* FARE REFUNDING SALE" Ont., which Men‘s $18.00 to $20.00 Suits for $12.90. It‘s no idle talk when we tell you that you canâ€" not duplicate these values elsewhere for less than $20.00. ‘The facts are here. These suits are exâ€" tra well trimmed and thoroughty tailored and are great values, sizes 34 to 44. regular $12 90 $18.00 and $20.00, Sale Price ..... * un 0i 000 Aninno oo ; g.hl Swing Open 8 a.m. â€" whether you t-.‘ clothing noOwW 07 Mock up for the future. _ It‘s ighy good business at these prices. If you can‘tâ€"ride, walk any way to get here, The entire $30,000 stock will be slaughtered at the most drastic reductions that ever dazzled the buying public of the City of Kitchener and vicinity. It will pay you to come 100 miles to meet this great Sale. It may be hard to believe that we would sacrifice such an immense stock. But it is the gospel truth, and all we ask is a visit durix this Sale. â€" This is no fake, no substitute, but a strictly bonafide Sale and every price we quote and every quotation absolutely correct. Seeing is convincing. Come inspect, and see with your own eyes. This big price wrecking Sale of Clothing, Furnishings, and Boots and Shoes will break the record of any ever held in Kitchener. Prices are riddled, crushed and hopelessly cut down. _ You can‘t afford to stay away. Come, bring your friends. Call them on the phone toâ€"night and tell them what‘s going to happen. You will certainly do them a kindness. es o uy I BE D t 2e e ie _ Now! Right now is your opportunity to buy real bargains. Quick action will mean big savings for you. e o e t i ce in n on mm t MERINO UNDERWEAR AND COMBIN ATIONS 75¢ Merino Underwear only ... $1.00 Merino Underwear only .. $1.25 Merino Underwear only .. $2.00 ' embinations only Wnations only 4.50 Merino Combfnations oniy Extra â€" special â€" heavy @»Black Overals, reg. $3.00 you will never regret it. Italian, English, Aeri can and Domestic makes all the latest Spring shad es are herc, $2.00, $2$0 $3.00, $3.50 to $8.00. 30 Dozen Men‘s Fur, Pv&t’ Hats. regular $2.50 to $3.0 Sale Price ..... .. $1.39 THE PLACE 15 32 KING STREET SPRING CAPS. English Tweeds, Eastâ€" ern and Wolfes, in . the new Saxon shapes. Every auto owner should have one, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 to $3.50. â€" 20 Dozen Caps, all aizes, in fancy Fweeds, regular $1.25, Sale Price ..... 48¢ We have safeguarded your interest in the matâ€" ter of price and quality. We provided these goods for you many fnonths ago, not only a few but tables upon tables. There is a feast of bargains for you. Regular $1.50 Heavy Black Overalls. Preavaltle _ $1029 } regular $2.50 ..... .. $1.98 Black Stripe Overalls, regular $2.00 ... .. $1.69 Regular $1.50 Overalls ... Stiffe and Blue Striped Overalls, regular $2.50 A collection of Boys‘ Spring Suits, Golden Opportunity to save. ‘Of mixed Tweeds orings, with fullâ€"lin sizes 7 to Well tailored Suits Tweeds, with all roun buckle, sizes 7 to 18 3 â€" 1258 iVIen’s/ and Young Men‘s Correctly Tailored and Latest Style Suits To the Workingman Suits at ~$17.98 I);portunities in Our Furnishings Department New\Spring Hats Suits at $9.80 17 fullâ€"lined years to 18 years ich we bought at a rate on The Big Sale starts May 12th, at 8 a. Boys‘ New Spring Suits anenmm ie 100 t $1.98 & al t ¢ € Suit dark colâ€" s & Medium color Bloomers, _ L zm year round . we "~ x 1 lined â€" Bloomers . years. cmpnsmnaneces ( 1 . ® _ _ es t ~ J o Suif fos $ ?.’l ‘ Handsomely of fancy : t very highâ€"grade d belt and x \ and Tweeds, si L l.m'lulul»lv;lnllmtllwmll\vmmllululululu!ml:m.Iul: Smocks to match at * same prices. gular Work Socks, heavy weight| ... ... 25¢ 35e 50c worth ....... 35¢ 506 T5¢ Heavy Work Shirts. re ©3.38 at prices much below the actual value. $1.75 . 89c $1.68 $1.98 59c Men‘s $22.00 to $24.00 Suits for $17.90. Men‘s Suits in the newest single breasted mod: els. made of stunning Domestic Tweeds, in the Men‘s Suits in the newest sing‘e els, made of stunning Domestic 7 most popular patterns, colors an sizes, regular $22.00 to $21.00, Sale Price i tabecxintreiarnt® in *A Aramnreiwrar h > â€" N*A ** iA 0O ABREIVAAD : â€" J 4 r > aimaaaiieaaiaeii ie * 5t # #>/< S . ® x $ elge s "+ z’s ’3] p e C ~â€" We‘re expecting crowds, t big . - i mt K0â€"8 t * . ::yd“r: material, Be here whenâ€". 2 & â€" 5 the door swings open «s«ririemnm TIIn MAAA CTI ATUEC MAMES FROM C § s oo na ue o * * a C + "«WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COMESâ€" FROM " GREAT SHIRT SALE. very eream includes all $1.25 MEN‘sS SOCKS. and 75¢ SWEATER COATS. Men‘s $2.50 Sweater Coats Men‘s $3.00 Sweater Coats .... Boys! Sweater Coats, very spec Men‘s $6.00 Sweater Coats .... BOYS®‘ BLOOMERS SPECIALS We are selling Boys‘ Bloomers at less than most houses have to pay for them toâ€"day, and the values show it.â€" shrewed buyers are taking away two and three pairs at a time. s 25 Dozen assorted Cloths and Patterng, stand ard. $1.75 value fOP ..... .202 k. 000 k a+ en 6e Amnother big Spring Special al ..... ..... . BOYS‘ STOCKINGS. The Mothers‘ Favorite, untearable, fast Blac 1â€"1 rib Stockings, all sizes, at [.... .222 222 2. Boys‘ fast color rib Stockings, at ... ... . 35¢, Other equelly good values 200 dozen Men‘s High, Grade Shirts. representing the ry eream of Canada‘s leading manufacturers. The lot ‘ludes all the new patterns and colors. regular 89 25 and $1.50, S@le Price ..... 22222 262. 6. ++ C A very superior linc won oi c mc B0 0(010 years Soldiers Returning to Civies 10 per cent. Discount This store considers it an honor to have so many returned men come here for their civilian clothes. â€" Scores of them are familâ€" iar faces of two, three and four years ago. We welcome them back and give them the best service of our o?:aniza(ion. won ns it it se t enc t t m o t Suits at $12.60 Suits at $15 colors, suitable for all d wear. roomy, . fullâ€" ly taijored ade Serges. c sizes 7 to s1zes 4 w mm n m n and â€" weaves * $17.90 of Socks for this sale mm m it h0000 Suits of Worsted 1 yvears. to 18 io frm en nomecnin itone q s 5 pe 0@ inl. $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $3.69 $1.50 ° $3.00 all ALE 14â€" The Greatest Tenâ€"Day Sale of the late A. Weseloh Stock of 44 King St. E., Kitchener, the dollar has been moved to 32 KING STREET. m. = w Remember the place 32 King 8t. East w e o n on o t td ie e e e e e 35¢. 50c and 75¢ and $1.69 $1.29 85c 50c $1.89 j0¢ Ladios‘ Dongola _ Kid and Gunmetal Boots, . in button _ and â€" lace styles. Don‘t miss this item. Come €a rly and get two or three pairs. Never again . will you get such high class goods for so little money,. regmlar $3.50 and | $4.00, Sale Price .22..0... $1.98 Ladies‘ Patent Leather with Cloth ‘Tops, Patent Leather, _ Calf and Kid Leathers. â€" We cannot reâ€" place these at the same price. Too many lines to give full description, but Shoes in the lot worth $5.50, Sale Price ... $2.98 Ladies‘ High Grade Cut Boo our finest lines. Cartain ly a get an up-tnvda‘c Shoe ior ab regnlar $7.00, Sale Price ... ... very latest on is more than we Misses School Shoes, good ftrong leather®. solid soles and well made. Can‘t be bought for less than $2 89 $3.50, on sale fOP ..... ..222 .e k66 kc 68 en 6n * Misses‘ Patent Leather and Cioth Top Boots. all high grade goods. We can‘t duplicate them again at $3 49 the price we ask, regular $4.25, Sale Price ..... * le Gir‘s‘ Box Calf and Vici Kid Boots, made of good solid ither. the kind that will stand the wear, reguâ€" s â€" r $3.50, Sale Price ... pnsme ces sakiena +s 2'49 die«‘ very high cut Boots, in Mahogany or Black. The latest on the market. The wholesale price $5 95 ore than we ask, SalePrice ..... 000. 06++ h Ladies‘ Footwear Men‘s $25.00 Suits for $19.80â€" Men‘s Suits the same as you see priced all over at $27.00, magnificent Tweeds, made in a Young Men‘s model, sizes 34 to 42. regular $19 80 §25.00, Bale PrIiGGe ::siss s.zss ns * Men‘s $27.00 to $30.00 Suits for $23.60. Men‘s Suits in fine Tweeds and fancy Worsteds, in the new Spring patteros and colorings, two und three button imodels, beautifully tailored, perfect fitting with best twill linnigs, sizes 34 to 44, regular $27.00 to $30.00, Sale $23 60 TY & Fifty Tweed Waterproof Coats. Many Smart models, Sport Coats, Dress Coats, Street, Automobile/and Business styles, including the belt all round, Grey, Browns and Fancy Mixâ€" tures, special priced for this sale, $10.80, $12.90, $14.50 io $20.00 Men‘s heavy Texture Auto and Driving. Rainâ€" coats, the most serviceable. Raincoats, $4 95 in Canada. Regular $7.00 for .[. ..... * rICt Buys best $2.00 TROUSERS $1.98 ut Boots.â€" This includes some of in y a wonderful opportunity to ior about half price, $4 95 ® Buys best $4.50 TROUSERS $3.48 Young Men‘s $32.00 to $35.00 Suits for $27.80. ‘This line represents all that is correct and upâ€" toâ€"date from imported English and Scotch Tweeds, and fine Worsteds. These are very highâ€"class Suits and would make good sellers at $32.00 to $35.00, Sale Price ... .. $27'80 Blue Serge Suits. We specialize in absolutely pure Wool English Serge Suits, guaranteed colors with a Standard of Tailoring. that is the high mark of the best Cloth Construction. & Our Ernst Special Blue Suits are known from cuast to coast. $6,350 worth of Blue Suits, ready for you. $22.50, $27.50, $30.00 to $50.00. Lightâ€"Weight Overcoats. * t $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25:30 and $30.00. Our Spring Overcoats are designed to make \ll men young. ItU‘s the spirit of the times, clever new models and fabrics, combine to make some especially attractive Coats, which we know you will want.