"._â€" _ i The Tea with a Quarter _ ce UflflvauedAlfubl:cm‘ LW T alwase s2 2 00 00 2 C OO PCR Sgo and I always say that this medicine cured me. 1 have also given it to my family fo: colds and |t cured them in a very uork t We must bave had aho : dozen b&- of the ‘Golden M~‘ a| Discoyâ€" ery,‘*â€"MBs. Exocu Mr: .s£L, Bor 120. StntADLUTA,. SASK.â€""I bave taken Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery for liver tronble, and found it excellent, and would not be without it. I suffered from â€eatlon of the liver about six years ago I alwars shy that this cuaat 4 °200 ME You can procure a trial package by sending 10 cents to Dr. Pierce‘s Invalids® Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. ' Take it as directed and it will search Iofl impure and poisonous matter throughout the system and eliminate it through the natural channels. . You are pale, thin, weakâ€"with little YWitality. Your liver is sluggish and the bad blood causes your stomach muscles to lose their elasticity and become flabâ€" by and weakâ€"then indigestion. Poctor Pierce‘s Golden Medical Disâ€" covery, made from wild roots and barks, and free from @icohol or narcotics, is :tbe great and powerful blood purifier of toâ€"day. Ingredients printed on wrapper. This tonic, in liquid or tablet form, is just what you need to give you vim, vigor and vitality. P B2 Comal ped As be yelled: "Mush, you devils! Mush: The dogs spring into the breast bands. and the sled jerked abruptly whend. They were bis animals Han won‘s prize team of Uitdson bays nng Bmoke had selccted them for the tirst stage, which included the ten miles o Mono, the beavy going of the entoft across the flat at the moutlh mt the Arst ten miles of the Yuken streich \ "How many nre abhead ?" he asked | "You shut up un‘ sive your wind." {Shorty answered. "Hi. you bretes {bMt ber up! Tit her up:* | He was running behind the sled tow ifag on a short rope. The fres ht heen ideft In the rear. and they were tearing ithrough i wall of blacknes~ us fust ns ‘the dogs could spring Into 1t AFTER INFLUENZAâ€" WINTER COLDSâ€" t Byuthe red flare te could see the snow torn up and trampled. ind from the way his partner breathed he knew a battle had been fought. He auuczer ed to the sled, and In the moment te was filling on it Shorty‘s wlup snup "Come on, you Smoke! Come on, yon Bmoke!" be could hear Shorty calling anziously. £ Smoke could see the green Intern of Von Schrocder and, just hbelow it. the red fare that marked his own teain Two men were guardinz Vou Schroe der‘s dogs, with short clubs Interposed between them and the trail. ! Leaping down the bank beyond the glutted passage, le gained the hard footipg of the sled trail ind unde bet ter time. Hore. in pracked harbors, be side ‘the noarrow trail. sleds rnd men waited for ruoners thit were still be hind. From the rear come the whine and rush of dogs, nnd Smoke had hare ly time to leap sside into the doep sbow. A sled tore past, and be made out the man kuceling and shouting madly. Searceiy was It by when it stopped with c crish of battle. ‘The excited dogs of n harbored sled. resoent fng the passing animais. had got out of hand and spriung upon them gan overtaking men for whom the mile run bad been too much In the creek itself bedinw had broken loose A dozen sleds were piled up and over turned. and neariy a hundred dogs were locked in combat. Among theim men struggled, tenring the tangled ani als apart or beating them apart with clubs. Down to the fourth corner he trip ped midway and in the toug. spro whng fall Yost his remaining stake. For fve winutes he groped in the diarkness be fore he found it, and all the time the panting runnvers were passing him "‘mla the last corner to the croek he :t.q-u...wm-.ium Lo maaa en ie B on e oi cce ces 6cs w n Whea buying Tea, insist on SMOKE BELLEW rouken ®treich ead ?" hi sked siutve yout wind, "Hi. you bretes «BAD BLOOD had become all ce ie c e l ngrets on t m e lt t u9 By Jack London | Over the jam and out on to the ‘amooth Smoke tore along, calling loudâ€" {y: "Billy! Bittyt" | Billy beard und answered, and by the light of the many fires on the ice Smoke saw a sied swing in from the |side and come abreast. Its dogs were fresh and overhauled his. As the sleds awerved toward each other he leaped across, and Billy promptly rolled off. "Where‘s Big Olaf?" Smoke cried. une of his own dog« wrenched a shoul der, was unable to keep up and was dravczed In the harness. As he ent the Injured stmimat out be heard the whin Ing cries of dogs behind him and the voice of a tian that was familat lt |_He lay on the saled at full length, \face down, boldin:: on with both hands. 'Whencver the dogs slacked from topâ€" ; most speed be rose to his knees and, \ yelling and urging, clinging precariousâ€" ly with one hand, threw bis whip into them.â€" Poor team that it was, he passâ€" | ed two sleds before White river was ‘reached. Here at the freezeup a jJam had piled a bartier, allowing the open water that formed for half a mile beâ€" low to freeze smoothly. ‘This smooth atretch enabled the racers to make flyâ€" ,Ing exchanges of sleds, and down all , the course they had placed their relays ;below the jams. Among the jams of the next sbort reâ€" lny into Sitty Mile he passed two more terms. A\nd that be wight know ade quately what had bappened to them In the jams of that relay, where the way led across a chaos of upended ice cakes and where Smoke slipped »off the forward end of the sled and with a haul rope toiled behind the whee} dog, he passed three sleds. "Leading!" Billy‘s voice nn;;e:ed, and Smoke was again Aying through the wall of blacknesa. _ "I counted eleven," the man called after him,. for he was already awny behind the leaping dogs. Fifteen miles they were to carry him on the next stage, which would fetch him to the mouth of White river. There were nine of them, but they composed his wenkest team. The twentyâ€"five miles between White rtiver and Sixty Mile he bad broken into two stages because of ice jJames, and here two of his heaviest, toughest teams were station: d. "How many abernt as he dropped his ti and sprang on to th the first relay station yelling bis parting encouragement. one eye blackened and closed. knuckles bruised and broken, and one arm, ripâ€" ped ond fang torn. gushing forth a steady stream of blood. _ And through the darkness the dogs sped with unabated strength down Mono creck, across the long cutoff and to the Yukon. Here. at the junce tion with the main river trail, some body bad lighted a fire, and here Shorty said goodby. By the light of the fire, as the sled leaped behind the fiying dogs, Smoke caught another of the unforgettable pictures of the northlawd. 1t was of Shorty, swaying and sinking down limply in the snow, yelling bhis parting encoutrazement. one " CHAPTER Xxi1. "Hil You! Mush on! Chook! Chook!" MOKE felt the sicd bee! np on one runver as it rounded &n in ‘ visible curve, and from abead f came the snarls of beasts and the oaths of men. This was known afterward as the Barnesâ€"Slocum Jaio It was the tenms of these two men which first collided, and into it at full career piled Smoke‘s seven big fighters Bcarcely more than semiâ€"domesticated woives, the excitement of that night on Mono creek bad sent every dog fight ing mad. Frowm behind sled after sled huried into the turmoll. Men who had their terms nearly extricated were overwbelmed by fresh avalanches of dogs~each animal weil fed. well rest ed and ripe for battle. Dooonootm & (To be contiaued.) of a Conturiï¬ol en a en e ui M n t e abend?" Smoke asked his tired Hudson bays to the waiting sled at abead ?" root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suffers mu,"fl.‘.'i"'"’“‘ ulceration, displacemen lch“ Irregularities or ‘‘ the m not rest until she has given it a trl& g;lhfor vchl advice write m ham Medicine Co., Lyna, Vegetable Compound cured me so I did not need the operation, and I am talll# all my friends about it.‘"‘â€"Mrs. A. W. Bmizz®r, Black River Falls, Wis. Mre. », Saved me from an operation, ll cannot sa m@l¢ in praise off'. l‘lu crbelffh::da | m? organic troubles UiaARRI] my side hurt me se s I could har‘ ; be ng m# from m ed, and e was unable to do my [esMA) bousework. I bad F WE v>4W*| the best doctors in MAE U Sa| EauCiaire 2nd they ho WW,GCTL.] wanted me to have We T§R 0) an operation, but By taking Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound, One dï¬ouundc of SuchCases, THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION "Why, Brown, you look ill. What‘s the mattor?* . "Nothing much. Losing _ weight. that‘s all. Lost a hundred and thirty pounds of flesh in one day." "Iimpossihlet "Quite true, I assure you. My wife eloped with a man from across _ the road." Offawa. May o on W. L. Macâ€" kenzie King. formerly Minister of Laâ€" bor in the Laurier Government, _ and who has since been devoting himself to a study of labor conditions _ in the United States and Canada, feaves toâ€" morrow for England, where ho will make a study of the Whitley â€" fepart, and the working of the British Indus: trial Commissions. { IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Serond Juniorâ€"Annetta Berges 88. Manford Schlitt 82, Leo Pantler 80, Marvin Smith 75, Manue) Frey 70; Ada Hunsberger 70, Hannah Sauder 68, Karl Stickney 65, Joseph Sully 65, Cameron Stark 65, Harold Henrich 81, Elton Miller 58. Norman Good 55. Raymond Schlitt 50, Rosa Sully 46, Emma Schlitt 41. HON. W. Third Juniorâ€"Nelda Good T5, Ruby Snider 70, Mabel Steiner 69, Erma Meller 65, Earl Oberholtzer 65, Melâ€" vin Schlitt 64, Rarl Schiefele 64. Second â€" Seniorâ€"Noah Sauder 70, Cecil Clemmer 69, Isaiah Brubacher 60, David Frey 55. Third Seniorâ€"Cordella Berges 79, Jean Snider 71, Laura Detwiler 69, Marjorie Snider 67, Gordon Henrich 63, Ethel Brubacher 63, Harold Eby 489 1 Everyone is brightening up for Mother‘s Day next Sunday. Servâ€" ices in ‘Bt. James‘ at 2:30 p. m.; in Calvary at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., and Y. P. B. M. in the Meunonite Temâ€" ple at 8:45 p. m. School Report for April. ‘ Fourth Classâ€"Walter, 76 per cent.; Florence _ Oberhoitzer _ 71, Arman Gaod 54. ‘ Student Bechier of the Waterloo Seminary was present at the Saturâ€" dey evening presentation and assist: od in the services in St. James‘, on Sunday. Misses Verda and Ruby Thie} of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end here with their grandmother. ener . KING TO ENGLAND. Lost Flesh. and What‘y What, The following qirectors were elect ed:â€"Mrs. E. D. Helst, _ Mrs. D. W. Houston, Mrs. J. Kaufman, Mrs. E. D. Lang. Misa Ina Moore, Mrs. (Rev.) W C. Roese, Mrs: Blankstein, Mra. P. Y. Smiley and Mrs. Pollock. _ An interesting and gratifying feaâ€" ture of the annual meeting of _ the Young Women‘s Christian Association at the rooms on Monday was the burning of the mortgage which was placed on the building to defray â€" the balance of the cost of its _ erection some years ago. Mrs. R. D. Lang reâ€" viewed the financial affaira of the Asâ€" soviation since it was established, afâ€" ter which Mrs. R. S. Porteous, Treas nrer. applied. the match which _ set the mortgage document ablaze. While the paper was hurning those present arose to their feet and sang the doxolâ€" OKy._ Brief addresses were delivered by Messts. J. B. Kirby â€" and _ Geo. Schlee, two of the Trustees, who con gratulated the ladies npon their sncâ€" pesaful management of the affairs of‘ the Association. TW.5.A. M[IH'I'EAB[!’ WAS DESTROYED \ on the sick list Mr. Wesley Hallman spent Sunday under the parental roof. Died.â€"On Tuesday, April 28th. Mrs Samuel Kaster after a short illiness, aged 43 years, 8 imonths. 7 days. She leaves to mourn her _ loss two sons, Norman and Herbert, bestdes a large cirele of friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cressman. of New Hamburg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. N', Bergey ‘on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bergey, _ Mr. and Mrs. G. Bergey and Miss Lydia Berâ€" gey inotored to Eimira Saturday last, where they attended the funeral ef the Jate Mrs. Noah Martin. d Quite a number of young people gathered at the home of Mr. John B. Lorentz when they celebrated Mr. Clayton Knarr‘s bitthday. An enjoyâ€" able few hours was spent in music and dgncing. News Items.â€"Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Abram Shant: at Kitchener on Sunâ€" Mr. George Ellert who has _ underâ€" gone an operation in the K.â€"G. Hospiâ€" tal is getting along incely and hopes io be home soon. Celebrated Birthday. Miss Antonia Stocser is engaged to work for Mr. Peter Dietrich _ for the suminer months. P Mr. Eugene Steffler has engaged to work for Mrs. Joseph Dorscht for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Hénry Woeber of Wat erloo, Mr. Jack Lotis of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Joha Wagâ€" ner. . Pte. Nickolas Diptrich of Carling Heights spent a few days visiting his relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold pf Formosa. Mr. Louis Backelor of Hawkesville visited at the home of _ Mr. Joseph Karges in Josephsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Josepn Stefler moved from their farm to St. Agatha where they live retired. Mr. Joseph Steffâ€" ler bought the farm from his _ father 41 years ago, and it has now been sold to his son, Mr. Anno _ Steffier. The homestead has been in possesâ€" sion of the Steffler family for over a hundred years. 7 ay Moved to St. Agatha. \\'wâ€"{ding bells will soon be ringing 5Ue. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 256. Atall dealers or Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottaws. Miss ANNIE WARD. ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘ is fresh fruit juices, eoncentrated and increased jn strength, combined with finest tonics, and is a positive and®eliable remedy for Headaches and Constipation. After I had taken several boxes, I was completely relieved of these kroubles and have been unugually well ever singe." 112 Hazen St., St. Johny, N.B, "It is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit L received from the use of your medicine, ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘. I was a great sufferer for many years from Nervous Head. aches and Constipation. I tried everything, consulted doetors; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘. JOSEPHSBURG. MANNHEIM. Ereesone is the sensational di ot a Cinsinnati geniug, _ 3t is wonderful, Amm. of Freesone costs but & few at any drug store, but is suflâ€" tient to remove every hard corn, soft eorn, or corn between the toas, and the ealluses, without soremess or irritation. Freesone is the sensational discovery Two women were fatally scalded and another seriously injured when ? mangle exploded at a laundry in L en n Vancouver Present wet weather _ conditions prevailing at the time of writing wil put a stop to seeding for a few days which is later than _ last year, but the farmers will have a lot of un â€" finished work to do at the cheese facâ€" tory during the wet spell, and which is making rapid _ headway | towards completion. Miss Clara and Alma Wagnor and Mr. Philip and Oscar Wagner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. August Kelterbourne in Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammer of Linwood and Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Hamâ€" mer visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Hammer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Keepfer from Tavis tock spent Saturday with Mrs. Jno. F Licht1. Mr. Theadore and _ Geo. Lautenâ€" schlager, Miss Agnes Lautenschlager Miss Edith Wagner from Petersburs, Mr. and Mrs. Hal. Z. Wagner, Mr. Ed. win Wagner, Mr. Charles Hollinger and son Arthur from Kitchener were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Z. Wagner Items of Interest. Mrs. (Rev.) Carl Ziegler is visiting The late M\ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. YuriBblut at| Wissed by he Auburn. both old and Bergâ€"Hammer Nuptials. young, with y Mr. Fred Berg was last Wednesday great {favorite married to Miss Frieda Hammond,|, !Nterment daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ham.| M2Y 4th, at | mer, one of Wellesley‘s most popular| PO"N® Cemete young ladies. i conducted by atha. Grandimother Heldman ir at present staying with ber daughter, Mrs. Dr. L Doering at Mildmay. Apply few drops then lift sore, | touchy corns off with fingers Mrs, Henry Lantz visited her caugh ter. Mrs. Henry Krachling at St. Ag Nx Mr. A. R. G. S'miltix,"'i‘r;;t-lrahicer. paid our village an official visit > last week. Mr. Ernie Bush who spent â€" a few veeks at the home of Mrs. Hoffman has left for his home in London. Mr. Geo. Gole who had made _ his home in this village with Mr. â€" and Mrs. J. K. Schmidt the past _ winter, has left for ine. itario where _ he has secured a good position in Roth and Zehr‘s saw mill. Local and Personal. Left For New Orieans. Lieut. _ and _ Mrs. _ Mahan â€" and baby returned to her home in West Virginia after spending a couple _ of weeks with her sister, . Mrs. A. H. Terrill. Messrs. John Reidel (Reeve) and Levi Lichty, County Road Master of Wellesley Township, were view ing the roads in this vicinity during _ the past week. They need repairs very badly. The fourteen month‘s old baby of Clayton Lockhardt died on Monday morping, April 28th, 1919, after a short illness and was burled _ on Wednesday morning. Inspected Roads. Mrs. Hooker returned to her home in Brantford after visiting . a tew weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fintz. Death of infant Chiid. Mr. Frank Schummer was a busiâ€" imess visitor in Elmira on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Fred. Heimbuch _ moved _ his houseboid effects from Kitchener last Monday and expects to _ make â€" his home here. Mrs. Roy Biggs of Milverton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Strick er. Mrs. W. Collins and daughter "Billy" are visiting friends in Kitchâ€" ener. .‘ Mr. and Mrs. Burnett attended the funeral of Mrs. Letson at West Montâ€" Mr. Jno. Krug of Tavistock was a business visitor in town on Wednesâ€" Local News Notes. LIFT OFF CORNS! BERLET‘S CORNERS. PHILIPSBURG. INTERESTING NEWS NOTES LiINWOOD. * Ottawa, May :6.â€"Reports tabled in the Commons toâ€"day by Ideut. Col. Machin, director of the Military Serâ€" vice Branch, indicates _that 113,461 Thahk God for thy mother‘s fove, Guard the priceless boon; For the bitter, parting hbour Cometh all too soon When thy graceful tenderness Loses power to save, Earth will hoid no dearer spot Than thy mother‘s grave. M. 8. A. RECRUITED 113461 MEN oUT OF 179,933 AVAILABLE Ne‘er forget her tireless watch Kept by day and night, Taking from her step the grace, From her eves the light; Cherish wel} her faithful heart, Which through weary years, Echoed with its sympaty All thy smiles and tears. R. D. and E. IX Lang, Kitchener; }sprny of swort peas, Miss Maggie and Ben Moyer; spray of carnations, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Roberts and family; spray of roses, Mr. and Mrs. J. Simon and family; spray of snap dragons, Mr. and Mrs. J. Heintzman and famâ€" ily; spray of Richmond roses, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hfummel and family. THY MOTHER Lead thy mother tenderly Down life‘s step decline; Once her arm was thy support, Now she leans on thine. See upon her loving face Those deep lines of care? Think! it was her toil for thee Left that record there. Basket of Easter lilies and white roses, from the family; pillow of sweet peas and carnations, Mrs. Jas. Murdoch and mother of Kitchener; spray of ophelia roses, Mr. D. C. Chatmers and sisters, Toronto; large spray of roses, Mr. A. Murdoch and family of Toronto; spray of carnaâ€" tions, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKay, Stratâ€" ford; large spray of of Easter lilies, Grand River Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. Kitchener; spray of roses, St Omer Preceptory, Galt; spray of carnations, Mocha Temple, London; spray of carâ€" nations and sweet peas, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shepherd; spray of carnations, Mr. and Mrs. John Drager, Kitchener; spray _ of white roses, Mrs. G. H. Bowiby,. Kitchener; spray of carnaâ€" tions, Mr and Mrs. E. E. Bowman, Kitchener: spray of carnations, Wm. Metcalfe & (o., Kitchener; spray of carnations and sweet peas, Messrs. _ HMer husband predeceased her 18 years ago, also one son and two daughters previous to that. Those left to mourn her loss are Donald, Mary and Abbic, at home; Asaph, in Detroit; David, in Toronto; also two sisters, Miss Mary J. M., at home, and Miss Murdoch of Kitchener. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their beâ€" reavement, shown by the many beauâ€" tiful floral tributes, including the folâ€" lowing: The devotion of the family to thier mother in her 34 years of invalidism has made a lasting impression on all their friends. Interment took place on Sunday, May 4th, at 2 p. m.. at the Winterâ€" borne Cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. A. M. Hamilâ€" ton of Guelph, formerly of Winterâ€" borne, who paid an impressive and solemn tribute to the memory of the deceased, and made many touching references to the unselfish, sympaâ€" thetic and Christian character of the deceased. __We are sorry to report the demise of Christina McKay, relict of the late Mr. B. B. Bemis, .of the village of Bloomingdale, on May ist, who had been a highly respected citizen of this community for many years, at the age of 88 years 3 months and 9 days. â€"She was borh in Inverrcss shire, Scotland, coming to the Uniâ€" ted States with her parents when only two years of age; later, when a young woman, coming to this community, where she had lived mostly ever since. The late Mrs. Bemis will be greatly missed by her large circle of friends both old and young, especially the young, with whom she was always a The funeral of Mr. Melvin Snyder. who was accidentaily killed while at work at the Dominion Tire factory, and his infant son, who died the folâ€" lowing day, was held at the Mennonâ€" ite Church here last Tuesday and was very largely attended. The service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Sperâ€" ling. assisted by Rev. Mr. Plant and Rev. Mr. Martin. Many sqrrowing friends aitended the funeral from far and near and paid their last trlbute‘ of respect to the departed. Death of Mrs. B. B. Bemis. | Mr. and Mrs. Noah Detweiler of Breslau visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Scheidet on Sunday. Laid at Rest. Mrs. David Kock, Sr., Conestogo, is spending a week with her son, Mr. Menno Kock. Miss Maggie Moyer and Miss Luâ€" cinde Buehler took a business trip to Bt. Jacob‘s last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Heckadorn and Master Earl of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Kock of Winterbourne and Mr. Eivin Kock and Miss Hilda Kock of Conestogo ail Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Kock. Miss Ellen Stroh was the guest of her sister at Kitchener last week. Mrs. Alvin Bowman and little daughter of Alanson, Mich., and Miss lntlgl Buchier of St. Jacob‘s, spent last Tuesday with their isster, Miss Lucinda Buebler. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Shaffer and Miss Laurs Beli Turell Sundayed with relatives at Preston last Sum day. _ Mr. Harold Pannabecker of Torouto| _ Barristers, Solicito: spent a few days iast week, the guests| CORveyancer, etc. of the Moyers, at Pleasant View. Office, Moison‘s Bank Mr. and Mrs. Lione! Washburn oft 100. ' hitchener spent the weekâ€"end with bompmmpremmentettraduss o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bedford, Sr. CLEMENT & ¢ MILLAR, S!MS & BJ off Harvey J. élu. L. L1 k. Bray, B. A., Barristers, Not , is| Office upstairs Rtonomici Mr.] King St. West, Kitchener, bona fide soldiers were furnisBi the M. S. A. out of 179.933 madg :nhlv by the Act. _ Some of th mainder were not called up, am ers exensed by tribunals, whhe reported _ yolun{arily before _ classes were‘called upon. M 27,000 disobeyed the registrare to report. The numhber out of: hundred so disobeying was a% by provinces: Quebec 40, 17, British Columbia 10, Sa wan 10, New Brunswick 9, Alberta 5, Manitoba 4, and P Col. Machin, who is himself & Canadian, refers to Québec‘s ‘ ma "a most regrettable state q fairs." f THE EMPLOYER‘S ASSOCIAY OF WATERLOO coum! ‘ FREE LABOR BUREAU .. ‘ 59 King St. West, Kitc We have vacancies for men men in all lines of work. If yq out of employment communicate us at once. No charge for r@® tion or services rendered. & Civil Engineer and Ontario Surveyor, 130 Lancaster St. Ea chener. Telepnone 341.W. 4 J. A. HILLIARD, Dentist, L.D.S., Royall W tal Surgeons, D.D.S., Toronto sity. All branches of dentistr tised. Office over Lang Bros. Kitchener, Ont. Graduate Chicago Oo!lesu tal Surgeons and Royal Dental Surgeons of Toronto. _ Office in new Molsons Bank B Water)â€"o. D ntistry practiced its branches. A. L. BITZER, B. A. (Successor to Conrad BR 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Nots# etc. Money to loan. U&q Office~â€" Pequegnat Block, ‘‘ Market, Frederick St., KitcBi mmsrerernrnmmnoom n nens on tov e npoonmenngetaitanl D. 8. BOWLBY, B.A., L. Barrister, Solicitor, 'Nmz and Conveyancer _ Office Bank Building. _ Telephone Kitcherer, Ont. : D. G. McINTO$H, llq Notary, Conveyaucer, otc., St. East, Kitchener. Phone Cor King and Foundry Sts., § E. P. CLEMENT,‘K,\ THE MERCANT Head Office, Wate Subscribed Capital ...8%! Depoait ‘with the Deminâ€" ton Gererament ...$108¢, All policies" guaranteéd the Lancaghite 'xmam papy with As ol $39 FIRE INSUR COMPANY King St. Hast, Specialtyâ€" _ _ Ava Diseases of the Kar, Nose and Throat. / C. A. sOEHM, DIST. Af Wateriou, Ont. Phema Oddfellows Block,‘ Wi Ailen Theatre, Kitcher Phone 344w. Residence DR. §. ECKEL, L.O.8¢ 104 Weber Chambers, CHIROPRACT A. HOLM, D. HERBERT JOHNSTON. Business Cards. INCORPORATED 1 CLEMENT & Conveyancers, Private Funds to I DR. F. G. HUGHES, Dentist. 1 JAMES €.