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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 29 May 1919, p. 4

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iiiEiii, midis" who had arrived _ Iron: overseas during the last p, with flett dollar gold pieces.) mutation address was read hy, L. M. Bruce and the envelopes :* tuning the gift of the Chapter! em meented to each soldier by his. A. B. Pollock. 1 'i" A business meeting preceded the' l nation It which the routine 'A “I ot the Chapter was transact- “ The entertainment committee 'ttts authorized to proceen. with the MteA. of organizing a Cabaret for the EMI- of June. It was the under- standing ot the meeting that all the 'Q-embon ot the Chapter would be ‘4.Another Inspiring and historic We: placed on record Thurs- 'ttttfat,",',', when the Princess of Chapter. I.0_.D.E., presented 50 you: of Wales Chapter $30110: About Fifty Men 'tr' at Meeting. E4150 maul meeting of the Gall Dis rum 1313ch or famous-r cnmcn ", ANNUAL MEETING ' 3'4 'T---"" -- W, _ mod upon to waist the entertain- t committee in the work of an at“ for the Cabaret. At the conclusion ot the presenta- PI to the soldiers, the members ot h Chatter gave three hearty cheers "honor of the returned heroes. This runny responded to by 60 lusty " of the returned men in a I that will be ong remembered D the“ who took {but in the meet. t - would hue been . "we _ from the returned Boi. _ In ovlnx to ttre throngs at who wore comlnz and (out; balmy. Ideal weather added 4 cal not ot the welcome , At extended to Kitchener: re " - It In n week end that I. n be looked upon us hlalorlc l ' 7 In Kitchener ,lro had the g tending men co the front I: t by then who lave malnlnin- g tan-I‘m the Kitchener boy: ill time may enllltod. P, G" . vnls n In as they could be " ore may afternoon: Gunner T Run at! Pte. K. H. Stead. ‘,o[ Queen street south. Pte, FI I " Ind Pte. W. R, Potter. Bat. v R. It. M. B. William J. ' ‘ m vlte, Pte. G. Bloom. Bum 'Ni,','."",-?.'?,'; G. Eby, Pte. Etrttr ‘ t o. mum“. Pte. P. A.' in!“ Pte C. 'r. Simpson. Pte. G. ”Inn. Pte. Runny, Pte. Ora-1 mileage; Pte. Delbold, and . n. Sundny night, Pte. itl l Pu. Gllloth. Sergt. l1 Ber-I pen. am, and Rev. J. H. McBoln.' " Md. and Rev. E. S. “knocks. Ayn was appointed Secretary. The "Chi reports for the year showed her.” for minionnry and connex-‘ m funds amounting to about 82.000. Y. W. H. Harvey, of Hespeler. run but] u I member ot the Summing ham”. and Ree. G. K. Bradshaw, h, II alternate. The Stationlnx balm will meet at alhe Zion ”one“ Church next Monday at- h” " 2 o'Elock. Dr. J. F. Home - dtiit Mr. Goo. Harrison will re» - Trinity Church at the Cantor- " and Mr. Thou. Hilllnnl, will re- “! ‘0 Waterloo Church. i mutton wu mused providing the holding ot I uric: ot eunge- "Mee- during the autumn, the mini-(en of the District will u in the work. The places upon for the tirtgt ennui“ main, Pmton and Llncoin Ave., . rul. Ulllvlu, syn-9.. u. .n. ml". . Looker, Lleut. Barman. f r This morning IA. G. H. Bing- Mo. . J. Luft. Pte. Til. P. Mul. V”. C. H. Weir and Spr. R. M. att the Methodist Church wu held Tuahy in the Ainslie Street LEI PIEEES fllfl RETURNED MEN mama. mars ed was I pk til-nor to" ma In boon: - to a. G. T. 3.1M "no I” "hun- ml up-Igu ma with an "it-p at!!!" an“: tmgin r f,_ - . but an" In than» , “ - m- Itl m I“ - to an em. " an n" M more I“ not . train P” y“ 001 trsooted with . M. try the throng ot min- ' m nggd the 6etitions m ti. Regents]: Commit ---.---" Alf! :dOIAmm anyhow!!!" More. Dunn EDUCATION "Thin“: acumen In“. 00.50.! am, ih7iraa and iiUiiiiil i-tat “Honor. on” bias. L; Ami "I. W RIVERSIDE PARK WELL PATRONIZID om HOLIDAY UHQJM ‘5‘de ml. 'Mrtttgrg I: ammulututdlbo-uI-Iu unmumvgmm Street rs+r- (militia were taxed to capacity at May 24th to account» date the crowd- that sought "Nuo.- tion at themly opened River-Me Peril. The opening day we; I mom- or-bie day for "Pop" Philip, and the smile that h erd oo “Pan's" (we ev- inced the ahncietion he felt ct the splendid patronage atrttrded his lap-to- date amusement resort. with! from the record set on Saturday Riv- erside Park in going to be reckoned with as an an ement factor in the life of magi: / - lurroundinx district. T wan plenty of sport provided for all! those who passed through the gate on Saturday. The Kentucky Derby proved a special iav~ orite with the crowd. Dancing was lulu -d, greatly enjoyed, year. Several amendments to the Dis- cipline respecting terms of pastoratee 'were made at the last see-ion of the ‘Generai Conference. and Come into et- Net for the tir" time this year. One lot the most important amending?“ makes it possible for the Static as iCommittee to extend the four-yen 'term it so desired by the congrega- tion and the pastor. and by securing tilllllllWS AHE Preparations', Being Ma for Opening of Confer. ence on Thursday. The usual preparation are in pro- green tor the opening ot the Hamllton Conference at Trinity Methodist Church on Thursday after. noon at 2 o'clock. on, Monday sizernoon and evening the preliminary sessions or the Stemming Committee were held at Zion Church. at which the changes to be made in the list of stations this year were reviewed. The Committee resumed its work Tuesday morning an? "irtiiiiittttrcedr to make whatever changes are booked tor this the majority vote or the Contarence.‘ There are several pastors who have been invited to remain longer than the four-year term. it these are re- stationed there will be comparatively few changes to be reported. Other Committee: Meet. T The Statistical Secretaries ot tho District met on Tuesday in the Primary room or Trinity Church to prepare the statistics tor the Confer- ence. The Rellgious Education Com- mittee opened its sessions at 2 o'clock in the St. Andrew's Presbyterian school-room Guelph, May 20.--Rev. H. B. Chris- tie. B.A., who tor the past two year- has been the successful pastor ot Dub- lin Street Methodist Chyrch. has ten- dered his resignation. and will at the and ot the conference year give up his iiii1iiieriit work to become a member of the editorial at“! of a local news- piper. The resignation of Mr. Christie came " a complete surprise to the members of hls (mid-l board. but they very xrnclously stunted " release and wished Mm success in MI new vocation. Mr. Christie is leaving the Metho. diet ministry right in his prime. He has been a successful miniaier in ev- ery respect and has been given many honors at the hands ot " fellow clergyman. He has occupied some ot the best and most tnttuentittl pulpits in Hamilton Conference. at Hamilton, Brantford, lngersoll. Burlington sod Dublin Street, Guelph, He in st pres- i,friiiGGailt thi, Guelph mama. is a General Conference delegate. and a member of the Hamilton Confer- Gl/d examining bond COUNCIL or FOUR CONCERNED WITH PRISONER CLAUSES (Cundian Pro-n.) Purim. Mar 28.--'rhe Council of Four met this morning md (ii-ensued military (Prma and (:13qu- rel-lira to prison": at wur which will be Incor- porated In "no treaty with Auttrfa. Militnry experts attended the m- Mom, V"... H. Writ... " Ptiettd-Bo your clinch-mica Ion has become an tumor? Dost he write tor money " is 5.... a: Ut" m‘ . .7 "c' 'ie i. a; l 2/ri'fi'iittt =lrJi 'eptlt gag tlg InvumaWIAW. “.- 1rd rug ma gaging-t Pete, , a; Guru -- h an -rnttter'-r-S, about ftre times I -tt.--Phmort'. Woolly. NW Ill SESSIHN a. . numb“. Imam.» GUELPH HAS TO REGION Griuttood was,“ “trait”. = blotlood no My” "new... a) my in.“ Bea" lo with a. ttsed ttmet, ttlee, m which (a. m I - mm (on. on! 'tt.t2?Vrt, - 'm M. .. _ I In. Go. . Ill-w va'Nrdiu., an... at. m on. "a: Inn-bud u n as . on. pro-union. all. T locum for mm. “In. A“ .. from och-r naming " could I“ got _ liq up -t.'e" "- in] m a.” 1.3). lacuna-n u tre. g "I! husband had u gttr2t on pro-union, all. _ _ locum. tor mm. “In. A“ qr, hm: can: yum“; I. own at In and. a. In to .1 Id m 11:33:41" [Inn "alt tho to In .1009. "" at the mum. mud to tt nonn- of hi- MM to Y. loo. wouht. um by: on = 'tlti"2tPtu1u,Tge't'd pr? no no“ monk-max It. - hum the Mart. and continued till: treetment until be head when even twelve or thlrteen be“ The name were moat .1..th line In omen... good health. - tlt,tdili, mwnoamknou-lyultnow f he bed loot. Be eleo nee- Dr. Chute Kidney-UV» Pill. one-done“), end thlnke them In excellent -ar. I luv. eleo need thin letter medicine for any mn- end liver trouble. and V. completely cured of the. cum-lane. We think a - (eel oi £120th medlclnee. And eagutot we“ too huh- ly of them." Dr, Clue-'- Nerve Food. to cent- 1 box. n" (all treetment of ' box. for ".76. at ell Galen. or Hamel-on. Betel & Co., Limited. Toronto. Do not be telked lnto Wynn. e MIM- tule. tmttattona only din-mint. gliilllll IlulllRiilll ilEGllllill ME Kitchener Man Who, Ito Prom Private to Major and Won D. 8. o. day I man, whq when, by! 'rrttierryytr. Kitchener welcomed homo Hom‘ cers were made casualties in the bat-1 tle of the Somme. took wmhnft‘ his unit and led his men to thte ob' jectlve, taking many prisoners. For this signal coungo and have" the. young nan was awarded the Dis- tinguished Service Order by King George V. He come home you“? bearing with him the honor which many a. soldier yould hove given much for a chance to attain. This soldier Is Major John J. mamas“; who enlisted from this city on Oct- ober 23rd. 1914 with the 18th Butt-l- ion as a private. Before leoving Canada he run raised to Sena-annuity. 1ing promoted on February 16, 1916. He left Canada with this rank on Apr. 18th, 1915, and wns promoted to the rank of Company Sergeant Mator ‘while in the trenches in November ot [the some year. T It was in the following year the! Major Richardson was picked out from among the men of the 18th ,tll; talion and was promoted to the k of Lieutenant on the lleld. This hate pened on May 26, 1916. It was on the following September Wh thnt he led his men to their objective alter the senior otncertg had been accounted for by the enemy, end It was for thll Ithat he was awarded the D. B. o. On September 27th he was tuned to the rank ot Captain Acting Mator, and received the full ml: of Mum In December, 1918. "Hot Rich-Moon was also mentioned In the despatchel of Sir Douglas Hal; during the battle of the Somme. Major Richardson Una born in Dum. fries, Scotland. and cane to Canal: in 1910. He was engaged u an elec- triclm In the employ ol the Hydro Communion when the war bmke out. Hd returned to Can-d: on the Car. onln, leaving Enxlnnd on Mny 14th. The returned soldier wu forum-to In escaplng without I would. MIA COUNCIL ASKED FOR $8g0,000 FOR NEW COLLEGIATE meeting tonight. C. L. Brown, M. Acl princlpel ot the collegieie. heeded I deputuion from the board of pane:- tion, explaining the request for 3830,- oool'ortheerecuonolemeol H end technical Ichool. The mutter m“ referred to the hence conuhliiee. - l Harry Walton val appointed built In; Inspector n the all" of um a your, _ The by-llw tor $81.0” tor re Inrl'aclnx street. wu (In. as lin" routing with}. Yarn The MM" for ”L0” tor "r. hurt _ no m non for the int curt-cling street. I!” (in: its lin- “no .- m.,_ ..y g, “a u:- reading tonight. “in; to no. oi his companion- At the chlmber of commerce - 'u Morin; m sonicknou mm in: tonight . committee was burned ' - our up all ot the boat. to let to work In once toward but“ 'lllulr. he overbtlulcsd and tell tying the riverfront, under Dr. W. into on“ and a. “scour-d. Loci- " chitin-n. _ A . an» -tutatt VIII the non: R. [New m upwind mir- mum. m m in fine. ior mu: of I norms-ant industrial oil- M t.“ "ant. a. was not wound- mliieo of (vein mambo". W. 3,lii mg 'u “lain. from the M. Couubio is chairman o! I one“! tbeta oeanNim. “a and. fever. committee to com-u with m B: in in vii how- in the clly. uni - Athiotie Club. “anti-Col w. . " " “mag. mg. 1. me loom in In... MIMI at (In ab 'r.nt I“ In mama “a um and m In! MW M _ on! at ' your ”an" Jammy " N paw-mm " a". Mar "Ht, a. 13ng -toriCRftuuFi in?" Put Comminloncd on Fleld. - - lulu w - - N-N.'- _.-- "_""'" _ _ . - t [go-Ml: sud In. John d'd',rnttiu"g a a. w o! you from In. a???“ no . 'e :Itnyol te,'e,'ttu'otdi ' w on on = 1": at amt-Ion Mill had but many . . , a” u. Itll,'. Ila-ulna. Ipny ot memw_.. as: rm '2il',tdNl'th'llr,C ef, ".93 _ a) my in.“ W mttatdt-tgtatai-t an. and Gown“ (II. until he had when about thtrtqqnttoaq» Tho an!” nut-bow!!- lln,h a. not! halt-h.me I but - an :11.wa ”quit? Sun: night. The daem- u in In Us l3 yurnd have- n Will. wile “a nine children. H. ll the mind by ' 3" mother. Mm. 8. Wet-er, toundry tr., Water. loo and mm Brothers. Not-nan, ot Chem. Hilton of - and Eldon ol’wuorloo. V The Into Mr. Weber In a well- hown china of the Twin City raving tllL','l the (rents! ”a ot his lite In -' chem! Ind Wmerloo. He was an upholsterer try We and " sudden dentin as n mult‘ot bean troubli- comes u l Irok_to In: nanny (Honda. that!“ 1eteeeet) but "tum “it; , -mtittt-gtsrsetmottr' ',egt,Ct.ite,Lt2."f2%'r, "m min-WOW moo-- Qtdtrt'A'ue' I: I. Bock»- V. pun. 2t,,'tu"tfg'JtfcAA"l1'Ti noun-om, ' _ AMI. no boom Mammo- gm van-WNW” trom It. all In. H Bt-ter. mm! o! yam-Insulin. It Kub- M, mu carnation: tron . m Dimu1fu"tt, P'"'. yf RiiEiei" or you tron In. . r” at mm- from N. ’0 Mat. 1tlX at 'eg',fd'r, "on: _ in. an mun. um 0 'it,ietctN'df, we and Vick (scum, truth "on Mr. Ind In. ‘mnh‘l‘hchr. The death of Mr. loud Weber 29".- at., undone: took pines u n .4- L1..- n..-.n-- _|.|n Th. than... The when! will be held Thursday “lemma " 1.30, the oer-vices being bud at the In”. 'trtttBred by Inter- ment in Bridgeport Cemetery. . Mrs. Ctt.ritm Esteban. In used and reloaded random ot Kitchener passed “my At her home, " Peter Street an Monday “tel-noon, (allowing I pm- longed in“... The late Mrs. Roieh. en Nu I lite-Ion: realtlant ot Water. loo (mm: my”; been born In Wu. mot Town-mil, " yam no. she is ‘Inrvlved by he! husbnrd. Mr. Clue-has ‘Relcbou. mud n adopted dunner. The (“will :01"ch will he held on Tummy marmo- it 2430 a the ro- "Unc6 "that. 8.00 o'clock from the Conventional Church to Mount Jim" Contact”. T Pious omit (law The Iudden death of a Kitchener‘ cltlun occurred on Mommy afternoon when Mr. John D. Hum. 104 Charles street. drama deed on Weber street. Mr. “All! Ind not been (eellng well and we: on " way to consult Dr. Jim lackner. Funny the reel- ,nence at Mr. Wm. Jtreetttritr he stop- ped for a moment to speak to Mr. ‘Brechblll end on turning to contlnue Ibis walk. (ell deed. Death we: caus- ed by heart trouble and nlthougn Mr. Kuhn but not been In the beat of health for home little time. was en- tirely unexpected end came as a great shock to his Lanny He Is II" ed by his wife and tour He Is survived by his wife and tour children, Wi9iturt of Fitzgerald. Alta, Mn. Maiden. Church street and Luau Ind Henry n home. The tuner-l will be held on Frlday tnomoon from the house and St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. The remains will he interred in Mount Hope cemetery. Mrs. Thu. O'Kuh't Death. PTE. C. SIMMONS or STRANDED LOST on TBOOPSHIJP Tho death occurred In Suntan] only Tuesdny morning of Mn. Pttit. Ind- O'Keefe. wife ot Thom-a o'. Keolo. In her trermttr41rse yannt her Wm 638 Brunleck stunt. She In: born In Sebringvlllo, where she Wtut marrIod. The - Inter mov- ed to Bannock and came to mutton! hr 1885. She Is survived by her hus- ‘band And one (hunter, Mrs. Walter Phyer of Kitchen". besides two Bits. "t In. Adam' Armstrong ot Shake:- Sgt-word. my 21.-- In. Cbu. summons. " an. street. I. In re- but of I tel-mu from the mum Department “fanning her that her III-bum who and for (fund. on the unnu- Royal George on In 4 in Trltt"trtq cl 4h. Whip. Winn been: of no. Simmons In yo! a mystery. The Royal George left lama on Sunny. In 4, for mum. and Pu. lumpin- was on pure and arm. Theobald - mu ot Mitchell. ' MM. CHARLES REIOHERT. MAY STRIKE m TORONTO. JOHN D. HAHN. MAY VI8!T UNITED STATES. ROLAND WEBER. JOHN D. HAHN. lt _,i,"i'Ci":",i.s1'i"'"v'iil BrickerGermannCo.Ltd H; Two RAtnoundtsrts-etot tron: choice. but from gtecetusity-orere having an gunman tbout the music and the -charttr-att their native lands. aria- ubout. playing," "idH'/ht, We' are sg-iii-sal, sud-I we tik an above we, intrahsothetiatetsetforTmll Howl's!!! cat-rm SALE. , will be held in the Waterloo Skating Rink. . _ is extended by us to farmers and their families to come to this 883‘: You will find Special Cut We! 6tt . l f. /'a' Silks, Dress Goods, Gingham, SheEtings, Pillow Comm. F . i Cottons, Prints, Corsets, 'tirssierr, Flannelette and Unde "'. These 13 lines will be attractively displayed with astonishing V ‘5 Prices attached, and economical buyers will find every one a Rest i Bargain. TSe BLEACHED SHEET.. ING 65c. Helavy quality Bleached Shee ing, 63 in. wide, regular 75c. for . .. 65c $1.00 BLEACHED SHEET- ING' Me. Extra heavy quality Bleached Sheeting, pure White, fine finish, 72 in. wide, regular $1.00, SalePrice ... ..... 85e $1.00 TWILL BLEACHED SHEETING FOR 79e. 2 Pieces Bleached Twin Sheeting, 81 inches wide. heavy quality, soft finish, Regular $1.00 for . . 79e Jie' BLEACHED CAMBRIC Me BATH TOWELLING "s Me. Red and White Stripe Bath Towelling, heavy qual- ity, use for Roller Towels, etc, Reg. Me, Sale 25c I Piece only Natural Col.. or Palm Beach. tor Skirts, Prague; wet”. ete., 36 II. I , u r 50c Price ..... ... 35c. 2 Pieces only, 44 in. Cir- cular Pillow Cotton, good quality and fine firtish, Keg- ular 55e, Sale Price . 35c Me PALM BEACH Me. iircmcuLAR TUBING $5.00 TABLE CLOTH 83.75 i 13 Only White GG! Table Cloths, size 66x80 and 70x70,. Regular 84.50 'elf"'. s... $3.75! 5 Figural Bleached Cam- brie, fine Satin tinish, 36 in. wide, Regular 38e, SalePrice . ... ... 33e is, BLEACHED COTTON 1irtiiees heavy Bleached Cotton, 35 inches wide, re- gular 28e, a bargain 22c at ... 9.3.117- Building l . Sale T _ ic, Before very long partitions will be erected and walls removed, and this will me.an temporarily a little" less space and a little more crowding of stocks, and the 7 need for clearing out some of the surplus goods There-r 5 fore our Building Sate, and these price reductions. i Waterloo's Great Corner Store arF'r"ayr'artrtr] A Special Invitation June dth -,' “Why. your countrymen wouldn'g so: "You ought to be ”hinged at 10-15,} 1 look In with us! I know a fellow Belt to be talking than: nothing. M. .. who played 'Kathleen Moeourneer' I new . laddle that “.de 'BeottBi. c, on the piano tor several hours.” tor Ever,” on the pipel- d5 Sold Sandy: W A ' 3 Pieces fine White Lawn good wearing qualitfv. M in. wide, Reg. 40e, Sue 30e (l'k'lte' ..... .. .,.. 75c, 85c, $1.00 COLORED VOILE 49e. A clearing of some of our Summer Colored Voiles, Sheer Weaves, all new shed- designs, 36 to 40 in. wide, Regular 75c, 85c and $1.00, Sale Price . . . 49c 30c HUCK TOWELS 22c. 25 Dozen White Huck Towels, fancy border, hem- :wd ends, size 18x32, extra eavy quality, reg. Me, Sale Price . . . . 22e 25e. T 25 Pieces Colored Muslin in White, Navy Blue and Black grounds with Dot, Stripes and Figured, new for Summer Dresses, short saques, ete., Reg. Me, 2IL, SalePrice ',-.. .... 45e Wl-ll'llE NAINSOOK Me UNBLEACHED COT- TON Me. Unbleached Factory Cob. ton, extra heavy quality, soft finish, 40 in. wide, Reg. ar,e for 10 Pieces firye soft quality White Nairsook, used for Dresses, Underwear, etc., 40 in. wid e, Reg. 45e ftke ' 10 Pieces heavy Unbleach ed Factory. used for Sheets Pillow Slips. ete., 35 in. wide, Reg. 28e for .. ftfte 23e UNBLEACHED COT- TON 18c. Fine soft quality Un- bleached Factory Cotton, 34 inches wide, Reg. 23c 18e 28e UNBLEACHED COT- for.... for... 40e WHITE LAWN Me. COLORED MUSLIN Me 22e 35c 85c WHITE VOILE 69e, 1 Piece only White Voile, Sheer. special soft finish, note the width, 44 in. wide, Regular 85c, Sale Mr, Price .... F,iil, WHITE W1lIA 3g. WI iiiiGGiiyivttite Voile, good wearing quality, 36 in. wide, Reg. Me, Sale Me Price .. .. Extra fine quality and 3 finish for Summer Dresses, 3 Waists, Children’s wear, ete., Regular 75c, Sale Mk, Tie WHITE v01L§49c. Price ..... .. Tie CHECK VOILE 55e. l Piece only Fancy Check White Voile, new for Dress- es, Waists, etc., 40 in. wide, Reg. 75: for . . 55e 85e WHITE FANCY VOILE 69c. 1 Piece only Fancy White Voile, for Dregses, Waists, ete., fine quality. 40 In. $4.50 BED SPREADS $3.69 25 Only White Bed Spreads Honey Comb weave heavy quality, good pat- terns. hemmed. large size, Reg. $4.50 tyr .. $3.69 mg, Reg. gse, for Me HUCK, TOWELLING 38e. t 5 Pieces White fancy Huck Toweltimt, good wear- ing quality. sold Reg. 38e ' 55c, Sale Price . $6.50 COLORED BED SPREADS $4.50. 10 Only large sin color- ed Bed Spreads, in Blue and White. nicely damned. Ilea- vy quality, sold regular " $6.50, Sale Ptite . $4.50 GINGHAMS " Me. 10 Pieces good Wish“- Ginghamst. in Sm Checks and “aids. 25c good value, Sale Price .69e 69c 49e v.33!

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