C ~‘~ IN NATIONAL SERVICE _ ~ » McLAUGHLIN MASTER SIX Hâ€"SIXâ€"45 SPECIAL TOURING (The Hâ€"Sixâ€"45 Regular and the Hâ€"6â€"45 Extraâ€"Special are mounted on same Chaseis as Hâ€"Sixâ€"45Special) $T. JOHN, N. B. MONTREAL, QUE. BELLEVILLE, ONT DEALERS EYERYWHERE «x Cl ; . « Are No lt M ‘l’ Â¥it â€" McLAUGHLINCARS Srfl‘g McLAUGHLIN MASTER SIX Hâ€"SIXâ€"44 ROADSTER (The Hâ€"Sixâ€"44 Special is a replica of this model with Special Appointments) ,.,..,.,, The M La Ilflï¬ï¬ll'/y Oft 0/' @51;’ (O, /imited us muty 0 ____ . OSHAWZAE,ONTARIO oL McLAUOGHLIN MASTER SIX Hâ€"6â€"49 TOURING (7 PASSENGER) (This Model is being used by Siberian Expedition) McLAUGHLIN MASTER SIX Hâ€"SIXâ€"45 EXTRAâ€"SPECIAL McLAUGHLIN MASTER SIX COUPE Hâ€"SIXâ€"46 A. LOCKHART & CO., Limited DISTRABUTORS 22â€"24 Queen St., S. K THE efficient performance of * McLaughlin cars has placed them foremost in the estimation of Canadian motorists. The new 1919 Series "H" more than uphold this high McLaughlin reputation. The Master Six Series are refined and improved in detail, making them more beautiful than ecver. Graceful in design and exquisite in finish and appointment, these models reprcscnf the best work of master buiIcfEst' and maste? drtists. The Light Six Scx:ies maintains an established record for économy in gasoline consumption am% tirt mileâ€" age. No detail of material ‘and workâ€" manship has been stinted fin producâ€" tion. _ For efficiency ani economy in motoring cost the nyeW ‘Light Six Series stands withouf‘ a peer in Canadian built cars. ‘a _ The McLaughlin Ser@“Hâ€for 19 19 will appeal to motorists'intcnding to purchase a new carythis\ year. Call at the nearest MicLaughlin show rooms. I â€" dn .. sith KITCHENER McLAUGHLIN MASTER SIX SEDAN Hâ€"SIXâ€"50 (7 PASSENGER) McLAUGHLIN LIGHT SIX ROADSTER HNâ€"6.62 MLAUGHLIN LIGHT siX coure H.4iÂ¥igey,< E44â€" McLAUGHLIN LIGHT SIX TOURING Hâ€"SIX.63 McLAUGHLIN LIGHT SIX SEDAN Hâ€"SIXâ€"63 C i4 BRANCHES AT YANCOUVER, B. C. _ s«#@WToON, SASK. EDMONTON, ALTA REGINA, SASK CALGARY, ALTA _ WINNIPEG, MAN. n io Â¥# ba P