p-L: "I feel like n fish out of water," he ©& {edhfessed. "I‘ve been living on trail t d long. This sort of thing comes to £ £ with a shock. 1‘d quite forgotten â€"‘|that women bave arms and shoulders < _ |Tomorrow morning, like my friend & Sborty, I‘ll wake up and know it‘s all a ‘dmm. Now, the last time 1 saw you Â¥, _ wo Squaw croek"â€" ns "1 was just 1 squaw," she broke in. (SMOKE BELLEW G#H f //};/ * l,,‘///// { "Who? Me? Ob, nothin‘ Say?" "Whbat do you waut uow ?" Smoke Â¥demanded testily. "What‘s ber name" .. "There iso‘t uny her, my friend. I‘m to bave dinoer at Colone! Bowle‘s, if you want to kuow. The trouble wit yo#, Sborty, is you‘re euvious becaunse I‘m going tuto high society und you‘re not invited." sn ngpema Pm t o e t t 00 c it t e o 0 As became a high salaried expert and the representative of the great house of Guggenheim, Colonel Bowic lived in one of the most magnilicent ecbins in Dawson. | And hore Sinoke met the so clat elect of Dawsonâ€"men like Captain Consadine of the monnted police. ffas kelt, gold commissioner of the Northâ€" west Territory, and Baron yon Schroe Ger, an emperor‘s favorite with an inâ€" ternational dueling reputation. . And bere, dazzling in evening gown, he met Joy Gastel!, whom hitherto he bad en €ountered only on trail. befurted and {moccasined. At dinver be found him ‘melf beside her. * Any fool knows / Ww cnough to carry »â€"~ hB an umbrella «'I’7r â€, when it rains, be " /‘ s ,but the wise man t :; /’ / ‘is he who carâ€" f A) / ries one when 4 it is only cloudy. i )/ / Any man will // send for a doeâ€" 4 tor when he gets bedfast, but the wiser one is he who adopts proper measures before his ills become serious. During a bard winter or the following spring feels rundown, tired out, weak nervous. Probably you have ered from cold / or influenza oh has Teft you thin, wesak and pale. This is the time to put your system in order. It is time for bouseâ€"cleaning. tA good, oldâ€"fashioned alterative a#wid temperance tonic is one made of wild roots and barks without the i of aleohol, and called Dr. ge.’l Golden Medical Discovery, M# tablet or liquid form. This is w% tonic, whigh restors the of the stomach. actuivity of #he liver and sts:.uness to the By this time Smoke was strainiug at m pair of shoes. The thick woolen socks were too thick to go into them He looked nppenlingiy at Shorty, who sbook bis beial. "Nope. If 1 bad thin ones 1 wouldn‘t Jend ‘em to you. Rack to the mocen #1ns, pardner. You‘d sure Treeze vorl toes in skimps fungledâ€"zear like thiat " ; The Race For No 3. UH! Get on to the glad rags!® Bborty surveyed ns partner with simulated disapproval und Smoke. vatuly attemptâ€" Ing to mb the wrinkles out of the pair of trousers be had just put on. was in ritated. } "Ope bundred and fifty for the anit," Bmoke | answered "The man | was mearly my own size. | thought it was re®arkably reasonable. Whait are you kicking abount ?" ix" 3 *â€"»~®V/C*° / Axoc@ccram num uy UIunvkt ic ;" obtainable. .. . . . evie k & a shadow of doubt about this. TRY IT! "But there are to be woimen, Shorty I‘m going to sit down and eat with #I live womenâ€"Mrs: Bowie sud sev eral otbers, so the colonel tuld tme." *Well. moceasins won‘t spotl their ap petite none." wis Sliorty‘s comment "Wonder whiat the colonel wants with you?" *They sure 6t yon close for a secondâ€" band buy," Sborty weot on ‘"‘What was the tas ?" In The Springâ€"Time. streng‘iening the whole Bury®, Sisz. â€""1 have ~ead the leal Discovery ‘ ‘0r 3 aamber of reare ailve toâ€"day had it not been tor che 1 also keep it on hand for cought wo from other medicinek, instaad of * stomach aéâ€"cougi. syraps do, f CHAPTER Xi in @0 Bd an to agual will go further on infusion and give ‘satisfaction than any other ie ol e a n c i ingu oc onpret mt o cce sn uty Ilhlmml‘ By Jack London a No { "And i can never forget that you {saved them for me," sbe said. "I‘ve i been wanting to see you ever since to thank you. And that‘s why you are ; here tonight." | "You asked the colonel to invite me?" | "No; Mrs. Bowle. And 1 asked her to let me have you at table. Aud bere‘s | my chance. You know Mono creek? "They‘re beginning to know. They kept it secret for a long time. and it js only_now that it‘s coming out. Good dog teams will be at a premium in an other twentyâ€"four hours. Now, you‘ve got to get away as decently as you can as soon as dinner is over. An, Indian will come with a message for you. You read it, let on that you‘re very much put out, make your excuses and get away." "I1â€"erâ€"I fail to follow." "Ninny!" she exciaimed. "What you must do is to get out tonight and busâ€" tle dog teams. 1 know of two. There‘s Hanson‘s teamâ€"seven big Hudson bay dogs. He‘s holding them at $400 each. ‘That‘s top price tonight, but it won‘t be tomorrow. And Sitka Charley bas eight Malemutes be‘s asking $3.500 for. Tomorrow be‘ll Jaugb at an offer of $5,000. Then you‘ve got your own team of dogs. And you‘ll have to buy several more teams. it‘s dogs as well as men that will win this race. It‘s 110 miles, and you‘ll have to relay as frequently as you can." "Ob, 1 see; you want me to go in for It!" Smoke drawled. "But aren‘t you afralid this is gambling?" ‘ "It‘s a sporting proposition, if that‘s what you theanâ€"a race for a milliod and with some ‘of the stiffest dog mushers and travelers in the country entered against you. Big Ojaft is in town. He is one of the most terribie dog mushers in the country, and if he enters be will be your most dangerous MAD. "Well, the whole creek was staked to the sky line and all the feeders too And yet right now on the main creek No. 3, below Discovery, is unrecorded. The creek was so far away from Dawâ€" son that the commissioner allowed sixâ€" ty days for recording after location. Every claim was recorded except No. 3 below. It was staked by Cyrus Jobnâ€" son, and that was MiL Cyrus Jobnson has disappeared, and in six days the time for recording will be up. ‘Then the man who stakes it and reaches Dawson first and records it gets It." "But why doesn‘t everybody know?" Smokc queried skeptically. "I badn‘t Intended to say that. 1 was remembering that it was on Squaw creek that I discovered you bad feet." "It bhas turned out rich, dreadtully rich. . They estimate the claims as worth a million and more aplece. "Artzons Bill is another. He tas been a professivnal freigbter and mail carrier for years. If he goes in, interâ€" est will be centered on him and Big Olat." "And you intend me to come along as a sort of dark norse?" She nodded and continued earnestly: "Remember, 1 shall never forgive myâ€" self for the trick 1 played on the Bquaw creek stampede, unless you win this Mono claim. And if any man car win this race agninst the old timers it‘s you.*" * Von Schroeder, who had gone in purely for the sport, bad no lesa than eleven dog teatisâ€"a freah one for evâ€" ery ten mlles. Arizona Hill hid been forced to content himself with eight tenms. Big Olaf bad seven. which was the complement of 8moke. in addi tlon. over twoscore of other men were in the running. It was the way sbe sald it He felt warm all over and in bis beart and bead. Ho gave her a quick, searching look, Involuntary ind serious, and for the moment thut ber eyes met his steadily ere they fell it seemed to him that be read something of vaster im« port than the claim Cyrus Johnson had failed to record. "T‘ll do it," be anid. . "TH win tt." Smoke had traveled in a leisurely fmahion uap to Mono creek. Also he bhad familiarized himself with every mile of the trail and focated relay camps. So many men bad entered the big race that the 110 miles of ita course were almost a continuous viliage. Reâ€" Iny camps were everywhere along the trail. No 8 helow Diacovery wna ten mile® p Mone creek from It« mouth _ Fhe cemmeroma 1900 miles were to be un on de frozon breast of the Aaikon Un No. 3 itselt were Afty tents nnd over w t o on s e e iLE 4 ie n t At the first corner beside Smoke‘s stake Von Schroeder placed bis. As they hammered more arrived from beâ€" ) hind and with such impetuosity us to | get in one another‘s way and cause jostling and shoving. Squirming | througb the press and cariling his name to the policeman, Smoke saw the i baron, struck in collision by one of the / rushers, hurled ciesn off his feet into the snow. But Smoke did not wait. Others were stlll abead of him. By ltbe light of the vanishing fire be was | Theâ€"sbotâ€"rang out, and the mallets | fell. Cyrus Jobnsou‘s right to the milâ€" | Hon bad expired. Smoke drove in his stake and was «away with the seading duzen. Fires [hnd been lighted at the corners, and | by each fire stood a policeman, list in ‘ hand, cbecking of the names of the ; runners. ASREV EMCME ESIBCZRE MRDVER M BM NC CCR It is such experiences as that of Mre., Bm that has made this famous root ‘and herb remedy a househoid word from ocean to ocean. . Any woman who fl';:" from ul'nfllmnntio‘. plceration, acemen bcchehol nerv irregulatities or *‘ the luu'?m not rest until she has given it a trial, T nrken Wbelpter o® Eym Ham B‘y, ul::::gll.ydia E. Pin:,lg:'n'o egetable Compoun of 'Pbouundn of Such&se:. Black River Falls, Wis.â€""As Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound C saved me from an UR operation, 1 cannot It was no light work, this prelimiâ€" nary obstacle race. The boundaries of the claim totaled nearly a mile, and most of it was over the uneven surâ€" fnce of a snow covered, nigger head flat. All about Smoke men tripped and fell, and several times be pitched Vegetable Compound cured me so I did not mos the operation, and I am tollW all my friends about it.‘‘â€"Mrs. A. W. Bmx&. Black River Falls, Wis. A cuntestrint was supposed to call out his name and show his face. ‘There was to be no staking by prosy while the real racer was off and away down the creek. certain that he saw the back, bugely looming. of Rig Olaf, and at the southâ€" western corner Big Olaf and he drove their stakes side by side. THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION At a few minutes before midnigbt. leaving Shorty with the dogs 500 yards down the creek, Smoke joined the racers on No. 3. ‘There were fortyâ€"five of them. > Lieutenant Pollock, in a big bearskin coat, looked at bis watch by the lignt of a fire. it lacked a minute of miiâ€" cight. "Make ready," be said us be raised a revolver in bis right band. Fortyâ€"Ave pairs uf hands were unmitâ€" tened, and fortyâ€"five paira of moccasins pressed tensely Into the packed snow. Also fortyâ€"five stakes were thrust into the snow, und the same oumber of mallets Tifted in the air. ° "An‘ just remember," Shorty went on, "that 1 got to do all the stovin‘ for them first ten imiles, an‘ you got to take it easy »= vou can. l sure ferk you through to the Â¥ukon. Say, what d‘ye think Schrocder‘s scheme is Hes got bis first team u quatter of a mile down the creek, an‘ he‘ll kuow it Oy a green lantern. But we got him skin ned. Me for the red Bare every thue.* The day had been clear aud cold. ut the night came on warin und dark, with the bint of snow impending. ‘Fhe thermometer registered 15 below zero, and in the Klondike winter 15 below is esteemed very warm. Each racer carried six stakes and a neavy wooden maillet "Hub:" said Sborty. "It‘s goin‘ to be the gosh dangdest mixup that ever was. 1 can‘t see no way ont, Smoke, except main strength un‘ sgweat un‘ to plow through. 1 got a bunch right now they‘s goin‘ to be a heap of scruppiu before they get strung ont An‘ if uny of it comes our way you got to jet me do the punchin‘. You can‘t bandle dogs a bundred wiles with a busted knuck le, an‘ that‘s what‘ll bappen it you land on somebody‘s jaw. _ Ruch man in the conftest tad to te :zhd-hnm-u- that he must piace two center stakes and four corner stikes und cross the creok twice before be cuuid start for Dawson with his doga Not until the stroke of widnight of night the ciaim upem m&.u'an.wmum'z midnight cou!d a man plant a smke This was the ryiing of the goid comâ€" mounted police to enforce it. ; The Mone trail ran along the level creek bed and. less than two feet in width, was like a grouve, wulled on etâ€" ther side by the snowfail of months. The problem of bow forty odd sieds : and again, for the race with was to be precuded by a foot ) dogs were to start in so a course was in eÂ¥eryboGy‘s Dawson, .and Captuin er bank and piling into the jam, They ewarmed up the bank in Imnches and in bunches were dragzed hack by their fmpatient Ynlhm'x./.\lnr-- blows were struck, ceurses rosé from the panting chests of those who still bad wind to spare, and Smoke hoped that the mal lets would not be brought into play Overthrown, trod «pon. groping in the wnow for his lost stakes, he at Inst erawled out of the crush und attacked the bank fartber along. Hamilton, April 24. â€"When a man undertakes to become a missioner in his home he is well advised if he secks to win converts by the practise of prinâ€" ciples rather than by the persuasion of preaching. By so doing he avoids the grave danger of seeming to usurp the traditional feminine privilege of "the last word." Beeause, she says, ber husband "quoted Seripture" to her and gave her "Biblical admonitions," _ Mra. George Duckett has left him, and is anuing for $10 a week alimony. They had lived happily for twentyâ€"five years until the husband joined a religious sect to which the wife does not belong. A Fist Dropped Him Half Stunned Into the Snow. AFTER 25 HAPPY YEARS THE WIFE SEEKS ALIMONY Alex. Green. colored, Woodstock. was fined $5 and costs, amounting to a total of $32.85. on a charge of stealâ€" ing a good set of harness from Robert Blair, a little colored lad. Walter G. Chamberlain, wellâ€"known throughout â€" Stratford a«s _ a â€" window cleaner, was« probably fatally injured when he fell from a window of Mcâ€" Pherson & Makina‘ law â€" offices on Downile atreet, a height of twelve or fifteen feet, shortly after 10 o‘clock this morning. He has been removed to the General Hosapital His skull is fractured. several ribs are broken and he received a bad cut on the face. He was unconacions at laat reports from the hospital. He loat his balance while cleaning a window on the ontaide and fell to the atreet. In hia‘ fall he hit a passerby, who broke the fall to the cementâ€" walk. _ oouee . s Stole From Little Lad Probably Fatal Accident. Smoke xaw and heard xs be was serimbling to his feet, but before be could make another himnge for the bink a fist dropped him balf stunned into the snow _ He staggered up. located the muan. haif swung n hook for his jaw. then remembered Shorty‘s warn Ing and refrsined it wits a fqretaste of what would bappen when the men renched their wleds. Men were pouring over the oth The upper center stuke was driven by the edge of the bunk. and down the lmink the meers plunged, acrosm the frozen creek bed sud up the other side. . Here. ns NSmoke clambered, a band gripped his mnkle and jerked him back _ Arizona Bill, who bad been trented similuriy, rose to his feet ind drove his fist with a crunch into the offender‘s face. forward bimself jarringly and kirers .A fyt ** k?{,'\‘\ f u,:l%g' + .# Pn kf h / % Â¥eu l‘â€;b,\“'fz Untit Sho Tried "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" â€"â€"Made From Fruit Juices benefit I have from your wonderful -mmm' I have been a sufferer for many years from Vioient Headaches, and could get no permanent relief. A friend advised me to take ‘Fruit atives‘ and I did so with great succéss ; and now I am entirely free ‘The moral isâ€"â€"but is there a moral? of ___ MRS. ALEXANDER SHKAW, b0p. & box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 256. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price, postpaid, by Fruitaâ€"tives 112 Comvae 8r., Br. Joux, N.B. "I fool I must tell you of the great (To be continued.) hguds Don‘t suffer! _ A tiny bottle of Treerone costs but a few cents mt any drug store. Apply a few dm‘n on the eorms, calluses aid "hard skin" on botâ€" tom of fect, then 1ift them off. A. F. Crosby, a returned soldier, ()f{ Woodstock, has been appointed to the , position of farmer at the House of: Refuge and Industrial Farm of Oxford j county at a salary of $500 per annum, to succeed Elmer Zinn, who recently resigned owing to his request for an increase being refused. ] Boys shooting off a toy pistol in the doorway of the millinery shop of Mrs. Todd. Colborne Street, caused a hot blaze in Brantford on Tuesday. Stock A move is on foot and a meeting is to be held shortly in Woodstock to have an Old Boys‘ and Veterans‘ Reâ€" unfon, probably the second week in August. It is 19 years since the last reunion was held. Toy Pisto! Causes\Fire. COUNTY AND â€" DISTRICT NOTES Buiter is retailing at 67 cents in Brantford, but the price of eggs has reached 47 cents, after being stationâ€" ary for some time at 45. Diluted alcohol sold as a beverage to returned men does not meet with judicial favor in Brantford. In the Police Court Joe Greek, a foreigner, was fined $300 for carrying on the trade. Plan Old Boys‘ Reunion Soldier Is County Farmer When Freezone removes corns from the tora or callises from X- bottom of feet, the skin beneath is left pink and healthy Sotd Distilled Alcohol, $300 Butter 67, Eggs 47. The miild westher which we had during January ended with January. The weather during February was quite wintry. Had some heavy snow storms. ‘Roads were very much drifted at Mr. Daniel Grobh of near Preston and 1 went to Wisenburg to buy a horse. Called on a farmer who had four good four year olds in his stable. He said we could take our choice, any one of them for $65.00, which was suppbsed very cheap. The T. Eaton Co. started husinmm! in Toronto in 1869, and have therefore been in business for 25 years. But Had sleighing nearly all the month. The thermometer registered sero on the ith. On the 24th some reported 20 Rev. Henry Goudie started special meetings in the New _ Mennonite church. He was assisted by Rev. Noah Detweiler. Mr. George Bennet shot Mr. George Brown, the editor of the Globe, on March 25th, 1880. He lingered on un, til May 9th, 1880, when he died, 62 years old. The New Mennonites had their An nual Conference here. Rev. Hy. Goudie stays at Kitchener, Good Friday was on the 23rd. } Mr. John Shafer got kicked by a horse, but was too near the horse m‘ get burt much. Birthdays. A little boy arrived for the cradle at Albert T. Knechtel‘s. MARCH 1894, 25 YEARS AGO. Weather. March came in like a lamb. Snow banks were about all away on the 2nd. Roads drying fast. Dust on the 11th. Had rain on ten days The roads got very muddy on some days, and at times dangerous. The Toronto Globe was 25 years old on the 5th, and on the‘5th of Maurch, 1919, passed their 50th anhiversary Mr. Elias Shantz had an auction sale and is preparing to go to the Nortbwest. The mumps is around considerable, and is keeping mony of the smaller children from school. The large and splendid barn helong ing to Mr. Andrew Groff, near Water lo0, was burned down. LIFT CORNS OR _ CALLUSES OFF Doesn‘t hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers FEBSRVUARY, 1804, 26 YEARS AGo. George Washington, the first Presi Had a few snow falls From Peter S Miss Susannab Snider and Isaac E. Wismer passed their silver we*d‘ng |day on the Tth. We were plcased to learn that they â€"were spared to celeâ€" brate their golden wedding, and that they were kindiy remembered by their |children _ and others on their 10th wedding milestone. _ They are at preâ€" |sent living in Elmira. s The Altar. Miss Maggie Snider and Mr. Staufâ€" fer Shantz. They just passed their slilver wedding day lately. Hope they will also see their |golden | wedding day. â€" The Grave. Clara Ofterbein, an adopted gitl at Levi Snider‘s, died at Breslau, aged 7 years. Mr. Jared Beeshy, of near Stayner. died. The corpse was brought to Waterloo county _ for burial, _ as he was born here. Ke was 43 years old. The death took place in Woodstock on Tuesday of Margaret Lakeman, wiâ€" dow of the late John McKay, at the advanced age of 89 years. Deceased was born in England and came to Canada when ten years of age. She has resided in Woodstock and viciniâ€" ty for over 70 years. She was a member of the Baptist Church for 46 years. Five children survive: Mrs. J. J. Hall, Ingersoll; Misses Alice and Ada, at home; Herbert McKay, Windâ€" sor, and Seger L. McKay, of Sarnia. _ Mr. Herman Rathman was 55 years old on the 8th. He is still hale and hearty, having just passed his 80th birthday. _ We hereby wish him many happy returns of March 8th. The no jury sitting of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court were concluded at the court house in Stratford Tuesday afternoon. The case of Janet Henderson of St. Mary‘s v. Robert Henderson of Blanshard was the only case to come before the court. This was an action for altâ€" mony, and | was settled by plaintiff agreeing to accept $500 and relinquishâ€" ing any further claim to defendant‘s property. A E. Parkinson of St. Mary‘s appeared for the plaintiff, and The Cradie. Had a new occupant at Mr. Isaac Bingeman‘s. J. W. Graham of St. Mary‘s for the defendant. John Topham, one of the pioneers of Oxford county. died at his home in Burgessville on Tuesday in his 8ist year. He was born at Little York,. but had resided in the vicinity of Burgessâ€" ville for the past fftyâ€"five . years. where he was very highly esteemed. For many years he was President of the Ontario Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Also he was a veteran of the American _ Civil War. For nine months he was a captive in Libby prison. Besides his wife, one son and aA daughter survive, W. O. Topham and Mrs. Geo. Kelly. Burgeasville, Officlal notification was received in London on Tuesday‘ from national headquarters in Winnipeg that a charâ€" ter has bean granted for the organizaâ€" tion here of a branch of the Army and Navy Veterans‘ Association comâ€" prising soldiers and satlors who saw actual battle service. A banquet of the charter members, who are reaiâ€" dent in various parts of western Onâ€" tario will be held in that city this month Wm. Berry Acquitted Charged with assault and wounding. l the two Viceâ€"Président Jorepnh Small being the victim, WI adian Consolidated Rul liam Berry was acquitted in the Poâ€" fe started with that c lice Court in Brantford on Monday.workman ten yerrs Ago. 1799. Aged 67 years MX 5Â¥ _ _ Abraham Lincoin, the sixtéenth Preâ€" Sident of the U. S.. was born im Kentucky on Feb. 12th, 1809. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth while he ‘was in Ford‘s theatre at Washington on April 14th, 1865. Died: on the day after, aged 56 years. was damaged to the extent of $1,000 aid plate glass windows in the front of the store were destroyed by the fire Josiah E. McCreery of Huron counâ€" ty, who brought action to recover $3. 000 damages from the township of Usborre, was awarded a verdict of $150 at a special session of the Onâ€" tario Drainage Court in London,. Ont., On Tuesday. Mr. McCreery: alleged that his properties had suffered heavâ€" ily as the result of the construction of a faulty drain. Died Aged 89 Yeasr. Alimony Action Settied Death of John Topham A. And N. V. A. Branch t-uuuv‘l.vun-hw Feb. 22, 173%, and died on Dec. 14th, Mr. Winterhalt proved himself | a boon to the Waterloo county farmers, when in 1887 he caught that notorious horse thief, Mr. Hy. Kreuger. at this writing, 1919, they are celeâ€"| Notary, Conveyancer, otc., 13 brating their "Golden Jubilee Year."|St. East, Kitchener. Phone I Mrs. Eaton, the widow of Timothy | â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" Eaton, the founder, opened the store A. L. BITZER, B. A. on January 2nd with a golden xey.| ~ (Buccessor to Conrad Bitze In their stores and factories they at j Barrister, Solicitor, Notary present employ over 22,000 people.jete. Money to loan. GerM&B f and had Jb"“' 26,000 at (,‘hrislmaslofnc,_ Pequegnat Block, n tide. Markat® WedAacial H+ AFltâ€"hem _ Mr. George Diebel, Waterioo, was born Feb. 3rd, 1851. On Feb. ist, 1919, Mr. and Mrs |Cor Kinzg and Foundry Sts., Hy. Winterhait had their family and E. P. CLEMENT, K & few others come in to celebrate E. W. CLEMENT. their golden wedding. One very peâ€" W. P. CLEMENT. culiar and nice part Of it was that thef â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~â€" _ .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" bridesmaid and groomsman were also MILLAR, SIMS & Bi present. Harvey J. Sims,. L L Asks $3,000, Gets $150 The Aitar. Miss Nancy Thoman and Mr. Gid eon Reist, by Rev. J. B. Detwiler. Mr. Jared K. Master was born Feb 19th, 1848 A. L. BITZER, B. A. * _ (Buccessor to Conrad Bitzer.) i Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pp etc. Money to loan. German a Officeâ€" Pequegnat Block, Market, Fréederick St., Kitchener, THE EMPLOYER‘S ASSOCIATION: OF WATERLOO COUNTY â€" «_ FREE LABOR BUREAU i 59 King St. West, Kitchener. .« _ We have vacancies for men and 'g“ men in all lines of work. If you ai out of employment communicate with us at once. . No charge for registraâ€" tion or services rendered. 14f Word has been received in W stock of the promotion of a Woodst boy. in the person of Bon Rden, of Mrs. Eden, corner of Riddell Ruller streets, to the position of 01 the two Viceâ€"Présidents of the adian Consolidated Rubber Compi He started with that company §# Graduate Chicago College of I tal Surgeons and Royal CO'R: Dental Surgeons of Toronto. ()ffice in new Moisons Bank Build Waterlâ€"o. D ntistry. practiceg im its branches. Dentist, L.D.S., Royall College tal Surgeons, D.D.S., Toronto U=! sity. All branches of dentistry tised. Office over Lang Bros. 8 Kitchener, Ont. Civil Engineer and Ontario L#8@ Surveyor. 130 Lancaster St. East Kit: chener. Telepnone 341. W. 47â€"1 mo. Smail was held up in Mohawk Pa® and, in addition to being beatem, robbed of $400.. Berry was arres near Simeoe the following day charged with the offense. The > istrate gave Berry an acquittal, aftér, he had taken the stand and told @€ his movements in detail. s D. S. BOWLBY, 8.A., L.LS, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary P and Conveyancer Office Merel Bank Building. _ Telephone No. Kitcherer, Ont. Woodstock Boy‘s Promotion MILLAR, SIMS & BRAY Harvey J. Sims, 1. L. B., € Bray, B. A., Barristers, Notarie Office upstairs Economical King St. West, Kitchener. Conveyancer, étc Office, Moison‘s F Specialtyâ€" Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. King St. East, THE MERCANTILE Head Office, Wateribo Subscribed Capital ,..$150,006 Depoutt wi in , tom : (;o::::-?l.t D.J.ll‘m < All pelicies guarantéed é the Lancashire Ipsuranse papy with Assets of $29,000,â€" CLEMENT 4 C Barristers, Solicito D. G. McINTO$H, BARRISTER Ailen Theatre, Kltc'hor;l'?.v s Phone 344w. Residence 1189F Oddfellows Block,‘ Waterlod." © DR. §. ECKEL, L.D.S. 0.0.8° Waterilew, Ont. Proaa 996 104 Weber Chambers, Opposité Ailen Theatre, Kitchener. CHIROPRACTOR : A, HOLM, D, C. "+ HERBERT JOHNSTON. ie "har PPR â€""a ic Privaté Funds to téan. _ Office: Metcalfe Block. _ __ Business Cards. INCORPORATED 1810 DR. F. G. HUGHES, Dentist. 1 JAMES C. HA Alfred Wright, Seorctafy, J. A. NILLIARD, CcOmPANY °> Medical. Dental. J #5)