~M TheSensation of ‘19 46 Bargain opportunity. Stopâ€"Thinkâ€"Consider Do you grasp the imâ€" port of this announceâ€" ment in plain English? It means Bechtel Bros. entire stock of Waterâ€" loo, plus Ball & Co.‘s big Stqck from Toronto, is Ball & Co. say, Right Judgment can only be arrived at through expeérâ€" ience you know nothing of the adâ€" vantages we offer unless you are a patron of our sale. on sale right at your very doors, and through the power of shattered prices we mean to comâ€" pel your attendance during this great Introâ€" duction Sale. A Woman‘s Hat may make her look young or old; a becoming hat takes years from her appearrance. We beâ€" lieve we can please you and the hardâ€" er you are to satisfy the sooner you should come here. â€" Call and view our beautiful collection. Hats trimmed to suit your taste. Some extra specials during Introâ€" ductory Saleâ€"Beautifully and exquiâ€" sitely designed Hats in the latest New York styles in Trimmed Hats, all the Rage, you cannot afford to lr::iss ;l:llg great saving in |l>‘rice. reguâ€" ry up to $8.00 each, Sale Prite ::..= as:=s z:. $3’98 Another line of Beautifully Trimâ€" med Hats, regular price $5.00 each, Sale Price ... $2‘49 Come every dayâ€"â€"Bigâ€" ger and better Bargains will await you. Extra Salespeople to take care of Big Crowds. Sale opens FRIDAY MORNING AT 9 o‘clock MAY 2nd. . Sale ends SATURDAY MAY 17th. not nesliitate w DUujy $000u0 10, TIORLHND 1W LOTEWVe , Now we want to personally urge you to come to this great INTRODUCTION â€"SALE. We want you to come on our personal invitation and guarantee of absolut; satisfaction. â€" We want you to come so that we may prove to you that we can save big money for you on all purchases you have to make. Make out your list 0 wants to cover our entire stock; bring it with you and you will find that two dollars will do the work of three. You will find that we can save you one third and more on the very goods you want at this Sale. & ies No person within reach of this town can afford to miss this great Sale, for it offers wonderful savings on every day needs. Read the partial price story given below, bearing in mind that it representsâ€"but a fraction of the values offered, and come to this store the very first day with the expectation of receiving greater values for your money than ever before. . ' ie «> >= x WE ARE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT HALF THIS STOCK QUICKLY. You have heard of people who let a dollar held in front of their eyes obscure the sun, haven‘t you?â€"We are not that stingyâ€"in fact, right now we are the very reverse of it, because a dollar in cash obscures to our eyes all thought of profit. _ The reason for this sale is plainâ€"We want to convert half of this stock into cash. â€" We‘d rather have the money at a loss than to hold the goods. If we could take you through the store and point out the Bargains, heaps and stacks of them, we know that you w«::)lg be convinced. â€" If we could go into detail in this poster, and show you item for item just how much money we can save for youâ€"you would / not hesitate to buy goods for months to come. t L 5 chacfad i . na o L ov onl warr snn mes itc ues ey 4 D e e ® 000# 0# 00200000 2___.22224..a af ahkhanliuta s Untrimmed Shapes, we will close out at just Half of the Regular Price. TO THE PUBLIC Don‘t be surprised to see many a man and wife, including the whole family, walk out of he pickâ€"upâ€"a good buyâ€"a sale that gives the high cost of living a rude jolt. It is a sale no individu: of a rising market values of this Rind won‘t last any longer than ige cream cones at a kid‘s picnic. here every day. â€" While our stock is large some lines are sure to be exhausted early _:_md the.ï¬.rs . Don‘t be surprised to see many a man and wife, including the whole family, walk out of here with a bundle under both arms. â€"It is an investmentâ€" a clean pickâ€"upâ€"a good buyâ€"a sale that gives the high cost of living a rude jolt. It is a sale no individualcan let pass without doing harm to his purse, because in the face of a rising market values of this Rind won‘t last any longer than ige cream cones at a kid‘s picnic. Let nothing keep you away. Be here when the doors openâ€"Be here every day. _ While our stock is large some lines are sure to be exhausted early and the first buyers will get these particular bargain plums. Come early to the sale, it will pay you. Make no mistakeâ€"Remenfar the place and date, meet all your friends here. There will be regular Circus Day crowds at this store. NOW ITS UP TO YOU GOOD PEOPLE to be at the door Friday morning, 2nd day of May, when the clock strikes 9. e i&Ar# AlAllL. A AQGAPLAARA / . * a In referring to our Introductory Sale we also wish to make the announcement that our mode of doing business will be strictly cash and one price, which is l the most modern and up to date way of doing business. We know from past experience that the cash buyer does not want to pay for the losses that occur from ; bad debts by the credit system, and as we will hawone of these and no expensive credit system and office expense we can sell at lower prices, which you will apâ€" 8 preciate. .â€" aagd ¢ ; . 4 We feel convinced that you will appreciate our way of doing business on strictly cash basis. _ We cordially invite you to come in and look around whether you buy or otherwise. _ Yours very truly, THE STRICTIY*CASH ‘STORE. BALL & CO i We pay cash or trade for Butter and Eggs at best market prices. L â€" ® in the BARGAIN AISLES Our Prices Talk. MILLINERY DEPT. MEET US FACE TO FACE P 1 LO E. Eie ons & BATL &CC MARK THE DATE, FRIDAY MAY 2nd, DON‘T MISS THE PLACE INTRODUCTION S Successors to We positively guarantee every article purchased at this store is just exactly. as advertised or your money refunded without a whimper. _ We are here tostay. Our avenue to success is dependent on how we treat the public. . anenee | [Read Ball &:Co.‘s Ironâ€"Clad Guarantee ductory sale 35¢, or 3 pr. for Asked Ball a& Co.(i whe answered up to $3.50 per yd, and they promptly cut the price to . $1'98 Extra Special Ladies‘ Fashioned Cotton Hose, Black, White and Tan, Regâ€" price 50¢ to 60c, introâ€" $1 06 glllalcll L2b nRA L2 0 l2 fas & Specials in Grocery Dept. 250 tim fOM ..... .202 6.6e. k. 6 2 ... .. 206 Maple Leaf brand Standard Peas, tin.. 12c Challenge brand prepared Carnstarch, reg. Redpath‘s Gralnular:ed Suoar‘. |1oo Ib. bag, introductory sale ce, cia Sunkist seediess Muscat Raisins, per pk 16c Sunkist Seeded Raisins per pkge ...... 14¢ Clarke‘s Pork and Beans, reg. 25¢ tin for 20c Aylmer Tomatoes per tim ..... .... ... 15¢ Maple Leaf brand Niagara tomatoes, reg. 15¢, introductory sale price .... .... 10c SOAPS SPECIAL â€" The: following wel! known brands, Surprise, Comfort, Gold, Lifebuoy, Ivory, Fels Naptha, Fairy, 3 bars or cakes for ..... ..... ....... 25c RICE SPECIALâ€"introductory sale price 10c per ib, regular 15c per ib. combined amounts to $40,000 of up to date merchandise. _ All forced under the hammer for What Are These Wool Dress Goods Worth? of High Class Staple, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishings, Millinery, Wall Papers, Groceries, etc. Ever Known in the History of Waterioo BECHTEL BROS. and BALL & CO. STOCK Prices will jar the entire community. We say it â€" we mean it â€" The proof is here. Ball &. Co. will inaugurate the most Wonderful, Striking, Startling and Astonishing \& BECHTEL BROS., Waterloo,.Ont. BALL‘& CO. 15 DAYS ONLY Choice 98c. BE ON THE MINUTE | _ Be Sure and Visit This Sale. Extra Salespeople 1 to Wait on You. EXTRA TO THE FIRST 40 CUSTOMERS PURCHASING $1.00 OR MORE To customers within a radius of 25 miles purâ€" chasing $25 or over. R. R. FARE PAID @ To Stimulate Interest in this Event We Will Sell OPENING DAÂ¥AY 1 omoulttmee «ND + a. -:v“-â€"~ -o-â€"â€"â€"*- ‘Ladies‘ Fall and Winter Coats will * also be sacrificed in many cases to price to clear. We‘re the King Pins, claim Ball & Co., and it really seems so when you can buy clothing at prices like these. Boys‘ all Wool, Black and Navy Serges, all Wool and Wool mixed, fancy Tweeds, in knee pants and bloomers, single or double breasted, with or without belt, sizes 29 $8 48 to 30, reg. $9.50 to $18, for ® Balance of Men‘s Winter and Fall Overcoats, to be sacrificed from 25 to 50 per cent. Be sure and see them. Special Men‘s Heavy Boots, just the thing for farm and heavy work, sizes 10â€"11 only : , Reg. $2.50 to $3.00 ..... .. $198 Reg. $4.00 to $6.00 ..... .. $2.98 WHEN IT ‘COMES _ TO ~~~ CLOTHING ~â€"~~ w4 A L E of Torc "If Sterling Values Can It, We‘ll Keep You Bi in the Furnishing De While they last we will sell, and Bail & . Co. always keep their word. _ Everything.; listed here is a genuine bargain, only po#, sible at our Introduction Sale, and now for the interesting details. Men‘s Cambric Shirts, Reg. g oA 75¢, and $1.00, Sale Price ... .. 59:“\ Men‘s Black Fur Felt Hats Reg. $2.50 to $3.50, Sale Price$1°98 Men‘s Shirts, latest patterns, Reg. .‘ $1.50 to $2.00, Sale Price .. $l 39.. Leather Label Overalls, Black aml‘_ Blueâ€"striped, Reg value : Blocstriped Re: valte $2.20} COLLARS! COLLARS! COLLARS!; 2 for 25b¢; 9 for $1.00 & Men‘s Soft Hats, all shades $l 98§ Reg. $2.50 to $5, Sale price, hiuth g Men‘s double thread, French yoke, Balbriggan Undershirts and Drawers, faced with good quality Sateen, Reg. price up to $1.00, introductory Sale PrICE :«:se s:sz. oan ++> 6gc Men‘s Cambric Shirts, Reg. f 75¢, and $1.00, Sale Price ... .. 59:‘ in ;ye.nnsrï¬laafE'F:‘l: Ezllt- 2?}151098 stupendous money say _ing Sale of high grade General â€" Merchandise ’ ever known in theâ€"en tire history of Waterloo 80 the People l Know L In order to prope Waterloo and ing country, introduce the Ball words. Come, see wi your own two eyes; the you can‘t doubt t truth of it. :. It will buy same as cash. Space Forbids Our Quoting but a Few Prices. ‘ ENTIRE STOCK AT ‘ SIMILAR REDUCTIONS _ & Facts and figures Friday, May 2nd 9 O‘clock A. M. Promptly at 9 A. M. BRING YOUR PRODUCE Rain or Shine.