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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 29 May 1919, p. 2

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Mrom e jgdl' ' b' ashi 1 My?! w , , between what is relatively to the whole population a mere 2i - dial of workers and two or three employers, puts it into the 5.. an of a few man to involve the community in immeasurable a... And suffering. . Rimming that this existing difficulty is patched up, there is . ", tt to prevent the same thing happening again next month. j , n Jones operating, let us say, a box factory in the suburbs, by. declining to recognize the union could bring about tvreeur- V' Y e of the whole trouble next month; and after he was dealt 'rith,atill Smith, another small employer, could start the same shew by the same means. . I A principle is a principle. If every worker feels called upon to ' " u 7. in his activities in order to vindicate the claim of a thou- land or more metal workers to collective bargaining, they must . - prepared to make the sacrifice if only a dozen men are engaged. Leaving to one side, for the time being, all moral or legal con- aiderations---there are these aspects to the question, tmr-and bolting at the matter from the standpoint of plain business horse- , .. "' 'fo the "general strike" must stand condemned. . “ l l It is a fair estimate that beginning to-day there will be al ' " y has in wages to the people pn strike of a sum not far short ' onehundted thousand dollars; and, in addition to their sources} y income, they subject themselves and their dependents to pri-, rations and sufferings which have only to be maintained long a nu: . to inrolte-illryvyujuyi when: death, -C, V _ . __v"errer _ It is magnificent; but it is not war. ' One obvious criticism of it is that, even at this vast expendi- » .. - “time, money and suffering, thereris no certainty of getting Where. _ There are limitations to power. No force on earth can make I man keep his establishment open if he is determined to close it. Faced with a determination of that sort, whether it rests upon will power or upon economic necessity, the whole immense display of imlution and self-sacrifice-splendid qualities in their true set- 2 ci-will dash themselves to pieces in futility. there is at least a practical explanation-tspan from other .'l nsidtrations-for a sympathetic strike directed against the com- Cttymitr to force better treatment of its own 'smployees---aa, for in- ;atance, the postal strike of last summer-because there is an at- tainable objective. V Yea, this is so. But the same end can be attained just as ef- fectively without a general strike and without any dislocation of the community. An ordinary strike, backed by the other unions, in keeping with the custom which has been followed heretofore, woulg have been just as eiticaeious---probably more so. - "w -___ - H-.. ,m- h- v......v...w WWW", "w"; nu. _. to attain an object, reachable by simple means, at the cost of a loss that, in the long run, will run into millions of money (with a inevitable consequences of permanent loss of trade to the city ' m which everyone will suffer), plus a vast amount of human sur- fering and misery, is Poor Business. _ Btit aveommunity strike against an individual, to make him do BoJPM,inst which he tioes lot intend tp do, gets nowhere. - V W "tisrtriiGiaHaoiii'ei,'1'ri Gi, iiiiiiiirsiie,"iie%' men can be pun- ished-:etheir works can be closed because they cannot get help, ttnil they can thus be put out of business. _ I I ' f I. Adun‘Beck showed ar,; in calling the representatives ; I B. mnicipalities in the Hydro Bone together to deal with the the workers at 0min... intend d.f “king the re- - ' L' of wanting or Aise't'iiti their demands for shorter th, , issue in this use is the wisdom of the sympathetip genera . C under the conditions prevdggf in Winni . tsrdap. i) is NOT the principle of col ive bugging that is " * -- That principle is not in dispute in the cue-of fiftratirte out tttt sixty: unions tluf Us said, to have voted in go opt. _ _ t l ”would“: new. by: the ttrtrtttsttt P, , “humanly fair statementofthecuqmd the ox- ht'! ‘towhich itmatleadwhatttottdttet_tttrmtsett end-s ey A possibility at an organization bias nomad and. fthmhout the Eat. we feel that the statement will upply= , one compensation for trouble: like the present is that " goggle think about fundamental thints that they usually C u beyond them. in” thigh 1siparlr with e plain issue before them, the pro- I very enlightening and t?eneiieial. , Wiective bargaining has that won its way to the point of oat universal acceptance; and it has achieved this gum hunt employing anything but what are regarded as legitimate spans of argument and compulsion. i To accept the principle that there should be unityaai,.sut.n- 1 of work by means of a general strike, whenever there IS a dis, b. S. POSTAL AIR MAIL SERVICE SUCCESSFUL. no dutrerU, how'sver. that in place of following the plain my get' awhy on side issues and arrive nowhere. IWhmm'gfigmflmfli-i ana-ttui-urs-Adi-ttsa-tit' on 'qrtttt"rooraatror'tshottsmresieit9tdtttf od'irikt-ts-Gofare-mitGtt'itowti. NOTE AND COMMENT. in“. [’2 btdN citizens of Winnipeg. in- ion ln two. All transcontinental eluding i ayor Charles P. 03y . and nllroeds and wire traffic is muted members of the common Con cil to. throth this city. When the general day joined with the Provincial and strike was declared laat Thursday. for l-‘ederal anthorttiaa in informing union lot: the “like of thebuilding tmd. inhor workers ot thin city that either es metal workers union. the oli- the alien extremists in the union cial publication of ott' Central Strike ranks must he muted or every farce Committee announc that Winnipeg of law and order will be concentrated would be "isolated." This program Ito rid the minimal: of this element. we. n0t.comtgetetr carried out. i It. Conference Called. I Since yesterdaypwhen seceealve _ At 10.30 o’clock tomorrow form oppoaitlon to the isolation progress of noon, in the Council Chamber of theHhe strike leaders was begun. con- City Hall. it is expected that repre- , stant improvement has been reported nontatlvee'of every phase ot Domim in various launcher of commercial ion, Provincial and municipal nativity ef. public aervlca. Nearly all the allected hy the general strike which . stores in the buaineea diatrlct were began a week as: to-day, will diacuae open tad ' and many made deliver- the situation. in meeting was " feel Telegram eervlce .waa partly; oiled upon by Mayor Gray and the _ reetorel by volunteer nperatore: reav‘ City Council this afternoon. The I tsurants and other - at Malena Mayor announced that it was not '1 till cloud displayed pleural thia leaded, primarily, " a ntrlle aim afierhood announcing that they would meet conference He referred to it open tom and that "help" wan an s gathering of omelet and clitaena wanted and leading employers re- represeatlag Government, Jadestry. I ported to Mayor Gray and the cm- labor, commerce and military protoc- - Committee that a number . of than. The chief pnrpe'ae pt the meet- those who had be. on strike. had " in. the Mayor said. la to "clear the plied for mutant. l I Ilr"_ol the menace of new mph Implant. Inh- M General Strike is "As Calgary is the distributing centre for the whole of the Province in the matter of remittances for relatives of soldiers, it is. said that thousands of checks will be held up by the strike of pos- tal employee; W, - 7 ' ' . PR" Calgary, Alta., May 27.--4Mly fifteen hundred workers were said to have answered the General Strike call here yesterday, men representing the postal workers, Dominion Express employes. ttour and cereal employes and Canadian Paeitie Railway men at Ogden and round house. By a vote of 119 to 48, the street rail. waymen refused to "quit work." Other unions which have signi- fied their intentions of remaining at work are railway clerks, bak. gs, city hall employes, teamsters, outside civic employés and bar- rs. _ SPREADS T0 BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vancouver, May 27.--The general strike in progress more than a week in Winnipeg. sawmills during the last 24 hours to Calgary and Edmonton, Al rev Res no, and several small dis- tricts, seemed to-day about to s , _ V . British Columbia. Last night it was announced from Vt ' ' l hat the Trades Council had decided to call for a quite waif: ,llthy. with the Winnipeg strikers, the results to be in by u P, I night. or ot abolishing hereditary tine- end continuing Knighthood- end other distinction. while Hon. Newton Row. on, Hon. Funk Carve" end Hon. Y. A. Croru voted hiatus! Ill titlu. Western than}: and Quebec ware practically I unit again-t mien. ont, three Westerners, Dr. Michael Clark, Gen. Grienlncl: and Dr. Finley. and one Quebecer. Mr. Fred. Kay. stand- ing for a titled aristocracy. Ltutr'ter Decllned Peerage. Reierring to Mr Wilfrid Lulu-let who two years ago oilered to put " title on n trotttiret in the market place it other Canadian Knight- wonld do likewise. Hon. Rodolphe Lemicux said that the late Liberal Leader mil I democrat to the hilt. and some -yenrl bolero hid death Ind declined . Peer use. Wl_. Winnlpeg. Man., Mar 82.~Tbe at tion or permanent Industrial peac- Winnlpol. evolving the p‘roaent sen-f- al strike of loan! Labor unions. which developed plumes nation-VH9 In scope. rested tonight on the tttture status of thy natal enemy alien. There were 30m “can: mount. Tho "isiott was tag» the unh- ot “Glory. Glory “31th and other choral". Whit. Korea In Minority. . It wu hardly surprising that nur- Iy hall of the Union!“ member: vot- ed against the Acting Prune Minister when the Cabinet use): was divided. Bir Thomas White, Gem Mowburn and Hon. Martin Bum“ were in tu- . ' ' ' " C an b'ii"Giill to a.“ I. ah an a “m “I. " as “In Tttf Pyt?t, a. new at can“ r, - " to at In UM tbe' to Mull! mun in hum in. no. (om-c than: diminution In: - nou this; an“ Dol- . Buy dim an... nlttt"ttt' M _ decorum u ' At. tlt thou-ha tt the 'd,tLt to I mean at ttto Can: lit Thu mum- houn m In . tmit-tr-hs---" quot. the win: - ntJon ot Mr. has: upohato--aro the member- ol um Privy Council Vot- Tm- It Mt6tutet. Thomammom decision wu teantb. od " midnight “to: a alltiar dam which .1. than. V» " In” but. u- pechlly (ovum the clan. when New an. Nickle ot nag-m- Ind Cochhnu¢ at Brutal-d um“ came to blow- on or run-(in; was“ “on the I“; ter'l mailman". 1 Fifteen Hundred Men Walk Out in fitr of Calgary Im eluding Postal Workers, Dominion Express Em.. ployes, Flour and Cereal Workers and C. P. R. Men; Street Railway Men, Bakers, City Employee and Barbers Remain at Work. VICTORIA VOTES ON CALLING $pr,eadiitir Through _ Calgary to Coast the women of ml worm Artf may mqttr-raad., " SYMPA‘THETIC STRIKE filitll5iritii; It itiiil " Vin y, _ tit 'ttttiii; llf' mlnlon An inane-toned tter, of title. by Dr. Cherie. em ot ornate I” followed try I sloshing attack on the eyed-l column» by Dr. Mich-e) Clerk. The member tor Red Deer divulged the intonation tint then In only . here quorum “the Titiee (bmmittee lyre-om when its sweeping report we: drntted, the notices cell- inx the meeting hum; been sent out but n iew lawn before Me timed to teke place. "Red Mid l" denounc ed the report an "utogteai," adding that “the Rom by adopting it would lend ltl countennnoe to the absurd" He characterised the whole proceed- ing: " "I conttrtnntion of democratic cant end illogical nonsense," No More Oqttlntt Under the Bed. He was followed by Mr. J. H, Burw hnm. who claims to be the pioneer in the crusade to abolish titles. The tiny hen peeled for aristocracy, was his emphatic declention, end "those in lave: ot class distinction will die- awenr with the junkere of Germany." The member for Peterboro' served notice an the Government that "I don't propose to get under the bed out more? I am going to vote tor the 3112!]th ottitlee." ___ Cut Dominion in Two. Winnipeg is the only important city In Cnmdn where I tuneful ntrika of union workers can cut the Domin- ion in two. All transcontinental nilrondn Ind wire tunic in muted "noun: this city. When the genial-n] strike was (inbred in: Thursday. for lot: the with ottho,butuinq tmd. es maul workers union. the oli- cm ppbiicntiqn of we pentrni Strike wit m In or him 01. Puma! an 'Mutt.",','."' up u» cant.- oI of“ 3. lax-uh. JT. We: t will, I r "rttod 'ffl', u “on. " an rod gtebotot. o woman-m." but ttttW (osmium;an who“: than our titles. Ho took a Sub It it. mam um In volt-l - In. owl anti Wm m qua-ao- vu In; db chum“. unit! ”an". an he would like to Joe the debate cut short In; the number tr, Mr ton should "all: chm I m '. Eww ' i7i2iEiiiiai'ii' y . tcii _ , "tt '"dtrt ' "ok-tiii'. thoartrvtbretr+tlrrre o2t'ttntgi,g't2t'te noun mumpaith-h g'g."'r'u'"""'""""" fhtttm,timl1s6tenitum,-tb-ksU pkg": breNilttg grounds. were Panama; " Involve the entire qtttniott. "We: WQIMM!‘ _ " ' '"eru Chump“. “an m. " In stated that the Dollar: will move m amendment ot their own to the mm, and it in unllclpltul that " per cent. of the oppoomon will vote for it. TIM would "ill In" the Gourmet“ with u Bood majority. but would weaken ll.- monle. Ruomlme.‘ thm Involvu trreteeuona, Ind " part‘ ot the net that there In u pram! no and“: out!” mama-wry hobo. "an at tho mun than no u m clim- “In. M BMW l Ottawa. Ont., May 26.-r-Bir Robert ‘Burden. who has arrived in Ottawa tmdav. after six months' strenuous no- igotiation overseas. will have no respite llrom his labors now that he has re- Iturned. This afternoon he wilt ab tend the cabinet council at two o'clock. Later, he will be in the House when it assembles at three, and from this ‘forward he will be called upon to fact) a situation fraught with ditricttlues comparable only to those which he was called upon to face overseas and involving perhaps more personal re. BpottMbiiity. Nelson. Cruise of Dauphin. Davis ot Noopnwn. Dougla- ot Strlthconn. Mac- Ntttt of all! Coats. Manlon of Port William, Reid of Micheline, ”than of Muple Greek, Home" of MacLeod. Johnson or host Mountain, Knox of Prince Albert, hang of Humbelt. Shaw of Manhood. Thurman of 011'- Applo, Wright of Battletord Ind oth.' Three Mlnlllerl to Retire. Thai three members of the cabinet are dcsirioua of retiring upon his rtr .turn. has been freely aimed in the corridors tor some time past, They arc. Hon, Messrs. Cremr. Carve" and Mat-lean. That at least a score of wer tern unionist followers will "Bolt" on the budget, and seek the cross hench. os. it that budget does not provide for substantial reductions in the tariff. is predicted, Among those mentioned are Hon. T. A. Crerar: Hon. W. s. Fielding, Clarke ot Red Deer. Ethin of St. John, Argue of Swift Current, Buchanan ot mum-lam, Campbell of Prime Minister Returns vto))'ri)i,"iii') Conditions That Mean .3?“ :51 a Heavy Responsibilities. {any}; that they had received usurnncol that neither collective bargaining would be rejected by Winnipeg em- ployers in considering a strike settle ment bier). The Mnyor said that be endorsed the attitude at runny busi- nees men, namely. that conferences between employers and delegations of their unionized employees regard- ing differences must no longer be permitted. Provincial and local "kieialt, that sup- porters of l.W.W. or ‘Bolnhevlst. doc. [fines mast be ousted trom union pow- er and may eventually be deported from Canada, were received with Bat. isfaction by the Manitoba Great War Veterans' Association, which recently urged such action, Mnyor Gray re. ceived vigorous applause when he re- iterated the determination at the Council meeting this Mterttoon. Morning and evening editlons were Issued by The Winnipeg Free Pre. the tlrgt newspaper In the city to pub liMt ema- the general strike got under way n. Cumin. with Cumin a 951W who: u an "1reu.tae"stuis mm“ WIMP-H Inn‘s-Mm “Mu-1W ”dull-T." FAEES BHISIS To paint. m ttmeat" and pro- -atioasand--sdetaoeiiri,hw weeaedeuearthmretattemdes. Toleueuudacamwwp-int oevamuh,-"treo "qqqaL.,-p. I tmdo" withdeay and “gum GtRFirPih7t in They are the greatest mantis! protectors you can ttse-and the cheapest-because they spread easier, cover that. 'urfacat and last longer. m MOTHERS] Clean the cloned-up places. Do away wlth the am; now fettnentatiom and constipation poison which is keeping your little on. cross. feverish and sick. Children love Cascarets, bemusoto them It ' like eating candy. (Zagreb act better than caster on. calomel mph onthe tends! stomach, Ihret and bowels. Cuscnrcts never gripe, m Injure, and do not disappoint the worried mother. Glee but“). Cantu: tochildren one year old and was. Bach tn can The tirtrt series ot home games In the Michigan-Ontario League resulted In three wins and one loss for the Knchener Beavers Ind three mNstpos ed gums; The Beavers won the atgtly,:aiggte-at1arttA, mum “Bung. CreekTweek ago Easy, and Rfroh two out or the three games played against the Bay City Wolves who ctune here last Thursday without hav- ing lost a game. The tttrbe games played here agnlnst Bay City on Pri. day, under the aunplceu ot the Prin- cess ot Wales Chaplet, l. o. D. E., and on Victoria Day, both morning and afternoon, were attended by large and enthuslaatlc crowds. the Saturday afternoon crowd being larg- rr than the crowd on opening any. KIT‘GHEHER WINS PROM BAY CITY "There will be twlo eclipse. of thol sun in this rear, and one of the moon. The ttrat of the sour ecllpses (on May! 29) la Interesting. tor " will be total. and the totality will be unusually long, 1nd visible from tccenlble pltcea tn Brazil and Africa. The second solar ecllplo will happon on November 22. and will be annular. The path ot cen- tral eclipse in this case also emu-ea the Atlantic, and the ring phenomenon! Two OF THE SUN AND ONE OF MOON . Touching on the eclipses and comets tor 1919 I, writer in Eng“!!! Mechanic and World Science spy-z may be seen from the Wat India; to West Africa. A ptsrt'atl eclipse will be Mother’s Pet Needs a Canard _ Look at the tongue! Then hurry! Give and, Cascarcts to work the nasty bile, souring food and constipation poison from the little liver and bowels. Baby is mad! Doesn't want the favorite dolly, of the hom, or the picture bouks--but don 't scold! PAINTS AND VARNISHES MARTIN-SENOUR ariiiiiif'; and _ _ ies-i! _:s,"i':,'i;i,-i,i'i'a-iii,-is,sls,,ii,iiCl m! " - .s? _iiii,'?") and ' 'it', James, Glovanzzo In: (ound guilty Mitch to at Guelph. _ . . _ _ Visible trom the British his, but In not very [notable dream-maul. " it luppenn near unmet. Tttls Lulu eclipse on November 2 in viliblo tron: Greenwich. but leu than a mm ot the disk will be obscured. The will"! of the three periodic con-let- is expected during the rear--KoNrtr. Holmea' 3nd Finlly'l all in the luiumn.” bummer. The juice M two fresh lemons M into n bottle containing three culm- of orehard white nukes a whole - IS',', of the moat wrinkle lemon I”. utifier at About. the cost one uni guy for u small jar of the ordinary 4stM me. Gare would be than to dull the lemon juice through . itue cloth no no lemon pulp {do in, than this but. will keep tres for month. = woman known that lemon juice ll to bleach and remove such Mani-lei " freckles, ullnwneu and tatt and In the idul akin comma. whim all Just try IV. Get three ounces a! orchard white It any drug do” eatd . two lemon-1mm the grocer and mks n n quart" pint of this My 'iiliE Irmon lotion and law it duly the face, neck, um: um! had- q A} How to make a era-my beauty - for a tow unu- GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER

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