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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 May 1919, p. 3

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â€" ‘License Inspector Winterhalt stated "â€" today that there were 54 applicants ; :l‘ hotel licenses this year but that e of them had been held _ back. * & These were latterly granted and it is // 5. expected that the remaining two will @._ suceeed in renewing their _ licenses. {' There were five hotel _ keepers who 3 closed up. * . RREMIUM PAID TO DAUGHTER. & [Becretary G. M. DeBus of the Kitâ€" ‘~ €Bener Court Royal Arcanum announâ€" ~. ced .om Friday that the cheque for ; $3,000 on the life of the late Hon. E- Col. Richard Reid was handed to Miss *‘ Alice A. Reid a daughter of the _ deâ€" ®#he members individually voiced their . ap fation of the happy associaâ€" and of his services to the orâ€" tion, the church and the city. \ Dr.~ tt was deeply moved by these " exp#Â¥essions, and made a most touchâ€" 3 g'rply‘ He thanked the ministers f eir kindness and assistance durâ€" $ng the seven years he has been in the ¢ity. > Beginning with May 4ta tne . early xnlng G.P. & H. car will ledve this : at § o‘clock irstead of at 6.05 as #ormerly owing to changes in the C. P.R time table. The new time tables es it necessary for the car . to "mo fAve minutes earlier in order to e connections .DEATH OF YOUNG LAD. The death took place May 1st of Royal Stanley Green 238 King street east, death being due to _ La Grippe. Decéased was the son of Mr. and "Mrs. Alvin H. areen. He was born at Mannheim, 13 years ago. The boy is survived by his parents who have the sympathy of their many friends in sUCCESSFUL BANQUET. ‘The first banquet of the Brotherâ€" hood Bible Class in Trinity Methodist hurch on Thursday evening was an Unguaiified success. Over 50 young 1 were in attendance, and after a antiful repast had been served an llent programme was provided by members and visitors. A number of returned soldiers were in _ attendâ€" aniée and took part in the proceedings. ‘The officers for the ensuing year were élected. Dr. J. A. Hilliard is Presiâ€" Gegt, and A. R. Goudie is Secretary. Frank Dunham was reappointed as Because he got drunk Thursday and was found with a quart bottle of liquor on his person â€" a foreigner was arrested on Water street at an early hour this morning. In police gourt the man explained that he had bought the liquor from a person _ he had never seen before. He was fined $10 and costs for being drunk and $200 for carrying liquor. The costs bréught the total payment up to $220. ‘The man waited in â€" police headquarâ€" ters until his brother came _ around and paid his fines. At the last meeting of the Kitchâ€" snerâ€" and V\tltorloo Ministerial Assoâ€" n the members took advantage of e occasion to express their re: j at the departure of a former ‘ enf, Rev. Marcus Scott, D.D., _ this city. In addition to the tifig address presented to Dr. Scott, 1. 0. 0. F. AT CHURCH. m’ members of Grand Union L O. 0. F., No. 97, attended ) annual divine service at Trinity hodist Church Sunday evening. members of the lodge assembled ‘the lodge rooms on Queen street ith and marched in a body to the gful in passing his examinations in t at‘Osgoode Hall, and his many mds will offer their heartiest conâ€" tulations upon his success. PASSED HIS EXAMS. r. Robert James Smyth, son of Robt. Smyth of this city, was sucâ€" )NORED BY THE MINISTERIAL s ASSOCIATION WILL LEAVE EARLIER postponed meeting of the _Commission for the transaction t railway business men _ was Tuesday evening, at which all mimissioners were present, in the newlyâ€"appointed member, T Commission received the Lly reports _ of Supt. Meintyre. «financial statement showed that 1 receipts amounted to _ $6,â€" and the expenditures were $4,â€" . After deducting the _ debenâ€" interest and _ depreciation the ts totalled $862.39. For the bank clearings for the week toâ€"day :amounted . to $836,153.â€" m am-mu';- week arâ€" $544,107.176. DERWENT OPERATION. ge, the tenâ€"yearâ€"old son of Mr. s. H. Lobsinger, Water 8t., 8., erated on for appendicitis . at â€"W. Hospital on Thursday. s many young _ friends will riod last year the net profits gastes. 00000 117,003 passengers carried, and ear. 155,309. t. Mcintyre reported that the FOREIGNER FINED. LICENSES ISsSUED. ET RAILWAY TRAFFIC GROWS w cars to be hought Sasâ€" wil} be delivered as "::q,{n tors of that city vete on the of the system to oneâ€"man cars. March of last recovery year there KITCHENER BD. OF TRADE TO ETART MEM BERSHIP CAMPAIGN The proposed organization of a Champer of Commerte in Kitchener been ‘indefinitely postponed as a reâ€" sult of the d@ecision arrived at by a genera)l meeting of the Board of Trade held Tuesday evening at the city hall. ‘The meeting was well attended and considerable enthusissm displayed in the project of revivifying the present Board of Trade instead of attempting at this time to organize a chamber of commerce. With this aim in view a resolution was passed authorizing the Council of the Board to organize a banquet as an initial event in conâ€" nection with a membership campaign and to increase the annual dues. A resolution was also passed providing for the holding of a regular monthly meeting of the Board and empowerâ€" ing the Council of the Board to deterâ€" mine upon a fixed day each month Itor the holding of the gemeral meetâ€" ing. Charged with passing a street car while it was discharging passengers, a local merchant in court Thursday morning pleaued extenuating circumâ€" stances in connection with his violaâ€" tion of the traffic byâ€"law. . He stated that his machine was running along side the car when the car stopped and that he did not have time to stop his automobile to conform to the law. Inâ€" stead, he shot ahead so as to clear the front door of the car before pasâ€" sengers began to get out. MAGISTRATE GIVES ADVICE TO MOTORMEN President‘s Address. ‘The meeting was opened with an address by President Davison, in which an analysis was made of the existing conditions in the city and in the Boardjof Trade, which demand that some action be taken either in connection with the organization of a chamber of commerce or the reviviâ€" fying of the Board of Trade so that Kitchener as a city may be bettered to such an extent that the Board of Trade or whatever other organization may be established in its place may not have as its main function the duty of "industry grabbing." Before dismissing the charge and giving the merchant the benefit of the doubt, Magistrate Weir explained to the conductor and motorman of the street car, who were present as witâ€" nesses, that the motorman should ‘take notice through the mirror on the front of the car of the traffic that is com:â€" ing behind. The Magisrate pointed out that should a motorman see aâ€"car in the same predicament in which the merchant in question was placed he should not open the door to discharge passengers until the motor car was safely past the street car. , G. W. V. A. WAaANT EXEMPTED MEN TO REMAIN ON FARMS The tendency of young men who secured exemption from military serâ€" vice on the excuse that they were needed for work on the farm, to drift back to the cities now that the war is over and secure employment, was the subject of discussion at the reguâ€" lar monthly meeting of the Kitchener branch of the Great War Veterans‘ Association Wednesday. As a result of the discussion a strong resolution was passed placing the Association on record as opposed to the movement and calling upon the Provincial conâ€" vention of the Great War Veterans to be held in Windsor to voice a strong protest to the Government and to demand legislation compelling the men who secured exemption for farm labor to remain on the farms and to prevent their coming into the city ;hamparing the opportunities of reâ€" turned men in their efforts to secure employment. REV. DR. SCOTT‘S SERVICES ARE APPRECIATED The members of the congregation of St. Afidrew‘s Church deeply regret the removal of their pastor, Rev. Dr. Sco‘t, whose ministry has been one of great uplift, and the church is now in a more prosperous condition than at any time in its history. Dr. Scott has completed full seven years of ministry, having come to Kitchener on May 3, 1912. During these years he has won for himself a large place in the esteem of the community and especially in his own congregation, to whom with his unâ€" usual gifts as preacher and Bible teacher he rendered a faithful servâ€" ice. The example, not only of his earâ€" nest words, but also of the consistâ€" ent and steadfast integrity of his daily life, will leave a deep and lastâ€" ’Ing impress on those with whom he came in contact. On Wednesday evening at the close of the prayer meeting, Mr. Edward Smyth, on behaif of the congregaâ€" tion, presented Dr. Scott with a well filled purse, as expressing in a small Way the deep appreciation which they feel for his service. Five returned heroes were given a rousing welcome at the G.T.R. station when they alighted from the 9.17 train last evening. A representation of the Returned Soldiers‘ Reception Commitâ€" tee and the Daughters of the Empire were on hand to received the _ boys and motor them to _ their _ homes. Those who arrived are well known to Kitchener and Waterloo _ residents. They are Pte. Bisch _ of Bridgeport. Pte. Moyer of David street, Pte. Porry Stewart, of Queen street, north, Pte. Hilliard of Waterloo and Pte. Dreger of W aterloo. ROUSING WELCOME MEN‘S PANTS 200 Pairs $2.95 These Pants were $3.50 to $3.85 regular, in a heavy tweed, sizes 32 â€" to 44, speciap .. ..... $295 Boys‘ and Girls‘® COTâ€" TON HOSE, heavy 75c quality, fast black, sizes 6 to 10 .... .... .. Ao Boys‘ Bloomers, in dark tweeds and stripes, ages 6 to 14 years, reg. $2.00 per pal® ..s sz us $139 MEN‘S FELT HATS, assortment of colors, all sizes, $2.25 to $3.50 values CORSET COVERS in a White Nainsook, embroidâ€" ery trimmed, all sizes, epecial .:. 222 0s 501: MEN‘S CASHMERE SOCKS, in black, sizes 10 11, 65c value for pr fic Night Gowns . of Nainâ€" sook, daintily . trimmed with embroidery, sizes 56 to 60, regular $2.75 for WHITE PETTICOAT§, camibric top, deep ruffie of |handsome embroidery and extra underiay, speâ€" glal at sizz: yz us $169 CHILDREN‘S _ WASH DRESSES of printed perâ€" cales, a variety of styles, ages 1 to 6 years, speâ€" clal .ss ... ozo ... Oe Every Woman should eagerly read and then participate in this MAY SALE OF UNDERGARMENTS where the strain comes, gizes 32 to 48. Smocks to match. _ _ â€"Kitchen‘s Work Shirts, made iy Waterloo, Reg. $2.00 @ Good assortment of Dinner Dishes on hand. means fit, comfort, strength and :::Wty in a en-t7styl'¢, dark sizes 14 to 17, Re:iz.oo Tor :: .: ‘1-69 Towell Rollers Pant Hangers‘ .. ... Clothes Drying Racks Carpet Whips ... ... Clothes Hooks doz. .. Toasters .... 112 so: Tea Pot Stands .. .. Sad Iron Handles ... Kitchen Knives. 15c, Egg Beaters.. 5c, 10c, WHITEWEAR Cups and Saucers dozen Kitchen Utensils Men‘s Overalls in blue and white stripe with bib sizes 32 :?..,“' Reg. $2.50 51.98 Cups only dozen 6 in. Plates, doz. 7 in. Plates, doz. 8 in Plates doz. Wire Coat Hangers 5c and les miuln Rasuins «es 106 Towell Rollers 15¢ for . POULTRY FEED AND SUPPLIES Popular Scratch Feed, contains wheat, barley, oate, corn, sunflower seeds, etc., 10 Ibs 45c, 25 lbs $1.10, 50 lbs $2.05. 100 Ibs ..... .ors ce ons sruien y encalnee aagecics §3.95 Purfna Scratch Feed, a rationed feed, contains wheat, barâ€" ley oats buckwheat, corn, kaffir corn, maise and sunâ€" flower seed. 8 1â€"3 Ib. bag 45c, 25 lb bag $1.20, 50 !bs §2.25, 100 Ibe ...::is risss coo«e conscune sause Siarss $4.50 Purina Chicken Chowder, contains alfaifa flour, linseed meal, granulated meat, wheat middlings, wheat bran, cornmenal, charcoal, 10 ibs 50c, 25 lbs $1.20, 50 lbs $2.25, Chicken Chowder, fed with Purina Chick Feed will make Glauber Saites 4 lbs.. 25c Epsom Saite 3 jbe ... 25c Linseed meal, pure, 2 Ibs baby chicks grov)v twice as fast the first six weeks. Purina Baby Chick Feed 2 The ..... ..... ..l...,0000 We sell Royal Purple Poultry Supplies and Lice Killers. Oyster Shell 10 Ibs 25c, 100 lbs ..... ..... ....... $2 Grit 10 Ibs ...... 25¢ Beef Scraps...... 3\4 lbs Bowls of all kinds, o. thime" smapy ath. DINNERW ARE ITEMS STOCK SUPPLIES $1:85 §1.75 $2.25 25¢ 15c LADIES‘ DRAWERS, a white, â€" plain knit, knee length, size 4, 75¢ value for LADIES‘ VESTS, sumâ€" mer weight, short sleeves, and sleeveless, size 4, reg. 50c value ... ... .. 30¢ Bedroom Papers, a splendid variety of stripâ€" es and floral effects, in dainty colors, values 18c to 20¢ roll ... ... .. Iht Stick Fast Dry Paste, for _ papering, greatest cold water past, known, per pack ... ....... J9c Here is an opportunity that can hardly be repeated, 1358 rolls of the season‘s prettiest Wall Papers, in the latest color effects. The wall papers that others ask 30c to 40c for, 5 day special per single rol .... ...... QBc 1,358 Rolls 30c to 40¢c Latest Style Wall Papers, special 25¢ Roll. make, in plain white, medâ€" ium weight, sizes 18 to 29, special .... .... Ggc Stout â€" Women‘s CORâ€" SETS, D & A make, heavy coutil, heavily boned with 6 hose supporters, reg. $4.00 for .... .... $9.0§ BRASSIERS, in a nice lot of coutils with lace trimmed, sizes 36 to 42, reg. 65c to 75e for .. RQQc D & A Corsets, in plain white coutil, with lace trimmed, hose supporters, sizes 19 to 30, reg. . $2.50, value .12 i2 ic, $195 Cups and Saucers dozen Cups only dozen .. $2.25 6 in. Plates doz. .. .. $2.10 7 in. Plates, doz. .. $2.60 Seeds. Cups only dozen .. $ 6 in. Plates doz. .... $ 7 in. Plates, doz. .. $ 8 in. Plates, doz. .. $ Pitchers, Platters, etc Mange! Seeds:â€" Giant yellow Intermediate 1 1b cartons .. ... 85¢ Giant White Feeding Beet 1 Ib cartops ... ... 85¢ Turnip Seeds: Canadian Gem, 1 !b packs Hall‘s Westbury, 1 ib CLOVER LEAF WARE packs. Onion Sets, 2 Ibs ... 25¢ Multiplier Onions 2 Ibs 25¢ Lawn Grass Seed Ib.. 40c Suiphur 4 lbe .... ... 25¢ Saitpetre lb ... ..... 20c Ollcake Meal, 50 Ibs $2.25 Calf Meal 25 Ibs ... $1.50 CORSETS â€" D & Commencing Thursday, May 8, Friday 9th, Satâ€" urday 10th, Tuesday 13th, ending Wed. May 14. 5 Day Bargains We have ail shades in a »etylish fabric, in a medium weight, and will give excellent wear, width 36 inch, reg. $1.69 per yard .... ...... '119 ENGLISH S$SERGES, in colore navy, cardinal, green, grey and black, finely woven, $2.00 value, per yard. @1.90 SILK POPLINS SPECIAL, REG. §$1.69 PER YD. ¢1.19 3%, lbs 25¢ 47° 1§5¢ LAD+ES‘ OvERALL APRONS, in light anc dark _ colors, . all sizes, price 2. .:« :4 854: GIRLS‘ DRESSES, in light and dark colors, ages 6 to 14 years ..... $169 PRINTS in light and dark colors, good widtn, reg. 30c to 36¢ .. ... 23c 100 yd. HAND TOWELâ€" LING, good wright and quality, special per yard SHIRTING PERCALES good width and all new patterns, worth 40c to 50c yard 35c Factory Cotton, in a nice clean, free from specks, good quality and width, regular 25c valu¢, per yard > 1T° ROCK FAST SHIRTâ€" i WHITE COTTON, in ROCK FAST SHIRTâ€" ING, in black with white stripe, reg. 45¢ to 50c per yatd sss. .ouz. zm ARBe Naval Oranges 75c doz 60c Navaj Oranges 50c doz 40c Pineapples, large size 35c Cooking Onions 5 lbs 29c Vaseline, bottle 5c and 10c WASH GOODS AND DOMESTICS Kitchen Papers, in a nice lot of patterns _ to choose from, with fancy borders, per roll .. 191/¢ Bedroom Paper, in a nice lot of patterns, speâ€" glal roll ... :.: ..... fHe 2 Tins Campbell‘s Tomato Soups 25¢ 2 to 4 P. M. Tuesday, DRESS GINGHAM, 28 inch Checks and Stripes, will wash well, special per yard For a Dollar s Wiys The Department Store KING STREET â€" PHONE 8 WATERLOO, ONT. MEATS. YouPayLess Here Let your Pocket Book be the judge. We put dollars back in your pocket book every week when you become a weekâ€"end customer of this big food store. THURSDAY AND SATURDDAY SPECIALS: Doiling Beef, per lb. .. .. Stewing Beef, per lb. ... Pot Roasts, per lb. .... Shoulder Roasts, per Ib. . Roll Roasts, per ib. ... . Pickled Herring: per doz. SOAPS AND CLEANSERS TELEPHONEâ€"NO. 8. 3 Bars Sunlight Soap. 3 Cans Old Dutch. 3 Packs Sun Ammonia. 5 Bars Comfort Soap. Wettlaufer‘s This Big Collection of well known Regular $143 Value. $125 MELROSE DRES$ GOODS, HALF WOOL, YÂ¥D. 79c. 40 inch, in a good weight, colors grey, brown, navy, cardinal, burgunâ€" dy, dark green, sand and copen, makâ€" es up nice for dresses, skirts, suits, ete., rey. §1.26 for ....â€":â€",:: .. Tok 12%%° JACQUARD STRIPED SILK, in four shades, for waists, dresses, etc, reg. §1.09 for ....0 cl ....... 3139 in a nice lot to from, all shades, price MEN‘S DARK BROWN BOOTS Special, in Engâ€" lith style, with . neotin sole, sizes 6 to 10, regular $6.75 for ... .. > Sh6§ Women‘s Vici Kid Lace or â€" Button â€" Boots, with toe cap, sizes 24 to 4, reg. $4.50 for .. .. $250 Women‘s Patent Boots, in a high lace ,plain toe, kidney heel, sizes 3 to 7, BFICE _ c2c css o rAise+ $4.50 LADIES‘ COTTON HOSE nâ€" a black, all â€"sizes, White Saxony Fiannelâ€" ette, good weight _ and quality, width 33 to 36 in., mill ends, regular 35¢ to 45¢ value ... .. ... ORc TICKING, heaviest qualâ€" ity, in blue and white stripe, 36 inch, 85¢ value, yard ..z can suuv.s ADc 36 in. width, nice weight, reg 30c value per yd GIRLS‘ STRAW Palmolive Soap 2 bars 30c and 1 cake Lavender Soap free. Talcum Powder, box 15¢, mERCER COTTON 10c Bargains in Spring Footwear. to 5Q¢ to $250 HATS, choose special 2N¢ 22¢ 22¢ 24¢ P0e¢ 25¢ 24° 19° May Sale of Silks and D CREPE DE CHINEâ€"40 inch, in and WWMMM,Myd:’:M \mumtommumm““g: Yor § days yard ... NEW SILK FAMLE â€" SILK 38 inch, excelient weight fine qua for spring coats, dresses, in aly t skirts, in brown, navy, shades taupe and green, regular $2.25 vi NATURAL SILK SHANâ€" TUNGS and Pongees, in natural color only, Reg. 8§¢ for .... ze c+++ 006 Men‘s Paramatta Rainâ€" coats, in a fawn , coler, all sizes 36 to 42, price ROLLER BLINDS, in dark green, on rollers, seconds, sizes 37 x 72 inch, regular $1.00 for .... ..... ...... GQS A nice lot of CURTAIN NETS AND SCRIMS to chooge frOM, YARO ......2 l2 66 ... ki k6 d ks ++ 25: l075c PAILETTE SILKS, in black only, extra good finish, and _ fast _ color, makes up nice for dresses Romnrkablle value for such serviceable Suits, in light and dark colors, grey and browns, single breasted, three button sack coats, trousers finished with belit loops and 5 pockets, sizes 33 to 44, regular $20.00 to $25.00 .. sm“ Suits for Young Men and Men $19.85 LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS 4 yards wide. BOYS‘ $10.00 TO $1225 SUITS FOR $9.85 In brown and grey tweede and worsteds, bloomers with beit loops, coat made with belt and buckie, ages 8 to 15 y€ATB, BPRCIAI .22 uzse e cuuns cce aor 39“ waists, etc., Seven Lillies Flour, 24 Ib S4ck â€"â€"â€"â€"~. +. $1.48 Ocean Flour 24 Ib sack vea e n e ns is o+ . $1.90 Agate Flour, all Manitoba ..wheat, 24 lb bag $1.55 Five Roses Flour 24 Ib bAQ .. 2s 12e ». $1.05 â€"â€" 2 Tins Tematoes .... . Rice 2\4 Ibs â€"fl\ Best Cornmeal 3%, lbs Rolled catmeal 4 lbs. Wheat Germ 3 lbs .. Cream of Wheat 3 Ibs Graham Flour 3 lbs . Potato Flour, pack .. Seedless Raisins pack Muscate! Raisins ib . 2 tins Best Early June Peas, 40¢ value ... ... 22. 22. ... 22. ... 20¢ Laundry Starch 3 Ibs 35¢ Corn Starch 3 pack.. 35¢ Carnation milk, (arge tin Pure Raspberry jam, botâ€" \ M€ 2.« s w mazes,. 396 Peach Jam bottle ... 25¢ Grapelade, a grape Jam. oll ... .... 25¢ and 50c Orange Marmalade ... .. Peanut Butter ib .. Maple Syrup, lggflle Armours Oleomargarine 19 .2 ces ser uns e C * 16 oz. tin Baking Powder, special i 4 Women‘s India KI‘ Busking, sizes 3 to 8, reg. §$1.00 for .... ... $135 3 for _: .. ... .0. 296 Jello Jelly Powders pk 10c Cocoa in bulk lb .... 29¢ Cocoa in !/» lb tins ... 23¢ Molasses in tine ..... 15¢ Corn Syrup 5 Ib tine 55¢ _In bulk tb ... ..... 10c Bring your container. Lily White Syrup 5 Ib tins Men‘s heavy Farm Shoe in a chrome grain, tan or black, all sizes, reg. $6.50 for .220 2.2 2. 000. ©4.85 Women‘s Southern Tig, in vici kid, sizes 3 to 8, price4.......<..$2.39 McLaren‘s Jelly Powders, Gem Lye, can ieu. $1.45 per yard 98c Misses‘ Patent Pumps, one strap, sizes 11 to 2. prige :.._is.clal. $195 bie ittle MEN‘S TWEED RAINCOAT SPECIAL, with beit, made in the latest style, greys and browns, regular $15.00 to $18.50 value for .... ..... <.}.>>> 314% value Phone.Your Orders Early. , per yd ‘i.% per yd $149 15c and 20c 35c and 55c 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ 15¢ 16c 10c fine quality, reversible in al the wanted of shades and black, $2.25 value, on salg . In colors navy, fawn, and grey paramatta, all sizes, reg. $6.50, on saie SpECIAI css use .ls 3498 Women‘s House Dresâ€" ses, in a checked print, dark color, all sizes, speâ€" glal si2oss siuees $1% a spet, in six different solore, all good shades, 36 inch, specia; per yard Women‘s â€" Silk Gloves, in grey, white / and black, double tips, extra quality, all sizes .. .... ... Ggc WHITE HABUTA S1LK excellent silk for dresses, waists, . etc., . will stand washing, yard .. ... Q§¢ Men‘s Trousers, in light and dark worsteds, good quality, all sizes, $4.50 to $5.00 .... $3.05§ wWOMEN‘S RAIN COATS SPECIAL $4.98 Clarks Tomato Soup 2 tins ry vepres ues coo P96 Campbell‘s Tomato Soup, 2 ting ... s.. .... c Belmont Pork and Beans, large tins .. 19c and 23¢ Browns Pork and Beans, l2 es 2. 106 and 15e Prunes lb ... ... ... Prunes, 20c variety, 2 Prunes, large, lb .... Apricots lb ... ... .. Fig® 1b 12« say smeors New cleaned currants Harris Brand Oleomargar ns Ib. :: so «o. c« Wl 2 in 1 Shoe Polish 2 for Shoe Polish Liquid & for »s.ss muee,. ~. Sbe Sun Ammonia, 15¢ size los we cam is e 406 Jutland Sardines 2 tins Derby Salmon, Talls Clover Leaf Salmon, Talls 1346 «x «« .. 506 Herring in tomato sauce, SIN ... i. is con. The Canned Asparagus, tin 15c REPSCORD SILK with Caustic Soda 5 Ib tins 80¢ 2 Ib tine ... .. .. 385 Chloride of Lime 10c, 20c Ammonia Powder 2 packs 220 . 222. 14¢ Knox Gelatine pack.. 25¢ Canned Pumpkin, tin 10¢ Brownie Toilet Paper _ 4 rolle 1.. css .s 2 Black Cat Tollet Paper, 3 rolls ..... . ... .. 28e Palmolive Soap Flakes ib in two and 25¢ 25c 1 ib 29c 15¢ lbe lb 25¢ Py

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