>". Moâ€" Didn‘t Believe in ‘Em. o Parsonâ€"Now, Brother Jackson, $rU8t you don‘t believe in ghosts, do fib‘ falke nigh to pieces. Should &b doesu‘t bulieve in ‘em, sah. W Jackson â€" Bulieve _ in 1 Deed, I doesn‘t, sab. Ah aâ€"m ingly agin the pesky critters aâ€" ‘ around in long white dresses and / to of which a1 terags PE dn }.: ‘more t ‘mie ho u& toer em, Are is migged 9 "".""-‘ in egyz yield has beer ed@ by the use of electric or prolopging the day. The q the m‘:l!wr «ppear to be that too smaell a reservoli I.‘l.:‘ehm feed for the long A ben, to lay, must have a i8 of feed over and above that for body maintenance. particular trials, the re ;:lch a&re given below, the t turned on at dusk ani turmed off at nine o‘clock at ‘balqd’ get their first feed ) at seven o‘clock and f ‘mpraings requére lights *jt A ur.' j ; of grain given a&i !ï¬ln& t l’v?o'ch;:k in the after pd.. We have not tested these as it hope to have them under way For eléctric lighting we use ordibary ulbs for a pen of one red . birds, or one light tm & yâ€"&ve bird pen.â€"Prot. N ste, ©.~A, College, Guelph Â¥ everybody whe . + Sv«i pouliry | warts > €5p) in winter. Geuer , specking, the nuwmbe: B wally roes duwn frow to "wnéy [row. Scptember (c Â¥ ABA thenp thore is a siow bu: A untit March, Apr! # h in Optario are (h ‘ tor egy production. gey@§), and in most cas+ ' \.“ubluh Aguree in re )@ uflmcnu until the mz rl‘ in yery thoroughly tes: i6‘ this particular case, conâ€" Ig the high cost of feeds anc nergl scarcity of new laid egg®. Icl'l:’ the Agures on a rathe a but four weeks‘ durnâ€" resylts apperr to be geaâ€" trug in all pene tested and a1 prd with results obtained: elseâ€" re: are many people keeping ywho ‘have no electric lights lo‘f::-.d results have been seâ€" sléguwhere by using ord«rary lanterns. The danger of lire uslog lanterns is ieatcrially inâ€" teyjowing MA Blight Lapse. 8 full lmet night * 1 wou‘dn‘t any rhat the truth. â€" Whir 4 two pugilists are linble to be ) before they get much farther." fighting ?" ; the years prove fat or lean ow 1 here rehearse: you, “-rgn Margarine, For t;em‘ loud and boister O Leo Margarine! 4 ( e IN DANGER were writing with a lend Mi#ing things carefully as & or only a handful ot to given to twentyâ€"Ave to keep them moving Aul! feed is given at iglpek. | _ _ hnd Cure of Ringâ€" results TH 9 p.m. Egs Dopart :l’fllï¬.l mes* * Whirt was 1 do LAYING have â€"Punch. Big Fare Refund k ss J»wNCJfRrREaAcY CSX $1.50 BLACK SILK POPLIN 98c Dress Goods and Silks 150 yards Black Sitk Poplin, 36 inch wide, beautiful glossy finish, for skirts or dresses, will give good wear. Regular $1.50, on sale Special 98: 75c RAW SILK 40c 200 yards natural color Raw Silk, 33 in. wide, for skirts, children‘s dresâ€" ses, middies, etc., reg. 75c for . Af)c $1,50 RAW SILK 98c. 200 yards 36 in. Raw Silk, natural color only, in fine even weave, for ladies‘ dresses or waists, etc., good washable quality, regular $1.50 for $2.00 PAILLETTES $1.40 200 yards Black Silk Pailiette, good rich finish, wil not cut, regular $2.00, special .... ...... .... ... $140 §2.% raiLLETTE 31.89 _ 150 yards rich back Paillette, 36 in. wide, elegant finish, suitable for walsts skirts, or dresses, rich glossy black finish, reg. $2.50 for .... ... $1.80 $3.00 PAILLETTE AND DUCHESSE 200 yards of beautiful Pailiette and Duchesse Satin, 36 Inch wide, guaranâ€" teed to wear and not cut, look for the green edge, extra quality, regular $3.00 for ..::: cocss coun. w ©0.00 Special Value in Taffeta Silk $2 BLACK ALL WOOL SERGE $1.50 150 yards fine black all weol Serge 40 inch wide, suitable for ladies‘ dresâ€" ses or separate skirts, will give excelâ€" lent wear, reg. $2.00 for ...... $150 200 yards of fine black Taffeta, 36 in wide, for skirts, suits or dresses, rich black finish, regular $2.75 for this WeBKk is ice cissiorsen arsenre $219 §3.75 BLACK TAFFETA $2.75 §$3.00 COPEN ALL WOOL â€"SUITING SERGE $1.98 1 piece only Copenhagen biue Suit ing Serge, guaranteed dye, all wool, suitable for ladies‘ and children‘s coats, suits or separate skirts, Reg. $3.00 for .s«. s.zilz caass cas $1'98 1 piege only rich black Taffeta, 36 in. wide, for suits or separate skirts, a real bargain, worth $3.75 for . $275 $200 WHITE SILK CREPE DE â€" CHENE $1.50 1 piece only Ivory white Silk Crepe De Chene, 40 inch wide, guaranteed to wash, beautiful soft quality, for dresses or blouses, reg. $2 for $150 SILK POPLIN DRES§ESâ€"Made in very pretty style, colors in taupe, black, grey and navy, worth $14.50 to $16.00, for ..... cius. sixars 810.98 BUNGALOW APRONS, in blue and white, and black and white stripe, special at ....... .... ‘1.†OVERALL APRONS â€" in colored Prints, beited back, special at .. 75¢ CORSET COVERS in plain white cotton, trimmed with lace edging, GpBCHEI BL . sor.ol2cz ons raa n cn+s 35: CORSET COVERS in fiee quality of cotton, nicely trimmed, with lace and insertion, very specia price at . G§e "The Store With the Stock SILK WAISTSâ€"In white Jap Silk square neck, and tuxedo collar, speâ€" clat at 22222 222220 202..0..â€" $9.95 CREPE WAISTSâ€" In white, pink and maise, made in pretty styles, worth $6.75 for ..... ..... .. $435 This growing City of Kitchener isybecoming more and more a Big Shopp.inx Centre with stores offering great stocks of merchanâ€" dise and wares, gathered from the best manufacturing centres known in the trade. This store‘s past record of progress is the result of an abundant stock of popular goods, good value and good service, and we are again pleased to unite with the merchants of this city in a big special Sale, and in paying return fares as advertised to all those coming from a distance. This store will offer special prices in every department, and the following items are only a portion of the many chances for real money saving. Sale begins Monday, May 12th, to Saturday, 17th. Black Silk Specials THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT $140 neck, sleeveless and short siceves, trimmed with neat mercerized edg tape draw string around meck, size 36 and 38, reg. 50c for .... .. .. 3Gc Ladies‘ White Cotton Vests, . low neck, sleeveless and short sleeves, hen{stitched edge, draw étring around neck, sizes 36, 38 and 40. Reg. 65c fOr 2.... 222. 22222 llllll 220. We Harvey knit Ladies‘® white Lisle Vests, low neck, sleeveless and sh sleeves, in a variety of styles, lace) yokes, etc., worth 65c for ...... Ladies‘ Sleeveless White Summer Vests, low neck, wide shoulder straps sizes 38 to 46, reg. 50c for ...... 30« Ladies‘ White Cotton Drawers, um breiia style, jace trimmed at knee closed style anly, sizes 38 to 44, Reg. Ladies‘ fine.rib cotton Combination low neck, slegveless or short sleeves, neatly . trimmed â€" around neck | a sleeves, sizee 36 and 38, worth $1.50 Our special ..... ..0... .......}0 sl Corset Cover Embroidery in fi Nainsook and Lawn, with dainty patâ€" terns, worth 70c to 85¢c, on sale fo Y : 2s vieks Arakecos es mc -ndwc Corset Cover Embroidery in heavy tavin and assorted désigns, worth 50c special at yard .... ..... ..... 3B 18 in. Filouncing Embroidery, in heavy lawn, suitable for underskirt flounces, worth regular 50c, special a 27 in. Flouncing Embroidery, with ruffled edge, and dainty design, worth §5¢ and §$1.00 for ..... ........ 7&: 27 in. Flouncing Embroidery, in fine Nainsook with assorted patterns, suitable for baby dresses, worth 85c, speciap at yd u222. 22022 0...â€" CQ° Ladies‘ Corsets, light weight, high bust, long skirt, sizes 25 to 26, worth $1.00 YOF ....s l:sc: syzk sozl. 75e| Ladies‘ Coreets, «in good quality coutil, medium bust, graduated fron steei, splendid model for average figâ€" ure, sizes 20 to 28, Reg. $2 for 5150‘ SPECIAL â€" Nemo Corsets, good heavy â€" quality coutil, selfâ€"reducing straps, medium top and long skirt, sizes 22 to 31, Reg. $4.50 for . 3350 Children‘s Waistsâ€"Made of strong coutil, loose shoulder strap, sizes 3 tol 8 years, Reg. 40c and 50c for ... 35‘1 Ladies‘ and Gents‘ Umbrelias, asâ€" sorted handles, plain and cmkod,‘ good black cover, strong 27 in. frame, Reg. $2.00 and $2.25 for ... .. ‘175 Ladies‘ and Gents‘ Umbrelias, secâ€" onds, . raight and creok> handles, good biack iop, special .. ... $125 TIES Ladies‘ Windsor Tiee made of ‘a fine corded silk, in plain shades and colorâ€" ed floral designs, Reg. 50c each, on B&bG @BOh o ...1. 2.l.. .cs ks es w Ladies‘ White Summer Vests, low Embroidery Bargains Underwear Umbrellas Corsets SMALLWARES [anG L N 44 FR SUITSâ€"Ladies‘® and Misses‘ Suits, in navy and black Serge, made in beited styles, braid and button trimmed, worth up to $35.00, for ......... ....... $19.75 and $24.75 SUITSâ€"=In fine quality of all wool Botany Serge, made in loose box styles, also tailored and beiteg styles, trimmed with military braid and butions, worth up to $50.00, for puu ul uis seres aase sel0e. ..... $28.75, $32.50 and $35.00 COATSâ€"In navy and black ail woo!l Serge and Poplin material, made with pane! effects and beits, braid and button trimmed, special at $19.00, $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 . . .. button trimmed, spechal ®to..... ..... .... ..... kkl+k}+s COATSâ€"in all wool Tweeds and Covert Cloths, made in good nyl_«, especially suitable for motoring, also street wear, worth $21.00 to $35.00, on sale at ..... .... ..:... SATIN UNDERSKIRTSâ€"Made with pWated and fritied fleunce, colors in grey, purple, copen, tan and gold, worth §3.50 and $4.00 FOP . ... «.. s. . ccioe cemene en vann‘ns $198 NIGHT GOWNSâ€"White Cotton Gowns in slipover styles lace trimmed, special at ..... ..... ..... .......... Gge BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS*Good quality, made with deep flounce, very special at ... ... ..... ... slw WATERPROOFSâ€"In ladies‘ and misses‘ sizes, colors in tan, black and navy, worth §6.75 for ..... ..... .. “75 BRUSSCLS RUGS in good designs and colors which give good satisfaction and easily kept clean,..Special at: 69 x 9 22222 22222 2222.2... ..... $15.00, $18.00 to $28.00 9 x 106 .2......220222220......... $24.00, $26.50 to $42.00 9 x 12 .22 222 22222 22. ....... $30.00, $33.50 to $48.00 4 ONLY SILK SUITSâ€"in navy Taffeta, made in beited styles and button trimmed, worth $32.00 for ... . mw WILTON RUGS whi(ch we also stock in all sizes in the newest designs of good quality. Specials at . 46 x T6 22222 22222022220 ...... $18.00, $20.00 to $40.00 §4 X 9 ..:.. cosr:â€"zrrrsr»~~.â€"., $20.00, $20.00 to $55.00 9 x 106 22222 222220222220 ..... $45.00, $50.00 to $145.00 § x 12 ....2 22222 ... .0... ... . $60.00, $69,00 to $150.00 SPECIALS IN TAPESTRY RUGS, in good oriental and floral designs, good colors, 'l‘i?}‘ §'A/3,_._A raucenpererraugs Ladies‘ Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear \Garments LACE CURTAINSâ€" We still have a few lines of good Nottingham Fish and Cabb net which we have at ........ sxeas Graselirarzsares sasâ€"rkc. $1299, $2.00, $5.00 to $4.50 SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CURTAINS â€" We are offering a special line of scrim and marquisette Curtains which cannot be repeaied at these prices .. ........ .... MARQUISETTE AND FILLE CURTAINSâ€"These are the most up to date designs with edgings and insertions. Speci@ at ............. $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 to $12.00 LINOLEUMSâ€" We have a good stock of 2 yard and 4 yard wide Linoleums in floral and block designs, which we are offering at special prices ..... ..... 85c, $1.00, $1.25 CONGOLEUM RUGSâ€" Sanitary, clean and neat designs to suit almost any room. Speciaj ..... ..... ..... ...... §9 x 9 for .;:cs cuscy s«isir>:v.s+ $05.00, §6.50 to $0.00 T4 x 9 for .2... .... .22.. .... . ... $9.00, $9.50 to $10.00 9 x § for .:sis czil; szzzi1r; coriâ€"â€"â€"«., $10.50 to $11.00 ; B X W4K FQF .si.2 s2vris srreve «... ... $e00 to $18.50 9 x 12 for :::c.â€"ioficâ€"rozscâ€"rtzeuâ€"reu, §19.50 to $15.00 CURTAIN NETSâ€" We have a choice selection of curâ€" tain nets, suitable for any rooms, in ail nhz;lugnd gpecjgl SHADOW AND FILLE NETSâ€"These have the newest designs with neat edging, which we have at moderate prIG#B â€":.:siâ€"cc; <â€"=<â€" â€"â€"1~ â€"~â€"â€":â€" . 5be, 65¢ to $1.50 WINDOW SHADESâ€"We carry a ful range of all colors and make to order larfe shades on short notice. We also carry a fine line of stock shades at ..... ..... .... .. 100 RAG MATSâ€"Assorted sizes and colors, washable, spectal at ..... ..... 2222222 s2... ... .. 98c, $1.25, $2.00 CARPET SWEEPERSâ€" We are offering a few at specia! prices. Guaranteed Sweepers for ..... ..... ..0.0 .!.. 10 piecx of 36 in. wide CRETONNE AND CHINTZS, choice ed colors which are especially for tomforters and hamgings, for ..... ..... .2... 2222 2222 ,.4.364: SUNDOIR CLOTHS in rare blue, tan, green and brown, 50 inch wide, for overhangings, special ..... ..... ..... Carpet Department 60 ONLY MATSâ€"Rexersible heavy quality Smyrna, sod assorted colors, speciat for ..... .... ........ $298 NI $19.00, $22:50, $25.00, $30.00 to $41.00 I‘| $3.50, $4.00, $4.25, $5.00 and $6.00 $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 to $3.50 $16.50, $17.50, $18.50 to $25.00 $17.50, $19.00, $22.50 to $26.50 .... $18.00, $20.00 to $40.00 . .. $25.00, $28.00 to $55.00 ... $45.00, $50.00 to $145.00 ... $60.00, $65.00 to $150.00 efund Sale 69c, 75¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 $1.00, $1.50, $1.85 to $2.50 $5.50, $6.50 to $8.00 $9.00, $9.50 to $10.00 .... $10.50 to $11.00 .... $12.00 to $13.50 ... $13.50 to $15.00 Ladies‘ French Kid Gloves, with 2 domes, eversewn seams and embroidâ€" ered backs, in shades tan, brown, white and black, sizes 5\4 to 7!4, reg. §2.25 and $2.50 pr., on sale pr 3175 GLOVEs Ladies‘ Fine Silk Gtoves, with 2 domes, in black only, sizes 54 to 7, Reg. 75¢, $1.00 and $1.25 pr., on saie Ladies‘ double jisle thread Gloves, one dome, in white only, with seif and black emibyd. points, sizes 5/4 to 6!4, Reg. 75¢, on gale pro..... ...... 5Qc \‘Smallwares CAPS Ladies‘ Boudouir Caps, made of fine net, allover lace or silk and trimmed with narrow lace and insertions ang dainty ribbon bows and rosettes, Reg. HAIR PINS Hair Pinsâ€"125 Crimped Pins in a box, assorte@ sizes, including invisâ€" 4ble pins, on sale box ....... .... §¢ 75c and 85¢, on sale each Children‘s fine 1.1 ribbed white Lisle Hose, very good quality, sizes 4, 4%2, 5, 5%4, 6 and 6!/,, Reg. 40c 90c Children‘s fine 1â€"1 ribbed Cotton Hose, colors black and white, all sizes, 5, 5%/, 6, 6V/2, T, 7%/2, 8, 8%2, 9,"9%2 and 10, -pe:lal 35c. mc and “c Children‘s 1â€"1 ribbed Hose, union quality, pink and blue silk toe and heel, sizes 4, 4%4, 5, 5%2, 6 and 6%4, Reg. 35c and 40c for .... ...... JQ¢ Ladies‘ fine Lisle Hose, colors black and white, double heel and sole, 8!%, 9, 9!/; and 10, Reg. 40c for .. ... %c , Ladies‘ fine black Lisle ‘Hose, Penâ€" man‘s sec., deep garter top, double heel and sole, sizes 9 and 9%,, Reg. §0¢ for 2.... .2ll. 22. c0}}... BGc ° Ladies‘ black Cotton Hose, white wool and balbriggan soles, deep garâ€" ter top, sizes 8%,, 9 and 9%,, Reg. 400 fdr .... c2ll. s22 2200 ... 9ge Ladies‘ fine Silk Lisle: Hose, O. S. garter top, ‘double heel and sole, sizes 84, 9 and 9%,, Reg. 50c for 3Qc Ladies‘ bladk Lisle Hose, O. S. garter top, good quality,‘sizes 8!/, and 9, Reg. 406 Tor .:;: csrss cocls mc Ladlel’vhuvy LCotton Hose, black only, good wearing quality, all sizes, 8%/,, 9, 9/z and 10, Reg. 35c and 40c, Ladies‘ fine black Cashmere Hose, good weight, all sizes, 8%, 9, 9%, gnd 10, regular 50c for ... ..... ... 3G5° Ladies‘ fine Silk Boot Hose, O. S. lisle top, double heel and sole, sizes 9, 9%, and 10, colore black and white, Rep.‘TBc for ..... .scar. conkss 59c Ladies‘ Fibre Silk Boot Hose, lisle garter top, colors black and white, all sizes 8,, 9, 94 and 10, Reg. 50c #6Â¥ 2..... l.l... l.l. 22. .. Bge Ladies‘ Silk Boot Hose, lisle garter top, double heel and sole, colors black and white, all sizes 8%,, 9, 9%, and 10, Reg. 75c for .. .. is hoaren â€" or 85c WHITE VOILE 69e 1 Piece only, fine White English Voile for Summer Dresses, Waists, Children‘s wear, etc., 44 in. wide, reâ€" gular 850, Sale Price ... ... ... Age Hosiery STAPLES. Corner King and Foundry S is Kitchener ~â€"61â€"63 King St. West® Kitchener ; 75¢ WHITE FANCY VOILE 49c. _ One piece only White Voile with wide Divinity stripe for Dresses, 85e WHITE FANCY STRIPE VOILE Sale Price On'-"'ploco only White Fancy. Stripe Volle, fine Mercerized finish, good quality, 39 in. wide, regular 85¢, Sale Price FANCY COLORRED SUMMER VOILâ€" E8. 7 Pieces Fancy colored Summer Voiles for Dresses, Waists, etc., 40 to 42 in. wide, Regular 75c, 85¢ and $1.00, Sale Price wHITE â€" SKIRTING AND MIDDY CLOTH. 2 Pieces only White Canvas Weave Skirting, also used for Middies, Childâ€" ren‘s wear, etc., 36 in. wide, regular 45¢, Sale Pric# ..... ..0e. >n> +c# 23¢ 45c \A‘HITE NAINSOOK 35c. & Pieces of fine White Nainsook, soft qual‘yt:. ho dressing, Mercerized finish, 40 Inches wide, regular 45, Sale Prige ....s sxsuslczire oo« 2ire 35:: 40c PILLOW SLIPS 25c. 5 Dozen only medium quality Pitlow Slips, fine finish, hemmed ends, 40, 42 and 44 in., regular 40c, Sale Price 25: EXc, and 60c KIMONO CREPES 38c. Serpentine Crepes for Summer Kiâ€" monas and Saques, ail new colorings and designs, best quality Crepe, reguâ€" lar 50c and 60c, Sate Price ..... 38: UNBLEACHED FACTORY COTTON. 5 Pieces of Unbleached Cotton, soft finish, good wearing quality, 34 in. wide, regular 23¢, Sale Price .... 18° UNBLEACHED FACTORY coTToN. REG 286 FOR 23c. 5 Pieces only, fine quality Factory Cotton, soft finish, no dressing, 34 in. wide, regular 28¢, Sale Price ... 230 40 IN. UNBLEACHED CcOTTON 286 10 Pieces extra heavy quality Unâ€" bleached Cotton, no dressing, soft finâ€" ish, 40 in. wide, can be used for Sheetâ€" ing, regular 35c, Sale Price ..... 28: 50c TOWELS 35c. B Dozen Crepe Weave Towels, good heavy â€" wearing quality, size, 18x36, fancy border, hemmed ends, regular §0c, Sale Price ..... ... <>> +n9 35: 30c WHITE HUCK TOWELS 22e. 17 Dozen fine White Huck Towels, fancy border and hemstitched, sizes 17V/2x32, regular 30c, Sale Price . 220 50c WHITE VOILE FOR 35c. One piece only White Voile, good strong thread, Sheer Weave, 40 in. wide, regular 50c, Sale Price .. . 35e 75c CHECK VOILE FOR 55c. 1 Piece only White Check Voile, fine quality and finish, new for Summer wear, 16 in. wide, regular 75c, Sale PriG@ ..2.. 220 s6 k6 n 663 + +9 561: 40c WHITE LAWN 30c. 3 Pieces good quality White Lawn, fine finish, will give the best of wear, for Dresses, Waists, Aprons, Childâ€" ren‘s wear, etc., 40 in. wide, regular 40c, Sale Price ..... ..... â€"..â€"â€" IQ° 50c AND 65c COLORED VOILES FOR 39c. 4 Pieces fancy colored Summer Vollâ€" es, new for Summer wear, in Pink, Helio, Green, etc., regular 50c and 65¢, Sale Price ..... â€"..ss sous. «.. tne 2 Pieces of Fancy Sport Skirting, in Fawn, ground with fancy stripes, also in White ground with Pink stripes, 35 in. wide, regular 656 and 75c, Sale Prige ..... ..... .2... ..... ... $ge FANCY SPORT SKIRTING. STAPLES coTTON.