‘} ** Mr. Eugene Huerckoth was called & to Preston last Saturlay on account E @f the death of his rmouzer, who passâ€" ed away at an advazcel age. . The . Mizeral took piace on Tuesday. E'*'*m- ~Danfel Benader of_This town has + purchased the 100 acre farm of _ Mr. ~Wim. Schildroth in North Easthope, gnd will take possession at once. Mr. hilroth will either sell or rent his § acres in South Easthope. E‘ Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kropf â€" of , visited friends here this weok. ; & Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Becker returnâ€" â€" ed home last Friday from their trip to \!.he South, where they spent scveral weéks at St. Petershurg, â€" Florida. They also spent a few days with Dr. . and Mrs, Wahl, at Savannah, Georgia, i) on their‘trip home, which they made * by motor car as far as Philadelphia % from where they hurried home to atâ€" i‘ tend the funeral of, Mrs. Becker‘s ‘y brother, the late Mr. E. H.. Laschinâ€" > ger, of Torounto. ton‘s two fine parks are to be ‘nto the best possible shape this summer, so that . they will same beautiful appearance in days gone by. Work has . alâ€" commenced at Speed park and result of Caretaker Sager‘s lanor quite visible. This athletic . park situated along the River Spced, it one of the ideal parks _ of eounty a Collision. an aory ‘ local automobilist came â€" to grief Hamilton Sunday afternoon He Jeaving the city with his . party When near the outskirts of _ the ity a car came out of a swle . street ahd struck him head on. Both . cars were badly smashed but no one was injured. Another car was despatched from Preston to bring the _ party home. Pte. Eby Returns. Pte. Alton Eby returnéd on Friday k‘ht. He landed at Halifax some three weeks ago but w#&s not allowed to proceed to his home here because il wounds received in France were 11 bothering him. On his _ arrival &t Halifax he was taken to the Miliâ€" hospital where he had to underâ€" g"treatmem and was only allowed to proceed to his home last week. On Wednesday he will leave for London Military Hospital where he will un: g@ergo an operation. _ Pte. Eby was Wounded in both arms and both legs with shrapnel. qs J. A. Vance will _ leave next week for Peterborough where she inâ€" tends to stay for a â€" t:me with her daughter Mrs. F. H. Johason Rev. J. C. Morlock of Rodney, called on his friends in town on Tnesday. Mrs. R. J. Gall and family of Brantâ€" ford, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. P. C. Diehel. The Reeve and Council appointed a committee to arrange a public welâ€" come to the folowing local soldiers, and others who may arrive within the next ten days or so: Privates Alfred Thomas, Arthur Thomas, Wim. Erb, Alverson Ricder, Arthur Brawn, Robâ€" ert Semple. and Wm. Semple Each will be presented by the corporation Debt. !ï¬â€"u Vour} meeting of. Bt. ‘s church was held in the school i om Monday evening. The recâ€" m-e“ that the church . was E of debt and the matter of mg it comsecrated could be _ conâ€" red. For the past few months tion had increased . and m‘ School accommodation almost insdequate to meet . the irements. _ The Easter offering unted to $740.00. (Continued from page 1.) tinued from Page 1.) NEW HAMBURG PRESTON. News Gathered by a Large Staff of wide awake Correspondents. with the usual ten dollar> gold â€"plece and a warm welcome given by the reeve and other prominent citizens. | Pte. Arthur Thomas arrived home at | noon on Tuesday and was met at the station by a large number of friends and three hearty cheers were given him. Privates George Eichler m Lorne Thomas are said to be on way home. Mr. Henry Heimbecher who was laid up through illness for sexeral weeks is able to be around again. Rev. W. 0. Hehn has returned from the conference which was _ held . at Tavistock. He is stationed again in New Hamburg circuit for the . fifth ns Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grundember atâ€" tended the funeral of his stepmother, the late Mrs. Simon Grundenberger, at Sebringville on Wednesday. Mr. Moses Eidt and family â€" have moved to town into the house he reeâ€" ently purchased from Mrs. Jas. Vanceé. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weicker left on Monday for the West _ and _ will shortly take up â€" their residence in Vancouver, B.C. _ Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shantz and son Wilfrid of Ayr, visited the latter‘s mother, Mrs. Aaron Shantz, Huron _ Mr. Mahlon Ruby left this week for Chicago, IIL, where he _ intends to spend some time with his brother, On _ Monday, _ April _ 28th, Jacob Ernsi, will open up his optical . and repair department to the public. All work fully guarantsed. Rev. W. 0. Ruby Mrs. Ben. Eby and sons Earl and Nelson of Bartinville, spént the holiâ€" days with relatives in town. . They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Steer. New Hamburg Market Reports. 22 Spring wheat, $2.12; fall wheat, $2.â€" 17; oats, .75¢; barley, $1.00; corn, $1.â€" T5; family flour, $5.60; middlings, per ton, $39.00; bran perton, $33.00; butâ€" ter, per Ib., 58c? eggs per dozen. .44c. lard per tb. .35¢.; hay per ton, $15.00; To Drive Fire Team potatoes, per bag, $1.25 The Fire and Light Committee at a recent meeting engaged _ Mr. Lloyd Beckman to drive the fire team. . He! will sleep in the hall and will â€" at all’ times be ready to answer alarm calls. j He will receive $18.00 per week. ‘ Tablet to Fallen Hero. L I A very handsome bronze tablet was crected early this month in St. James ‘‘"hurch to the memory of Philip O. Gothorp, who died in _ Belgium of wounds received at Paschendaele . in 1917. The tablet was the gift of the Gothorp family. Wounded and Gassed. Pte. Harry Schultz _ has returned from overseas and on | Friday _ was shaking hands with his many friends. He enlisted with "C" company of the 111th Battalion and had . been overâ€" seas 2%4 vears. He was wounded and gassed but now appears to be in the best of condition. He is a nephew of Postmaster C. M. Schultz. Headed Delegation. Warden D. N. Panabaker representâ€" ed Hespeler on a deputation from the county which waited on the Ministry of Highways to ask that a number of voads in the county be created Coun: ty Provinciat Highways. The Minia ter listened favorably to _ the arugâ€" ments put forth and the deputation expects that these roads will be made Provincial highways Died on Thursday. The death oceurred | Thursday | afâ€" ternoon of Lena Howlett, in ber 25th year. Deceased had been ill for some months. She was of a veryâ€"pleasant disposition and had many friends in the town, who will join . with the family in mourning their loss. At the time she was taken ill last November Miss Howlett was in the employ _ of the Purvis grocery. In religion she was a Baptist and was an earnest HESPELER. Merchants Will Refund Fares to Outâ€"ofâ€"Town Shoppers Big Stocks of Spring and Summer Merchandise Representirg Exceptional,Values Watch for Detailed Announceâ€" ments of Merchants in Next Issue Shop in _ Kitchener Mon. May 12th to Sat. May 17th T H church worker. She was also a memâ€" huolt.lol.Y.P..&udmlcnuln- terest in this work mss & w. such a warm reception given to the men who have done so mugh for their country and brought honor to . the goad pld towp. The heroes that _ reâ€" turned home were: Sergt. W. H. Harâ€" vey, Sergt. James McMaster, Pte. F. G. Pickard, Pte. Jack Watson, Pte. R. T. J. Thompson, M.M., Pte. R. K. Eagle; Pte. B. Morris and Pte. M. C. Beckman. Turnerâ€"Lardner. News Notes. A pretty but quiet house _ wedding took place at the home of _ Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Lardner, when their wecond youngest daughter, Daisy, was united in theholy bends of matrimony to Mr. Fred Turner of Ayr. The bride look: ed charming in her dress of _ white silk. Miss Rose Sargeant of Galt was bridesmaid, while the bride‘s brother was best man. Rev. Mr. Hind of the Baptist church officiated. At Mennonite Church. On Sunday at the Mennonite church the gongregation voted _ to _ change their hour of services to take effect immediately â€" until November 1st. Hereafter the Sabbath school will be held in the morning at 10 o‘clock and the regular service at 11 a.m., and 7.30â€"p.im. The Thursday night prayer meeting was changed to Wednesday and the young people‘s service . will be on Friday evenings. Attended Church. â€" The 1O0.0.F. lodge. 75 strong, parâ€" aded from their lodge rooms to . the Methodist Church _ Sunday â€" night. This marked the anniversary of . the Oddfellows. 4 Our public school teachers are all back from the Easter bolidays, which were much enjoyed. 8 A western blizzard passéd over our district lest Friday, but the snow ‘qulckl_\' di.snp_peared again. A Sad ‘Death: â€" On Saturday aftermoon, April 19th, there passed away Helena, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ottman at the age of 14 years and 9 months. Service was conducted at the . house last Wednesday ahd interment was made in the Lutheran cemetery. Many sorrowing friends attended the funcral from far and near, and paid their last tribute of respect to the deceased. | The Chronicleâ€"Telegraph joina with a host of friends extending | heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents and family in the untimely loss of their beloved daughter. â€" Mrs. C. F. Ottman is at present spending‘a short time with friends in Hanover. s 8 s Our county road® through this disâ€" trict are in a deplorable condition and something must be done in the near future. Rev. Mr. Battenberg is spending a few days at New Hamburg attending the Pastora) Conferences. # _ Next Saturday afternoon the houseâ€", hold effects of the late Jaeob Treusch , will be sold by public avetion. _ The Easter programme of the Liuthâ€" eran Sabbath school was rendered last Sunday evenin«. . Mr. .lm-ui} Ottman of Hanover spent a week here amongst frie and relatives. # : /#4 wWELLESLEY. |NAIl DURING WEEEK DOCU ME chased the 50 acre tarm from Solomon Bast, east of Toppink, and taok posâ€" Purchased Farm. * purchased the Mirs. Wagner house Regl estate is moving quite Wyely 4n Lisbon this spring, t::l::olu many properties Mr. Herman: Bnï¬l( and um-t’ Mve. Wettlaufer,â€"are moving into the home :gmrnorly occupied by Mr. George Neuâ€" Messrs. Witliam. . Becker ab& _5 Kneisél attghded the Zimmerman on Wedneg@ay. 0 . 0> ©. > > Messrs. Walter â€"Cook and â€" JobS® Hoh! bought a couple of fine Je cows at the Zimmerman . sale east of Bamberg. Good prices were realized for the live stock by Auctionâ€" eer E. J. Shantz. _ Mr. Fred Knoisel and famfHy spent Good Fridgy under the parental roof.. _ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neumeister and William Becker spent Sunday evening at Mr. Con. Kneisel‘s, _ ° on t _â€"Mr. Geotge: Foerster of Wateriaq aspent the week . with relatives and friends here. S LE Bd Ahabsadiieisn add Mr. George Foerster spent Good Friâ€" éay in Lisbon. _ . has been obliged to vgcgto. as . the bouse has been soid to MF. Wegenast oo o essmes inconn oo 2s Cal (Alam _ Mr. Herman Ruthiz whe moved into | Mr. Wagner‘s house three weeks azo, ‘ r')-(â€rv. â€"lelluni Foerster of St. Clem: ents called on bis sister, Mrs, Fred Kueisel on Menday evening. _ _ â€glr" Fred Kneisel had a scoreing bee on Wednesday. 2s ~ c Mr. Cop, . Kneise! attended the Frank Normmah saie on Mondiy. _ Mr. David Cook attended the Kitchâ€". ener market on Saturday. _ Mr. end Mrs. Fred â€"~Kneise! apent SBunday with Mr. and Mrs. David A VALUABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BABY GBome of the. farmers around here have started seeding, but the snow atorm delayed it for a couple of days. Raby‘s ()wn Tablets are a vuluti)le medicina for all little ones, . They are a mild but 'thomu;{! laxative which never fail to r. gulate the bowâ€" ols and stomh@oh; drive out constipaâ€" tion and indigestion; break up colds apd simple fevers; banish colie â€" and wérms an@ ikike teething easy. Conâ€" cerning them Mrs. S. P. Moulton, St. Stephen. N(B.. writes:~â€" "I have used Baby‘s Own. Tablets for _A long time 407 _ 4 IOHIB._ZUEC wtantly and find thén: a most effective. and valuable madicine. I would not _ be without thein." The Tablets are sold by medicipg}dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bodx Trom The Dr. Williams®* Medicthils Goj Brockville, Ont. PAOUUS Sece n eet Seand c lapsed witheheart failure . through . eX: citement wg}e‘ watching a wrestling toatch â€" at POttawa, dying aimost inâ€" When your nerves are all on edge, pnd sleep seems out of the question takeâ€" at bedtimeâ€"one or two [C%. A+ T Harry Sevigny, 18 years old, col« hnd m ECEX _._..S% ane. ~L T at Eoo t >%C* 5. P "Sfl a Amube and Mess e * t in it thharihe ware hmd 4 Neumeister has pUYâ€" 118B0N, , _ Mr..C. H. Beckman has secured the . : services of Mr. Ed. Cruise of Galt, an ‘ expgeriencéd _ mechanic:and returned ‘ soldjer, who will attend to all the reâ€" pair work, vilcanizing, etc., at the Beckman garage. |. :,; 1 , V. &. Chureh Entertainment. _ , il A" very successful â€" enteftainment wan 7 held .jn :the~ United: Brethren Church on Tuesday evening, April‘ 22nd,. under the auspices of the W.| M. A. The church was prettily decâ€"| orated with ferns and flowers . and I was filled to its utmost capmcity. The ‘ following program was renderéd: i | Hymo,â€" prayer and Scripfare.. _ !~ ,| Kaster Bells ................. _ Chofr| Recitation.>.. ..... .. Marian Hilborn Whisper Song........Group of Ginls Retitation........... .NelHie Bowman ; | Recitation.............. Minota Main| Maotion song, "Here and There".. ; $2 S.irrrarssrsvcrrrece.f ... OUhildren ; Readingâ€""The Nulectox Bible". . i to 0c clll.ll......Miss Idella Spaetzel| guest of Mr. and*Mrs.. ""hut." and "Mrs." dacob ‘Speptant "Rind| q ooo â€"â€"ram es p. â€W h heah fuaal Pad|* tm s aat Mr. and Mrs. Wm,. Spaetsel on Sym | HAWKEBVILL E. _ The â€" infant gengtter 6(5 4y j s ;hmcnm Spastte! is 'g: seriodeâ€" Mr. Clayton Toman .?cth wogkâ€" end in Kitchener m:-c n\.:hgr relatives. Mr. A. W. Hilborn of Galt was visâ€" itine in the villageslast week. ~~s @ _Mr. and Mrs. Gigeon Saltzberry of Kitchener were visitinx Mr. apd Mys. J oun Sellatorry over ue weskend.. _ Mr. and Mrs. Capeweli ",ï¬â€œâ€˜m ter> and dirs. ‘JohnsoiH were visiting Miss Wegenast on Sunâ€" day. â€" C â€" _ Capt. L. L. Stauffer spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Bock. Mr. â€"and Mrs @ordonâ€" Bergey have returned from Detrolt . * 7 Mesars. A. C. Haliman,~E. B. Aalt+ man and Herb Bergey were business visitors to Toronto on Monday. . Miss Emma Weber was the guest of.Mr. and Mrs. Rueffer in Baden over the weekâ€"end. * .Mr. and Mrs. Daniels of Burford and Mr. Current of Kitchener were visiting Rev. and Mrs. Backus on Sunday. â€" 0 sif ts 3 â€" Miss Laura Sbeppard Nas returned after spending the Easter vacation with ber parents in Kitchener. | K â€" Mre. J. gnndl.la of Hangver has reâ€" turned ~home "after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Irvin Lautenschlager.. _______,__ _ _ Mr. and Mrs.â€" Melvin ‘Bowman of Ridgewood were the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hallman on Sunday. Miss Otto and Miss Roth of Hays: ville attended the special meeting of the Wormen‘s Institute in this village on Wednesday last. & 2 _ Many New Dundee people attended the. Automobile Show in Kitchener lastâ€" week. : 0_ Ba _ Miss Lillie Lautenschlager and Mr Irvin. Lautenschlager motored to Kit:â€" chener .on . Mopday. _ {s Lavericeeneess . NHBB Idelia Spaetzel Songâ€""Oh! Waken, Purple Croâ€" sus"................. By Children Recitationâ€"‘*"‘That Promise Means Me".............. Elera Hallman Recitation ........ Clarence fHallman Address â€""Crucifixion and Resurâ€" rection," illustrated by sketch .. 2....1.......... Rev. Shepherdson Golden Glorles Break...........Choir Readingâ€""The Preached Down at Coles"....:s:ssrcss...D. IALWINCT Remarks............... . Rev. Backus Praise God from Whom All Bless: Ing FIOW ..:scsszrccrrpres.ce« ‘The collection for the evening amounted to $16.50, which goes to the mission .cause. Funeral of Mr. Jacob Schweitzer. A respected resident passed away Dialogue Cehknrada® Anril 17. at 6: * s2EDMIOND EDT IUZIC: on Thursday, April 17. at 6:30 ecloc® : Mr.. Simon Freidmann _ returned. in the evening in the person of Mr. \ Jacob Sweitzer, one of the oldest and ‘ home on Monday evening from Kitch. most â€" respected residents of Roseâ€" ener where he worked through lhn‘ bank. near Néew Dundee. He sucâ€" winter. He intends staying at home cumbed to an attack of pnegumonia of| this summer. only four days‘ duration. Prior to| Miss Winnie Stricker of Stratford, this, for over two_years, he gdm ;J!‘I;fll the Easter holidays at her home with valvular disease of the : @: 4: , . Deceased was born. in .Switzerland Quite a few from here attended the and came to this. countfy when a.dance in Mibark on Tuésday evenâ€" young man, reaching th¢ advanced ; ing. ' \ age of 75 years and 10 months. He: Mrs. Brown and children returned. leaves to mourn his k;? a widow and ;to Toronto on Saturday after spending :gse 'gl-c\;‘lh‘t'::: h:‘m hmer::. -'?::;::n n;w weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Mcâ€" 5 from {Rachren. ‘ residence to the Rosebank Church.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Martinson of Wallenâ€" Wore. tbty eonducted $y BinkoP Ma (ateit: fpent Sonday with Mss‘ Nellle + ; C9% ; Schnurr. :::k l(f’::‘re':’:x 'AV“I.?:"‘:‘“‘_‘:MR‘?‘:;: Mr. Oakley of Brussels, returned friends were present to pay !i_helr lu-t;?&f’.‘.:: spent Sunday with Mn Car: respects to the deceased.: The com:â€" c , | Mr. Wm. Carnochan spent Sunday ?e‘::ln'vyodflft:;‘:l‘y“' co.ndolonceu to the‘whh Mr. and Mrs. Allen McLaughlin ~ near Tralee. n.'l"dhc“;: ml;l.l'yd i Te thel Miss Gertrhde:‘nodnll of Kitchenâ€" e ew ndee branch 0/ er. spent Sund®@y afternoon with Red Cross bociety have adopted "Iriondu in town. little five yearâ€"old I'-‘repc_tz boy, HeDIi | Confirmation Services. ?oe(;:n‘pe;arbt“;:(rmf’h::eo?o?:'l& K(S:n““"’, (7onfl;ma0‘:on was held in the Luthâ€" > tribUâ€"{eran church on Sunday. April: 27th. “°“t° ftolr"d' ?':dm;"t .nc:- will bf_ There was a very large attendance. :"‘ 0;’"_: r:("e 'M Y T 5‘:"‘:& Messrs. Oscar and Robert Lutz of r:&‘r'-y ies egy"f. ock. vaPAide ter | Elmira. spent a few days with their retary announces that, singe the Red | mamy friends in this vicinity. Crogs Society was o‘r"nn.:iéd in this ‘ ;, Mur),w(;h:':o; H;:'c spent a few hours village in January, 1916,.$612 has bee? | y." gny s y Nur t MX raised. 1,284 yards of goods have been / . 3U" gunney oveping in meton. cut and made into h~spital ouwlm,l":‘“ unday evening in town. 82 pai t ks knitted, 7 quilts iss Nellle Hayes spent a few days 282 pairs of socks ted, 99118 ) wirh friend w. made and sent to Canalian hospitals ; * a in Waterloo, and 17 CGhristmas boxes sent to the’A Correction. boys averseas. s_hu:o_:lgn} iry _o{‘t!sf! 1 _ h} '.v:-t week‘s issue it was reported v_:t'(,‘:;ifria--ï¬xiéetzel. Nellie Hilborn Songâ€""Sweet Easter Time"..... year i.z;â€"t{ffu of clothing ~~d shoes and 107 garments have bee:. cent to (Coptinued on Page 10.) c...... The Girls Clarence Hallman .D. Litwiller Rev. Backus t .. |andâ€"Morrls CarsOm, BOLOT®L 1. ATHLA® ‘Chofr | ener Simday gorning. ‘ Iborn We are glad to report that Mr. Jos. Ginls Steiver is improving rapidly and is wman| abse to be out again. ! Mir. Russel Shaw of Auburn, former stationâ€" agent ‘bere, apent Sunday in town. > ® i Messts. Russbl Shaw. Laval Hayes | and: I‘(:?{-rj‘;‘Carw,t{A. motored. to Kitchâ€" uu'l'iw-‘u.hmm- the home of Wm. 8. Roth, near , ville last week. + ;Mrs. (Rev.); T. Hicks and daughter Dorts and Nora.are spending a fow. days with friends in London and #t, Mr. Ernest Cookâ€"is confined to his ‘wg present nursing an injured Migs Clara Kelsey.is visiting at her }mwmm.uw days. 1k i. on Her o belscervitin * Kitchener last week. Miss ~Bessic. Nahrging bas . returnâ€" ed home after‘visiting friends in Kitâ€" cheneor., Quite a number of, people from this village attended "The Unpardonable Sin" at New Hamburg last Friday and Saturday. evenings. _ position with the Sugar Beet Co., <of The shortage of labour is very acute around here at present. And~ those who are willing to work demand . a large compensation. It is hoped . by all that this scareity will be relieved in the near future as‘the spring work has been somewhat delayed by the cold wet weather which was _ experâ€" lenced the latter part of last week. 4 Mr. Wm. Carnochan spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Allen McLaughlin near Tralee.. Miss Gertrude Woodall of Kitchenâ€" ier. spent â€" Sund®@y afternoon with friends in town. | Confirmation Services. , _ Confirmation was held in the Luthâ€" {eran church on Sunday, April; 27th. _There was a very large attendance. Mrs. John Waiton is confined to her bed. due to after effects of the "flu." Her many friepds wish her an â€" early recovery. _ _ Mr.‘ Andrew Laurie and son Lee of Ayr spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Som:â€" erville. , â€" â€" . o _.Master Graham and Reggie Lack: ner spent Easter Sunday. with their mother, Mrs. H. J. Lackner. . _ | In last week‘s issue it was reported that Mr. Herman Wismer was arrestâ€" ed. The writer later ascertained that |thc report was unfounded, and is pleasâ€" ed to make this correction. Mr. Roy Cook, an _ employee _ of Baird‘s Dairy Farm spent Sunday at his home bere. wMr. Robert Laurie visited here ovâ€" er Bunday. _ s es The Misses Mary and Lorna Lackâ€" ner spent Easter holls;y- at Waterlo0, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon C. Hallman. . Interesting News Notes. Miss Minnie Lenhardt spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Mr. Arthur Saunders spent Sunday gt his home in Wellesley. ' _ Miss Maylie Polliock of Drayton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mré. C. W. C. Parsill. a 0 _ . Mr. Rov Gobl] left on Mond~v mornâ€" ing for Winnipeg where he will again resume his dutics in the Royal Bank pt Canada. Since he received his disâ€" charee from the R. A. F. about two months ago, he remained under the parental roof. M W 1002 PEIE! Cnse j u4 dn lsnd Mr. Clayton Dechert, C.P.R. relief ngent. spent a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Charlés Moser of Hess, on. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Schummer. Messrs. Ross Boyd and Donaid Macâ€" Mr. H. Matthews returned from his home in Lindsay on Monday and will again take charge as teacher of the Separate school here. Mr.. Simon Freidmann _ returned home on Monday evening from Kitchâ€" ener where he worked through the winter. He intends staying at home this summer. w Wees Wiud ca+ ed home on Thursday after spending and inz Marevs MaeKat Linwoop.‘ chu umlmol;l o% Cobourg af® 1 ho Lake 2 p _ _;___ Elmira L.O.E. PRA _ .sole: | _ Elmira, April 28.â€"On M 240 & ‘Elmira L.O.L. are holding‘a Welcbmes pipded belind bim*/ skull.‘ â€" Regargless. of £ passed through, both ;look fiks 280 are‘glad to be homiB. . s > \. ‘s$.>./"° t 609 Â¥ y Cikeg PyUF hy Hog Priges High. | > * . %;% ;~ The Floradalé C‘b was paying $21.50 for boge, +. *J‘ Je S upscesful Entertainmient2® | tht 2. The Y. P. A. of ‘th Lutheran‘© CKurch _ bel tainment Thurldti‘ 6 church basement, Thb; to its full capacity ’a turned @way. The y6uU credit . c;":i'«:'méï¬h‘ audience with theif reig hk s soa oo m repad. im tranches.. ‘Wa aro very &lad toâ€"â€" him home agair. ols o .F e On Apnii 23rd: ‘the Elmire®~1 Bo#ling Club beld their an‘ unï¬ at the rink and ~a ingâ€" officets for the, cont * Prestientâ€"H. Q. Weidhel.~; ~*. fesidentâ€" . Weiékel. ; ~*. Vlceâ€"Pnn.â€"Tâ€"fA‘..?. %:m{‘t‘% 2 5 Becy. and \â€"Dr. R., ®: I Riécufive qommmoe;g;m J.‘A. Bchroeder, W. Ro sds :t . Mrs. Rosenberg afid amh?ï¬tm visiting friends at Harriston 3 & few days. C To, . N: Mr. and Mrs. J. A.. Harpet 45!.“ loo wer> spending theâ€" Sun A : the sattér‘s prrents. | Mr.J < 14 "." Philip Christman. ep e rane (Pul Mr. and Mrs. J. B: W â€" dnd daughter Marié, Mr. and MrA:‘+ Loul# Fischer and Miss Matilda Start, mt ored to Glenalicn,. and spéhit thb: ‘diy with Mr. and Mré. Fred. Fred Start. > _Mr. Archie Baird of Bt. was visiting friends ta '.g" â€" Elmira L.O.L. 251 Home and presentation for _ of their members who have,. tucned ffom 'r?rpead. ThE gath will be infornfal. It is expected that a large number w12 be present." _ . Was _ Buried. s iice The late Mrs. Matilda Letsou}*‘ of ‘ Winterbourne, who died , Aprt was buried Sunday nt}cw at Winp ‘arbourne. She diewu of Ig.. ~® had been in pdor health 40# theâ€" past few years. Shb was 86 ygars; 10 md., and 14 aays. * > .28 "39._:â€"j}" SM4 and < _ Mrs. B J.. Waré, _ Winâ€" terbnurne. The‘ late \ zu.l Davidkon leates *o nmm'n)gr lqst. theâ€" Biwâ€" bard, Mr. Geo.. * D. '.:dsan,.-,.w deudhter Ollve May hey patomik 3 and Mrs. HoJ.Ware. AYV® â€"â€" Horace at home. Etnest \Wa@l bi, Micb., one &l85t, 'Edflh;\kfl.’ W % lin, We;kenhurt . The * \?it- take place on <~WeinesÂ¥hy. “;s Wintérbourne. : Mrs. Dnfld\fla‘;, the youngest dugbter, 5s * %3 A Load of Cattle Shippéd. ;‘ The Farmer‘s Club‘® of FRMradaie shipped today a carlo@d of to Toronto. * J 4 Died ln'x‘: dg?. tilg Pki MondTy evening via CP.R., the, t# mains of the late Mrs. geow D,.Dayâ€" idson, of Innesbay, §\ita., & ifed : â€" as the home of <Ker‘ parghte;;<.Mr. Left For a Long Visit, « Mr. and Mrs. John J. Yanchis left today for Mt.~Carmel, Pa.. on‘: t to the former‘s parents, Mr. ad, Yanchus. after a week‘s . stay t will leave for Pittsburg.. Theys© will be away about four weeks. *IH .. Had a Successful Operation.. Rev. Mr. Gallmeier had a :ï¬ew ful operation rerformed â€"to hi roat Mr. Miltcn Anmman left for ~Wiant peg. Milt,. will look \_fterâ€"theiri.arm out thare |mtn‘_lhe season. Lee Wee,. son of Lee Hong, the B mira laundryâ€"man brought Biw, up from ‘ioronto. to look > &ï¬ .# business of Ris late 3"’"‘ Wes told us that aeâ€"ex his hmhorhnhhmww expects him about the first while at Fort \W;?yne. Ind.. Heâ€"‘is doâ€" ing nicely. 4 h. : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wikgatha * of Crediton are visiting at thb ..home of Mr. and Mre. Aug. Voisin, . Mr, amd Mra, Wagatha afe. lo-vla,rur Wianiâ€" pes ‘f\a second ‘ Woek sof A x Sy1. J Ir ‘il!"f‘†‘ Waeber, â€" dad MW)WH [d:nsn t‘ ‘dby 8 s eree ie st.. C it hiw. coukta ’{a.."s:é gat %8 yo 4oÂ¥