|BALL & CO‘S. Introduction Sale !â€"«@mswi Specials in Grocery Dept. Rc:path'c Granula:ed Suna';, 100 ip. bag, introductory sale price, special p ho e on en e * . $1045 Sunkist seediess Muscat Raisins, per pk 16c Sunkist Seeded Raisins per pkge ...... 14c Clarke‘s Pork and Beans, reg. 25¢ tin for 20c Ayimer Tomatoes per tin ..... .... ... 1§5¢ Maple Leaf brand Niagara tomatoes, reg. 25¢ tin fOF ..:s. ssris syise siisccne> C06 Maple Leaf brand Standard Peas, tin.. 12c Chalienge brand prepared g:ormuu:h, reg. â€" 15¢, introductory sale price .... .... 10c SOAPS SPECIAL â€" The following well known brands, Surprise, Comfort, Gold, Lifebuoy, Ivory, Fels Naptha, Fairy, 3 bars or cakes for ..... ..... ....... 25¢ RICE SPECIALâ€"introductory sale price 10c per Ib, regular 15c per Ib. Special Men‘s Heavy Boots, just the thing for farm and heavy work, sizes 10â€"11 only: LADIES‘ WASH W AISTS. High Necks in black silk, regular up to $4.50 each, Sale Price . ... $1.98 Assorted materials in plain black and fancy colors, also white, regular values up to $1.50 each, Sale Price each ... 222 222 222 ... ... ..... 48e Ladies‘ Silk Waists We will Blaze a Trail Through the Tangled Meshes of High Prices To customers within a radius of 25 miles purchasing $25 or over. Present Return Coupon. DISTANCE SHOULD NOT STAND IN YOUR Rain or shine, it will surely pay you to be here daily. NoW, ITS UP TO YOU*‘ GOOD PEOPLE FOR SEVEN DAYS Reg. $2.50 to $3.00 ....: .: $198 Reg. $4.00 to $6.00 ..... .. $2.98 & If Ecpnomy is the Question Sally Forth Here For Your Share in this Saving. Never has this store entertained more pleised customers, because never has it %t}';g been able to offer such variety of selections at such remarkably 1 prices. The urgent command that half this stock be converted into cash qm'ckly has led to price slashing seldom equalled. 7 Without regard for costs or profits we are determined to carry out olf‘: desire and hundreds of satisfied customers testify to the thoroughâ€"going honesty our eï¬orts._'_ Just a few days remain, and they will be days ï¬lle‘d' v_»;ith rushing business. 'l'_hcy are days that bring golden chances to you. Come. ‘<+ The Pins Knocked from under{High Prices. z_ The Bargains are hereâ€" The Values are here. _ It will pay you to put in a year‘s supply. mepprnyy poatenty, ... __M,......___ snn d Ee emee ram _ ue e unipaan en * "ks, 1 ns f 5u s & When this Sale is over the greatest Dollar Saving opportunity in year s will have passed. Don‘t miss it. R. R. FARE PAID the Ball & Co. say, Right Judgment can only be arrived at through experâ€" ience you know nothing of the adâ€" vantages we offer unless you are a patron of our sale. & Boys‘ all Wool, Black and Navy Serges, all Wool and Wool mixed, fancy Tweeds, in knee pants and bloomers, single or®double breasted, with or without belt, sizes 29 $8.48 to 30, reg. $9.50 to $18, for Balance of Men‘s Winter and Fall Overcoats, to be sacrificed from 25 to 50 per cent. Be sure and see them. Ladies‘ Fall and Winter Coats will also be sacrificed in many cases to %; price to clear. Bold Type never told of Greater Saving Chances wh and PACKED AND JAMMED â€" wITH PLEASED CUSTOMERS Mark the Date! Read Ball & Co.‘s Ironâ€"Clad Guarantee ~~BALL & CO. â€" Bechte! Bros. Hundreds of pleased patrons revelled in the gorgeous outlay of superior merchandise, laden but happy under the biggest bevy of bargains ever presented to the shrewd conservative shoppers hereabouts. Bargain after bargain, bundle and bundle left our store on the opening days Every tongue in town and surrounding country has been set to wagging and bragging, ever rejoicing at being able to partake of our wonderful bargains. Hundreds, yes thousands of walking, talking adâ€" vertisements in Waterloo and surrounding country sing praises of our store and our prices. Bigger and better bargï¬ins await you during the balance of the sale. : Come. Let nothing keep you away. This will be the biggest and most important selling event this Town and surrounding country has ever seen. A sale so brgad and comprehensive in its character, so pronounced in real values, so emphatic in quality that it will attract marked attention. Have you ever heard of a sale in Waterloo where the policemen were required to keep the crowd back. That‘s what is going to happen here. We have already engaged the policemen and with every new day the interest will increase. The crowds will grow larger. The good news is now reaching thousâ€" ands and thousands of homes where newspapers and posters are read. The people will flock here like flies around a honey jar. The whole store is your hunting ground. Bargains greet you at coaev turn ~ Nathinc is reserved. Stock must be reduced. We will sell the goods at prices that like flies around a honey jar. The whole store is your hunting ; every turn. Nothing is reservedâ€" Stock must be reduced. We will force the clearing out of half this stock in a few days‘ time. We positively guarantee every article purchased at this store is just exactly as advertised or your money refunded without a whimper. We are here to stay. . Our avenue to success is dependent on how we treat the public. â€" k e agll NEVER HAS THIS STORE HAD A MORESUCCESSFUL SALE, OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH i s 4 0 o. es t l oo P 4 *A 2 t c 5 4 ts t : . t °_ * s o Pn e _ Surronné{ng-- ‘Country with the Excep Bargains Offered. _ | Friday=â€"«Saturday Let us present you on the above dates absolutely free of charge any man‘s Hat or Cap, value $2.00, one to each customer pugohasing a Suit or Overcoat, no matter how> low. the price.â€"First come, first choice as long as they last. . . BE HERE WITH;THE CROWD. CURTAIN RAISER FOR MAY 9TH AND 10TH. Successors to © FREE Don‘t Miss the Place! Waterioo, Ont. While they last we will sell, and Ball & Co. always keep their word. _ Everything listed here is a genuine bargain, only posâ€" sible at our Introduction Saie, and now for the interesting details. "If Sterling Values Can Do It, We‘ll Keep You Busy in the Furnishing Dept." Men‘s double thread, French yoke, Balbriggan Undershirts and Drawers, faced with good quality Sateen, Reg. price up to $1.00, introductory 69(: sale price ..... ..... +...... Men‘s Cambric Shirts, Reg. 59(: 75¢, and $1.00, Sale Price ... .. Men‘s Black Fur Felt Hats Sl 98 Reg. $2.50 to $3.50, Sale Price"" ** Leather Label Overalls, Black and Blueâ€"striped, Reg: value Men‘s Shirts, latest patterns, Reg. $1.50 to $2.00, Sale Price .. 5139 It will pay you to travel 50 or 1 miles to this saleâ€" Such values a not likely to occur again in mal years. Nicely trimmed with !~~e and emâ€" broidery, worth up to 50¢ each, Sale Ladies‘ Silk Ankle Length Hose, in black or white, and in all the leading shades,. regular price up to $1.00 a * pair, Sale Price ... ... ... ... .. 69¢ = Ladies‘CorsetGCovers: LADIES‘ RAIN COATS, also Men‘s, Boys‘ and Girls, The balance of this stock to be closed out at sacriâ€" fice prices. ___ _ Y Men‘s Soft Hats, all shades, Reg. $2.50 to $5, Sale price ... ..... ;. These prices hold good until further n#te® Come every day. A Woman‘s Hat may make her lodlg young or old; a becoming hat takes years from her appearance. We bes lieve we can please you and the hard er you are to satisfy the sooner yoU should come here. Call and view our beautiful collection. 4" Hats trimmed to suit your taste, > Some extra specials during Intro: ductory Saleâ€"Beautifully and exfl sitely designed Hats in the latest lary sold up to $8.00 each, Sale Price ..... .2... ... New York styles in Trimmed Hats, all the Rage, you cannot afford to miss this great saying in price, regu= Another line of Beautifully Trim«} med Hats, regular price 43 $5.00 each, Sale Price . ... $2 7 * Untrimmed Shapes, we will closg out at just Half of the Regular Price, MILLINERY (DEPT. â€" a $ 3. 4 4 $1.98 yt