday with Dr. ‘M. - an. s. A. Shwhodm. In any herd-on “d son an 1mm: h Hunt- lnllon. Ind. - - -ser. [unborn of mm m: In. A. W. unborn ot Gull ten the (nuts " Mr. Ind In. Amos unborn on Sul- In. Witt Titt and sons of Mn Ind um Elizabeth In!" were " "In: Mr. and In. lvm 1-11le on the 24th. _ lay. Flight Liettt. P. M. Beckmnn, or the 208th Squadron. R. A. R, has return- ed from overseas and ?te.t, present mum: with hls panama. r. sud “In. C. H. Beckmnn. .. Ree. Mr. Gunstend or Hlmlltoni conducted the nervlroa In the Batel tint church on Sundny.|,nst In the lb! some or the pastor, Rev. W. o.ri Benee of Bristol. iiGrc. w. Backus will occupy the pulnll at thomuited Brethren church on Sunday morning next. _ -', Mr. and Mrs. J. Krienel and Mr.' and Mrs. E, BU Ratcheld of Knehv enor are visiting at the home of Mr. Herman Kavelmnn. _ Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hoffman and son Ind Mr. and Mrs. Weslwy Spa.“ gel of Kitchener smut the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam Swans]. "TirC"itirrinGt Gait. weui visiting her (aroma. Mr. and In. August Schwinn». last week. _ _ The Misses Sylvia and Rm: Bock motored to Waterloo on Saturday. Mr. F'. E. Mc..lnrh spent the holi- dav with hls parents In Grirmrhr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ritchie! and family ripen! Sunday In HesIteter. t Tho inn-n! daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles Kavnimnn in serinuaiy ill. I Mr. Most-s Rock has sold a car In Mr. Lincnln (mast-l. Somebody wlll be "1Nry-who will grasp the ottportuttfty and tako the, other car which Mr. ,nnok Otters, l Logt--A brown shawl. Finder pleaso return to Mrs. H. D. "Schmidt. l Mr. David Gattol of St. Louis, Mu. while visitipg his sister. Mrs. John .Srhnlzo. of tttls village. succumbed {duh startling: suddr-nnnsu to an ah lack of heart fallurr. Mr. Solomon (label or London armmpanlt-d the remulns to St. Louis. whprr Interment lwill tre made. ‘MrnEzrn Snydsr's condlllon in somewhat improved. Mr. George Borhml is also Improving. -- "Misstut and Mr. E. J. Wyper, M. P., of Toronto. worn ttus guest: at Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Morrison . . k _ _ The Inszth mum: Att the Rod Cross Society will he hold at lhe home of Mrs. Orr.) Rock on Thurs~ day nexl. May 29th. will}: Vii'idédr‘ 'Snltzherry of Kitetr Pr., will opvn the Bushman garage on the firret of Juno next. _ The foothall name bntwoon New {Dundee school and “Mt-vino school Ley.'.".', on Saturday last resulted In a (tio, no ',woaf heme stored. Mr. and Mrs. II. King. of Call. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hofslt-ltor and Mr. Grow by ot Kittmenrr and Mr. and Mrs. Hum-y anninz of Wilmot Contre worn the gIIPMS of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gollmck nvvr the week and. Tho pupils of the New Dundee arhnol attended and took part ttt the pnhllr nxaminnllon at Hallman's school on Friday lust. Owing to the inclemonl weather only tour sections were reprinted. A foothill] game between Hallman's and New Dundee resultpd In a victory for Dundee by Uh? swore of 2--2. Tho mm much-ll team. schodulml to play Btratrord on Wednesday last in lho flrst game of the Inter-County ionxut- was held up In Now Dundee owing to our trouble. and the delay made it impossible tor them to mch ‘Strutford before dark. They there- fore decided not to continue on their Journey, ma after their mm ind been (repaired returned to Gait. "‘an to the Farm." The play in three acts, given by the Now Dumb? Drum-He Society in Kuelman'u HI" on Friday last was u decided succeu. m spite of the In- clemency of the weather the HAL! w†well itlled, and ttil of the chnncten of the plny were well (“an by the "no“: loo-l union. The mt will an ftrmNorr.- Farmer Herr"; Mm. Mort“, Mrs. N. A. Morrison; Imam Allen, Mr. Wab- nter Schulle; no" “on, MI" Cora Hahn-n; Marjorie [Tam mu Moll; Splat-cl: Robe Powell, Mr. Jake Tormut; Morton Marni, Mr. Herb, Bel-nay: Mr, Ashley, Mr. Hugh; IrDonnld AMgtr, Mr, W. 8101mm; Hul- dl. Mr. Wmloy Hullman‘ _ - During the intermitMrimttt Shula?- Onto-tn from Wsurloo readout! 0.va â€muons. which were - Intact-M. Mr. than M - trmrd " MM!- gm " et I 1tle.e.ty June 4th. u the home of Mrs. 0 ;Henry Humor. " New Our-dob Football Club. the Fixtures for season Mm). The to. "tilt-a! Club I. entered In group 2 Junior Competition A: (Ono's: ' Huang“. Ohm. will mu- thim aroon-g. nor “the“ nu by "How to untrue! an we; Homo Made “also Cantor" (Illa-thud). and “Hum; the “an. . Better Flu-o In which to Live." In. Stem tn the EM! [mummy â€at" In the Don or “and.“ In travai- Iod from the Alhnllc to the mm In ,oonmtlom an: mum. and other ,oducsuonu work “on: home mums ind dairy Ilnu. Her planing and, er0 int-vied“ M “In!" ml! that†can undenunqlnx_ at â€dammit, both rural "rd urban ammunition» phco her in the from link of [mu- lute workers. In. Stephan I; well. than! u a writ-r an (Mining, an! in onus-Ind 1 book on this "tttret. ‘The meeting will commence a 2.30 ,hnrp. All ladies we cowhlly inelt. £51353; 1:333:18; aims Luttv ernn udm' Aid will ho _held eef timer" - Alddsoclui‘ "iioi"biiiiiGGi/rkrutoeh, at 1‘3le- tock on Tuesday, Ju_ne l?. _ A "iiTi%Gure" Gihavistoek at New Dundee on Tuesdtg. Jqfle _loth. "iiiahGiulaGrgirtstrord nt Strat- (ord on Snurday._Juqe_ 11th. ""iiiii"niaiiirG" itrattord. a! New Dundee on Sum-dug Julio g1. "iii,T iaa,irG Quinton! " Strut ford on Saturday In!†P)th: lk torn on alluruuy JIIIIU my“. New “and" " Tlvintock at bor Dundee. Friday, July fp. . Ne: Hui-13:: v; iiGirtoe.k, at Tula- fork. on Monday. July 't - 'tiiiyiiiije2j. iitmtrord at New Duudge. . Mnrday. July Itth. sought lying. A "rrdmportant business tramuuy timftoott place here recently. Mr. P. R. Hum..,whn tor many years he been connected with cure Bron. . Co.. has bought. outright the Preston Furniturq Company. He will take nonunion ot his new enterprise on June istuand will be connected with Clare Bros. until that date. Pte. Charla Herman who enlisted with the Itttit Battalion and went ov‘ omens with that unit. returned . to town last Wednesday night. Ovemu Ill/2 Venn. . Pte. Richard Gatehouse, who saw 4% years ohmrvice overseas, has re- turned home and is busy renewing old friends. He had bean in nearly all ot the heavy fighting in France and was in. the ttring line for 3% years. He was very lucky Ind in att his months at service he received only a few minor scratches. Messrs. Harry Snyder and Ai. bert Thiel arrived home Fri- day morning. The returning men were passengers on the Sammia. Pte. Elizear Yates reached home on Smurday. He saw much service i wish the artillery at the from and was at Mom, in tho very last mu): of the Allies. made on the day the armistice was signed. A- i _ . ----_____ 4.. ll wlll he of interest to many clll-‘ zen: of Preston and qapecially to the members up the local Methodist church to know "All. Rev. D. A. Mralh- church to know that Rev. D. A. Walker. BA.. of Tor- onto, formerly motor or the local Melbodlal church, has received a call to Dublin street Methodist church, Guelph. . "X'BB-runn of the Speed _bridga gave Way again Fridar.morniatr. This In the second tlme rithht. (you that the tiooritut has been broken through and it is high time thntg‘o warning was ignited that the bridge in not sale tor heavy Home. for It caution in not nken more will be 5 onions accident tako place, and the town will have to pay the damages. The local school board his decided to erect n tour-room addition to the present public school, When the proposed new uddition in built the or} iglnnl plan at the school will then be‘ completed and tho building will he in uniform appelrtuce. The new ad dition will be constructed ot stone. :the name an the rest of the building 1nd will nccommod-to [our rooms. I two upntnirs and two 'town. ed trom "The Premier Agencies. Led." of Toronto. an annoy for the sale of "Scotti Slmpllned Accounting System for Ftrmerl." This book ell-blew the tumor tol keep . detailed record ot MI tarm' ttttBittetttr, provide-u tor 5 statement ot hla mun which will be accoplahlo to my bank In an securing of loans. Ind Illa conunlna I report " Mn use" and lhblmlu yhlch will he newbi- nble to the,0mrmnent tor Income Tu return. It ll bum to [at (he - tor I period or In yam qttd all- lov ton aqua. I very modern“ price when no eottttMtmt and “to of thU hook. _ L " â€ll- for M dtlura. B ""7 moderate or. N. B. Branched Han-3m nm- the tttttdt your om I who when we con-Mm the "to ot hacker. u B. am". um and cum. Ami-on: Brenner- thte book. . n. B. Sam. an. “a and. Vernon hm. Ho Ind In! Thh 10 the “MW! form of trittA. m. with an mm. m. R. Good. mm- for some tl new" for turmer- whlch In. - v". .u ' A 0 [$1 ' wool. no he hm has compiled at In room-cud!!! “on 'tusttr “my“, k nun mm on ' " rguS1turfd'. 8' k",'t o. t m a. plug;- mu: Etet!trl1t ' .-ama-' A (lte.y2etgtM, cr,Put'P2hcSh ttNWMt Mr. B. L. mm of Elmln his Beeur. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. PRESTON. citi. i I A reunion of the descendants or the‘ *‘lule John E. and Maxdalnne Bruha-l ‘cher was held a the home ot their It?. granddaughter Mudnlnne and her I'. husband Amuy Bulweitnr. Bow, , PM]: farm. Bmminsdqlq. on Mtry, 24th. in honor or their three grand- " sons, r. E. B. Martin. E. B. am key bacher. and R. B. Martin. who had J, Bereed their King and country tutd , who wére tortumrte to return without -= wounds . _ Descendants of John E. and Magdalene Brubacher Gather on Holiday. nllllili9 AT [ FAMILY Elllllllll GOLD FOR VETERANS The descendants of the late John E. and Magdnlane Brnharher, who new number 120 persons residing In var- ious parts of Canada and the United States, assembled on the farm to the extent of nearly one hundred. The Letter! of regret were lhon read from t one who could not he present by a mndson. irrbert B. Snlder. A solo mulled 'Mr Salvation Rose" was rendered by I ttreat granddaugh- ter. Miss Dorothy Schweitzer. tyrter: twhich an bénorium addrenu was read hr a great grandson, Willrld '9cMeei- tzer. during which tho presentation of a purse or gold In: madc- by three _ great grandchildren, Gordon R. Ehy. JEVelyn quhulner and Helen M. Good, It? the three rolnmod grandmas, F. I B. B. Martin. E. B. Brnbnthr and R. .28. Martin. Each one male a suitable . The procoedinga of the day was as ttttlow-Miss Harriett Brubacher. youngest daughter ot the family. act. ed as chalrlldy. and called the goth- gring together at 3 D. m. The pro- gramme was opened by singing “Blest‘ he the no that binds," whilv a great granddaughter. Vern Schweitzer, pre- sldnd at the piano. Pray" wu then offered by a granddaughter. Min Clara Brubncher. a mission worker. aner which an address of welcome was given by their granddaughter, Maxdclene Schweitzer. . [only E' .,. 1n Instrumental duett Wu (Ivan hy two grant trranddtutghttsrm Vera and Dorothy 'srhweitTr, _ The history ot the old Bruhnr-hor rTorh, which wt! brought (rum Swit- zerland In the your 1717. by tho late John E. Bruhlcher'a "but. gret, ‘gmnt. great, mat nnndfulhnr Bru. bacher was klvon. combined with a Yuri? entitled "ttuintritrplPd Grand. ‘daddy‘s Clock." by a grandma“. Ver. non Ehy. This tsIottk in still In mod running order and in the oroprrty of Sam Bruchher of LantNtmtor County. Pmnn, The Nomphy of the Bnlhanhonl was than told try a son. B. M. Bru- hnchd'r. A recitation nmltlod "Sweot Recollections of Home urn" totem. er witttN solo was given by Mitm Harrie" Emblem-r. ’A non: "In tho and Bye and By!" was "In: by all present. tollowed by tttttNotre noun my the chlldren. r'.","',',',',',",,"?.',',)',',',","',',".' we" [Ivan hy but protr, . Her M. Eloy. Rum R. Snldor. David R. Koch. Minn Clan Brttbaeher. and others. nftor whirh rollover! the banquet, which was most bunny enjoyed hr ttil, A man homey to (he Ml lain was then made (or a nmlly Hunk» mmm. Thon mum were as tttit-'.-- lnvl (iron um! wife. “may Erin's“- ur. wife “a family. PM" M. my. Sun 8. Snider Ind wife, Mn. 0|th Brunch" dd family. B. M. Brahm- In "a, w.s.s. Coat “.04 In Juno . was. Cod “-05 i"iiriiriiiiiiri, GIWW' aa "Elam tire, f. _ _. ' 4hsditditlar9t “mugs; .' 1g d ,uttirrr--ett.srr-setrtttttee.rty,ittlue, . , "t uni-:“Iwumzrhlvepamtdkmh' envelope“ _tmrt-Mtetfttetaa-i..N,y1 _ $4.00 Tghig', Thrift 1t'rtdTa1't . War Sag.†li', When u ends a 1.te"t"ih . P maniac. 0:th bran". _ '"rc., Than-an. Yum-inclines. r,ezee'taiee,itett'rt,t] , amnion" whichyon t-etgtherto-deeedoe, trtiks 3‘31: 'od 'Butktttseeautoetttereerrirntyta1i wand" it",' .. Saving- 'ttt,t,tet'rgg,tyt1'l))ta.u't " which“? "a, "iidGaildtire-uorej00ettett. MOM“ . mmlm _ . 4 ,. » ‘5 mmbymumungï¬hpa not who: ",,u, st,t'rtegift ill humming trlllilllllll 1"d8ltt (H. _riiiiiiiiiit'f old Brubnrh pr War Savin- Stu-l cantata-rhubar- “Malay enjoyed by all. that which ' hearty vote ot thanks I“ tendon-tad to Mr. and Mrs. Away Schweitzer, and the chairlady, and to thoee who took part in mnklng the day a. success, A m maxing Ill? uuy _. Hum‘vuv The gathering broke up by Bangui; God save the King. Local and Person I. 1" Mr., Joe Spam 1"ro,aerio spent a s law days with his brother. Sum. here. t; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell of Walern loo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mufti Jon. Roehle. o I Pie. Buckner returned home trom 3 nvvrseas one day last week and spent I a low dawn with his mother here, _ Mrs. Wm. Wilmington and childrfn E of Strattord spent a few days with her when)“. and Mrs. Wm. Cur- t gulch-n. I Mr. and Mrs. Barron and childrnn lot Toronto npent the Mth, with Dr. , and Mrs. McEachren. 1 -airiiriiitCot Strnttord spent a few days with her uncle Mr. “obey. White. _ W iriGre sorry to report Mnclnlyre in very m. Th t speedy neovgry. A large number of children were teoatttrmed at the Maclon R. C. Church on Friday. Bishop MacDonald of Vic. torll. ottiehsted. Maura. Morris Carson and Ald. llenhard anon! Victoria Day at Lisp towel. - Messrs. Omar and Harry Schum- mer spent the Mth " Kilchoner. Mignon Forwell of St. Clemente' and Olive Hahor or Waterloo spent Bum du " the home of Mr. Peter Inn- hltdt. ,, - . “Tin mammal) onus-mire f0! datctritt! glands here WEE-Will’éft summon or went Sunday with ar, and Howl. . _ f Mr. Clayton "when spun! Sunday at his home here, Llneitod, my 'to, 1919. A vttritttrrt In town over tSunday worn Mm: r.» Milton Allinghnm. Fred. Tunnnr and Newton Amn‘hun of Barking. Hcr but Burkwell ot Olen-lien, Aim-n lurk: ot Kitchen! It Mn htmlu new. - ttrl-rr'" Inna". Ott Prtttar, Mu mu. Jerome the nine your old non at Mr. Ind Mrs. Anthony Brenner. died " hm home but. No but boon underarm“ treat. mant- tor tome um. About four wool- uo " had I pnlyllc “role W 'eotaght on " death. HI: pur- an - (an Int-(gag am you." LINWOOO. report that Rev. m. We wish him it0a.'" Ho In 'th-tf cl “at, i: Make Your Saving Serve {on and Serve Your coanur-P"yr'" Them in War "virtrs'i8arri". l of Toronto and Mrs. Pom. mu. Jerome my; upon! a I I Mrs, Wm. eunuch-n cum I†l after a tew weeks' visit with hot . Idanghter Mrs. McLaughlin. _ ._ -- - ' Messrs, Wilfred and luck my, . [trod lmnhard. Murray Boga. ' m a Scmummm nmi Alhon Kneoel'gl†. 10w. to.kitrherter on Sundu. alarm Mr. Frank Schummer spent Manda iiiiht Kitchener. , . _ I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walter ot Mtetoq trom anon? Sunday with her mother. Mrs, 'peut Baosaler. ' , . In, Broderick its reported st my Iirfn em. Harman-y til. I Misses Frieda mid Ether. . EH“ .0! Kllchener spent Sundiy with ltytir grandparents. Mr. and ' Spahr. l Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Maid ot Hull- ‘toha “a visiting With Mr. and Mga. mm , _ a, Donald of Vietoriu,?% MB Eugen services at gage} I Arrived from over-c-Mr. Ala. Truaslor from, the 'weu. u for-I 'Wmma‘ey troy). who enlisted In the 'Wosl. returned home here,†Blind†from overseas. He looks MI. all! 'ttmsrty. IUnderwenl Operation. I, Tnur hand 'sued up lust week tdr another lycoum course for next wil- lnr, there wili be tour numbers. - The many lrionda of Mr. 1min mann of Ilanover‘ wilt regret to that he underwent an gptrathm Filthy tor cum-er It the stomach. mo Guelph General limit-l. Wool has ham rrtcstived han- um he I! do. ing as well as may he â€and. . ...... .... "u. ____ "'"-. n _....-""' Mr, and Mrs. c. Flown-or, Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. mum-nil; - . lot 1'8““ at Kl'vht‘ner. ' Mr, tad Mrs. A. u mun, at Kit‘ on". wrre (ling mend. hot. " Sunday, . “Kiwaml m w. KIoln left lull Tun-day for Minute". I't, M thr" INN"! amndlpgigly nugget} -. km i' "siiiUi"iiiia"iau 337ch V M ler. Olg- Egorrll wont ihtrdV - orloo and Rummy I f- . - _ . Fiip"riiGaTikTamu.n ot Dam wort- “My?! 'PtPt?"! " tum "Tir, 'iiiriiU" iiditd has of mks or, more viUtitttt wtthttte ttrr-r.' MN nvnr Sundly. , _ A“ - __ , sirriiiG rit,itnirttpg'dttte"; we!“ ttttttet w!!! f JR M wig-3:42;-" may " hue-II. nu mar‘ tame" am My molt-(,4 C wan; eeet "iiirF, "fi5ilipUr II mm; no not homo . In“ an of put. , " iqtgtitt vat-din.“ WEEEEsLev.‘ '