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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 29 May 1919, p. 10

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5 mam. any a. my. “canard. may 28, ms Jot“). ..... .t.t... .4 in Hamburg. May = 1919. -ritr. .. ninth-5 " was slow and prices eaaler, "tet neconm ot the news Rug- Lt” possibility of a railway which might tie up cattle ship- . LIVE STOCK. no. May 26.--Livcstoek up 30-day were: 725 cattle. 761 "" hogs and IM gheep. bulls ..mrtr. r cattle. choice Indium . . . . . unmon . . . . . r cows. choice :..‘. ...., .. "f .- nun “-~: ,,‘,__v 'o-. T" - ' TM “ _ 'rrg-et.seab8"6%; It. _ 20-th ". mus: mun-u... - ..... .. than! ' 60EU1b a, ..1.. ..... ... I... _ ads-Nd q.ettasd also. g... ..... ... .. u art-h - u-....-" Am ---N» ' ydhw. an. ..,s.-.... ... ... . m u " '-'rr: .... ... "' "nano" Dari-1v]: ”to. M ;...u..-. . ...... “0 van-z Not quoted an.“ y:.':.':.'.",'::.-.::." "rmrio th.qt---No. t 'w_ .34; .......J.,..... .00 on”; Ho.twt.tatr,t8.ttq8Et". "' ... ... ... .... “-00 No.8nri.t.r,88.m 0 out No. I id-.........-...- “um, ”.03 q ”.17; Ho. , um g.......,.. .....886." u‘u.”_u;n.,3.m gm. ,,.... ._... ..... .. 21.00 ”.10. t. o. b..ull»lltmm " . " “kWh.“ No I- In - .....,..... ... .. oatq-- . a. r“ “1". _%r.'. .... " “and: N. , van "r o no. , 7 GRAIN. Io,»May " award of Trade min quotations to-dar are as usa, per bag -.' ”v.9...“ per bug nan-um; MARKET REPORTS. 76. WW! largo bank barn. nllo. Vial». Bttod, pluery, etc” "r-tmud house with furn- b W shod. qualm- engine I. - out- wood, "m. one ll win an... m- but ol .0", " new. Mach. 2 Ipringt Mr t In"! (run 1mm. elm to munch... an A1 crop farm, of euitftrgtthttrt9t only $70 Would eon-Mu hon“ m Klt. il' “in... Innings“. por_ton .. .. {ONTO MARKETS. rial m BEST NEAR PREB. .. q mun from Khulna-r. “I hilly. with Ian. bank " "on“ brick home. good driving mod. largo pig- " hm. Ind good water _ mlnucu walk to school, and water, .frono MAR K an. \IIA ttgAStKETB. I)“ " mm- good land, this]. am. good banal»... _I~ no. Um" in "cm of ms, Farms, Farms ._. ........45 to.50 ',... .... 150101.75: tere. ...wrme.. 20.75', ..:..-..tB.NytrtottMrfr; t... ....2.30to2.40 n .. ... .t.... 42.00 ...........$2.25®Z.40 ,. tq..... ......2." . ... ... m-q... 5.85 H. Rosenbusch ""r"f - y In a. an. d, H" "--"""""N"e.rwr- "W .' In». '0. not a has}. uu. me!!! WNW et 'e' J3ttt ..... ..... A6 _. ... ..t.. 21.50 ..... ..... AS .. ...1A0to1.60 ... .. 3010.95 m... .. ns to.80 . ..... .... 1.35 . 43.00 to 46.00 . ..q8.00 to 45.00 ..e3.00to46.00 ..... 5151.06.00 .. .. 6.00to00 22.25 21.25 1625 © 18.00 3030 to 22.00 2 06 to 2.09 . .85 1.15 . 5,60 $42.00 . 5.70 42.00 _. AS . A9 15.00 ‘. 1.25 42.00 42.00 82.14 82.09 . 70c sum 13.50 12.00 1100 It 25 was 12:25 12.00 I.“ .76 130.00 160.00 10.50 12.75 IL00 15.00 12.50 20.00 l Chicago. May 26.--Ettgs unsetticd; ireceipts. 32.550 cases; tirstts, “Kc . 4292c. ordinary tirstrt, 4le 0 42e; at mark; (Eases T'ncnuded, 41%ca, @ 12c; storage packed, ttrsts, 43e a Millie; _ extras, 44c. In“ “my?" hon. an VIII-.2 Mat quoted the. an: "rttqrto mrh-t---No. l m. “.16: . can; No. I utensil: . am! No. ' winter. a." . out No. I I I... ”-0. q 88.11; No. , Im 4'lt . ”.14; No. a I“ M q' $8.10. t. o. b, mum pun. m In; to height... - Ont-I10 oatq--Mo I ville. not qmrtod; No. I this, T6r . “c. Burleywlwhx. 81.16 q 81.21. Pi-mo. 2, $110. loam“). team!- is; to hath“. outlide. mse_---Nomitsat. Rrqr--No. t, nominal. lulled-[n culou. delivered. Montr-, Shorts, $44; bran. “I; feed Bour not quoted; middling- not Irtrli' good lead ttour,) has. 82.10 2.76. Montreal, May 26.-At the Quebec Agricultural Co-0pertrtive Society ule held it the bond at trade tho oner- Inn unwanted to 1.231 packages of creunery butter. ot whlcll 203 pack- ages pasteurized creamery mid " 56%c a pound, 804 package: ttttttqt at 55%c and 224 packages ttae at “Kc. New York, May '26.-Butter unsett- led; receipts, 9.755 tuba; crummy, lugher than extras. We O 57%c; crs:mery, extras, " more. 5636e; memory. tirsts, Me 0 56c; packing stock. current make. No, s, 450. Montréal. Mn} 26.--Butter, choices" creamery. 65p Q! 060. CHEESE. New York. Mar M.--cheU, may: receipts. 1,700 boxes; sun ' "nun; milk. ttatrs. current make specials. 32c 6 32%c; do., average nu, 81%tt " 32c. V - Chibngo. May M.-- Butter lower. creamery. 50e O 55c. - _ _ - Montreal. May 26.-Chemm, tlttmst easterns. 31%e @ 32c. New York, May '26.--Eggts Irregu- lar. receipts, 12,000 cases; fresh gath- ered, extras, “like @1 499; fresh gath- cred, ftrsts. northern section. “we ce 4555c: southern net-1km, “c 6 45e; state. Pertntrytvania and nearby west, ern hennery, whites, fine to fancy, SIC o 52c; state, Pennsylvania and near- try hennery, whites, ordinary to prime, Me (it 500; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, browns, 50c © Me; do., gathered. browns and mixed col, ors, 45%e © 49e. Montrieai," May 26.---rwtgs. fresh, 52c a, 53c: selected. 54c © 55c; No. 2 stock. 50c. Joseph Martian and his wife of Huntley, and Mrs. Ryan ttt Ramsay. were instantly killed, and Mr. Ryan seriously injured, when a motor car was struck by a CiR..train at Carla. ton Place. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Fri.. May 30.--New household goods, belonging to Wm. Kristey. 66 Agnes St.. Kitchener, at 2 pam, near Tire Farlory. Sat., May 31.--Househoid goods of Fred Mattel], corner of Wilhelm and Ahrens St. Kitchener. 2 blocks north of GtR. station. June 4.-... Consignment sale of " pure bred Holstein cattle at Water, June r-Complete livery and ranting outfit belonging to P. K. Weber, King SI. _E.. Kitchener.' June 7. - ('nrlnad of fresh cows. springérs and young cattle. at the City Hotel stablel, Waterloo. June 14.-uoutsehoid chest»; or John Empel, on "or1eRt St., our John sit, In the town of Waterloo. May 31.--Cterorintt tale dt all home hold goods of Mrs. J. B. Snyder. Corner Willow and Erb Sta, Water. cattte In barn. lplendld valor supply. farm In In high “at: of cultivatlon. with " lore: in fall wheat and " acres In hay, at $80 per Icrc...8lck- no” is the only reason Var culling. Would "oh-nu. for Kltshonor propor- ty. A good " Icro farm with good bulld- IngI and At to". Own! vant- to all bully and will (Ike low price of um. Vou cunnot beat the mic. nor tho farm either. Let mo prove tt to you. NEAR NEW DUNDEE. 0n mein reed to Pro-um. u ecree of At even 1,1k " ecree working lend. 21 ecree In D eh. good I roamed brick home wlth 'trte cellere. good drlvlng ehed. cemented eno tthe86, en erre good book hero on cemented, pOggery en cemented, good we!" eupply. "" orchard. Owner muet eell end wt" conelder $7,000. mm on”! end "to bed-nee " the rate of IV. per ttqrtt. A fem good enough tor enyhody. In- vuugete but do MN ”one“. NEAR IRESLAU. H. B. DUERING.‘ AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale List I It I M m: lid tfdlti. lo. I ”If that _r.----tht quoted also. BUTTER. EGGS. I ~m‘l ttttTtt:ctta'ttltratlt “I; but hum-nun- “when 'At' 'il in! umw.mg.ucuncdmmuu ' “at. ww‘mhum-uubmuvmmflgu "Nahum AM““C~WWH“D* /ttrr1tetv-u-"""et"rt"""',ft"'-"" m T h. a Pub 4 , , _ I w: mules-Juan»: “ammo-unread! a. 11an and. N.tl.. last a. 7- w. n maul. i, Pl.- No. 1.0.0118. Kid-Ir .... ...8 1.10“!!!“ 8. 11an ar, 3.8.. Lot on. D. Q. -., Plan No. IM. mm. m ... . ... O.“ " 11.31 , a. David u. 8.3., Lot 11. Jon. Luann. ‘ _ . Plnn No. "o. 4ita18t. Km .... .. . T.44 I.“ to.” 4. wmocl Bt., Wa., pm Lot 18, J. A. wan-u c Co., Dlvltl‘l lurvoy. 551100. In”... ... . ...gTqaT T.46 "I.” 6. William Bt., Na., pun Lot 16. Henry ' Hall-An. f Rump! t Snidu'u and. Wm ... ... . [1.5+ t” is.” “1130. C. anloo St. Nas., Lot lik lane: Tho-Iowa. Plat No. IM, 401108. Coot-(stow- ... .. . 8.35 3.35 11.70 T. Waterloo Bt., tu., Lot " Humor Thompson. Phn No. "6, 000mm" ..... .. 8.35 8.36 11.10 8. Allen m., Na.. but Mt, “lawman! Improves Pun No. 248. “x130. not Co. .... ... . 13.1. 3.4! "o' 9. Allen Bt., Na., Lot 482. Wmmonnt Improve- ) Plan No. 248. “3120, men! Co. .... ... . 13.10 3.43 16.60 " 10 Allen Bt.. 8.... Lot 8, John Schmidt. _ Plan 203, 40x110, Kitchener ..... ... "is 5.17 92.15 ti. Allen Bt., Ba.. Lot T, John Schmldt, / . Plan 203. 401110. Kitchener ..... ... 86.98 FIT "s." 12. Ill-non Bt., Wa., Lot 30, Vern l. King. ' Plan 203, q0x100, St. Thoma! ... ... 56.13 4.6t 60.14 1 13. Enaon Bt., Wac, Lot M, Vun I. King. Plun 203. 40x110. 22. John St.. Ns.. Lot 40, Plan 203, 403110. 23. John Rt., Bos., that part ot Lot 379, Plan 218. within the Corporation ot Waterloo. PA. Park Bt.. Ws., part Lot 6. Plan M, 50x66. 25. Park Bt., Et,., parts Lot 3 and 4, Plan 186, 50x66. 26. Willitun SI... Ns., Lots 178. 179. Hotttttan's survey. 124 x132. 27. Ezra Avenue. Nm.. Lot R. Block B., Oetwl's survey, 60x135, _ Waterloo, 15th May. 1919. 2244'. Having received orders to return to the hospital fur further treatment of wounds received in the war. I will sell by public auction, my household goods which are nearly new, situated at 66 Agnes St., near Rubber Tire Factory, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. MAY 30. Commencing at 2 o’clock pm. Famed oak dining room suite. round table, 6 leather seated chairs. bukett. oak leather covered couch. lounge. good piano case organ. new. double iron bed. single iron hed. springs and mauresses. 2 dressers. wunh stand. kitchen table, kitchen chairs. carpets. linoleum. pictures and numerous oth. .er artlcles. TERMS-Cash. _ WILLIAM T. unusrav. I Returned Soldier. Prop. 1 E. J. SHANTZ. Auctloneer. Belonging to Fred Mattel], Corner of Wilhelm and Ahrens St., 2 blocks north of the G.T.R. nation. on SATURDAY P. M., MAY M, 1919. ae."'l, stovo. leather covered divan- te, oak dining room suite, round ex- ionnlon table. 6 leather seated chairs. buttett. large refrigerator (l-inriknl new, it it. silent salesman. 2 tron hula. drnnnor. 2 kitchen tables. kitchen cah- inet, 2 burner gas plate. 3 burner gal plate. 6 kitchen chairs. 6 dining chairs. water power wash machiné. " Irai. milk can. rockers, kettle stove, ;linolenma. dishes and numeronl other 'artietms. x TEmt"-4UBtt. FRED MATTELL. Prop. I E. J. sHANTz. Auctioneer. 17 20, 21 It tii, 18 19, 16, MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS, Iddraaaadl to the Poqtttttttgter Consul. will he re. ceived " Otttortt until noon. on Fri- day. the 80th any ot June. 19t9, for the conveyance of His Incur- M-nn. on I proposed contract tor tour you", six times per week, our Wa. "rrioo No. ' Rttrat Rome. from the Pry-[mater Genet-I'll Plenum. Printed notice- containing 2"Itr. information u to condition ot . posed Cotttraet may be "mrand bin-k to?” of under - he obi"'|ed It th Pttat one" of Wliorh... 1Ttttm mr. ”In. Patmbnn an] ot. n- cob'u, and " the once ot its Pout 00m III-nectar. no». Port one. lnpoctor‘n 0M0. We: '9 Mar,_?i..., Household Effects, Etc. Commencing at 1.30 pm OF Household Effects, Etc. MMI SALE 1 MlljtrSllf MM] SALE Finn 203. 401100. Earl Bt., Was., Lot A., Plan 203. Enrl Bt., war., those pom Lots 35 and 36, Plan 203. within Corporation ot Wat. erloo; A Fischer Bt., Ear., but M. Finn 203, 40:100. Flicker Bt., Ea.. Lot 29, Plan 203. 401100. . Fischer Bt., Es., Lot " Plan 203. 401100. _ John St.. Nas., Lot 46. Plan 203, 40:110. John Bt., N.s.. Lot 42. Plan 203, 40xli0, John St., Na.. Lot Dally 28-29-2L 41. 2rtt JAMES C. HAIGHT. (tam “than. Km .... .. J.A.Wtttg-&c 'rtt.rrhHoir-. Wan-rho ... ..- he: Thoma-on. Lucinda Hellman. KR No. l. Kitchener .. 8 Archie Letter, Waterloo .._. .... 8 Archie holler. Waterloo .... P... 8 Emerson Monger. Gal! ..... ... .....14 Clue. E. Fischer. Waterloo .. ..... 25 Frank x. Grub, Preston ..... .. .. 8 Julius Kaufman, Palmerston . .. ... 3 Urian B. Shanta. Kitchener ... .....l British Mortgage & Linn Co.. Stratford, 74.43 Charles E. Fischer. Waterloo ... ... .. 71.13 Estate Ann Brandt. Waterloo ... . . ..dr45.11 Charles Boepple, Waterloo' . . . . . There will be sold by public auction on the confer ot ttrt, and Willow Sts.. Waterloo. on - SATURDAY. MAY "e", Commencing at one o'clock p.m.. sharp the following valuable property: Helntzmnn piano. nearly new, (it not previously sold). violin. library table, new; book case. fancy parlor table, lolding tables. solid walnut auto- mun. tancy rocker. upholstered chairs. walnut side board. walnut extension table. dining room screen. large 6 leg teat table, kitchen iahles. small tables. China cabinet, 2 walnut bed room suites. white enameled bedroom suite. some springs and mattresses. 2 toilet sets, clocks. walnut bureau, combined desk and chiifonler (something veryI rare), small safe. couches. butler's tray. music cabinet. a large quantity of carpets. rugs. malts. nearly new. lace curtains, blinds. verandah chairs. lot ot pictures, large mantel mirror, small mirrors, library books. hat racks, icorner cupboard. 2 kitchen cupboards, flour bin. kitchen chairs, Hawkers. clothes f basket. clothes horses. ttat irons, large refrigerator. sink. 'lower) stand. cabbage cutter. washing ina. chine, wash wringer. wash stands. wash hoard. ironing board. Chantelier tor gas and electric, quantity ot Ittrm her. quantity ot slat walks for garden. 3 lawn seats, step ladders. Souvenir range tor wood or coal. McClary Roy- al cooking stove. Jewel gas range. 2 wash boilers, 2 copper kettles. and all other stove utensils. wash tuhs. Mi. ver ware. glass ware, China and all sorts of dishes. knives, forks. spoons. crockery. lawn mower. lawn roller. garden hose. , lawn rakes. 2 iron pumps. some sash. fancy mouldings. scoop shovel. fork. hoes. shovel. crow- bar. Ice tongs and other articles too numerous to mention. FOR 'ALE--0ood Ono-ynMId Hol- uien bull. ' non!- weight thou! 100 ttteg., . sows tn " good [ml rod gov. “to I burl~ Apply M. ettonderitrtrtrarr, Kitchener. Bren-n Rant IF4t. FOR 'Ao-et- and " I no N. In itrBt cha- culditkn, 090 new Mt, " I 35 n. Apply Lloyd Bow. mnn. Waterloo, 16tf . d ". Househqld§$ffehta, Etc, TERMB--4ih. H. B. DUERING. Auctionur. MR8. J. B. ONVDEI. Prop. M. DEVITT, Clerk. Treasurer. Town of Waterloo. , wk.-ll. dr. Wed. "and Prt..2t 149.17 25216 128.87 6.31 134.68 81.77 83.46 83.48 81.83 36.66 11.61 “but vii-mu “I“. mun-II. sit-in. WANTS. 16.73 561.84 4.61 3.36 3.35 5.14 6.19 6.83 5.19 5.15 9.42 4.02 3.39 4.96 79.39 4.88 76.01 I. 01718 150.00 261.58 60.74 11.71 11.70 86.91 88.65 88.65 86.98 40.68 15.00 In wanna. than. llnk. Watqrtqq. " Read Registered Holstein. con- .istirug ot " cows Ind mailer- l'ronh or new! lounge". 31w govern] choice Waterloo County lot-uh MW Club. 113800 hm.; patrtttretr Percheron mares) ' 6 and 6 years old, a good hearse team. 'wcighl: 2500 lbs.; pair black Percher- on mares ' and 5 years old, weight Fir' lbs. All these teams are well matched and good quality Chestnut “Hackney mare 5 yt-ars old, grey geld- tng 10 years old. pair Bay geldings 7 and 9 years old. good black driving mare 12 years old. tine brown driving ‘ mare 5 years old. tine black mare 5 (rears old, an extra good driver. Among the altering are dual-tor or madman!” of Sir Echo Boeta Porch, Kin; Lyonl Henxweld. Prince Abborkuk Mel-sun. [uh Sylvia Boa, .SIr Korndyke Boon, Vale of Fern- duo Dettot Boy, Canary Pamela But. tor Boy. and others equally well bred. can with records up to 14000 lbs. milk. Every Inimal sound, no three quarters, no detective uddem. An “opportunity to secure choice Btoeh. " ierte Mr analogue to W. A. Rite, Boa, R. R. L, Gait. ' t HORBEs:--Pair grey geldings 7 and '10 years old, weight 3200 lbs; pair idappcl grey mares 5 years old. weight President, HENRY BECKNER, Elmira Sales Hunger. J. B. KNAPP, Gilt. Auctioneer, F. J. SHANTZ. Kitchener. 14 GOOD HORSES, 32 RIOS, 26 SETS HARNESS. Owing to other business I have less- ed the block where the livery Is situ- ated, tor 3 term ot years. and having sold out my coal business. I have de, cided to sell by public auction my "t ery and carting outfit, on the premis. ea, " King St., East. Kitchener, on Commencing at 10.00 o'clock, a.m.. sharp: . R1GS:-4 Good ruhlrer-tiro tooling- glen. 5 good steel-tire top buggies. 4 rubber-tire open hugzles. tsteel-tire open buggy with fancy wicker séat box. ruhherllro bseated top sunny. steet-tire 2-seated top surrpy, gunned trrp carriage. 5 good hacks, 2 demo- ‘crats. 2 good carryalls. 2 heavy drays. 2 light drays, 25rood coal wagon box. jes. 2 wagons. jatsm.muiiuvs ’ - Wait!“ - HARNESB:--10 sets single buggy harness. set extra heavy single har, new. heavy not brass mounted ntngln harnoln. 4 ads single surrey harness with homes and collar, 2 sets lightdrl- vim: harnesu. , double sets brass mounted hack harnesa.doublo not nick. el mounted hark harness. 4 sets brass mounted team harness. nearly new; about 20 Rood robes. lot of good horse blankets Intame good woolen ones). loll covers, (lantern, buggy poles, nook ‘yolulen, combo. brushes. hells. Dower horse clipper and numerous other Ir- ltlclos that make up a good livery. Wodnudsy. Juno 4. 1919 Thom wlll he no reserve as I am going out of tho. said huslnena. TERMS OF BALE:--A1t sum: of $15.00 nnd under. rash: over that amount 6 months' ttredit on approved join! notes. or 6 per cent, per annum discount for cash payments of cred” amourttB. Wilma-"III MrMott.tmrr."' wlulv mm I "wont"! n my” MINARD'O LINIMENT USED BY PHVSICIANS. oiLiiitiiiLoar,ita,ndiiiiies' '. j'ii".r...1.. ANNUAL SALE: Walter". Frlckey LICENSED AUCTION EEK AND VALUATOR, ’ Wirltto, Ont. I - noun the "old-nu a! the surrounding coquy thet I an a "can.“ luctlonur hr the Conny " Warm-loo. A" “It. Oahu-Cu " no will rt colvc ttrome" and can“! nun- Ilon. Pneuoal knowledge of ml man. “an M and un- MMI SALE SATURDAY, JUNE r, 1919 K. WEBER. Proprietor. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. Kitchener. 8. KOLB, Clerk. 21-tt Dally 2t 2ret EWaterloo Mutual ' Fire Insurance l . Company H " incorporated in 1863. TOTAL ASSETS. 315T DEC., 1914, OMcerl and Direetora:-- OVER $860,000 George Dicbel, President, Waterloo Allan Bowman. Vice-Pres., Preston Dr. J. H. Webb, . Waterloo J. Howard Simpson _ Guelph J. L. Wideman. - St. Jacobs James Livingston, - Baden P. E. shantz. . . Preston B. B. Brisker, - . Waterloo Richard Roechman, _ Waterloo L. W. SHUH, B. E. BECHTEL. pttmtttmnnttutmtmmummmuute '."mmmmmtunmmrmmtsm-- no You Appreciate First If Bo, have your want: BUP- plied here. We always keep on hand choice Beef; Pork, Lamb it" Home-made Sausage Why not buy your meats here and get the but? CAULIFLOWER PLANTS. Getuthte Early Snowman. 50 (or Mr postpaid .. Shipprd Illvrmsfully ov- 9mm". Ask for price mu ot Ctttt. In". Crtory and other Warm-Mo Successor to J. B. Fisher. Phone 243. Waterloo. IINAID'. LINIIINT LUMIKI- mm raumo._ Tea- lines, inch wide wittomt-aii" fro-m... Unbeatable Mame Straps selling at “daytime lnch'l'ieStrapsat..... ..r..... ..... ...... p.86e UrtbrralahheHaltertrat ..... ... ... ..........We We admire o-ttloss-We defy competition. enmile and heconvinced. Compare our prices with the prices yo; What time, or with those of the Catalogue Houses. _"""'""'"'""::",':.,","""'"""""""' and-III” Louis Suit!" 'lN,'e'lt','U'd ; ml was 18 ovumnczs m DOWN. ', PRICES GOOD FOR " DAYS. HEROLD'O FARMS. Fmitlard, ont "no": "NP” “' " cement msuuucn AGENT Km. “not Omee, " Waterloo Hutu-l Bulld- In; hummus "" H. B. DUERINO Experienced Auctloneer and Valuator Number of year! exporlonco n Auethottqmr-Prttctltrat know- ledge of value. of roll “his, Ilvo stock, Implements. m. nits Ghmmai THE MERGANTILE Head Office, Waterloo Submit“ Cupltll ...”50,000 - with m bonin- lol Com-cu. "MIMI“... " pouch! [mutant by he Luci-Mn luau-e0 Co- an m 1mm a "mm,- Manager. tnnpet C. A. BOEHM, District Agent. HIGH GRADE BICYCLES, oid and new on my terms, Come in and be Convinced. Alfred Wright ”only. C. A. IOEHI. DIST. ACT. .atortoo, th" ”no “I th A. Boehm VI;- EDGAR FISCHER COMPANY INCORPORATED "" Class PM,“ '136. Waterloo. Meats B. E. BECHTEL. Inspector. Laiii l Number unlimited Ideal wolghi 180 to 220 lbs. We buy for a high- class trade. Yul! give us the goods and wr' will my tho price. Shipping point Baden. ovury attornate Wedner day. Next shipment June Mb. (The ma Firm, ma amuse lull. A " Queen St., Bitch-d. c, Practical Harness Bacon Hogs All Collars guarante- ed to fit and cure sore shoulders, 4rst class workourship. Prices right. " urn farm and o etty in". Would rot-alder umlluln priced property in to" with stat-Io In part m Ptrgtg In on. an. no. we”. when! and claret; Owl h Md iii-@567 MW. Ni ’5‘: W. C." Brueckner W. o. Bruckner _ Call. from all part. of the county promptly attend" to. UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Phone 80. Night Pinon. 207w Master & Hunsberger Baden. shin» renames, Waterloo. 333K Ed. Llpport, rumor-co plum. 881 Store phone, KRcmnor, 670. _ No um can“ for m A hour“. In! Equlpmogt; 'Farm at New Hamburg for Quick Sate-4 acres Hardwood Bush, balance under good state of culti- vation. 9 roomed brick house. large bank barnlwitll strsorGhed and other nee: essary outbuildings. well watered and well fenced. If sold before seeding price is '7'700. After i [ seeding price will advance- Apply athrnce to LETTER & DREISIIGEI Real Estate . Waterloo Phone IM. ‘ Satisfaction guaranteed, WANTED Por Sale or Exams». Otrhtq Phone. W-urloo " W. A. K. Brennan Ml Acre Ilndertakers Undertaklng SHINN ' LIPPERT HARNESS SHOP. BADEN. and Collar Maker Waterloo. Reason-bl. Prim

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